Union County Weekly April 12, 2019

Page 1

Munch Madness: See who made the Edible Eight • Page 3A

Arts Entertainment BROUGHT TO YOU BY

Flip to page 1B Friday, April 12, 2019 • Vol. 14 • No. 15

ABOUT US P.O. BOX 1104 Matthews, NC 28106 (704) 849-2261

CATS sees potential in light rail extension by Justin Vick justin@cmgweekly.com

justin@cmgweekly.com unioncountyweekly.com

CAMERA ROLL Scenes from South Piedmont Community College’s Union County Job Fair on April 2. Visit our Facebook page to see more. Photos courtesy of Jeff Kraftson

CHARLOTTE – The LYNX Silver Line is no longer a light rail project extending from Uptown Charlotte to Matthews. The Charlotte Area Transit System is exploring the idea of extending the project into Union and Gaston counties. Jason Lawrence, a senior planner with CATS, said during a recent Facebook Live chat that the current

recommendation for the Silver Line is a 26-mile light rail service running from Belmont to Matthews – and potentially Stallings. He cited interest from Union County communities. Stallings leaders adopted a resolution Jan. 28 supporting the extension of the LYNX Silver Line into their town. Councilwoman Lynda Paxton said during that meeting that town representatives met with CATS

CEO John Lewis in July to express interest in the Silver Line, which is slated to end at Central Piedmont Community College's Levine Campus in Matthews. That's not far from the site of a future Atrium Health hospital in Stallings. “Hopefully, if we continue to show interest in this project, we can get it extended down the corridor to Matthews-Indian Trial Road and connect it maybe with the hospital,” Paxton said.

Breaking the silence by Dante Miller

Toddler was approaching his third birthday



‘Promposal’ Dunkin’ sweetens pair’s prom experience, 2A

Students at Piedmont High School are supporting each other through Break the Silence. The club helps students share feelings they don't feel comfortable telling adults. Photos courtesy of Ashley Ford

see SILENCE, Page 2A

Orthodontist proud of his Irish heritage by Dante Miller dmiller@cmgweekly.com

Cutty wins Girls dominate events at county meet, 5A

Summer sounds Our regional outdoor concert guide, 1B

Crime reports A listing of recent crimes in the county, Online

WAXHAW – Dr. Shane Markey proudly showcases his Irish upbringing by associating a shamrock with his practice. “You can't help but smile when you see it,” Markey said. “I wanted a symbol that can link me as a man who's Irish and families here that have an Irish heritage. It's the perfect emblem to be recognized.” Markey would often visit family members who lived in New York and fell in love with kinship America had. He sold his successful practice of nine years in the United Kingdom to live in the States, despite having to apply for his dentistry degree again. Markey said it took a year to build Three Leaf Orthodontics from the ground up to ensure the design of the office was to his liking. Patients are treated in an open area with other patients beside them. Markey said having an open bay is a traditional orthodontal setup, which is based on the idea of behavior modeling. “If you have a child or a teen adjust to each other, it becomes less about having a procedure or treatment but more of the social aspect of seeing another person's ease,”

Dr. Shane Markey created the slogan “making friends, creating smiles” for his practice, Three Leaf Orthodontics, in Waxhaw. Dante Miller/UCW photo

Markey said. “Their behavior is comfortable and calm. That's why we have a five-chair bay.” Patients can talk and laugh with one another. Markey says many of his patients are classmates, friends or neighbors. “This is a family-orientated area,” he said. “I'm literally in the middle of all these schools and parents find that see ORTHO, Page 2A

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see EXTENSION, Page 2A

Father faces murder charge

Piedmont student reaches out after suicide attempt

MONROE – After attempting to take her life, Piedmont High School senior Micah Fagala realized she couldn't have been the only student consumed with depression and anxiety. Fagala's sophomore year was hectic. She became overwhelmed with juggling her personal life, school and volleyball. “During that time, I felt alone,” Fagala said. “I was closed off from my family and distant from my friends. My depression consumed me, and I wanted everything to stop.” After her suicide attempt, she had an epiphany in the hospital. She started reaching out to her peers and listening to their stories. In December 2018, she talked to her mother about an idea for a new club, where teens can talk to their peers about anxiety, depression and suicide. Her mother thought it was a great idea. She later went to school officials to start Break the Silence. With the guidance of school counselors and club sponsors, the student-led club aims to eliminate the stigmas surrounding mental health. Members educate their peers and faculty on detecting suicide warning signs and how to recognize when a student is going through depression or anxiety.

Councilwoman Shawna Steele called support of the resolution “a no-brainer.” When asked in the Facebook Live chat what Union County has to do to be included in the Silver Line, Lawrence replied that towns have already approached CATS about working together. The Metropolitan Transit Commission, which oversees CATS,



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INDIAN TRAIL – The Union County Sheriff’s Office arrested a man on murder charges after a preliminary autopsy determined his 2-yearold son died from blunt force trauma. Louis-Charles Gilbert Chenier was staying with his father, Alden John Whitehead, over the Whitehead weekend, but when his mother came to pick Louis up, she found him unresponsive on the bedroom floor, according to the sheriff’s office. Whitehead was in another part of the house at the time when she found the boy, the sheriff’s office said. The mother called 911 at 12:42 p.m. April 7. Emergency personnel responded to the call, but Louis had already died. The sheriff’s office arrived to the home in the 5900 block of Senconee Drive with crime scene investigators and detectives. Details were limited until the next day. That’s when the sheriff’s office arrested Whitehead, 30, on charges of first-degree murder and child abuse inflicting serious injury. News of the boy’s death evoked feelings of sorrow and anger in the community. “I’ve seen horrible things in my life working in the medical field, but I will never understand this,” Chera Hamilton wrote on the sheriff’s office’s Facebook wall. “Pray for all whom loves this sweet baby.” Some people expressed outrage at Whitehead, while others came to the father’s defense. David Cashion mentioned how Whitehead couldn’t bring himself to kill a dog that killed his favorite pet. Brittany Butler posted that she trusted Whitehead with her child. “He has always been a very loving father I can say first hand,” Butler said. “There has to be more to this story and I know he loved his kids a lot so I wish everyone could just wait and see more to the story.” Whitehead is in Union County Jail with no bond. His next court date is May 7.

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Page 2A • Union County Weekly • April 12, 2019


IN THE KNOW PHOTO OF THE WEEK STAY CONNECTED • Instagram: @ucweekly • Twitter: @UCweekly • Like us on Facebook • Web: www.unioncounty weekly,com • E-edition: issuu.com/car olinaweeklynewspapers

PRESIDENT Jonathan McElvy

Students had the chance to thank a teacher that had a profound impact on their lives. Photo courtesy of Union County Education Foundation

PUBLISHER Adrian Garson

County education foundation holds Sweet Salute

CONTACT US Joseph Michelini, a student at Cutherbertson High, caught Dunkin’s attention after his“promposal” to girlfriend, Maite Figuroa, on its street-side letter board. A Dunkin’ enthusiast from age 2, he convinced the store crew to post “Will You Go to Prom with Me, Maite?” on their sign. She said yes. Dunkin’ surprised the couple and their friends with a pre-party, followed by transportation in a limousine shuttle stocked with Dunkin’s signature coffee and espresso drinks, donut bouquets and swag. Photo courtesy of Drew Porcello

MOST POPULAR STORIES • Monroe Middle students honor classmate at 5K • Republicans state their case to voters • Retooled Cardinals riding 32-game win streak • Resourcefulness among event planner's strengths • Pilates studio offers compassion to breast cancer patients

TWEETS OF THE WEEK • “Lancaster and Waxhaw women respond to Nebraska flooding. Paulette Fernekees and Melanie Braunius from the Southern Piedmont Chapter spent the past 2 weeks supporting disaster relief efforts after extensive flooding devastated the area. They provided meals to families in need.” – American Red Cross Greater Carolinas Region‫@( ‏‬ GCRRedCross)


BUSINESS MANAGER Rebecca Jensen MANAGING EDITOR Justin Vick justin@cmgweekly.com NEWS EDITOR Karie Simmons karie@cmgweekly.com SPORTS EDITOR Andrew Stark andrew@cmgweekly.com CONTENT PRODUCERS Paul Nielsen paul@cmgweekly.com Dante Miller dmiller@cmgweekly.com ART DIRECTOR Kylie Sark art@cmgweekly.com ADVERTISING adsales@cmgweekly.com

• April 10: Summer Camps No. 6

MONROE – The Union County Education Foundation will hold the fifth annual Sweet Salute celebration to recognize the recipients of their senior scholarship. Students were required to write an essay about an influential UCPS teacher and recipients of the scholarship create a surprise video tribute to the teacher. The event is the grand reveal of these videos. A panel of judges will choose the top three students who they think had the most creative and sentimental video and award them additional money. The free event will be held May 16 at the Wingate University Batte Center. The reception will start at 6:30 p.m. and the videos debut at 7 p.m. Guests can indulge in light appetizers, desserts and a candy bar. Register at www.ucedfoundation.org by May 14. Seats are limited to 165 guests.

Black Lives Matter co-founder coming to Wingate University

(continued from page 1A)

to start on the design work, which would lead to an environmental document. Once that's obtained, it would need local, state and federal funding. He said CATS will begin public outreach as it looks at potential light rail stations along the Silver Line. approved GTheI resolution E S G R Oby UStallings P notes that serving three counties could enable the project to become eligible for increased funding opportunities.


approved the idea in February of exploring options to extend the Silver Line into Stallings. CATS has also been awarded a federal grant to look atStheTtransit-oriented R A T E development potential from Indian Trail to Gastonia, Lawrence said. Lawrence said the goal was to complete the project by 2030, but CATS would need



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Dunkin’ opens in Indian Trail with next-generation design INDIAN TRAIL – Dunkin’ will open its new restaurant at 6405 Old Monroe Road, featuring the brand’s next-generation design, with a modern atmosphere and innovative technologies, including a drive-thru exclusively for mobile ordering. To celebrate the opening and franchisee George Ross’ 51st store, the restaurant will host a grand opening event April 12. Doors open at 5 a.m. to award free coffee for a year to the first five customers in line, $20 gift cards for the next 46, and free samples of Nitro from the innovative new tap system and Dunkin’ swag to all. Beginning at 6 a.m. KISS 95.1’s “MRL Morning Show” will broadcast live. Festivities include appearances by Dunkin’ mascots and a ribbon cutting at 8 a.m. with Mayor Michael Alvarez.

