Police: Child left in vehicle dies • Page 5A
Friday, Sept. 6, 2019 • Vol. 19 • No. 36
ABOUT US P.O. BOX 1104 Matthews, NC 28106 (704) 849-2261 justin@cmgweekly.com thecharlotteweekly.com
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Spencer Lueders, founder of the south Charlotte fundraiser 24 Hours of Booty, recently took to the soccer field. Photo courtesy of Stumptown Athletic
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NASA astronaut Christian Koch snapped this image of Hurricane Dorian on the International Space Station during a flyover on Sept. 2. The station orbits more than 200 miles above the Earth. Photo courtesy of NASA
Charlotte's most followed meteorologists 704-458-9389
Never forget 9/11 first responder still gives back, 2A
to take an emerging storm seriously, but not to the point where they’re clearing out the bread aisles in a panic. WCNC’s chief meteorologist seemingly works around the clock during hurricane threats, posting informative forecasts on storm impacts on Facebook. see METEOROLOGISTS, Page 6A
see SOCCER, Page 6A
Ordinary Angel The Sandbox recognizes mom at prom, 5A
Rare feat Thompson seeks four state tennis titles, 1B
When residents catch wind of an emerging hurricane or tropical storm off the coast, they log onto Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to see what their favorite meteorologists have to say about the risks to the region. Hurricane Dorian has proved no different as meteorologists from every station have been providing followers with charts, graphs and satellite imagery of the massive storm’s approach. Here are the meteorologists with the largest social media followings when it comes to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. 1. Nick Kosir Station: WJZY Followers: 10,500 Twitter, 239,598 Facebook & 934,000 Instagram Kosir has the potential to follow in the footsteps of weathermen like David Letterman and Pat Sajak by breaking through the green screen and into pop culture. He’s already become a viral sensation on YouTube and Instagram for his rapping forecasts, dancing and Cam Newton photo re-enactments. Kosir, who joined WJZY in 2014, has parlayed his Internet fame into an appearance to prop up a Lil Nas X performance on the MTV Video
Meteorologist Nick Kosir couldn't pass up the opportunity to showcase some moves for the #LotteryChallenge. @FOX46Nick/Twitter
Music Awards. Will it continue to snowball? 2. Brad Panovich Station: WCNC Followers: 81,900 Twitter, 185,653 Facebook & 32,400 Instagram Panovich has that ability to simultaneously convince followers
24 Hours of Booty founder inks oneday pro contract CHARLOTTE – Spencer Lueders is known for founding the 24 Hours of Booty charity cycling and walking event, which along with 24 Foundation’s other events, has raised more than $22 million to impact the lives of those affected by cancer. But the lifelong soccer player always had a dream of playing at the professional level. “I’ve known Spencer for years through his work with 24 Foundation and other community initiatives,” said Casey Carr, Stumptown Athletic president and general manager. “And while I knew he played in college at South Carolina, I didn’t know until recently that he dreamed of playing at the professional level.” Lueders realized part of that dream Aug. 29 when he signed a one-day contract with Stumptown Athletic, the Charlotte area’s new professional soccer club. He participated in the team’s tryouts in early August. “I started playing soccer when I was 4 years old and have played for my entire life,” Lueders said. “I love great soccer and I’m excited about a new professional team coming to the area, especially with its focus on developing young players and investing in the local community. I couldn’t pass up the chance to try out for a pro team.”
by Justin Vick
Charity founder realizes soccer dream
Freedom School Partners director retiring after 20 years CHARLOTTE – Mary Nell McPherson will retire as executive director of Freedom School Partners by the end of 2019. Under her 20 years of leadership, Freedom School Partners McPherson has prevented summer learning loss by igniting a passion for reading and inspiring a love of learning. This past summer, Freedom School Partners served 1,200 K-8th grade students at 18 sites throughout Charlotte-Mecklenburg. “Twenty years ago, I answered the call to become the first executive director of Seigle Avenue Partners, which has become Freedom School Partners,” McPherson said. “It has been
my great joy to work with many in our community to build the Freedom School movement. Now, with deep gratitude for our work together and with full confidence in and hope for the future of Freedom School Partners, I have decided it is time to retire.” The organization is searching for its next leader. “As our founder, she will always be our inspiration to carry on this important work on behalf of our children and our community,” Board Chair Geoffrey Mize said. “We are excited to celebrate with Mary Nell as she approaches her upcoming retirement and are fortunate to have an outstanding staff and board which gives us strength and stability in this time of transition.”
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Mary Nell McPherson interacts with Freedom School scholars. Photos courtesy of Freedom School Partners
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Page 2A • South Charlotte Weekly • Sept. 6, 2019
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CONTACT US Children involved with Eagles’ Wings Studio are in character at the Matthews Alive Parade on Aug. 31 in downtown Matthews. Andrew Stark/SCW photo
MOST POPULAR STORIES • Mission34 works to open dialogue about mental health • Ballantyne Bootcamp Series starts Sept. 5 • Waxhaw couple opening new high-tech gym concept • Business Roundup: The sweet smell of pumpkin • Atrium Health communications leader joins City of Charlotte
TWEETS OF THE WEEK • “Enjoyed the discussion last night on affordable housing. As I’ve always said, people who work in #Charlotte should be able to live in Charlotte. We’ve made great progress but there is still more work to be done!” – Mayor Vi Lyles (@ViLyles) • “HEADS UP!! Watch for students and school buses. There are approximately 1600 school buses in Mecklenburg county on any given school day!!@CharMeckSchools#CltTraffic #Charlotte #Clt #NC #SC” – Charlotte TrafficGuy (@ Clt_TrafficGuy)
PRESIDENT Jonathan McElvy PUBLISHER Adrian Garson adrian@cmgweekly.com BUSINESS MANAGER Rebecca Jensen rjensen@cmgweekly.com MANAGING EDITOR Justin Vick justin@cmgweekly.com NEWS EDITOR Karie Simmons karie@cmgweekly.com SPORTS EDITOR Andrew Stark andrew@cmgweekly.com ART DIRECTOR Kylie Sark art@cmgweekly.com ADVERTISING Charlotte Conway Kate Kutzleb Maya Cann adsales@cmgweekly.com
UPCOMING EDITIONS • Sept. 13: Arts & Entertainment • Oct. 4: Senior Living
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9/11 first responder handles injuries with faith, positive attitude by Kristen Anderson Contributor
For Charlotte resident Willie Wahnon, Sept. 11 has personal significance. As a retired Brooklyn police officer and 9/11 first responder, this week marked 18 years since terrorists flew airplanes into the Twin Towers of New York City. It’s a memory he is reminded of each day. As a result of injuries sustained from inhaling dust and toxic fumes during search and rescue efforts, Wahnon had to receive a double-lung transplant and struggles to be on his feet for too long. Yet, in spite of these challenges, he shares a smile and brings joy to everyone he meets. “You could see nothing,” Wahnon said. “Not a thing! Just a white cloud that looked like the sky was down on the street level … You couldn’t even see to the next person.” As soon as some of the smoke cleared, and it was deemed calm enough for his police unit to return, Wahnon headed back to the buildings and began pulling brick after brick, boulder after boulder. With the help of the transit department and all their equipment, they drilled, used torches to weld some rods and cut others and did everything they could to find and free survivors. The fire department sprayed water that dripped through cracks that kept some survivors alive for a couple days until they could be rescued. The hardest part was finding those who had been badly crushed. “That’s the part nobody wanted to see,” Wahnon said. “It took six or seven days to reach some areas, but by then it was too late for those who had been trapped inside. For three months, he continued to work at the site along with the other first responders, breathing in the dust and fumes that would eventually destroy his lungs. Even though Wahnon had been relieved of his duties, he continued to show up. “I went there anyway,” he said. “I had to stay there because I said, ‘I’m not leaving there without any of my friends and buddies who were caught inside.’” Eventually the work stopped and Willie decided to retire and mentally recuperate in Florida. “It’s something you don’t recover from,” he said. “You still have nightmares … When it gets close to that day it’s even harder. I can feel it. I can see it. I can smell it. That smell will never go away – never go.” It was while living in Florida that Wahnon found peace through faith. After meeting missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, he decided to become a member. He told them, “I think this is where I be-
