Munch Madness: See who made the Edible Eight • Page 3A
Arts Entertainment BROUGHT TO YOU BY
Flip to page 1B Friday, April 12, 2019 • Vol. 19 • No. 15
CATS studies transit in Ballantyne, Pineville
ABOUT US P.O. BOX 1104 Matthews, NC 28106 (704) 849-2261
Opportunities for public input begin April 13 at The Ballantyne hotel
by Justin Vick
CHARLOTTE – The Charlotte Area Transit System will begin exploring rapid transit in Ballantyne and Pineville this week. CATS planner Jason Lawrence fielded questions from the community during a recent Facebook Live session, in which he said staff has already started working on what he called the Pineville-Ballantyne study.
define what the project actually is.” CATS defines rapid transit as a service that has some level of priority and has the ability to travel faster than an automobile. The LYNX Blue Line is one example, but so is bus rapid transit within Express Lanes, which is the solution identified to help ease traffic congestion along I-77. Here's the schedule for public outreach in the weeks ahead: • Round 1: Kick-off – Introduces
B O L A Providence Day School
by Dante Miller
Waltonwood Cotswold held its first Taste of Waltonwood event March 29 at the senior living community. The event was part of National Nutrition Month and showcased a fresh, fun new spring menu. Visit our Facebook page to see more photos. Photos courtesy of Waltonwood Cotswold
Students at Providence Day School spent five days learning about different countries, challenges to global health and the many systems of care during Global Week from April 1 to 5. Karie Simmons/SCW photos
Providence Day School students learn about global health innovation by Karie Simmons
ance. It was organized by Providence Day parent Dr. Lisa Davidson and Dr. Katie Passaretti, of the Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Prevention for Atrium Health, as part of the school’s biennial Global Week from April 1 to 5. This year’s theme was global health innovation. Sue Laguna-Whang, assistant to global education at Providence Day, said the goal was to teach students about innovations in global health, get them excited about the diverse fields impacting global health and
CHARLOTTE – While the rest of us were suffering from seasonal allergies last week, there was an outbreak of SpiritPox at Providence Day School. The virus wreaked havoc on the private school’s campus, causing infected students to be overcome with Chargers school spirit. Other symptoms included itchy ears, inability to say the word “the” and switching of non-dominant hand while not in class. The cure? A “Global Week” Band-Aid. Students made a full recovery, of course, because SpiritPox was a simulated exercise designed to teach them about disease transmission, treatment and avoid-
Our regional outdoor concert guide, 1B
see LIAM, Page 2A
see GLOBAL, Page 6A
After battling cancer, Liam Flynn is back to doing what he enjoys. Photo courtesy of Jessica Jankowski
Sabres sweep AK; tied atop stacked So. Meck for now The 22 wins last year were the most of any Sabre team since 2013 when that team rallied behind the health of their coach, Jonathan Tuscan, to win 28 games and come from behind to beat Fuquay Varina in the state championship series. The Sabres won 20 games in 2014, but hadn’t
by Andrew Stark
Summer sounds
CHARLOTTE – Seven-yearold Liam Flynn was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma when he was having trouble walking back in October. After six rounds of chemotherapy and plenty of time in the hospital, Liam is no longer showing any signs of disease and will continue to have his scans every three months for at least 18 months. Liam's father, Shawn, wanted to show his appreciation to the blood donors who helped save his son's life. He donated blood alongside Liam during his last round of chemotherapy. “I've always donated blood when I can,” Shawn said, “We were in the hospital for a long time, so I kept asking, 'Can I donate?'” After sharing a photo of his blood donation on Facebook, family friend Erin Doyle reached out to Liam's mother, Stephanie, and was shocked to learn how much blood cancer patients needed. After this realization, Doyle reached out to parents and faculty of St. Gabriel Catholic to host a blood drive
Check us out on Instagram to see more photos of Global Week events on April 5 at Providence Day School. @southcltweekly
see CATS, Page 2A
School holds blood drive in boy’s honor
April 1-5
the study to the communities, presents overall goals and collects baseline feedback. April 13, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at The Ballantyne hotel, 10000 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. April 16, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at Belle Johnston Community Center, 1000 Johnston Drive, Pineville. • Round 2: Ideas – Presents firstround ideas while further refining
Inspired by Liam
“The Town of Pineville has approached us about extending the LYNX Blue Line and rapid transit services into their community,” Lawrence said, noting public meetings begin April 13 at The Ballantyne hotel. “We are just starting this process right now. We need to, one, determine what is the rapid transit service that will serve the Pineville-Ballantyne area, and we'll start defining timetables and time frames once we
CHARLOTTE – After going 22-8 in South Meck baseball coach Brian Hoop’s second season last year, the Sabres are proving they are still a team to contend with. Now, after sweeping Ardrey Kell in a pair of games last week, the Sabres remain tied with nationally ranked Providence in the always tough So. Meck 7. The Sabres’ climb back to the top has been a gradual one over the past few seasons.
see BASEBALL, Page 5A
Senior James Johnson is batting .324 on the season and leads the Sabres in RBIs (12) and home runs (three). Photo courtesy of South Meck baseball
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Page 2A • South Charlotte Weekly • April 12, 2019
IN THE KNOW PHOTO OF THE WEEK STAY CONNECTED • Instagram: @southcltweekly • Twitter: @SCltweekly • Like us on Facebook • Web: www.thecharlotte • E-edition: olinaweeklynewspapers
CONTACT US Providence Day School students learned about careers in the health industry during Global Week from April 1 to 5. The week focused on global health innovation and appreciating other cultures from around the world. Karie Simmons/SCW photo
• Catholic raising $23M for fine arts cetner • Republicans state their case to voters • Endometriosis pain isn't 'just the way it is' • Special Olympics Spring Games returning to region • My adventures at the senior expo
TWEETS OF THE WEEK • “EL Services would like to congratulate Charlotte “Nadja” Trez on her appointment as the Executive Director of Learning and Language Development for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools!” – EL Services@( CMS_ELServices) • “Thank you! Charlotte Mecklenburg Library celebrates our wonderful volunteers during National Volunteer Week, April 7 - April 13, 2019! -->” – Char Meck Library (@cmlibrary)
• April 10: Summer Camps No. 6 • April 25: Home Improvement
PRESIDENT Jonathan McElvy
CATS (continued from page 1A)
the communities' desire in a rapid transit corridor. May 8, 6 to 7:30 p.m., at Belle Johnston Community Center, 1000 Johnston Drive, Pineville. May 11, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at The Ballantyne hotel, 10000 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy.
• Round 3: Recommendations – Presents recommendations while gauging public insight. June 12, 6 to 7:30 p.m., at Belle Johnston Community Center, 1000 Johnston Drive, Pineville. June 15, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., at The Ballantyne hotel, 10000 Ballantyne Commons Pkwy. Visit or call 704336-7433 to share your input if you can't attend meetings.
Promenade on Providence is a lifestyle-oriented shopping center totaling 421,592 square feet. Popular retailers at the center include The Fresh Market, Home Depot, Total Wine & More, Tuesday Morning, Pier 1, Stein Mart, Ann Taylor Loft, Kirkland’s, Hallmark, Jos. A Bank and Sun & Ski Sports. Photo courtesy of Childress Klein
Promenade on Providence getting upgrades CHARLOTTE – Childress Klein has begun renovations at the Town Square at Promenade on Providence, the central amenity that includes a green space and fountain at the shopping center. When completed this fall, the new and improved Town Square will feature 50 additional parking spaces, colorful lounge chairs, bench seating, large shade structures and bistro tables for outdoor dining. Two permanent retail kiosks will be added. Located on either side of the fountain, one kiosk will accommodate a short- or long-term tenant, while another will be dedicated to temporary uses such as a pop-up store. “These improvements to the Town Square will not only add needed parking but will create an inviting, family-friendly area that will enhance the customer experience at Promenade on Providence,” said Jan Pugh, regional property manager at Childress Klein. Childress Klein recently started construction on a new retail building at the center after signing a lease with Buffalo Wild Wings for 6,000 square feet. The new building, which will total 12,000 square feet, is expected to deliver in late 2019. Buffalo Wild Wings is expected to open in the new space in early 2020. Promenade on Providence is located on Providence Road between Ballantyne Commons Parkway and Interstate 485.
