Inside: Mr. Monopoly visits the Queen City • Page 2A
More Information on Page 4A Friday, Nov. 1, 2019 • Vol. 19 • No. 44
ABOUT US P.O. BOX 1104 Matthews, NC 28106 (704) 849-2261
City stalls light rail vote until after election by Kayla Berenson
CHARLOTTE – Charlotte City Council’s plans to discuss the proposed LYNX Silver Line were put on hold once again. The council was supposed to vote on whether to start pre-project development at its Oct. 28 meeting after asking the Charlotte Area Transit System to gather more concrete cost estimates. While pre-project development will cost $50 million councilmembers wanted a plan of how the city will pay for the project and what federal and state funding will look like.
It was announced at the city's transportation and planning committee that morning that the council would not vote on whether to star pre-project development until Nov. 12. Assistant City Manager Taiwo Jaiyeoba said planning staff and CATS will be able to present options for local funding after Nov. 5, when voters will decide whether to support a quarter-cent sales tax to fund the arts. “We felt that next week’s vote will really help us to address how you deal with sources of funding as well,” Jaiyeoba said. The LYNX Blue Line has been deemed a success, but it was expensive to pull off. SCW file photo
see SILVER, Page 5A
PERFECTION Thompson wins fourth state tennis title
Running for reelection Bokhari focuses on safety, smart growth by Kayla Berenson
Cloer (Brevard, 2003-06) as the only four-time winners in state history. But none can say they were perfect like Thompson, who posted am 80-0 career record with the win.
CHARLOTTE – Tariq Bokhari keeps a photo of homicide victim Darnell Harris above his bureau. It reminds him of one Bokhari of the reasons he’s running for reelection for District 6 representative on Charlotte City Council. Bokhari said he sees growing homicide rates in Charlotte as the city’s biggest issue, and he is committed to lobbying for criminal justice reforms to change the trends. “I’ve been on the forefront of public safety,” Bokhari said. “I’ve been working a lot on coming up with the broader criminal justice system reforms that we need. We need to continue to work in CMS and make sure that conflict resolution, which is one of the top themes in that homicide rate that you see, continues to happen. Also, repeat violent criminal offenders being back on the streets… that’s a theme we’ve seen time and time again.” Bokhari said his proudest accomplishment over the last two years is advocating for police officers and firefighters. He said he successfully led the charge to increase officers’ and firefighters’ pay for two years in a row. “Obviously, pay is a big part of that, but the other angle I see it being as well is from a morale perspective,” Bokhari said. “It’s a new normal, it’s difficult to be a police officer these days, especially when colleagues of mine were saying things that probably hurt that morale even more. I felt an obligation over these last two years
see TENNIS, Page 4A
see BOKHARI, Page 2A
CHARLOTTE MEDIA GROUP Tis the Season to Shop Local!
Bucs country Country Day wins Big South title, 1B
South Meck’s Jenna Thompson has never lost a high school match. Andrew Stark/SCW photo
Slugfest Charlotte Christian beats Providence Day, 1B
3-peat Chargers win cross country title, 1B
Blindfolded See who won our candy challenge, Online
by Andrew Stark
CHARLOTTE – South Meck’s Jenna Thompson became the fifth girl to ever win all four NCHSAA championships when she defeated Green Hope’s Kate Andreini 6-2, 6-1 on Oct. 26 at Raleigh’s Mill-
brook Exchange Park. Thompson became the first girl to win all four 4A titles since the NCHSAA went to four classes in 1985. She joins Laura Cowman (Charlotte Catholic, 198992), Julianne Treme (Salisbury, 1993-96), Jackie Houston (Kings Mountain, 1993-96) and Britney
Hockey enthusiast gives back after heart attack by Kayla Berenson
PINEVILLE – Jib Street recalls waking up in the back of an ambulance in his hockey gear. He had just gone into cardiac arrest at Pineville Ice House, and a combination of a doctor who happened to be on site, dedicated hockey players and a defibrillator saved his life. “I laid there, motionless on the ice and I had no recollection of what happened there until I saw the video that was shown to me,” Street said. “I saw a community of hockey players that demonstrated a level of care that is so inspiring and the blessing of having that emergency room doctor there as well… He immediately implemented CPR on me
when he recognized that I laid motionless with no pulse, no heartbeat. He also immediately commanded the other hockey players, who were so willing to help, to find a defibrillator.” Street, who sees what happened to him as a blessing, wants to ensure that citizens know how to save each other. Street has launched an initiative called “Game of Hearts,” where he has challenged police chiefs, fire chiefs, medic chiefs and citizens to locate defibrillators in their communities. “I want to empower other citizens in Charlotte and across North America to be equipped with a game plan,” Street said. “It’s very simple. You see someone go down, you dial 911, you immediately implement CPR and you locate a defibrillator.