Willie Wahnon, who helped free survivors from the 9/11 terrorist attack, now volunteers with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department. Photo courtesy of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
long.” Willie began to experience difficulties in breathing and walking. He spent many days in and out of the hospital. However, in spite of these challenges, his faith and positive attitude sustained him. “If it wasn’t for Jesus, I wouldn’t be functioning at all, he said. “I look for Him every day – in the morning, evening and during the day. ‘Cause without Him, I can do nothing.” The breathing issues continued when Wahnon moved to Charlotte, where doctors eventually decided in 2016 that he needed a double-lung transplant. His compromised immune system frequently requires him to be homebound, but that doesn’t get him down. When he is able, he volunteers with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department doing Spanish interpretation, looks out for his neighbors, and likes to bring food to the homeless people he finds in Matthews. “It makes me feel good. That’s what He wants me to do. I cheer them up and they cheer me up,” he said. “Willie’s joy for life and positive outlook is such an inspiration,” said Aaron Roome, bishop of the Providence congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ. “Members of our church enjoy visiting with him and basking in the hope and joy he embodies, despite his health challenges.” When asked if he had any advice for others who are struggling, Wahnon said, “Stay positive. Never think negative. Because when you think negative, everything goes down hill … I pray every day, asking Him to give me another day. I know He’s going to take me, but I’m going to keep on fighting; keep on smiling. That’s why I’m always joyful.”
CMS explains dips in state test scores CHARLOTTE – Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools saw results on state tests stay flat, with advances in college and career-ready science scores as well as declines in elementary and middle school literacy scores for the 2018-19 year. Nearly three-fourths (71.7%) of its schools met or exceeded growth expectations, compared to 75.6% a year earlier. CMS said year-over-year comparisons were impossible due to the state changing the math calculation, noting that North Carolina introduced new math scales and a new end-of-course test in Math 3.The state also changed the way it determines which students count as English learners. For CMS, the percentage of students testing at or above grade-level proficiency declined 0.7 points in reading for grades three through eight and increased 0.8 points in science for grades five and eight. The district outperformed the state on Math 3-8, Science 5 and 8, Math 1, Math 3 and Biology. “CMS is committed to giving each and every student the best education possible,” Superintendent Earnest Winston said. “We are not where we want to be, but we have a high-quality curriculum and high expectations for all students. With our strategic plan in place and the curriculum changes
implemented this year, we are focused on helping all students achieve and further our equity goals.” The district is working with two new curriculum partners, EL Education for English language arts and Open Up Resources for math. The curriculum is being adopted in kindergarten and grades one, two, three and six for English language arts and grade eight for math. The limited release will allow the district to provide targeted learning and support before the curriculum expands to other grade levels and content areas. College- and career-readiness rates measure the percentage of students who scored a 4 or a 5 (the highest score) on the state tests. In reading grades three through eight, all racial subgroups except Asian students showed a decrease in college- and career-readiness rates since 2017-18. In English II, all racial subgroups except white students showed an increase in college- and career-readiness rates since 2017-18. The largest increases were 4.7 percentage points for Asian students, 3 points for black students and 2.3 points for Hispanic students. Economically disadvantaged students increased by 1.6 points and students with disabilities increased by 0.8 points. White students’ scores declined by 1.2 points, and EL students’ scores are not comparable
to last year’s scores due to a change in the subgroup definition. By contrast, college- and career-readiness rates stayed steady or increased in all subgroups in science for grades five and eight, with the largest gains recorded by Asian and white students. “Our community and board of education are focused on the college- and career-readiness of our students,” said Frank Barnes, chief equity officer. “We continue to make progress as we work to narrow the gaps in all subgroups.” Economically disadvantaged students showed a gain of 2 points, black students 1.8 points and students with disabilities 1 point. Scores for Hispanic students were unchanged from last year. The district’s graduation rate also increased slightly, from 85.4% to 85.5%. Asian students increased by 2.2 points and had the highest graduation rate across student subgroups. Hispanic students increased by 0.5 points and black students by 0.3 points. White students have historically had the highest graduation rates, but this year their graduation rate declined by 0.7 points. Nearly 72% of schools met or exceeded growth expectations, and 73% received a school performance grade of A, B or C. CMS had 17 A schools, 53 B schools, 55 C schools, 39 D schools and 7 F schools. Sixty-five percent of schools maintained their school performance grades from 201718, and 31 schools (19%) improved from last year.
South Charlotte Weekly • Sept. 6, 2019 • Page 3A
BUSINESS BRIEFS Keith Corporation transforming textile mill CHARLOTTE – The Keith Corporation is spearheading the redevelopment of the former Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Company complex into a creative destination in downtown Rock Hill. The three-story, 400,000-square-foot building will feature restaurant and retail space including an open market concept on the first floor and will provide build-tosuit office spaces on the second and third floors. The project is scheduled to begin construction this fall with a spring 2020 opening.
Atrium’s communications leader joins city Ruby Sunshine's menu will feature award-winning New Orleans twists on Southern breakfast staples like BBQ Shrimp & Grits, Eggs Cochon Benedict and Bananas Foster Pain Perdu. Courtesy of Ruby Sunshine
Ruby Sunshine set to spice up Bland Street CHARLOTTE – Ruby Sunshine is coming to South End. The all-day breakfast restaurant will offer Big Easy twists on Southern brunch classics, including benedicts, pancakes and French Toast, as well as cocktails like the Brandy Milk Punch, Morning Margarita, Mimosas and Bloody Marys. The restaurant, which will be the first Ruby Sunshine location to open in North Carolina, is the latest concept from Ruby Slipper Restaurant Group, the collective behind New Orleans-based Ruby Slipper Café. “We’re looking forward to introducing the Charlotte community to Ruby Sunshine and the New Orleans flair that our restaurants are famous for,” owner Jennifer Weishaupt said. “Charlotte is known for its thriving and eclectic culinary scene, and we could not be more excited to be a part of it.” Located at 332 W. Bland St., the 5,000-square-foot restaurant will feature original 1920s architectural details, such as exposed brick and timber beams. The restaurant will be able to accommodate 187 guests with indoor and outdoor seating. Founded in post-Katrina New Orleans, Jennifer and Erich Weishaupt revitalized a blighted corner store into a cozy restaurant 11 years ago, with the hope that it would help draw people back to the community. Visit www.rubysunshine.com for details.