Driggs seeks re-election CHARLOTTE – Ed Driggs plans on running for re-election to his Charlotte City Council District 7 seat. In a letter to supporters, Driggs outlined some of the council's accomplishments over
LIAM (continued from page 1A)
at the school on April 11 in honor of Liam. “Cancer is something we are not familiar with,” Stephanie said. “We were not familiar with the different treatments, and we didn't anticipate that he would need a blood transfusion.” Cancer patients are the number one recipients of blood transfusions, according to the Community Blood Center of the Carolinas. “One hour of your time will save up to three lives,” Communications Coordinator Jessica Jankowski said. “Locally, we have seen a 15 percent increase in demand for blood since last year. People don't donate because they have never had an invitation to. Many people don't realize that they can be helping a family member, neighbor or a child like Liam.” After every round of treatment, Liam received blood or platelets. “He ended up with eight transfusions,” Shawn said. “That was critically important to keeping him out of the hospital and getting his numbers back up.” After being pricked or 'poked' with needles during his treatment, Liam was happy
the past term, such as securing a bid for the 2020 Republican National Convention, stimulating more investment into affordable housing and rewriting zoning and development ordinances to promote private investment. He also outlined some of the city's biggest challenges, including the murder rate, economic barriers, divisiveness from national immigration issues and financing the 2030 transit plan. “In District 7, high rates of growth and development have led to crowded streets and challenges to the quality of life that led many of us to move here,” Driggs wrote. “Tackling these issues will call for sound policies and responsible stewardship, not sound bites and partisan bickering. We still have work to do. That is why I have decided to seek re-election.”
CMS designates May 1 as optional teacher workday CHARLOTTE – Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools has designated Wednesday, May 1, as an optional teacher workday as nearly 2,000 personnel have requested personal leave to rally for higher salaries in Raleigh. Superintendent Clayton Wilcox has waived attendance requirements on May 1 for all students. No make-up day is needed. “The powerful voices of educators change student lives every day in classrooms across our community,” Wilcox said. “Together, their collective voice will change communities across our state on May 1 as they advocate for investments in public education that matter most to our students and their futures.” Wilcox said that the district couldn't guarantee sufficient substitute-teacher capacity. He recognizes the decision will have impact on hourly employees, families and the community.
Stone running for Lt. Governor CHARLOTTE – Former State Representative Scott Stone formally announced his campaign for North Carolina lieutenant governor, launching a video titled “Together.” Touting accountability, service and efficiency, Stone urges working together to get results needed in government. “We need common-sense, business-minded solutions as we address North Carolina’s emerging challenges,” Stone said. “As lieutenant governor, I will utilize my business background, coupled with my legislative experience, to help lead our state continue down a path of economic growth.” Stone represented Mecklenburg County in the North Carolina House until December 2018. He is president of a regional engineering firm which serves a wide variety of industries and sectors throughout the Southeast.
to see his father getting poked with a needle, too. “I wanted daddy to get me to go home, and I wanted daddy to get poked” Liam said. “I hated all the medicines because it made me feel bad.” Liam was treated at Hemby Children's Hospital. His parents said the treatments and care the doctors provided was great. Liam returned to school April 9 “He had a half day. When the day was over, he said he wanted to stay longer,” Shawn said. “He started playing soccer again. That was a big step for us because six months ago he could barely walk.” “It's taking him a while to get his strength back to where it used to be,” Stephanie said. “But he's very active, and we see a lot of his personality come back that we haven't seen in a very long time.” Liam enjoys playing soccer, playing with his Legos, trampolining with his big brother, Aidan, and watching “Power Rangers.” Want to donate blood? For more information about hosting a blood drive or donating blood, visit www. or call 888-59BLOOD If you can't donate blood, you can also give toys and food to local hospitals.
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South Charlotte Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 3A
First Round
Thirsty 32
March 22 to 26
March 29 to April 2
1 Stewart Penick’s Terrace
1 Stewart Penick’s Terrace
16 Baoding
Sweet 16 Edible Eight Final Fork April 5 to 9
April 12 to 16
April 19 to 23
9 Yafo Kitchen 9 Yafo Kitchen
4 Cafe Monte 5 Corkbuzz Restaurant
12 Peppervine 4 Cafe Monte 4 Cafe Monte 13 Toscana Ristorante & Bar 6 Dogwood Southern Table
6 Dogwood Southern Table
April 26 to 30
April 19 to 23
April 12 to 16
Road to the
8 Upstream
4 Cafe Monte
Final Fork Edible Eight Sweet 16
Final Fork
3 Baku
2 Paco’s Tacos & Tequila
2 Paco’s Tacos & Tequila
March 29 to April 2
March 22 to 26
1 Big View Diner 1 Big View Diner 16 Be’s Noodles & Banh Mi
4 New South Kitchen & Bar
8 Stone Mountain Grill 9 Zeitouni Mediterranean Grill 5 The Porters House
12 The Blue Taj 4 New South Kitchen & Bar
Ballantyne 3 Oggi Ristorante Italiano
3 Baku 7 Rooster’s Wood Fired Kitchen 7 Rooster’s Wood Fired Kitchen 10 Bricktop’s
First Round
9 Zeitouni Mediterranean Grill
3 Oggi Ristorante Italiano
6 Dogwood Southern Table
14 SouthPark Grill
Thirsty 32
9 Zeitouni Mediterranean Grill
6 Dogwood Southern Table
11 Legion Brewing
April 5 to 9
Munch Madness 1 Stewart Penick’s Terrace
5 Corkbuzz Restaurant
12 The Blue Taj 4 New South Kitchen & Bar
4 New South Kitchen & Bar
6 Vine American Kitchen
6 Vine American Kitchen
3 Oggi Ristorante Italiano
3 Oggi Ristorante Italiano
13 Gibson
11 Bahn Thai
14 Via Roma 7 Gallery Restaurant 7 Gallery Restaurant
7 Rooster’s Wood Fired Kitchen
7 Gallery Restaurant
10 Greco Fresh Grille 2 Miro Spanish Grille 15 Zinicola
15 Bulla Gastrobar
15 Zinicola
Champion 1 Angry Ales 16 Carmella’s Pizza Grill
8 Urban Cookhouse
8 Urban Cookhouse
16 Park 51 Cafe
1 Waldhorn Restaurant
8 Urban Cookhouse 4 Brazwells Pub
9 Chaupaati
1 Waldhorn Restaurant
5 Pineville Tavern
12 The Turnhouse Grille
12 The Turnhouse Grille
12 Sky Asian Bistro 4 Brazwells Pub
4 Brazwells Pub
8 El Veracruz
9 Chaupaati
9 Sir Edmond Halley’s 5 Cantina 1511
1 Waldhorn Restaurant
1 Waldhorn Restaurant
1 Angry Ales
12 Sky Asian Bistro
4 Machu Picchu
4 Machu Picchu 4 Machu Picchu
4 Brazwells Pub
13 Thai House
13 Luisa’s Brick Oven Pizzeria 6 Good Food on Montford
6 Good Food on Montford
6 Good Food on Montford
14 Sushi 101 7 Duckworth’s 10 Co 10 Co 10 Co 2 Rocksalt 15 Midwood Smokehouse
No need to fill out the entire bracket. Each week, we'll collect votes for each round until a winner emerges. There are two ways to vote: 1. Email your round favorites to justin@cmgweekly. com. 2. Find photos of each bracket on Facebook or Instagram and leave a comment with who you want to win.
Who got snubbed? Would you like to file a formal complaint to the Munch Madness: Road to the Final Fork selection committee? Email why your favorite restaurant deserved to be on the list or receive a higher seed and we may print responses. Remember, there is no crying in competitive food.
11 Global Restaurant
11 Global Restaurant
How to vote
3 The Roasting Company
2 Rocksalt
6 D.D. Peckers’ 11 Global Restaurant
6 Good Food on Montford
11 Burton’s Grill & Bar 3 The Roasting Company
3 Los Paisas 14 Bombay Grille 14 Bombay Grille
11 Global Restaurant
7 The Dine N 2 Nakato Japanese Steakhouse
10 Trio 10 Trio 2 Nakato Japanese 2 Nakato Japanese Steakhouse Steakhouse 15 Zafran Kabab Palace
CLEAR INCOME S T R A You T canEalsoGcheckI usE S
Visit the South Charlotte Weekly Facebook page to cast your vote
out on Instagram @southcltweekly
G And R don't Oforget U toP follow us on Twitter @southcltweekly
Hear better, FEEL better
My favorite appointment is the “one week followup”. A patient has decided to move forward with hearing aids, has worn them for one week, and now it is time for them to come back to me with their feedback for improvements. They tell me about the new sounds and conversations they heard clearly, but they also tell me how much better they FEEL. Their listening effort is lowered and their stress is down. They feel more included in conversations and that makes them happier.
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Long-Term Care Planning
Have Medicare Questions?
