Inside: Million-dollar homes sell in Waxhaw • Page 6A
Arts Entertainment BROUGHT TO YOU BY
Flip to page 1B Friday, Sept. 13, 2019 • Vol. 14 • No. 37
ABOUT US P.O. BOX 1104 Matthews, NC 28106 (704) 849-2261
Nursing Foot Care Trimming toenails Reducing thick toenails Reducing Dianne Nguyen, RN corns and calluses Cell/text: (704) 957-5458 Web: 7928 Council Place, Suite 106 Matthews, NC 28105
Trump puts Bishop over the top by Justin Vick
MONROE – The White House helped give N.C. Sen. Dan Bishop an edge over Democratic challenger Dan McCready in the race for the Ninth District House of Representatives seat. Bishop finished with 3,937 more votes than McCready in the Sept. 10 special election, according to unofficial results. President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence campaigned on Bishop's behalf throughout the Ninth District on Sept. 9. Trump spoke in Fayetteville, while Pence campaigned in
President Donald Trump tweeted Sept. 10 encouraging North Carolina voters to choose Dan Bishop.
Charlotte, Marshville and Wingate, among other stops. Trump tweeted support for Bishop a few times on Election Day, urging North Carolinians to vote for the Republican.
“Dan Bishop was down 17 points 3 weeks ago,” Trump tweeted before all the precincts were in. “He then asked me for help, we changed his see TRUMP, Page 3A
Canvassers hopeful in last hours of election
by Kayla Berenson
Panthers Den Win a tour of NFL franchise, 2A
15 to follow
Warriors remain perfect with rout of South Meck Weddington jumped all over South Meck and led the Sabres 35-0 at the half before leaving with a 42-0 win that gets them to 3-0 on the season. That score was welcomed relief for Warrior fans who had to wait until after intermission to see the offense get into top gear the past two weeks. The Warriors got on the board when Dante Casciola found Colby Barsz for a 16-yard strike. Casciola would later hit star running back Will Shipley, who added another touchdown on the ground. Eventually, with the game in hand, the Warriors rested their starters and turned to quarterback Grady Brosterhous, a sophomore who had a nice game including throwing a touchdown to Kai Moosbrugger. The Warrior defense pitched its first shutout of the season and will look to continue it this week at Catawba Ridge. Photos courtesy of Ashleigh Mock
Instagrammers you should know, 1B
Fall festivals 10 fun events you can’t miss, 1B
CHARLOTTE – All eyes were on North Carolina as the Ninth District voted for its congressional representative in the Sept. 10 special election. Polls opened at 6:30 a.m. with voters and canvassers hoping to make an impact on the state’s future in Congress. While voters only see the majority of canvassers outside of their polling place, many of them have been campaigning for months leading up to the election. “This election is going to come down to just a handful of votes,” volunteer Rachelle Salo said. “And every vote matters.” While Salo was canvassing for a candidate in Charlotte’s primary election, she said her special election vote would go toward Democratic candidate Dan McCready. Canvassers supporting Republican candidate Dan Bishop also understood the importance of the election. “There’s been a lot of interest for this campaign and the value it’s going to add to Congress and our country,” Susan Austin said. Winston-Salem resident Joan Fleming drove to Charlotte at 4 a.m. to show her support and volunteer for Bishop at William R. Davie Park. “I want to win this state back red,” Fleming said. At the same polling location, canvasser Debra Wallace hoped to see ELECTION, Page 3A
UCPS shows gains, growth in school performance Mavs football Marvin Ridge gives top team a fight, 5A
INDEX Crime................................................................................ 3A Classifieds..............................................................5B Arts & Entertainment....................... 1B Home Sales........................................................6A Puzzles.........................................................................3B
MONROE – Union County Public Schools announced gains Sept. 5 for the 2018-19 school year under the state’s School Performance Grade model. Results show that 45 out of 50, or 90%, of schools earned a grade of C or higher. Seventeen schools received an A, which is an all-time high for UCPS. Eighteen schools received a B, bringing the 201819 total to 70% of schools. Eight elementary schools increased a letter grade from the 2017-18 school year: Benton Heights (D to C), Hemby Bridge (C to B), Kensington (B to A), Marvin (B to A), Shiloh (C to B), Union (C to B), Unionville (B to A) and Wesley Chapel (B to A). In addition, two middle schools increased a letter grade: Cuthbertson (B
to A) and Porter Ridge (B from a C). The final grade is based on a 15-point scale, with 80% for the school’s achievement score and 20% for academic growth. UCPS didn't have any schools receive an F. Five schools decreased a letter grade, with four of the schools earning a B or C. “This data is showing that academic excellence is a priority in UCPS,” Superintendent Andrew Houlihan said. “The gains and growth we made at schools such as Benton Heights Elementary, East Elementary, Walter Bickett Elementary, Indian Trail Elementary, Weddington Middle and Cuthbertson High is incredible. Our principals, teachers and support staff
10th Birthday
see SCHOOLS, Page 2A
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH, 5-7:30PM Text: “BIRTHDAY” to 208.578.6637
10th Birthday
Superintendent Andrew Houlihan said state results show Union County Public Schools puts a priority on academic excellence. UCW file photo
SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15TH, 5-7:30PM Text: “BIRTHDAY” to 208.578.6637
Page 2A • Union County Weekly • Sept. 13, 2019
IN THE KNOW PHOTO OF THE WEEK STAY CONNECTED • Instagram: @ucweekly • Twitter: @UCweekly • Like us on Facebook • Web: www.unioncounty weekly,com • E-edition: olinaweeklynewspapers
The Sandbox awarded its inaugural Ordinary Angels Award to Robin Axce during An Evening of Believing Prom on Aug. 31 at the Embassy Suites-Concord. The award recognizes people who through their humble, selfless and compassionate way of living are doing extraordinary things daily. Union County Weekly Publisher Adrian Garson helped present the award. Photo courtesy of The Sandbox
MOST POPULAR STORIES • Retailers attract crowds with downtown pop-up market • Shooting death could have been avoided • Former Monroe salesman carves out retirement with wood • Indian Trail couple brings Chicken Salad Chick to region • High School Athlete of the Week (Sept. 6)
TWEETS OF THE WEEK • “Great time stopping by Rock Store BBQ in Marshville for lunch with @jdanbishop , @MarkMeadows & @DavidRouzer ! Thanks for the warm welcome!” – Mike Pence (@mike_pence) • “Honoring a hero of our own. Officer Vic was a first responder 8 years ago today #NeverForget Thank You Officer Vic for your bravery and dedication @TownofWaxhawNC @WaxhawPolice @AGHoulihan @UCPS_MonroeNC” – Waxhaw Elementary (@WaxhawES_NC)
UPCOMING EDITIONS • Oct. 4: Senior edition • Oct. 18: Arts & Entertainment
PUBLISHER Adrian Garson BUSINESS MANAGER Rebecca Jensen MANAGING EDITOR Justin Vick NEWS EDITOR Karie Simmons SPORTS EDITOR Andrew Stark CONTENT PRODUCER Kayla Berenson ART DIRECTOR Kylie Sark ADVERTISING Charlotte Conway Kate Kutzleb Maya Cann
Traffic switch coming to U.S. 74 intersection INDIAN TRAIL – Drivers on U.S. 74 will see new traffic patterns at the Indian Trail-Fairview Road/Indian Trail Road intersection as part of a $9.5 million project to convert four signalized intersections to “reduced conflict intersections.” Reduced conflict intersections simplify traffic movements by reducing the number of conflict points, or possible locations, where vehicles can collide, according to the N.C. Department of Transportation. Side-street traffic is redirected to turn right to enter the flow of traffic, while drivers wanting to go in the opposite direction enter a lane to make a U-turn. Drivers traveling on U.S. 74 wishing to turn left to the side roads will need to use the U-turn locations for up to eight weeks while crews build concrete islands in the median. A permanent change in the pattern will see drivers approaching U.S. 74 from the side roads turning right, then making a U-turn to reach their destination. When the project is completed, drivers on U.S. 74 will be able to turn left onto the side roads again. Visit for details.
75 grams of heroin found during stop MONROE – The Union County Sheriff’s Office seized 75 grams of heroin during a traffic stop Sept. 5 on U.S. 601 near the state line. Jaime Luis Lorenzo, 23, of Lorenzo Texas, was arrested on drug trafficking charges. His next court date is Oct. 8.
Work starting soon on roundabout south of Waxhaw WAXHAW – N.C. Department of Transportation contract crews will start building a roundabout on Sept. 13 at the intersection of N.C. 200 and McWhorter Road, south of Waxhaw near the South Carolina border.
SCHOOLS (continued from page 1A)
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should be commended. We are implementing instructional practices that are solid and prove that all students can learn and grow.” Growth scores are an indication of the rate at which students learned over the past school year. Twenty-three schools, or 45%, exceeded growth – the most in five years. Eight of 11 high schools exceeded growth and four elementary schools exceeded growth for two consecutive years. Twenty schools met growth. Seven schools did not. Benton Heights Elementary and East Elementary exceeded growth and exited low-performing status. Wingate Elementary, East Union Middle and the Health Sciences Academy at Monroe Middle were identified as low-performing schools. “I am very proud of the work we have done to support our low-performing schools,” Houlihan said. “We are moving the needle on student growth and performance and raising expectations in these schools. In-school tutoring, a renewed focus on literacy, math and science and additional resources to help teachers are making a
The $886,000 project will take about six weeks to complete, with the roundabout moving traffic in mid-October. During construction, drivers heading south on N.C. 200 will be detoured along Nesbit Road and Potter Road, before returning to N.C. 200. Northbound drivers will follow the detour in reverse.