CHARLOTTE – Jason Schneider will join the City of Charlotte on Sept. 16 as media and public relations director. Prior to joining the city, Schneider served as senior director of Atrium Health’s corporate communications department. He has advised Fortune 500 firms and national trade associations, as well as worked with well-known brands. “Communication connects people and can help create a shared culture across communities and organizations alike,” Schneider said. “This is a tremendous opportunity to work for the people of Charlotte while promoting the city’s story.”
Pumpkin flavors return to QuikTrip stores CHARLOTTE – QuikTrip is bringing back pumpkin-flavored drinks and snacks to stores. Snacks include the Pumpkin Pie Bismark, Pumpkin Cheesecake Muffin and Pumpkin Pretzel, a warm, soft pretzel topped with a cinnamon and sugar blend and stuffed with pumpkin filling. Soft-serve options include the Pumpkin QuikShake and Pumpkin Twister. Seasonal coffee items include the Pumpkin Frappe, Pumpkin Lattes and Cold Brew Coffee.
Venture X opening new location in Ballantyne CHARLOTTE – Venture X, a membership-based workspace community for entrepreneurs and businesses, will complete construction of a 25,000-squarefoot building at 3540 Toringdon Way by mid-November.
Springs Creative is the first tenant announced for The Thread, which is set to open in spring 2020. Photo courtesy of The 5 and 2 Project Venture X Ballantyne-Toringdon will be a destination where members can connect in an environment that inspires creativity, networking and business growth. “It’s a perfect work location for small business professionals and large corporate teams requiring coworking office spaces with flexible terms,” franchisee Kamal Rama said. Visit https://venturex.com/member ships/ for details.
OrthoCarolina surgeons open joint infection center CHARLOTTE – Thomas Fehring, hip and knee surgeon with the OrthoCarolina Hip and Knee Center, has launched the OrthoCarolina Periprosthetic Joint Infection Center with fellow hip and knee surgeons Brian Curtin, Bryan Springer, Keith Fehring and Jesse Otero. “Our entire physician team within the center has extensive experience treating prosthetic knee and hip infections, including developing decision-making protocols for each patient while following and validating their outcome measures,” he said. Visit www.healingjoints.org for details.
commitment to fiscal discipline, conservative debt repayment structure and a stable local economy,” County Manager Dena Diorio said. The GO bonds are expected to sell Sept. 10. Proceeds will be used for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and Central Piedmont Community College capital projects.
Logical Position hosts back to school supply drive CHARLOTTE – Logical Position, a national digital marketing agency, is hosting a company-wide Back to School Supply Drive through Sept. 11 to support the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. Employees at its nine offices will collect school supplies to benefit their city’s local Boys & Girls Club chapter. Drop off school supplies between 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays at the Charlotte office, 2709 Water Ridge Pkwy., suite 400.
County keeps AAA rating CHARLOTTE – Mecklenburg County has maintained its AAA credit rating with leading rating agencies. Fitch, Moody’s and Standard & Poor have assigned their highest rating to the county’s $200 million general obligation public improvement bonds, series 2019. The agencies have also affirmed the AAA rating on the county’s $1.2 billion outstanding GO debt. “The AAA rating reflects our continued
Gathering around a donation box for Boys & Girls Club of America, Logical Position team members are looking for the public’s help. All nine of LP’s offices are collecting back to school items to be donated to local Boys & Girls Clubs. Photo courtesy of Logical Position
Meck. Co. Commissioner Susan Harden: “Dimple is not a ‘promise maker’, she is a promise keeper. As Environment Committee Chair, she connected the dots between health issues and the zip code one may live in. She held many townhalls around public safety, especially in our schools. And, near to my heart, she continues to be an advocate for women’s equality.”
Keep Democratic Councilwoman Dimple Ajmera Vote Early or September 10 Absentee Voting by Mail: Now through Sept. 10 Early Voting: Aug. 21 – Sept. 6 (until 7 PM) Primary Election Day: Tues., Sept. 10 (6:30 AM – 7:30 PM) For Locations and Times: 704-336-2133 or www.meckboe.org
www.facebook.councilmember • @DimpleAjmera • instagram.com/dimple4charlotte Paid for by Committee to Elect Dimple Ajmera
“I am a fighter. I vote my values, not special interests. Our challenges remain great but our determination is greater. We will persist!” PUBLIC SAFETY I am an advocate for common sense gun regulations and have held crucial Town Halls on the safety of our neighborhoods and our schools. I’ve worked to increase pay for our police and fire fighters. INFRASTRUCTURE I will continue to champion equitable transportation and recreation options for sidewalks, bike lanes and the Cross-Charlotte Trail. Pedestrian safety must be ensured and aggravating traffic issues must be alleviated. ENVIRONMENT I chaired the Environment Committee and helped Charlotte become a global leader in sustainability with bipartisan support. We won the American Cities Climate Challenge and received $2.5 million from former Mayor Bloomberg’s foundation. WOMEN’S EQUALITY I believe in equal pay for equal work. It’s not just a women’s issue, it’s a family issue. I voted to update our noise ordinance affecting schools, houses of worship and medical facilities. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I have worked tirelessly to bring traction and economic opportunities to the 69-acre Eastland site, an area left undeveloped for more than eight years. AFFORDABLE HOUSING I supported a $50 million housing bond referendum and played an integral role in securing funding and neighborhood support for St. John’s Place serving some of the most vulnerable members of our community.
Page 4A • South Charlotte Weekly • Sept. 6, 2019
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South Charlotte Weekly • Sept. 6, 2019 • Page 5A
NEWS BRIEFS ment also educates the public about general safety issues. “We are thankful to Waltonwood Cotswold for thinking of us by providing lunch for our first-responders,” said Jamar Stroud, captain at Fire Station 14. “We are always ready to assist the senior living community, whether it be in response to a 911 call or providing safety tips to their residents.”
Seniors and team members from Waltonwood Cotswold delivered a meal to Fire Station 14. Photo courtesy of Waltonwood Cotswold
Seniors show appreciation for emergency responders CHARLOTTE – Waltonwood Cotswold personally delivered a meal Aug. 30 to Fire Station 14 to thank firefighters for their lifesaving actions. “Fire Station 14 serves our community, and we wanted to show them how thankful we are for their daily sacrifices and services,” said Nichola Johnson, executive director of Waltonwood Cotswold. “Emergency responders risk their lives for other citizens and are a critical part of any community.” The Charlotte Fire Department operates out of 42 fire stations and provides fire protection for nearly 800,000 people. The depart-
Police: Child dies after left inside vehicle PINEVILLE – The Pineville Police Department is investigating the death of a 12-month-old after the child was reportedly left inside a vehicle “for a prolonged periBroecke od of time” Aug. 29 at the McMullen Creek Shopping Center, officials said. Police obtained a criminal warrant on Dawn Aberson-Vanden Broecke, 42, of Charlotte. Broecke, the child’s foster mother, is being charged with involuntary manslaughter. Police responded to a 911 call at 5 p.m. at the Lowe’s parking lot. The child was taken to Atrium Pineville, but she was pronounced deceased at the hospital. The Mecklenburg County Medical Examiner’s Office later ruled the cause of death as hyperthermia due to environmental exposure.