Monthly Medicare Educational Events: Events are held every 2nd Wednesday and 2nd Saturday of each month at our office. For more information please contact us at:
(704) 321 - 0490
Page 4A • South Charlotte Weekly • April 12, 2019
March 2019
Editor’s note: Information provided by the Charlotte Regional Realtor Association and*
Home Sales DATE SOLD
8411 Double Eagle Gate Way 14-Mar $1,610,000
28210 Beverly Woods 3728 Sulkirk Road 29-Mar 4027 Glenfall Ave. 29-Mar 7530 Whistlestop Road 14-Mar
$475,000 $419,500 $425,000
Beverly Woods East 912 Hinsdale St. 28-Mar 3119 Champaign St. 22-Mar
$520,000 $475,000
Cameron Wood 900 English Sparrow Ln. 29-Mar 3107 Wild Lark Court 22-Mar 9731 Deer Spring Lane 20-Mar 3008 Deep Meadow Ln. 7-Mar
$399,000 $377,500 $359,000 $370,000
Sharon Hills 6633 Sharon Road
Starmount 6314 Rosecrest Drive
Rea Road Enclave 2639 Rea Pond Court 15-Mar 7103 Providence Lane 12-Mar
$640,000 $640,150
Singing Springs 6334 Fair Valley Drive 15-Mar
Huntingtowne Farms 2700 Pencoyd Lane 14-Mar
Madison Park 745 Stanfield Drive 29-Mar 5312 Furman Place 20-Mar 734 Seneca Place 15-Mar 5301 Glenham Drive 8-Mar 609 Cooper Drive 8-Mar
$469,900 $380,000 $375,000 $380,000 $427,000
Montclaire 1838 Delchester Drive 29-Mar 5901 Boxwood Lane 29-Mar 926 Camborne Place 14-Mar 5714 Londonderry Road 14-Mar 5637 Londonderry Road 1-Mar
$329,000 $370,000 $335,000 $353,000 $418,000
Quail Hollow Estates 2326 Hopecrest Drive 1-Mar Seven Eagles
$735,000 $445,000
$350,000 $362,500 $359,000 $385,900
Pellyn Wood 4939 Hardison Road 15-Mar
Carmel Crescent 5012 Oxford Crescent Ct. 27-Mar
Preserve at Bellingrath 3911 Huckleberry Road 8-Mar
Olde Providence 714 Queensberry Drive 27-Mar 6600 Lancer Drive 19-Mar 6700 Kirkstall Court 13-Mar 7736 Bedfordshire Drive 5-Mar
Park Crossing 9300 Hanover South Trail 22-Mar $489,000 9747 Warwick Circle 8-Mar $480,000 9632 Penshurst Trace 8-Mar $495,000
$945,000 $707,000 $614,900
Spring Valley 2919 Spring Valley Road 28-Mar
Heydon Hall 3533 Blackhorse Lane 7-Mar
3825 Huntcliff Drive 25-Mar 4209 Rotunda Road 22-Mar 5356 Hillingdon Road 1-Mar
Heatherstone 3826 Stokes Ave. 6-Mar $480,000
Mountainbrook 135 Shaker Drive 28-Mar
Sherbrooke 4100 Sherbrooke Drive 29-Mar
Tattersall Oaks 2423 Tattersall Drive 27-Mar $637,000 28226 Candlewyck 2025 Bardstown Road 18-Mar $370,000 7106 Candlewyck Lane 1-Mar $332,500
Fairmeadows 3219 Eastburn Road 18-Mar $521,347
Summerlake 5725 Laurium Road 1-Mar $795,000
The Bridge at Sharon View 5552 Holyoke Lane 13-Mar $849,365
Carmel Estates 4522 Parview Drive N 4-Mar
Tuckaway Park 5120 Carmel Club Drive 12-Mar
Carmel Station 5600 Roundhouse Lane 7-Mar
Wessex Square 5015 Whitwell Court 20-Mar
Carmel Valley 4109 Waterford Drive 15-Mar
Whitegate 8920 Clavemorr Glenn Ct. 14-Mar
Carsons Pond 5105 Tedorill Lane 26-Mar
Challis Farm 8627 Tullamore Park Circle 4-Mar $722,500
Ardrey 7019 Hedgerow Park Rd. 28-Mar 10030 Triple Oak Road 28-Mar
$520,000 $565,000
Ardrey Chase 9922 Paxton Run Road 18-Mar
ADDRESS Highgrove 8501 Highgrove St.
Landen Meadows 8502 Newton Lane 15-Mar 8520 Tonawanda Drive 5-Mar
$379,000 $340,000
Marvin Chase 15028 Sapphire Hill Ln. 25-Mar
Mitchell Glen 9512 Mitchell Glen Drive 4-Mar
Parkside 11635 Clems Branch Dr. 25-Mar
Piper Glen 5319 Piper Glen Drive 28-Mar 6801 Linkside Court 7-Mar 4210 Shepherdleas Ln. 6-Mar
$500,000 $550,000 $605,000
Providence Country Club 12012 Camargo Court 8-Mar $560,000 Providence Crossing 5105 Sandleheath Court 18-Mar 5401 Burwash Court 15-Mar 11917 Darby Chase Dr. 14-Mar 5104 Sandleheath Court 5-Mar
$575,000 $524,000 $505,000 $459,900
Raintree 9814 Whitethorn Drive 29-Mar 3512 Windbluff Drive 27-Mar 4231 Rounding Run Rd. 27-Mar 3916 Woodfox Drive 19-Mar 4620 Rounding Run Rd. 8-Mar 3525 Windbluff Drive 8-Mar
$406,000 $475,000 $350,000 $409,000 $544,000 $317,000
Rea Farms 8132 Corn Hill Ave. 8264 Cornhill Ave.
$544,085 $485,000
29-Mar 26-Mar
Cool Springs 7012 Cool Springs Lane 22-Mar
Fox Lake 4012 Waterford Drive
Ardrey Crest 11556 Ardrey Crest Dr. 18-Mar
Reavencrest 8610 Annabel Lee Lane 28-Mar $329,000 11405 Nevermore Way 20-Mar $325,000
Governors Square 2418 Ainsdale Road 25-Mar 2512 Ainsdale Road 15-Mar 3910 Chevington Road 12-Mar
Ardrey Woods 9602 Ardrey Woods Dr. 19-Mar
Sonoma 16207 Frostwatch Circle 26-Mar
$550,000 $495,000 $467,500
Kingswood 4001 Oldfield Road
Ballantyne Country Club 14373 Nolen Lane 29-Mar $1,190,000 10409 Mcginn Place 29-Mar $821,000 11321 James Jack Lane 25-Mar $755,000 14549 Floral Hall Drive 1-Mar $1,240,000
Montibello 3008 Rock Springs Rd. 27-Mar
Southampton 9937 Southampton Commons Drive 12-Mar $338,000 Stonebriar 8533 Corolla Lane
$385,000 $410,000
Stone Creek Ranch 5921 Cactus Valley Rd. 21-Mar
Berkeley 5817 Summerston Place 1-Mar
Blakeney Greens 10022 Tolleson Ave. 26-Mar 10220 Tolleson Ave. 7-Mar
The Retreat 12306 Stinson Court
$372,500 $365,000
Cady Lake 11135 Knight Castle Dr. 13-Mar 10910 Knight Castle Dr. 1-Mar
$475,000 $399,900
Touchstone 6104 Lexham Lane 28-Mar 9902 Leaf Arbor Lane 8-Mar 9208 Silver Pine Drive 7-Mar
$404,000 $350,000 $355,000
Carlyle 11523 Innes Court
Carrington 5939 Cabell View Court 27-Mar
White Oak 10226 Ridgemore Drive 13-Mar
Essex Fells 7313 Roseland Ave.
Evermay 16448 Marvin Road
Williamsburg 11929 Provincetowne Dr. 25-Mar 7721 Hickory Stick Place 19-Mar 11813 Provincetowne Dr. 15-Mar 8108 Long Nook Lane 14-Mar
$369,000 $330,500 $325,000 $340,000
Ballantyne Meadows 14020 Wolf Den Lane 29-Mar 10926 Valley Spring Dr. 15-Mar
Vanderbilt at Providence 11641 James Richard Dr. 4-Mar $546,000
*Homes under $325,000 were not included
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South Charlotte Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 5A
Berens enshrined in Univ. of Texas Hall of Fame
Courtesy of Charlotte Catholic
Catholic AD honored for years of service CHARLOTTE – Charlotte Catholic athletic director Kevin Christmas was honored last week for his 25 years of service to the South Charlotte school. At a recent baseball game, Christmas was presented with the North Carolina Laurel Wreath Award and with the dedication of a “Christmas Gate.” The Laurel Wreath Award is presented to individuals or groups in recognition of their unique programs, community outreach or influence within the fraternal world according to their mission statement. Christmas has coached a number of sports including football and baseball.
