Inside: Find home sales in 28210, 28226 & 28277 zip codes • Page 5A
Friday, Nov. 8, 2019 • Vol. 19 • No. 45
ABOUT US P.O. BOX 1104 Matthews, NC 28106 (704) 849-2261
Bokhari defeats Navarrete for district seat by Justin Vick
CHARLOTTE – Tariq Scott Bokhari had reason to feel doubly justified after the Nov. 5 election. South Charlotte residents voted to reelect him to a second term on the Charlotte City Council and the proposed sales tax benefiting the arts failed. Bokhari campaigned on both fronts. He even paid for billboards showing a thumbs up for his reelection and a thumbs down for the sales tax. “Thank you to all of our friends who have supported us through the years,” he told supporters
on Facebook following the victory. “Last night was refreshing and energizing.” About 57% Navarrete Bokhari of voters were against the sales tax, which would have paid for arts, parks and teacher supplements. Critics said the tax lacked oversight and didn't address the community's biggest priorities. Bokhari earned 58.85% of the 18,914 votes cast in the District 6 race. He defeated Democrat Gina Navarrete, an organizer for the Charlotte
Women's March. Republican Ed Driggs, who represents the Ballantyne area on the council, ran unopposed. Though there were no Democrats in the race, 694 write-in votes were cast, the second most of any of the council races. Mayor Vi Lyles captured 77.23% of the 91,446 votes cast to defeat Republican challenger David Michael Rice, while at-large council members Julie Eiselt, Braxton Winston, James Mitchell and Dimple Ajmera kept Republican Joshua Richardson from a seat at the table. see ELECTION, Page 2A
Making an early impact
Karie Simmons News Editor
I didn’t vote, but I wanted to
O Pat says Former governor weighs in on sanctuary cities, 2A
Jules Oringel, of Providence High School, sells school supplies at an event during National Gun Violence Prevention Week in Charlotte. Photo courtesy of Return Home Supplies
High school students fight gun violence, anti-Semitism
Nativity festival Weekend offers music & service projects, 2A
Hoops preview We profile boys & girls bball teams, 1B
by Kayla Berenson
Jules Oringel recalls receiving panicked texts from two of her friends in Parkland, Fla. as an active shooter roamed the halls of their high school. She felt helpless as she watched the news from her home in Charlotte, texting her friends constantly to give them updates on what she saw on television. Abigail Adams remembers feeling fearful of publicly expressing her Jewish identity after hearing the news of an anti-Semitic mass shooting at the Chabad of Poway in San Diego, Calif. She spoke with a friend in another state who felt the same way. Mass shootings in communities outside of Charlotte inspired these high school seniors to help others. Return Home Supplies Oringel, a senior at Providence High School, became Jules Oringel speaks at a rally in South Carolina. Photo courtesy of Return Home Supplies
see ACTIVISTS, Page 4A
n Nov. 5, I woke up at 7:45 a.m. I poured myself a cup of coffee. I packed my lunch. I checked my Instagram. I made a smoothie. I brushed my teeth. I got dressed. I told my boyfriend to have a great day. I walked to my car. I drove to work. I didn’t vote. That’s how my morning ended, but it’s not how it began. When I woke up at 7:45 a.m. on Nov. 5, I had the best intentions to exercise my right. I woke up with a desire to vote because, as a young person, I know how important it is. I also know that many people my age (I’m 28) and younger don’t take advantage of the opportunity. I didn’t want to be part of that statistic. To be honest, I haven’t voted since I moved to Charlotte in August 2017, and that’s because I was uninformed. I was new to the area and it didn’t feel like home yet. I didn’t know what the hot-button issues were or who was making the decisions. I didn’t have an opinion on what’s best for Charlotte and Mecklenburg County because I hadn’t lived here long enough. It’s been two years and now I know more. I’ve met the decision-makers, attended government meetings, written and read stories about the hot-button issues and listened to our “Coffee with a Candidate” podcasts. I feel more see VOTE, Page 3A
Retirees make blankets for veterans in hospice by Kayla Berenson
State tourney Ardrey Kell seeks volleyball title, Web
INDEX Sports.............................................................................. 1B Classifieds..............................................................5B In the Know......................................................... 2A Home Sales........................................................ 5A Music................................................................................ 3A Puzzles......................................................................... 3A
CHARLOTTE – Waltonwood Providence residents volunteer every month. For November, the Life Enrichment team decided to give back to the veteran community at Atrium Hospice House of Union County. Life Enrichment Manager Kim Fitzgerald said the residents made tie blankets for the veterans. She said the residents were excited to make the blankets, especially after learning about the impact they would make. “They were overjoyed to be able to make them,” Fitzgerald said. “They kept talking about, as they were making them, how soft they were and how much they’re going to love
it and it’s going to keep them so warm. It was neat to see our residents not only enjoy the process, but also just knowing the purpose of it and being so enthused about it.” Waltonwood residents also had the opportunity to bring the blankets to the hospice house and see the tangible impact of the blankets. “They couldn’t talk enough about how much they enjoyed bringing it and hearing how much the hospice house was so thankful for everything,” Fitzgerald said. She said hospice house volunteer coordinator Regina Collins and her staff told the residents that the blankets do more than just keep veterans warm. see BLANKETS, Page 4A
Waltonwood Providence residents enjoyed making blankets for veterans at a local hospice. Photo courtesy of Waltonwood Providence
AdmissionOpen Open Houses Admission House GRADES K-12 KINDERGARTEN
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Page 2A • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 8, 2019
IN THE KNOW PHOTO OF THE WEEK STAY CONNECTED • Instagram: @southcltweekly • Twitter: @southcltweekly • Like us on Facebook • Web: www.thecharlotte • E-edition: olinaweeklynewspapers
CONTACT US South Charlotte Weekly staffer Karie Simmons steals Kayla Berenson’s peep during a blindfolded Halloween candy taste test on Halloween. Watch what happened on Instagram TV (@southcltweekly).
