CCB, Briefing Michel Leën Award 2011 Kinepolis, lu 25 oct 2010
STUDIO BRUSSEL la radio des festivals Eté 2011
Beatriz Cóias Carolina Peres 3éme année Erasmus Portugal École Supérieure des Arts de L’Image, Le 75 Bruxelles 2011
index 9 introduction 11 the brand 17 the theme and aim of the campagne 21 the intencion 26 the concept 31 the development 45 conclusion #
0 introduction
“Publicity is a professional activity dedicated to the public dissemination of ideas that associates companies, products or services, specifically, advertising. Advertising is a term that can encompass several areas of knowledge that involve this commercial distribution of products, in particular activities such as planning, creation, production and placement of advertisements. Today, all human activities benefits with the use of advertising: professionals (...) disseminate through it, its services, the artists advertise their exhibitions, their albums, books etc, even science has using the resources of advertising, promoting their findings and their assemblies by means of posters, magazines, newspapers, films, Internet and others.� This project, under the discipline of advertising, aims to create an advertising campaign for radio Studio Brussel, and once that, considered all these aspects mentioned above, for the formulation of this project. First, we considered important to investigate the origins of this company, analyze its mutations and changes over time. Then, examine its role in society and its weight; For whom it’s intended, their functions in its community, what makes its different, what is its intention, its faults and victories. Then, we start to look for its work to promove itself and its advertising. What forms does it take to self-publish, which trend it follows, if it follows some trend, that type of advertising it use, what kind of budget is invested in its advertising, what image wants to pass, that image shows, etc.. And after analising the brand, our work goes to the raising hypotheses, proposals and possible concepts. Thus, we expose the theme of our campaign and the targets for the branding. Subsequently, we present a number of factors conect itselves with the purpose of the campagne. From there, we create a thread, an intention to publicize the mark, a concrete link that makes it special and unique. Finally, we develop the creative concept, showing the guidelines of the campaign and subsequent variants (billboards, ads, applications, etc.). #
1 the brand
Studio Brussel (aka StuBru) is a radio station in Belgium, owned by the VRT.. The music played is considered more alternative than the other big radio stations, and is aimed mainly at a youth audience. It started on the 1st April 1983 as a regional Brussels radio station of the then-BRT. The channel is an initiative of the Flemish government and is financed prinicipally by taxes. Some programs were broadcast during the rush hour and the first two presenters were Paul De Wyngaert and Jan Hautekiet. Gradually the hours in which Studio Brussels broadcast were extended and the radio station could be listened to throughout Flanders. The radio station plays mostly alternative and more heavy music which is not or hardly played on commericial radio stations, mostly rock, but also metal, hiphop, house and techno. It gives the opportunity to alternative music to be broadcast and is not into populism. At the end of 2002 Studio Brussels got a new logo. The old one with the “wild” characters was replaced by a red ellipse with the name Studio Brussel in it. According to Wave 19 of CIM Studio Brussel has a marketshare of 10,44% and a average reach of 10,09%. Stubru is the most popular foreign radio station in The Netherlands. In July 2010 the 20th Wave of the CIM was introduced. The Marketshare of StuBru (9,8%) stayed the same since the last Wave. Every year since the late 80s, there is a chart called the Tijdloze 100 (timeless 100), with 100 timeless tracks. It consists of 100 ‘timeless tracks’. In 2003, 2004 and 2005 the Belgian band Gorki was at the first place with Mia. In 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009, Nirvana was at number 1 with “Smells Like Teen Spirit”. Every spring, Studio Brussel organises StuBru.Uit in the Vooruit in Ghent, where different Flemish artists come to play their sets. On 25 May 2005 the world Crowd surfing record was beaten with 14 minutes and 37 seconds by Peter Van de Veire in Ghent.
Vision: How Studio Brussel sees the world? Life is a unique adventure, in which we start looking specificity of our own. However, wishing to belong to a group different. Mission: What role Studio Brussel plays in this world? Studio Brussel offers a musical experience actively encouraging everyone to watch the world with an adventurous and determined spirit. Values: What are the most important values for Studio Brussel that makes it more attractive to its target audience. Adventure; Open-mindedness; Commitment; Originality Personality: What should be the personality and the “tone of voice” of Studio Brussel? Adventure - bold, cheeky, free Openness - open minded, sense of second degree, contagious Commitment - involved, expert, real Originality - innovative, spiritual, creative Brand promise: What’s the experience that Studio Brussel promises to give to its listeners? Music as a driver of a life full of adventures. The Foundation: Life is music.
