Private & Charter School Guide 2020

Page 22

Staying healthy

Top 5 immunity boosters “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -Benjamin Franklin

- Award-winning Small Business Owner - Best Selling Author erickanchouse68 - Certified Adult Educator - Certified Mental Health Aid - Community Advocate elm4nchouse68 Priorities: - Teacher recruitment & pay raises. - Equitable & Sustainable Education for all students. - Enhanced & Modern technology for our schools and classrooms. - Highschool/College job readiness curriculum and programs.

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Vote November 3, 2020!!

>> When you think of immunity, what comes to mind? Hand washing? Masks? A desperate prayer every Pachin flu season hoping you or your kids don’t get sick? What if you could be more confident in the strength of your immune system? As a licensed dietitian nutritionist, here are my Top 5 Immunity Boosters (#5 might surprise you!) 1. Get enough Vitamin D. Levels below 30 ng/dL are associated with increased susceptibility to upper respiratory infections. Vitamin D is difficult to obtain solely through food and sunshine in many cases, so sometimes supplementation is necessary. The Vitamin D Society is a great resource for research-based dosing. 2. Vitamin Zzzzz. Sleep is important to give the immune system time to repair and rest. 3. Limit sugar. Sugar suppresses the immune system, making the

body more susceptible to stress and infection. Aim for less than 20 grams of added sugar per day. 4. Include Vitamin A, C, and zincrich foods for extra anti-viral defense. Zinc is found in nuts, seeds, and beans. Vitamins A and C are high in broccoli, bell peppers, and kiwi. 5. Support the gut. Specialized tissue in the intestines constitutes more than 70% of the immune system! To support the gut, eat a varied, whole foods-based diet with lots of plants. Fiber and brightly colored fruits and vegetables offer strength and resilience to cells and protect them from damage. If your immune system needs a tune-up, let me help get you back on track with confident immunity! Rhya Pachin is the founder of Carolina Functional Nutrition in Indian Land, S.C., where she tackles patient health and nutrition with a functional approach. Call 704-665-9688 or visit for more information.

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