MOST POPULAR STORIES • McCrory: Democrats put North Carolina at risk by sheltering violent criminals • City stalls Silver Line vote until after election • Charlotte Nativity Festival offers weekend full of activities • AFJROTC leads Junior Achievement lessons • Bokhari campaigns on safety, smart growth
TWEETS OF THE WEEK • “So #AEWCharlotte was amazing tonight. Best Live event I've ever been to! Plus I felt like we were an amazing crowd.” – Shannon Silveria @SWWSilveria • “This Friday I will join the climate strike in Charlotte, NC! 12-2pm at the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Government Center. See you there! #FridaysForFuture #schoolstrike4climate #ClimateStrike” – Greta Thunberg (@GretaThunberg)
UPCOMING EDITIONS • Nov. 15: Arts & Entertainment
ADVERTISING Charlotte Conway Kate Kutzleb Maya Cann
Democrats put North Carolina at risk by sheltering violent criminals by Pat McCrory Contributor
North Carolina and our nation need to take action against sanctuary cities, but Democratic leaders continue to obstruct Republican efforts to keep American cit- McCrory izens safe. Fighting sanctuary cities is central to President Trump’s promise to the American people. Self-declared sanctuary jurisdictions across the country put American lives at risk by refusing to cooperate with federal immigration enforcement efforts, releasing dangerous criminals back onto the streets in order to prevent them from being deported. Shortly after taking office, the President strongly endorsed two laws designed to protect American citizens from the threat posed by sanctuary policies. Kate’s Law, named after a young woman killed by an illegal immigrant who had previously been deported five times, increased the criminal penalty for illegal border crossings. The second bill, the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, prevented federal grant money from going to self-declared “sanctuary cities” that bar local law enforcement from cooperating with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Although both bills passed the House of Representatives, neither made it through the Senate, where the prospect of a Democrat filibuster made final passage impossible. Now, Democrats are threatening yet another effort to combat dangerous sanctuary policies — Sen. Thom Tillis’s Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act. The bill allows victims of crimes perpetrated by illegal immigrants to take civil action against sanctuary jurisdictions that released the offender. The legislation not only provides relief to victims and their families, but also incentivizes local governments to drop their sanctuary policies. Tillis recently led a committee hearing on the issue nearly four months after the legislation was formally introduced, but Democrat members of the Senate Judiciary Committee expressed reservations about the bill, suggesting that it will likely face an uphill battle on the Senate floor unless a significant number of Democrats cross the aisle to support it. Last December, Mecklenburg County
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Pat McCrory is the former governor of North Carolina and former mayor of Charlotte.
Unofficial results from select races
(continued from page 1A)
Sheriff Garry McFadden proudly announced — on his first day in office, no less — that North Carolina’s largest county would no longer comply with ICE detainer requests, which the agency issues when it believes an individual in criminal custody might be a removable alien. In fiscal year 2019, nearly 500 criminal illegal aliens were released from North Carolina prisons in spite of detainers issued against them by ICE. Based on the Democrats’ logic, we might as well get rid of customs not only at our land borders, but also at international airports. If someone ran through customs at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, would the sheriff assist in detaining them? We witnessed the inevitable consequences of this reckless policy earlier this year, when Mecklenburg County released an illegal immigrant who had been arrested on rape and child sex charges despite an ICE detainer. County officials didn’t even bother to notify ICE that the individual was being set free. It took ICE almost two months to finally apprehend the fugitive, during which time North Carolinians were unknowingly living with a dangerous predator roaming freely in our midst. Sadly, Gov. Roy Cooper and other Democratic leaders in our state remain silent and continue to let this happen. That’s absolutely intolerable, and congressional Republicans are right to follow the President’s lead by taking a stand against sanctuary cities. I saw first hand as the governor of North Carolina and mayor of Charlotte that when local, state and federal officials work together, lives are saved and the crime rate goes down. But when sheriffs overseeing large cities refuse to work with the federal government — as in Greensboro, Raleigh, Durham, Asheville and Charlotte — that cooperation no longer exists, and crime and murder rates go up. If Democrats cared about the American people as much as their own political agenda, they would rush to enact this common-sense solution. Instead, they seem determined to stick to their obstructionist guns, even if it endangers their own constituents. We need these three pieces of legislation to help protect our citizens in the ninth largest, most populous state in America.
The new council will include Larken Egleston, Malcolm Graham, Victoria Watlington, Renee Perkins Johnson and Matt Newton. Graham is a former state senator. Elyse Dashew earned a second term on the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Board of Education. She was the leading vote-getter in a race in which 13 candidates vied for three atlarge seats. “Voters of Mecklenburg County, thank you for allowing me to serve the children and educators of CMS for another four years,” Dashew wrote to supporters on her campaign Facebook page. “It is a tremendous honor, and a responsibility that I do not take lightly. And now, together, let’s move forward with the work of connecting our students to the opportunities they so greatly need and deserve.” Jennifer De La Jara, who is the education director at International House, and retired CMS principal Lenora Shipp will join Dashew on the board. Stephanie Sneed, a former trial attorney, was shut out of a seat by 187 votes. The remaining nine candidates were at least 5,000 votes behind. Voter turnout was at 17.05% with 123,348 residents casting ballots.
CHARLOTTE MAYOR (VOTE FOR 1) Vi Lyles (DEM) 70,624 (77.23%) David Michael Rice (REP) 20,408 (22.32%) Write-In (Miscellaneous) 414 (0.45%) CHARLOTTE CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 6 Tariq Scott Bokhari (REP) 11,130 (58.85%) Gina Navarrete (DEM) 7,766 (41.06%) Write-In (Miscellaneous) 18 (0.10%) CHARLOTTE CITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 7 Ed Driggs REP 10,461 93.78% Write-In (Miscellaneous) 694 6.22% CHARLOTTE CITY COUNCIL AT-LARGE (VOTE FOR 4) Julie Eiselt (DEM) 67,485 (23.88%) Braxton David Winston II (DEM) 62,395 (22.08%) James (Smuggie) Mitchell (DEM) 62,310 (22.05%) Dimple Ajmera (DEM) 56,564 (20.01%) Joshua Richardson (REP) 32,078 (11.35%) Write-In (Miscellaneous) 1,777 (0.63%) CMS BOARD AT-LARGE (VOTE FOR 3) Elyse Dashew 34,903 (12.94%) Jennifer De La Jara 33,457 (12.40%) Lenora Shipp 28,516 (10.57%) Stephanie M. Sneed 28,329 (10.50%) Monty Witherspoon 23,082 (8.56%) Annette Albright 19,779 (7.33%) Gregory R. Denlea 17,592 (6.52%) Donna J. Parker-Tate 16,475 (6.11%) Queen Thompson 15,334 (5.68%) Jordan Pineda 15,287 (5.67%) Olivia Scott 12,861 (4.77%) Jenna Moorehead 12,713 (4.71%) Duncan St. Clair 10,605 (3.93%) Write-In (Miscellaneous) 855 (0.32%) MECKLENBURG SALES AND USE TAX Against 69,443 (57.44%) For 51,447 (42.56%)
Nativity festival provides a weekend full of activities CHARLOTTE – The seventh annual Charlotte Nativity Festival will display hundreds of nativity sets from around the world as well as continuous live Christmas music performed by school, church and community groups. The free community event includes a narrated walkthrough “Journey to the Stable” exhibit with live actors; a children’s storytime and “can touch” nativity room; handson service projects benefiting Promising Pages, Baby Bundles and Classroom Central; a nativity scene photo booth and craft area; and a teen room supporting Operation Gratitude. Some of the groups performing this year are Carmel Middle School choir, West Charlotte High School choir, Providence High School men’s ensemble and the University City choir from The
Bill Jacobsen, Harry Blythe and Andrew Butler pose as the three wise men in the narrated walk-through “Journey to the Stable” exhibit at the Charlotte Nativity Festival. Photo courtesy of Kristen Anderson Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Visitors of all ages are welcome from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dec. 6 and 7 and from 3 to 7 p.m. Dec. 8 at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints, 5815 Carmel Road. Visit https://charlottena for details, to view the musical performance or to sign up to volunteer.