And then you can save someone’s life because time is of the essence when you’re laying there with no pulse and no heartbeat.” Street wants citizens to learn how to operate defibrillators because they help in the event that CPR does not work. Street plans to spread the “Game of Hearts” initiative by asking citizens to locate defibrillators, take a photo of the defibrillator while wearing their favorite sports team jersey and share the photo. “I’m going to have our favorite sports athletes take a picture of these jerseys as well in the community to show you that they’re aware of where these defibrillators are located in the community see AED, Page 2A
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Page 2A • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 1, 2019
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CONTACT US Mr. Monopoly visted the Spectrum Center, NASCAR Hall of Fame and other landmarks on Oct. 19. Ally Financial brought Monopoly to life Oct. 17 to 19 by launching an augmented reality game. They raised money for Junior Achievement, too. Alec Smith/SCW photo
MOST POPULAR STORIES • Realtor enhances brand through social media • Iora Primary Care celebrates second Charlotte practice • Emory becomes Novant Health’s chief administrative officer • Microsoft expansion to add 430 new jobs in Charlotte • Fair showcases benefits of college transfers
TWEETS OF THE WEEK • “Spotlight of the Day: Honors Chem students testing reactions of metals wearing the proper PPE!” – Ardrey Kell HS (@ArdreyKellHS) • “Tryouts this coming Friday 11/1 will be held @CBCbaseball1 starting at 5:30.” – South Charlotte Corndogs (@CorndogsSouth)
UPCOMING EDITIONS • Nov. 8: High School Basketball Preview • Nov. 15: Arts & Entertainment
PRESIDENT Jonathan McElvy PUBLISHER Adrian Garson
Tariq Bokhari campaigns in 2017 for a first term on Charlotte City Council. SCW file photo
(continued from page 1A)
MANAGING EDITOR Justin Vick NEWS EDITOR Karie Simmons SPORTS EDITOR Andrew Stark CONTENT PRODUCER Kayla Berenson ART DIRECTOR Kylie Sark ADVERTISING Charlotte Conway Kate Kutzleb Maya Cann
AED (continued from page 1A)
as well,” Street said. “We’re all going to come together as one team.” Street said he has learned that without someone performing CPR in a timely manner, their chances of survival are only 2%. They go up to 10% when CPR is implemented and up to 40% if the CPR can keep the organs alive long enough until
first responders arrive. Street said he has heart disease and knows he could go into cardiac arrest again, but he wants citizens to be prepared in the event it happens to those in their communities. “We’re going to prepare the citizens of Charlotte, North Carolina to save each other so that we can duplicate the miracles that happened to me, which was 911, CPR and an AED,” Street said. “You take those three things and you’re going to live to see another day.”
to step up and be a champion for them as much as possible.” In his district, Bokhari wants to ensure smart growth and economic development. Bokhari said he has worked over the past two years to negotiate increased funding for his district’s infrastructure. “We contribute over a quarter of the property tax base of our city and we get under 2% of capital investments back,” Bokhari said. “We need to do our part for the rest of the city, but we also need to make sure that we invest properly in our infrastructure to handle this growth so we’re not the part of town in 10 or 15 years from now that’s begging for help, because it could very easily be that situation.” In addition to criminal justice reforms, smart growth and advocating for officers, Bokhari said he hopes to see his other projects and ideas through and keep them going. This includes the Workforce Investment Network, which helped with upward mobility, another issue at the forefront of his campaign. He also said Mayor Vi Lyles selected him to co-chair the Intergovernmental Relations Committee. “That she would trust me is another indicator of the fact that my accomplishments and my results have really been directed toward the betterment of our community and our city,” Bokhari said. “And in those roles, I have worked to repair our relationships in Raleigh that had really been stressed for several years before that, and I’ve worked in DC with our delegation and others lobbying for the legislation that will impact Charlotte the most.”
Bokhari said the issues he has fought for are important to all Charlotteans, regardless of their political party. He knows more Democrats are moving into his district. Bokhari said he feels good about his campaign, but he has put more pressure on himself this election. Bokhari is one of two Republican representatives on city council. He hopes to keep his seat in order to bring balance to the decision-making process in Charlotte. “We’re never under the illusion that we think we’re going to win major votes in a super minority, but the topics and the counterarguments and the counterpoints that we bring up are very important to consider when shaping an ultimate outcome, and when we lose all of that, you see what’s happened on the county commission,” Bokhari said. “You’ve got a two-cent property tax increase that already happened in the last year, and now they’ve also went and raised another quarter-cent sales tax of which they have no plan on how to spend.” Bokhari said while it may seem impossible for Democrats and Republicans to work together on a national level, he thinks it can be achieved locally. An example of this, he said, is his podcast with his colleague Larken Egleston, who is a Democrat. The two record a podcast after every city council meeting to discuss the issues at hand and present both sides of the argument in a respectful manner. He believes voters, especially those registered as independent, appreciate this approach. “I think focusing on the basics, yet doing so in a professional, bipartisan manner is what a lot of the independents expect and I think I’ve got a pretty good track record of that,” Bokhari said.