Ballantyne hosts successful school supplies drive
CHARLOTTE – The Ballantyne community has provided more than 44,000 school supplies for local students through the Color the Park School Supplies Drive in partnership with Classroom Central. Aubrye Carr (Classroom Central), Elizabeth Grove (Northwood Office), Sheri Osborne (Classroom Central), Carolina Kramer (Northwood Office), Emily Little (Northwood Office), Annie Dickeson (Northwood Office), Matthew Rogers (Northwood Office), and Michael Beste (Northwood Office) celebrate a successful drive. Photo courtesy of Northwood Office
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The Sandbox recognizes 'Ordinary Angel' The Sandbox awarded its inaugural Ordinary Angels Award to Robin Axce during An Evening of Believing Prom on Aug. 31 at the Embassy Suites-Concord. The award recognizes people who through their humble, selfless and compassionate way of living are doing extraordinary things daily. Robin celebrated the honor with her husband Jeffrey, as well as their children Nathanael (15), Hannah (14), Asher (10) and Elika (10). The prom serves as The Sandbox's signature event, designed to give children with life-altering illnesses an opportunity to have fun with friends and family. Photos courtesy of The Sandbox
Page 6A • South Charlotte Weekly • Sept. 6, 2019
SOCCER (continued from page 1A)
Stumptown Athletic held the official signing ceremony at Freedom Park. Lueders signed the contract and received the team’s first official jersey. Although Lueders participated in a tough round of tryouts, he realized taking the pro field as a seasoned adult may not be the best idea. After talking with Stumptown Athletic’s coach and other players, he announced plans to immediately retire and join the organization as its community ambassador. “It’s been a great run, and I’m proud of what I’ve achieved over my pro career,” he said with a laugh. “But it’s time to step down and focus on other priorities.” Although Lueders signed the pro contract, he didn’t expect to also take the field with the team. “Now that you’re on the team, I’m putting you to work,” head coach Mark Steffens said. “You’ll be a pro player for a few more hours, because you’re playing in our scrimmage Friday night.” Carr said he understood Lueders’ decision to retire from pro play and was happy to keep him on the team as the community ambassador. “While we’ve spent time talking about the game, we’ve also spent a lot of time talking about the impact we could have together. This is an incredible opportunity for Stumptown Athletic and our local community.” Lueders donated his one-day salary to the 24 Foundation. Carr surprised him by
Photo courtesy of Stumptown Athletic
adding an immediate donation from Stumptown Athletic in Lueders’ name. Stumptown Athletic will also donate 5% of all tickets sold for its inaugural fall season to the 24 Foundation.
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Upcoming home games Sept. 28: Miami FC, 7 p.m., CSA OrthoCarolina Soccer Complex Oct. 5: Philadelphia Fury, 7 p.m., CSA OrthoCarolina Soccer Complex Oct. 12: Chattanooga FC, 7 p.m., CSA OrthoCarolina Soccer Complex Oct. 25: Atlanta SC, 7 p.m.; Matthews Sportsplex Visit www.stumptownathletic.com/ for details.
Iisha Scott gives insight into her interest in meteorology. @IishaScottWeather/Facebook
METEOROLOGISTS (continued from page 1A)
Charlotte Magazine noticed, pegging him one of 2018 Charlotteans of the Year. Klobomedia ranked Panovich third among the 100 best meteorologists on social media in 2016, citing his use of science and the frequency of his tweets. 3. Eric Thomas Station: WBTV Followers: 9,574 Twitter & 27,311 Facebook Thomas celebrated his 30th anniversary with WBTV last year, but his social media updates come fast like lightning strikes. The station’s chief meteorologist blends science with passion, as he admitted during a live broadcast of the solar eclipse in 2017 that he was having trouble containing his composure and later fought back tears. “This is crazy,” Thomas said with the enthusiasm of a professional wrestling commentator. “This is absolutely crazy!” 4. John Ahrens Station: WSOC Followers: 5,480 Twitter, 17,788 Facebook & 2,497 Instagram Ahrens, who has been with WSOC, since 2006, is the meteorologist you’d most likely want to have a beer with. His Facebook posts go beyond weather maps and forecasts, though he posts plenty of those. He went to the aftermath of one storm a few weeks ago and asked followers to help families in north Charlotte who lost their homes by bringing them groceries or school supplies. He also posts photos of himself out in the community. 5. Al Conklin Station: WBTV Followers: 8,919 Twitter & 11,822 Facebook Conklin has been on the WBTV airwaves since 1993. What sets him apart from other public figures on Facebook and Twitter is that he takes the time to reply to comments on his posts. And if he doesn’t reply, there’s a good chance he’ll react to it in the form of a thumbs up. The veteran weatherman understands that social media was designed to be a conversation. 6. Leigh Brock Station: WBTV Followers: 3,726 Twitter, 13,894 Facebook & 1,172 Instagram
If you’re a fan of WBTV, which has been celebrating its 70th anniversary this year, then you appreciate Brock. She posts a lot of behind-the-scenes photos of her coworkers on Facebook, making her page a more personable experience for fans. Her Twitter feed carries more of the maps you’d expect from meteorologists. On TV, her duties on weekend newscasts involve testing products with anchor Kristi O’Connor. 7. Steve Udelson Station: WSOC Followers: 6,162 Twitter, 7,221 Facebook & 731 Instagram Udelson serves as the chief meteorologist for WSOC’s Severe Weather Center. He’s been in that role since 1997. He took some time off this year to undergo a double hip replacement surgery. His 15th annual Steve’s Coats for Kids campaign generated 25,753 donations this year. He also encouraged viewers to donate to the 9 School Tools campaign. 8. Iisha Scott Station: WCNC Followers: 3,454 Twitter, 6,261 Facebook & 4,212 Instagram Scott has quickly built a solid social media following despite being in the Charlotte market for just one year and working weekend evening shifts. She’s worked in Richmond and Norfolk, Virginia, as well as Wilmington. This summer, she’s been tracking storms on Facebook and Twitter. She posts photos of her experiences in Charlotte and abroad on Instagram. 9. Larry Sprinkle Station: WCNC Followers: 3,667 Twitter & 7,118 Facebook If there was a hall of fame for Charlotte meteorologists, Sprinkle would most likely be a first-ballot inductee. He’s worked with WCNC-TV since 1985. His IMDB page has 11 credits, including roles in “King Kong Lives” and “Firestarter.” Speaking of horror, he has provided must-see television during Halloween newscasts. 10. Nicole Madden Station: WCCB Followers: 2,242 Twitter, 6,614 Facebook & 1,294 Instagram Madden works as the meteorologist for WCCB’s “News Rising,” a fun, relaxed morning show where the laughter is legit. She recently celebrated her two-year anniversary with the station. She previously worked in news stations in Louisiana.
