Inside: Matthews budgets for 24-hour fire, EMS staffing • Page 7A
Arts Entertainment BROUGHT TO YOU BY
Flip to page 1B Friday, May 17, 2019 • Vol. 12 • No. 20
ABOUT US P.O. BOX 1104 Matthews, NC 28106 (704) 849-2261
Mint Hill adding staff to police, fire by Paul Nielsen
Nursing Foot Care Trimming toenails Reducing thick toenails Reducing Dianne Nguyen, RN corns and calluses Cell/text: (704) 957-5458 Web: 7928 Council Place, Suite 106 Matthews, NC 28105
MINT HILL – The Mint Hill Board of Commissioners will vote next month on a proposed fiscal year 2019-20 budget that sees an 8.7% increase from the town's current budget. Town Manager Brian Welch presented the board his recommended budget during a May 8 workshop, and almost all of the increase is for the town’s police and fire de-
partments. The board will hold a public hearing and vote on the budget at its June 13 board meeting. The proposed budget is $17,065,654, up from this year’s budget of $14,996,460. The proposed tax rate for the town is $0.255 per $100 valuation, which is a drop from the current $0.27 tax rate. The revenue-neutral tax rate, which see BUDGET, Page 7A
Mint Hill Chief of Police Tim Ledford talks with a resident during his department’s monthly Coffee with a Cop program. Ledford requested more officers and patrol cars for next year's budget. MMHW file photo
Veteran will serve as grand marshal
Half-Priced Specials 5-6pm Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 118 E. Charles Street, Matthews
by Jessi Healey
Bishop wins Congressional race shifts to Dan vs. Dan, 6A
Madness is almost here
Expect parade, fireworks by Paul Nielsen
@eatdrinkclt Popular Insta foodie sits down for Q&A, 1B
Gold Tones These retired folks can really sing, 6B
MINT HILL – Mint Hill will be abuzz with activity Memorial Day Weekend as the town hosts the 36th annual Mint Hill Madness Celebration. Town officials expect around 25,000 people to visit the event from May 24 to 26. Most of the events, including the fireworks display, are held at Mint Hill Veterans Memorial Park. “Mint Hill Madness is something the town always looks forward to,” Mayor Ted Biggers said. “This is our big celebration. It’s a wonderful time to showcase our town because it brings in a lot of people from the surrounding areas into Mint Hill. They get to see Mint Hill. I hope the local businesses benefit from it and they seem to.” Mint Hill Madness starts at 4 p.m. May 24 with the festival’s opening ceremony and flag raising at 7 p.m. The festival features rides, numerous vendors,
The parade is one of the highlights of Mint Hill Madness. This year's parade starts at 9 a.m. May 25 in downtown. MMHW file photo
entertainment and a fireworks show. Kids in America will be the featured entertainment on May 24 at 7:30 p.m. The six-piece band plays 1980s music from new wave to pop. Things get started May 25 with the Mint Hill Madness Parade at 9 a.m. in downtown. The parade runs along N.C. 51 from Bain School to Publix. “Everybody enjoys the parade because it is a
MINT HILL MADNESS MAY 24-26, VETERANS PARK Friday, May 24 Festival hours: 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. 5 p.m. – Dj T’Nice performs 7 p.m. – Opening Ceremony and Flag Raising 7:30 p.m. – Kids in America perform
see MADNESS, Page 3A Saturday, May 25 Festival hours: 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. 9 a.m. – Mint Hill Madness Parade in downtown 1 p.m. – Madness Football Skills Competition 4 p.m. – Gal Friday Band performs 7 p.m. – DJ T’Nice performs 8 p.m. – Tuesday’s Gone performs 10 p.m. – Fireworks Extravaganza
MINT HILL – Lifelong resident Jerry Flowe will serve as the grand marshal for the Mint Hill Madness parade. The parade starts at 9 a.m. May 25 down Matthews-Mint Hill Road. It's part of a three-day festival, May 24 to 26, that will include rides, vendors, food, entertainment and fireworks at Mint Hill Veterans Memorial Park. “I don’t want anyone to think I’m promoting myself, I don’t even know what a grand marshal is, I’m not grand and I’m not a marshal, but I sure love this town,” Flowe said. “Mint Hill is a wonderful town, I’ve traveled most of my life and I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.” This will be the 36th year for the festival. Flowe has been here for all of them. “It’s really come a long way and is now widely attended,” he said. “It’s not only great for the Town of Mint Hill, but also for the surrounding areas. It helps bring some attention to us and brings some people in to see our beautiful Veterans Park.” The Purple Heart recipient is excited to be part of paying homage to the military. “I’ve always been patriotic, I appreciate the freedoms that we have,” he said. “It wasn’t even a question when my country asked me to serve (in Vietnam), I give the glory to God that I came home, He’s the reason I’m here.” He added that he feels the town has done a great job honoring the veterans who live here with things see MARSHAL, Page 3A
LEGO art Exhibit shows famous structures in LEGOS, 3B
INDEX Crime................................................................................ 3A Classifieds..............................................................7B Calendar....................................................................5B Arts & Entertianment....................... 1B Coming Soon................................................. 6B Puzzles.........................................................................5B
CMS taps Tuttle as top teacher by Justin Vick
MATTHEWS – Kimberly Tuttle grew up thinking her mother was a celebrity. Children would approach her mom every time her family went out in public. That's because she was a teacher. Tuttle Tuttle and her siblings saw how their mother enjoyed going to school every day, so they followed her into teaching. Tuttle had the opportunity to thank her moth-
Show Boat Jekyll & Hyde how ren’s s Child
The 60s Musical Revue
A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder
er for showing her what love is like at home and in the classroom when accepting Teacher of the Year honors May 8 from Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools at Mallard Creek High School. “The magic to all of this – to being a teacher – definitely came from my momma, who did this for 34 years,” she said, noting she too wakes up every morning thankful to be working in such a rewarding profession. Tuttle teaches Advanced Placement language and composition, as well as 11th grade honors English, at Levine Middle College High School. She feels blessed to work for a principal like Joey
Burch and thanked the veteran CMS leader for trusting her with his children. Tuttle won a prize package that includes $1,700 and a one-year car lease. Being CMS Teacher of the Year also gives her an elevated platform. April Johnson, an art teacher at Tuckaseegee Elementary School, said she spent the past year advocating for the arts as CMS Teacher of the Year. She’s spoken on panels, radio shows and even from the pulpit. “The greatest platform that I could ever imagine is being with my kids every day,” Johnson said. Tuttle said she strives to teach the whole child. see TEACHER, Page 6A
Summer Theatre 2019 tickets on sale now! June 7 – July 27 • 704.330.6534 • Free parking!
Page 2A • Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019
IN THE KNOW PHOTO OF THE WEEK STAY CONNECTED • Instagram: @mmhweekly • Twitter: @mmhweekly • Like us on Facebook • Web: matthewsminthill • E-edition: olinaweeklynewspapers
Representatives from law enforcement agencies in Mecklenburg County were honored for their service during the Matthews Board of Commissioners meeting on May 13. Paul Nielsen/MMHW photo
MOST POPULAR STORIES • Commissioner: Chick-fil-A squawking is premature • Panthers defeat AK for So. Meck 7 tourney title • Patriots softball wins first title since • Girl Scout shatters record for cookie sales • Python overshadows pro athletes at golf tournament
TWEET OF THE WEEK • “Still have Qs about your property's new assessed value? The Assessor's Office continues to work w/ property owners - you just have to get in touch! There are three ways to reach us (see below). Note: if you plan to file a formal appeal, your deadline to do so is May 20.” – Mecklenburg County @(MeckCounty)
NEXT SPECIAL SECTION • May 31: 80 Days of Summer
SAVE THE DATE The Matthews Chamber of Commerce holds its quarterly Coffee Connect from 8 to 9:30 a.m. at Metro Diner, 10412 E. Independence Blvd. in Matthews. Hear from the Small Business Administration about its programming. Register in advance at
Cast your vote online at
SPORTS EDITOR Andrew Stark CONTENT PRODUCER Paul Nielsen best-of-the-weekly
Voting will run through May 31
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Providence’s Pace Clark won the 1,600-meter run at the NCHSAA 4A Western Regional May 11 on his home Panther track. Clark also placed second in the 800 and ran in the 3,200 where he was 11th.