Alzheimer’s Association hosting dementia workshop MONROE – The Alzheimer’s Association – Western Carolina Chapter, in collaboration with the Union County Public Library, will host a dementia-related workshop. “Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body: Tips from the Latest Research” will take place from 10 to 11 a.m. Oct. 10 at the Union County Public Library, 316 E. Windsor St. Register at or call 800272-3900. The free program provides tips on how to keep brains healthy as we age and possibly delay the onset of cognitive decline. “This is one of the many programs we offer to let those impacted by Alzheimer’s know that we are here for them from the beginning of a diagnosis and throughout their journey with Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia,” said Katherine Lambert, CEO of the Western Carolina Chapter.
Prowl the Den giving away tours of Carolina Panthers CHARLOTTE – Allen Tate Realtors is offering an exclusive tailgate and tour experience of Bank of America Stadium through its Prowl the Den contest. On Oct. 26, 25 winners and their three guests will take part in a behind-the-scenes tour of the NFL franchise's facilities, including the kitchen, locker room and Gridiron Club. The tour will begin with a tailgate party. One of the winners will get four suite tickets and four field passes for the Nov. 17 game and four replica jerseys. Register at or stop by any Allen Tate sales office.
difference and helping students to succeed. While these results are encouraging, we are not there yet. We must stay on a path of continuous improvement.” The district’s proficiency on state assessments increased from 71.9% in 2017-18 to 73.6% in 2018-19. The most notable increase was shown in fifth and eighth-grade science, with UCPS posting eight and fivepoint gains, respectively. UCPS Focus Schools experienced sustained improvement in fourth and seventh-grade math, as a result of targeted tutoring strategies. Since 2017-18, UCPS has provided in-school tutoring at East, Benton Heights, Marshville and Walter Bickett elementary schools and East Union and Monroe middle schools. The state also released four-year graduation rates. The district’s 2019 rate is 93%, up from 92.6% in 2018. This marks the sixth consecutive year the rate exceeds 92%. Nine of the 12 comprehensive high schools earned a graduation rate of 90% or higher. Central Academy of Technology and Arts maintained a 100% graduation rate. Union County Early College earned a 100% graduation rate, up from 98.3% in 2018.
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8315 Byrum Drive / ADOPTION FEES RANGE FROM $63 TO $103
Union County Weekly • Sept. 13, 2019 • Page 3A
ELECTION (continued from page 1A)
see a blue future for North Carolina. “I have lots of problems with Dan Bishop and his history and what he has done to damage our state,” Wallace said. “I think McCready is the person to help us move forward.” McCready and Bishop greeted voters and canvassers across the district, including Indian Trail and Monroe. By the time Bishop arrived at Hemby Bridge Elementary School six hours before the polls closed, he said he felt confident about the election’s outcome, especially after President Donald Trump’s rally the night before. “The President and the Vice President being in the district for us yesterday, and just that experience of Mike Pence traveling with us across the district… and the President of the United States packing an auditorium in Fayetteville for us is a tremendous experience,” Bishop said. “I think it puts us over the top.” Bishop also said he could see a clear surge in the number of his supporters. “We started off just six months ago in a race in which our opponent’s been in for two years,” Bishop said. “We’ve caught him and I believe we’ve passed him and I think we’ll see a convincing win tonight.” Trump endorsed Bishop heavily on Twitter in the days leading up to the election. Democratic presidential hopefuls Beto O’Rourke and Elizabeth Warren also took to Twitter to endorse Dan McCready. “Dan is running to flip a seat Republicans have held since 1963 – and today, you can help him do it,” O’Rourke tweeted. “If you’re in North Carolina’s 9th district, get out and vote to elect Dan and send a message that Democrats aren’t only coming for safe seats. We’re coming for all of them.”
TRUMP (continued from page 1A)
strategy together, and he ran a great race.” Trump also criticized CNN and MSNBC for barely talking about the District 9 race as it looked like Bishop was going to win. Bishop had 96,081 votes (50.74%), followed by McCready's 92,144 (48.66%), Libertarian Jeff Scott's 767 (0.41) and Green Party Allen Smith's 371 (0.20%). McCready had 7,084 more absentee one-stop votes and 289 mail-in votes than Bishop heading into Sept. 10. Bishop supporters made up that deficit and then some. Bishop had 11,310 more votes than McCready on Election Day. Bishop thanked Trump, Pence and
The Union County Sheriff's Office reported these incidents Aug. 30-Sept. 5: Fairview Unauthorized Use of Vehicle • 7900 block of West Duncan Road Indian Trail Break-Ins • 6700 block of Third Avenue Break-Ins, Vehicles • 1000 block of Enderbury Drive • 4000 block of Edgeview Drive • 4100 block of Edgeview Drive (2 cases) Driving While Impaired • 6300 block of Indian Trail-Fairview Road Hit & Run • Gray Fox Road Possession of Marijuana • 1000 block of Green Terra Road • 3000 block of Secret Garden Court • 7800 block of Idlewild Road Possession of Weapon on School Property • 5200 block of Rogers Road Property Damage • 1100 block of Waxhaw-Indian Trail Road • 4800 block of Old Charlotte Hwy. Thefts • 2000 block of Orby Avenue • 2100 block of Younts Road (2 cases) • 2500 block of Waxhaw-Indian Trail Road • 2800 block of Ridge Road • 7800 block of Idlewild Road Marshville Driving While Impaired • 6700 block of East N.C. 218 Thefts • 2300 block of Marshville Olive Branch Road • 6400 block of Brice Griffin Road
The Union County Board of Elections reported 60,381 ballots were cast in the special election. The only race on the ballot was the Ninth District House of Representatives, won by N.C. Sen. Dan Bishop. Kayla Berenson/UCW photos
other supporters during his victory speech at W.H. Harris Lighting Company in Monroe. “The White House leadership and all our Republican and conservative partners who were there for us every step of the way because they all understood what was at stake in this election,” Bishop said. “I told President Trump we weren’t tired of winning … are we tired of winning y’all? We’re not tired of winning...we’re just getting started because we are seeing the successful results of the President’s agenda.” Bishop said the election result sent the message that voters said “no to the radical liberal policies being pushed by the Democrat Party.” The Ninth District spans 210 precincts across eight counties, including Mecklenburg and Union. Union County was key to Bishop's campaign, as he had 12,414 more
Marvin Break-Ins • 2300 block of Beechwood Drive
votes than McCready. Bishop had more votes than McCready in 43 of Union County's 52 precincts. McCready had the most support in Monroe, notably in precincts like Iglesia De Dios, J Ray Shute Center, Shiloh Elementary School, St. Luke's Lutheran Church, Sutton Park Recreation Center, The Bazemore Center and The Old Armory. He also had more votes at the Beaver Lane Volunteer Fire Department in Marshville and Wingate Community Center in Wingate. Election Day saw 9,095 more Bishop supporters at the Union County polls, perhaps spurred by the White House. McCready earned 55.9% of the vote in Mecklenburg County, amassing 8,226 more votes than Bishop. McCready led in 44 of Mecklenburg's 50 precincts.
