Ex Libris Mexicanos/Contemporáne os
Boletín 1/2021 ene-jun
Content History History of Ex Libris in Mexico. Introduction Who we are Associates Semblance and work Tribute Emilio Carrasco
History Ex Libris/ Mexico
There have been few scholars of Ex Libris in Mexico and what little is known dates from the early twentieth century, more specifically from the year 1903. It was in that year that the polygraph Nicolás León fervent collector, bibliographer bookseller and seller among other things published in the bulletin of the Mexican Bibliographic Institute in number two in 1903 a first work entitled The symbolic exlibris of the Mexican bibliophiles after a brief explanation about the origin and functions of the exlibris. presents a list of 24 ex libris of which eight correspond to the eighteenth century and the remaining 16 of the nineteenth century these were the first mentions we know about property marks.
Ex Libris del Fondo de Francisco Díaz de León
Ten years later the same Nicolás León assisted by the remarkable bibliographer Juan B y Gini to whom the weight of this work is due for being the description of the institutions they mentioned and the bibliographic data of the authors republished this time in the annals of the National Museum of Archaeology , History and Ethnology in the year of 1913 an extension of the previous work with the title Ex Libris of Mexican bibliophiles collection formed by Doctor Nicolás León
With the appearance of the school of engravers of the first half of this century stood out one of the most skilled Mexican engravers Francisco Díaz de León who would be a teacher of a wide series of engravers artists who are proud of the Mexican graphic arts Francisco Díaz de León we know several exlibris some of which are the artist himself.
President Carolina Viñamata Vicepresident Víctor Ortega Secretary Ignacio Navarro Treasurer Adrián Herrera Representatives in the states Alejandro Barreto Michoacán Victoria Pérez Querétaro Víctor Manuel Ramos Collere Zacatecas Alejandra Luckie Estado de México
Board 7
The Ex Libris Mexico Association was founded in 1997 in Mexico City to group engraver artists who within their activities will perform the art of Ex-Libris. The Association was given the task of making known such precious art, creating the workshop of Techniques for the Elaboration of Ex Libris within the Education Program continues in the Academy of San Carlos.
Who we are
Initiative born from Master Alejandro Alvarado (1936-2019) and artist Carolina Viñamata. In 1999 the teacher Alvarado retired and was at the helm of the Carolina Viñamata association. Since then, our role has been to promote through exhibitions and in international competitions all the artists who produce ex libris in our country.
Associates/ CV, Work
He studied a degree in Plastic Arts at the UAEMex and later his postgraduate degree in Visual Arts at the UNAM, at the Old Academy of "San Carlos" in Mexico City.He has to his credit more than 60 group and 5 individual exhibitions, national and international, in countries such as Mexico, Spain, United States, Argentina, Egypt, Russia, Japan, China, India, Poland, Ireland, Italy, Canada and Romania.
Alejandro Barreto
It has been selected and published on several occasions in international competitions and catalogues on graphics for various countries and museums. He has illustrated 5 books both individually and collectively.
I was born in Mexico City. in 1966; I studied Political Science, Pedagogy, sports training, PC maintenance. In Art, I attended creation workshops with Pedro Antonio Ruiz, Antonio Nieto, Alfonso Villanueva, Florinda Rosas, and recorded at the San Carlos Academy of the UNAM (1999-2004) with Silvia Rodríguez, Carolina Viñamata and Alejandro Alvarado. I have published vignettes and engravings in Punto de Partida 94-96, "La Hora"de Oaxaca, Audio Tinta, Generación, taller es..., and recently in Periódico Poético. Of my authorship are the books "Gregarious Expressions" and "Form of enjoyment and ecstasy" and object art, "Mezcal" "Step after happened" "Pandemic" the fanzine "Stereotypes" "Fetishes".. In collaboration I have participated in the art books object of: The Street, Poetics of Absence.