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Please vote on November 5! Paid for by the Commitee to Elect Gina Navarrete
South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 1, 2019 • Page 3A
Page 4A • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 1, 2019
TENNIS (continued from page 1A)
The victory brought with it a wave of emotions. “I was really happy, excited and relieved all at the same time. But I was kind of sad, too,” she said. “That was my last match but it was really fun. All of my friends came, the tennis team came to watch me and they made a FatHead sign of my face. It was really good because it helped me when I was playing. The girl I was playing in the finals was from Raleigh so she had all of her friends there. It helped a lot having that support there for me.” There was another special accomplishment before Thompson even arrived in Raleigh for the championship. The Sabres went 10-7 as a team and made the dual-team playoffs
for the first time in the recent past. Behind their star, South Meck even won a playoff match before bowing out in the second round. “I was excited to play with the team,” she said. “I’ve never made it when I was a freshman, a sophomore and a junior. It was cool to play with them one more time. I think everyone enjoyed getting to play together longer.” Thompson, a Clemson commit, had received a bye to open the state tournament. She slipped past Apex’s Gabriella Cicin in the quarterfinals and Sanderson’s Juliana Craft in the semis in 6-0, 6-0 routs. In the finals, Thompson played Andreini, a five-star rated recruit by Andreini is the No. 2-ranked recruit in N.C.’s Class of 2020 – behind Thompson – and is also an ACC recruit. Andreini headed to Virginia Tech. “I’ve played her a lot and played
her sophomore year at states, too. We’re good friends and usually play doubles together at tournaments,” Thompson said. “It was a good match. The games were close and the score wasn’t really reflective of what it was. We both played really well, but I guess I played better that day.” As Thompson stood surrounded by her friends, teammates and supporters and hoisting her fourth state title plaque in the air, she said it all sort of hit her. Thompson has capped off a perfect career with a fourth title in the sport’s highest classification. Nobody has ever done that, and nobody has ever been as great as Thompson. “I was starting to cry, everyone was crying and all of the parents were crying,” she said. “I was sad, but I was relieved and excited. I was really happy.”
Catholic girls are tennis champs, too The Charlotte Catholic girls tennis team swept the NCHSAA 3A championships. Maggie Gehrig and Ava Tan won the doubles title while teammate Rose Kenny won her third consecutive singles title. They are pictured above (from left) with Gehrig, Kenny and Tan celebrating their titles. Courtesy of Jo Cabana
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Meck. Co. Commissioner Susan Harden: “Dimple is not a ‘promise maker’, she is a promise keeper. As Environment Committee Chair, she connected the dots between health issues and the zip code one may live in. She held many townhalls around public safety, especially in our schools. And, near to my heart, she continues to be an advocate for women’s equality.”
Thanksgiving and Christmas are the main family gathering times when families get together and create their own memories. If you’re suffering from knee pain it might be your obstacle to enjoy the time with family. It is quiet challenging to think your knee pain isn’t normal aging process or it is just arthritis because I know you’ve been told that. I also know that you tried some painkillers and injections, but they didn’t offer much help. I know what you are thinking now about thanksgiving and your worries about: - Your ability to go up and down stairs - Your inability to stand in the kitchen for prolonged time - Your fear of playing with the grandkids on the floor because you can’t get up - I also know how hard to stand in the stores’ lines to buy your needs and gifts on black Friday
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ENVIRONMENT I chaired the Environment Committee and helped Charlotte become a global leader in sustainability with bipartisan support. We won the American Cities Climate Challenge and received $2.5 million from former Mayor Bloomberg’s foundation.
WOMEN’S EQUALITY I believe in equal pay for equal work. It’s not just a women’s issue, it’s a family issue. I voted to update our noise ordinance affecting schools, houses of worship and medical facilities. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I have worked tirelessly to bring traction and economic opportunities to the 69-acre Eastland site, an area left undeveloped for more than eight years.