Monroe Animal Call Bite • 800 block of East Sunset Drive Break-Ins • 600 block of Treeway Drive • 1200 block of Walkup Avenue (2 cases) • 1300 block of Coakley Street Break-Ins, Vehicles • 100 block of Brookhaven Avenue • 500 block of North Johnston Street • 600 block of Beard Street • 700 block of English Street • 1000 block of Massey Street • 1100 block of Burke Street • 1100 block of East Sunset Drive • 1300 block of North Charlotte Avenue • 1600 block of Winthrop Lane • 2600 block of Nelda Drive (2 cases) Carrying Concealed Gun • 1200 block of East Sunset Drive Discharging Firearm Inside Town Limits • 600 block of Beard Street • 600 block of Maurice Street Drive After Consuming (Under 21) • 400 block of South Sutherland Avenue Financial Card Fraud • 1500 block of Stack Road Identity Theft • 700 block of Forest Valley Lane • 800 block of East Sunset Drive
Obtaining Property by False Pretenses • 1600 block of Dickerson Blvd. Possession of Controlled Substance • 2500 block of Long Hope Road Possession of Marijuana • 300 block of Morgan Mill Road Possession of Stolen Goods • 300 block of East Windsor Street Property Damage • 300 block of South Bragg Street • 300 block of West Roosevelt Boulevard • 700 block of Sinclair Drive • 700 block of Summit Street • 800 block of North Rocky River Road • 1100 Keswick Place • 1900 block of Ashcraft Avenue • 2000 block of Union Street • 2400 block of West Roosevelt Boulevard • 2800 block of West U.S. 74 Resist, Delay, Obstruct • 300 block of Venus Street • 600 block of West Roosevelt Boulevard Thefts • 200 block of East Sunset Drive • 300 block of Hamilton Street • 300 block of Venus Street • 600 block of Maurice Street • 600 block of West Roosevelt Boulevard • 700 block of Castle Road • 800 block of East Roosevelt Boulevard (2 cases) • 900 block of South Church Street • 1100 block of George Taylor Road • 1900 block of Dickerson Boulevard • 2400 block of Castleberry Court • 2400 block of West Roosevelt Boulevard (2 cases) • 3000 block of Old Charlotte Highway Thefts, Firearms • 1900 block of Old Charlotte Highway Thefts, Vehicles • 70 block of Kathy Street • 2600 block of Nelda Drive (2 cases) Trespassing • 100 block of Maurice Street • 800 block of Burke Street • 3000 block of Old Camden Road Unauthorized Use of Vehicle • 1600 block of Mackenzie Lane • 3200 block of Walkup Avenue Waxhaw Break-Ins, Vehicle • 1400 block of Laurel Hill Drive Property Damage • 1400 block of Cuthbertson Road Thefts • 1500 block of South Providence Road Thefts, Vehicle • 1400 block of Laurel Hill Drive Weddington Possession of Marijuana • 4200 block of Weddington-Matthews Road Wesley Chapel Break-Ins, Vehicles • 200 Candella Drive • 700 block of Blaise Court • 6300 block of Pumpernickel Lane Thefts, Vehicles • 6300 block of Pumpernickel Lane
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Page 4A • Union County Weekly • Sept. 13, 2019
Week 4 game picks Cuthbertson (2-1) at Jay M. Robinson (1-2) Cuthbertson was a nice story starting the season 0-2, but the Cavs let a very winnable game slip through their fingertips last week. This would appear to be another game they could win, but these opportunities start to run dry when conference play starts. Winner: Cuthbertson Forest Hills (1-2) at Monroe (2-1) The Yellow Jackets are looking to get back to .500 on the season and end a personal eight-game losing streak to the Redhawks. Monroe is trying to prove that it’s for real, and the high-scoring offense has looked the part to this point. Winner: Monroe Marvin Ridge (1-1) at Northwest Cabarrus (3-0) The Mavs caught a tough break when Ardrey Kell beat them in the game’s final 10 seconds, but they have lots of talent. Northwest Cabarrus would love to play spoiler here and send the Mavs under .500. Winner: Marvin Ridge Victory Christian (1-0) at Metrolina Christian (2-1)
Victory Christian and Northside Christian combined their football teams after both suffered from low numbers last season. Metrolina’s defense carried them to a win last week, so maybe the offense will turn it up this time. Winner: Metrolina Christian
Super 7: Warriors reign, but Pirates on the move
Buford (1-2) at Parkwood (2-1) Sametrius Drakeford is turning into a star at running back, and the Rebels are literally off and running with their hot start. Buford has either won big or lost bigger in their three games so far, but is a dangerous team. Winner: Parkwood Porter Ridge (1-1) at Sun Valley (1-2) The Pirates had their chances against Weddington in Week 1 and exploded last week behind that vaunted rushing attack. The Spartans defense will be tested big time at home, but this feels like an early season must win for Sun Valley. Winner: Porter Ridge Pine Lake Prep (2-1) at Union Academy (1-1) Union Academy has switched to more of a run-first offense, and it worked last week with Derek Young Jr. and Isaac King topping 100 yards and the Cardinals going
Courtesy of Ashley Mock for 463 rushing yards. Pine Lake Prep was beat 44-0 by winless Covenant Day last week. Winner: Union Academy Weddington (3-0) at Catawba Ridge (2-1) The Warriors are putting all the pieces together and improving in every facet as the year goes on. Catawba Ridge, Fort Mill’s newest high school, lost to Charlotte Latin at home last week. Winner: Weddington
50% OFF Joining Fee ! Expires 9-30-2019
1. Weddington (3-0) Last week: No. 1 Result: Beat South Meck 42-0 This week: Catawba Ridge The Warrior train is in full effect after the defense posted a zero on the scoreboard this week against a South Meck team still trying to find its way. It was a needed sight for that side of the ball’s confidence after they hadn’t been themselves at times during the first two weeks. Another good sign for this Weddington team is they already led 35-0 at halftime last week after struggling to put points on the board early in each of its first two wins. Just like coach Andy Capone had hoped, it appears his team is getting better each and every week. 2. Charlotte Catholic (1-2) Last week: No. 2 Result: Lost 7-3 to Archbishop Rummel This week: Bye I’m not ready to move the Cougars down just yet. Charlotte Catholic wanted to test themselves with more of a national schedule. The Cougars certainly have done that in the past two weeks when they lost nail-biters to Our Lady of Good Counsel (7-0) and Archbishop Rummel (7-3). The Cougars hadn’t lost back-to-back games since Sept. 25, 2009, when Olympic capped off a four-game losing streak to a Catholic team that went 7-5 that season. In the decade since, they’ve gone 13614. There is no issue with the defense, which has been very strong this season, but there has to be concern about the offense, especially the vaunted run game. Mostly, I think, it shows the lack of aerial attack. The good news is the Cougars have back-to-back bye weeks to fix it. 3. Monroe (2-1) Last week: No. 3 Result: Defeated Jay M. Robinson 40-14 This week: Forest Hills (1-2) The Redhawks started slowly as Salen Streater’s beautiful 99-yard catch and run touchdown was nearly the only exciting offensive play of the first half. Then quarterback Matt Bennett and the Redhawk offense turned a 13-7 halftime advantage into a blowout win. They have a chance to do it again this week against Forest Hills, who has struggled for the most part this season. And Monroe has won eight in a row and nine of the past 10 in the series against the Yellow Jackets. 4. Metrolina Christian (2-1) Last week: No. 4 Result: Beat Word of God 38-14 This week: Victory Christian/Northside
Christian (1-0) This week: The Warrior offense had good days from Jadus Davis (98 yards total offense and a TD) and Carson Carpenter (rushing TD), but they didn’t need to do much with as well as the defense played. Tommy Miller returned two interceptions for touchdowns, and Andrew Threatt added a pick-6 touchdown of his own. Colton Fitch and Carpenter led the defensive attack, which also had four sacks and constantly badgered Word of God into mistakes. 5. Marvin Ridge (1-1) Last week: No. 5 Result: Lost 36-33 to Ardrey Kell This week: at Northwest Cabarrus (3-0) Ardrey Kell needed a late fourth quarter drive and a reception at the goal line from a player making his first grab of the season to beat the Mavs, so they’ll stay here for now. Quarterback Sully McDermott is the county’s best quarterback, and it might not be close. He puts balls right on guys, and receivers Bryce Kennon, Ethan Robitaille and Ian Hutter could be the best pass-catching trio in the county as well. The Mavs have to tighten up on defense, but that was just their second game of the season so they’ll improve quite a bit. 6. Porter Ridge (1-1) Last week: No. 7 Result: Beat Piedmont 42-0 This week: at Sun Valley (1-2) The Pirates looked like the Pirates of old as they gouged Piedmont on the ground for 319 rushing yards and 10.6 yards per carry. Porter Ridge has and uses a lot of running backs, but Brandon Perry (five carries, 96 yards and two touchdowns) and Alex Chapman (three carries, 52 yards and a touchdown) stood out among a crowded group. Connor Henderson, Chris Capers and Dylan Burnette helped orchestrate the shutout. This week is an interesting out-of-conference battle with Sun Valley, and the Pirates could put the Spartans in a bad spot with another loss. 7. Cuthbertson (2-1) Last week: No. 6 Result: Lost 42-13 to Anson This week: Jay M. Robinson (1-2) Last week in this space I had to write that I was wrong about Cuthbertson after predicting them to finish last in the league. Now, after an ugly loss against a team who came in winless, maybe I can steal a line from former 49er coach Mike Singletary and say, ‘They are who we thought they were.’ It may not be that bad, but the Cavs could use another out-of-conference win to validate themselves and give them confidence heading into the gauntlet of teams that will be coming at them weekly. Robinson may be just the team the Cavs need.
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• Assumes an estimated job cost of $4720. Estimated advertised payment of $59 a month assumes thirdparty financing available for new customers at a 9.99% annual percentage rate for 132 months. Available to well qualified buyers on approved credit with $59 down payment. Not all buyers may qualify. Higher rates apply for buyers with lower credit ratings. LeafGuard is neither a broker nor a lender. Financing provided by third-party lenders. Expires 4/30/19.
Union County Weekly • Sept. 13, 2019 • Page 5A
Marvin Ridge coach prefers press box to sideline by Andrew Stark
If you’re at a Marvin Ridge football game this season looking on the sidelines for Mavs coach Aubrey Carter, you’d better catch him either before or after kickoff. Carter, who is in his fifth season, doesn’t prefer to stand on the sidelines alongside his coordinators and where most coaches stand, right in the heat of the action. Instead, this year he’s going back to the press box where he can get a better view and clearer head to put the Mavs in position to win. “I used to go up there my first two or three years here,” he said. “I like managing the game better. I like being removed from from the emotion and make sound decisions. It’s a little unorthodox, but it works for us.” From his vantage point, Carter got to see his Marvin Ridge team fight back from deficits of 21-20 and 28-21 before eventually falling to defending So. Meck 7 champion Ardrey Kell 36-33. Junior quarterback Sully McDermott continued his stellar play as he completed 23-of-34 passes for 423 yards and three touchdowns against just one interception. McDermott has thrown 55 passes through the first two weeks, and is third in the state according to with a 344.5 yards per game average.