WINGATE – One of three founders of Black Lives Matter, Opal Tometi will bring her mes-

Want more? Visit www.unioncountyweekly. com for extra news briefs.


Twenty students, however, did take their mental illness seriously by attending the first club meeting to Fagala's surprise. The number of people who attend varies. Thirteen students attended the most recent meeting. Walker knows of a few other schools with similar clubs, but she hopes Piedmont's Break the Silence will serve as a model for other schools to follow. “There's a huge need for clubs like this,” Walker said. “Some students can't afford a therapist – with or without insurance, it's expensive. These students are experiencing anxiety, trauma and depression. For years we have operated with few social workers. We do have a counselor in each building, and we do have a mental health therapist that has increased since I've been here but more needs to be done.” More than 200 UCPS staff members will receive specific training in suicide intervention protocols by the end of the school year. In the future, Walker hopes to find a way to focus on helping parents who have children with a mental illness. Fagala is excited to see how the club evolves. She knows it will be in good hands once she graduates. As for now, Fagala is looking forward to prom.

(continued from page 1A)


sage of activism to Wingate University during a question-and-answer session hosted by WBTV's Dedrick Russell. The free event starts at 7 p.m. April 23 in the Batte Center’s McGee Theatre. Tometi is the executive director of the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, a nonprofit founded in 2006 to help African American and black immigrant communities combat immigration bills being considered in Congress. Tometi is best known for her role with BLM, which was sparked by the February 2012 fatal shooting of unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin and the subsequent acquittal of his shooter. What began as a #BlackLivesMatter online campaign has grown into a member-led network of more than 40 chapters.

“If there's a video, I'll watch it first to see if it's appropriate for the students to watch. After that, it's all on them,” math teacher and club supervisor Allison Behr said. “They lead and run the entire discussion.” Despite knowing her family would have listened and provided support during her depression, Fagala didn't feel comfortable talking to her parents. Her mother is a school nurse. Belle Walker, lead school social worker for Union County, said this is all too common for teens. “Teens talk to teens,” Walker said. “Teenagers usually don't go to their parents or teachers when it comes to how they feel, especially since there's such a stigma surrounding mental illnesses.” Fagala said people don't take mental illness seriously. “If I had a broken arm, I would have to go to the hospital and put on a cast so that I can get better,” Fagala said. “It's the same with mental illness, but because it's something that people can't see, they don't take it as serious.”

ORTHO (continued from page 1A)

incredibly convenient.” Currently, Three Leaf Orthodontics has only two team members in addition to Markey. By the summer, that number will grow. “During that time, that's when everyone wants their child to have braces and the time for adults to start braces,” he said. “The nice thing about having an office of this nature when you're up and coming is you will employ somewhere around 10 to 15 local people. So it's nice to know you created another 10 to 15 local jobs.” Patients of Three Leaf Orthodontics can expect services such as braces, Invisalign and retainers. Patients can even witness 3D Xrays to look at the entire skull. The practice serves patients for every age group. “We have a late 70-year-old who is taking Invisalign,” Markey said. “They're young and sprightly, they're still out and about in the

Dante Miller/UCW photo

community, and they want to look good.” Markey's primary goal is to make sure every one of his patients feel as comfortable, happy and at home as he does. “I've dropped anchor,” he said. “I call it home.” Want to go? Three Leaf Orthodontics is located at 8412 New Town Road, Waxhaw. Visit www. threeleafortho.com or call 704-727-6868.

Union County Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 3A

First Round

Thirsty 32

March 22 to 26

March 29 to April 2

Sweet 16 Edible Eight Final Fork April 5 to 9

April 12 to 16


April 19 to 23

Final Fork Edible Eight Sweet 16

April 26 to 30

April 19 to 23

April 12 to 16

April 5 to 9

Munch Madness

1 Provisions Waxhaw 1 Provisions Waxhaw

16 Broome Street Burgers

Road to the

1 Provisions Waxhaw

8 Fox’s Pizza Den 8 Fox’s Pizza Den 5 Stacks Kitchen 5 Stacks Kitchen 12 Ice Cream and Pizza Works 4 Black Chicken

5 Stacks Kitchen 13 Queens South Bar & Grill

13 Queens South Bar & Grill

5 Poppy Seeds Bagels


7 Emmet’s Social Table

11 Mama’s Pizza & Pasta

7 Emmet’s Social Table

10 South Main Street Barbeque

13 New Asia Market 6 Phat Daddy’s Cafe 11 Mama’s Pizza & Pasta

3 Carnitas Mexican 3 Carnitas Mexican Guanajuato Guanajuato 14 Ararat 17 7 Mario’s Italian Restaurant

2 Moochie’s Tavern

7 Emmet’s Social Table

2 Maxwell’s Tavern

4 Hickory Tavern

11 Mama’s Pizza & Pasta

11 Mama’s Pizza & Pasta

5 Poppy Seeds Bagels 12 Lucy’s Bake and Deli

4 Hickory Tavern

3 Mary O’Neill’s 7 Emmet’s Social Table

8 Saveeda’s American Bistro 9 Sabor Latin Street Grill

5 Poppy Seeds Bagels

3 Mary O’Neill’s

1 Athens Pizza 16 Brooklyn Pizza Parlor

16 Brooklyn Pizza Parlor

3 Mary O’Neill’s Irish Pub 14 701 Main Restaurant

March 22 to 26

16 Brooklyn Pizza Parlor

11 Rippington’s 11 Rippington’s

March 29 to April 2

8 Saveeda’s American Bistro


6 El Vallarta Mex Express

First Round

16 Brooklyn Pizza Parlor

Final Fork

5 Stacks Kitchen

9 Bistro D’Antonio

Thirsty 32

7 Mario’s Italian Restaurant 10 The Steak ‘n Hoagie Shop 2 Moochie’s Tavern

2 Maxwell’s Tavern

2 Moochie’s Tavern

15 GRITS Home Cookin’

15 Fresh Chef Restaurant

Champion 1 Fox’s Alley 1 Fox’s Alley Bowling Bar & Grill Bowling Bar & Grill 16 Little Country Kitchen

1 The Trail House 1 The Trail House 16 El Cafetal

1 The Trail House

8 Your GG’s Kitchen

8 Spiro’s Hilltop 8 Spiro’s Hilltop 8 Spiro’s Hilltop

8 Your GG’s Kitchen 4 The Smoke Pit

1 The Trail House

9 Cactus Rose Cafe 5 Sileo’s NY Deli

9 El Vallarta 12 Jefferson Street Deli

5 Sileo’s NY Deli 5 Sileo’s NY Deli

12 Sun Valley Cafe 4 Grapes Wine Bar

4 The Smoke Pit

6 Mia Famiglia

11 Omega Coney Island

11 Omega Coney Island

2 The Bridge Restaurant

14 Athenian Grill 7 Juke Box Deli and Pub 10 Sabor 2 The Bridge Restaurant


2 The Bridge Restaurant 2 The Bridge Restaurant

15 NY Pizza & Pasta

No need to fill out the entire bracket. Each week, we'll collect votes for each round until a winner emerges. There are two ways to vote: 1. Email your round favorites to justin@cmgweekly. com. 2. Find photos of each bracket on Facebook or Instagram and leave a comment with who you want to win.

Who got snubbed? Would you like to file a formal complaint to the Munch Madness: Road to the Final Fork selection committee? Email justin@cmgweekly.com why your favorite restaurant deserved to be on the list or receive a higher seed and we may print responses. Remember, there is no crying in competitive food.

Hear better, FEEL better

My favorite appointment is the “one week followup”. A patient has decided to move forward with hearing aids, has worn them for one week, and now it is time for them to come back to me with their feedback for improvements. They tell me about the new sounds and conversations they heard clearly, but they also tell me how much better they FEEL. Their listening effort is lowered and their stress is down. They feel more included in conversations and that makes them happier.

This result is only possible because their needs were heard. Great patient care starts by listening, and everyone’s story is unique. Do you want to feel more included in conversations over lunch? Do you want to hang out on

11 Hathaway’s Chicken N Biscuits

11 Hathaway’s Chicken N Biscuits

How to vote

14 Athenian Grill

10 Sabor Latin Street Grill

4 The Smoke Pit 13 Red Bowl

Indian Trail 14 Athenian Grill

3 Hickory Tavern

12 Jefferson Street Deli 4 The Smoke Pit

4 Grapes Wine Bar 13 Chokh Di Noodle House

5 Franklin Court Grille

6 Oasis Sandwich Shop 11 Hathaway’s Chicken N Biscuits 3 Pig-n-Vittles

3 Pig-n-Vittles 14 Sea Hut

2 Stone Table

Visit the Union County Weekly Facebook to cast your vote

7 The Grumpy Monk 7 The Grumpy Monk 10 Crossroads Grille

2 Stone Table

2 Stone Table 2 Stone Table 15 Duke’s Grill

You can also check us out on Instagram @ucweekly

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @ucweekly


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Page 4A • Union County Weekly • April 12, 2019

March 2019

Editor’s note: Information provided by the Charlotte Regional Realtor Association and www.sales.carolinahome.com

Home Sales DATE SOLD



28079 Annandale 2003 Sedgewick Road 29-Mar 7025 Sedgewick Road 12-Mar Anniston Grove 1117 Anniston Place 6-Mar

$439,000 $297,610 $536,000

Arbor Glen 4006 Edgeview Drive 25-Mar 3104 Hunters Trail Drive 15-Mar

$235,000 $245,000

Ashe Croft 4017 Brookforest Lane 25-Mar


Beacon Hills 8006 Marcus Lane 22-Mar 7802 Red Lantern Road 18-Mar Bent Creek 2026 Makin Drive


Bonterra 7016 Ladys Secret Drive 29-Mar 8007 Ladys Secret Dr. 29-Mar 1300 Thessallian Lane 28-Mar 1208 Thessallian Lane 27-Mar 3002 Filly Drive 25-Mar 1039 Preakness Blvd. 8-Mar Braefield 3615 Braefield Drive


Brandon Oaks 4262 Canewood Lane 28-Mar 1019 Spanish Moss Rd. 28-Mar 2025 Currier Place 6-Mar 1004 Hollingdale Court 1-Mar Bridgemoor 6520 Bridgemoor Drive 28-Mar 6553 Bridgemoor Drive 26-Mar 6512 Bridgemoor Drive 25-Mar