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I understand the frustration when you go to bed and you’re unable to find a comfort position for your knee to sleep. I know how it feels when you want to walk, and you can’t because of your pain, and you feel you’re deprived from having good time with friends I know you’d tried many things hoping your pain goes away and it hasn’t. Can you relate? If yes, I’m offering you this: I’m offering you a 100% FREE guide to tell you “5 simple tips to ease knee pain without painkillers, injections, Or surgery”. In this guide we cover: - 5 natural things you can do at home at no cost on you to ease your knee pain. - When and why you shouldn’t be wearing a knee brace. - How to sleep with knee pain and what kind of shoes you need to wear P.S.: Being ready for the holidays is NOT only about food or presents but by being healthy to enjoy valuable moments with the family.
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South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 1, 2019 • Page 5A
SILVER (continued from page 1A)
“Nov. 12 gives us an opportunity to have more information for you when it comes to that.” CATS Executive Director John Lewis told the city’s transportation and planning committee that based on the Blue Line and Blue Line Extension projects, 50% of funding would come from the federal government, 25% of funding would come from the state and 25% of funding would come from the city. Because the estimated final cost for the project is over $3 billion, Lewis said the city would most likely contribute $1 billion to the project. He said CATS and planning staff are looking at options the city has for funding the project, from public-private partnerships to sales and property taxes, but they need to start pre-project development to come up with a concrete plan. “At the end, trying to do that based on a guess doesn’t give us a whole lot of faith in what those potential sources should be,” Lewis said. Some councilmembers on the committee were confused about delaying the vote,
stating they were ready to vote on the matter that night and wanted to show a commitment to building the Silver Line. “The community needs to hear that we are committed as a council to building our public transportation infrastructure,” Braxton Winston said. “That is going to have to include lines like the Silver Line. We’ve been building railroads in America since 1837 and it’s always been expensive and we’ve always found ways to do that. I think the real cost to this is not doing it.” Councilmember Julie Eiselt defended colleagues who wanted more information. She said councilmembers understand they need to start pre-project development to get more information and federal funding, but they need to know how they are going to pay for the final project. “The reason we’re delaying this vote to November is because councilmembers have asked for more detail on what the possible cost structure would be, how we’re going to pay for it, an estimate to what it would cost and how it would be paid for,” Eiselt said. Councilmembers Dimple Ajmera and Greg Phipps said they were already on board with the project. Phipps said he felt that the council was sending “mixed signals” to their constituents by continuing to delay the vote.
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Page 6A • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 1, 2019
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SPORTS South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 1, 2019 • Page 1B
Country Day wins Big South football title Bucs take early lead, beat Hawks 36-17 by Andrew Stark
CHARLOTTE – Country Day entered this season fresh off a state championship – albeit a Division II title they earned after a 5-5 regular season hardly distinguished them from the crowd. But it was a state championship for the Bucs and their energetic, driven young coach Drew Witman. He is a Country Day lifer. His father, Bob, spent 25 years as the Bucs’ head man, winning 11 state titles before his
2014 retirement. Drew Witman spent four years playing for his dad and was on the 2010 team that last won a title before he changed that last season. After that game, the Witmans hugged. I think both of them cried tears of joy. Bob was on the sidelines then but has returned to assistant coach this season for the Bucs, who have raced out to a 9-1 record. Last year’s state title win was obviously the biggest win of Drew Witman’s young coaching career, but Oct. 25 may take the cake
now although each win from here on out may replace it. “This one might be right up there if not above the championship,” Drew Witman said following a dominating 36-17 win over Charlotte Latin, who entered 7-1. Country Day scored on a pick-6 from defensive back Sam Gilbert. A safety made the score 9-0 before the Hawks could even get settled in. That score ballooned to 29-3 before the see COUNTRY DAY, Page 2B
Players around him celebrate as Country Day receiver Thomas Payne stretches the ball across the goal line for a touchdown in the Bucs’ 36-17 win over rival Charlotte Latin. Andrew Stark/SCW photo
Providence Day’s top six runners formed a pack at a recent run. Photo courtesy of Ed Prisco
PD cross country charges to 3-peat by Andrew Stark
Charlotte Christian running back Henry Rutledge looks for running room against the Providence Day defense. The Knights won in a 10-7 slugfest, but Rutledge still ran for over 100 yards and scored his team’s only touchdown. Andrew Stark/SCW photos
Charlotte Christian does just enough to earn No. 2 seed Knights overcome Chargers 10-7 by Andrew Stark
CHARLOTTE – Charlotte Christian has owned Providence Day of late, winning 13 straight games in the series, but the Knights’ 10-7 victory over the Chargers on Oct. 25 was unlike any of the previous. The Knights struggled to run the
ball. At times, they struggled to contain Providence Day running back Nickel Fields, but they did quite literally just enough to win. And coach Jason Estep, who has guided the Knights to the past three title games and to the past two championships, knows right now that’s good enough as they earn No. 2 seed in the NCISAA Division I playoffs. “We were able to be smart, play the field position game and eliminate turnovers,” he said. “At this see CHRISTIAN, Page 3B
Above: The Charlotte Christian defense swarms Providence Day running back Nickel Fields. The Charger running back nearly had 100 yards rushing, but the rest of the Charger offense was neutralized in the Knights’ 10-7 win. Right: Charlotte Christian coach Jason Estep talks with quarterback Matthew Tuomala after a three-and-out. Tuomala and the passing offense didn’t put up gaudy numbers in the win, but they moved on to the Division 1 playoffs this week when they’ll host Charlotte Latin. ONLINE EXTRAS: Myers Park WR Moose Muhammad was presented his All-American jersey in a special ceremony. Muhammad was one of 100 players from around the country selected to play in the nationally televised game in January. Also, Country Day cross country star Sophie Spada won the NCISAA girls 4A meet and has an interesting story to tell. Also, United Faith’s Keegan Lisiecki won the girls 1A race.