Second Pers
Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019 • Page 3A
(continued from page 1a)
(continued from page 1A)
small-town parade,” Biggers said. “In fact, we have citizens who want to have more than one parade a year. The Mint Hill Madness parade is a big deal to a lot of folks, especially young folks.” Lifelong resident Jerry Flowe will serve as grand marshal of the parade. Flowe is a Vietnam War veteran and Purple Heart recipient. He has attended every Mint Hill Madness event. “Jerry was in Vietnam and he is a fine man, a true patriot and a great citizen,” Biggers said. “He is very active in Veterans Affairs. I think he is an excellent choice to be the grand marshal.” The featured concert on May 25 will be performed by Tuesday’s Gone, which bills itself as the ultimate Lynyrd Skynyrd band. The group formed in Raleigh in 2005. The concert starts at 8 p.m. The warm-up concert will be performed by the Gal Friday Band at 4 p.m. May 25. The trio of Melissa York, Ashley Minn and Lauren Wilson offer a combination of Southern gospel, rock, bluegrass and country music. The Mint Hill Fire Works Extravaganza will start at 10 p.m. People are encouraged to arrive early.
like Veterans Park and the Korean War Memorial, and that it continues to do so. He gives credit to Mayor Ted Biggers for making sure the town’s veterans are never forgotten. Flowe has been married for 50 years and has 10 grandchildren. His family has lived in the area since they first settled in America around 1770. They found land near Clear Creek and have been there ever since. “I’ve seen Mint Hill change over the years, and it has always kept it’s small-town feel,” Flowe said. “The people here are genuine.” Flowe said he has loved watching Mint Hill Madness grow over the years, and it’s a great event for families and neighbors to get together and enjoy fellowship.
Mint Hill Mayor Ted Biggers (center) throws candy to spectators at the 2018 Mint Hill Madness Parade. MMHW file photo
The festival is open from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday, May 26. Captain Jim’s Magic Show and Skyler the Stilt Walker will perform at 1, 3 and 5 p.m.
No alcohol and no pets are allowed at Mint Hill Madness. Visit for more information about the event.
CRIME SCENE The Mint Hill Police Department reported these incidents April 29-May 5: Alcohol • 13700 block of Lawyers Road: Driving while impaired. May 4 Assaults/Threats • 7300 block of Meadow Glen Drive: Simple assault. May 5 Break-Ins, Vehicle • 9400 block of Stoney Glen Drive: Theft from vehicle. May 1 Drugs • 9700 block of Mintworth Avenue: Possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. May 4 • 11000 block of Arlington Church Road: Possession of schedule I controlled substance, drug paraphernalia and stolen firearm. May 5 • 11200 block of Lawyers Road: Possession of marijuana and paraphernalia. May 3 Fraud/Forgery • 3600 block of Mat-
thews-Mint Hill Road: Wire fraud. April 29 • 4600 block of Carving Tree Drive: Uttering forged instruments with false endorsements and larceny. April 30 • 5000 block of Sunset Hill Road: Obtaining property under false pretenses. May 3 • 6800 block of Matthews-Mint Hill Road: Financial card theft and obtaining property by false pretenses. April 29 • 7400 block of Matthews-Mint Hill Road: Counterfeiting/forgery. April 29 • 15300 block of Bexley Place: Identity theft. May 3 Property Damage • 7800 block of Truelight Church Road: Hit & run. April 29 • 13100 block of Lawyers Road: Damage to property. April 29 Robbery • 4900 block of Stoney Trace Drive: Common law
robbery. April 30 Thefts • 3900 block of Matthews-Mint Hill Road: Larceny. April 29 • 9200 block of Lawyers Road: Larceny. May 4 • 10500 block of Arlington Church Road: Vehicle theft. April 30 Weapon • 7000 block of Gates Drive: Possession of firearm by felon, carrying concealed weapon and order for arrest. May 4 Other • Albemarle Road and Arlington Church Road: Order for arrest. May 2 • 6400 block of Wilson Grove Road: Recover stolen vehicle. May 3 • 7100 block of Matthews-Mint Hill Road: Order for arrest. April 29 • 9800 block of Margaret Wallace Road: Warrant for arrest. May 5 • 13100 block of Lawyers Road: Order for arrest. April 29
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Page 4A • Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019
Last Minute
GYMNASTICS SUMMER CAMP Our summer camps are half day camps offered for 5 to 12-year-old children. we will be teaching gymnastics on all the Olympic equipment as well as playing games and other activities to keep the kids learning and having fun. After several rotations on the different equipment, the children will take a snack break. All families will be required to bring their own food and drink. Following their break, the kids will continue to the practice their new-found gymnastics skills and learn new ones. Our camps are a fantastic way to introduce kids to the sport of gymnastics, to improve the avid gymnast, and to develop new friend in an encouraging and fun environment!
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ceramics & canvas
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v pottery wheel throwing experience
5 THEMED TO CHOOSE FROM!Movement, CampsWEEKS run Monday through Camps run Monday through Movement, Fridayrun from 9am –through 12pm Mindfulness and Me Camps Monday Camps run Monday through Movement, Friday from 9am – 12pm Mindfulness and Me Fridayfrom from 9am MOVEMENT, Friday 9am––12pm 12pm M, Mindfulness M and Me yogaand is Me
Children should should bring MINDFULNESS Children bring aayoga yoga designed to empower M, M and Me yogakids is by mat, water bottle and nut-free Children should bring a yoga AND ME mat, water bottle and nut-free helping M, Mthem and experience Meempower yoga isand designed to kids by snack daily Children should bring yoga mat, water bottle and anut-free snack daily. practice mindfulness and designed to empower kids by helping them experience and mat, water snack bottle daily and nut-free yoga 1824 Gold Hill Road skills. Yoga builds helping experience practicethem mindfulness and and We have mats in Wealso alsosnack have yoga yoga dailymats in Fort Mill, SC 29708 confidence in children, they children’s themes available for yoga skills. Yoga builds practice mindfulness and children’s themes available for learn to be (803) more respectful of We alsopurchase. have yoga mats in 470-4533 confidence children, they yoga skills. inYoga builds purchase and develop deeper children’s themes available We also have yoga mats infor others, learn to be more respectful of confidence in children, awareness for their own bodythey purchase Movement Mindfulness and Me children’s themes available for others, develop deeper of learn toand be more respectful and surroundings. “Young purchase awareness for their own body Movement Mindfulness and Me others, and develop deeper Yogis” will have fun practicing andand surroundings. 1824 Gold Hill Road poses breath awareness forwork their“Young own body Movement Mindfulness(803) and Me Fort Mill, SC 29708 Yogis” will have fun “Young practicing learning songs, playing and surroundings. 470-4533 1824 Gold Hill Road poses breathfun work games andand crafting! Yogis” will have practicing Fort Mill, SC 29708 (803) learning songs, playing 1824 Gold Hill Road poses and breath work 470-4533 games and crafting! Fort Mill, SC 29708 (803) learning songs, playing 470-4533
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Small Class Sizes! Sign up early!
COLLEGE games and crafting!