Marvin Ridge lineman Blake Colonna celebrates after a touchdown. The Mavs lost 36-33 to Ardrey Kell on Sept. 6, but have another test this week with unbeaten Northwest Cabarrus on tap. Andrew Stark/UCW photo
“He got us out of some bad spots,” Carter said following the game. “We ended up scoring on a drive where we faced a 3rd-and-27 so the good part is that no matter where you are in a situation you have a chance to score.” McDermott completed passes to six different receivers, but he has a sure connection with Ian Hutter (6 catches, 85 yards), Ethan Robitaille (6 catches, 127 yards and two
touchdowns) and Bryce Kennon (7 catches, 124 yards and a touchdown) who were all sensational against Ardrey Kell. The Mavs rushed for just 98 yards and averaged 3.4 yards per carry, but Jeb Despard had five carries for 58 yards on his own and Jacob Terwilliger and Daniel Daenecke both scored rushing touchdowns. Carter didn’t comment specif-
ically about the run game or the defense allowing 33 points despite standout performances Tanner Blackwell, Jack Makarewicz, Cooley Smith and Bobby Savage. But overall the tone was clear. “We need to clean a lot of stuff up,” Carter said. “We had too many penalties and some other mistakes, but this is also just our second game of the year so some of it is from that. But we have to
clean it up everywhere.” Last season, the Mavs started 6-2, but lost consecutive games to Weddington, Charlotte Catholic and Sun Valley to close the regular season and were beaten by Mount Tabor to open the playoffs. To avoid a repeat, Carter knows the little details are going to matter, and especially over the next few weeks. The Mavs are in the midst of a tough three-game stretch that included Ardrey Kell and the next two weeks when Marvin Ridge plays Northwest Cabarrus, who is a perfect 3-0, and a makeup game with 1-1 Porter Ridge after they were washed out on opening night. “We’ve talked about it that these three weeks are going to tell us a lot about who we are,” Carter said. “They were a good football team, Northwest is a good football team and then Porter Ridge is up next so we have to clean it up before we get through that and into the conference.” But, in reality, the Mavs are a play or two away from being 2-0 after Ardrey Kell scored on a pick6 and later with 10 seconds left after completing a long pass late. But that’s how the chips fell and Carter and the Mavs are ready to move on. “The good part is we got down twice and good teams respond,” Carter said. “There’s a ton of positives to take away, we just have to clean some of that other stuff up.”
Page 6A • Union County Weekly • Sept. 13, 2019
August 2019
Editor’s note: Information provided by the Charlotte Regional Realtor Association and
Home Sales DATE SOLD
28079 Annandale 2001 Emerson Lane Aug. 30 $305,000 Anniston Grove 1407 Becklow Court Aug. 15 $535,750 Bonterra 1200 Saratoga Blvd. Aug. 20 $407,000 1927 Painted Horse Dr. Aug. 19 $373,174 Brandon Oaks 5339 Courtfield Drive Aug. 29 $274,000 Colton Ridge 1003 Talbot Court Aug. 29 $300,000 2005 Colton Ridge Dr. Aug. 22 $288,000 1002 Talbot Court Aug. 20 $294,000 1001 Monaco Court Aug. 7 $323,000 Cottages at Indian Trail 2320 Whispering Way Aug. 30 $316,275 2336 Whispering Way Aug. 23 $325,033 Crismark 5001 Lazy Day Lane Aug. 16 $272,500 6007 Centerview Drive Aug. 8 $280,000 5005 Joyful Noise Lane Aug. 1 $311,500 4015 Cloud View Lane Aug. 1 $315,000 Fieldstone Farm 1021 Blue Stream Lane Aug. 30 $281,000 1005 Garden Web Road Aug. 15 $273,400 5007 Houndscroft Road Aug. 12 $300,000 Glendalough 4305 Roundwood Court Aug. 9 $306,000 Heritage 1153 Curling Creek Drive Aug. 29 $436,055 1141 Curling Creek Drive Aug. 22 $415,565 1122 Curling Creek Drive Aug. 20 $328,570 1013 Curling Creek Dr. Aug. 20 $325,320 Lake Park 6505 Sybil Court Aug. 16 $400,000 3908 Logan Circle Aug. 8 $310,325 6223 Creft Circle Aug. 7 $478,400 Moores Park 311 Frontier Circle Aug. 28 $291,000 4816 Pioneer Lane Aug. 5 $407,000 Sheridan 2025 Clover Hill Road Aug. 29 $308,000 Shiloh Trace 3006 Gambrill Falls Dr. Aug. 22 $325,000 2104 Ridley Park Court Aug. 9 $320,000 Tallwood Estates II 9824 Thornridge Drive Aug. 7 $425,000 Taylor Glenn 3012 Semmes Lane Aug. 30 $272,000 1014 Wayland Court Aug. 16 $339,900 7013 Magna Lane Aug. 15 $330,000 The Enclaves at Crismark 2002 Dunwoody Drive Aug. 29 $375,000 6002 Tremont Drive Aug. 23 $435,000 2114 Capricorn Ave. Aug. 20 $438,000 Union Grove 2013 Kemp Road Aug. 15 $286,000 28104 Atherton 624 Winter Wheat Court Aug. 28 $862,487 636 Winter Wheat Ct. Aug. 7 $1,133,953 Blackstone 3009 Whisperfield Lane Aug. 15 $478,000 Brookhaven 3600 Delamere Drive Aug. 13 $463,000 1004 Lugano Court Aug. 2 $670,000 Callonwood 3682 Privette Road Aug. 22 $317,500 1013 Woodkirk Lane Aug. 9 $520,000 Cambridge Oaks 3064 Scottsdale Lane Aug. 26 $442,500 Canisteo 2110 Seth Drive Aug. 7 $828,000 Casalino 313 Hollyhock Drive Aug. 23 $550,000 401 Hollyhock Drive Aug. 20 $545,000 Chestnut 009 Amhurst Court Aug. 26 $380,000 1117 Yarrow St. Aug. 22 $378,000
Chestnut Oaks 1269 Saint Johns Ave. Aug. 20 $358,000 Cobbestone 7218 Cobblecreek Drive Aug. 27 $468,000 Emerald Lake 2508 Flagstick Drive Aug. 22 $455,000 6203 Four Wood Drive Aug. 19 $470,000 Fairhaven 600 Yellow Daisy Drive Aug. 27 $319,500 5032 Haven Lodge Rd. Aug. 1 $290,000 Greystone Estates 6123 Greystone Drive Aug. 15 $435,000 Hadley Park 1105 Hadley Park Lane Aug. 20 $789,900 1225 Hadley Park Lane Aug. 15 $700,000 Harlow’s Crossing 1031 Harlow’s Crossing Drive Aug. 30 $627,580 Heritage 1162 Curling Creek Dr. Aug. 22 $375,000 Highgate 6063 Foggy Glen Place Aug. 21 $1,090,000 3031 Kings Manor Drive Aug. 20 $1,500,000 9008 Pine Laurel Drive Aug. 20 $1,021,500 Potters Creek Estates 315 Jean Place Court Aug. 22 $635,000 Prestwick 5713 Parkstone Drive Aug. 26 $270,000 Providence Place 7107 Forest Ridge Road Aug. 15 $495,000 Providence Woods 4432 Weddington Matthews Road Aug. 30 $362,500 4525 Glen Oaks Drive Aug. 14 $427,000 4425 Glen Oaks Drive Aug. 8 $570,000 3530 Bounty Court Aug. 7 $589,900 Quintessa 4005 Capullo Court Aug. 9 $750,000 Providence Forest Estates 3004 Providence Forest Drive Aug. 19 $644,900 Shannamara 411 Balintoy Lane Aug. 23 $471,000 5727 Bardsey Court Aug. 15 $415,000 9101 Tenby Lane Aug. 5 $379,000 The Courtyards at Weddington Road 1203 Waypoint Court Aug. 12 $432,500 The Falls at Weddington 322 Turtleback Ridge Aug. 19 $640,000 208 Rainbow Lane Aug. 16 $742,715 128 Enclave Meadows Lane Aug. 16 $646,612 133 Enclave Meadows Lane Aug. 15 $656,468 411 Turtleback Ridge Aug. 13 $1,052,292 308 Eden Hollow Lane Aug. 5 $700,000 Tuscan Ridge 2262 Shagbark Lane Aug. 14 $760,000 Vickery 3021 Chalet Lane Aug. 19 $539,000 Vintage Creek 112 Vintage Creek Drive Aug. 16 $705,305 Walden Austin Village 2023 Laney Pond Road Aug. 15 $340,191 Weddington Hills 1217 Weddington Hills Dr. Aug. 23 $545,000 Weddington Woods 2125 Keegan Court Aug. 22 $345,000 Wedgehood 4033 Whisperwood Ct. Aug. 27 $405,000 2134 Wedgewood Drive Aug. 15 $405,000 Wellington Woods 6700 Tree Hill Road Aug. 9 $395,000 7008 Thames Court Aug. 2 $451,000 White Oaks 305 Timber Lane Aug. 9 $440,000 Williamsburg 1121 Lafayette Park Ln. Aug. 9 $559,950 28173 Aero Plantation 679 Brandy Court Aug. 21 $1,200,000