South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 8, 2019 • Page 3A
back to the homepage and entered my name to check my voter registration, but got the (continued from page 1A) same error message. I tried the website in a different browser, but it still wasn’t working. informed now than ever before and when I I typed and re-typed my name and address woke up at 7:45 a.m. on Nov. 5, I was ready several times to no avail. to finally cast my vote. Maybe it’s just not working on my phone? As a first-time voter, I wasn’t sure where I texted my managing editor and he tried my polling place was, so I grabbed my the same search on his laptop with the same phone, logged on to the state board of elec- result. It seems the state board of elections tions website and typed in my address. I website wasn’t working on Election Day. Go was re-directed to a page that read, “Sorry, figure. something went wrong. The web function I called the board of elections office in you were interacting with has encountered Raleigh and spoke to a receptionist about an error. There is an issue with the theTimes problem. She wasSales awareCorporation and said that Thespecific New York Syndication function or the information you entered 620forEighth Avenue, York,toN.Y. someone wasNew working fix it.10018 I tried a few For Information the function. Access is denied.” more timesCall: after1-800-972-3550 that, but the site was still For Release Maybe I never registered to vote? I went down.Wednesday, March 6, 2019
By the time I gave up, it was 8:45 a.m. and my window to vote before work was closed. I didn’t have the day off and I don’t work close to where I live, so voting on my lunch break wasn’t going to happen. I could go after work, but on Tuesdays I’m usually at my desk until 7 or 8 p.m. and polls close at 7:30 p.m. The site was back up by the time I got to work, but it was too late for me. I wonder how many other people also missed the opportunity to vote before work and how it will affect the results, but mostly I wonder how this could even happen. It’s 2019 and we can do better. I mean, the new iPhone has three cameras, my dentist office texts me 24 hours before my appointment and Old Navy emails me every
Crossword ACROSS 1 “Aladdin” prince 4 Sandal feature 10 Flat-bottomed boat
28 Stand for a speaker
50 *See 23-Across
30 *With 44-Across, sour candies 32 Body image, briefly
14 Scoundrel 15 Beekeeper’s locale 16 Sharpen, as one’s skills 17 N.Y. engineering sch. 18 *They get stuffed at Greek restaurants 20 Enemies from way back 22 Consider carefully 23 *With 50-Across, classic ice cream treats
52 ___ Beanies (bygone toys) 54 Super conductor?
33 Ages and ages
55 *Garnishes for old-fashioneds
34 Tribal emblems
57 Subway unit
35 Unproductive … or, literally, a hint to the answers to this puzzle’s starred clues
58 Cargo’s place
37 Not yet bankrupt 40 Goal for an actor 41 Maidenform garment 44 *See 30-Across 45 Noted 1970s-’80s Gang leader?
59 Keep tabs on tabbies, say 60 Breast Cancer Awareness mo.
Edited by Will Shortz 1
63 French possessive
45 48
53 56
24 Judge’s seat
25 Louis, par exemple
47 Dallas hoopster, for short
2 Seaport near Buenos Aires
27 Something divided in W.W. II
48 Wedding gown designer Di Santo
3 Emphatic denial
19 Wall off
4 Add, as an extra
21 Relatives, casually
6 Madres’ sisters 7 Kendrick Lamar’s genre 8 South American corn cakes 9 Air race marker 10 Roe source 11 Soldier’s request before entering a firefight 12 Like quaint schoolhouses 13 Anderson who directed “Isle of Dogs”
37 Naval bigwig: Abbr.
49 One crying “Uncle!,” perhaps
38 Home to many Greeks, informally
51 Raid targets
41 The original “The Office,” e.g.
54 Fit together well
42 Wearying routine
55 “What have we here?!”
45 Not give up on 46 They loop the Loop
Nov. 8 • Evening Muse: Kelsey Waldon; Cory Branan • Kristopher’s: Music Bingo • Middle James Brewing: Wallace Songs • Milestone Club: Rational Anthem • Neighborhood Theatre: The Infamous Stringdusters • Pineville Tavern: The Smilin’ Dogs • Steady Eddy’s: Jaxx & Jacks • Stooges Pub: Badcash • Stumptown Station: Zack Stiltner • The Hut: Upright • Trail House: Kids in America • Treehouse Vineyards: Randy Franklin Trio • Vintner’s Hill: Matthew Ablan • Visulite: Mo Lowda & The Humble • Dunwellz: Music Bingo • East Coast Wings: The Marshall Brothers • Fillmore: Big K.R.I.T. • Milesstone Club: DJ Teddy & Mike Boyer; Aqualads • Moochies Tavern: One Paper Crane • Neighborhood Theatre: Intrepid Artists • Southern Range: Kris Atom • Stooges Pub: Rock Machine • Sweet Union: Mr. Vague Trio • Trail House: The Right Turn Clyde Band • Underground: Shoreline Mafia • Visulite: Treehouse!
Nov. 10
39 Score at the start 53 Partner of odds of a set
43 Puts in order
Nov. 9
1 One going head over heels?
24 Paris eateries 26 Connections 29 Indie artist DiFranco 31 U.F.O. occupants 33 Blackboard chore 34 Emulates Pinocchio 35 One dressed to impress 36 British bathroom
5 Dispersed
46 Revolutions can divide them
62 Carves
22 24
61 Murder : crows :: parliament : ___
No. 0130
day with ads for cozy sweaters, but I never received any voting information electronically. To be fair, I haven’t checked my physical mailbox in about a week. Maybe there’s something in there, but that’s not enough in 2019. People need to be called, texted, emailed, Facebook messaged, Instagrammed and Snapchatted. At the very least, the state board of elections website should be working on Election Day. On Nov. 5, I woke up at 7:45 a.m. I poured myself a cup of coffee. I packed my lunch. I checked my Instagram. I made a smoothie. I brushed my teeth. I got dressed. I told my boyfriend to have a great day. I walked to my car. I drove to work. I didn’t vote, but I wanted to.