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ENROLL NC NOW Exciting hands-on activ Apply Create
Computational Animations an Film Festival s Leadership, co Develop literacy skills Explore NCWIT Aspire ITComputer Programand using the Bobo Internet of thin Exciting hands-onNCWIT activities: Build Aspire IT Program
With “Tech Div Computational thinking to solve social problems Meet and Apply hands-on Exciting activities: games using MIT’s Computing Animations and video SCRATCH aw sof Create Interact Film Festival session; analytics and data visualization Computational thinking to solve social problems Apply Education anda Leadership, entrepreneurship andcollaboration, video Learn gamesinnovation, using MIT’s SCRATCH softw Develop Animations Create
literacy skills Film Festival session; analytics and data visualization Computer collaboration, and internet security; Project CS Activities; virt Leadership, innovation, entrepreneurship an literacy usingskills the Bobo VR Headset Who: 4thLEGO to 1 Computer internet security; Project CS Arduino; Activities; virtu Internet and of things using Raspberry PiRising and Explore Build using the Bobo VR Headset (4 toprofessionals, 6-group1A With “Tech Divas”: ASU Faculty, Industry Meet and Internet Exciting hands-on activities: of things using Raspberry Pi and Arduino; LEGO® Build Computing award recipients Where: Walker Coll Interact With “Tech Divas”: ASU Faculty, Industry professionals, As Meet and Computational thinking to solve social problems Apply Educationaward and career opportunities inAppalachian IT S Computing recipients Exciting hands-on activities: Learn Interact Animations and video games using MIT’s SCRATCH software; videos in Create Mon-Fri, July Film Festival session; analytics and data visualization Education and career When: opportunities in IT Learn Computational thinking to solve social problems Apply Leadership, collaboration, innovation, entrepreneurshipCost*: and financial $225 (day ca Develop Who: software; Rising 4th to 10th Animations andsolve video social games using MIT’s SCRATCH videos in grade Girls literacy skills Create Computational thinking to problems $475 (Residen Computer and internet security;Rising Project CS to Activities; virtual reality systems Film Festival session; and data visualization (4 to 4th 6-group1; to 10-group2) Exploreanalytics Who: 10th7grade Girls using the Bobo VR Headset Computational thinking to solve social problems Animations and video games using MIT’s SCRATCH software; videos in Leadership, collaboration, innovation, entrepreneurship and financial Where: Walker College of Business at 3 pm) (4 to 6-group1; 7 to 10-group2) Develop Internet of things using Raspberry Pi and Arduino; LEGO® Robots, Sphero Build literacy Festival session; analytics and software; data visualization Appalachian State Where: Walker College ofUniversity Business AnimationsFilm and video games using skills MIT’s SCRATCH videos in With “Tech Divas”: ASU Faculty, Industry professionals, Aspirations in Meet and Computer andvisualization internet security; Project CS Activities; virtual reality systems Appalachian State University When: Mon-Fri, July 22-26, 2019 Explore Leadership, collaboration, innovation, entrepreneurship financial Film Festival session; analytics and data Registration required; lim recipientsand using the BoboInteract VR HeadsetComputing awardWhen: Mon-Fri, July 22-26, 2019
Explore Develop
NCWIT Aspire IT Program
IT Program NCWITNCWIT Aspire Aspire IT Program
NCWIT Aspire IT Program
Exciting hands-on activities:
Exciting hands-on activities: Apply
Apply Create Create
Cost*: $225 (day camp fee) skills innovation, Leadership,literacy collaboration, entrepreneurshipEducation and financial Limited need-based schol opportunities inRobots, IT Cost*: $225 (day camp fee) Internet of things using Raspberry Pi and andcareer Arduino; LEGO® Sphero
$475 (Residential, check-in Sunday July 21
literacy skills Computer and internet security; Project CS Activities; virtual reality $475 check-in Sunday July 21 Explore at 3(Residential, pm)systems innovate@appstate.ed in Meet and With “Tech Divas”: ASU Faculty, Industry professionals, Aspirations
Computer and internet security; CS Activities; virtual reality systems at 3 pm) using the Bobo VRProject Headset Computing award recipients Interact Who: Rising to 10th grade GirlsRobots, the Bobo VR Headset innovate.apps Registration required;Sphero limit of Visit 55 students. Internet of things using Raspberry Pi and 4th Arduino; LEGO® Buildusing Registration required; scholarships limit of 55 students. (4 to 6-group1; 7 to 10-group2) Education and career opportunities in IT Learn Internet of things using Raspberry Pi and Arduino; LEGO® Robots, Sphero Limited need-based availableprogram (email for(lunch/m details: *includes
Build Limited need-based scholarships available (email for details: Where: Industry Walkerprofessionals, College of Business “Tech Divas”: ASU Faculty, Aspirations in Meet and With Divas”: ASU Faculty, Industry professionals, Aspirations in Appalachian State University Meet and With “Tech Computing residential campers) award recipients Interact When: Mon-Fri, July 22-26, 2019 Computing award recipients Visit innovate.appstate.eduforforregistration registrationlink. link. Visit Interact Who: Rising 4th to 10th grade$225 Girls(day camp Cost*: fee) Education and career opportunities in IT * includes program (lunch/materials) and registrationfee fee(+boarding/l (+boarding *includes program (lunch/materials) and registration (4 to 6-group1; Education and career opportunities in IT 7 to 10-group2) $475 (Residential, check-in Sunday July 21 Learn Learn residential campers) residential campers) Walker College of Business at 3 pm) Sponsors: Appalachian State University required; limit of 55 students. When: July Registration 22-26, 2019 toMon-Fri, 10th grade Girls need-based Who: Who: Rising 4thRising toCost*: 10th4th grade Girls Limited scholarships available (email for details: $225 (day camp fee) Sponsors: Sponsors: (4 to 6-group1; 7 to 10-group2) (4 to 6-group1; 7 to 10-group2) $475 (Residential, check-in Sunday July 21 Visit for registration link. Where: WalkerofCollege of Business Where: Walker College Business at 3 pm)
*includes program (lunch/materials) and registration fee (+boarding/lodging for Appalachian State University Appalachian State University residential campers) required; of 55 students. When:When: Mon-Fri, Mon-Fri, JulyRegistration 22-26,July 2019 22-26, limit 2019 Limited need-based scholarships available (email for details: Cost*: Cost*: $225 (day camp fee) $225 (day camp fee) $475 (Residential, check-in Sunday July 21Sunday July 21 $475 (Residential, check-in Sponsors: for registration link. at 3 pm) at Visit 3 pm)
*includes program (lunch/materials) and registration fee (+boarding/lodging for
Registration required; limit of 55 students. residential campers) required; available limit of (email 55 students. LimitedRegistration need-based scholarships for details:
Limited need-based scholarships available (email for details: Sponsors: Visit for registration link. Visit for registrationforlink. *includes program (lunch/materials) and registration fee (+boarding/lodging
*includes program (lunch/materials) and registration fee (+boarding/lodging for residential campers) residential campers)
Summer Camps 2019 Our STEAM Camps (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) aim to SPARK imagination, DISCOVER possibilities, INSPIRE future innovators and IGNITE passion for SCIENCE! Hands-on minds-on projects and experiments! Summer camp was NEVER this much fun!
just the facts! Camps operate Mon-Fri Ages 6 – 14: 9am-3:45pm Ages 5 – 6: 9am-1pm OR 9am-3:45pm Cost per week: $185-300 Pre- and Post-Camp options available
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2019 Camp Locations
Antioch Elementary: June 17-July 11 (Mon-Thurs) British International School: July 8-August 2 • 803.487.9777
Check website for additional details!
Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019 • Page 5A
Last Minute
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Proudly Training The Charlotte Area Since 2000
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DATES: JUNE 17-20 TIME: 9A-4P (MON-WED), 9A-12P (THURS) COST: $325 ($300 BEFORE MAY 1!) AGES: 7-14
Page 6A • Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019
Bishop soars over opponents, wins GOP primary by Paul Nielsen
(continued from page 1A)
She works to create an environment in her classroom where students feel they matter. Every day they are reminded of that when she tells them, “Be blessed, be safe, be wise and make good decisions.”
MATTHEWS – N.C. Sen. Dan Bishop was in an upbeat mood around lunchtime May 14 as the Republican 9th District congressional candidate greeted primary voters at Elizabeth Lane Elementary School. Bishop was confident about his chances of getting at least 30 percent of the vote to avoid a runoff in the 10-candidate race as just about every voter he greeted seemed to be a supporter. “I feel good about it,” Bishop said, and his instincts were dead on. The two-term state senator rolled to an impressive win in capturing the Republican nomination. Bishop carried all eight counties in a district that stretches from southern Mecklenburg all the way to Fayetteville. Bishop finished with 48 percent of the vote, easily distancing Union County Commissioner Stony Rushing, who finished second with 20 percent of the vote. Former Mecklenburg County Commissioner Matthew Ridenhour was third with 17 percent of the vote. Bishop will face Democrat Dan McCready in the Sept. 10 general election, which is the same date as the municipal Republican and Democratic primaries in Charlotte. Minutes after declaring victory in front of supporters at a south Charlotte restaurant, Bishop set his sights on the Democratic nominee. “Voters in the 9th District deserve a clear choice, and we are going to
Other top teachers in the Matthews, Mint Hill area This screenshot from the North Carolina State Board of Elections' website shows how the 10 Republican candidates fared in the Republican 9th District congressional primary.
give them one,” Bishop said. “We have work to do. I heard every day and at the polls today was no different, the people are astonished and amazed and dismayed at what they see coming out of Washington these days from the liberal crazy clowns. Socialism, open borders, infanticide, 90-percent tax rates, having prison inmates vote and it could go on and on. It is something new every day. And wrong Dan McCready went through two elections without telling anyone where he stood on any issue.’’ The special election was called after last November’s election was invalidated by the North Carolina Board of Elections after alleged absentee ballot fraud emerged in Bladen County on behalf of then-GOP candidate Mark Harris. Harris endorsed the call for a new election but did not run in the primary, citing health issues. Democrats also wasted no time in focusing on the September general election.