CHARLOTTE – Former South Meck swimmer Ricky Berens was enshrined in the University of Texas Hall of Fame for his distinguished career in the pool. At Texas, Berens was a 20time NCAA All-American, a member of two NCAA chamBerens pion Longhorn relay team and a big factor in the 2010 NCAA title-winning Texas team. At the 2008 summer Olympics, Berens won gold in the 4×200 freestyle relay teaming with Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte and Peter Vanderkaay. That foursome set a new world record of 6:58.56. At the 2012 summer Olympics, Berens won a gold medal in the 4×200-meter freestyle relay, together with Ryan Lochte, Conor Dwyer and Phelps. Berens also broke the American record in the 200-yard freestyle (1:31.31) in 2013. Berens’ mom, Leslie, coaches the South Meck boys.
you’re invited
Charlotte’s 1st Annual Tour of 55+ Homes Tuesday, April 30th 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
BASEBALL (continued from page 1A)
reached that number again until last season. In the meantime, the conference has flexed its muscles. Providence, ranked 10th in USA Today’s national rankings this season, has stayed in the national spotlight since winning it all in 2015. Ardrey Kell is another team that seems to always be nationally ranked, and last year went up 1-0 in the state finals after winning the western region. Olympic was unbeaten in league play before Providence polished them off in a twogame series against them that ended April 4. All three teams will be tough playoff outs, and the Knights (13-4 overall, 6-2 in conference) and Providence (16-1, 8-0) are among the best 4A teams in the state. But here are the Sabres (14-1, 8-0) once again, more than just in the conversation in what has to be one of the state’s most topheavy conference’s – although Harding, West Meck and Berry are all 0-8 in league play. Hoop seems to have figured something out against the Knights, as he has gone 5-2 against them and won four straight after the Sabres had won just two of the past 24 meetings before his arrival. But the Sabres are doing it collectively and have now won nine straight. They have nine guys batting .300 or better and 11 players have have knocked in five or more runs already this season. It seems everyone has come up with a
key hit or play at some time or another, but Will Budnick (.444 and seven RBIs), Bo Davidson (.440, 15 runs scored and 11 RBIs), Matt Hill (.375, 12 stolen bases and seven RBIs), James Johnson (.324, three home runs and 12 RBIs) and Wes Terte (.321, 13 runs scored and seven RBIs) have been the most consistent among a talented group. In the first game, a 3-1 win over Ardrey Kell on April 3, Johnson hit a home run, Thomas Umphlett went 2-for-4 and Thomas Mills had a pair of hits including a double and drove in a run. That was enough for senior Jackson Benjamin, who improved to 3-0 on the hill. He tossed a complete game four-hitter, showing great poise and freeing up a pitching staff that’s experienced and deep. Benjamin (3-0, 1.59 ERA and team-best 26.1 innings pitched) is the ace but fellow senior Max Castro is also 3-0 with a 1.47 ERA. Seth Taylor is 2-0 mostly in relief and has struck out 20 batters over 11 scoreless innings. In the second win over the Knights the following night, South Meck exploded for six third inning runs and cruised to an 8-4 win. Terte, Johnson and Breon Ishmael drove in two runs apiece to power the offense.Castro pitched 4.1 innings, allowing just one earned run and striking out four to get the win. Hoskins went the final 2.2 to preserve the win. The Sabres will have to wait until April 23 and 26 to face Providence in games that could decide the conference crown and more. But, they have already made their mark and reasserted themselves as one of the state’s best teams.
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Page 6A • South Charlotte Weekly • April 12, 2019 On the last day of Global Week, students wove through a cultural maze highlighting the 72 countries represented in the Providence Day community. Karie Simmons/ SCW photo
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GLOBAL (continued from page 1A)
empower them to explore their ability to make a difference, no matter their preferred discipline. “You can take the route of a doctor or engineer, but there are so many ways to help the world,” she said. Each day, students were introduced to different sub-themes such as history of global health, challenges to global health, systems of care, current smart tech and the future of medicine. They listened to Jason Hewlett – speaker, entertainer, author, impressionist and corporate events headliner – who addressed them with a message of “why not?” He encouraged students to understand their own innate gifts and ask probing questions that may lead to positive change. Dr. Robert Malkin from Duke University’s Pratt School of Engineering also stopped by to talk about the Pratt Pouch – a system designed by his students to deliver HIV medication to infants in isolated or rural communities. On April 3, the Chargers campus came alive with different avenues of care. Students toured Atrium Health’s Lung B.A.S.E.S 4Life mobile lung cancer unit, which has a portable, full-body, 32-slice computed tomography scanner inside. It delivers high-quality images of both soft tissue and bone through low-dose CT technology. There was also a pop-up medical clinic based on ones organized by healthcare company Epione in Soweto, South Africa, and telemedicine simulations where students chose from different symptoms to have a simulated video consultation with real medical personnel. The week finished up with Charlotte Radiology’s on-site mammography screenings for the over-40 community of women at Providence Day (faculty, staff, parents and alumni) as well as a Global Health & Innovation Tech Fair featuring different types of businesses, innovations and initiatives. 100 Gardens showcased a unique take on urban farming. The company creates aquaponics greenhouse labs for STEM-based learning that also feed the community. Executive Director Sam Fleming explained that aquaponics is the integration of aquaculture (fish farming) and hydroponics (soil-less plant production). It produces fish and plants together in a constructed, re-circulating ecosystem, utilizing natural bacterial cycles to convert fish wastes to plant nutrients. Labs serve as hands-on teaching tools that expose students to urban farming, nutrition and healthy eating habits. There are a handful of schools in the area with aquaponics labs, including Myers Park High School, Garinger High and Hickory Grove Christian School. “The nitrogen cycle means nothing when you’re in biology class, but here, it’s life or death for your fish,” Flemming said. The technology of aquaponics can be implemented nearly everywhere. Flemming
said 100 Gardens built an aquaponics training center in Haiti that runs completely on solar energy and St. Vincent’s School for the Handicapped in Port au Prince, Haiti, also has a small system of their own. “This is a global issue, the skills are transferable and the technology is global,” he said. The tech fair featured approximately 25 groups, including Better Brain & Body Center, Hatchers Just Breathe (Russian martial arts and self defense), Levine Cancer Institute, Nrityangan Cultural Academy, Davidson College and Atrium Health, whose table seemed to draw a lot of student interest. Not only did Atrium have “glow germs” – an invisible substance seen only under UV light to show how quickly germs can spread from a handshake – they also let students try on personal protective equipment used for surgery, and HAZMAT suits designed specifically for highly-infectious diseases like Ebola. Global Week’s signature event was a cultural maze highlighting the 72 different countries represented in the Providence Day community. Students weaved through the exhibit looking at the clothing, food and artifacts on display from countries like Hungary, Jamaica, Russia, Germany, Thailand, Asia, The Philippines, India and sub-Saharan Africa. Nunu Zebane brought handmade dresses and bread from her home country of Ethiopia. Her daughter, Bethel Negussie, is a second-grader at Providence Day. “The world has become very small,” Zebane said. “I hope [the students] see other cultures, so they respect their own and respect others. I hope they learned at least one thing from each table.” Students seemed interested in Zebane’s country and asked her a lot of questions. The younger kids gravitated toward the drum on her table and were in awe of the colorful dresses. They also liked a poster explaining the Ethiopian alphabet, she said. “This has been great. Just the exposure is important,” Zebane said. “We need to motivate and encourage the kids to get involved because whether we like it or not, the world is interconnected.” Providence Day senior Nolan Fauchier said Global Week has been exciting for the entire student body. “From the moment kids step off the bus or out of their parents’ cars, there’s music blasting,” he said. “You kind of know that something is going on here.” Out of all the activities, Fauchier said he enjoyed the medical simulations the most and felt grateful for the experience. “If you go to a hospital, they don’t let you walk around and touch everything and learn,” he said. “I’ve seen different perspectives on health displayed around the world. I don’t know another school where you can get that.” Want to learn more? Providence Day School is an independent, college preparatory school for grades K-12 located at 5800 Sardis Road. Call 704-8876000 or visit for more information.
Arts Entertainment t to you By h g u Bro
South Charlotte Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 1B
If you see a celebrity like Mr. T out in the community, do not let the opportunity of getting him on your smartphone pass you by. Your friends and family will pity you, fool. SCW file photo
Summer soundtrack By Justin Vick
ou may lack the money and time to travel the country to see the likes of Carrie Underwood, Drake, Maroon 5 or The Rolling Stones perform in concert, but that doesn’t mean you have sit home alone listening to your phone. Families can plan their whole summer around outdoor concerts thanks to neighboring towns and some of the larger shopping centers. Many of these festivals complement the music with children’s activities, food trucks and craft beer. Here’s what’s happening around the region:
Pineville: Rock’n & Reel’n
Pineville boasts free music and movies (June 21 and July 26) “under the Carolina moon.” Concerts start at 7 p.m. at Pineville Lake Park, 1000 Johnston Drive. Food trucks will be at all concerts. Most will have an inflatable for children to bounce on. June 14: Rivermist June 30: Charlotte Symphony July 5: New Kids 90s Superfly Tribute Aug. 16: Ultimate Aldean w/ Brandon Davidson Sept. 20: DeCarlo
Charlotte: Music at the Fountain
Stonecrest at Piper Glen celebrates 20 years of tunes through its Music at the Fountain series. Bands are booked 7 to 10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at the shopping center’s fountain
stage. The center is at 7900 Rea Road. The free shows span 7 to 10 p.m. Fridays and April 12-13: Stella Rising Saturdays from May to September at the cenApril 19-20: Flute Praise ter, 10844 Providence Road. Bring chairs and April 26-27: Brubakers (Motel Soap) blankets. May 3-4: Jeff Edwards Band May 3: Stella Rising May 10-11: Woodie & The String Pullers May 4: Caution! Blind Driver May 17-18: Brubakers (Motel Soap) May 10: Borderlyne May 24-25: Leslie & Friends May 11: Caution! Blind Driver May 31-June 1: Flute Praise May 17: The Stark Reality June 7-8: Leslie & Friends May 18: Leslie and Friends June 14-15: Dukes & Smith May 24: Stepside Deluxe June 21-22: Brubakers (Motel Soap) May 25: Russell N’ Woods Band June 28-29: Flute Praise May 31: Leslie and Friends July 5-6: Dukes & Smith June 1: Stella Rising July 12-13: Leslie & Friends June 7: Borderlyne July 19-20: Stella Rising June 8: Music Machine July 26-27: Dukes & Smith June 14: Best in Class Aug. 2-3: Leslie & Friends June 15: The In-Laws Charlotte: River Jam Aug. 9-10: Flute Praise June 22: Music Machine Aug. 16-17: Brubakers (MoJune 28: Aerial View PNC Music Pavilion tel Soap) June 29: Nita B and Her Sounds of Summer Aug. 23-24: Woodie & The Soiree String Pullers July 6: Music Machine Monroe: Music on Main Aug. 30-31: Dukes & Smith July 12: Nita B and Her SoiPage 4B Sept. 6-7: Stella Rising ree Sept. 13-14: Leslie & Friends July 13: Borderlyne Sept. 20-21: Flute Praise July 19: The In-Laws Sept. 27-28: Woodie & The String July 20: Stepside Deluxe Pullers July 26: Stella Rising July 27: Leslie and Friends Aug. 2: Nita B and Her Soiree Charlotte: Music on the Green Aug. 3: Russell N’ Woods Band Promenade on Providence offers 38 con-
certs through its Music on the Green Series.