$179,000 $202,000 $265,000 $275,000 $266,000 $325,000 $322,859 $286,000 $247,000 $191,000 $269,000 $287,000 $336,500 $305,000 $500,000 $441,000 $453,000

Brookstone Village 3414 Brooktree Lane 27-Mar


Colton Ridge 1001 Talbot Court 5-Mar


Country Woods East 2201 Redwood Drive 27-Mar 2292 Redwood Drive 21-Mar 2003 Redwood Drive 15-Mar Crismark 3014 Early Rise Ave. 6010 Fine Robe Drive

29-Mar 11-Mar

Fieldstone Farm 006 Farm Pond Road 22-Mar 6006 Farm Pond Road 20-Mar 1037 Blue Stream Lane 4-Mar

$240,000 $296,500 $225,000 $268,000 $318,500 $264,900 $264,000 $268,000

Glendalough 2256 Balting Glass Drive 20-Mar $327,000 4524 Oconnell St. 7-Mar $325,000 Lake Park 6617 Bobbie Lane 3605 Bessant St. 7607 Taft Place 7515 Conifer Circle Ridgefield 303 Plyler Road Satterfield 101 Avaclaire Way

28-Mar 20-Mar 11-Mar 1-Mar 19-Mar 7-Mar

$279,900 $324,500 $305,000 $273,000 $275,000 $342,000




Shiloh Trace 2303 Catoctin Hollow Ct. 6-Mar


Tallwood Estates II 9808 Thornridge Drive 12-Mar Taylor Glenn 1019 Coulwood Lane 25-Mar 3001 Semmes Lane 21-Mar 1007 Stevens Pride Ct. 21-Mar 3008 Semmes Lane 15-Mar 1005 Stevens Pride Ct. 8-Mar 5007 Magna Lane 5-Mar 1004 Stevens Pride Ct. 1-Mar




Hidden Valley 3107 Twelve Mile Creek Road 15-Mar



Highgate 3050 Kings Manor Drive 29-Mar


$295,000 $244,900 $310,000 $278,000 $290,000 $325,000 $298,000

Hunley Creek 3016 Mill Stream Court 14-Mar


The Arbors at Blanchard Farms 1009 Arbor Hills Drive 7-Mar $375,000 The Enclaves at Crismark 1120 Kinder Oak Drive 28-Mar $395,000 8000 Tremont Drive 15-Mar $384,000 Union Grove 2002 Kemp Road 22-Mar 1041 Paddington Drive 15-Mar

$299,900 $315,000

Wadsworth 1011 Wadsworth Lane 7-Mar




609 Belle Meade Court 26-Mar

Lake Forest Preserve 1011 Lake Forest Drive 28-Mar Lake Providence 8008 Lake Providence Drive 15-Mar


Providence Place 7158 Forest Ridge Road 28-Mar


Red Barn Trail 309 Red Barn Trail 21-Mar



Shannamara 4604 Shannamara Drive 27-Mar $438,000 Vintage Creek 509 Vintage Creek Drive 29-Mar 116 Vintage Creek Drive 15-Mar

$560,000 $710,000

Walden Austin Village 2054 Laney Pond Drive 29-Mar 2042 Laney Pond Drive 21-Mar 2018 Laney Pond Road 12-Mar

$335,054 $319,001 $349,452



Millbridge 3019 Hamilton Mill Drive 29-Mar 1029 Brunswick Way 29-Mar 3009 Shadowbrook Way 29-Mar 5077 Oakmere Road 28-Mar 1024 Pebble Brook Circle 27-Mar 2018 Lily Pond Circle 26-Mar 1309 Ridge Haven Road 25-Mar 2685 Creekview Drive 22-Mar 3005 Shadowbrook Dr. 22-Mar 1520 Ridge Haven Road 19-Mar 3117 Bridgewick Road 19-Mar 7049 Hamilton Mill Dr. 13-Mar 3022 Fallondale Road 12-Mar 1028 Brunswick Way 11-Mar 1007 Hudson Mill Drive 7-Mar 3010 Burton Point Court 4-Mar 4019 Hamilton Mill Drive 1-Mar

$363,999 $387,045 $422,500 $513,655 $374,000 $345,000 $320,000 $290,000 $265,000 $377,000 $375,535 $332,776 $350,864

New Towne Village 4900 Sandtyn Drive 21-Mar


Oak Grove Estates 5134 Oak Grove Place 25-Mar


Oak Hill Plantation 1620 Chamberwood Ct. 22-Mar


Oldstone Forest 6026 Stonepath Lane 25-Mar

$540,000 $854,537

$374,000 $379,900 $417,975 $299,900

Williams Subdivision 201 Williams Rescue Rd. 25-Mar 28104 Antioch Woods 1004 Antioch Woods Dr. 1-Mar


Beulah Oaks 4816 Beulah Church Rd. 5-Mar

Weddington Heritage 4039 Ancestry Circle 1-Mar



Willow Oaks 1213 Willow Oaks Trail 21-Mar

Providence Downs 1505 Alydar Court 11-Mar



Woodbridge 4207 Lawrence Daniel Drive 18-Mar $274,900 4204 Lawrence Daniel Drive 7-Mar $268,900 28173 AeroPlantation 634 Baron Road 28-Mar $839,900

Providence Downs South 2027 Connonade Drive 6-Mar $1,100,000

Brookhaven 2002 Viscount Drive 29-Mar 7003 Camrose Crossing Lane 27-Mar



Buckingham 2071 Westminster Lane 18-Mar $240,000 2118 Westminster Lane 7-Mar $240,000 Callonwood 1208 Woodglen Lane 908 Putney Court

30-Mar 22-Mar

$302,000 $421,000

Carmona Woods 856 Carmona Court 21-Mar


Eaglecrest 307 Hawksnest Court 22-Mar


Emerald Lake 2602 Flagstick Drive 21-Mar 6119 Four Wood Drive 8-Mar 4015 Amen Court 1-Mar

$460,000 $410,000 $470,000

Enchanted Forest 4025 Wonderland Drive 20-Mar


Fairfield Plantation 6693 Stoney Ridge Rd. 8-Mar 7200 Lake Drive 4-Mar

$239,000 $199,990

Ashton Manor 9501 Ashton Manor Way 1-Mar Barrington 2705 Twinberry Lane 2312 River Oaks Drive 8429 Fairgreen Ave.

22-Mar 21-Mar 5-Mar

Brantley Oaks 2311 Winding Oaks Trail 19-Mar

$195,000 $395,000 $450,000


Briarcrest 2111 Willowcrest Drive 22-Mar 1800 Robbins Meadows Drive 8-Mar


Cane Pointe 6911 Nesbit Road




Canterfield Creek 9206 Belmont Lane 8-Mar 9214 Belmont Lane 5-Mar

$505,000 $630,000

$315,500 $261,000

Champion Forest 1310 Dobson Drive 27-Mar 1213 Waynewood Drive 6-Mar

$525,000 $590,000



Conservancy at Waxhaw Creek 6124 Hawk View Road 29-Mar $290,000



Copper Run 1529 Springfield Drive 29-Mar 2113 Saddleridge Drive 7-Mar 1068 Crofton Drive 6-Mar

$416,000 $463,000 $435,000

Greenbrier 1609 Allegheny Way 26-Mar 1816 Tendril Ave. 25-Mar 1326 Brooksland Place 25-Mar

$323,990 $340,000 $396,922

Harrington Hall 2810 Harrington Place 8-Mar


Harrison Park 1901 Dunsmore Lane 26-Mar


Heathwood 10321 Rutledge Court 7-Mar


Hillcrest 609 Jackson Ave. 333 Anne Ave.

$164,000 $60,000

Fairhaven 1220 Tranquil Falls Lane 21-Mar 1521 Sunflower Field Place 19-Mar 1836 Yellow Daisy Drive 7-Mar Forest Park 102 Pinetree Drive Hadley Park 4005 Pinehill Lane


22-Mar 15-Mar

Hutner Oaks 604 Birchwood Drive 7-Mar


Ladera 1012 Ladera Drive



Lael Plantation 7706 Davis Road 20-Mar


Lawson 1629 Great Road 28-Mar 1221 Screech Owl Road 22-Mar 1509 Prickly Lane 15-Mar 1524 Prickly Lane 14-Mar

$429,000 $385,000 $752,000 $622,500

Longview 312 Montrose Drive 29-Mar 8520 Longview Club Dr. 27-Mar

$985,000 $1,535,000

Providence Estates 3704 Banyan Way 12-Mar


Providence Grove 8128 Calistoga Lane 29-Mar 8212 Brisbin Drive 25-Mar 8117 Acacia Court 15-Mar

$385,000 $374,000 $305,000

Providence Ridge 8821 Nellie Lane 4-Mar


Shannon Vista 5513 Marchetti Drive 25-Mar 5723 Verrazano Drive 7-Mar

$365,000 $309,000

Silver Creek 5607 Silver Creek Drive 27-Mar


Somerset 215 Alnwick Lane 8506 Chilcomb Court 8517 Chatsworth Lane 9102 Dartington Lane

29-Mar 14-Mar 13-Mar 4-Mar

$355,800 $475,000 $435,000 $330,000

Southern Estates 712 Linda Kay Drive 28-Mar 4721 Linda Kay Drive 22-Mar

$358,000 $155,000

Steeple Chase 180 Valley Glen Drive 25-Mar


The Courtyards at Wesley Chapel 1613 Traditions Court 21-Mar $436,175 2102 Epworth Court 8-Mar $439,595 The Highlands at Greenbrier 1024 Brooksland Place 1-Mar $295,325 The Oaks on Providence 7802 Spanish Oaks Dr. 8-Mar $277,000 The Reserve 9619 Belloak Lane 29-Mar 9702 Royal Colony Drive 21-Mar