“As a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, clean energy entrepreneur and a job creator, Dan McCready is ready to get to work serving North Carolina in Congress,” said Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairwomen Cheri Bustos, who is a Congresswoman from Illinois. “Rampant Republican election fraud robbed thousands of North Carolinians of the right to vote that Dan McCready fought to defend in uniform. Dan McCready’s record of service and his commitment to fighting for lower health care costs and better job opportunities for North Carolina is why he’s clearly the best candidate in this race.” McCready was unopposed in the Democratic Primary and he will enter the general election campaign with a sizable war chest in a race that is expected to draw national attention and millions of dollars in outside campaign spending. Since declaring for the special election, McCready has raised $2 million and had $1.6 million on hand at the end
of the April, according to Federal Election Commission reports. Bishop raised $505,000, including a $250,000 loan from himself, and had $184,000 on hand as of the April 24 FEC report, but fellow Republicans said the nominee will have sufficient resources to compete with McCready. Former Union County Republican Party Chairman Dan Barry, who endorsed Bishop in the primary, said the Republican nominee will have no problem raising the money to run a competitive campaign. “Dan Bishop had a really strong showing (in the primary),” Barry said. “I think it is fantastic that we don’t have a runoff and I am looking forward to the race between Dan McCready, no stand Dan, and Dan Bishop. This is a conservative district, this is a Republican seat and I think we will do very well.” Jeff Scott, a Charlotte Libertarian, and Allen Smith, a Charlotte Green Party member, are also in the congressional race.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools selected Kimberly Tuttle from a pool of six finalists as its Teacher of the Year, but every school in the district recognized its top teacher. Here's some from the Matthews-Mint Hill area: • Bain Elementary: Nikki Guevara • Butler High: Matthew Dowell • Clear Creek Elementary: Jan Davis • Crestdale Middle: Meredith Gummerson • Crown Point Elementary: Tatiana Blanchard • Elizabeth Lane Elementary: Tara Brabson • Independence High: Mallory Sattler • Lebanon Elementary: Hannah Woods • Levine Middle College High: Kimberly Tuttle • Matthews Elementary: Bethany Grimes • Mint Hill Middle: Kerri Staviski • Northeast Middle: Abdulkarim Mohamed • Providence High: Richard Turski • Rocky River High: Tyron Eason
Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019 • Page 7A
Matthews follows Mint Hill in budgeting for more police, fire by Paul Nielsen
MATTHEWS – Town leaders started next fiscal year’s budget process May 13 when they were presented a proposed budget that has an almost 3% increase from the current amended budget. Town Manager Hazen Blodgett presented the Matthews Board of Commissioners and Mayor Paul Bailey a $25,640,229 2019-20 budget that is up from the current amended budget of $24,883,772, an increase of $756,757. The proposed tax rate is $0.28 per $100 valuation, which is a drop from the current $0.355 tax rate. The revenue-neutral tax rate, which would be the rate for the town to take in the same amount of mon-
ey next year as did this year while factoring in average growth since the previous revaluation, would be $0.2613. That means the proposed budget is recommending a 1.87-cent property tax increase to fund increased operational costs. “That will raise about $965,000,” Blodgett said of the increase. The county's recent revaluation increased property values in Matthews by an average of 38.3%. Before the reval, property values in Matthews were $3.5 billion, and they are now valued at $4.9 billion. Property taxes account for 55% of revenues while sales taxes account for 14%. State shared revenues and permits and fees account for the rest of the revenue. The board will have another bud-
get workshop at 6 p.m. May 20. A public hearing will be held at 7 p.m. May 28. The addition of four police department personnel, which includes a second vice-narcotics detective and a lieutenant, and fully funding the fire department and EMS switch to a 24-hour staffing model are the biggest drivers of the budget increase. The four new police positions will cost $231,000 while fully funding the fire department staffing model is $250,000. The police department’s proposed budget is $7 million, up from the current $6.9 million budget. In addition to the lieutenant and the vice detective, the department will add a crime analyst position and a senior administrative specialist that will be a victim-witness coordinator.
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The department will also get seven new Ford Explorers as part of routine fleet replacement. Operating and capital expenses both are down from the current fiscal year. The town has applied for a state grant to fund four patrol officers positions, and Blodgett said the town should find out next month if Matthews is awarded the grant. “We have one vice detective working solely on town issues,” Police Chief Clark Pennington said. “We are thinking adding this vice-narcotics officer is a necessity for officer safety and to make sure we are working the tips that we use.’’ The proposed fire department and EMS budget is almost $3 million, up from the current $2.6 million. It includes fully funding 24 firefighter positions as part of the
BUDGET (continued from page 1A)
would enable the town to take in the same amount of money next year as it did this year while factoring in average growth since the previous revaluation, would be $0.216. That means with the new proposed rate tax bills will go up for some since many homeowners and businesses saw the value of their property increase after the recent revaluation. The biggest jump in the budget is for the fire department, which increases by $1,092,674 to $3,478,520. The budget adds three new firefighters, a new $850,000 rescue-pumper fire truck and $100,000 toward the station expansion. With three shifts, the fire department will now have eight firefighters on each shift. “That’s two fully stocked trucks that are out the door,” Welch said. The proposed police department budget is $5,047,285, which is an increase of $892,810 from this year’s budget. The department will hire four additional patrol officers and a crime analyst. The department, which asked for 10 new vehicles, including four for the new officers, will get six new patrol vehicles. “The biggest driver for that is the five additional personnel,” Welch said. “Much like the fire department that includes one (new officer) per shift. Traditionally, we do five
24-hour staffing model, an incentive pay program that funds four volunteer firefighters per shift and $80,000 for new vehicles. Blodgett told the board that retirement contributions, solid waste fees and insurance costs have increased from the current fiscal year to the tune of $394,250. “There are interesting challenges in this year’s budget,” Blodgett said. “Insurance has gone up as we all expect.” The proposed budget also has a 3% merit pool increase for town employees, and public works will get a part-time worker to assist with right-of-way maintenance. There is also money in the proposed budget for adding a dog park at Purser-Hulsey Park and $482,000 for a parking lot on East Charles Street.
(vehicles) per year, but we just couldn’t make all (10) fit.” The police department budget also includes $52,000 in new incentives for officers who receive additional training. Twelve officers received on average of $4,000 in incentives this year, ranging from 2.5%to 12% depending on what threshold they met. “I have had officers come up and thank us for that,” Commissioner Dale Dalton told Welch. “I think you have given police and fire what they really needed.’’ Commissioner Mike Cochrane said he was pleased with the increases for the police and fire departments. “We need the extra police, and we need the extra firemen," he said. "We have a lot more households now, even in the last year.’’ The proposed public works budget is $1,037,592, which is basically unchanged from the current fiscal year, which saw the department receive several large capital expenditures. The department will add two additional personnel, a large pick-up truck, a sickle mower and a roller. “The public works, they are our unsung heroes,” Cochrane said. “They didn’t ask for a lot but we got them everything they asked for.’’ The parks department budget is $264,608, an increase of almost $30,000. Plans call for potential renovation work on the tennis courts and other park projects. “We are trying to stay ahead of the curve a little bit,” Welch said.
Carolina Waterfowl Rescue at Backyard Birds Saturday, May 18
from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm It’s baby season so they will be bringing some of their domestic feather babies! Stop by and learn more about the rescue efforts and what you can do to help. 10% of all sales made during the event will be donated to support the rescue!
20% OFF Any Regular Priced Item SATURDAY, 5/18 ONLY Excludes seed.
Like us on Facebook! 1819 Matthews Township Parkway Suite 800 | Matthews, NC 28105 Phone: (704) 841-9453 |
Page 8A • Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019
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Arts Entertainment t to you By h g u Bro
@eatdrinkclt Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019 • Page 1B
Q&A with one of Charlotte’s most-followed Instagrammers by Karie Simmons .
crolling through @eatdrinkclt on Instagram will make you hungry for burgers, pizza, sushi and fries. It’ll also make you want a margarita from Pacos Tacos and Tequila, a tuna melt from The Common Market and a slice of Ooey Gooey Butter Cake from Firebirds Wood Fired Grill. Is your stomach rumbling yet? The account was created by 27-year-old Allie Papajohn, a self-taught Instagrammer with a degree in journalism and public relations from the University of South Carolina. In addition to running @eatdrinkclt, she also works full time in marketing at Bojangles’ corporate office. Papajohn started the account when she moved to Charlotte in November 2014. As she ate her way around the city’s booming restaurant scene, she snapped pictures of everything she tried. She didn’t want to post them on her personal Instagram, so she made a separate account just for food and drinks and, at the time, just for fun. Fast forward four and a half years and @eatdrinkclt now boasts over 47,000 followers. It’s one of the most-followed food and drink accounts in the area, and restaurants all around the Queen City (and beyond) are flooding Papajohn’s inbox asking her for coverage. I recently sat down with Papajohn at Amélie’s French Bakery & Café in Carmel Commons (7715 Pineville-Matthews Road) to preview its summer menu and pick her brain about life as an Instagrammer.