see CONCERTS, Page 4B
Picture this 10 tips for the perfect social media shots From food to family, sunsets to pets, there may be no greater use of mobile devices these days than posting FOMO-inducing photos. Note to non-millennials, FOMO means fear of missing out. If your phone has a camera (and almost all do these days), you can be a photographer. All it takes is some practice and some basic tips to turn your photos from cute snapshots into social media sensations. T-Mobile has rounded up 10 important lessons that will make your photos cleaner, better and more “like”-able. 1. Focus, Focus, Focus No one likes a blurry picture! When you’re taking a photo, keep your hands steady and make sure you focus on your subject so that you get the clearest shot. On most smartphone cameras, you can focus on an object by tapping on it on the screen. Some phones can even auto-focus and turn on auto-exposure for that object or person. 2. Grab a Friend Instead of using your own phone’s light to capture images in dark spaces, get a friend to help. Ask them to turn on their phone’s see PICTURE, Page 2B
Charlotte Knights fine-tune their winning formula Circle K Corner Club, Sabor Latin Street Grill & new promotional schedule among changes by Paul Nielsen
CHARLOTTE – Falling snow and winter-like temperatures on April 2 didn’t dampen the spirits of officials with the Charlotte Knights Triple-A Minor League Baseball team just two days before the start of the team’s sixth season in Uptown Charlotte. The Chicago White Sox affiliate opened the first of 70 home games this season on April 4 and team officials are predicting another solid season on and off the field. The Knights’ roster has several top young prospects to go with a mix of veterans who have played in the
major leagues. Off the field, a loaded promotional schedule features visits by nine notable celebrities, an Uptown BB&T Ballpark-record 19 firework shows, four collectible bobblehead giveaways and Homer The Dragon’s 30th Birthday Celebration. “What fantastic support we have had through those first five years, and we are looking for another great year this year,” Knights general manager Rob Egan said. “There are a lot of additions and fun things coming to the ballpark. It’s going to be an exciting year.” One of the biggest changes is that Section 123 is no more. The
seats have been ripped out and the section has been converted into Circle K Corner Club in the leftfield corner that can accommodate 40 people. It features a drink rail, and there is access to a bar and food areas. “We wanted to create another hospitality area,” Egan said. “That is what our fans have been telling us. Our hospitality areas, thankfully, book up very quickly. It’s a great setting. It’s a two-tiered area. That is the biggest physical change you will see in the ballpark.’’ Egan also said the popular Sabor Latin Street Grill is a new food vendor in the ballpark this season. The Knights led all of Minor
Bark in the Park is among the most popular promotions at Charlotte Knights games. The next one is June 3. SCW file photo
League Baseball in average attendance for the fourth time in five seasons after averaging 8,980 fans in 2018, including 23 sellout crowds. A total of 619,639 fans
walked through the gates of the ballpark last season. In five seasons, 3,233,451 fans have watched the see KNIGHTS, Page 2B
BROUGHT TO YOU BY KNIGHTS (continued from page 1B)
Knights play. The most-visited venue in all of Minor League Baseball since 2014 has welcomed 133 sell-out crowds while averaging 9,238 fans a game over five seasons. Before moving to Uptown in 2014, the Knights played in Fort Mill, where they averaged just 3,803 fans a game. “It’s incredible the turnout, and the results that we have had,” said Chief Oper-
ating Officer Dan Rajkowski. “Charlotte has supported this club tremendously, and we are very proud of it. You work on the things that have worked for you, and you be creative. To keep it fresh is important.” Manager Mark Grudzielanek, who is in his third year with the Knights, has been in a lot of baseball stadiums but said BB&T Ballpark is second to none. “You can’t forget about the fans,” Grudzielanek said. “They make it all the more special. It is a great place to play for these kids. It’s a beautiful city, a beautiful ballpark, and the fans come
South Charlotte Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 2B
out and watch. What more can you want? For the players that haven’t been here, I’m sure it is going to be eye-opening.” On the web: www.milb. com/charlotte-knights/tick ets/single-game-tickets. Charlotte Knights Promotional Schedule: April 4/24: Andre Dawson appearance 4/25: Thirsty Thursday 4/26: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Queen City Replica jersey giveaway to first 1,500 kids presented by Atrium Health 4/28: Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 4/29: $1 Hot Dogs presented by Sahlen’s
4/30: Andruw Jones appearance May 5/1: Education Day presented by Duke Energy 5/14: Star Wars Knight with Good Knight Charlie Bobblehead giveaway to first 2,000 fans 5/15: White Sox Wednesday 5/16: Thirsty Thursday 5/17: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 5/18: 14th Annual Pink Knights with Pink Baseball giveaway to first 2,000 ladies presented by Charlotte Radiology 5/19: Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals featuring Princess Day and Girl Scouts Day with Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 5/24: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 5/26: Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 5/27: $1 Hot Dogs presented by Sahlen’s June 6/3: Bark in the Ballpark presented by Williams Subaru 6/4: BB&T Power Bank giveaway to first 2,000 fans presented by BB&T 6/5: Ricky “The Dragon” appearance, White Sox Wednesday 6/6: Tribute to “Parks & Recreation” with Shauna Malwae-Tweep (Alison Becker) appearance & T-shirt giveaway to first 2,000 fans, Thirsty Thursday 6/7: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Scout Sleepover presented by Kellogg’s 6/8: Field of Dreams Night with John Kinsella (Dwier Brown) appearance & Pre-Game Catch on the Field, Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 6/9: Eloy Jiménez Bobblehead giveaway to first 2,000 fans, Copa
de la Diversión with players wearing Charlotte Caballeros jerseys, Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 6/19: Mookie Wilson appearance 6/20: Thirsty Thursday 6/21: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Health Fair presented by Atrium Health 6/22: Day/Night Doubleheader with Uptown Chowdown for game one (1:05 p.m.) / Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT after game two (7:04 p.m.) 6/26: White Sox Wednesday 6/27: Thirsty Thursday, Vs. Cancer Night presented by Great Clips July 7/4: WBT SkyShow with fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Thirsty Thursday 7/5: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 7/7: Major League Night with Roger Dorn (Corbin Bernsen) appearance, Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 7/11: Tribute to “Friends” with T-shirt giveaway to first 2,000 fans, Thirsty Thursday 7/12: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 7/13: Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 7/14: Marvel Super Hero Day with appearances from Spider-Man & Black Panther, Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 7/23: Copa de la Diversión with players wearing Charlotte Caballeros jerseys, Charlotte Caballeros Lunch Cooler giveaway to first 2,000 fans presented by BB&T, 7/24: White Sox Wednesday 7/25: The Sandlot Night with Smalls (Tom Guiry) appearance,
PICTURE (continued from page 1B)
flashlight and light the scene for you. A phone’s flashlight is less harsh and more pleasing to the eye than your phone and camera’s built-in flash. 3. Keep your Distance Always put some distance between your subject and the background. For example, if you’re taking a photo of your family, never make them stand flat against a wall or they’ll look stiff or wooden. Also, don’t stand too close or too far away from your subject — look at the phone’s screen while you move to make sure you’re at the right distance. 4. Play the Angles If you’re taking a selfie, never hold the camera straight out at arm’s length. To get a softer-looking photo, tilt the phone to the right or left. Play around with this and you might find the perfect pose that captures you at your best. If you really want to experiment, consider picking up a selfie stick, which can capture you at all angles. 5. Don’t Just Take One No matter what kind of picture you’re taking, take several. You can always delete pictures later. It’s better to get the shot the first time than to have to go back and stage the photo again. But, if you know you didn’t get the shot, try again until you get it right. It might be annoying in the moment, but your friends will appreciate a perfect picture later. 6. Create a Tripod You don’t need to lay out extra cash for a fancy piece of equipment. Use household objects to make a steady stand when you want to get the entire family — and yourself — in the
Thirsty Thursday 7/26: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 7/27: Jimmy Buffett Night with Matt Parrott “Parrott Head” Bobblehead giveaway to first 2,000 fans, Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 7/28: Bark in the Ballpark presented by Williams Subaru, Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental August 8/1: Tribute to “Seinfeld” with J. Peterman (John O’Hurley) appearance, T-shirt giveaway to first 2,000 fans, Thirsty Thursday 8/15: Thirsty Thursday 8/16: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 8/17: Copa de la Diversión with players wearing Charlotte Caballeros jerseys, Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 8/18: Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 8/23: Friday Night Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT 8/24: Fireworks presented by BB&T and News Talk 1110 / 99.3 WBT, Mystery Ball Night presented by Hospitality House of Charlotte, Sox Saturday 8/25: Sunbelt Sunday presented by Sunbelt Rentals and Kids Run the Bases presented by Killingsworth Environmental 8/26: National Dog Day with Bark in the Ballpark presented by Williams Subaru and $1 Hot Dogs presented by Sahlen’s 8/29: Thirsty Thursday Want to go to BB&T Ballpark? Where: 324 S. Mint St. Capacity: 10,200 Year Opened: 2014 Cost: $54 million Surface: Grass
shot. Use books to prop up your phone and utilize the timer feature to run in at the last second and join the gang. 7. Harness the Power of the Sun Take advantage of that golden hour! At sunrise and sunset, the light is at its most dramatic and will give you the most beautiful pictures possible. Sunsets remind people of love and reflection, and that’s the kind of instant emotional response you want your photos to have. 8. But Keep the Sun in its Place Always try to take your pictures with the sun behind you. When you’re forced to shoot in the sun, use the flash and get closer to your subjects to increase the flash’s brightness and offset the sun’s harsh rays. Bonus tip: Put your hand above the camera lens on a sunny day to stop lens flares. 9. Burst for Action If you want to capture a photo of that shining championship moment or your pet’s special trick, try out “burst mode.” This will take several photos in quick succession with one click, and you can scroll through later to pick out the exact one you want. 10. Have Fun with Editing Download editing apps on your phone and go wild! You can pick different filters, finishes and special effects for your photos. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find a unique editing style that’s all your own. No matter where you go or what you do, these smartphone photo tips can help you capture all of life’s best experiences. With a little practice, you’ll have more interesting and beautiful photos to share — and maybe even feel like you can do a little humblebragging about them.