$399,900 $425,000

Therrell Farms 8208 Wingard Road 1-Mar


Triple C Mini Ranches 9308 Mcelroy Road 7-Mar


Tuscany 1903 Madeira Circle



Weddington Chase 7907 Rockland Trail 29-Mar


Weddington Estates 212 Larkfield Drive 29-Mar


Weddington Trace 7713 Yellowhorn Trail 27-Mar


Wesley Oaks 507 Springwood Drive 13-Mar 705 Palmerston Lane 7-Mar

$368,900 $445,000

Wesley Springs 1112 Woodwinds Drive 11-Mar


Woodhall 9215 Woodhall Lake Dr. 22-Mar


Wyndmoor 104 Mcneil Court




Outstanding Capital Credit Checks Union Power Cooperative is a not-for-profit member-owned cooperative, which provides electricity and energy-related services to more than 77,000 member accounts throughout Union, Stanly, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, and Rowan counties. Incorporated in 1939, Union Power Cooperative policies are governed by a member-elected board of directors. The foundation of our cooperative policy is based on principles adopted by the International Cooperative Alliance in 1995. One such principle is “Members’ Economic Participation”. This is displayed each year, when any margins (revenues in excess of expenses) generated by the cooperative are allocated to its members as capital credits where they are held in an account in their name. The margins are then reinvested for capital expansion, system improvements and ongoing operations and maintenance activities. This reduces the amount of money being borrowed, which helps keep rates as low as possible. Once the Cooperative has met its financial requirements, and after a period of time, capital credits are retired (paid), representing the return of member-furnished capital. In 2018, Union Power Cooperative retired approximately $3.5 million in capital credits. Capital credits are issued in the form of a check and mailed. Each year, many checks are marked undeliverable and returned by the U.S. Postal Service. To determine if your check was returned as undeliverable, visit union-power.com/capitalcredits, click on the Unclaimed Capital Credits link. If your name is listed, contact customer service at 704-289-3145 or 1-800-922-6840 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. It is the duty of Union Power Cooperative to return all capital credit checks that remain unclaimed by the rightful owners to the State of North Carolina (or the state of last known address, if different). This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Union County Weekly - Outstanding Capital Credits Ad.indd 1

3/1/2019 2:27:01 PM

Union County Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 5A

Warrior boys, Cavs girls dominate county championship

Cuthbertson (top) cleaned up with 17 combined titles at the Union County Track and Field Championships. Trevor Grant (below) won the long jump and triple jump. Photos courtesy of Cuthbertson athletics

WAXHAW – The Cuthbertson girls and Weddington boys ran away with the team titles at the Union County track and field championships April 4 at Cuthbertson. The Cuthbertson girls were sensational, winning 13 of the 18 events while the Warriors cleaned up eight titles and the host Cavs placed second with four. Below are all county winners grouped by school: Girls • Cuthbertson: (13 titles) Anyha Goode, (100 and 200 meters); Mackenzie Townsend, (400 meters); Kaitlyn St. Hilaire, (3,200); Netanya Linares, (100 hurdles, high jump, pole vault and long jump); Jade McLain (triple jump); Kaleigh Million (discus); 4x100 relay (Goode, Addison Benz, Kailyn Hayes and Trista Taylor; 4x200 (Goode, Benze, Dahlia Cutler and Townsend); 4x400 (Presley Worf, Angelina

Mangiapanella, Alanna Churchill and Celine Kirchner) • Weddington: (three) Sarah Bechtel,( 800 and 1,600); 4x800 (Sydney Burke, Anna Davis, Anna Ritter and Emma Jones) • Forest Hills: (two) Trinity Gatewood, (300 hurdles); Anna Starnes, (shot put) Boys • Weddington: (eight) Emerson Douds, (100, 200 and 400 meters); Kyle Durham (800 and 1,600 meters); Alec Mock (shot put and discus); 4x800 (Wesley Durham Larson, Stephen Larson, Chase Barajas and Jake Toomey) • Cuthbertson: (four) Trevor Grant (long jump and triple jump); 4x200 (Bradon Black, Ashton Spangler, Aidan McNally and Ryan Kobziak); 4x400 (Trevor Townsend, Aaron Zimmerman, Brandon Moore and Jaelin Goode); • Monroe: (two) Joshua Marsh (110 and 300 hurdles) • Union Academy: (one) Daniel Hasty,

(triple jump) • Parkwood: (one) Marcus Hesske, (pole vault) • Piedmont: (one) John Ciprich, (3,200 meters) • Sun Valley: (one) 4x100 (Decue Wilson, Cameron Maddox, Jalen Bethune, Jalen and Isaiah Hall) Meanwhile, Marvin Ridge and Metrolina Christian represented the county at the Queen City Relays, which took place April 6 at Myers Park High School. Marvin Ridge’s Caroline Blanton won the 3,200, and Emma Stone took first in the pole vault while the girls distance medley relay took second. The boys earned first-place finishes from Ethan Basinger (pole vault) and Quinn Cokley (high jump). In addition, the Mavs team of Jason Blizzard, Jackson Colling, Connor Gross and Gunner Hogston won the distance medley relay while the 4x400 relay team took second. Metrolina Christian’s Lance Penegar won the shot put and was fourth in the discus.

SPORTS BRIEFS Impressive stretch going for Mavs softball with the purchase of a Bundtlet

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WAXHAW – Marvin Ridge is riding a seven-game win streak, as well as a three-game shutout streak where they’ve outscored their opponents 25-0. The streak began on March 29 at Parkwood when senior star Gabby Baylog tossed a five-hit shutout that included 10 strikeouts to just one walk in the 5-0 win. Baylog Baylog was again terrific April 3, posting a complete game five-hit shutout that featured six strikeouts. She tossed a five-inning no hitter, striking out nine while walking just one, in an 18-0 win over Weddington. Baylog, who has signed with Coastal Carolina, has been dominant all year. She is 9-2 this season with a 0.68 ERA. In 72 innings, she has struck out 117 batters and in her last nine starts, Baylog has allowed a total of four earned runs. The Mavs are 9-2 overall atop the Southern Carolinas Conference with a 7-1 mark.

After winning streak, Pirate softball now stumbling


McKeehan had a big hand in the Warriors winning the final two of a three-game series with Marvin Ridge last week. The Air Force commit struck out seven over five innings of work on the mound to get a win, and was 6-for-9 at the plate. Weddington is tied with Cuthbertson atop the SCC. Are you a coach and know an incredible athlete you’d like us to feature? email us at Andrew@cmgweekly.com

INDIAN TRAIL – The Porter Ridge softball team caught fire after sneaking out an 8-7 nine-inning affair in mid-March and went on to win six straight against some of the Southwestern 4A bottom-feeders. Since then, the Pirates have dropped two of three and fallen to a tied for second place with Hickory Ridge as the two set to close the regular seeding April 18 in a game that will decide second place in the conference and playoff seeding for the upcoming NCHSAA tournament. The mini-slide began March 28 when the Pirates lost 8-7 to Hickory Ridge. Porter Ridge banged out 15 hits and got three each from Hailey Jernigan, Lauren Love, Jessica Benckert and Kenlynn Walker. On April 3, the Pirates bounced back with a 4-3 win over Butler, but squandered a 3-0 lead in a 9-3 loss to conference-leading Independence the following night.

Parkwood softball heating up, scoring runs MONROE – The Parkwood softball team has won six of their past seven games while averaging well over eight runs per game to climb back into the Southern Carolinas standings.

In their most recent win April 4, the Rebels got two hits apiece from Hailey Simpson and Avery Bellai, but could not muster any more offense in the game. Still, they found a way to take advantage of four Piedmont errors and beat the Panthers 4-2. Freshman pitcher Jillian Thomas scattered seven hits across seven innings, but didn’t walk anyone and struck out four to earn the win. The Panthers have rotated some with Thomas, Anna Laney, Grace Crocker and Serena Yalich all seeing time in the circle. It’s been the same at the plate with big bats Amber Parker, Sarah Harkins, Jenna Whelan and Natalie Ruth putting up some of the team’s bigger numbers.

Piedmont baseball takes two of three from Rebels MONROE – The Piedmont baseball team pulled out the series win over Parkwood after defeating the Rebels 8-2 in the rubber match April 4. The Panthers opened the series with a come-from-behind walkoff win after they scored two in the bottom of the seventh to win 5-4. Colby Lamm, Chad Sikes, Dominic Ciccone, Tyler Wiley and Carter DuHaime drove in runs for Piedmont. Aidan Specht tossed three innings of scoreless relief to get the win. Josh Rodriguez, Austin Laney and Carson Davis all drove in runs while Jesse Harkey scored twice for Parkwood. The next day, the Rebels defeated Piedmont, 10-0. Harkey drove in three, Austin Burns had a pair of hits and Andrei Beal drove in two and tossed a complete game six-hit shutout with seven strikeouts for the Rebels. In the rubber match, DuHaime went 2-for-3 with four RBIs. Lamm and Blake Smith combined on a one-hitter.

Golfers qualify for Siler City invitational SILER CITY – Several area golfers advanced to the Jimmy Anderson Boys' Invitational based on performances at the qualifer held April 6 at Siler City Country Club. Union County residents advancing include Caleb Surratt (Indian Trail), Nicholas Song (Waxhaw), Karsten Shields (Monroe), Luke Cashion (Waxhaw) and Christopher Poor (Marvin). The Jimmy Anderson Boys' Invitational takes place April 13 to 14 at the Jacksonville Country Club in Jacksonville.

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Page 6A • Union County Weekly • April 12, 2019