When did you notice you were gaining a lot of followers? After I hit 1,000 or 2,000 followers, that’s when it started growing really fast. I remember one day hitting 10,000 and I was just like, how did that happen? Honestly, it was unintentional. I was always posting, always trying to engage, always liking other people’s photos. So I think it was partly being on there so consistently and partly because there weren’t many food Instagrams to follow when I started. Being on there consistently has been huge. I’ve never stopped in four years. I’ve never taken a week off. I’ve barely even taken three days off of posting.
What sets @eatdrinkclt apart? I only post food. I don’t post any lifestyle shots or photos of me, so when you follow, I think you know what you’re getting. You’re not going to see me posing on a wall because I don’t do fashion. I don’t do fitness. It’s just strictly food. There aren’t as many accounts that are just strictly food, which is not a bad thing, but if you just want to look at food, you can follow me for that.
From a personal standpoint, does the work to maintain the account and the pressure to always be posting ever get to you? Absolutely. Having a full-time job makes it really hard to get everything in. Obviously, a couple years ago, this was much easier to handle, but now that it’s turned into kind of a side business … I fill up almost every night of the week with something, and if I’m not doing something, it’s because I said no and just wanted to go home after work. I’ve made it work, but it’s certainly getting exhausting sometimes. I always say if I didn’t love it I wouldn’t do it anymore, and so far I have not wanted to stop.
Why do you love it? I love eating, first and foremost. I like exploring new food. I don’t have a picky bone in my body when it comes to food. Oh, macaroons! (Joannah Long, Amélie's marketing manager, had just placed a colorful plate of macaroons on the table). Being a resource when people ask me or send me messages like, where should I get this? Where should I go for this? What part of town? I love answering those messages. A lot of times, off the top of my head, I know where to get what you asked for. I think that’s a huge part of it for me, just being able to help people in Charlotte when they’re looking for stuff, especially since there are new restaurants every five minutes. see EATDRINKCLT, Page 2B
Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019 • Page 2B
EATDRINKCLT (continued from page 1B)
Have you noticed any drawbacks? Just how social media works, like algorithms. One minute you will post something that does super well and a ton of people see it, and the next day you’ll post something that looks just as good and get half the engagement on it. That’s tough when you start charging because you might charge a restaurant to post a burger and then you post it and it does terrible. Then the next night, you post something you just ate on your own and it does great. So, it’s frustrating when someone is paying you because you obviously want the best results for them.
When did you start charging restaurants for Instagram posts? Basically January 2018. I was honestly terrified to start monetizing, which is one reason I waited so long to do it. I felt guilty at the thought of charging restaurants when they were already offering free meals, but when I sat back and looked at how much time and money (gas/tips/etc.) I was spending on this, I knew I needed to make the jump. A few of my friends in this space encouraged me and kind of coached me through it, and I’m super thankful for that. I also had support from restaurant owners that I was already basically working with, and that made it all seem less scary, too.
Do you really eat all of the food you post?
I don’t cook. I’m either going out to eat or eating leftovers from something that week. I have leftovers from three different places in my fridge this week. It’s ridiculous. Everything you see, I’ve either eaten the whole thing or a bite of it. So I can say that I can vouch for all of the food and I’ve actually tried it. Which is good because why would you post something you can’t stand behind or wouldn’t recommend to somebody?
What are the keys to a good Instagram post?
Making sure the photo is clear, not blurry, trying not to over filter anything. I actually
Allie Papajohn, 27, photographs new menu items at Amélie’s French Bakery & Café in Carmel Commons for her Instagram account @eatdrinkclt. Karie Simmmons/MMHW photos
used to use filters for a long time and now I edit in an app called Snapseed. Then I put it in Instagram and will sometimes brighten, always sharpen and then I’ll add a slight filter only rarely now. I go for the good lighting so I don’t have to do that anymore. Hashtags really do help. I stopped for a while and I feel like when I added them back in, it was huge. Caption-wise, I think just being yourself and giving people more information than just: here’s a burger, enjoy. Talk about what’s in it, what you had and what the experience was like.
How has your content evolved since you started this account? I go back and look at my old pictures all the time just to laugh at them. I’ve gotten way better at photography. I always enjoyed it but was never great at it. Now I feel like I have some skill in that area. Phone develop-
ments have helped. When I started, I had an iPhone 4, so the camera quality has gotten better since then. I’ve just had so much practice. I seriously take a food photo every day, whether it’s for work or for this. Inspiration, too. Following other people and seeing what they do and what works for them has been really helpful. I’m always learning.
What’s keeping you from making Instagram your full-time job? I think just being insecure about it lasting. I don’t want to get to a point where Instagram is irrelevant, which it very much could be in a year. I do write for Charlotte Agenda, Scoop Charlotte and some other freelance opportunities now that bring in money. The key would be to have all those other things bringing in income, too. I would never just rely on my Instagram because you never know what
the next social media platform is going to be, and if it’s something completely different that has nothing to do with what I like to do, then how am I going to make that work?
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Page 3B • Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019
ARTS BRIEFS Mint Hill Arts partners with Novant Health
tering the show can be found oat www.min
MINT HILL – Novant Health Mint Hill Medical Center will sponsor a summer art show. The partnership will allow Mint Hill Arts to attract the best artists in the region to the community. “We are so excited to support Mint Hill Arts and the work they do for our community,” said Joy Greear, president and chief operating officer of Novant Health Mint Hill Medical Center. “We partnered with Mint Hill Arts to find artwork for our hospital, and now there are more than 300 beautiful photographs and paintings from local artists displayed around our medical center. We are thrilled to again invest in the work of so many talented artists and bring the best to Mint Hill.” The judged show is open to members and non-members. Awards include $200 for best in show, $150 for first place, $100 for second place, $75 for third place and $25 for four honorable mentions. All media will be accepted. There are no categories or themes. Artists can submit up to two pieces of art. The entry fee costs $15 for members and $40 for others. Art intake is scheduled from 4 to 6 p.m. May 31 and 10 a.m. to noon June 1. Mint Hill Arts welcomes the community to the free reception from 7 to 9 p.m. June 7. The gallery is open from noon to 6 p.m. Wednesdays through Fridays and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays until July 24. Rules, entry forms and instructions for en-
Panel discussion focuses on Tank Town MATTHEWS – The Matthews Heritage Museum will hold a panel discussion, “Voices of Tank Town,” in conjunction with the current museum exhibit, “Tank Town: A Good Place to Live.” Four current and former residents of Tank Town will participate on a panel discussion. Harvey Boyd, Kenneth Alexander, Addie McNeal Dixon and Walter Stewart will share their remembrances of growing up in Tank Town. The free program starts at 6 p.m. May 30 at the Matthews Public Library, 230 Matthews Station St. The program is open to the public, but seating is limited. Reserve a seat by calling 704-708-4996.
Orchestra performs Songs for Our Earth MATTHEWS – The Charlotte Civic Orchestra will perform Songs for Our Earth Concert. The concert includes the world premier of Dean Kluesner's “A Story of Carbon (and Some Other Things), as well as Dan Forrest's “Lux” and Brahams' “Tragic Overture.” The event starts at 3:30 p.m. May 19 at Matthews United Methodist Church, 801 S. Trade St. Buy tickets at the door for $15 (adults) or $12 (seniors/students).