Ignacio Navarr o Cortéz
I have 152 group exhibitions in places such as: Ceuta, Porto Alegre, Zumpango, José Ma. Velasco Gallery, the IAGO of Oaxaca, the Jesús Reyes Héroles house of culture, Museum of Mexico City and 15 individuals, one of them in Havana, Cuba. I currently participate in mail art and elaborate graphics of small format and ex libris, with 132 personal invoice designs, in various techniques. I obtained Third place in the engraving contest La Muerte of the Mexican Association of engraving A.C. 2003, Honorable Mention in Iosif Iser Internathional Contemporary engraving Biennal 2007, Second place in the second international exhibition Red Gráfica of the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of Chihuahua 2008, Honorable mention in Small format Identity / Diversity University of Entre Ríos Paraná 2017.
Alejandra Lukie I am originally from Toluca, State of Mexico. I am currently based in Jiquipilco, State of Mexico. I was born on November 16, 1983 I studied the degree in Graphic Illustration, at the Norman Rockwell School of Illustration incorporated into the SEP SEGEM of the State of Mexico. I started in engraving in 2006 in the field of Printing System, since previously I did not know anything about this technique that would forever mark my life.
Adrián H. Madariaga
Born on August 4, 1966, he studied graphic design at the Anahuac del Sur University, later he learne about the technique in the Snap campus Xochimilco, later in 1999 he entered the lithography workshop with the teacher Leo Acosta and a year later in the techniques workshop for the elaboration of the ex Libris with maestro Alejandro Alvarado this was the beginning of a wide elaboration of national and foreign ex Libris. The meaning of the bookplate is unique because of the importance it has both for the owner of the book and for the book itself, since it gives added value to it. It gives a status to public and private libraries. The fusion of the image with the typography enhances the aesthetics of the book.
Víctor Orteg a
He was born in Mexico City in 1958. He obtained a degree in Social Communication at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Xochimilco, an institution where he currently works as a full-time professorresearcher. At the National School of Plastic Arts (UNAM) he obtained the degree of master in Visual Arts. His artistic output includes painting, sculpture, engraving, digital graphics, installation and sound art. His work has been selected and exhibited in various biennials and national and foreign salons: Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Venezuela, Canada, United States, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, Slovakia, Serbia, China, Japan, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Russia and Romania. It has 5 solo exhibitions and more than 90 collective exhibitions. Some of his works have been incorporated into the collections of cultural institutions and museums. He is also a teacher and researcher, as well as a graphic designer and editor. He has more than 30 years of teaching experience. He has published in various specialized media (book chapters and research journals) works related to art, aesthetics and communication. It also has popular articles published in newspapers and magazines. Special Prize "Loretos Galerija", in: International Ex librises Competition "Our 100 Visions of Freedom, Lithuania, (2018) 14
Victoria Pérez Cuevas
Nace en México D.F. Estudios: Escuela Normal Superior de México . Especialidad: Artes Plásticas. Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas UNAM Academia de " San Carlos" UNAM . Taller de Huecograbado y elaboración de "Ex Libris", impartido por el Profr. Alejandro Alvarado Carreño y la Mtra. Carolina Viñamata. EXPOSICIONES: Participación en múltiples exposiciones colectivas en las que se destacan: X Bienal-GUADALUPANA - II Muestra Internacional de Gráfica en pequeño formato, UAM, 2001. "Fetichismo" dentro del marco de actividades culturales del XVIII Festival del centro histórico de la ciudad de México, 2002. "Presencia de la Academia de San Carlos en el metro". 1er Encuentro Iberoamericano de estudiantes de Filosofía. en el 2002. RECONOCIMIENTOS: Seleccionada en la Exposición colectiva de alumnos de la Escuela Nacional de Artes Plásticas, para el XVIII Festival del Centro Histórico de la Cd. de México. Seleccionada en la V Trienal de Kochi,Japón en marzo del 2002, Seleccionada en la III trienal de Grabado en miniprint y Ex Libris de la República Checa, 2002.