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Offers available in AR, CT, DC, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, NJ, NY, SC, TX and VA. Portfolio by Wells Fargo® customers are eligible to receive an additional bonus interest rate on these accounts.3 1. To qualify for this offer, you must have a new or existing Platinum Savings account and enroll the account in this offer between 03/25/2019 and 05/31/2019. This offer is subject to change at any time, without notice. This offer is available only to Platinum Savings customers in the following states: AR, CT, DC, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, NJ, NY, SC, TX and VA. In order to earn the Special Interest Rate of 2.08% (Special Rate), you must deposit $25,000 in new money (from sources outside of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., or its affiliates) to the enrolled savings account and maintain a minimum daily account balance of $25,000 throughout the term of this offer. The corresponding Annual Percentage Yield (APY) for this offer is 2.10%. The Special Rate will be applied to the enrolled savings account for a period of 12 months, starting on the date the account is enrolled in the offer. However, for any day during that 12 month period that the daily account balance is less than the $25,000 minimum, the Special Rate will not apply, and the interest rate will revert to the standard interest rate applicable to your Platinum Savings account. As of 02/15/2019, the standard interest rate and APY for a Platinum Savings account in AR, CT, DC, FL, GA, MD, MS, NC, NJ, NY, SC, TX and VA with an account balance of $0.01 and above is 0.05% (0.05% APY). Each tier shown reflects the current minimum daily collected balance required to obtain the applicable APY. Interest is compounded daily and paid monthly. The amount of interest earned is based on the daily collected balances in the account. Upon the expiration of the 12 month promotional period, standard interest rates apply. Minimum to open a Platinum Savings account is $25. A monthly service fee of $12 applies in any month the account falls below a $3,500 minimum daily balance. Fees may reduce earnings. Interest rates are variable and subject to change without notice. Wells Fargo may limit the amount you deposit to a Platinum Savings account to an aggregate of $1 million. Offer not available to Private Banking or Wealth customers. 2. Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is effective for accounts opened between 03/25/2019 to 05/31/2019. The 11-month New Dollar CD special requires a minimum of $25,000 brought to Wells Fargo from sources outside of Wells Fargo Bank N.A., or its affiliates to earn the advertised APY. Public Funds and Wholesale accounts are not eligible for this offer. APY assumes interest remains on deposit until maturity. Interest is compounded daily. Payment of interest on CDs is based on term: For terms less than 12 months (365 days), interest may be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or at maturity (the end of the term). For terms of 12 months or more, interest may be paid monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. A fee for early withdrawal will be imposed and could reduce earnings on this account. Special Rates are applicable to the initial term of the CD only. At maturity, the Special Rate CD will automatically renew for a term of 6 months, at the interest rate and APY in effect for CDs on renewal date not subject to a Special Rate, unless the Bank has notified you otherwise. 1,2. Due to the new money requirement, accounts may only be opened at your local branch. Wells Fargo reserves the right to modify or discontinue the offer at any time without notice. Minimum new money deposit requirement of at least $25,000 is for this offer only and cannot be transferred to another account to qualify for any other consumer deposit offer. If you wish to take advantage of another consumer deposit offer requiring a minimum new money deposit, you will be required to do so with another new money deposit as stated in the offer requirements and qualifications. Offer cannot be combined with any other consumer deposit offer, except the Portfolio by Wells Fargo $500 offer, available from March 25, 2019 until May 31, 2019. Offer cannot be reproduced, purchased, sold, transferred, or traded. 3. The Portfolio by Wells Fargo program has a $30 monthly service fee, which can be avoided when you have one of the following qualifying balances: $25,000 or more in qualifying linked bank deposit accounts (checking, savings, CDs, FDIC-insured IRAs) or $50,000 or more in any combination of qualifying linked banking, brokerage (available through Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC) and credit balances (including 10% of mortgage balances, certain mortgages not eligible). If the Portfolio by Wells Fargo relationship is terminated, the bonus interest rate on all eligible savings accounts, and discounts or fee waivers on other products and services, will discontinue and revert to the Bank’s then-current applicable rate or fee. For bonus interest rates on time accounts, this change will occur upon renewal. If the Portfolio by Wells Fargo relationship is terminated, the remaining unlinked Wells Fargo Portfolio Checking or Wells Fargo Prime Checking account will be converted to another checking product or closed. © 2019 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Deposit products offered by Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. NMLSR ID 399801




Arts Entertainment t to you By h g u Bro

Union County Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 1B

If you see a celebrity like Mr. T out in the community, do not let the opportunity of getting him on your smartphone pass you by. Your friends and family will pity you, fool. UCW file photo

Summer soundtrack By Justin Vick



ou may lack the money and time to travel the country to see the likes of Carrie Underwood, Drake, Maroon 5 or The Rolling Stones perform in concert, but that doesn’t mean you have sit home alone listening to your phone. Families can plan their whole summer around outdoor concerts thanks to neighboring towns and some of the larger shopping centers. Many of these festivals complement the music with children’s activities, food trucks and craft beer. Here’s what’s happening around the region:

Matthews: Food Truck Fridays

The festival offers food trucks, craft beer, wine and children’s activities from 5 to 9 p.m. on the second and fourth Fridays, April to September, at Stumptown Park, 120 S. Trade St. April 12: The Catalinas April 26: Chicago Rewired May 24: Terence Young June 14: Michael Cosner June 28: DeCarlo July 12: Carolina Soul July 26: KRVE Aug. 9: Party Parrot Band Aug. 23: Gal Friday Sept. 13: Sonic Rewind Sept. 27: Band of Oz

Mint Hill: Family Fun Nights

The town hosts monthly events from June

to October, including a Back to School Pep Rally (Aug. 17) and Tina Ross Afternoon in the Park (Oct. 5). Concerts include bounce houses, face painting and corn hole at town hall, 4430 Mint Hill Village Lane. June 8: U-Phonik July 13: Steven Metz Band Sept. 7: Delta Fire

Stallings: Tribute to Summer

Aug. 15: The Catalinas Sept. 19: Too Much Sylvia

Waxhaw: Jammin’ by the Tracks

You probably won’t get lost trying to find Waxhaw’s signature music series. The concerts are 7 to 9 p.m. on the first Friday from May to October under the Waxhaw Water Tower. May 3: Vinyl Tones June 7: Aerial View July 5: Off the Record Aug. 2: Carolina Keller Band Sept. 6: Honky Tonk Outlaws

Stallings has curated a concert schedule sure to attract Jimmy Buffet, Toto, KISS and Eagles fans. Town staff has booked popular tribute bands to perform from 7 to 9:30 p.m. the first Friday in May through September at Stallings Park, 242 Stallings Road. May 3: The Party Parrot Charlotte: River Jam Band (Jimmy Buffet tribute) PNC Music Pavilion June 7: Bless the Rains (Toto tribute) Music at the Fountain Aug. 2: Love Gun (KISS Music on the Green tribute) Sept. 6: On the Border (EaPage 4B gles tribute)


Indian Trail: HITs After Six

This series kicked off April 4 and continues 6 to 9 p.m. on select Thursdays at Crossing Paths Park, 120 Blythe Drive. There’s a bounce house, face painting and yard games, as well as food, beer and wine to buy. May 16: Kids in America

Monroe: Music on Main

Downtown Monroe attracts some of the most popular festival bands in the South. They perform 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the fourth Thursday from May to September. April 18: The Tams May 23: Earth to Mars June 27: Radio Revolver July 25: The Legacy Motown Revue Aug. 22: The Catalinas Sept. 26: The Entertainers

Pineville: Rock’n & Reel’n

Pineville boasts free music and movies

see CONCERTS, Page 4B

Picture this 10 tips for the perfect social media shots From food to family, sunsets to pets, there may be no greater use of mobile devices these days than posting FOMO-inducing photos. Note to non-millennials, FOMO means fear of missing out. If your phone has a camera (and almost all do these days), you can be a photographer. All it takes is some practice and some basic tips to turn your photos from cute snapshots into social media sensations. T-Mobile has rounded up 10 important lessons that will make your photos cleaner, better and more "like"-able. 1. Focus, Focus, Focus No one likes a blurry picture! When you're taking a photo, keep your hands steady and make sure you focus on your subject so that you get the clearest shot. On most smartphone cameras, you can focus on an object by tapping on it on the screen. Some phones can even auto-focus and turn on auto-exposure for that object or person. 2. Grab a Friend Instead of using your own phone's light to capture images in dark spaces, get a friend to help. Ask them to turn on their phone's see PICTURE, Page 4B


Charlotte Knights fine-tune their winning formula Circle K Corner Club, Sabor Latin Street Grill & new promotional schedule among changes by Paul Nielsen paul@cmgweekly.com

CHARLOTTE – Falling snow and winter-like temperatures on April 2 didn’t dampen the spirits of officials with the Charlotte Knights Triple-A Minor League Baseball team just two days before the start of the team’s sixth season in Uptown Charlotte. The Chicago White Sox affiliate opened the first of 70 home games this season on April 4 and team officials are predicting another solid season on and off the field. The Knights’ roster has several top young prospects to go with a mix of veterans who have played in the

major leagues. Off the field, a loaded promotional schedule features visits by nine notable celebrities, an Uptown BB&T Ballpark-record 19 firework shows, four collectible bobblehead giveaways and Homer The Dragon’s 30th Birthday Celebration. “What fantastic support we have had through those first five years, and we are looking for another great year this year,” Knights general manager Rob Egan said. “There are a lot of additions and fun things coming to the ballpark. It’s going to be an exciting year.” One of the biggest changes is that Section 123 is no more. The

seats have been ripped out and the section has been converted into Circle K Corner Club in the leftfield corner that can accommodate 40 people. It features a drink rail, and there is access to a bar and food areas. “We wanted to create another hospitality area,” Egan said. “That is what our fans have been telling us. Our hospitality areas, thankfully, book up very quickly. It’s a great setting. It’s a two-tiered area. That is the biggest physical change you will see in the ballpark.’’ Egan also said the popular Sabor Latin Street Grill is a new food vendor in the ballpark this season. The Knights led all of Minor

Bark in the Park is among the most popular promotions at Charlotte Knights games. The next one is June 3. UCW file photo

League Baseball in average attendance for the fourth time in five seasons after averaging 8,980 fans in 2018, including 23 sellout crowds. A total of 619,639 fans

walked through the gates of the ballpark last season. In five seasons, 3,233,451 fans have watched the see KNIGHTS, Page 2B

BROUGHT TO YOU BY KNIGHTS (continued from page 1B)

Knights play. The most-visited venue in all of Minor League Baseball since 2014 has welcomed 133 sell-out crowds while averaging 9,238 fans a game over five seasons. Before moving to Uptown in 2014, the Knights played in Fort Mill, where they averaged just 3,803 fans a game. “It’s incredible the turnout, and the results that we have had,” said Chief Operating Officer Dan Rajkowski. “Charlotte has supported this club tremendously, and we are very proud of it. You work on the things that have worked for you, and you be creative. To keep it fresh is important.” Manager Mark Grudzielanek, who is in his third year with the Knights, has been in a lot of baseball stadiums but said BB&T Ballpark is second to none. “You can’t forget about the fans,” Grudzielanek said. “They make it all the more special. It is a great place to play for these kids. It’s a beautiful city, a beautiful ballpark, and the fans come out and watch. What more can you want? For the players that haven’t been here, I’m sure it is going to be eye-opening.” On the web: www.milb. com/charlotte-knights/tick ets/single-game-tickets. Charlotte Knights Promotional Schedule: April 4/24: Andre Dawson appearance 4/25: Thirsty Thursday 4/26: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Queen City Replica jersey giveaway to first 1,500 kids presented by Atrium Health