56 Abbr. sometimes written twice in a row
Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and more than 7,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Read about and comment on each puzzle:
• Milestone Club: Kamber • Underground: The Hu
Nov. 11 • Evening Muse: Open Mic • Milestone Club: Group Chat
Nov. 12 • DreamChaser’s Brewery: Music Bingo • Mia Famiglia: Music Bingo • Middle James Brewing: Music Bingo
Nov. 13 • Beantown Tavern: Chuck Johnson Duo • Evening Muse: La Terza Classe • Hickory Tavern: Music Trivia • Milestone Club: Anchor Details
• Neighborhood Theatre: Dan Deacon • Trail House: Jade Moore
Nov. 14 • Bistro D’Antonio: Will Lee • Evening Muse: Ann Paul • Moochies Tavern: Music Bingo • Neighborhood Theatre: Lady Lamb with Toth • Seaboard Brewing: Nate Randall • Underground: Kim Petras • Visulite: Boy Named Banjo
Venues Charlotte • Evening Muse: 3227 N Davidson St. • Fillmore: 820 Hamilton St. • Neighborhood Theatre: 511 E. 36th St. • Underground: 820 Hamilton St. • Visulite: 1615 Elizabeth Ave. Indian Trail • Hickory Tavern: 6455 Old Monroe Road • Mia Famiglia: 7870 Idlewild Road • Sweet Union: 13717 E. Independence Blvd. • Trail House: 6751 Old Monroe Road Matthews/Mint Hill • Beantown Tavern: 130 Matthews Station St. • Dunwellz: 7110 Brighton Park Drive • Kristophers: 250 N. Trade St. • Moochies Tavern: 15060 Idlewild Road • Seaboard Brewing: 213 N. Trade St. • Steady Eddy’s: 2216 E. John St. • Stooges Pub: 13230 Albemarle Road • Stumptown Station: 107 N. Trade St • Vintner’s Hill: 7427 Matthews-Mint Hill Road Monroe • Southern Range: 151 S. Stewart St. • Treehouse Vineyards: 301 Bay St. Pineville • Middle James Brewing: 400 N. Polk St. • Pineville Tavern: 314 N. Polk St. • The Hut: 413 Johnston Drive Waxhaw • Bistro D’Antonio: 3909 Providence Road S. • DreamChaser’s: 115 E. N. Main St. • East Coast Wings: 8121 Kensington Drive
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5215 Randolph Road, Charlotte
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W W W. WA LT O N W O O D . C O M
W W W. S I N G H C A R E E R S . C O M
Page 4A • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 8, 2019
ACTIVISTS (continued from page 1A)
Photo courtesy of Waltonwood Providence
BLANKETS (continued from page 1A)
“They were centerpieces for conversations about what military bases they were at, memories of their time in service,” Fitzgerald said. “They are also things that they give to the families when their loved ones pass, so it’s a memorabilia for the families to have.” She said Collins and the team at the hospice house were so thankful for the blankets. Fitzgerald said Waltonwood residents
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talked about the experience and the impact for weeks after it happened. “That is the first thing that they give to [veterans] as soon as they walk through the door. They greet them with a blanket, they welcome them in and that’s their own personal thing that they get to keep the whole time that they’re there,” Fitzgerald said. The experience was so enjoyable and impactful that Fitzgerald said she plans to partner with hospice house beyond Veterans Day.
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An Old Favorite
involved in the gun violence prevention movement immediately after the shooting at Marjory Stone Douglas High School. Though both of the friends texting her throughout the shooting made it out alive, a member of Oringel’s sleepaway camp community was murdered in her English class. Though she marched on Washington against gun violence, registered voters, campaigned for the 2018 midterm election and led a school walkout despite instructions from her school’s administration not to, Oringel felt like there was still more she could do for the gun violence prevention movement. In June 2018, Oringel started Return Home Supplies, a nonprofit she runs from her bedroom. She said the organization is founded upon the belief that every student and teacher deserves to return home safely from school. Oringel sells school supplies, including pencils and water bottles, with messages intended to spark educational conversations about gun violence. All of the profits go to gun violence prevention organizations like March For Our Lives and Moms Demand Action. Oringel also travels around the country with these organizations, where she sells Return Home Supplies and delivers speeches to people at rallies and meetings. “I think the most important element of my advocacy is that I speak to people who disagree with me,” Oringel said. “I’ve spoken to countless National Rifle Association members and I find that we can always find at least some sort of common ground...
Even if we just agree that we don’t want to see our students getting shot in schools, or even if it’s some sort of legislative agreement like disarming domestic abusers or requiring background checks for online purchases. It all matters and it’s helping depolarize this issue in American politics, which is also really meaningful.” Networking and staying in touch with other activists and organizations has helped Oringel spread the message and mission of Return Home Supplies. She does this all while balancing schoolwork and extracurricular activities. Oringel said because she is dual-enrolled in college courses, she is able to leave high school early and work on projects for Return Home Supplies before going to her evening college classes. “It can definitely be difficult to manage my classwork and Return Home Supplies responsibilities in addition to other extracurricular activities, but because I’m managing this myself, I have more control over my schedule and when I work on our website, product design, legal paperwork and all of those things,” Oringel said. As she prepares to go to college in less than a year, Oringel knows there will be some difficulties running a nonprofit. “I would love to continue running Return Home Supplies from my dorm room because all the incredible people I get to meet on this journey inspire me to keep fighting for what I believe in,” Oringel said. “However, my room is exploding with our school supplies and I don’t know if that will fit in a tiny dorm room. So I think in college, when I’m actually at the university, my advocacy will be focused more on
speaking and rallying versus bringing school supplies to an event and selling them.” Creating change starts with education, according to Oringel. She hopes to inspire others to lead programs to educate their communities about gun violence. She said Return Home Supplies offers an “activism in a box” kit for teens hoping to lead programs for their schools, organizations and other groups. Moving forward, Oringel hopes to continue connecting with gun violence survivors, advocates and concerned Americans to spread her message. “Until we start finding power and finding motivation beyond this movement, we won’t be seeing legislative changes in Congress,” Oringel said. Visit www.Returnhome for more information. Why I Wear My Star After hearing the news of many anti-Semetic shootings, Adams, a senior at Charlotte Latin School, and one of her Jewish friends wanted to figure out a way to promote Jewish pride. “We talked about how it was a matter of what would happen next and how it’s so scary, especially today, to be a Jewish person and to be a Jewish young person with this rise in anti-Semitism and these shootings,” Adams said. “We wanted to find a way to help people feel proud of their identity and feel comfortable with their identity instead of having to be scared all the time because of anti-Semitism.” The two created the Instagram account called @whyiwearmystar, where they share stories and experiences of Jewish people from around the world. Since creating the account, they
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also have a Facebook page. Adams said the account has shared between 50 and 60 stories from people in more than 25 countries. “We share stories of Jewish pride and persistence in the midst of hate,” Adams said. The Instagram account has more than 1,400 followers. Adams said she and the co-creator of the account, Sammy Gabbai, flooded their respective Instagram accounts with posts from @ whyiwearmystar and followed their friends to gain followers at first. When StandWithUs heard about their movement, they shared the page on their social media, which gave Adams and Gabbai an even bigger following. Eventually, people they did not know started following the account and sharing their stories. Adams said she and Gabbai have also created programs for local Jewish youth groups to spread their message. She said they have upcoming programs in Virginia, Texas and Florida. She hopes to see the programs expanded to more college campuses. The response has been positive, with the exception of a few comments and messages, according to Adams. “We’ve gotten a lot of other messages online from people saying, ‘thank you for making this account, it inspires me,’” Adams said. “We’ve had multiple people say that they went out and bought the Star of David necklace because this account inspires them and the stories they’ve read inspired them to get one and to feel proud and comfortable.” Adams has also felt the impact of the stories. She said she feels even prouder to be Jewish after reading others’ experiences. “One of our first major stories that impacted me was a friend who lives in Paris,” Adams said. “She doesn’t own any Jewish necklaces or any Jewish jewelry or clothing that would show she’s Jewish because the anti-Semitism is so bad there. She wrote about that and how even in the U.S. where there is bad anti-Semitism and where one in three Jews tries to hide their identity, in places like Paris, it’s really a daily thing for her.” When they go to college, Adams and Gabbai plan to continue spreading the message of Why I Wear My Star. Adams said the two hope to have an ambassador program to include more people in the movement, but it is something they are still working toward.. “Sammy and I plan on being the two main people in charge and we really want to make sure that we spearhead this so that we always remember why we started it in the first place,” Adams said. Activism Oringel and Adams both said that persistence is key to creating change. “I think that persistence and passion are two of the biggest things that can drive you,” Adams said. “Personally, my life has been shaped around those things. Change is slow, and sometimes it’s very frustrating that it’s slow, but you need to keep working and persisting for real change to actually occur in the long run.” Oringel said remembering the reasons for starting activism is a great motivator to keep persisting. “It’s not always going to be easy, especially with an issue like gun violence,” Oringel said. “Seeing all of these mass shootings in the news can be depressing and make you feel like you’re not doing enough, but stay true to your passions and the reasons that you care so deeply about the issues you care so deeply about. Continue fighting until you see the change that you want to be had.”