916 Eagle Road Aug. 9 $718,000 Alma Village 3900 Hermes Lane Aug. 19 $325,000 Amber Meadows 1005 Jasper Lane Aug. 14 $728,246 Anklin Forest 9012 Bitberg Lane Aug. 27 $540,000 Barrington 8405 Fairgreen Ave. Aug. 19 $401,000 8452 Fairgreen Ave. Aug. 16 $415,750 Beagle Run 1400 Crane Road Aug. 16 $665,000 Belle Grove 2030 Belle Grove St. Aug. 23 $991,018 Centerfield Creek 9407 Belmont Lane Aug. 19 $565,000 9212 Rock Water Court Aug. 5 $650,000 9220 Rock Water Court Aug. 1 $595,000 Champion Forest 1341 Dobson Drive Aug. 30 $591,000 1131 Dobson Drive Aug. 16 $470,000 3006 Chisholm Court Aug. 7 $490,000 Chatsworth 1513 Hawkstone Drive Aug. 27 $968,755 Copper Run 1508 Springfield Drive Aug. 30 $397,000 Cureton 3612 Mcpherson St. Aug. 23 $690,000 8500 Caesars Head Dr. Aug. 19 $615,000 3025 Chasbury Park Dr. Aug. 16 $540,000 2617 Bee Ridge Court Aug. 14 $539,000 8736 Whitehawk Hill Rd. Aug. 7 $524,000 Drayton Hall Estates 8525 Broxburn Lane Aug. 28 $638,000 Easthampton 1108 Easthampton Lane Aug. 23 $395,000 Greenbrier 1115 Brooksland Place Aug. 30 $330,900 Highclere 144 Highclere Drive Aug. 27 $720,000 Hunter Oaks 606 Gressenhall Lane Aug. 23 $409,900 1004 Iveyridge Drive Aug. 22 $558,000 1007 Staghorn Lane Aug. 16 $492,500 Inverness on Providence 193 Barclay Drive Aug. 12 $549,000 Kensington Place 812 Garrison Grove Ln. Aug. 29 $415,000 Ladera 1127 Ladera Drive Aug. 2 $820,000 Lochaven Estates 739 Lochaven Road Aug. 5 $450,000 Magnolia Ridge 4601 Magnolia Ridge Dr. Aug. 30 $292,000 Marvin Creek 121 Turkey Hunt Court Aug. 27 $545,000 312 Painted Turtle Court Aug. 26 $660,000 204 Cattle Ridge Road Aug. 19 $925,000 5013 Autumn Blossom Lane Aug. 2 $693,000 McKinley Forest 705 Copper Tree Lane Aug. 6 $635,350 Millbridge 1601 Millbridge Pkwy. Aug. 29 $459,000 3113 Bridgewick Road Aug. 29 $335,000 1025 Winnett Drive Aug. 28 $332,654 1043 Winnett Drive Aug. 27 $339,000 1001 Hobson Lane Aug. 23 $487,524 2040 Burton Point Court Aug. 22 $339,900 2018 Burton Point Court Aug. 22 $335,195 2878 Creekview Drive Aug. 22 $459,000 2677 Creekview Drive Aug. 21 $387,000 5074 Oakmere Road Aug. 20 $325,000 1001 Lydgate Drive Aug. 19 $442,000 1550 Millbridge Pkwy. Aug. 19 $502,000 New Towne Village 4807 Sandtyn Drive Aug. 16 $356,000 Oak Grove Estates 5138 Oak Grove Place Aug. 30 $461,300 Oldstone Forest 4012 Oldstone Forest Dr. Aug. 12 $520,000 8024 Harpers Grove Aug. 7 $507,000
Providence Downs 1321 Churchill Downs Dr. Aug. 29 $780,000 9105 Monarchos Court Aug. 26 $950,000 9115 Unbridle Lane Aug. 21 $610,000 1106 Real Quiet Lane Aug. 8 $840,000 1306 Churchill Downs Dr. Aug. 8 $930,000 Providence Downs South 1617 Funny Cide Drive Aug. 27 $1,100,000 1625 Lookout Circle Aug. 20 $840,000 1307 Venetian Way Dr. Aug. 15 $1,350,000 1916 Smarty Jones Dr. Aug. 9 $925,000 Providence Estates 3201 Banyan Way Aug. 23 $525,000 Providence Glen 1918 Prima Cornice Ct. Aug. 22 $510,000 Providence Grove 8208 Brisbin Drive Aug. 8 $370,000 Providence Pines 6626 Loblolly Circle Aug. 19 $285,000 Sedgefield 1916 Iverson Lane Aug. 6 $1,900,000 Shannon Vista 5507 Marchetti Drive Aug. 6 $379,000 5704 Parthum Court Aug. 2 $365,000 Somerset 206 Elven Court Aug. 21 $330,000 8504 Priory Court Aug. 15 $395,000 9019 Tintinhull Lane Aug. 2 $375,000 9024 Tintinhull Lane Aug. 1 $395,000 The Chimneys of Marvin 10607 Waxhaw Manor Dr. Aug. 22 $520,000 2608 Catesby Drive Aug. 14 $700,001 10103 Stonesby Lane Aug. 14 $617,000 The Courtyards at Wesley Chapel 1707 Traditions Court Aug. 26 $356,309 2110 Epworth Court Aug. 15 $465,740 The Gates at Ansley 928 Giacomo Drive Aug. 20 $825,879 The Glen at Wesley Oaks 401 Conaway Court Aug. 22 $495,000 The Highlands at Greenbrier 1023 Brooksland Place Aug. 5 $294,980 1213 Juddson Drive Aug. 1 $299,900 The Preserve at Marvin 2016 Flowering Peach Road Aug. 26 $875,000 1008 Golden Bell Drive Aug. 26 $720,000 7001 Tea Olive Road Aug. 25 $895,000 The Reserve 9904 King George Lane Aug. 14 $465,000 2800 Gilead Lane Aug. 13 $380,000 Therrell Farms 1804 Therrell Farms Rd. Aug. 9 $532,000 Tuscany 316 Madeira Circle Aug. 9 $497,500 2416 Madeira Circle Aug. 6 $499,000 5215 Sequoia Lane Aug. 5 $371,000 Valhalla Farms 3120 King Olaf Drive Aug. 28 $610,000 Walden at Providence 31 Kingsdown Court Aug. 19 $904,000 513 Kingsdown Court Aug. 16 $1,230,000 529 Valley Run Drive Aug. 2 $1,550,000 Weddington Chase 7214 Stonehaven Drive Aug. 8 $675,500 Weddington Preserve 105 Westlake Drive Aug. 27 $751,505 Weddington Trace 7119 Yellowhorn Trail Aug. 22 $600,000 1210 Oleander Lane Aug. 7 $385,000 7300 Yellowhorn Trail Aug. 2 $609,900 Wesley Oaks 6616 Walton Hall Court Aug. 15 $450,000 627 Springwood Drive Aug. 5 $369,900 Wesley Springs 1432 Willow Ridge Lane Aug. 22 $400,100 1157 Woodwinds Drive Aug. 2 $291,000 Willow Creek 1905 Astrid Court Aug. 19 $490,000 Homes sold for less than $270,000 were not included
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Arts Entertainment ht to you By g u o Br
Union County Weekly • Sept. 13, 2019 • Page 1B @jongsbbq
Instagram accounts you should know about By Karie Simmons @love365cards
>> I feel like I see the same posts on Instagram every day... friends who seem to travel all the time and never work, influencers not-so-subtly plugging another product, pictures of my aunt’s cat, clothes from brands I can never afford and Kim Kardashian’s butt. If you can relate to at least one of these, it’s time to shake up your feed. Here are 15 Instagram accounts to follow if you want some variety in your life (sorry Kim):
@jongsbbq Be mindful of your heavy breathing as you scroll past pulled pork, beef brisket, smoked beans and mac & cheese from Jon G’s Barbecue. The family-run food truck and catering company is so good that it won a 2019 Best of the Weekly award. Now that’s impressive.
#OMG Don’t forget about us! Folllow @ucweekly for extra photos, news, community coverage and announcements.
@localcarolinas Everyone likes to look at food photos, but Local Carolinas is way more than that. Posts range from music and art to shops, small businesses, breweries and restaurants all over North and South Carolina. You’ll be inspired to venture out of your neighborhood and explore someplace new.
@powderstudioporcelain @humane_society_union_county_nc
@waxhawliving This account has everything there is to love about Waxhaw all in one place – breweries, farmers markets, local businesses, community events, unique restaurants and, of course, the beautiful farmland. @humane_society_union_county_nc Fill your feed with dogs, puppies, cats and kittens available for adoption from this nonprofit specializing in finding permanent homes for homeless pets. Enough said. @onegirlinspired Created by a mom from Waxhaw, One Girl Inspired is a monthly subscription box that offers more
than just beauty items. The service aims to empower and motivate teen girls. Follow for inspirational quotes and to see what’s inside the boxes. @sielashop This isn’t your typical boutique. Siela in downtown Waxhaw sells women’s clothing and gifts from vendors who support fair wages and ethical practices. That’s something we can all get behind. @aghoulihan If your kids attend a Union County public school, it’s probably a good idea to follow Superintendent see FOLLOW, Page 4B
Fall festivals you don't want to miss by Justin Vick
Autumn yields yellowing leaves, pumpkin-flavored food and fall festivals for the family. We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite fall festivals in Mecklenburg and Union counties that you don’t want to miss. Charlotte: The Great Pumpkin Fest Carowinds is known for its Halloween-themed Scarowinds, but its kid-friendly Great Pumpkin Fest is nothing to sneeze at. Activities are framed around Snoopy, Charlie Brown and the rest of the Peanuts crew. Admission is required. • When: Sept. 14 to Oct. 27 • Where: Carowinds, 14523 Carowinds Blvd.