Exhibit showcases skyscrapers made of LEGOs CHARLOTTE – Discovery Place Science is building up to a summer of innovation when 20 scale models of the world’s most astonishing skyscrapers – from the Empire State Building to Shanghai Tower – move into the museum. “Towers of Tomorrow with LEGO Bricks,” a traveling exhibition from Sydney Living Museums in Australia, arrives June 1. Ryan “The Brickman” McNaught built the towers out of LEGO bricks on a scale of 1:200. It took more than half a million LEGO bricks (and more than 2,400 hours) to build the exhibition. “Creating two- to four-meter high versions of these iconic buildings was an incredible challenge, pushing the almost limitless possibilities of LEGO,” McNaught said. “The results should amaze and inspire visitors of all ages.” In addition to admiring the skyscrapers, visitors will have the opportunity to build their own towers from over 200,000 loose LEGO bricks located in hands-on construction areas of the exhibition. “We want visitors to see these amazing towers and be inspired by the craftsmanship of each model as well as the building itself,” said Catherine Wilson Horne, Discovery Place president and CEO. “This is a chance for them to create their own vision of the future and gain a better understanding of how we can build that future together.” Opening day on June 1 will include a series of design and building-related challenges to tap one's inner engineer. Experiences include a community coral build, make your own
Ryan “The Brickman” McNaught is showing skyscrapers like the CN Tower in Toronto, the Chrysler Building in New York and Bank of America Plaza in Atlanta in “Towers of Tomorrow with LEGO Bricks.” Photos courtesy of Discovery Place Science tower hat, hourly building challenges, a built to win game show and a shake table competition. Other activities will engage visitors throughout the exhibit, which closes Sept. 2. Tickets cost $22 for adults, $20 for seniors ages 60-plus and $18 for children ages 2 to 13. The museum is at 301 N. Tryon St. Visit for details.
“Towers of Tomorrow with LEGO Bricks” offers youth the opportunity to explore their creativity and gain an appreciation for engineering.
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Page 5B • Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019 8-11 a.m.; 5504 Lebanon Road, Charlotte
Concert Benefit MoochiePalooza IV continues with indoor performances by Tom Reda Experience (2-3:30 p.m.), Throwback Thursday Party Duo (45:30 p.m.), Mike Huffman Band (67:30 p.m.) & Underground Owls (9 p.m.-midnight) and outdoor performances by 9 Day Trip (5-6:30 p.m.) & Kids in America (7-10 p.m.). The event raises money for Charlotte Area St. Jude Dream Home. 704893-2157 2-10 p.m.; 15060 Idlewild Road, Matthews
May 18
Run Club Temple Mojo's run club takes on the 4 Mile Creek Greenway and meets back at the shop for coffee or breakfast. 704-246-8196 8-9 a.m.; 195 N. Trade St., Matthews
Backyard Birds Carolina Waterfowl Rescue shows off animals at Backyard Birds. Police Fundraiser A percentage of sales will go to the The Mint Hill Police Department charity. 704-841-9453 The Times Sales holds its New Soles 2York Remember 5KSyndication at 11 a.m.-2 p.m.;Corporation 1819 Matthews Pine Lake620 Country Club. Proceeds Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 Township Pkwy., Matthews benefit the National Law EnforceFor Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 ment Officers Memorial Fund. Get Grand Opening For Release Wednesday, May 30, 2018 tickets at Pressly Animal Hospital holds a
Holiday quaff
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Is an expert on this puzzle’s theme?
Christian inst. in Tulsa
Sleep stage
Plaza girl in kid-lit
Amber, e.g.
It’s a gift
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Place to change at the beach
Culture Blocks The Mint Hill Library hosts Bechtler Museum for hands-on activities. 704-416-5200 1-4 p.m.; 6840 Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Mint Hill
Concert Benefit MoochiePalooza IV continues with indoor performances by Nate Whittenberg & Friends (2-3:30 p.m.), Barcerado (4-5:30 p.m.), Keep It Local (6-7:30 p.m.) & Shotgun Kings (9 p.m.-midnight) and outdoor performances by 485 Band (noon1:30 p.m.), One Paper Crane (2-3:30 p.m.), Gameface (4-5:30 p.m.), Action Jaxxon (6-7:30 p.m.) & DeCarlo (8-10 p.m.). The event raises money for Charlotte Area St. Jude Dream Home. 704-893-2157 Noon-midnight; 15060 Idlewild Road, Matthews
May 19
Edited by Will Shortz
Crossword 1
Anniversary Celebration The Matthews Masonic Lodge No. 461 celebrates its 125th anniversary with live music by Heroes at Last, food and bounce houses at Stumptown Park. Bring canned food or hygiene products for the Matthews HELP Center. 11 a.m.; 120 S. Trade St., Matthews
grand opening and open house with tours and children's activities. Food and giveaways will be available. 704-234-0374 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; 301 Chestnut Lane, Matthews
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Golf Tourney The annual Thomas Davis Charity Golf Tournament raises money for the Thomas Davis Defending Dreams Foundation at Olde Sycamore Golf Plantation. Registration starts at 11 a.m. The tourney starts at noon and includes food and drinks. Register at 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; 7500 Olde Sycamore Drive, Charlotte Families Games The Town of Matthews offers
board and card games for families at McDowell Arts Center. 704-321-7275 1 p.m.; 123 E. McDowell St., Matthews Concert Benefit MoochiePalooza IV continues with indoor performances by Under the Influence (2-3:30 p.m.), Carmen Tate (4-5:30 p.m.), Bentwater (6-7:30 p.m.) & Darry's Fault (8-9 p.m.) & Sticks & Stones (9-10 p.m.) and outdoor performances by Curbside Project (23:30 p.m.), Moses Jones (4-5:30 p.m.), Groove Machine (6-7:30 p.m.) & Darrell Harwood (8-10 p.m.). The event raises money for Charlotte Area St. Jude Dream Home. 704-893-2157 2-10 p.m.; 15060 Idlewild Road, Matthews
May 22
• Beantown: Coconut Groove Band • Blackfinn Ameripub: Uptown Dueling Pianos • Evening Muse: Chris Trapper & Bill West; DownTown Abby & The Echoes & Daniel Jordan • Mac’s Speed Shop: Monkeytime • Machu Picchu: Wanda Lopez • Moochies: Mike Huffman Band, Underground Owls, 9 Day Trip & Kids in America • Neighborhood Theatre: Hush Kids • Pineville Tavern: Haley Mae Campbell • PNC Pavilion: Chris Young • Queens South: The Smilin’ Dogs • Southern Range: Heath Nestor w/ the Old Man Mafia Band • Stooges Pub: Rock Machine • Sweet Union: The Longleaf Trio • The Fillmore: Christian Nodal • The Underground: Delta Rae • Trail House: Reverend O and the Hellhounds • Vintner’s Hill: Rod Caillouet
• Beantown: Chuck Johnson Duo • Evening Muse: Marti Jones & Don Dixon • Maxwell’s Tavern: Tanner Long • The Gibson: Jeremy Shaw
May 18 • Evening Muse: Arielle; Redbeard Samurai • Growler USA: Nate Randall • Mary O’Neills: MisTics • Moochies: Keep It Local, Shotgun Saints, Action Jaxxon & DeCarlo • Neighborhood Theatre: Sugaray Rayford • Pour 64: Lisa De Novo • Steady Eddy’s: Jason Brigner • Stooges Pub: Mostley Crue & Audio Assault • Sweet Union: Katana Palmer • Trail House: Austin McNeil Band • Treehouse Vineyards: Caroline Keller Band
May 19 • Beantown: Jade Moore • Evening Muse: Trismalux & Band of Tomorrow • Moochies: Darryl’s Fault, Stick & Stones, Groove Machine & Darrell Harwood • The Underground: Sum 41
May 21 • Evening Muse: Ashlee Joy Hardee; Jesse Lamar Williams & The Menastree Jazz Jam • Neighborhood Theatre: Cracker
May 23 • Iron Thunder: Dylan Ray • Seaboard Brewing: Ryan Brooks
Venues Charlotte • Blackfinn Ameripub: 14825 Ballantyne Village Way • Evening Muse: 3227 N. Davidson St. • Neighborhood Theatre: 511 E. 36th St. • PNC Pavilion: 707 Pavilion Blvd. • The Fillmore: 820 Hamilton St. • The Gibson, 11318 N. Community House Road • The Underground: 820 Hamilton St. Indian Trail • Growler USA: 6443 Old Monroe Road • Sweet Union: 13717 E. Independence Blvd. • Trail House: 6751 Old Monroe Road Matthews • Beantown: 130 Matthews Station St. • Mac’s Speed Shop: 142 E. John St. • Machu Picchu: 11329 E. Independence Blvd. • Moochies: 15060 Idlewild Road • Seaboard Brewing: 213 N. Trade St. • Steady Eddy’s: 2216 E. John St. Mint Hill • Pour 64: 4410 Mint Hill Village Lane • Stooges Pub: 13230 Albemarle Road • VintNer’s Hill: 7427 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Monroe • Iron Thunder: 608 W. Roosevelt Blvd. • Southern Range: 151 S. Stewart St. • Treehouse Vineyards: 301 Bay St. Pineville • Pineville Tavern: 314 N. Polk St. Waxhaw • Mary O’Neills: 116 W. North Main St. • Maxwell’s Tavern: 112 E. South Main St. • Queens South: 1201 N. Broome St.