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LOADED WITH STARS South Charlotte Weekly • Sept. 6, 2019 • Page 1B
Andrew Stark Sports Editor
Take these to the bank
Here are my picks for Week 3 matchups across the region Marvin Ridge (1-0) at Ardrey Kell (1-1) Ardrey Kell looked like they put it all together in a blowout win over East Meck, but this will be a much bigger test. Marvin Ridge dominated in their season opener and will test the Knights’ dominant secondary. The series is tied at 5, but Ardrey Kell has lost two straight. Winner: Ardrey Kell
(Top) Senior tri-captain Sarah Knafelz is just getting back into form after returning from injury, but puts one down against Butler. Junior Madison Cail (bottom) goes in for a kill. Cail leads the team in blocks and is second in kills. Andrew Stark/SCW photos
Providence focused on little things in early season surge by Andrew Stark andrew@cmgweekly.com
CHARLOTTE – For over a decade now, the Providence volleyball team has established itself as one of the preeminent programs in the state. And judging from the 6-1 start to this season, this year is going to be no exception as the Panthers look to compete for the So. Meck 7 title alongside bitter rival Ardrey Kell and once again be one of the state’s best teams. Coach Margaret Malone, who is in her third season, helped lead the Panthers to a 22-9 overall record, a 10-2 conference
Archbishop Rummel (1-0) at Charlotte Catholic (1-1) Charlotte Catholic losing was big news, but losing two in a row is unheard of. If Archbishop Rummel tries to take away the run game, they may have a chance. If not, the Cougars will run their way to a bounceback win. Winner: Charlotte Catholic
mark and a trip to the fourth round of the playoffs last season. But this team may be her best yet. “I think the culture of our team is amazing,” she said following a 3-0 win over Butler on Aug. 30. “They get along so well and really enjoy coming to practice. I think it’s really cool they have a love for the game, a love for each other and just a love of playing together and hanging out together. I think that’s the most impressive part of our season so far.” Through seven matches, the team has four straight-setters and has outscored its see PROVIDENCE, Page 2B
South Meck star’s quest for greatness Thompson has shot at winning four state tennis titles by Andrew Stark andrew@cmgweekly.com
CHARLOTTE –The South Meck girls tennis regular season ends on Oct. 1, but second-year Sabres coach Susie Porter knows she’ll need to be her biggest cheerleader on Oct. 26. That’s the date of this year’s NCHSAA individual championship, and Porter has already planned it out in her head. “We’re going to try to bring a big group up there with her this season because it is a great accomplishment and something she has a real shot of doing,” Porter said. The “her” Porter refers to is senior Jenna Thompson, the Sabres No. 1 player. In three years on the team, she’s single-handedly helped put a once proud
Butler (1-1) at Richmond (2-0) Butler caught a Mallard Creek team looking to make a statement, and they did at the Bulldogs’ expense. Richmond will be another very tough test as they’ve outscored their opponents 81-2 this season. Winner: Richmond
tennis program back on the map. Until Thompson arrived on campus, South Meck had experienced little success on the tennis court since the mid-1980s, when the Sabres secured three team state titles and won the doubles championship in 1985. But Thompson has changed that in a big way. Since she was little, Thompson has always stood out on the court. But since her freshman she has re-written the history and changed the fortunes of the program for the better. Thompson, who is 1-0 this season in both singles and doubles, helped the Sabres open the season with a 5-4 win over Providence, a team they haven’t beat in over two years. see TENNIS, Page 2B
South Meck’s Jenna Thompson has won three straight state titles and has never lost a high school match. She’s in the U.S. top 25 and North Carolina’s No. 1-rated recruit. Andrew Stark/SCW photo
Charlotte Christian (1-1) at Pace Academy (1-1) Charlotte Christian doesn’t get blown out and embarrassed at home the way they were last week, although starting quarterback Matthew Tuomala and running back Henry Rutledge missed the game. They’ll head to Atlanta to get back on track this week. Winner: Charlotte Christian Hammond (1-1) at Country Day (2-0) Quentin Cooper has run for over 100 yards in both Country Day wins, Stephen Payne has an interception on defense and is averaging 25 yards per catch, Andrew Wilks is leading the D and the Bucs are 2-0, although they’ve had little resistance. Hammond likely won’t provide much either. Winner: Country Day Charlotte Latin (2-0) at Catawba Ridge (2-0) Catawba Ridge is the feelgood story of S.C. as Fort Mill’s newest school is 2-0 and playing well. Latin is 2-0, but lost starting QB Jake Helfrich for the year. Playing in a hostile place in your first start isn’t the spot to break see PICKS, Page 3B
Super 7: Week 3 serves as redemption period for region’s top football teams 1. Myers Park (1-0) Last Week: Bye This week: Providence (1-1) The Mustangs put 42 points on Olympic and shut them out on the other side of the ball. Last week, they sat back and watched some carnage fall below them in the Super 7, even further strengthening their stranglehold atop these rankings. Talk is already starting to brew around the city of this maybe being the historically good team that finally gets coach
Scott Chadwick the state-wide recognition he so deserves. Time will tell, but Providence is in the way this week with the Mustangs coming off a bye. Good luck. 2. Charlotte Catholic (1-1) Last week: Lost, 7-0, to Good Counsel This week: Archbishop Rummel (La.) (1-0) Holy cow, the Cougars lost! That in it of itself is news as it’s been awhile
– over a calendar year since they lost to Charlotte Christian. This one was a slugfest as Charlotte Catholic battled Good Counsel, a team ranked No. 39 in the nation according to Maxpreps. com, to a 7-0 near draw. A third quarter TD proved to be the difference. The defense is certainly good once again, but if Catholic can’t throw it better, they at times can be exposed by elite defenses. They should rebound, see SUPER 7, Page 3B
Thrive Over 55 Fall Senior Expo October 4th
Butler’s offense, led by quarterback Parish Metzger (9), struggled early in Butler’s loss to Mallard Creek last week. This week, they have a short turnaround as they travel to Richmond, a team that’s outscored its opponents 81-2 so far this season. Andrew Stark/SCW photo
Register to attend by calling 704-849-2261 or email RJensen@cmgweekly.com
Page 2B • South Charlotte Weekly • Sept. 6, 2019
Providence’s Katie Cruise (11) and Madison Cail (8) both sky high above the net to defend a Butler player’s return. With Cruise and Cail playing central roles, the Panthers have started the season 6-1. Andrew Stark/SCW photo
PROVIDENCE (continued from page 1B)
Jenna Thompson had a No. 1 ranking at age 14, before she played a varsity match. But she has handled the pressure well, winning three consecutive state championships for South Mecklenburg High School. Andrew Stark/SCW photo
TENNIS (continued from page 1B)
But it was a special win for Thompson, too, as she extended her unbeaten streak into her fourth season. Thompson has won each of the past three 4A singles titles, a feat only accomplished by four other girls – Laura Cowman (Charlotte Catholic, 198992), Julianne Treme (Salisbury, 199396), Jackie Houston (Kings Mountain, 1993-96) and Britney Cloer (Brevard, 2003-06). “I’m a little nervous, but I think I’m excited about this year, too,” she said. “It’s my senior year, my last shot at it and I know where I’m going, so that makes me happy. But I want to win for sure.” Before she had played a single varsity match, Thompson was already a prodigy, ranked No.1 in the state as a 14-year-old. She was also well known in the ATP and USTA circuits, but ready to make a name for herself. “I was really nervous and I had no idea what to expect when I got to high school tennis,” she said. “But I was excited to play for my school and represent them.” Thompson has been nothing short of brilliant in her three seasons since stepping on the court, but it is her desire to want to play for the Sabres in the first place that shows a rare level of devotion, and especially for a player of Thompson’s caliber. High school tennis is a sport that elite players spend at least three to four hours of practice - mostly individual or one-on-one with a trainer. Maybe more. Therefore it is very common for the top tennis players in the country to choose the homeschooled route where they can devote even more time to training. And Thompson is definitely an elite player. Tennisrecruiting.net ranks her as a blue chip, 5-star recruit. The threetime state champ is the No. 1-ranked player in North Carolina, the No. 7-ranked player in the Southeast and the No. 23 player in the country in the Class of 2020. She even tried homeschooling, but it wasn’t for her.