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CHARLOTTE – The Providence Day boys cross country team came into their Oct. 24 state championship meet as the heavy favorites and they knew it. Everyone did. It was the same last year as well, but a puddle-soaked, slippery and miserable course at Jackson Park in Hendersonville in last season’s state meet was the ultimate X-factor. Last year, the Chargers extended their state title streak to two, but it was a harrowing one-point win over Durham Academy. If the Chargers came into this race wanting to make a statement, the point was taken: The Chargers are most definitely the king of the land after their 41-point win this season. “It means a lot to get the state title and especially to get three in a row,” said senior Jason Krell, who placed fifth overall in a stacked field. “We’ve been working really hard all season and pushing each other in practice and workouts. We knew if we stuck together we could do big things. We ran for each other and pushed ourselves.” Six Chargers finished in the top 11 in the state, which may be unprecedented achievement. Steady junior Christian Landis led the way, as usual, finishing second in the state with a run of 15:52. From there, the difference in times was negligible. Landis, who was out for part of this year battling an injury, said this was special to him in many ways. “It’s sort of bittersweet,” he said. see XC, Page 2B
SAM GILBERT COUNTRY DAY FOOTBALL Gilbert returned a Latin pass attempt to the end zone to give Country Day a 7-0 lead over the rival Hawks. After a safety on the ensuing possession, the floodgates opnened as the Bucs routed Latin 36-17 to win the Big South title. Are you a coach and know an incredible athlete you’d like us to feature? email us at
Page 2B • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 1, 2019
COUNTRY DAY (continued from page 1B)
Hawks scored on consecutive possessions to make the score 29-17. But the Bucs wouldn’t back down, improving to 9-1 overall and winning their first conference title since 2012. “I think the biggest step we’ve taken is when momentum shifts in the other direction, we don’t falter,” Drew Witman said. “To me, as a competitor, snowballing is the hardest thing to prevent. To give up that touchdown to close the half and then give up a quick score to open the second half was tough but we responded with a touchdown, which is outstanding. “But that’s how it’s been all year. This senior class is extra special. They’re phenomenal, they’re strong and they’re confident. We’ve seen the confidence grow and grow, and I don’t want them to think it’s fake because it’s not.” With the early lead, the Bucs relied heavily and successfully on their ground game, which
has strengthened as the season has worn on. Quintin Cooper (1,038 rush yards and nine touchdowns) has been the lead back all season. When he missed a game this month, sophomore Ricky Saunders (325 yards and two touchdowns) stepped in and has done most of his damage in the three games since. It’s given the Bucs another weapon to an already loaded attack. Quarterback Russell Tabor (1,327 yards, 14 touchdown and seven interceptions) has bigplay ability and is a steady force at quarterback. Senior Stephen Payne (27 receptions, 716 yards and 11 TDs) has been the Bucs’ big-play guy on offense, but like many of his teammates, he has been going both ways and excelling with 47 tackles and seven interceptions. “He’s just one of those guys that is always on the field,” Witman said. “We have kids playing on both sides of the ball so practice is half and half. We flip the switch and have the same kids going on the other side of the ball.” The Bucs will open the playoffs with the top seed, meaning everything will go through their stadium.
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That’s a relief to Witman, who is settling into his new regular. He’s now the head man over his father and over a team that has certainly arrived. He got married in July but is a hands-on coach who lives and breathes Country Day football. He jokingly said he may actually see his new bride some after the season finishes. While that’s a stretch, this season has proved that same dedication has paid off for a man who’s also the coach of the Big South champions. “I’m very thankful,” he said. “This is a relationship business. You get into it to build relationships with kids and adults. We put so much time into this thing, we demand so much out of these kids and I think that’s a part of it and the biggest life lesson. The price of anything is the amount of time you are willing to exchange for it, and these kids have exchanged a whole lot of things in their lives to be pushed as good football players. “We’re going to keep pushing these kids because that’s the quality of kids that these are. They want to be pushed. They’re winners.”