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Page 3B • South Charlotte Weekly • April 12, 2019
April 15
Lego Program Children, ages 5-11, build brain skills with Legos at South County Regional Library. 704-416-6600 10-10:30 p.m.; 5801 Rea Road
est book, “Art Family,” at Park Road Books. 2-4 p.m.; 4139 Park Road
Artful Crawler South County Regional Library celebrates the 50th anniversary of Eric Carle's “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” with an art activity. 704-4166600 2-3 p.m.; 5801 Rea Road
April 16
ACROSS Tummy muscles Actor Wallach of stage and screen 7 Not up 11 Friend of Tigger 12 Newspaper sales fig. 14 Depend (on) 15 Classic work by 16-, 31- and 51-Down, so to speak? 18 Not have an accomplice 19 Gave the wrong impression 20 Jamaican music genre 21 Lowest broadcast TV channel 22 Wilder who played Willy Wonka 23 What makes ale pale?
1 4
28 31 32
33 34 35 36
37 38 39
41 42 43
Classic work by 11-, 9- and 8-Down, so to speak? Bishop’s deputy Closes Grp. that once plotted against Fidel Castro Deserve Radiology procedures Sacred Greenpeace or the Red Cross, for short Hero’s mission Designated areas Classic work by 50- and 23-Down, so to speak? “Sprechen ___ Deutsch?” Where a comb may be found Snapchat or Pokémon Go
44 47 50 52
54 55
56 57 58 59
Conan’s TV home Take a breath Adjunct to a sports facility Classic work by 45-, 35- and 28-Down, so to speak? Dreamboat One of 14 lands neighboring China Cut, editorially George Washingtons Numbered rd. Prey for a barracuda
Lead vessel? 2 ___ Fett, “Star Wars” bounty hunter 3 Refuge 4 Prefix meaning “cheap” 5 Longest sentence? 6 Tax org. 7 Up 8 Old AT&T symbol 9 Vogue rival 10 Turned brunette, maybe 11 Cigarette purchase 13 Fixes in place 15 ___-relief 16 Mike who hosted “Dirty Jobs”
Earth Day Celebrate Earth Day with food trucks, music and paper shredding. 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; 15801 Brixham Hill Ave.
April 18
Coffee & Books Members of the Morning Coffee and a Book Club group meet to discuss Yaa Gyasi's “Homegoing” at the Arboretum Barnes & Noble store.
Edited by Will Shortz 1
14 17
23 29
53 55
17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Italian wines Emaciated Give 0 stars Citi rival Big “G” for Google, e.g. It flows past Giza ___ Inn Kind of diagram Parrot in “Aladdin” Cousin of a gator
Storytime Barnes & Noble holds a children's storytime featuring Denene Miller's “Fresh Princess” at the Arboretum (3327 Pineville Matthews Road), Morrison (4020 Sharon Road) and Pineville (11025 Carolina Place Pkwy.) locations. 11 a.m.; various locations
31 34 35 37 38 40 41 43 44
“And … ___!” (director’s cry) Spy on Tool for tilling Tool for telling? Closing part of an address Word of good manners Places for pampering Anxious Lowest level of Little League
45 46 47
48 49 50 51 53
Diminish Mrs., in Mexico “Here’s what I think,” in textspeak Pluralizable thing Practice to improve What must go on, proverbially Patella’s place Sound of exasperation
Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Read about and comment on each puzzle:
Hemp Festival Celebrate the passing of the Farm Bill at the 420 Uptown Hemp Festival at Fire House Bar & Food Truck. The outdoor event includes music and DJ. Tickets cost $20. Noon-8 p.m.; 320 W. Carson Blvd. Easter Extravaganza Ballantyne Village offers arts, crafts, face painting, balloons, bounce house and bunnies at its Easter Extravaganza. 704-369-5000 1-3 p.m.; 14825 Ballantyne Village Way Water Lanterns The Water Lantern Festival takes place at Symphony Park. Buy tickets at 5-10:30 p.m.; 4400 Sharon Road
LOUD&LIVE April 12
April 13
April 20
42 48
Author Event Mesha Maren talks about her latest book, “Sugar Run,” at Park Road Books. 7-8:30 p.m.; 4139 Park Road
• Beantown Tavern: Coconut Groove Band • CharBar (Mint Hill): Ellie Morgan • Evening Muse: Charlie Mars; Tweed & Darren and the Buttered Toast • Fillmore: Dark Star Orchestra • Milestone Club: The Living Deads • Moochies: Shotgun Saints • Neighborhood Theatre: Tab Benoit/Eric McFadden • Ovens Auditorium: Death Cab for Cutie • Pineville Tavern: O#7B • Small Bar: Delta Fire • Stooges: Decarlo • Trail House: Hipshack • Underground: Children of Bodom • Visulite: Manic Focus
7 13
No. 0411
April 17
TV Trivia TriviaTainment quizzes people on their knowledge of the TV hit. “The Office,” at World of Beer. Find tickets at 7-9 p.m.; 210 E. Trade St.