I was really nervous and I had no idea what to expect when I got to high school tennis. But I was excited to play for my school and represent them.” • Jenna Thompson South Meck tennis star
“The reason I played is because I wanted to represent my school,” she said “But I also feel like being in school is more real life. Some of the higher-level players are homeschooled, and I just don’t feel like that was for me. In college, I’m going to have to go to school and practice. I come to school every day, play here and then I have my own practice so it’s busy but I love it. “High school tennis is fun and this year my sister (freshman Hannah) is on the team. Travel tennis is so individual, so the team part is fun when people cheer for me and stuff.” Thompson has made the circuits and this season was one of just seven girls selected from nine southern states to play in California’s Fed Ex Cup in July. With Thompson playing Line 2 and doubles wherever she was needed, her southern team won the whole thing. While Thompson is obviously a star, her unbeaten high school streak - a feat that may have never been duplicated - was not without challenges. In last year’s state finals, Thompson found herself down a set and trailing 4-1 to Sanderson’s Sibel Tanik, an East Carolina commit Thompson had played and beaten several times before. “When she was down 1-4 in the second set she started to turn it around, but before that she was at a place where she had to reconcile with herself and deal with a little frustration,” Porter recalled. “There were woods back behind her and she looked out into the woods by herself. Her opponent was from Raleigh and had a lot of support, so that was some of it, too, but whatever she did over there worked because she turned around and started playing and was at a different place mentally and took over.” Thompson rebounded to win five consecutive games to take the second set 6-4 and she won the decisive set
6-2. “I’ve played for so long that I’m sort of used to the pressure. I deal with it in my own way. I’m kind of quiet when I play, unless I get mad,” she said. “I just tried to focus on playing my game and not putting pressure on myself.” Thompson, who is a 4.0 student and said she likes to anonymously blend into the crowded South Meck hallways instead of act like the superstar she is, has found happiness, too. She signed with Clemson, choosing the Tigers over finalist Wake Forest and the long list of others so intrigued by her skill and potential. “I liked the family feel. I felt at home there,” she said. “I loved the coach and I loved the girls there. It was a good fit for me.” Before Thompson begins her next chapter, she has to close the one that includes her senior season. Thompson and Porter are hoping for the storybook ending, but time will tell. “She very encouraging to everyone and just a great person,” Porter said. “She really plays the leadership role well. We have her say a few words of encouragement in the beginning and will help with advice like what to do when the score is tight, how do you handle being down and just giving strategies to them that they can try. She’s a great teammate and is very supportive.” Thompson said she hopes people will be inspired by her accomplishments, but she wants to end her South Meck career on a high note. “It would be really cool to win it,” she said. “’ll give my plaques back to South Meck, though. I don’t need them and they’ve already put the other three in the trophy case and that is perfect with me. It makes me happy and it makes the school happy because they get recognition from it also. That’s what I like most about playing for my school.”
opponents 20-6. In addition to the great camaraderie, the Panthers lineup is loaded with stars. Juniors Alanna Harder (team-best 65 kills and 19 digs) and Madison Cail (61 kills, team-best 20 blocks and 13 aces) lead the attack, but there are plenty of others for standout setter Katie Cruise to feed the ball. Cruise, a sophomore tri-captain, leads the team with 219 assists and doesn’t pick favorites. Olivia Stephens (34 kills), Destiny Stewart (30 kills) and Gabby LaPata (teamhigh 81 digs, and team-best 22 aces 20 kills) are the main beneficiaries, but players like Ella Tassey, Emily Debe, Abigail Gray and Alex Butters are some of the other standouts for a team with big expectations. In their win over Butler, for example, only two or three balls hit the floor all game despite the whole team getting a chance to play in the blowout. “I think it’s our program in general. Our mentality is that we’re going to go for every ball and we’re not going to let the ball drop,” Malone said. “We have really good leadership on our team, which has really helped us. And we have really good senior captains in Ava LaPata and Sarah Knafelz (who is just coming back from injury, further strengthening the team). We have to have a really good setter to get those balls out there, and Katie Cruise is exceptional. She’s the hardest worker in
our gym, so I think when we have a setter that puts the balls up for hitters and hitters who want to attack the ball, good things will happen.” That’s been the formula for success to this point of the season, and it’s working nearly to perfection although Malone said she’s like to see a little more attacking from all over the court. “We’re talking all of the time about getting kills because we have a great back row that keeps the ball in the air, but we need to work on terminating the ball more and not going back and forth so much,” she said. “We have two really, really strong middles that tend to terminate balls. Alanna is really good at terminating balls for us, but I think we need to do a little better at terminating balls from all over the court to make us as successful as we can be.” The Panthers are just beginning to get into conference play after starting 1-0 with a shutout win over West Meck on Sept. 3. Tougher tests await when Ardrey Kell and South Meck play the Panthers in a few weeks, but for now they are right where they want to be. “Ardrey Kell has really good terminators on both sides of the net that we are going to have to keep up with, and we see them in a couple of weeks,” Malone said. “They have some really good hitters, and we’ll need to match up with them but that’s not for a while. We’re focused right now on getting better every day and I think we’re doing that.”
AK volleyball aims to defend league title While Providence is flourishing, Ardrey Kell is certainly not going away. The Knights went 21-6 and a perfect 12-0 in the So. Meck 7 last season, but prematurely exited the playoffs in the second round. Only South Meck and Providence finished over .500 in the conference, so it’s a three-team race likely again. Coach Zoe Bell has the Knights at 4-2 so far, but has plenty of firepower back this season including Sania McCoy (56 kills and 43 digs), Alexis Shelton (53 kills), Bridget Elmore (31 kills, and team-high 13 blocks ), Kailey Keough (team-high 54 digs) and Mya Duncan (team-high 169 assists, 49 digs and teambest 14 aces) who will try to repeat as conference champs. The Knights travel to Providence Sept. 24 for the first of at least two meetings this season.
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South Charlotte Weekly • Sept. 6, 2019 • Page 3B
SUPER 7 (continued from page 1B)
but little is known of their out-of-state opponent this week. 3. Charlotte Christian Last week: Lost, 56-6, to Valor Christian This week: at Pace Academy (Ga.) (1-1) Holy cow, the Knights lost! That in it of itself is news as it’s been over two calendar years since they lost to Charlotte Catholic. But I could not believe my eyes when I saw that score. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that coaching staff would ever give up that many points, but accidents happen. Little is known of Atlanta-based Pace Academy. I hate that’s all they can schedule, but I’ll bet this team is laser focused no matter if they have to play another game without their starting running back and quarterback.