Country Day running back Quintin Cooper finds some running room in the Bucs blowout win over Charlotte Latin. Cooper ran for 159 yards and a touchdown, and now has over 1,000 yards on the season despite missing a game due to injury. Andrew Stark/SCW photo
XC (continued from page 1B)
“I think I raced well, but being out the first part of the season wasn’t easy. There was a mental battle this year that wasn’t there in years past. I think about these three guys. I see them every day, and it’s not nearly going to be the same without them.” Adam Habas (16:09, fourth) and Krell (16:10, fifth) are two of the three seniors among the top six runners, but Colter Nichols (16:19, seventh), John Alfred Smith (16:38, 10th) and senior Andrew Riolo (16:50, 11th) were the top six even though Riolo’s time would only be necessary in a tiebreaker. Freshman Landon Roemer, in his first state meet experience, ran 18:08 and finished 33rd for good measure, marking the future of a program that will already come back four deep in their quest to win a fourth consecutive title next season.
The Providence Day boys cross country team left no doubt they are the state’s top team with a dominating 41-point win. The Chargers are, from left, Landon Roemer, Colter Nichols, Adam Habas, Jason Krell, Andrew Riolo, Christian Landis and John Alfred Smith. Andrew Stark/SCW photo
“This means a lot to us,” Riolo said. “We have had a lot of great people in our program like Nick Linder, Ben Huffman and Noah Dolhare and just too many other people to name. It means a lot for us to carry on that legacy for our program. It’s another title added to the cabinet for our program and it’s special.” Covenant Day’s Bryson
Mace placed ninth, and Country Day had three runners in the top 20 including William Harris (15th), Connor Kleiderer (18th) and AJ Chardiet (19th). Providence Day finished first overall with Country Day (fifth), Charlotte Latin (sixth), Covenant Day (seventh), Metrolina Christian (eighth) and Charlotte Christian (10th) following.
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South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 1, 2019 • Page 3B
did not feel comfortable passing the ball. We should have. Matthew has limited reps. He (continued from page 1B) wasn’t seeing it like we thought he’d see it, so we have to get better at practice and we’ll time of year, hey, if you win by 1, it’s a win, clean it up.” With the offense struggling outside of right? So we’ll take it.” While the offense had its limitations, run- Rutledge, the defense was more than up to ning back Henry Rutledge carried the load the task. The Chargers had just 133 yards of ofand scored the Knights’ only touchdown. Rutledge finished with 26 rushes for 176 fense, and Chargers quarterback Cody Cater yards and the score, but that was almost all was 5-of-19 for just 30 yards. Nickel Fields ran for 99 yards, but the of the offense. Quarterback Matthew Tuomala, in just Knights held tough with Phillip Slaughter his second game back from injury, struggled, (10 tackles), Caleb Stephens (10 tackles), Adams (nine tackles) and Greyson completing 7-of-12 passes for justThe 29 New yards,YorkBrett Times Syndication Sales Corporation Cadd and Jimmy (eight10018 each) having although he didn’t commit a turnover. 620 Eighth Avenue, New Bailey York, N.Y. Call: 1-800-972-3550 standout games. “We ran the ball well and they adjustedFor to Information March 5, 2019 “HatsTuesday, off to our defense,” Estep said. that,” Estep said. “For whatever reason, For we Release
“They played with that bend but don’t break mentality because they hit us with some plays for sure.” In the game, Adams was lost for the season with a knee injury, which is big defensively and on offense where he plays tight end and filled in at quarterback. But the Knights will move on and face Charlotte Latin, who enters 7-2, although the Knights beat them easily earlier this season. The teams know each other well, so the game will likely come down to turnovers, defense and field position. Estep said he was frustrated by some of his team’s penalties and at times lack of discipline. One unsportsmanlike penalty was still on his mind after the game because he
Crossword ACROSS 1 Barred from competition, briefly 5 Prefix with economics 10 Sportsbook offering 14 Liqueur with a licoricelike flavor 15 Psychologist Alfred 16 Stumble around in a daze 17 Empty talk not backed by action 19 Screenwriter James of “The African Queen” 20 Santa ___, Calif. 21 Slender 22 Play loudly, as music 23 Like all natural numbers: Abbr. 24 Boost after appearing on a certain old Comedy Central show