Víctor Manue l Ramos Collere Zacatecas, Zac., 1988. Since 2004 he has been a collaborator of different local and national media, on topics related to the history, art and culture of the state of Zacatecas, on which he has given lectures, being a fellow in the category of research of cultural heritage by the Program of Stimuli to the Creation and Artistic Development of Zacatecas (Pecdaz) in 2015. He has taken drawing and engraving classes with the teacher Emilio Carrasco Gutiérrez, producing in the workshops A3, El Tren, Museograbado, among others. 16
Carolina Viñamata
Was born on May 4, 1964, study the Visual arts master engraving specialization. Since the year of 1997 start to explore the field of ex-libris, created in me a passion unparalleled; from this moment I think the techniques workshop for the preparation of ex-libris within the continuing education program of the Academia de San Carlos in the Faculty of Arts and design of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México . Thus incorporating the workshop students of basic level of engraving and Arts graduate students. That same year organize several exhibitions of Ex libris in the city of Mexico, where I got great acceptance in the mass media; so in the most important newspapers in the country, radio and cultural television covered events of ex-libris. It has been crucial to teach my print and teach the techniques of engraving with the development of these small works of art that is the ex libris and how to motivate my students has been inviting them to participate in the international ex-libris competitions hard. I had the opportunity to meet the President of the American Society of Bookplate Collectors & Designers. James P. Keenan, who make some projects and appointed me as representative of his Association in Latin America. 17
Tribute/ Emilio Carrasco
Emilio Carrasco Gutiérrez
(1957 - 2020). Emilio Carrasco Gutierréz was a Mexican plastic artist recognized internationally for his artistic career. He worked in different disciplines such as painting, sculpture and engraving, among others. He was also a famous promoter and collector of Ex Libris, creator of the project "El Bosque de la Utopia" of which 9 international biennials were held. He promoted and participated in the International Mail Art Network for more than 30 years and was a research professor at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas for 23 years.
Art has the likelihood of modifying everything and safeguarding the greatest potentials of creation, then art builds from nothing, breeds being and from being draws order, making from everything something new. —— by Emilio Carrasco Gutierrez
He participated in numerous competitions outside the country, obtaining multiple awards and honorable mentions. He did multiple individual and collective exhibitions in Europe, The Unites States of America, China, Turkey and Australia. He was also a guest of honor at some of China's top art universities.
The collection of ex librisde Emilio Carrasco reaches eight thousand pieces and is perhaps the most extensive in Mexico, has it separated into small lots, some by theme, others by place of origin, such as the one exhibited in the cafeteria of the Museum of Guadalupe, which he formed in Prague, although it has pieces from many countries.
He spent his youth and was educated through high school. Following his studies at UNAM, where he studied with Gilberto Aceves Navarro, he became a professor of drawing at the School of Fine Arts at Complutense University of Madrid, and a scholarship student at the Ministry of Culture of Spain in Segovia. His career has included 61 solo exhibitions and 142 group exhibitions throughout Mexico, Central and South America, the United States, and Europe. Gutiérrez’ works are displayed in museums and galleries throughout Mexico, Central America and Europe. He has been awarded the “Arts of the State” and the “Colonel Pedro” prizes in Zacatecas.
Document Title
Links https://inah.gob.mx/boletines/8512-emilio-carrasco-lleva-su-coleccion-de-ex-libris-al-mus eo-de-guadalupe http://art.lnnu.edu.cn/log/2010s/2017/06/2017-06-22_talking-mxg/index.html http://www.nicebuyart.com/zodiac_emilio_info.html https://irmavaleriogalerias.com/artistas/emilio-carrasco http://en.showchina.org/Features/22/6/200910/t434109.htm http://anticuerpos.wordpress.com/2011/08/30/muestra-internacional-de-ex-libris [ permanent dead link]
es:Emilio Carrasco Gutiérrez http://en.showchina.org/Features/22/6/200910/t434109.htm
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ASOCIACIÓN EX LIBRIS MEXICO Taxco 21, Col. Roma Sur, 06760 Ciudad de México, México E-mail vinyamata@me.com asociacionexlibrisdemexico Asociación Ex Libris Mexico