Sabres struggle on the road South Meck coach Joe Evans brought his Sabres back to Independence where he formerly served as coach, but the homecoming didn’t go as planned. The Patriots jumped on the Sabres early and often and routed South Meck 42-7. It was the second consecutive lopsided loss, as Charlotte Catholic beat them 42-7 last week. The Sabres struggled in the defensive secondary, special teams and the offense as a whole didn’t look crisp. They don’t have long to lick their wounds as defending 3-AA champion Weddington comes calling this week. Andrew Stark/SCW photos
Independence’s offense was supposed to be good and has been, but that defense is turning some heads – mine included – with the way they dominated South Meck. Olympic was smothered by Myers Park in Week 1 but got back on track last week. Winner: Independence
PICKS (continued from page 1B)
in a backup. Winner: Catawba Ridge Pine Lake Prep (2-0) at Covenant Day (0-2) Covenant Day got a week to regroup after a tough start against NCISAA Division II powers Country Day and Latin. The Pride love to run the football and will test David Billiard and the Lions’ line, but the 1A school has a history of success and will be a challenge. Winner: Pine Lake Prep
Providence (1-1) at Myers Park (1-0) Providence came back down after an opening night win, but the Panthers have lots of talent. However, no team in the state may have as much talent and be as deep in their top dozen players as Myers Park. Winner: Myers Park
Independence (2-0) at Olympic (1-1)
Mallard Creek (1-0-1) at Rocky River (0-1) Defense was the name of the game for Rocky River, who held Huss to zero offensive points. However, the Ravens threw a pick-6 interception that did them in during the 7-3 loss. Winner: Mallard Creek Weddington (2-0) at South Meck (0-2) Weddington is the defending 3-AA champs and have come out rolling behind all-world running back Will Shipley, who will be worth the price of admission. The way South Meck played last week, they’re offense may not. Winner: Weddington
4. Butler Last week: Lost, 33-17, to Mallard Creek This week: at Richmond (2-0) The Bulldogs came back late in their loss last week, but it was too little too late and only made the score look a little more bearable. Butler was beaten badly in all three phases of the game in a hostile environment at Mallard Creek, who has had the Bulldogs’ number in recent years. Unfortunately, the Bulldogs can’t come up for air just yet as a game originally scheduled for next week will be played now. And by the way, Richmond has outscored its opponents 81-2 this season. 5. Providence Day (2-0 Last week: Beat Rabun Gap 43-7
This week: Bye The Chargers mauled Rabun Gap last week and certainly look the part. However, I’m not quite ready to move them up into the Big Four just yet because I want to see them play somebody on their level. Unfortunately, the Chargers are off this week and then play Timberland the week after. It will be more than a month into the season until they are a proven commodity, but I like what I’ve seen so far. 6. Ardrey Kell (1-1) Last week: Beat East Meck 35-7 This week: Marvin Ridge (1-0) Congrats to Greg Jachym, a longtime Ardrey Kell assistant who picked up his first career coaching win in last week’s victory over hapless East Meck. Bigger tests await, beginning with Marvin Ridge this week, but there is plenty to like here. The Knights delivered after getting Weddington in Week 1. 7. Charlotte Latin (2-0) Last week: Beat Carolina Bobcats 50-6 This week: At Catawba Ridge (2-0) The Hawks have looked good in two schedule-filler wins, but a much bigger test awaits for the Hawks, especially after they lost quarterback Jake Helfrich for the remainder of the season. They’ll have to rally around each other and fast as Catawba Ridge is off to a 2-0 start as Fort Mill’s newest public school. This will be a test to say the least. Also receiving votes: Independence (2-0) Check back every week during the season for new Super 7 rankings.
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Page 4B • South Charlotte Weekly • Sept. 6, 2019
28210 • Asian Wok, 10715 Park Road – 92 • Park 51 Cafe, 10703 Park Road – 95.5
28226 • The Lodge, 7725 Colony Road – 94 • McDonald’s, 3315 Pineville-Matthews Road – 96.5 • Outback Steakhouse, 8338 Pineville-Matthews Rd. – 96.5 • Subway, 7741 Colony Road – 96 • Thai House, 8706 Pineville-Matthews Road – 94
28211 • Aqua E Vino, 4219 Providence Road – 94.5 • Copain Catering Kitchen, 6601 Morrison Blvd. – 95.5 • Hunan Express, 901 N. Wendover Road – 96 28209 • Mandarin Express, 4400 Sharon Road – 96 • Clean Catch Fish Market, 28202 Selwyn Ave. – 98.5 The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation • Nori Japan, 4400 Sharon Road – 96.5 • Domino’s Pizza, 4755 South Blvd. – 94.5 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 • Subway, 108 S. Sharon Amity Road – 97.5 • Harris Teeter deli, 4101 Park Road – 97 1-800-972-3550 • Zaroob Food Call: Truck, 3500 Latrobe Drive – 95 • Libretto’s Pizzeria, 1600 E. Woodlawn Road – 93.5 For Information The Mecklenburg County Health Department inspected these restaurants Aug. 23-29:
• Roasting Company, 1601 Montford Drive – 95.5
For Release Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Crossword ACROSS 1 Shoo-in 6 “That is really unpleasant,” tersely 9Σ 14 Island greeting 15 Word with small or fish 16 Animated singer of “Part of Your World” 17 Movie that really should have featured Anne Archer? 19 Greek-born New Age musician 20 Cheese from cow’s milk 21 Miner matters 23 Ride associated with low m.p.g.’s 24 ___ Talks 25 Movie that really should have featured Nicolas Cage? 28 They play for pay 29 Little untruth
30 Coffee grown on the Big Island 33 Red, perhaps 36 It’s kept by a metronome 40 Movie that really should have featured Tom Cruise? 43 Balboa’s film foe 44 Opening of a classic Langston Hughes poem 45 “Yipes!” 46 Pencil after lots of crosswords, maybe? 48 Told a 29-Across 50 Movie that really should have featured Vin Diesel? 55 Business card abbr. 58 Balance shower, for short 59 Overflow (with) 60 Una corrida figure 62 ___ Osaka, 2018 U.S. Open tennis champion
28270 • Boardwalk Billy’s, 1636 Sardis Road N. – 96 • Providence Meadows, 4123 Kuykendall Road – 97.5 • Russell’s Pub and Grill, 1609 Sardis Road N. – 95.5
64 Movie that really should have featured Sigourney Weaver? 66 Town where Grey Poupon originated 67 1/3,600 of an hr. 68 Pokey or Pee Wee of Major League Baseball 69 Cast replacement 70 Eponymous ice cream maker 71 One going downhill in a hurry? DOWN 1 Diamond unit 2 “You got me this game” 3 Like a contract awarded without competition 4 ___ Pet 5 Plane storage site 6 1950s Project Blue Book subject, for short 7 Figure on top of some cakes 8 Multiheaded monster of myth 9 Greets informally 10 Lyricist Gershwin 11 Kind of knife in old infomercials 12 Maître d’s handful 13 Not yet out of the game 18 “May I do the ___?” 22 Part of Santa’s workshop 26 Famous query in Matthew 26 27 Followed instructions