27 Malia Obama’s sister 29 Use an oar 30 Lion in the heavens 31 In effect 35 Arkin of “Catch-22” 36 Product from RCA or LG 39 Something traced to draw a turkey 40 Get, as from a will 41 “___ the least I can do” 42 Groceries holder
55 Gift for which you might reply “Mahalo” 56 Happening now, as a telecast 57 Sport hinted at by the ends of 17-, 24-, 36- and 47-Across 60 Universal donor type, for short 61 Paragon 62 Christmastime 63 Exchanges “I do’s” 64 Sounds from a pet owner’s lap 65 Column on a flight board, for short
47 Symbol of the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad 52 Upper extreme, informally 53 Stockpile 54 Work without ___
DOWN 1 Practice swimming 2 Trendy food from the Andes 3 Toll method on the New Jersey Turnpike 4 Uno + uno 5 Kingpin on “The Wire” 6 Excedrin competitor 7 Do some mountaineering 8 DVR button 9 Molybdenite, for molybdenum 10 Toothpaste brand 11 Airport named for a president 12 Venison 13 Take some time to consider 18 Break free 22 Texter’s segue
• Beantown Tavern: Coconut Groove Band • Evening Muse: Chris Trapper; Christina Taylor • Goodtimes Bar: TaRGet with Ginger Stegall • Moochies Tavern : 2MS • Neighborhood Theatre: Runaway Gin • Southern Range: Ollie Takes Cover • Stooges Pub: Darrell Harwood • Stumptown Station: Mark & Brian • Trail House: U-Phonik • Underground: Clairo • Visulite: The Business People
19 22 25
29 32
Nov. 2
• Evening Muse: Trashcan Sinatras; Downtown Abby & The Echoes • Fillmore: Thievery Corporation • GG’s Kitchen: Mike Helms Trio • Mac’s Speed Shop: Pursey Kerns • Milestone Club: DJ Teddy & Mike Boyer • Neighborhood Theatre: Russian Circle w/ Windhand • Pineville Tavern: 9DayTrip • Pour64: RadioFlyer • Southern Range: Coley & Ryan • Stooges Pub: American Hair Band • Trail House: Virginia Electric • Treehouse Vineyards: Prodigal Sons • Underground: Nile
41 47
25 Orange Muppet 26 Whirler on a whirlybird 28 “Please ___” (secretary’s words) 32 Water with the Alps in its logo 33 Men’s gymnastics event 34 Bit of volcanic fallout 35 Apropos of 36 Luke Skywalker’s home planet
49 Primitive kind of diet
37 Forced into bondage 38 Fine point 39 Poker variant in which the worst set of cards splits the pot 42 The first “B” of B&B 45 Spanish rice dish
Nov. 3 • Fillmore: Jidenna • Neighborhood Theatre: The Allman Betts Band
50 Holiday guest that a couple might fight over
Nov. 4
51 Starting points in shipbuilding 57 Get-up-and-go
44 German mark
Visit us online at www. to see the latest Super 7 football rankings.
Nov. 1
28 31
No. 0129
43 Sedan alternative
Edited by Will Shortz
knows if they are going to reach their fourth straight final and third straight title, those are the mistakes that can cost games. “I challenged our guys from an attention to detail aspect because we’ve been inconsistent with it this year. I think those guys were challenged by that and that was good,” Estep said. “I get frustrated sometimes because some of the things we teach, we don’t do, and some of the things we don’t teach, they do. It’s frustrating sometimes, and at this point in the season, we have to be more disciplined than that.”
46 Banishees
58 Payment of tribute?
48 Bottom of the barrel
59 “Ciao!”
Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Read about and comment on each puzzle:
• Fillmore: Hobo Johnson & The Lovemakers • Underground: Hammerfall
Nov. 5 • Fillmore: The Neighbourhood • Milestone Club: City Mouse w/ Couch Surfer • Neighborhood Theatre: Joseph Arthur Nov. 6 • Beantown Tavern: Chuck Johnson Duo • Evening Muse: Open mic • Milestone Club: Pictures of Vernon & Padfoot
• Neighborhood Theatre: Sun Parade • Trail House: FyreByrd • Visulite: The Movement
Nov. 7 • Bistro D’Antonio: Will Lee • Evening Muse: Jon Latham, Nick Nace and Rod Picott • Lake View Grill: Jade Moore • Neighborhood Theatre: Indianola • Seaboard Brewing: Mike Waters • Temple Mojo: Open Mic w/ Ryan McKusick • Visulite: Hungry Girl with Petrov and Acne
Venues Charlotte • Evening Muse: 3227 N. Davidson St. • Fillmore: 820 Hamilton St. • Milestone Club: 3400 Tuckaseegee Road • Neighborhood Theatre: 511 E. 36th St. • Visulite: 1615 Elizabeth Ave. Indian Trail • GG’s Kitchen: 5719 W. U.S. 74 • Trail House: 6751 Old Monroe Road Matthews/Mint Hill • Beantown Tavern: 130 Matthews Station St. • Mac’s Speed Shop: 142 E. John St. • Moochies Tavern: 15060 Idlewild Road • Pour64: 4410 Mint Hill Village Lane • Seaboard Brewing: 213 N. Trade St. • Stooges Pub: 13230 Albemarle Road • Stumptown Station: 107 N. Trade St. • Temple Mojo: 195 N. Trade St. Monroe • Goodtimes Bar: 1905 Dickerson Blvd. • Southern Range: 151 S. Stewart St. • Treehouse Vineyards: 301 Bay St. Pineville • Pineville Tavern: 314 N. Polk St. Stallings • Lake View Grill: :9750 Tournament Drive Waxhaw • Bistro D’Antonio: 3909 Providence Road S.