2 theme and aim of the campagne
Studio Brussel, from the program All Areas, covers various types of journalism/work: Covers all the major summer music festivals, with live reports, exclusive interviews with artists and everyone involved in concerts, festivals or guests in the studio, studio sessions of the channel, live reports from concerts and festivals, field research (interviews with participants) to interact with the audience, news releases and updates, creation of compilations of photos and short films of the festivals or concerts that can be viewed later. “It brings an additional dimension to the summer festivals and improves your experience.� #
3 the intencion
“The brain is the main body and the center of the nervous system in all vertebrate and most invertebrate animals. (...) In vertebrates the brain is located in the head, protected by the skull and close to the primary sensory apparatus of vision, hearing, balance, taste, and smell.” “From a philosophical standpoint, (...) the most important function of the brain is to serve as underlying physical structure of the mind.” from a biological standpoint, the most important function of the brain is the generator of behaviors that promote well being of an animal. The brain controls behavior, either by activating muscles, or by causing secretion of chemicals. “ Following the plan of the advertising already taken by the studio brussel, we decided to take advantage of the slogan “Life is Music” and the name of the program “All Areas” and associate it to the question of “the Music as the brain” of the program . Once central organ of our body, the Brain controls all the functions and actions we take, either physical or psychological. Thus, human beings understand and recognize other organisms and characteristics of the their environment through the senses, controlled and managed by the brain. This is where our analogy between life and music is focused. Our intention is to take advantage of the power that music has on all parts of this program but not as a subject covered (and therefore be subjugated) but be the lead of the program (and overwhelm-us, people who listen to music, who sing or just who interviews.), making the interviews, a comment concert or a dance run. Is here where the Music act as the Brain, the organ and main generator of the radio station Studio Brussel and its program All areas, with multiple branches and limbs, that only recognizes or makes recognizing through the senses, in this case divided among the several functions and activities of the program. The term “All Areas” can cover this dichotomy between the brain and the music. Between the human senses and the musical senses that are awakened in this program. All areas of Music are mentioned and worked here, metaphorically compared to the sensory areas of the human body. And so, like vision, hearing, touch, taste, and olfact are essential to life so that we can understand it, in Music the interviews, photographs, acoustic sessions and live reports programmes are indispensable to the perception of itself. Through the All Areas, we are able to recognize the music in every possible way, hearing it, sensing it, tasting it, touching it and seeing it. #
4 the concept
Finding keywords / Brandstorming brain - music; organ / veins - parts of the program; command; branches; share; sharing; central; fuel; operation; movement; information; link; positivity; strength; experience; accessibility; projection The dichotomy The five human senses / The five states of All Areas Sight - compilations of short films and photographs of festivals/concerts; Taste - studio sessons; Hearing - live concerts/festivals; Touch - interviews on the concert/festival local; Smell - field reports (interviews to the participants, comments about the area, the spirit, etc); Life is Music Sight - see it. Taste - taste it. Hearing - hear it. Touch - feel it. Smell - sense it.
Once the intention of the campaign is defined, there is the choice of the directives of the creative concept. The creative concept appears to facilitate the expansion and dissemination of the brand, in this case the program All Areas of the radio StuBru. Since there are keywords very well defined in the field we want to work in, its advertising has to show up, therefore, with a fast, simple and secure publicity. To formulate the campaign, appears the idea that all human senses are awakened to the music, feeling it at all levels. So, the images associated to this message, will be associated to the true five human senses. A man dancing twist, a grass field about to be invaded by music fans, the singer’s sweat, the experience of watching a concert, are all images that remind us of levels of perception. And for that, it becames necessary to associated a quick,direct and short phrase, with this images that brings us to diferent states of minds. This concept is strong in making the program able to bring out every sense of the human being in relation to Music with the All Areas program. 28
5 the development
To make the campaign possible and visible, are used several supports that we found interesting to use. After realizing the type of advertising that the brand uses and the investment that it makes of its advertising, we chose to use specific media, also the most used in the field of music. The major media would be intervention on the streets: the mupis, billboards and posters, as the most used, and, in addition,stickers to interact more direcly with the audience. In addition, would be used ,as media support, banners that would arise in blogs and sites related to the topic Music and the audience. To publicize the program through television, the same creative concept would continue to be focused but with continuous image. The idea would be to continue to take part of the young and underground look in the urban billboards and posters and bring it to the advertising spots. The ad, with about 10 seconds only, would refer to each of the human senses. The images would not be very clear are they wouldn’t be revealed right from the beginning of the spot, but gradually or, in some cases, not revealed at all. Therefore, it would provide to the viewer a a concern and consequent speculation that would make him questioning the picture on the screen. Each image would be the exaltation of each of the five human senses and consequently would and consequently, will remind and capture the atention of the viewer of that same sense that the image portrays.
dio stuussel br
dio stuussel br
dio stuussel br
dio stuussel br
dio stuussel br
simulation exemple
simulation exemple
sticker exemple
banner exemples
5 conclusion
After the realization of this project, we were able to evaluate our research capabilities and seleccion of work, in what conserns to the discipline of advertising, a field that wasn’t worked fully. We believe that despite the limited time for this project, it was rewarding and positive,once it tooks the challenging personality. The issue of the time, at certain point, wasn’t appear as an obstacle but a challenge, to win from among the ideas that emerged. In addition, we improve our power of synthesizing and structuring of ideas, formulation of hypotheses and, finally, the power of selection and decision. One of the advantages that we took from this, and which we consider most important, is the knowledge we had about all of nature around the image and publicity that the company “Studio Brussel” take over the ages. We learned about a family and its way to publicize and expand. We believe that these discoveries are extremely rewarding as students of graphic design, once we realize business and professional worlds and how these companies work and, mainly, communicate. Having said that, despite difficulties such as the lack of information in English and the organization of the material in a foreign language, we think that was an extremely positive development and final presentation of this work. We think we worked on the several levels for a presentation of ideas of a work and organized assertively in what concerns of the steps to be taken for an investigation. 45