4/28: Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 4/29: $1 Hot Dogs presented by Sahlen’s 4/30: Andruw Jones appearance May 5/1: Education Day presented by Duke Energy 5/14: Star Wars Knight with Good Knight Charlie Bobblehead giveaway to first 2,000 fans 5/15: White Sox Wednesday 5/16: Thirsty Thursday 5/17: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 5/18: 14th Annual Pink Knights with Pink Baseball giveaway to first 2,000 ladies presented by Charlotte Radiology 5/19: Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals featuring Princess Day and Girl Scouts Day with Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 5/24: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 5/26: Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 5/27: $1 Hot Dogs presented by Sahlen’s June 6/3: Bark in the Ballpark presented by Williams Subaru 6/4: BB&T Power Bank giveaway to first 2,000 fans presented by BB&T 6/5: Ricky “The Dragon” appearance, White Sox Wednesday 6/6: Tribute to “Parks & Recreation” with Shauna Malwae-Tweep (Alison Becker) appearance & T-shirt giveaway to first 2,000 fans, Thirsty Thursday 6/7: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Scout Sleepover presented by Kellogg’s 6/8: Field of Dreams Night with John Kinsella (Dwier Brown) appearance & Pre-Game Catch on the Field, Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 6/9: Eloy Jiménez Bobblehead giveaway to first 2,000 fans, Copa de la Diversión with players wearing Charlotte Caballeros jerseys, Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 6/19: Mookie Wilson appearance 6/20: Thirsty Thursday 6/21: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Health Fair presented by Atrium Health 6/22: Day/Night Doubleheader with Uptown Chowdown for game one (1:05 p.m.) / Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT after game two (7:04 p.m.) 6/26: White Sox Wednesday 6/27: Thirsty Thursday, Vs. Cancer Night presented by Great Clips July 7/4: WBT SkyShow with fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Thirsty Thursday

7/5: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 7/7: Major League Night with Roger Dorn (Corbin Bernsen) appearance, Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 7/11: Tribute to “Friends” with T-shirt giveaway to first 2,000 fans, Thirsty Thursday 7/12: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 7/13: Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 7/14: Marvel Super Hero Day with appearances from Spider-Man & Black Panther, Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 7/23: Copa de la Diversión with players wearing Charlotte Caballeros jerseys, Charlotte Caballeros Lunch Cooler giveaway to first 2,000 fans presented by BB&T, 7/24: White Sox Wednesday 7/25: The Sandlot Night with Smalls (Tom Guiry) appearance, Thirsty Thursday 7/26: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 7/27: Jimmy Buffett Night with Matt Parrott “Parrott Head” Bobblehead giveaway to first 2,000 fans, Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 7/28: Bark in the Ballpark presented by Williams Subaru, Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental August 8/1: Tribute to “Seinfeld” with J. Peterman (John O’Hurley) appearance, T-shirt giveaway to first 2,000 fans, Thirsty Thursday 8/15: Thirsty Thursday 8/16: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 8/17: Copa de la Diversión with players wearing Charlotte Caballeros jerseys, Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 8/18: Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 8/23: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 8/24: Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Mystery Ball Night presented by Hospitality House of Charlotte, Sox Saturday 8/25: Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 8/26: National Dog Day with Bark in the Ballpark presented by Williams Subaru and $1 Hot Dogs presented by Sahlen’s 8/29: Thirsty Thursday Want to go to BB&T Ballpark? Where: 324 S. Mint St. Capacity: 10,200 Year Opened: 2014 Cost: $54 million Surface: Grass

Union County Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 2B

ARTS BRIEFS Indian Trail issues walking challenge

Two buckets may be needed for Indian Trail’s Hop-To-IT Easter Festival. Photo courtesy of Town of Indian Trail

Kids race to find 20,000 eggs INDIAN TRAIL – The Town of Indian Trail plans to spread 20,000 eggs across Chestnut Square Park on April 13 as part of its HopTo-IT Easter Festival. They aren’t necessarily hidden, more like piled or heaped. “Look, we like Easter egg hunts as much as the next town … but what we like even more is giving out a ton of free candy by throwing out a ridiculous amount of eggs right there in front of the kids for them to fill their Easter egg baskets,” said Hayden Kramer, special events coordinator. “No kid is going home from Indian Trail’s Hop-To-IT without enough candy to make them smile for a while.” The event, sponsored by Koerich Orthodontics, will include photos with the Easter Bunny and other crafts and activities. Hunters should arrive early with their parents or guardians so they can register for different hunting times. The event will begin at 10 a.m., with hunts staggered so each age group gets a chance to find eggs. The park is located at 320 Chestnut Pkwy. Visit www.itsparksandrec.com for details.

CATA performs 'Rock of Ages' MONROE – Central Academy of Technology and Arts will take audiences back in time to a simpler era when hair was big and the music was epic. Theater students present “Rock of Ages” at 7 p.m. April 11 or 12, as well as 2 and 7 p.m. April 13. Tickets cost $10 for regular performances. Buy them at www.cata.seatyourself.biz. With a live band onstage, “Rock of Ages” will have you singing and dancing in the aisles. A special performance starts at 6 p.m. April 10. Tickets cost $30 for individuals and $50 for couples. Buy fundraiser tickets at www.cataperformingartsptso.com/donationsparty-tickets.html.

INDIAN TRAIL – The Indian Trail Parks and Recreation Department’s newest community engagement program, Walk IT Out, is focused on providing health and wellness opportunities for people of all ages. The challenge encourages participants to walk at least of 5,000 steps a day, while keeping a “walking log” with the parks and rec team to help residents stick to their goals. The program kicked off this weekend at Crooked Creek Park with 78 participants. Weekly walking logs can be emailed to smd@indiantrail.org or turned in at town hall, 315 Matthews-Indian Trail Road. Walkers are encouraged to snap a photo of themselves in action at one of the parks and email it to show progress. People can participate as individuals or teams. The town has teamed up with Atrium Health, which has provided pedometers, tips and exercises for the program. Area businesses will help create awareness about healthy lifestyles. Prizes will be issued to the top walkers at the end of five weeks. Call Susan Didier at 704-821-2541 for details.

Food trucks returning to downtown Matthews MATTHEWS – The Town of Matthews is bringing back its Matthews Food Truck Fridays & Concert Series. The series runs from 5 to 9 p.m. on the second and fourth Fridays through Sept. 27 (except May 10) at Stumptown Park. This season will bring a lineup of local/ regional bands, inflatable interactives for kids, and a craft beer and wine pavilion. Area food and dessert trucks will provide varied menus. Diners are encouraged to bring chairs and blankets but are discouraged from bringing pets. Guests will have a good opportunity to explore other downtown merchants and entertainment spots while visiting. Seaboard Brewing will sell craft beer. Dover Vineyards will sell wine. “We are so excited about this combination of incredible bands and food trucks,” Special Events Manager Lee Anne Moore said. “This year, the concert lineup is amazing – beach, dance, country, 80s pop, 90s, jazz, classic rock.” Visit www.matthewsfun.com for details.



Page 3B • Union County Weekly • April 12, 2019 opens with fresh food. www.waxhawfarmersmarket.org 9 a.m.-noon; 208 N. Church St., Waxhaw


Art Walk The Monroe Art Walk shows off art in the shops along downtown Monroe. 5:30-9 p.m.; downtown Monroe Classic Cars The 12th annual Classic Car Cruise In takes place in downtown Monroe. The event continues on the second Friday from April to October. 6-9 p.m.; downtown Monroe Outdoor Movie Union County Parks & Recreation screens “Incredibles 2” at Mathisen Square as part of its The Scene of Spring Outdoor Movie Series. The

movie starts at 8 p.m., while family fun activities take place beforehand. 704-283-3885 6-10 p.m.; 6213 Crest Circle, Lake Park


Tummy muscles Actor Wallach of stage and screen 7 Not up 11 Friend of Tigger 12 Newspaper sales fig. 14 Depend (on) 15 Classic work by 16-, 31- and 51-Down, so to speak? 18 Not have an accomplice 19 Gave the wrong impression 20 Jamaican music genre 21 Lowest broadcast TV channel 22 Wilder who played Willy Wonka 23 What makes ale pale? 1 4

28 31 32

33 34 35 36

37 38 39

41 42 43


Pop-Up Market Indian Trail Hardware holds a spring pop-up market. 704-8219448 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; 205 Indian Trail Road N., Indian Trail

Egg Drop Aw Shucks! drops thousands of eggs from a helicopter at 11 a.m. and welcomes the Easter Bunny to meet children. The event includes games, prizes, food and petting zoo. 704709-7000 New York Times Syndication Sales 10 a.m.-1 p.m.;Corporation 3718 Plyler Mill Road, Monroe 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018


Art Walk The Monroe Art Walk shows off art in the shops along downtown Monroe. 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; downtown Monroe Wine Tasting Southern Style holds a wine tasting with music from Smokin' Gunn, craft beer and other attractions. 704843-4438 6:30-8:45 p.m.; 2416 Providence

April 13For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550

Egg Hunt Farmer's Market For Release Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Indian Trail Parks and RecreThe Waxhaw Farmers' Market

Classic work by 11-, 9- and 8-Down, so to speak? Bishop’s deputy Closes Grp. that once plotted against Fidel Castro Deserve Radiology procedures Sacred Greenpeace or the Red Cross, for short Hero’s mission Designated areas Classic work by 50- and 23-Down, so to speak? “Sprechen ___ Deutsch?” Where a comb may be found Snapchat or Pokémon Go


Plant Sale The Union County Master Gardeners hold its spring plant sale at the Union County Agricultural Center. 704-283-3822 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; 3230 Presson Road, Monroe

Outdoor Movie The Town of Waxhaw screens “Wonder” during its Movies Under the Water Tower series. Food and drinks will be available. 704-8432196 8-10:30 p.m.; 116 McDonald St., Waxhaw

Crossword ACROSS

ation holds its Hop to IT egg hunt at Chestnut Square Park. Register in advance. www.indiantrail.org 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; 320 Chestnut Pkwy., Indian Trail









44 47 50 52

54 55

56 57 58 59

Conan’s TV home Take a breath Adjunct to a sports facility Classic work by 45-, 35- and 28-Down, so to speak? Dreamboat One of 14 lands neighboring China Cut, editorially George Washingtons Numbered rd. Prey for a barracuda

Edited by Will Shortz 1




11 15

Lead vessel? ___ Fett, “Star Wars” bounty hunter 3 Refuge 4 Prefix meaning “cheap” 5 Longest sentence? 6 Tax org. 7 Up 8 Old AT&T symbol 9 Vogue rival 10 Turned brunette, maybe 11 Cigarette purchase 13 Fixes in place 15 ___-relief 16 Mike who hosted “Dirty Jobs”







