Caroli Car olina oli na San Sant’anna nna Sa Sampa mpaio mpa io Female Fem ale,, 22. ale 22. Petróp rópoli olis, s, Rio de Ja Janei neiro, nei ro, Br Brazi azil.l. Universid sidade ade Feder deral der al do Rio de Janeiro - UF UFRJ RJ caroli car olina. oli na.s.s na. s.samp ampaio amp aio@gm aio @gmail @gm .com .co m http:/ htt p://is p:/ /issuu /is m/caro m/c arolinasa aro asanasa ntannas tan nasamp nas ampaio amp aio
Arch Ar Architecture chitec ch ectu ture re SStu Student tude tu dent de nt
main Professional experiences Espaço saúde- Internship 8.2015 and counting_Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The similar translation would be “Health Room/Space”. It is a studio that projects spaces with health purpose, located inside the University and the Architecture building. The mentors and masters are Professors and Master students, who coordinate Projects of Public interest, for example the new University’s Hospital, which will be constructed right beside where part of the old one still works. It has partnership with another Studios that work within the university, as Structural, Instalations and Executive, and LabHab, the Dwelling Laboratory. Because I started recently, I was firstly responsable for the reaserch and data collection of the new Centre for Signs - Portuguese Education, which will consist on the adaption of the existing space into a proper and equiped Educational Core.
Lateral North -
moderno fluminense: documentação e conservação”, Docomomo Brasil/Rio, 2012. A book with all the content is beeing edited and will be also published soon. Publications: Paraizo, Rodrigo C.; Cabral, M.C.N.; Database architecture and urbanism: urban icons in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In: Proceedings of the 15th International Planning History Society Conference: Cities, nations and regions in planning history. São Paulo, 2012. http://www.fau.usp. br/15-iphs-conference-sao-paulo2012/abstractsAndPapersFiles/Sessions/07/ PARAIZO_CABRAL.pdf; Cabral, M.C.N.; Paraizo, Rodrigo C. Arquitetos estrangeiros no Rio de Janeiro: critérios de análise e de catalogação. In: Teorias e Praças na Arquitetura e na Cidade Contemporânea: Complexidade, Mobilidade e Sustentabilidade. II Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e PósGraduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Natal, 2012. http://www.fau.ufrj. br/prourb/laurd/?q=node/205;
6.2014-10.2014_Glasgow, Scotland - UK
Summer internship helping on development and creation on independent Architecture office. Description: The Office consisted in two partners who were truing to approach the issue of territory occupation. Before I begin, they already had a “Atlas” containing a lot of data from Scotland, studies that could help any urbanist or planner to understand the territory. The work done during my months of experience were “Possible Fintry” - which at first gathered locals to discuss and collect opinions about what were the potentials of the village -, “An Atlas of Sustainable Food in Scotland”, and a few more. It is important to say that My stay was right before the Referendum that would vote the output of Scotland from UK.
academic education and further experiences- summary
LAURD/PROURB - Student Reaserch - Laboratory of Urban Analysis and Digital
revit works - Extension course - 2014, 12 weeks: 3hrs/week.
Enrolled semester: 7 (Total of 10).
Workshop urban storytelling - 17 - 20 Aug/2015. Intensive lessons and work production on alternative mapping methodology, lectured by Prof. Petra Kempf, Adjunct Associated Prof. at Columbia University.
ACADEMIC EXCHANGE - 1.2014-1.2015, Year 2. The University of Strathclyde – BSc Architectural Studies. New College Lanarkshire.
high School degree - 2010 class. School: Colégio Bom Jesus Canarinhos. Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil.
in Progress
in Progress
in Progress
Very begginer
in Progress in Progress
Auto cad 2d Revit Works Archicad Sketchup Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Office package lumion
Fluent user - IELTS 6.0
skills Portuguese
The reaserch: Oriented by two professors, we were seven students collecting data, taking pictures and translating all the information into a database. Description: The subject was the buildings that foreigners architects had in the city of Rio, how well conserved were them, their legal protection. At first there were more than 100 buildings and almos 40 architects, including the french Henri Paul Pierre Sajous and the Scottish Robert Prentice. The Reaserch was presented a few times in JIC week (translation: Scientific Initiation Journey), was published and was awarded for the Poster “O futuro do passado: notas sobre a duração e construção de bases de bancos de dados digitais”, with 2o. place in th exposition “Patrimônio
Architecture and Urbanism_Class 2011.1 - IN PROGRESS.
Native Language
12.2012 – 12.2013_Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)