South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 8, 2019 • Page 5A
October 2019
Editor’s note: Information provided by the Charlotte Regional Realtor Association and
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28210 Beverly Woods 4032 Rutherford Drive Oct. 30 3835 Stokes Ave. Oct. 28 4315 Brookfield Drive Oct. 28 3908 Blowing Rock Way Oct. 18 3810 Rhodes Ave. Oct. 15 7531 Whistlestop Road Oct. 11 Beverly Woods East 3030 Markworth Ave. Oct. 3 Brandon 6101 Patrick Place Oct. 31 6123 Patrick Place Oct. 16 6044 Kingstree Drive Oct. 7 Brandon Forest 2619 Lytham Drive Oct. 17 Cameron Wood 3405 Abbey Hill Lane Oct. 30 10117 Deer Spring Lane Oct. 1 Gleneagles 4129 Carnoustie Lane Oct. 2 Heydon Hall 3524 Blackhorse Lane Oct. 21 9514 Heydon Hall Circle Oct. 15 8925 Heydon Hall Circle Oct. 7 Madison Park 5101 Milford Road Oct. 30 5320 Milford Road Oct. 25 5000 White Oak Road Oct. 24 5109 Wedgewood Drive Oct. 15 5610 Wedgewood Drive Oct. 11 633 Cooper Drive Oct. 4 5933 Wedgewood Drive Oct. 3 5200 Londonderry Rd. Oct. 2 Montclaire 609 Burnley Road Oct. 31 1609 Tamworth Drive Oct. 31 1526 Wensley Drive Oct. 30 1721 Emerywood Drive Oct. 21 1900 Wensley Drive Oct. 17 Oberbeck Farm 8407 Kirchenbaum Dr. Oct. 4 Olde Georgetowne 6146 Sharon Acres Rd. Oct. 31 Park South Station 5150 Mount Clare Lane Oct. 30 6625 Central Pacific Ave. Oct. 23 Quail Hollow 8231 Greencastle Drive Oct. 30 Quail Park 7746 Quail Park Drive Oct. 31 Sharon Colony 3616 Round Oak Road Oct. 18 Sharon Hills 6601 Alcove Court Oct. 3 Sharon Woods 2726 Wamath Drive Oct. 23 Southpark 5731 Closeburn Road Oct. 31 Spring Valley 5900 Colchester Place Oct. 11 Starmount 6425 Rosecrest Drive Oct. 28 7007 Thorncliff Drive Oct. 24 6333 Montpelier Road Oct. 22 7524 Thorncliff Drive Oct. 17 6724 Starcrest Drive Oct. 17 7225 Watercrest Road Oct. 16 7036 Wrentree Drive Oct. 15 6733 Candlewood Drive Oct. 11 2029 Brookdale Ave. Oct. 8 1419 Edgewater Drive Oct. 7 6625 Candlewood Drive Oct. 1 Stonegate 6307 Saint Stephen Ln. Oct. 8 The Park at Sharon 6904 Park Sharon Court Oct. 4 28226 Arboretum Crossing 2520 Springs Drive Oct. 16
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Ashton 6819 Providence Lane Oct. 17 $584,700 Bellmore Hall 7428 Edenbridge Lane Oct. 11 $760,000 Blantyre 4116 Morrowick Road Oct. 28 $813,000 Carmel Park 4701 Carmel Park Lane Oct. 7 $4,230,000 Carsons Pond 5219 Windfern Court Oct. 31 $378,500 Cedarcroft 6309 Cedar Croft Drive Oct. 2 $297,000 Cnadlewyck 2706 Lawton Bluff Road Oct. 23 $382,000 1708 Lawton Bluff Road Oct. 14 $302,500 7035 Stoneridge Road Oct. 4 $245,000 Carmel Crescent 5026 Fairlawn Crescent Court Oct. 30 $795,000 Carmel Ridge 11722 Carmel Lakes Dr. Oct. 4 $232,000 Challis Farm 5616 Challis View Lane Oct. 29 $647,475 Courance 2325 La Maison Drive Oct. 4 $735,000 Darby Hall 6714 Choppy Wood Circle Oct. 8 $342,000 Falconbridge 8600 Timbercrest Circle Oct. 30 $263,400 Governors Square 2228 Valencia Terrace Oct. 18 $585,000 Montibello 3600 Foxridge Road Oct. 18 $400,000 3000 Lauren Glen Road Oct. 10 $705,000 Olde Providence 6637 Summerlin Place Oct. 24 $415,000 6713 Knightswood Drive Oct. 3 $335,000 Olde White Manor 2532 Olde White Lane Oct. 29 $540,000 Quail View 3623 Quail View Road Oct. 21 $1,342,913 3619 Quail View Road Oct. 2 $1,183,431 Pellyn Wood 4800 Hardison Road Oct. 10 $860,000 Providence Springs 3131 Springs Farm Lane Oct. 10 $682,500 Rockbridge 3914 Bridgewood Lane Oct. 3 $395,000 Royden 4148 Moorland Drive Oct. 25 $645,000 Shadow Lake 7121 Wannamaker Lane Oct. 7 $230,000 Stonecroft 7418 Stonecroft Park Dr. Oct. 25 $1,050,000 Timbers on Carmel 11146 Timber Hill Court Oct. 30 $248,000 Town and Country Estates 4610 Sharon View Road Oct. 11 $1,355,000 Tuckaway Park 4735 Carmel Club Drive Oct. 31 $2,875,000 4801 Carmel Club Drive Oct. 23 $750,000 5124 Green Rea Road Oct. 16 $695,000 Walden on Carmel 227 Vista Grande Circle Oct. 25 $235,000 Wessex Square 4720 Truscott Road Oct. 21 $353,000 4718 Whetstone Court Oct. 15 $383,000 Windswept 4838 Noras Path Road Oct. 28 $689,000 4501 Noras Path Road Oct. 15 $625,000 Woodbridge 1806 Bobolink Lane Oct. 23 $469,000 1836 Bobolink Lane Oct. 11 $438,000 1619 Barden Road Oct. 3 $375,000 28277 Allyson Park 9611 Donna Ve Lane Oct. 4 $535,000 Ardrey 17418 Meadow Bottom Road Oct. 25 $560,000
10219 Triangle Park Rd. Oct. 21 $560,000 9902 Triple Oak Road Oct. 10 $656,000 Ardrey Crest 10527 Royal Winchester Drive Oct. 7 $385,000 Ardrey Woods 9819 Branchwater Ave. Oct. 16 $470,000 Ashton Grove 9027 Elrose Place Oct. 7 $329,000 Auburn Place 8509 Shufford Court Oct. 22 $356,150 8618 Robinson Meadow Court Oct. 4 $315,000 Ballanmoor 18303 Lippards Hunt Ct. Oct. 7 $642,000 Ballantrae 5916 Nuthatch Court Oct. 24 $433,000 Ballantyne Country Club 14806 Ballantyne Glen Way Oct. 24 $569,800 14445 W S Lee Court Oct. 21 $1,250,000 11917 James Jack Lane Oct. 9 $735,000 11022 Pound Hill Lane Oct. 8 $787,500 Ballantyne Meadows 11230 Blue Cedar Lane Oct. 15 $265,000 14144 Wild Elm Road Oct. 9 $261,000 Berkeley 10201 Scott Gate Court Oct. 28 $500,000 Berwick 10901 Megwood Drive Oct. 17 $395,000 Blakeney Heath 8622 Fieldcroft Drive Oct. 28 $345,000 8728 Fieldcroft Drive Oct. 22 $360,000 9724 Winged Trail Court Oct. 21 $316,000 Cady Lake 5012 Jordanus Court Oct. 14 $485,000 Country Club Estates 6043 Legacy Circle Oct. 25 $705,000 Deerpark 9017 Deerpark Lane Oct. 23 $395,000 Edinburgh 15134 Rothesay Drive Oct. 15 $337,000 Endhaven 6813 Ridge Haven Lane Oct. 18 $270,000 Hunters Gate 12919 Landing Green Dr. Oct. 30 $407,000 12722 Landing Green Dr. Oct. 16 $410,000 Hunters Valley 11520 Sir Francis Drake Drive Oct. 15 $410,000 Kenilworth 15556 Donnington Drive Oct. 29 $382,500 Kensington at Ballantyne 9341 Whispering Wind Drive Oct. 3 $679,900 Mitchell Glen 9517 Mitchell Glen Drive Oct. 25 $314,000 9621 Blakeney Heath Rd. Oct. 3 $425,000 Piper Glen 7516 Seton House Lane Oct. 22 $625,900