Chess Club Children, ages 10 to 18, develStorytime op strategy through South County Barnes & Noble holds a children's Regional Library's Chess Club. 704storytime featuring James Dean's 416-6600 “Big Easter Adventure” (Pete the 2:30-4:30 p.m.; 5801 Rea Road Cat series) at the Arboretum (3327 Pineville Matthews Road), Morrison Watch Party (4020 Sharon Road) and Pineville Blackfinn Ameripub holds a Baking CareersCorporation (11025 Carolina Place Pkwy.) locaTheofNew York Times Syndication Sales “Game Thrones” watch party with A representative from Love and tions. a costume contest and Avenue, giveaways. New York, N.Y. 10018 620 Eighth Butter Baking Co. Talks about her in11 a.m.; Various sites Find ticketsFor on Information www.eventbrite. Call:dustry 1-800-972-3550 in Career Exploration: Baking com. Cookie Decorating at South County Author Event For 8-11 p.m.; 210Release E. Trade St. Wednesday, May 16, 2018 Regional Library. Register in adNelli Levental talks about her lat-
10 a.m.; 3327 Pineville Matthews Road
Role-playing Game South County Regional Library hosts Dungeons & Dragons for teens. Register in advance. 704-4166600 5:30-7:30 p.m.; 5801 Rea Road
Animal Habitats Carol Buie-Jackson, owner of Birdhouse on the Green, explains attracting creatures in Creating Habitats for Birds & Other Wildlife at the South County Regional Library. Register in advance. 704-416-6600 5:30-7:30 p.m.; 5801 Rea Road
April 14
vance. 704-416-6600 6-7:30 p.m.; 5801 Rea Road
• Evening Muse: Opposite Box & Daryl Hance Powermuse • Fillmore: Jamey Johnson • Growler USA: Tanner Long • Machu Picchu: Wanda Lopez • Milestone Club: Death of August • Moochies: Jade Moore; Troublemaker • Neighborhood Theatre: Carbon Leaf • Pineville Tavern: Shotgun Saints • Pour 64: Dan Vitco • Roasted Bone: Soakin’ Wet • Southern Range: DistilleryCats • Stooges Pub: Tantrum • Sweet Union: Mr. Vague Trio • Trail House: Eddie Bush • Treehouse Vineyards: Vince Rivers • Underground: Turkuaz • Vintner’s Hill: River Ratz • Visulite: Driver 8
April 14 • Milestone Club: Leith K. Ali • PNC Music Pavilion: Zac Brown Band
April 15 • Milestone Club: The Big Lonesome • Moochies: Mike Huffman
April 16 • Evening Muse: Jesse Lamar Williams & The Menastree Jazz Jam
April 17 • Evening Muse: The Accidentals • Maxwell’s Tavern: Matthew Ablan
• Milestone Club: Daddy’s Beemer • Neighborhood Theatre: Charlie Hunter & Lucy Woodward • Trail House: FireByrd • Underground: Hatebreed
April 18 • Evening Muse: Stevie Tombstone & Drunken Prayer • Iron Thunder: Jade Moore
Venues Charlotte • Evening Muse: 3227 N. Davidson St. • Fillmore: 820 Hamilton St. • Milestone Club: 3400 Tuckaseegee Road • Neighborhood Theatre: 511 E. 36th St. • Ovens Auditorium: 2700 E. Independence Blvd. • PNC Music Pavilion: 707 Pavilion Blvd. • Underground: 820 Hamilton St. • Visulite: 1615 Elizabeth Ave. Indian Trail • Growler USA: 6443 Old Monroe Road • Sweet Union: 13717 E. Independence Blvd. • Trail House: 6751 Old Monroe Road Matthews • Beantown Tavern: 130 Matthews Station St. • Machu Picchu: 11329 E. Independence Blvd. • Moochies: 15060 Idlewild Road • Small Bar: 4320 Potters Road Mint Hill • CharBar: 7312 Town View Drive • Pour 64: 4410 Mint Hill Village Lane • Vintner’s Hill: 7427 Matthews-Mint Hill Road • Stooges Pub: 13230 Albemarle Road Monroe • Iron Thunder: 608 W. Roosevelt Blvd. • Roasted Bone: 350 E. Franklin St. • Southern Range: 151 S. Stewart St. • Treehouse Vineyards: 301 Bay St. Pineville • Pineville Tavern: 314 Polk St. Waxhaw • Maxwell’s Tavern: 112 E. South Main St.
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Benjamin tossed a complete game four hitter to lead South Meck over Ardrey Kell 3-1 in a crucial So. Meck 7 meeting on April 3. Benjamin is 3-0 on the season, and a big part of the Sabres 15-1 start that has them unbeaten in league play. Are you a coach and know an incredible athlete you’d like us to feature? email us at
BROUGHT TO YOU BY CONCERTS (continued from page 1B) Aug. 9: The In-Laws Aug. 10:Aerial View Aug. 16: Caution! Blind Driver Aug. 17: The Stark Reality Aug. 23: Aerial View Aug. 24: Music Machine Aug. 30: Russell N’ Woods Band Aug. 31: Stepside Deluxe Sept. 6: Russell N’ Woods Band Sept. 7: The Stark Reality Sept. 13: Aerial View Sept. 14: Music Machine
Charlotte: PNC Music Pavilion
The pavilion, located at 707 Pavilion Drive, attracts national tours. This summer’s line-up features hit-makers from various generations, including KISS, Smashing Pumpkins, Nelly and Rascal Flatts. These concerts require paid tickets. April 14: Zac Brown Band May 16: Bob Seger May 17: Chris Young June 2: Luke Bryan June 14: Thomas Rhett June 21: Phish June 27: Rascal Flatts June 28: Dead and Company June 29: Disrupt Festival July 7: Tedeschi Trucks Band July 12: Goo Goo Dolls & Train July 13: Luke Combs July 19: Dave Matthews Band July 20: Tom Joyner July 21: Third Eye Blind & Jimmy Eat World July 22: Iron Maiden July 26: Nelly w/ TLC & Flo Rida July 27: Florida Georgia Line Aug. 8: Dierks Bentley Aug. 10: KISS Aug. 11: Kids Bop Live! Aug. 13: Santana w/ the Doobie Brothers Aug. 14: Heart w/ Joan Jett & Elle King Aug. 17: Breaking Benjamin Aug. 20: Smashing Pumpkins w/Noel Gallagher Aug. 24: Brad Paisley Aug. 25: Beck and Cage the Elephant Aug. 30: Peter Frampton Sept. 5: Hootie and the Blowfish Sept. 12: Jason Aldean and Kane Brown
Charlotte: River Jam
The U.S. National Whitewater Center offers live music with a unique backdrop – the world’s largest man-made whitewater river. The event spans 7 to 10 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, May to September, at the venue, 5000 Whitewater Center Pkwy. May 3: The Trongone Band May 4: Preachervan May 9: Shamarr Allen May 10: Oliver Hazard May 11: Kendall Street Company May 16: Travers Brothership May 17: Old Salt Union May 18: Vintage Pistol May 23: The Hackensaw Boys May 24: Trapper Schoepp May 25: Ben Sparaco and the New Effect May 26: Memorial Day Celebration
May 30: Red Wanting Blue May 31: Anthony Gomes June 1: Songs From The Road Band June 6: Strong Water June 7: Emma’s Lounge June 8: The High Divers June 13: David Childers June 14: Nick Schnebelen June 15: Hannah Wicklund & The Steppin Stones June 20: Upstate June 21: The Orange Constant June 22: The Vegabonds June 27: Empire Strikes Bass June 28: Sleepwalkers June 29: Coddle Creek July 3-4: Fourth of July Celebration July 5: Little Tybee July 6: Funk Vs. Bluegrass July 11: Sam Burchfield July 12: Wood and Wire July 13: C2 & The Brothers Reed July 18: Dangermuffin July 19: Jeff Crosby & The Refugees July 20: Naughty Professor July 25: Arkansauce July 26: Caleb Caudle July 27: Jared & The Mill Aug. 1: Funk You Aug. 2: Ian Ferguson Aug. 8: Hedonistas Aug. 9: Albert Castiglia Aug. 10: Sol Driven Train Aug. 15: Wild Adriatic Aug. 16: Guthrie Brown Aug. 17: Maradeen Aug. 22: Trae Pierce & The T-Stones Aug. 23: The Floorboards Aug. 24: Voodoo Visionary Aug. 29: Midnight North Aug. 30: The Volts Aug. 31: The Contenders Sept. 1: Labor Day Celebration Sept. 5: Winston Ramble Sept. 6: Cranford Hollow Sept. 7: Tellico Sept. 12: Yarn Sept. 13: Big Daddy Love Sept. 14: South Hill Banks Sept. 19: Brother Oliver Sept. 20: Honey Island Swamp Band Sept. 26: Folk Soul Revival Sept. 27: AFTM Sept. 28: The Get Right Band Oct. 5: Fall Festival
Charlotte: Sounds of Summer
Formerly known as Live on the Green, this series features folk and Americana music, as well as food trucks, craft beer and wine. The series takes place 7 to 10 p.m. at First Ward Park, 301 E. Seventh St. May 3: Younger Mountain String Band w/Hank, Pattie & The Current June 14: Hiss Golden Messenger w/ The Dead Tongues Aug. 9: Brett Dennen w/ Emily Sage Sept. 13: Keller & The Keels w/ Coddle Creek
Matthews: Food Truck Fridays
The festival offers food trucks, craft beer, wine and children’s activities from 5 to 9 p.m. on the second and fourth Fridays, April to September, at Stumptown Park, 120 S. Trade St. April 12: The Catalinas April 26: Chicago Rewired May 24: Terence Young June 14: Michael Cosner June 28: DeCarlo July 12: Carolina Soul July 26: KRVE Aug. 9: Party Parrot Band Aug. 23: Gal Friday Sept. 13: Sonic Rewind
Sept. 27: Band of Oz
Mint Hill: Family Fun Nights
The town hosts monthly events from June to October, including a Back to School Pep Rally (Aug. 17) and Tina Ross Afternoon in the Park (Oct. 5). Concerts include bounce houses, face painting and corn hole at town hall, 4430 Mint Hill Village Lane. June 8: U-Phonik July 13: Steven Metz Band Sept. 7: Delta Fire
South Charlotte Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 4B
ARTS BRIEFS Discovery Place ranked as top attraction
Stallings: Tribute to Summer