23 29











April 13






• Evening Muse: Opposite Box & Daryl Hance Powermuse • Fillmore: Jamey Johnson • Growler USA: Tanner Long • Machu Picchu: Wanda Lopez • Milestone Club: Death of August • Moochies: Jade Moore; Troublemaker • Neighborhood Theatre: Carbon Leaf • Pineville Tavern: Shotgun Saints • Pour 64: Dan Vitco • Roasted Bone: Soakin’ Wet • Southern Range: DistilleryCats • Stooges Pub: Tantrum • Sweet Union: Mr. Vague Trio • Trail House: Eddie Bush • Treehouse Vineyards: Vince Rivers • Underground: Turkuaz • Vintner’s Hill: River Ratz • Visulite: Driver 8







1 2





17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Italian wines Emaciated Give 0 stars Citi rival Big “G” for Google, e.g. It flows past Giza ___ Inn Kind of diagram Parrot in “Aladdin” Cousin of a gator

TV Trivia TriviaTainment Americas Themed Trivia presents “Grey's Anatomy”” Trivia at Queens South Bar & Grill. Find tickets at www.eventbrite.com. 7-9 p.m.; 1201 N. Broome St., Waxhaw


42 48






Ribbon Cutting LuLu Salon holds a ribbon cutting with the Union County Chamber of Commerce. Noon-12:30 p.m.; 318 E. South Main St., Waxhaw

• Beantown Tavern: Coconut Groove Band • CharBar (Mint Hill): Ellie Morgan • Evening Muse: Charlie Mars; Tweed & Darren and the Buttered Toast • Fillmore: Dark Star Orchestra • Milestone Club: The Living Deads • Moochies: Shotgun Saints • Neighborhood Theatre: Tab Benoit/Eric McFadden • Ovens Auditorium: Death Cab for Cutie • Pineville Tavern: O#7B • Small Bar: Delta Fire • Stooges: Decarlo • Trail House: Hipshack • Underground: Children of Bodom • Visulite: Manic Focus






Paws Awhile Union West Library allows children up to age 12 to read to Sally, a certified therapy dog, through Paws Awhile to Read. 704-821-7475 3 p.m.; 123 Unionville-Indian Trail W., Indian Trail

April 12





April 15

31 34 35 37 38 40 41 43 44

“And … ___!” (director’s cry) Spy on Tool for tilling Tool for telling? Closing part of an address Word of good manners Places for pampering Anxious Lowest level of Little League

45 46 47

48 49 50 51 53

April 16

Trivia Nights Big Pop Trivia hosts Tuesday Night Trivia at The Trail House and The Roasted Bone. 7-9 p.m.; Trail House (6751 Old Monroe Road, Indian Trail), The Roasted Bone (350 E. Franklin St., Monroe)

April 18

Senior Coffee The Town of Waxhaw hosts its Senior Coffee House at the Duncan McDonald House. Adults, ages 55 and older, play various games, such as chess and bingo and bridge. Register in advance. 704-843-2195 ext. 258 10 a.m.-noon; 115 McDonald St., Waxhaw


No. 0411






Road S., Waxhaw

Diminish Mrs., in Mexico “Here’s what I think,” in textspeak Pluralizable thing Practice to improve What must go on, proverbially Patella’s place Sound of exasperation

April 14 • Milestone Club: Leith K. Ali • PNC Music Pavilion: Zac Brown Band

April 15 • Milestone Club: The Big Lonesome • Moochies: Mike Huffman

April 16 • Evening Muse: Jesse Lamar Williams & The Menastree Jazz Jam

Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Read about and comment on each puzzle: nytimes.com/wordplay.

April 17 • Evening Muse: The Accidentals • Maxwell’s Tavern: Matthew Ablan

• Milestone Club: Daddy’s Beemer • Neighborhood Theatre: Charlie Hunter & Lucy Woodward • Trail House: FireByrd • Underground: Hatebreed

April 18 • Evening Muse: Stevie Tombstone & Drunken Prayer • Iron Thunder: Jade Moore

Venues Charlotte • Evening Muse: 3227 N. Davidson St. • Fillmore: 820 Hamilton St. • Milestone Club: 3400 Tuckaseegee Road • Neighborhood Theatre: 511 E. 36th St. • Ovens Auditorium: 2700 E. Independence Blvd. • PNC Music Pavilion: 707 Pavilion Blvd. • Underground: 820 Hamilton St. • Visulite: 1615 Elizabeth Ave. Indian Trail • Growler USA: 6443 Old Monroe Road • Sweet Union: 13717 E. Independence Blvd. • Trail House: 6751 Old Monroe Road Matthews • Beantown Tavern: 130 Matthews Station St. • Machu Picchu: 11329 E. Independence Blvd. • Moochies: 15060 Idlewild Road • Small Bar: 4320 Potters Road Mint Hill • CharBar: 7312 Town View Drive • Pour 64: 4410 Mint Hill Village Lane • Vintner’s Hill: 7427 Matthews-Mint Hill Road • Stooges Pub: 13230 Albemarle Road Monroe • Iron Thunder: 608 W. Roosevelt Blvd. • Roasted Bone: 350 E. Franklin St. • Southern Range: 151 S. Stewart St. • Treehouse Vineyards: 301 Bay St. Pineville • Pineville Tavern: 314 Polk St. Waxhaw • Maxwell’s Tavern: 112 E. South Main St.

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Easter in the Park Good Friday

April 19 7:30 pm

Join us at Dogwood Park for reflection and prayer centered around the value of what Christ did on the cross.

April 20 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Egg hunts | Birth-PreK 11:15/ K-3rd grade 11:35 Scavenger hunt for 4th & 5th grade, bounce house, refreshments, wildlife lectures, and more!

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BROUGHT TO YOU BY PICTURE (continued from page 1B)

flashlight and light the scene for you. A phone's flashlight is less harsh and more pleasing to the eye than your phone and camera's built-in flash. 3. Keep your Distance Always put some distance between your subject and the background. For example, if you're taking a photo of your family, never make them stand flat against a wall or they'll look stiff or wooden. Also, don't stand too close or too far away from your subject — look at the phone's screen while you move to make sure you're at the right distance. 4. Play the Angles If you're taking a selfie, never hold the camera straight out at arm's length. To get a softer-looking photo, tilt the phone to the right or left. Play around with this and you might find the perfect pose that captures you at your best. If you really want to experiment, consider picking up a selfie stick, which can capture you at all angles. 5. Don’t Just Take One No matter what kind of picture you're taking, take several. You can always delete pictures later! It's better to get the shot the first time than to have to go back and stage the photo again. But, if you know you didn't get the shot, try again until you get it right. It might be annoying in the moment, but your friends will appreciate a perfect picture later. 6. Create a Tripod You don't need to lay out extra cash for

a fancy piece of equipment. Use household objects to make a steady stand when you want to get the entire family — and yourself — in the shot. Use books to prop up your phone and utilize the timer feature to run in at the last second and join the gang. 7. Harness the Power of the Sun Take advantage of that golden hour! At sunrise and sunset, the light is at its most dramatic and will give you the most beautiful pictures possible. Sunsets remind people of love and reflection, and that’s the kind of instant emotional response you want your photos to have. 8. But Keep the Sun in its Place Always try to take your pictures with the sun behind you. When you're forced to shoot in the sun, use the flash and get closer to your subjects to increase the flash's brightness and offset the sun's harsh rays. Bonus tip: Put your hand above the camera lens on a sunny day to stop lens flares. 9. Burst for Action If you want to capture a photo of that shining championship moment or your pet's special trick, try out “burst mode.” Using the mode will take several photos in quick succession with one click, and you can scroll through later to pick out the exact one you want. 10. Have Fun with Editing Download editing apps on your phone and go wild! You can pick different filters, finishes and special effects for your photos. Don't be afraid to experiment and find a unique editing style that's all your own. No matter where you go or what you do, these smartphone photo tips can help you capture life's best experiences.

DINING SCORES Health departments in Mecklenburg and Union counties reported these incidents March 29 to April 4: Indian Trail • Cathy's Coffee, 606 Indian Trail Road – 100 • China II, 5850 U.S. 74 – 99 • Food Lion meat market, 4423 Old Monroe Road – 98.5 • Food Lion deli, 4423 Old Monroe Road – 97 • Great China, 610 S. Indian Trail Road – 98.5 • Smoothie King, 208 Postage Way – 96 Matthews • Dorians Deli & Grill, 1240 Matthews-Mint Hill Road – 96.5

• Food Lion deli/bakery, 3609 Matthews-Mint Hill Road – 100 • Food Lion market, 3609 Matthews-Mint Hill Road – 100 • Publix bakery/cafe, 3110 Fincher Farm Road – 99 • Publix deli, 3110 Fincher Farm Road – 97.5 • Temple Mojo, 195 N. Trade St. – 99 Monroe • Napoli Italian Restaurant, 2263 W. Roosevelt Blvd. – 97 Waxhaw • Food Lion deli, 1301 N. Broome St. – 100 • Food Lion meat market, 1301 N. Broome St. – 99

Spring Upholstery Sale

Union County Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 4B

CONCERTS (continued from page 1B) (June 21 and July 26) “under the Carolina moon.” Concerts start at 7 p.m. at Pineville Lake Park, 1000 Johnston Drive. Food trucks will be at all concerts. Most will have an inflatable for children to bounce on. June 14: Rivermist June 30: Charlotte Symphony July 5: New Kids 90s Superfly Tribute Aug. 16: Ultimate Aldean w/ Brandon Davidson Sept. 20: DeCarlo

Fort Mill: Anne Springs Close Greenway Summer Concert Series

The seventh annual series is worth a trip over the state border. The series takes place 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays at the greenway, 250 Dairy Barn Lane. Admission is $5. Beer, wine and food trucks are available. June 6: Next Level Band June 13: HC Oakes Band June 20: Who Rescued Who June 27: Chunky Daddy July 4: Todd Johnson & the Revolvers July 11: Gal Friday Band July 18: Time Sawyer July 25: Party Parrot Band Aug. 1: Kids in America Aug. 8: Triple Play Aug. 15: KRVE