4324 Stewart Ridge St. Oct. 11 $592,000 6508 Glynmoor Lakes Dr. Oct. 11 $1,070,000 4226 Shepherdleas Ln. Oct. 4 $710,000 Polo View 12333 Homestead Place Oct. 21 $301,900 12202 Taos Court Oct. 10 $315,000 Pond Side 11507 Willows Wisp Dr. Oct. 1 $368,000 Providence Country Club 10832 Congressional Club Drive Oct. 31 $875,000 12048 Royal Portrush Dr. Oct. 30 $745,000 5804 Providence Country Club Drive Oct. 17 $600,000 5910 Providence Country Club Drive Oct. 9 $1,098,000 Providence Crossing 11901 Darby Chase Dr. Oct. 18 $518,000 5300 Beritstrasse Court Oct. 16 $585,000 Providence Pointe 13904 Cypress Court Oct. 25 $485,000 16000 Caranna Court Oct. 23 $379,000 12408 Mcallister Park Dr. Oct. 11 $406,500 15620 Prescott Hill Ave. Oct. 8 $332,000 Rainbow Forest 10013 Swan Lake Lane Oct. 23 $330,000 Raintree 10121 Wedge Court Oct. 25 $242,500 4724 Autumn Leaf Lane Oct. 17 $298,000 8217 Strawberry Lane Oct. 17 $345,000 9516 Rainbow Forest Dr. Oct. 15 $208,000 Rea Farms 8017 Corn Hill Ave. Oct. 11 $447,049 Reavencrest 8625 Annabel Lee Lane Oct. 29 $332,500 Southampton Commons 11020 Sedgemoor Lane Oct. 29 $335,000 11024 Sedgemoor Lane Oct. 24 $300,000 Stone Creek Ranch 10227 Alvarado Way Oct. 23 $354,900 6529 Del Rio Road Oct. 4 $370,000 The Retreat 11408 Clems Branch Dr. Oct. 17 $513,000 11509 Clems Branch Dr. Oct. 16 $512,500 Thornhill 10828 Hastings Mill Ln. Oct. 31 $375,888 10734 Summitt Tree Ct. Oct. 16 $390,000 6832 Charter Hills Road Oct. 4 $358,000 Vineyard 10426 Sundance Court 30-Sep $450,000 Waverly 7933 Waverly Walk Ave. Oct. 31 $633,750 Weston Glen 14126 Eldon Drive Oct. 31 $369,000 9707 Holden Court Oct. 17 $427,000 Williamsburg 7919 Bracken House Ln. Oct. 28 $370,000 8218 Peyton Randolph Dr.Oct. 18 $420,000 Wyndham Oaks 15128 Wyndham Oaks Dr. Oct. 30 $475,000
Page 6A • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 8, 2019
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SPORTS South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 8, 2019 • Page 1B
I can’t wait for the roars by Andrew Stark
For me, there is no fan like the basketball fan. Sure, football and soccer have the jersey wearers, the face painters, the horned shoulder pad dudes, the costumes and camaraderie, but most fans sit so far away from the action that the players and coaches can’t hear what they’re saying. In high school sports a lot of times, the football and soccer games are more like social gatherings than they are about cheering their team on every play. I don’t find that to be as true of the basketball fan, and they have so much more to offer. The choreographed cheers, theme nights and the underlying roar of a basketball game over the dribbling of the ball and squeaking of the shoes is something that can’t be duplicated. I prefer that cheering fan base as close to the court as possible. A little gamesmanship between players, fans and even coaches can go a long way, in my opinion. And this year, with the 2019-20 basketball season upon us, there should be plenty to cheer about. In the Southwestern 4A, is Independence good enough to win its third straight boys title or does someone like Myers Park, Butler or Rocky River take control? Butler looks like the top dog on the girls side of things, but Hickory Ridge, Myers Park and Independence look particularly strong, too. How about in the So. Meck 7?
Senior-heavy Hawks lean on experience by Andrew Stark
CHARLOTTE – Charlotte Latin hasn’t won a boys basketball conference title since the 2007-08 season, two years before former Hawk point guard Chris Berger rose from an assistant to become the head coach. Berger has had some really good teams in the decade since, but there have been dominant runs from Charlotte Christian (2007-08 through 2011-12 and again in 2018-19) and Providence Day (2012-13 through 2017-18) during his time as the coach. But this season, more than ever since
the Hawks last stood atop the CISAA, the league seems there for the taking after Christian lost four of five starters and Providence Day has to absorb the loss of point guard and leading scorer Cyncier Harrison, who transferred just before the season. So who’s the league favorite this year? You may have to look no further than the Hawks, who return four starters including all-state point guard Randy “RJ” Johnson to lead the charge. After opening last season with a 6-5 record, you could almost feel the momentum shift as the Hawks seemed to catch fire over their Christmas tournament where they won their final two games.