28277 • Amazing Wok, 16049 Johnston Road – 92
Edited by Will Shortz 1
44 46 51
48 53
• Beantown Tavern: DistilleryCats • Carolina Beer Temple: Stray Local • Evening Muse: Emily Scott Robinson; Side Hustle, Darren & the Buttered Toast • Fillmore: Flying Lotus in 3D • Goodtimes Bar: Ginger + TARGeT • Moochies Tavern: Rod Caillouet; Delta Fire • Neighborhood Theatre: Elonzo Wesley • Pour 64: Brett Ramsey • Queens South: Shannon Lee & The Grab Bag Band • Southern Range: RJ Adams • Steady Eddy’s: Double Ferguson • Stooges Pub: Bad Romeo • Sweet Union: Kris Atom • Temple Mojo: Matt & John • Trail House: Steve Bost Band • Vintner’s Hill: Kris Anderson
28 31
19 21
Sept. 6
No. 1226
Sept. 7
Sept. 12 • Bistro D’Antonio: Will Lee • Evening Muse: The Commonheart • Lake View Grill: Ryan Brooks • PNC Pavilion: Jason Aldean & Kane Brown • Underground: Polo G
Venues Charlotte • Coyote Joes: 4621 Wilkinson Blvd. • Evening Muse: 3227 N. Davidson St. • Fillmore: 820 Hamilton St. • Neighborhood Theatre: 511 E 36th St. • PNC Pavilion: 707 Pavilion Blvd. • Spectrum Center: 333 E. Trade St. • Underground: 820 Hamilton St. Indian Trail • Sweet Union: 13717 E. Independence Blvd. • Trail House: 6751 Old Monroe Road
54 Worked behind the plate 55 Actress Marisa
Sept. 8
Mint Hill • Dunwellz: 7110 Brighton Park Drive • Pour 64: 4410 Mint Hill Village Lane • Stooges Pub: 13230 Albemarle Road • Vintner’s Hill: 7427 Matthews-Mint Hill Road
39 Ref. that added “cruciverbalist” (a person who does crosswords) in 2006 41 Doing grown-up tasks, in modern lingo 42 Performed, as in an animated film 47 Pollinator 49 Conger catchers 50 America, Asia and Europe (but not Africa) 51 Amazon’s biz
• Evening Muse: Anteloper, Blacks’ Myths • Fillmore: Angels & Airwaves • Neighborhood Theatre: Neal Francis • Trail House: Jason Brigner
• Beantown Tavern: Kris Atom; Apple Brothers Band • Coyote Joes: Jameson Rodgers • Dunwellz: Music Bingo • Evening Muse: Ari Hest; Jason Jet w/ Curt Keyz & Greg Cox • Mary O’Neill’s: The Mr. Vague Trio • Moochies Tavern: Taplow • Neighborhood Theatre: The Dirty Guv’nahs • Southern Range: Radio Flyer Bluegrass Band • Spectrum Center: Chris Brown • Stooges Pub: Shotgun Saints • Trail House: New Local • Treehouse Vineyards: Prodigal Sons • Underground: Avatar
28 Entrepreneur’s protection 30 One of the Yum! brands 31 Tool sometimes used with two hands 32 Boise-toMissoula dir. 34 Orchestra’s place 35 Unpleasant strain? 37 GQ or O 38 Org. whose members are teed off?
• The Blue Taj, 14815 Ballantyne Village Way – 97.5 • Chopt Creative Salad, 9844 Rea Road – 98.5 • Earth Fare, 12235 N. Community House Road – 93.5 • Fresh Market (deli), 10828 Providence Road – 93.5 • Genghis Grill, 11324 N. Community House Road – 97 • Grabbagreen, 3429 Toringdon Way – 94.5 • Harris Teeter deli, 11135 Golf Links Drive – 95.5 • IHOP, 16015 Lancaster Hwy. – 97 • Miro Spanish Grille, 12239 N. Comm. House Road – 94 • On the Border, 10710 Providence Road – 95.5 • Panera Bread, 11630 Waverly Center Drive – 95 • Pizza Hut, 15105 John J Delaney Drive – 95 • Synchrony Cafe, 10840 Ballantyne Comm. Pkwy. – 96 • Tsuki Japanese Steak House, 3429 Toringdon Way – 95.5
52 Bit of graphic language? 53 Williams of “Grey’s Anatomy”
• Evening Muse: Andrew Duhon w/ New Reveille • Fillmore: In This Moment • Neighborhood Theatre: Steve Poltz • Underground: Sonata Arctica
56 Clear the boards 57 Introverted sort 61 Long trip 63 Fellow in Jamaica
Sept. 9 • Evening Muse: Matthew & the Atlas
65 Supercool?
Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Read about and comment on each puzzle: nytimes.com/wordplay.
Sept. 10 • Evening Muse: Jesse Marchant • Moochies Tavern: Shannon’s Jam
Sept. 11 • Beantown: Chuck Johnson Duo
Matthews • Beantown Tavern: 130 Matthews Station St. • Carolina Beer Temple: 131 Matthews Station St. • Lake View Grill: 9750 Tournament Drive • Moochies Tavern: 15060 Idlewild Road • Steady Eddy’s: 2216 E. John St. • Temple Mojo: 195 N. Trade St.
Monroe • Goodtimes: 1905 Dickerson Blvd. • Southern Range: 151 S. Stewart St. • Treehouse Vineyards: 301 Bay St. Waxhaw • Bistro D’Antonio: 3909 Providence Road • Mary O’Neill’s: 116 W. N. Main St. • Queen’s South: 1201 N. Broome St.
Waxhaw 1315 N. Broome St. 704-243-2024
Make yourself at home
Matthews 11100 Monroe Rd. 704-841-2025
at Waltonwood Cotswold
Stephens had five kills to lead a balanced attack as the Panthers blanked Butler in straight sets on Sept. 29. Providence is 5-1 this season and has won four straight.
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Are you a coach and know an incredible athlete you’d like us to feature? email us at Andrew@cmgweekly.com
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South Charlotte Weekly • Sept. 6, 2019 • Page 5B
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Page 6B • South Charlotte Weekly • Sept. 6, 2019
Cardinal Camera will pay your sales tax. Credit will be given back as a store credit for camera accessories.
Events all week!
Third Generation Family Owned & Operated
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September 12
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Done In House!
Tape transfers to DVD
One Tape $19.99 Not to be combined with any other offer. With coupon. Exp. 9-30-19.
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BODY ONLY! 26.1MP APS-C X-Trans BSI CMOS 4 Sensor X-Processor 4 with Quad CPU DCI and UHD 4K30 Video; F-Log Gamma 2.36m-Dot OLED Electronic Viewfinder 3.0" 1.04m-Dot Tilting LCD Touchscreen Bluetooth and Wi-Fi; Sports Finder Mode
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24MP Full-Frame Exmor R BSI CMOS Sensor BIONZ X Image Processor & Front-End LSI 693-Point Hybrid AF System UHD 4K30p Video ‘ with HLG & S-Log3 Gammas
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Bring in your old gear and get CASH or an additional 10% in CARDINAL CREDIT when buying a new camera or lens.
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KEH - Worlds largest buyer of used cameras will be here!
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20.4MP Live MOS Sensor TruePic VIII Dual Quad Core Processor Micro Four Thirds System 2.36m-Dot LCD Electronic Viewfinder 3.0" 1.04m-Dot Vari-Angle Touchscreen
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Canvas Prints
Not to be combined with any other offer. With coupon. Exp. 9-30-19.
Done In House!
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Not to be combined with any other offer. With coupon. Exp. 9-30-19.