• Each child in attendance will receive instruction on the position- specific fundamentals of the game of football • Each day will consist of fundamental stations (QB/receiver Each child in attendance willrunning receive instruction online thetechnique, position-specific play, back drills, offensive defensive line technique, linebacker drills, and defensive back play) fundamentals of the• Each game of football child in attendance will receive instruction on the will be multiple games (QB/receiver of “Air Force Football” Each day will consist positionof• There fundamental stations play,each of the specific fundamentals of the game of football three days running back drills,•offensive &will defensive line technique, stations • There will be a competition each day: Farthest Kick, (QB/receiver Each day consist of fundamental linebacker drills, andplay, defensive back play) Farthest Throw, Fastest In Camp running back drills, offensive line technique, defensive line • At theeach end ofday: each session will Kick, be a “Character These There will be a competition Farthest FarthestLesson”. Throw, technique, linebacker drills, and defensive back play) lessons will include: choosing the best friends, the importance of and Fastest in Camp • There will beand multiple games of “Air Force Football” each of the academics, goal-setting At the end of each session will be a “Character Lesson”. These lessons three days • Each child should come prepared wearing athletic shorts, shoes, will include: choosing the best friends, the importance of Farthest academics and t-shirt • There will be a competition each day: Kick, • We will have a pizza party on 6/8 at the end practice! and goal-setting Farthest Throw, Fastest In Camp • 2018 camp participants will receiveshorts, FREE ADMISSION the Each child should come prepared wearing athletic shoes toLesson”. • At the end of each session will be a “Character These Butler High School football home games during the 2018 season and t-shirt lessons will include: choosing the best friends, the importance of when they wear their camp t-shirt
• Each child in attendance will receive instruction on the • positionspecific fundamentals of the game of football • Each day will consist of fundamental stations (QB/receiver g? in ad rle ee ch rested in play,• running back drills, offensive line technique, defensive line Is your daughter inte ! EE FR r fo y— tr a MARA Cheer technique, linebacker drills, and defensive back play) Come out and give • • There will be multiple games of “Air Force Football” each of the three days • d an • There will be a competition each day: Farthest Kick, • We will have aFastest pizza party 6/7and at the end of practice! Farthest Throw, InonCamp academics, goal-setting COST: $100 ( sibling discounts available) • Each child should come prepared wearing athletic shorts, shoes, • At the end of each session will be a “Character Lesson”. These AGES 7-13 and t-shirt CAMP DATES & TIMES: DATES & TIMES: MARA Cheer is hosting two FREE Try It Days! lessons will include: •choosing best friends, the of WeThu, will June have7athe party on 6/8 at the endimportance practice! – pizza 6:30-9:00 pm Participants will learn cheerleading basics, including: Thursday, June 6• 2018 Friday, June 7pm Saturday, June 8 to the Fri,camp June 8participants – 6:30-9:00 will receive FREE ADMISSION academics, and goal-setting cheers/chants, motions, jumps, and dance! Sat,6:30-9:00 June 9School - 8:30-11:00 6:30-9:00 pm Butler pm am home8:30-11:00 am High football games during the 2018 season FOR MORE INFO: • Each child should come prepared wearing athletic shorts, shoes, when they wear their camp t-shirt Try It Days are open to ages 4 & up COST: $100 for all 3 days Sibling Discounts Available! (Girls must turn 5 by July 31 to register for our fall cheer program) and t-shirt FALL REGISTRATION OPEN! COST: $100 (sibling NOW discounts available) FOR MORE INFO: • We will have a pizza party on 6/8 at the end practice! AGES 7-13 June 8 Try It Day • 9:00-11:00 am May 18 Try It Day • 9:30-11:30 am www. DATES & TIMES: .org at MARA (Arthur Goodman Park) • 2018 campAparticipants will receive ADMISSION at Socrates Academy YOUTH SPORTS HEALTH &FREE SAFETY TALK by to the MARA Colts Football @MARAColtsFootball Thu, June 7 – 6:30-9:00 pm Ed.D, LAT, ATC 1200 S Trade St Wingate University’s Dr. Brandy Clemmer, 3909 Weddington Rd CMS Disclaimer: The information in this flyer is neither endorsed by nor8 necessarily reflective of the views of the Board of Education, the District or any CMSseason school. Butler High School football home games during the 2018 Fri, June – 6:30-9:00 pm Matthews, NC 28105 Matthews, NC 28105 >>> Saturday, June 8 | 9:30 am | MARA Boardroom <<< Sat, June t-shirt 9 - 8:30-11:00 am when they wear Free &their open tocamp everyone with an interest or questions
saturday, may 18 Saturday, June 8
FOR MORE INFO: in youth sports health & safety
COST: $100 (sibling discounts available) Camp Registration Now FALL REGISTRATION NOWOpen! OPEN! If you plan to attend one or both of our FREE Try It Days, sign up online now: AGES 7-13 .org DATES &www. TIMES: MARA Colts Football @MARAColtsFootball pm For more info on MARA Cheer, visit us at Thu, June 7 – 6:30-9:00 CMS Disclaimer: The information in this flyer is neither endorsed by nor necessarily reflective of the views of the Board of Education, the District or any CMS school. Fri, June 8 – 6:30-9:00 pm Sat, June 9 - 8:30-11:00 am
Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019 • Page 6B
Gold Tones soar through music
Theaters • May 17: A Dog’s Journey • May 17: John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum • May 24: Aladdin • May 24: Booksmart • May 24: Brightburn • May 31: Godzilla: King of the Monsters • May 31: Ma • May 31: Rocketman
by Paul Nielsen
MATTHEWS – When Stan and Gerry Schmitt moved to Plantation Estates retirement community in 2006, the couple thought their days singing choral music were probably over. Gerry, who twice gave performances at Carnegie Hall when she was younger, had donated her music to Central Piedmont Community College, figuring she had no use for it anymore. But 13 years later, the Schmitts and roughly 35 other residents are still belting out the tunes at Plantation Estates as members of the Gold Tones. The choir started shortly after the Schmitts moved to Matthews. The Gold Tones have three performances each year: a Christmas concert, a concert of patriotic tunes around July 4 and a Broadway show in May. On May 10, the Gold Tones finished up their 13th and final practice for its upcoming Broadway and Pops Concert for Plantation Estates residents. Some of the songs are from such Broadway hits as “The King and I,” “State Fair,” “Porgy and Bess,” “Cats,” “Anything Goes,” “The Sound of Music,” “The Music Man” and “Girl Crazy.” Gerry said members of the Gold Tones are like family. She admitted that tackling the songs in the upcoming concert can be taxing. “We sing so damn good in our 80s,” Gerry said. “At 80, you only have so much energy, but it is all psychological. We love this music, and we love singing it. We don’t feel old when we are singing. We are flying high.” The Broadway and Pops Concert will feature 15 Broadway hits. Paul Wyche and Lane Ware will sing the duet “Comedy Tonight,” while Stan, 89, will perform a solo of “The Music of the Night” from “The Phantom of The Opera.” “Gold Tones have given us a chance to do some real good singing,” Stan said. “This has been a welcome addition, and we have done all kinds of music. It never loses its attraction. Rehearsals for the Broadway show can be tiring. I’m 89 and
Redbox • May 21: Adventures of Aladdin • May 21: How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World • May 21: Isn’t It Romantic • May 21: St. Agatha • May 21: The Upside • May 21: Trading Paint • May 21: Triple Threat • May 28: A Vigilante • May 28: Avengement • May 28: Drunk Parents • May 28: General Commander • May 28: Greta • May 28: Nuns • May 28: The Lighthouse • June 4: A Madea Family Funeral • June 4: Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles • June 4: Gloria Bell • June 4: J.T. Leroy • June 4: The Cleaning Lady • June 4: The Kid
Anne Kimball directs the Gold Tones to new heights. Paul Nielsen/MMHW photo
there is a 90-year-old right next to me, and this helps keep us young.” Stan started singing when he joined the glee club in college but admitted that his wife, Gerry, is the real singer in the family. “She has sung all over the place,” Stan said with a smile. “I sing with her because otherwise I wouldn’t see her very often.’’ Anne Kimball is the music director for the Gold Tones. Her rehearsals are fast-paced and intensive. “I’m worn out already,” Kimball joked about halfway through the final rehearsal. “Some of the stuff we do is not easy. I try to pick stuff that is challenging and some stuff that is a little easier.” Kimball picks music the choir is familiar with and that will keep their interest during the long hours of preparation. “Everybody in the group loves to sing, and they pretty much come to every rehearsal,” Kimball said, noting how she finds, orders and puts the program together for them. “We have 13 rehearsals, so it is like a semester class.” And the Gold Tones pass with flying colors each time.