That sparked a 10-4 run the rest of the way before the Hawks added to their loss total with a defeat in the NCISAA semifinals. “We didn’t finish games early in the year last season,” Johnson said. “I feel like later in the season we learned how to win. Each year we’ve gotten better and I think we like the way winning feels.” The Hawks finished 16-10 last season, but their late-season run is promising with six seniors, including four starters, back. Johnson was terrific last season, earning all-state honors after averaging 18 points and 5.5 assists. see HAWKS, Page 2B
see STARK, Page 2B
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PROVIDENCE RUNNING The Panther senior 400-meter specialist recently announced she committed to run track and field at Yale next season. Mainwaring Foster is one of the top runners in the state. Are you a coach and know an incredible athlete you’d like us to feature? email us at
Page 2B • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 8, 2019
HAWKS (continued from page 1B)
David Felkner, a 6-2 senior, improved as the season went on and, once he was inserted into the starting five to compensate for an injury, seemed to up his production. Felkner averaged 5.5 points per game for the year but scored double figures down the stretch on a relatively consistent basis. Bennett Smith, a 6-5 senior, averaged nine points and about seven rebounds and is a good interior defender as is Grayson Clements, a 6-5 key reserve. Brad Hull and fellow 6-3 guard Harry Grams can help, especially after Grams was an all-conference player at Whitefish Bay High in Wisconsin and should add to the team with shooting and defense. Graham Calton, a 6-4 junior foward, averaged 13 points and six rebounds. He is a big-time talent representing the future of the program. With all of that and sophomore Daniel Haughton and junior guards Chase Montgomery and Ryan Hirsh sprinkling into the mix, this team is deep, talented and not scared to talk about the expectations they face. “The goal is to be the top team in the conference, but we have to go out and win games,” Johnson said. “Expectations are high, we know that, but we’re taking this one game at a time. The expectations don’t change anything for us. We still have to go
There is a lot of hype surrounding the Charlotte Latin program, but the players are embracing it and looking forward to a great season with (back row, from left) Harry Grams, Brad Hull, Grayson Clements, Bennett Smith and (crouched, from left) Randy Johnson and David Felkner. Andrew Stark/SCW photo
out and take care of business.” Johnson said the strengths are outside shooting and size with eight players 6-2 or taller although nobody more than 6-5, which could bring rebounding into a premium. “We really pride ourselves on our chemistry as a team,” Clements said. “We have our seniors that have been together a lot. We have that chemistry, but I feel like we’ve built this Latin program by playing hard, doing what we’re told to do and coming to
work every day. If we work hard, we come to practice and work on what we need to, we’re going to be fine. We can play well if we do what we do.” The Hawks say they’d like to get off to a better start this season, although they will have some big-time tests against non-conference foes including Ardrey Kell, South Meck, Hickory Grove and Metrolina Christian among others. But the Hawks say they know what they
STARK (continued from page 1B)
I see Berry and Ardrey Kell fighting for the boys top spot, but you never know. Ardrey Kell, South Meck and Providence will fight it out on the girls side, but any of the three teams could win it. The private-school battle should be fun as well. Can the Charlotte Latin boys take over the CISAA this season with all they have back and fresh off their run to the Final Four? Can the Hawks get a season sweep by also winning the girls like they did last year, or is this the year Providence Day
have in their team and can fend off the expectations and challenges to reach their goals. “We have a lot of talent and a lot of shooting and size,” Johnson said. “We have a lot of guys who can shoot the ball and a lot of 3-and-D guys who know what we need to do.” Berger has challenged his team this season to make every day better, and it’s a motto the Hawks say they’re living by in the classroom and on the court as they look to build upon their best statistical season since the 2014-15 campaign. “Our motto is to win the day,” Johnson said. “We’re coming out here every day to practice hard and listen to what we need to. That’s how we win each day, and it’s how we’re approaching each day.” Even with their catchy sayings and obvious talent, the Hawks aren’t cemented in that top spot just yet. Country Day has some talent. Cannon has two of the best sophomores in the Southeast if not beyond. Covenant Day should be much improved and Providence Day and Charlotte Christian will always be in the mix of the league’s top teams. So the Hawks say they will not take anything for granted as they give it one more go together after last season ended with so much promise. “Every day at practice we have to earn everything, fight for everything and we know nothing will be given to us,” Hull said. “We’re going to fight for what we want.”
starts another two-decade long stretch of dominance? How about Carmel Christian? The boys lost a lot, but they have plenty of talent back and a coach who won’t let them settle. Charlotte Catholic tied for the Southern Carolinas girls championship and won the boys title outright. Both teams have stars back from last year who can extend that dominance another season. In all, this year is packed with questions and expectations. I expect all of the conference title races to be tighter this season than they’ve been in recent memory with one team clearly the favorite.
With so many questions and so much possibility, your team needs you in the stands on basketball nights. Cheer for your team and make it fun, but also remember to keep it classy. But most of all make the cheering loud enough to give your team that true home-court advantage this season.
How to keep up Make sure you’re following the South Charlotte Weekly on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @southcltweekly to get all the high school basketball coverage. You can also visit our website at www.
South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 8, 2019 • Page 3B
CHARLOTTE CATHOLIC Coach: Bobby Conrad, 11th season (185-94) 2018-19 Record: 22-8, 12-2 in S. Carolinas • Starting Five: Telfair Epperson, 5-6 senior guard (3.3 points, 1.8 rebounds); Dane Bertolina, 5-10 senior guard (15.8 points, 4.5 rebounds, 3.7 steals, 2.7 assists); Morgan Thompson, 5-8 junior guard (1.9 points, 1.4 rebounds); Cameron Green, 5-10 junior forward (2.0 points, 4.5 rebounds); Moira Darling, 5-8 senior guard (3.8 points, 5.2 rebounds, 2.0 steals) • Rotation Players: Imelda McMenamin, 5-8 sophomore guard; Tierney Petras, 5-10 senior forward; Anna Schroeder, 5-8 senior forward • The Dish: The Cougars are coming off a nice season in which they tied for the conference title
and advanced to the third round of the playoffs. This season they’ll have a chance to build off that starting with all-state forward Bertolina, an Appalachian State commit. She gets the team in its offense and is a plus defender. Epperson and Darling had some big individual games last season, while Green is a good interior player for the Cougars. McMenamin is an intriguing prospect inside as well after spending nearly all of last season on the JV squad. Petras and Schroeder will see minutes as well, but the fate of the Cougars likely rests on the very capable shoulders of Bertolina.
Left: Charlotte Catholic’s Moira Darling splits two defenders for a layup attempt in the first half of the Cougars 44-43 win over Cuthbertson on Jan. 25. Right: Ardrey Kell’s Lucy Vanderbeck scored 13 points in the Knights’ 52-50 win over South Meck on Feb. 2. SCW file photos
wing; Sarah Evans, 5-11 freshman wing • The Dish: The Knights have been a model of consistency while playing in a tough basketball conference and are shooting for their 10th consecutive 20-plus win season. This year, the Knights will lean on the tough game of Miller, their star and a UNC Wilmington commit. Vanderbeck is a space-eater inside and Rogers does a great job finding them all. The Knights will have plenty of size with the addition of Evans and Gueterman, but Harding and Newman will help them control the glass. If another scorer can take some of the pressure off of Miller, this is another 20-something win team and could extend the Knights’ streak of six consecutive conference titles.