• Details: Charlotte: Festival in the Park The 55th annual event has 12 acts performing on the main stage, including the Youth Orchestras of Charlotte, Beatlesque, Nate Randall Band and Randy Franklin. There’s also stages for folk and youth performers, as well as a family fun zone. • When: 4 to 9 p.m. Sept. 20, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sept. 21 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 22 • Where: Freedom Park, 1908 East Blvd. • Details: Charlotte: International Festival Sample the sights, sounds and tastes of dozens of cultures at UNC Charlotte. Much of the entertainment and
vendor booths at the 44th event are showcased by the university’s diverse student body. • When: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 21 • Where: UNC Charlotte, 9201 University City Blvd. • Details: Matthews: ArtWalk & MusicFest The Matthews Chamber of Commerce injects live music, dance performances and an arts and crafts market to an already rocking downtown environment. The event used to be called Artfest. • When: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 28 • Where: Matthews Station St. • Details: www.matthewschamber. org see FALL, Page 3B
Great Pumpkin Fest xxxxx xxxxxxx
Union County Weekly • Sept. 13, 2019 • Page 2B
'Designing Spaces' to feature Waxhaw family
Homemade candles honor first responders, military by Lee Noles Contributor
Jamie Abbondanza’s pride for her husband’s job as a police officer in Charlotte is so great, she decided to show her appreciation by creating homemade candles with logos for all first responders. Little did she know her act of respect Abbondanza would turn into a full-fledged business she calls Abb’s Commonscents. “The scent is just a play off the candles, while Abb’s is a nickname people have given my husband,” Abbondanza said. “It’s nothing special.” What is special is how the business got its start. After being downsized last December, Abbondanza was looking for something to fill her time before starting her next career. Her family had always loved burning candles, so she visited websites and chatrooms and learned the process. “It kind of just snowballed from there,” Abbondanza said. She decorated the candles with police emblems and kept them around the house for the family to enjoy, before realizing she was ready for more. She took them to Bojangles’ Arena in Charlotte and sold them at a hockey game between the local public safety departments in Mecklenburg County. Abbondanza was amazed at the reception she got at the fundraiser and gave a dollar from every candle she sold back to the organizations. “It meant a lot to me to see that it was important enough to them to have something and show how appreciative they are of their significant other,” said Abbondanza, who can personalize the candleholder by placing the name and badge number of the officer. The success at the hockey game only had Abbondanza wanting to branch out to a wider market. She went on a Facebook page that supports wives of officers who are running a small business and started sending orders to California, Nevada and a larger shipment to a store in Florida. Things only grew after the urging of her husband, Mike, to try candles that were not just for first responders and their family. Abbondanza bought wine glasses and coffee cups in bulk and placed funny sayings on them. She also created candles for weddings by printing the couples’ name and the date of their marriage on the glasses. “It’s a little candle they can take home with them,” Abbondanza said. Abbondanza expanded her fragrances from the normal lavender and vanilla that are common for candles to ones
Abbondanza has recently started making candles for families who have members in a military branch. Lee Noles/UCW photo
better fit for the seasons. She is working on flavors that have a smell more associated with pumpkins, cinnamon and candy apple. “Things that remind you of a fair in the fall,” Abbondanza said. The process of creating the wax usually lasts a couple of hours and involves Abbondanza melting a 50-pound bag of soy flake in a pot at around 185 degrees. She lets it cool to 125 degrees so it can set. Decorating the glass can be longer with Abbondanza using a special glue and a soft sanding sponge to put on the words and emblems. Articles and talking with experts online has helped in making the 10-hour process easier. “There are professional candle makers, and then there are people like me who are just beginning to do this,” Abbondanza said of using the internet. “It’s a good place to get tricks and tips.” The success has left Abbondanza amazed that in less than a year she went from searching for a job to running her own burgeoning business. Even after the rapid growth of her candles, she realizes what is most important for her. “I have started thinking bigger, but at the same time, I don’t want to stretch myself too much like I did when I was in the corporate world,” said Abbondanza, who also works from home for an auto injury company. “I like spending as much time as I can with my family.”
WAXHAW – An upcoming episode of Lifetime Network's “Designing Spaces” will feature a Waxhaw family, according to Kinetic by Windstream. The TV show will feature Ashley, Ryan, Carter and Will Tobin. The show airs at 7:30 a.m. Sept. 13. Kinetic by Windstream will appear beside the Tobins as the family transforms their home into a fully connected smart home using the company's internet services. “It’s amazing,” Ashley Tobin said. “We never dreamed our technology needs would be answered by Windstream and filmed for TV by Lifetime.” Ryan Tobin works as a contractor specializing in adaptive reuse of historic structures for multifamily residences around the Charlotte area. “It can be tricky to bring a home, even a pretty new one like ours, up to the wireless, high-speed service we need, but when I’m working from home, I’m logging into a virtual network and downloading enormous PDFs of blueprints,” he said. Because of service outages with a previous provider, “I have to make a decision, ‘Is it OK for me to go home today because I know when I’m there I can take care of something, or do I have to stay where I’m at?’” Ryan Tobin said. “This will make it a lot easier to make the decision to go home.” With Kinetic Internet, Ryan Tobin can work from home while Ashley Tobin orchestrates a growing pet sitting business online that Carter and Will staff called Paws, Claws, Wings & Things. The episode segment shows them all on computers, smart phones and a game console, then follows a home technology overhaul that includes a shopping spree for smart watches, a smart doorbell, new laptop and wireless printer, a gaming system and a WiFi-enabled TV. "We are thrilled to offer the Tobins high-speed Kinetic Internetrk from home, and Carter and Will are helping out with a business and completing school work over that broadband connection, not to mention the streaming and games that are a big part of their winding down. A modern home like theirs runs on reliable high-speed internet. Want to learn more? With more than 1,200 employees in the state, Windstream has connected thousands of homes with Kinetic by Windstream Internet and Kinetic Business 1-Gig Fiber Internet. Visit https:// for details about Designing Spaces.
Follow us on instagram
Want some candles? Abbondanza’s candles are at Peddler's Paradise, 105 W. Franklin St., Monroe. Contact her at jamieabbondan
11.07.19 | CHARLOTTE CONVENTION CENTER Charlotte Mecklenburg Library Foundation’s signature fundraising event, to benefit your community’s knowledge center: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library PR ESEN TING SPONSOR
Featuring New York Times best-selling authors:
Karen Abbott is the author of historical non-fiction including Liar, Temptress, Soldier, Spy, named a best book of 2014. New Release: The Ghosts of Eden Park
Ross Gay is the award-winning author of three books of poetry. New Release: The Book of Delights
Alice Hoffman is the author of more than thirty works of fiction, including Oprah’s Book Club selection Here on Earth. New Release: The World That We Knew
Kevin Wilson is the author of several novels including The Family Fang, adapted into an acclaimed film. New Release: Nothing to See Here
Emcee: Sheri Lynch, radio personality and author Tickets: Individual tickets are $150 and include cocktail reception, book sales and signing, dinner and program. Book club tables are available. Save time in line! Pre-order a book bundle, sets include a new release from each Verse & Vino author.
Page 3B • Sept. 13, 2019 • Union County Weekly
Waxhaw: Autumn Treasures Huntersville: Carolina RenaisThis two-day festival will tickle (continued from page 1B) sance Festival all of your senses as you can pet anThis one’s a little far out, but imals, listen to live music and gobIndian Trail: Fall Festival worth the drive if you like the me- ble up pork at the Grill’n & Chill’n The benefit of having the fall fes- dieval motif. Horseback jousting, BBQ Cook-Off, sanctioned by the tival in the new town hall is that giant turkey legs, swimming mer- Kansas City Barbeque Society. the large community room can maids and strolling characters are • When: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. help organizers accommodate up- some of the coolest things you’ll 12 and noon to 6 p.m. Oct. 13 wards of 75 vendors. The event will find. This one costs money to get • Where: Main Street also feature food, games and rides. in. • Details: • When: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oct. • When: Oct. 5 to Nov. 24 5 • Where: 16445 Poplar Tent Stallings: Stallings Fest Syndication Sales Sales Corporation Corporation • Where: Indian Trail Town The New Times Syndication Road,York Huntersville Launched nine years ago, this Eighth Avenue, New York, York, N.Y. 10018 New 10018 Hall, 315 Matthews-Indian Trail 620 • Details: fes-N.Y. event has become one of the reCall: 1-800-972-3550 1-800-972-3550 For Information Call: Road gion’s For Release Thursday, Tuesday, February 19, 2019 2019premier fall festivals with January 31, • Details: amusement rides, fireworks, live
Will Shortz Shortz Edited by Will
Crossword ACROSS 1 Object of puppy ___ billiards, game on a love pocketless table 6 Acid’s opposite 6 Mount whose 10 Eponymous scale name means, inventor literally, “I burn” 14 goldwith 10 Skating Something teeth medalist Sonja 13 Big In the course of 15 farm workers 14 Country Detached 16 whose can also be 15 name Fed. science org. full sentence 16 aFamily symbol 17 17 Welcome Flier with a comment message at a bar 19 #1 Monomaniac of fiction to bank 19 Lead-in 20 “Ooh, Divisions inlet theme 20 ooh, Congressional look!” Record 21 Cornered, as 21 View remotely? during a fox hunt 23 Sunroof 22 Milky birthstone alternative
29 Drone’s Underhanded 30 job sort partner 33 Rod’s 30 Realm Some univ. 34 with an instructors Imperial Diet: Abbr. 31 Friend of Harry in 35 Rods’ partners the Harry Potter booksof Cassio 37 Rival 38 might haveona 33 One The Cardinals, wink or a smile scoreboards 41 Foreign-born 34 musician “Hang on!” with a Presidential 35 Welcome Medal of at a bar comment Freedom #3 43 Trough filler 39 “This is not ___” 44 Tin or glass (warning to kids) 46 Business 40 meeting Cleverly and that ironically dial participants humorous into, informally 48 of lovers? 41 Bunch Tina Fey’s “30 Rock”like rolethat!” 49 “Just 52 42 Gray ___-1701 (U.S.S. Enterprise 53 Words before “a 23 26 Welcome “You sti-i-i-ink!” registry) good night” comment at a bar 27 Follower of clear 55 Calvino #2 43 Author Often-forbidden or cross things to worship 57 Former Yankees 27 Actor George 29 “Forever, ___” manager Joe of TV’s “The (1996 humor 45 Caesar’s first book) 59 Crafty Goldbergs” stabberperson?