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Page 4B • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 1, 2019
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All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, includingInc., CignaCigna HealthHealthCare and Life Insurance Company, CignaAllHealthCare of South Carolina, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of North Carolina, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Georgia, of Arizona, Inc., Cigna Cigna HealthCare of Inc., SouthHealthSpring Carolina, Inc.,Life Cigna HealthCare of North Carolina,Inc., Inc., HealthSpring Cigna HealthCare of Georgia, Cigna HealthCare of Arizona, Inc.,Bravo Cigna Health HealthCare of St. Louis, & Health Insurance Company, of Florida, Inc., Inc., Bravo Health Mid-Atlantic, Inc., and HealthCare of St. Louis, Inc., HealthSpring Life & Health Insurance Company, Inc., HealthSpring of Florida, Inc., Bravo Health Mid-Atlantic, Inc., and Bravo Pennsylvania, Inc. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. *Select benefits may not be available Health in all service Pennsylvania, Inc. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. *Select benefits may not be available in all service areas without a monthly premium or without an additional monthly premium. Some plans may include these benefits under the monthly premium. Benefit options vary by areas without a monthly premium or without an additional monthly premium. Some plans may include these benefits under the monthly premium. Benefit options vary by plan and area.area. ThisThis information is not a complete Call1-888-284-0268 1-888-284-0268 more information. accommodation of persons with special planservice and service information is not a completedescription description of of benefits. benefits. Call forfor more information. For For accommodation of persons with special 336-766-1885 (TTY 711) needsneeds at meetings call call <insert phone andand TTY number>. with applicable applicableFederal Federalcivil civil rights laws not discriminate the basis race, color, 336-766-1885 (TTY 711) Cigna at meetings <insert phone TTY number>. Cignacomplies complies with rights laws andand doesdoes not discriminate on theonbasis of race,ofcolor, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Cigna cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Cigna cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, edad, discapacidad or sexo. English: ATTENTION: assistanceservices, services,free free charge available to you. Call 1-888-284-0268 (TTY 711). discapacidad or sexo. English: ATTENTION:If Ifyou youspeak speakEnglish, English, language language assistance of of charge areare available to you. Call 1-888-284-0268 (TTY 711). Spanish: ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene gratuitosde deasistencia asistencialingüística. lingüística. Llame al 1-888-284-0268 Chinese: 注意:如 Spanish: ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tienea asusudisposición disposiciónservicios servicios gratuitos Llame al 1-888-284-0268 (TTY(TTY 711). 711). Chinese: 注意:如 果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-888-284-0268(TTY (TTY711). 711). Cigna is contracted Medicare for plans, PDP plans, HMO and PPO 果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-888-284-0268 Cigna is contracted withwith Medicare for PDP HMO and PPO in select states, select State Medicaidprograms. programs.Enrollment Enrollment in renewal. plansplans in select states, andand withwith select State Medicaid in Cigna Cignadepends dependsononcontract contract renewal. © 2020 Some content provided under license. A_F_43 Y0036_20_76414_M © 2020 CignaCigna Some content provided under license. A_F_43 Y0036_20_76414_M
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South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 1, 2019 • Page 5B
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NOW HIRING Delivery Drivers! For our Union County Routes. Weekly Routes Available. Contact us at for details. Name: Pumpkin ID: A1158952 Age: 9 years Weight: 43 lbs Sex: Spayed Date of Arrival: 9/1/19 Adoption fee: $10 PUMPKIN Vaccinations: Has all required vaccinations
Name: Alaska ID: A1159140 Age: 4 years Breed: Shorthair Sex: Spayed Date of Arrival: 9/6/19 Adoption fee: $10 plus monetary donation Vaccinations: Has all required vaccinations
CMPD Animal Care & Control also holds an adoption event
the first Saturday of each month at the SouthPark Mall located at 4400 Sharon Road
Page 6B • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 1, 2019