Stallings has curated a concert schedule sure to attract Jimmy Buffet, Toto, KISS and Eagles fans. Town staff has booked popular tribute bands to perform from 7 to 9:30 p.m. the first Friday in May through September at Stallings Park, 242 Stallings Road. May 3: The Party Parrot Band (Jimmy Buffet tribute) June 7: Bless the Rains (Toto tribute) Aug. 2: Love Gun (KISS tribute) Sept. 6: On the Border (Eagles tribute)
Indian Trail: HITs After Six
This series kicked off April 4 and continues 6 to 9 p.m. on select Thursdays at Crossing Paths Park, 120 Blythe Drive. There’s a bounce house, face painting and yard games, as well as food, beer and wine to buy. May 16: Kids in America Aug. 15: The Catalinas Sept. 19: Too Much Sylvia
Waxhaw: Jammin’ by the Tracks
You probably won’t get lost trying to find Waxhaw’s signature music series. The concerts are 7 to 9 p.m. on the first Friday from May to October under the Waxhaw Water Tower. May 3: Vinyl Tones June 7: Aerial View July 5: Off the Record Aug. 2: Carolina Keller Band Sept. 6: Honky Tonk Outlaws
Monroe: Music on Main
Downtown Monroe attracts some of the most popular festival bands in the South. They perform 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. on the fourth Thursday from May to September. April 18: The Tams May 23: Earth to Mars June 27: Radio Revolver July 25: The Legacy Motown Revue Aug. 22: The Catalinas Sept. 26: The Entertainers
Fort Mill: Anne Springs Close Greenway Summer Concert Series
The seventh annual series is worth a trip over the state border. The series takes place 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays at the greenway, 250 Dairy Barn Lane. Admission is $5. Beer, wine and food trucks are available. June 6: Next Level Band June 13: HC Oakes Band June 20: Who Rescued Who June 27: Chunky Daddy July 4: Todd Johnson & the Revolvers July 11: Gal Friday Band July 18: Time Sawyer July 25: Party Parrot Band Aug. 1: Kids in America Aug. 8: Triple Play Aug. 15: KRVE
Davon Bailey, founder and CEO at EatWorkPlay says Chic Cinco de Mayo is a fun way to meet new people while supporting our community. Photo courtesy of EatWorkPlay Charlotte
EatWorkPlay Charlotte celebrates Cinco de Mayo CHARLOTTE – EatWorkPlay Charlotte, a lifestyle network for young professionals, will host its third annual Chic Cinco de Mayo event to raise cultural awareness. The celebration takes place 2 to 6 p.m. May 4 at Nuvolé Rooftop TwentyTwo (Nuvolé), the new rooftop bar and tapas restaurant atop AC Hotel in Uptown. The event will feature a DJ, live music, interactive photo installation and tequila. VIP ticket holders can also enjoy specialty cocktails and Mexican-inspired cuisine prepared by Nuvolé chefs. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Latin Americans Working for Achievement. Early bird tickets cost $25 for general admission and $45 for VIP. Visit www.chiccinco2019.eventbrite. com to buy tickets.
CHARLOTTE – Discovery Place ranked as the top museum and attraction for Charlotte and the fourth most visited across the state for 2018 in the annual North Carolina Museums and Historic Attractions Survey. Discovery Place is the only Charlotte institution listed among the top 25 most visited museums and attractions in North Carolina. It had more than 745,600 visitors last year. Carolina Publishing and Associates conducts the survey annually.
Jersey Mike's donates to Isabella Santos Foundation CHARLOTTE – Jersey Mike’s Subs raised more than $167,000 for the Isabella Santos Foundation through its ninth annual Month of Giving and Day of Giving campaigns. During March, 39 area Jersey Mike’s restaurants collected more than $13,750 in customer donations and cookie sales. The campaign culminated with the Day of Giving on March 27, when eight owners and operators donated all of the day’s sales – over $153,500 – to the foundation. Franchise owner Nick Smith III said giving back is part of the company's culture, making it a natural fit for the greater Charlotte franchisees to partner with the Isabella Santos Foundation.
DINING SCORES The Mecklenburg County Health Department inspected these restaurants March 29 to April 4: 28209 • Co, 4201 Park Road – 96.5 • The Flour Shop, 530 Brandywine Road – 98 • Zack's Hamburgers, 4009 South Blvd. – 97.5 28210 • Corkbuzz Charlotte, 4905 Ashley Park Lane – 94.5 • La Lonchera Latapatia, 10703 Park Road – 72.5 • Showmars, 9925 Park Cedar Drive – 96.5 28211 • Gyro Twins Truck, 3500 Latrobe Drive – 97 • The Dumpling Lady, 3500 Latrobe Drive – 98 28226 • Char Bar 7, 6300 Carmel Road – 95 • Chuck E. Cheese's, 7701 Pineville-Matthews Road – 97.5 • Hawthorne`s NY Pizza & Bar, 4100 Carmel Road – 97 • Kabuto 51, 7724 Pineville-Matthews Road – 93 • McDonald's, 7721 Pineville-Matthews Road – 96.5
• McDonald's, 8824 Pineville-Matthews Road – 96.5 28277 • Adams Mart, 11924 Elm Lane – 90 • Anzi Pizzeria & Pasta, 8133 Ardrey Kell Road – 91 • Bojangles, 6308 Providence Farm Lane – 97.5 • Domino's Pizza, 6420 Rea Road – 97 • Duckworth's Grill & Taphouse, 14015 Conlan Cir – 95.5 • Firehouse Subs, 8020 Providence Road – 95 • Genghis Grill, 11324 N Community House Road – 95.5 • Ilios Noche, 11508 Providence Road – 98 • Jimmy Johns, 16015 Lancaster Hwy. – 97 • Korean Restaurant, 7323 E Independence Blvd. – 97.5 • Pizza Hut, 15105 John J Delaney Drive – 90.5 • Red Robin, 3415 Toringdon Way – 96 • Starbucks Coffee, 11510 Waverly Center Drive – 99 • Switchin Kitchens, 8025 Ardrey Kell Road – 98 • The Twelfth Man Pub, 12206 Copper Way – 97 • Wendy's, 16055 Johnston Road – 93.5 • Which Wich, 11318 N Community House Road – 97
South Charlotte Weekly • April 12, 2019 • Page 5B
MISCELLANEOUS SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your MORTGAGE? Denied a Loan Modification? Is the bank threatening foreclosure? CALL Homeowner’s Relief Line now! FREE CONSULTATION 844-359-4330 A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted local advisors help solutions to your unique needs at NO COST TO YOU! Call 844-432-3281 NEW AUTHORS WANTED! Page Publishing will help you self-publish your own book. FREE author submission kit! Limited offer! Why wait? Call now: 844-660-6943 BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. EASY, ONE DAY updates! We specialize in safe bathing. Grab bars, no slip flooring & seated showers. Call for a free in-home consultation: 877-6616587 Lung Cancer? And Age 60+? You And Your Family May Be Entitled To Significant Cash Award. No Risk. No Money Out Of Pocket. For Information Call 855677-0507 Offer: Book Your Flight Today on United, Delta, American, Air France, Air Canada. We have the best rates. Call today to learn more 1-855-6131407 Mon-Fri:10:00am to 7:00pm Sat & Sun: 11:30 am to 7:00 pm (all times Eastern) DIRECTV CHOICE All-Included Package. Over 185 Channels! ONLY $45/month (for 24 mos.) Call Now- Get NFL Sunday Ticket FREE! CALL 1-877-666-2821 Ask Us How To Bundle & Save! DISH TV - $59.99/ month for 190 channels. $100 Gift Card with Qualifying Service! Free premium channels (Showtime, Starz, & more) for 3 months. Voice remote included. Restrictions apply, call for details. Call 1-855-784-9695 FDA-Registered Hearing Aids. 100% RiskFree! 45-Day Home Trial. Comfort Fit. Crisp Clear Sound. If you decide to keep it, PAY ONLY $299 per aid. FREE Shipping. Call Hearing Help Express 1- 866-744-6150
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Page 6B • South Charlotte Weekly • April 12, 2019
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Atrium Health Pineville: Top 50 in the Nation for Heart Care You Health don’t just get Pineville: better care at Atrium Health Pineville, you getNation the very bestfor care. Heart From 24/7 Care Atrium Top 50 in the emergency services to advanced cancer care and award-winning heart care, you get the care you need, where you need it.
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CMPD Animal Care & Control
Orphaned Animals Available for Adoption
Name: Oscar ID: A1150581 Age: 3 years Weight: 45 lbs Sex: Neutered Date of Arrival: 3/3/19 Abandoned Adoption fee: $10 Vaccinations: Has all required vaccinations
Oscar was tied to a fence near a shop and left there. Despite this, he is a very sweet boy. He’s food motivated which will make positive training easy. He has been known to get along with other dogs.
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8315 Byrum Drive
Name: Farrah ID: A1151237 Breed Mix: Long Hair Age: 1 year Sex: Spayed Date of Arrival: 3/22/19 Stray Adoption fee: $98 Vaccinations: Has all required vaccinations
Farrah is a very chilled and layback kitty. She went to the Charlotte Checkers game and nothing seemed to bother her.
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