Charlotte: Music at the Fountain

Stonecrest at Piper Glen celebrates 20 years of tunes through its Music at the Fountain series. Bands are booked 7 to 10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at the shopping center’s fountain stage. The center is at 7900 Rea Road. April 12-13: Stella Rising April 19-20: Flute Praise April 26-27: Brubakers (Motel Soap) May 3-4: Jeff Edwards Band May 10-11: Woodie & The String Pullers May 17-18: Brubakers (Motel Soap) May 24-25: Leslie & Friends May 31-June 1: Flute Praise June 7-8: Leslie & Friends June 14-15: Dukes & Smith June 21-22: Brubakers (Motel Soap) June 28-29: Flute Praise July 5-6: Dukes & Smith July 12-13: Leslie & Friends July 19-20: Stella Rising July 26-27: Dukes & Smith Aug. 2-3: Leslie & Friends Aug. 9-10: Flute Praise Aug. 16-17: Brubakers (Motel Soap) Aug. 23-24: Woodie & The String Pullers Aug. 30-31: Dukes & Smith Sept. 6-7: Stella Rising Sept. 13-14: Leslie & Friends Sept. 20-21: Flute Praise Sept. 27-28: Woodie & The String Pullers

Charlotte: Music on the Green

Promenade on Providence offers 38 concerts through its Music on the Green Series. The free shows span 7 to 10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays from May to September at the center, 10844 Providence Road. Bring chairs and blankets. May 3: Stella Rising

May 4: Caution! Blind Driver May 10: Borderlyne May 11: Caution! Blind Driver May 17: The Stark Reality May 18: Leslie and Friends May 24: Stepside Deluxe May 25: Russell N’ Woods Band May 31: Leslie and Friends June 1: Stella Rising June 7: Borderlyne June 8: Music Machine June 14: Best in Class June 15: The In-Laws June 22: Music Machine June 28: Aerial View June 29: Nita B and Her Soiree July 6: Music Machine July 12: Nita B and Her Soiree July 13: Borderlyne July 19: The In-Laws July 20: Stepside Deluxe July 26: Stella Rising July 27: Leslie and Friends Aug. 2: Nita B and Her Soiree Aug. 3: Russell N’ Woods Band Aug. 9: The In-Laws Aug. 10:Aerial View Aug. 16: Caution! Blind Driver Aug. 17: The Stark Reality Aug. 23: Aerial View Aug. 24: Music Machine Aug. 30: Russell N’ Woods Band Aug. 31: Stepside Deluxe Sept. 6: Russell N’ Woods Band Sept. 7: The Stark Reality Sept. 13: Aerial View Sept. 14: Music Machine

Charlotte: River Jam

The U.S. National Whitewater Center offers live music with a unique backdrop – the world’s largest manmade whitewater river. The event spans 7 to 10 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, May to September, at the venue, 5000 Whitewater Center Pkwy. May 3: The Trongone Band May 4: Preachervan May 9: Shamarr Allen May 10: Oliver Hazard May 11: Kendall Street Company May 16: Travers Brothership May 17: Old Salt Union May 18: Vintage Pistol May 23: The Hackensaw Boys May 24: Trapper Schoepp May 25: Ben Sparaco and the New Effect May 26: Memorial Day Celebration May 30: Red Wanting Blue May 31: Anthony Gomes June 1: Songs From The Road Band June 6: Strong Water June 7: Emma’s Lounge June 8: The High Divers June 13: David Childers June 14: Nick Schnebelen June 15: Hannah Wicklund & The Steppin Stones June 20: Upstate June 21: The Orange Constant June 22: The Vegabonds June 27: Empire Strikes Bass June 28: Sleepwalkers June 29: Coddle Creek July 3-4: Fourth of July Celebration July 5: Little Tybee July 6: Funk Vs. Bluegrass July 11: Sam Burchfield July 12: Wood and Wire July 13: C2 & The Brothers Reed July 18: Dangermuffin July 19: Jeff Crosby & The Refugees July 20: Naughty Professor July 25: Arkansauce July 26: Caleb Caudle

July 27: Jared & The Mill Aug. 1: Funk You Aug. 2: Ian Ferguson Aug. 8: Hedonistas Aug. 9: Albert Castiglia Aug. 10: Sol Driven Train Aug. 15: Wild Adriatic Aug. 16: Guthrie Brown Aug. 17: Maradeen Aug. 22: Trae Pierce & The T-Stones Aug. 23: The Floorboards Aug. 24: Voodoo Visionary Aug. 29: Midnight North Aug. 30: The Volts Aug. 31: The Contenders Sept. 1: Labor Day Celebration Sept. 5: Winston Ramble Sept. 6: Cranford Hollow Sept. 7: Tellico Sept. 12: Yarn Sept. 13: Big Daddy Love Sept. 14: South Hill Banks Sept. 19: Brother Oliver Sept. 20: Honey Island Swamp Band Sept. 26: Folk Soul Revival Sept. 27: AFTM Sept. 28: The Get Right Band Oct. 5: Fall Festival

Charlotte: Sounds of Summer

Formerly known as Live on the Green, this series features folk and Americana music, as well as food trucks, craft beer and wine. The series takes place 7 to 10 p.m. at First Ward Park, 301 E. Seventh St. May 3: Younger Mountain String Band w/Hank, Pattie & The Current June 14: Hiss Golden Messenger w/ The Dead Tongues Aug. 9: Brett Dennen w/ Emily Sage Sept. 13: Keller & The Keels w/ Coddle Creek

Charlotte: PNC Music Pavilion

The pavilion, located at 707 Pavilion Drive, attracts national tours. This summer’s line-up features hit-makers from various generations, including KISS, Smashing Pumpkins, Nelly and Rascal Flatts. These concerts require paid tickets. April 14: Zac Brown Band May 16: Bob Seger May 17: Chris Young June 2: Luke Bryan June 14: Thomas Rhett June 21: Phish June 27: Rascal Flatts June 28: Dead and Company June 29: Disrupt Festival July 7: Tedeschi Trucks Band July 12: Goo Goo Dolls & Train July 13: Luke Combs July 19: Dave Matthews Band July 20: Tom Joyner July 21: Third Eye Blind & Jimmy Eat World July 22: Iron Maiden July 26: Nelly w/ TLC & Flo Rida July 27: Florida Georgia Line Aug. 8: Dierks Bentley Aug. 10: KISS Aug. 11: Kids Bop Live! Aug. 13: Santana w/ the Doobie Brothers Aug. 14: Heart w/ Joan Jett & Elle King Aug. 17: Breaking Benjamin Aug. 20: Smashing Pumpkins w/ Noel Gallagher Aug. 24: Brad Paisley Aug. 25: Beck and Cage the Elephant Aug. 30: Peter Frampton Sept. 5: Hootie and the Blowfish Sept. 12: Jason Aldean and Kane Brown

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Union County Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 5B

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Page 6B • Union County Weekly • April 12, 2019

One Mosquito Bite Could Kill Your Dog

It only takes ONE bite from an infected mosquito to transmit Heartworm Disease The worms are called ‘heartworms’ because the adults live in the heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels of an infected animal. Adult heartworms look like strands of cooked spaghetti, with males reaching about 4-6 inches in length and females reaching about 10-12 inches in length. By the time heartworms are detected, it is possible that significant damage to the heart and lungs may have occurred. A dog may appear healthy on the outside, but on the inside, heartworms may be living and thriving. If a heartworm-positive dog is not tested BEFORE starting a preventive, the dog will REMAIN infected with adult heartworms until it gets sick enough to show symptoms.

SIGNS OF HEARTWORM DISEASE: Mild persistent cough, reluctance to exercise, fatigue after moderate activity, decreased appetite and weight loss. As heartworm disease progresses, pets may develop heart failure. Heartworm disease can cause a pulmonary embolism which can lead to immediate death. Dogs with large numbers of heartworms can develop a sudden blockage of blood flow within the heart leading to a life-threatening form of cardiovascular collapse. This is called ‘caval syndrome’ and is marked by a sudden onset of labored breathing, pale gums, and dark bloody or coffee-colored urine. Heartworm preventives DO NOT kill adult heartworms. It will kill larval heartworms that made it into the dog’s body during the past month. Giving a heartworm preventive to a dog that has an adult heartworm infection may be harmful or deadly. The preventive may cause the larvae to suddenly die triggering a shocklike reaction and possibly death. Unfortunately by the time signs are present, the disease is well advanced. TREATMENT: If your dog tests positive for the disease - you must start limiting its activity. Doxyclcine will be administered for 30 days to kill bacteria which live in the heartworms - this bacteria helps the worms survive and reproduce but will help with complications from the treatment and the dog will be started on a heartworm preventative. Next the dog will have 2 injections of Melarsomine - an arsenic-containing drug - 24 hours apart and the

dog is to be kept inactive for two weeks. After two weeks the dog will be tested again to see if further injections are necessary and will need to be kept inactive for another two weeks. During this time the dog should be on a heartworm preventative.

All dogs should be tested annually for heartworm infection, and this can usually be done during a routine visit for preventive care. FOLLOWING ARE GUIDELINES ON TESTING AND TIMING:

At 6 months the dog will need to be examined again to determine whether it can resume activity. During treatment watch for coughing, gagging, vomiting, diarrheas or loss of appetite - respiratory distress & coughing up blood will require IMMEDIATE veterinary attention.

· Puppies under 7 months of age can be started on heartworm prevention without a heartworm test (it takes at least 6 months for a dog to test positive after it has been infected), but should be tested 6 months after your initial visit, tested again 6 months later and yearly after that to ensure they are heartworm-free.

When the worms die off - they break up and are pushed into the vessels that supply blood flow to the lungs - This increases the likelihood that dead worms will block blood flow which can result in severe complications including death.

· Adult dogs over 7 months of age and previously not on a preventive need to be tested prior to starting heartworm prevention. They, too, need to be tested 6 months and 12 months later and annually after that.

PREVENTION IS KEY - very inexpensive compared to the high cost of treatment Be certain to have your pet tested BEFORE giving any heartworm prevention medication, as these medications can cause life-threatening reactions when given to heartworm infected pets.

· If there has been a lapse in prevention (one or more late or missed doses), dogs should be tested immediately, then tested again six months later and annually after that.

Annual testing is highly recommended to ensure that the heartworm prevention is achieved and maintained for the life of the dog.


American Heartworm Society PO Box 8266 Wilmington, DE 19803-8266 www.heartwormsociety.org @2018 American Heartworm Society

In Memory of Porsche

PULMONARY HYPERTENSION is one of the most serious complications that can occur in dogs with heartworm disease - restricting blood flow through the lungs - with time the lungs, arteries, and heart become impaired (this is what Porsche had) and there is no cure. Prepared and released by the

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