49 ItWith 57-Across, 61 helps keep welcome the machinery comment at a running bar #4 62 Does something 52 to Sounds a T of support 63 Clichéd 53 Cousins of 64 “A tyrant’s mandolins authority for 54 crime Pestering and people a 56 fool’s Wordsexcuse before for failure,” “smoke” or per “the Ambrose Bierce air” 57 See 49-Across 60 DirtDOWN ball 61 One coming 1 Carolina tribeto homecoming, that allied with maybe the colonists in 62 the “TheAmerican Burning Revolution Giraffe” and “The Persistence 2 Song sung byof Memory” Elvis in “Blue 63 Hawaii” Boy dolls 3 Muscle with a 64 “Beg pardon!” palindromic name 65 They might make 4 End of an era? lids difficult to close 5 Company that released “2001: A Space Odyssey” DOWN 61 ___ Club clothing Women’s chain since 1983 7 Department store 2 department Do again, as a TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE radioget bit it” 8 “___ offonce the hook? 93 ItLet was big for H U R P G A H P A S AI G B M C AS Franklin A FE R 4 Aretha Likewise E D Y E N A R S LI E O LT indicated by N L H E O C O H DI N Y A S NI N EI 105 It’s Casual greetings arrows on a map G O O R T O R E S K I S N U D VA 6 Termites and A N E 11 Parody, G I M C A K LI H N O G U D S O M drills in a way R O N S F EI B D N O N D 127 Newspaper Pink-slip R I P O S E T TA E M A P R M 8 headline Maritimeof milieu 12/8/1941 AJ U S G T HI C E V A O D Y AT G O E 9 Tolkien tree being D E G E L LI TE O O E AL D S 14 Alternative to 10 “Sincerely” Tiny opening? U L UI E D F B E O G S S E S 11 Department Avenue between with LF E W J W U OI C R E D S T E L 18 Reading a buffalo Railroad on its T E E M E L T O R O Y A U D I W O and Chance seal I D SI P S GI D U ES RT MI A N N G 12 One Poison-pen 20 frequently N A S E C R E E S E C N E O W N E R letters in GQ or pictured G B E D S I ES RE T Y S N K O O 13 Vogue Most sarcastic
14 13 17 16
20 19
22 21
27 26
28 27 31 31
35 39
49 46
53 52 58
60 61 63
12 11
13 12
41 45
46 52
55 55
47 50
48 51
22 on many 18 Symbol ___ Talks bumper sticker 21 a“Shame!” 24 rival 24 Rolex Fashionable 25 Texas’ Duro 25 Home ___ of The Canyon Hague: Abbr. 28 26 Radiation Superman’s birth cleanup, name briefly 31 “Fingers 28 Wood in a crossed!” fireplace 32 32 Brooklyn Change of attraction locks? 36 measure 34 Acoustic Pointed headgear oftensongs pictured 38 Sad with stars and 39 Burrowing rodent moons
40 of a 35 Follower Tabloid twosome plane … or a hint 36 to Manner of this puzzle’s speaking theme
37 1982 film inspired by Pong 42 “Most definitely!” 38 Big lighter brand 43 Amos Alonzo 39 ___, “Were you in the coach successful at College Football all?”of Fame Hall 43 Some digital 45 I.S.P. chats,option informally 44 Dominate Holy councils 47 46 How Solomon 49 Lowest spoke parts
Mint Hill: Fall Harvest Festival This festival has got some creative attractions, like the scarecrow decorating contest and pumpkin bowling. Yeah yeah yeah, they’ll paint your face and feed you, too. • When: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Oct. 26 • Where: Mint Hill Town Hall, 4430 Mint Hill Village Lane • Details:
LOUD&LIVE Sept. 13 • Evening Muse: Kelsey Ryan; Young Bull • Fillmore: Banks • Fox’s Alley: Monkeytime Band • Moochies Tavern: 9daytrip; Jody and Joanna & Co. • Neighborhood Theatre: Time Sawyer • Steady Eddy’s: Mason Jar Confessions • Stooges Pub: Mostley Crue • Stumptown Station: Mark & Brian • Treehouse Vineyards: DJ Mex • Vintner’s Hill: Beauty and the Blues
Sept. 14
54 58
34 33
11 10
47 53
56 57
19 18
1000 Johnston Drive • Details:
Pineville: Fall Fest Groups like Hip Pocket, Steven Metz Band and Thirsty Horses rock the music stage, while the family stage features Kazoo Man, a chili cook-off and pie eating contests. There will be rides and crafts, too. • When: 6 to 10 p.m. Oct. 18 and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oct. 19 • Where: Pineville Lake Park,
No. 1227 0115 No.
15 14
42 43
music and vendors. • When: 1-9 p.m. Oct. 19 • Where: Stallings Municipal Park, 340 Stallings Road • Details:
50 47 Author FrenchLocke of the Harlem sweetheart Renaissance, 48 the Make judgment firsta Africanof American Rhodes scholar (1907) 50 Rips to pieces 51 fameLakes’ 51 Hall The of Great ___ Locks 54 Comic strip 55 canine 3:2 or 10:1, e.g. 56 57 Bias Independent charity, for short 58 Celestial altar 58 Spanish gold 60 Norma ___ 59 (Oscar-winning Clothing chain role of 1969 1979) since
Online Online subscriptions: subscriptions:Today’s Today’s puzzle puzzleand andmore morethan than7,000 7,000past past puzzles, puzzles,$39.95 ($39.95aayear). year). Read Read about about and and comment comment on on each eachpuzzle:
• Bojangles: KC and The Sunshine Band • East Coast Wings: The Marshall Brothers • Evening Muse: Kate Teague & Trouvere; Veaux w/ Reptile Room • Grapes Wine Bar: Mike Ramsey • Hinson’s Drive In: Mark Starnes and the Boys • Moochies Tavern: Jim Tierney; Unknown Artist Band • Neighborhood Theatre: Penny & Sparrow • Pineville Tavern: Action Jaxxon • Stooges Pub: U-Phonik • Sweet Union: Mr. Vague Trio & The Feather Fin • Trail House: Next O’ Kin • Treehouse Vineyards: Static Pool • Underground: Wilder Woods
Sept. 15 • Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre: Lizzo • Evening Muse: Lazer Lloyd • Fillmore: Lizzo • Underground: Quando Rondo • Workman’s Friend: Dennis (Irish) Spring
Sept. 16 • Underground: The Aquabats
Sept. 17 • Moochies Tavern: Shannon’s Jam • Underground: Cat Power
Sept. 18 • Beantown Tavern: Chuck Johnson Duo • McGlohan Theatre: Keb’ Mo’ • Neighborhood Theatre: Shook
Twins • Trail House: FireByrd
Sept. 19 • Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre: Kacey Musgraves • Evening Muse: Smooth Hound Smith • Lake View Grill: BetterThanBlue • Neighborhood Theatre: Popa Chubby • Seaboard: Ryan Brooks • Underground: Stunna 4 Vegas
Venues Charlotte • Bojangles’: 2700 E. Independence Blvd. • Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre: 1000 NC Music Factory Blvd. • Evening Muse: 3227 N. Davidson St. • Fillmore: 820 Hamilton St. • McGlohan Theatre: 345 N. College St. • Neighborhood Theatre: 511 E 36th St. • Underground: 820 Hamilton St. • Workman’s Friend: 1531 Central Ave. Indian Trail • Grapes Wine Bar: 6461 Old Monroe Road • Sweet Union: 13717 E. Independence Blvd. • Trail House: 6751 Old Monroe Road Matthews/Mint Hill • Beantown Tavern: 130 Matthews Station St. • Hinson’s Drive In: 12420 E. Independence Blvd. • Moochies Tavern: 15060 Idlewild Road • Seaboard: 213 N. Trade St. • Steady Eddy’s: 2216 E. John St. • Stooges Pub: 13230 Albemarle Road • Stumptown Station: 107 N. Trade St. • Vintner’s Hill: 7427 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Monroe • Fox’s Alley: 1901 Skyway Drive • Treehouse Vineyards: 301 Bay St. Pineville • Pineville Tavern: 314 N. Polk St. Waxhaw • East Coast Wings: 8121 Kensington Drive
DINING SCORES Health departments in Mecklenburg and Union counties inspected these restaurants Aug. 30-Sept. 5: Lowest Scores • Carniceria Morelos, 1510 Miller St., Monroe – 80 Violations include: Certified food protection manager wasn't available; no employee health policy was in place; employees didn't wash hands before donning gloves; bins of raw chicken were stored above raw pork and beef in display case; meat slicer had debris; raw pork on prep counter wasn't held cold enough; packaged processed meat was not date marked; restaurant didn't have thermometer; and flies were present throughout facility. Matthews • International Truck of Tacos, 10734 Monroe Road – 98.5 • Jonathans, 10630 Independence Pointe Pkwy. – 94 • Sabor Al Paladar, 11329 E. Independence Blvd. – 90 Monroe • Carniceria Morelos, 1510 Miller St. – 80 • El Paso Mexican - American Cuisine, 5432 Pageland Hwy. – 96
• Five Guys Famous Burgers and Fries, 2833 W. Roosevelt Blvd. – 97.5 • La Herradura Mexican Restaurant, 1701 Morgan Mill Road – 97 • Pilot Travel Center, 2700 Chambers Drive – 96 • Taqueria El Paraiso, 1709 Walk-Up Ave. – 91.5 • Taqueria La Unica, 1621 Walk-Up Ave. – 92.5 Stallings • Athens Pizza, 2920 Old Monroe Road – 99.5 • China Cafe, 15080 Idlewild Road – 100 • Emerald Lake, 9750 Tournament Drive – 94.5 • New Asia Market (restaurant), 4400 Potter Road – 97 • New Asia Market (meat market), 4400 Potter Road – 96 Wesley Chapel • Brooklyn Pizza Parlos, 6400 Weddington-Monroe Road – 92 • Hickory Tavern, 6400 Weddington-Monroe Road – 94 • Kami Chinese Thai & Sushi, 5922 Weddington-Monroe Road – 94.5 • Harris Teeter (meats & seafoods), 5929 Weddington-Monroe Road – 98.5 • Harris Teeter (produce), 5929 Weddington-Monroe Road – 96.5