Netflix • May 17: Nailed It (S:3) • May 17: See You Yesterday • May 17: The Rain (S:3) • May 18: The Blackcoat’s Daughter • May 21: Arrow (S:7) • May 21: Moonlight • May 21: Wanda Sykes: Not Normal • May 23: Riverdale (S:3) • May 24: High Seas • May 24: She’s Gotta have It (S:2) • May 24: The Perfection • May 24: What/If • May 27: Charmed (S:1) • May 27: Outlander (S:1-2) • May 27: Supergirl (S:4) • May 28: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (S:4) • May 28: Disney’s Nutcracker and the Four Realms • May 31: Always Be My Maybe • May 31: When They See Us
Amazon Prime
Stan Schmitt rehearses his solo of “The Music of the Night” from “The Phantom of The Opera.” Paul Nielsen/MMHW photo
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IDEA-Part B (611) Grant Public Notice
The Education TheIndividuals Individuals with with Disabilities Disabilities Education Act Public 108.466) Act (IDEA-Part (IDEA-Part B,B,Public LawLaw 108.466) ProjProject is currently being amended. The ect is currently being amended. The Project Project specialprogram education describesdescribes the specialthe education that program that Socrates Academy proposes for Federal funding Socrates Academy proposes for Federal funding for 2017-2018 School for 2017-2018 School are Year. Interestedtopersons are encouraged Year. Interested persons encouraged review amendments to to review amendments to the Project and makethe comments concerning the Project and make comments concerning implementation of the implementation of special education under this Federal special education under this Federal Program. All comments will be Program. All comments will be prior to submission of considered prior to submission of considered the amended Project to the North the amended ProjectoftoPublic the North Carolina of CarPublic Carolina Department Instruction in Department Raleigh, North Instruction in Raleigh, North isCarolina. Thepublic IDEA-Part B Project olina. The IDEA-Part B Project open to the for review and is open to the public for review and comments during the week comments during the week of May 20, 2019 to May 24, 2019 in the of May 1, 2017Baker, to May 2017 inlocated the office of Vanessa Baker, office of Vanessa EC 5, Director, at 3909 Weddington EC Director, located 3909 Weddington Road, Matthews, NorthatCarolina, 28105. Road, Matthews, North Carolina, 28105. Read the Weekly online and never miss a story:
• May 17: Fleabag (S:2) • May 17: Poldark (S:4) • May 17: The Durrells (S:3) • May 19: Federal Hill (1994) • May 20: Jesus’ Son (1999) • May 22: Lulu on the Bridge (1998) • May 25: Morning Glory (2010) • May 26: The Frozen Ground (2013) • May 31: Antitrust (2001) • May 31: Awaiting (2015) • May 31: Blaze You Out (2013) • May 31: Body of Evidence (1993) • May 31: Cougars Inc. (2011) • May 31: Deadtime Stories (1986) • May 31: Emperor (2012) • May 31: Eulogy (2004) • May 31: F/X (1986) and F/X2 (1991) • May 31: Flawless (2007) • May 31: Fluke (1995) • May 31: Forbidden Ground (1969) • May 31: Free Money (1998) • May 31: Friday Night Lights (2004) • May 31: Friday the 13th (1980-89) • May 31: Fun Size (2012) • May 31: Good Omens (S:1) • May 31: Hart’s War (2002) • May 31: I’m Gonna Git You Sucka (1988) • May 31: Jennifer Eight (1992) • May 31: Lost and Delirious (2001) • May 31: Chinese Hercules (1973) • May 31: Mission: Impossible (1996) • May 31: Murimgori (1982) • May 31: N.Y.C. Underground (2013) • May 31: Night of the Living Dead 3D (2006) and Resurrection (2012) • May 31: Patriot Games (1992) • May 31: Planes, Trains & Automobiles (1987) • May 31: Private Parts (1997) • May 31: Reservoir Dogs (1992) • May 31: Woman Avenger (1980) • May 31: The ‘Burbs (1989) • May 31: The Big Wedding (2013) • May 31: The Constant Gardener (2005) • May 31: The Doors (1991) • May 31: The Ghostwriter (1997) • May 31: The Gift (2000) • May 31: The Letter (1940) • May 31: The Lonely Man (1957) • May 31: The People vs. George Lucas (2010) • May 31: The Puffy Chair (2005) • May 31: The Secret of NIMH (1982) • May 31: Trainwreck: My Life as an Idiot (2007) • May 31: X+Y (2014)
Jasmine Brown, 12, took these photos around the Matthews Community Farmers' Market on May 5. The market, located in downtown Matthews, is open 8 a.m. to noon Saturdays.
• May 17: Catch-22 (S:All) • May 17: Punisher: War Zone (2008) • May 17: The Punisher (2004) • May 18: Thanks for Sharing (2013) • May 20: Federal Hill (1994) • May 21: Bernie the Dolphin (2018) • May 21: Jesus’ Son (2000) • May 21: Preacher (S:3) • May 22: Tracers (2015) • May 23: Backtrace (2018) • May 23: Baywatch (S:All) • May 23: Lulu on the Bridge (2011) • May 26: Morning Glory (2011) • May 27: Broad City (S:5) • May 27: The Frozen Ground (2013) • May 28: Against the Clock (2019) • May 29: The Terror (S:1) • May 30: Angie Tribeca ( S:4)
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Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019 • Page 7B
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Page 8B • Matthews-Mint Hill Weekly • May 17, 2019
MEMORIAL DAY is a federal holiday dedicated for remembering and honoring American military members who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.
Multiple events from Thursday through Memorial Day Monday, May 27. Hosted by Hooks-Orr American Legion Post 235, Matthews. H
Novant Matthews Annual Memorial Day Ceremony (kicks off Matthew Memorial Day Weekend) OPEN TO PUBLIC - FREE
FRIDAY, MAY 24TH 11:00AM – 2:00PM
The Matthews American Legion Post 235 will put on a WWI/WWII/Vietnam/Korea war tabletop display @ Matthews Town Hall, 2nd FL, Hood Room. OPEN TO PUBLIC - FREE
Federally recognized National Poppy Day – The American Legion will be distributing red poppies throughout the community – The American Legion brought National Poppy Day® to the United States by asking Congress to designate the Friday before Memorial Day, as National Poppy Day. The red poppy is a nationally recognized symbol of sacrifice worn by Americans since World War I to honor those who served and died for our country in all wars. It reminds Americans of the sacrifices made by our veterans while protecting our freedoms. Wear a poppy to honor those who have worn our nation’s uniform. The red poppy was memorialized by the famous WWI poem, In Flanders Field…an incredibly moving poem dedicated to the war dead of WWI. Donations will be sought for American Legion veterans programs.
SATURDAY, MAY 25TH 8:00AM – 10:00AM
Free Veterans Breakfast at Matthews Masonic Lodge 184 S Trade St
SATURDAY, MAY 25TH 11:00AM - 2:00PM
WWI/WWII/Vietnam/Korea war tabletop display @ Matthews Town Hall, 2nd FL, Hood Rm. OPEN TO PUBLIC - FREE
SUNDAY, MAY 26TH 12:00PM Matthews Old Cemetery Remembrance Ceremony. OPEN TO PUBLIC - FREE
SUNDAY, MAY 26TH 11:30AM Mt Moriah Church Cemetery Remembrance Ceremony. OPEN TO PUBLIC - FREE
Memorial Day Recognition Ceremony, in Stumptown Park – annual official town of Matthews endorsed Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony – city officials involved – Matthews Elementary Teacher of the Year announced – New park veterans statue unveiling. OPEN TO PUBLIC - FREE
Thursday, May 23rd event sponsored by Novant Health, All other events sponsored by Hooks-Orr American Legion Post 235, Matthews