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Union County Weekly • Sept. 13, 2019 • Page 4B
FOLLOW (continued from page 1B)
Andrew Houlihan. He posts pictures and videos from his stops at schools around the district, keeping you in the loop about what’s going on. @powderstudioporcelain This small batch porcelain and design studio in Monroe makes beautiful dinnerware, vases, planters and even lighting. Aside from making your feed aesthetically pleasing, you can actually shop the products you see in each post. @southern_range Breweries have more than just good beer. You’d know that if you followed Southern Range in Monroe. They’re always posting about trivia nights, live music, food trucks, and partnerships with local businesses. @love365cards Most greeting cards are either too cheesy or too sentimental. Not Love365. These fun, trendy (and sometimes sassy) cards are handmade in the Carolinas. They’ll brighten your day, and you can shop right in the app. @ladygogosclt You’ll drool so much over Lady Go-Go’s photos, you won’t even realize the food is made of plants. They are the area’s first food truck serving Mexican street fare with a vegan twist. Meat? Who needs it? @pinkturtlecookies It’s hard to believe these cute and colorful cookies are actually healthy. Made by a couple in Stallings, Pink Turtle Cookies are free of gluten, grain and dairy. Keep their custom designs in mind for your next party or event. @stumptownath Become a fan of North Carolina’s new professional soccer team, Stumptown Athletic, which plays home games in Matthews
Above: @stumptownath Right: @ladygogosclt
and Pineville. Meet the players and go behind the scenes at practices. @arworkshopwaxhaw Nothing is more satisfying than making something yourself. Stop pinning ideas on Pinterest and actually do it at this DIY workshop in Waxhaw. Their posts will show you anyone can make a porch sign, chunky knit blanket, tote bag or pillow. @waterfowlrescue If you’re a sucker for baby ducks, sleeping squirrels and injured birds, Carolina Waterfowl Rescue will make you melt. The Indian Trail-based nonprofit provides sanctuary, rescue and rehabilitation for wildlife, farmed and exotic animals.
Waxhaw 1315 N. Broome St. 704-243-2024
Matthews 11100 Monroe Rd. 704-841-2025
SAMETRIUS DRAKEFORD PARKWOOD FOOTBALL Drakeford ran 23 times for 123 yards and scored three touchdowns in Parkwood’s 49-7 win over Forest Hills. The senior is averaging 5.0 yards per carry and has helped the Rebels start 2-1.
All the cool grandparents are moving to Waltonwood Cotswold! You’ll be in good company with us... Residents enjoy a carefree lifestyle with spacious apartments and friendly neighbors, chef-prepared meals with local flavors, Forever Fit programs, life enrichment opportunities and more.
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Union County Weekly • Sept. 13, 2019 • Page 5B
Wanting to run a classified ad? CALL 704-849-2261 Monday - Friday. We accept credit cards. MISCELLANEOUS SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your MORTGAGE? Denied a Loan Modification? Is the bank threatening foreclosure? CALL Homeowner’s Relief Line now! FREE CONSULTATION 844-359-4330 A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted local advisors help solutions to your unique needs at NO COST TO YOU! Call 844-432-3281 NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Publishing will help you self-publish your own book. FREE author submission kit! Limited offer! Why wait? Call now: 844-660-6943 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 877-6616587 Lung Cancer? And Age 60+? You And Your Family May Be Entitled To Significant Cash Award. No Risk. No Money Out Of Pocket. For Information Call 855677-0507 Offer: Book Your Flight Today on United, Delta, American, Air France, Air Canada. We have the best rates. Call today to learn more 1-855-6131407 Mon-Fri:10:00am to 7:00pm Sat & Sun: 11:30 am to 7:00 pm (all times Eastern) DIRECTV CHOICE All-Included Package. Over 185 Channels! ONLY $45/month (for 24 mos.) Call Now- Get NFL Sunday Ticket FREE! CALL 1-877-666-2821 Ask Us How To Bundle & Save! DISH TV - $59.99/ month for 190 channels. $100 Gift Card with Qualifying Service! Free premium channels (Showtime, Starz, & more) for 3 months. Voice remote included. Restrictions apply, call for details. Call 1-855-784-9695 FDA-Registered Hearing Aids. 100% RiskFree! 45-Day Home Trial. Comfort Fit. Crisp Clear Sound. If you decide to keep it, PAY ONLY $299 per aid. FREE Shipping. Call Hearing Help Express 1- 866-744-6150 Spectrum Triple Play! TV, Internet & Voice for $29.99 ea. 60 MB per second speed. No contract or commitment. More Channels. Faster Internet. Unlimited Voice. Call 1-855-528-4962
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For Service Directory advertising information e-mail Kate@cmgweekly or call 704-849-2261
Psychiatrist in Salisbury, NC: Evaluate, diagnose and treat patients with psychiatric disorders at hospital. Mail resumes to: Novant Medical Group, Inc., 3367 Cloverleaf Parkway, Kannapolis, NC 28083, Attn: Emily Slagle. An Equal Opportunity Employer, including disabled and veterans.
J&D Painting Interior & Ext rior Popcorn and wallpaper removal 10 years guarantee on exterior Painting on writing. We power wash homes, sidewalks, walkways, fences, pools, decks, patios, etc. Owner On jobsite, fully insured. 28 years experience. Call the expert specialist, Master of Paint, anytime at 980 258 4148
With Medicare, shopping around is key. Compare FREE Quotes from A-Rated Carriers to Save on a Medigap Plan Today! Get Covered and Save!! Call 855-399-9915 Have a CPAP machine for sleep apnea? Get replacement FDA approved CPAP machine parts and supplies at little or no cost! Free sleep guide included! 855-808-0483! Suffering from an ADDICTION to Alcohol, Opiates, Prescription PainKillers or other DRUGS? There is hope! Call Today to speak with someone who cares. Call NOW 1-877-753-4281 Attention: Oxygen Users! Gain freedom with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator! No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Call the Oxygen Concentrator Store: 855-338-5462
GARAGE SALE Financial Analyst South Africa / Assistant Branch Mngr sought by Western Overseas Corp in Charlotte, NC to analyze financial info to forecast business & economic conditions to generate & dvlp new business to meet specified production goals. Reqs: BS (or foreign equivalent) in Finance, Bus. Admin, or rltd & 2 yrs exp in job offered or rltd. Must also possess exp w/Quickbooks; Sitelink; Sage (Pastel Payroll); (iv) the S. African Business or Market; & (v) S. African agricultural market w/cultural & lang. knwldg. 25% int’l & domestic travel req. Resume to: Western Overseas Corporation, Attn: Dieter Hadorn, Controller, 10731 Walker Street, Cypress, CA 90630
Kelly’s Painting
Professional Interior Painting and Handyman Service
Queen’s Grant School is hosting a multi-family yard sale on September 14th from 8am-noon at the school (6400 Matthews-Mint Hill Rd). Come support the school’s PTI fund and find a treasure for yourself.
HELP WANTED PART TIME NEWSPAPER DRIVERS NEEDED - Candidates must have a clean driving record, proof of auto insurance and be able to lift 50-75 lbs. Additionally, the ideal candidate can work Thursday, Friday, or both and can make a long-term commitment to grow their workload and earnings. Must be able to pass DMV background check. For more information, please contact:
CEMETERY LOTS Burial Plots at Sharon Memorial Park 2 plots for $3500 each and transfer fee to be paid by seller Entombment rights at Sharon Memorial Park Tandem crypt for $15,000 and transfer fee to be paid by seller Please call Gary at 704-661-7781
MERCHANDISE WANTED WANTED; Vinyl LP’s, Comics, Coins, Jewelry, Military Items, Musical Instruments, Antiques, Collectibles, & More. Stop by Precious Restorations 315 W. John St. Tues-Sat 10-4. 704-9650074
MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 1st Saturday-1st Saturday-1st Saturday! Sidewalk Sale! 1stSaturday of every month at Servant’s Heart! Don’t miss it! Rock bottom prices on a variety of items not usually carried in our shop! 10am-5pm 9229 Lawyers Rd. Mint Hill, NC 28227
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