Coach: Jeff Buseick, sixth season (121-27) 2018-19 Record: 23-6 • Returning Starters: Evan Miller, 5-11 senior guard (15.7 points, 5.5 rebounds); Meghan Rogers, 5-5 senior guard (6.0 points, 4.0 assists); Lucy Vanderbeck, 5-10 junior guard (7.0 points) • Key contributors: Emerson Harding, 6-1 senior forward; Trinity Palmer, 5-6 junior guard; Grace Belcher, 5-9 junior guard; Anna Marie Switzer, 5-6 junior guard; Tori Newman, 5-10 junior forward; Sydney Gueterman, 5-11 freshman
SOUTH MECK Coach: Cristie Mitchell, ninth season (112-104) 2018-19 Record: 18-9, 9-3 in So. Meck 7 • Returning Starters: Shakyra Harley, 5-5 senior guard; Senali Moss, 5-7 sophomore guard (12.3 points, 5.5 rebounds, 4.2 steals, 3.5 assists); Katie Lowe, 5-10 senior forward (3.1 points, 4.0 rebounds); Jaclyn Feit, 6-3 senior center (2.9 points, 4.5 rebounds, 2.5 blocks) • Rotation Players: Reece Johnston, 5-10 sophomore guard (1.7 rebounds); Katie Houpt, 5-10 sophomore guard (3.9 points, 2.1 re-
bounds); Kamora Cannie, 5-4 freshman guard • The Dish: Harley averaged six points and four rebounds per game as a sophomore, and returns after missing all of last season with an ACL injury. Moss was already all-conference as a freshman and is a supreme talent who will take on a bigger role. Feit and Lowe are the Sabres’ inside presence this season, and as seniors will be leaned on quite a bit. Houpt offers immediate scoring off the bench, and Johnston should see plenty of minutes filling in at the wing. Cannie will be in the rotation from the jump and will offer help at both guard sports. The varsity team has won 43 games over the past two seasons while the JV team has a three-year unbeaten record.
Coach: Andre Haston, 10th season (77-146) 2018-19 Record: 10-17 overall, 2-8 in CISAA • Starting Five: Kennedy Grier, 5-4 senior guard; Laila Hankerson, 5-6 freshman guard; Sophie Rucker, 5-6 junior guard (3.3 points, 2.2 rebounds); Mary Holland Waters, 5-8 sophomore guard (13.7 points, 3.0 rebounds, 2.3 steals); Hudson Rixham, 6-0 sophomore forward (11.1 points, 5.3 rebounds) • Rotation Players: Brooklin Ingram, 5-9 freshman forward; Lulu Sasz, 5-5 sophomore guard (2.7 points, 4.7 rebounds); George O’Neil 5-6 sophomore forward (4.4 points, 4.2
rebounds); Lindsay Batten, 5-11 senior post (1.6 points, 2.3 rebounds); Lacey Corey, junior guard (1.3 points, 1.6 rebounds) • The dish: The Bucs grew up together last season, and although they struggled mightily in their CISAA games, the benefits should pay off for them. WIth all-conference guard Waters, Rixham and O’Neil returning for their sophomore seasons after leading the team in scoring, they will be the focal part of the offense. Hankerson is an intriguing freshman and should start from Day 1. Rucker provides toughness inside, and Grier is back with the Bucs after missing two seasons with knee injuries. She’s a heady guard who will make a difference. Corey, Sasz and Corey will get plenty of minutes in the backcourt, while Batten is one of the best interior players and Ingram has the potential to contribute.
Coach: Charisse Mapp, 7th season (91-64) 2018-19 Record: 16-7 overall, 9-1 in CISAA
Coach: Barbara Nelson, 8th season (657-254) 2018-19 Record: 12-15 overall, 8-6 in SW4A
Coach: Tony Busby, second season (10-17) 2018-19 Record: 10-17, 1-9 in CISAA
• Starters: Elizabeth Rose, 6-0 junior guard (4.2 points, 4.4 rebounds); Mary Schleusner, 5-9 sophomore guard (2.1 points, 4.0 rebounds); Neely Grace Tye, 5-7 junior guard (8.4 points, 2.7 rebounds); Forrest Williams, 5-8 junior wing (2 points, 3;5 rebounds) • Key Contributors: Jacqueline Giftos, 5-7 sophomore guard; Maddie Shannon, 5-9 sophomore forward • The Dish: The Hawks have taken the reigns of the CISAA away from long-standing conference champs Providence Day and are the class of the league until someone knocks them off. This year, though, after graduating each of their three double-digit scorers there will be some change. Tye is a scoring guard who will get every chance to take the reigns. Schleusner and Rose are high-volume rebounders who will be asked to score more this season. The same can be said for Williams, who started some last season. Giftos and Shannon will play a ton for a team that may look much different at the end of the season after everyone adjusts to their roles. Hopefully, they can keep it together until then.
• Starting Five: Taylor Henderson, 5-10 junior guard (17 points, 7.4 rebounds, 2.9 assists, 2.4 steals); Nia Nelson, 5-10 junior wing (8.6 points, 7.3 rebounds); Naya Clamp, 5-7 junior guard (4.3 points, 3.5 rebounds); Taylor Stehmeier, 5-7 sophomore guard (2.2 points, 2.3 rebounds); Kaylin Wimpel, 6-1 junior center • Key Contributors: Maggie Wollen, 5-8 junior guard; Janey Thompson, 5-6 sophomore guard; Maddie Hughes, 5-8 junior forward; Connor Sule, 5-10 junior center; Anna Gianoppolous, 5-10 sophomore forward; Mia Xerras, 5-6 freshman guard; Ava Davis, 5-8 freshman wing • The Dish: The Mustangs will go as far as their standout junior Henderson can take them. One of the best players in the city, Henderson is smooth, gifted and does everything well. Nelson and Clamp are fellow juniors who will be asked to score more this season. Stehmeier and Wimpel didn’t play big minutes last season, but both are much improved and should see a major uptick in stats. Gianoppolous and Sule provide relief inside while Thompson, Wollen and Hughes are wing players. Freshmen Xerras and Davis should be in the rotation.
• Starting Five: Breya Busby, 5-5 junior guard; Emma Coles, 5-7 senior guard; Mya Olmeda, 5-5 junior guard; Ryan Swilling, 5-8 sophomore guard; Nora Schroeder, 5-11 sophomore forward • Key Contributors: Lindsey Noonan, 5-8 senior guard; Rachel Noonan, 5-10 sophomore forward; McKenzie Reed, 5-11 junior forward • The Dish: The Knights will be much more guard-oriented this season. Busby transfers in from Arborbrook Christian with an impressive resume, averaging 16.5 points, 6.0 assists and 5.3 steals per game. Olmeda, a South Meck transfer, also brings experience and toughness after starting for the Sabres. That will help the holdover Coles along with Schroder, a Catholic transfer, and Swilling, a Weddington transfer who averaged seven points for the Warriors as a freshman. Rachel Noonan is an explosive scorer and an efficient rebounder while sister Lindsay is a facilitator who averaged a few steals per game along with her consistent shooting. Reed will help inside where the Knights need size.
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Page 4B • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 8, 2019
COVENANT DAY Coach: Zach Turner, eighth season (83-102) 2018-19 Record: 7-19 overall, 3-7 in CISAA • Starters: Katherine Ashley, 5-8 junior forward (8.6 points, 5.2 rebounds, 2.9 steals); Caroline Cady, 5-10 sophomore forward (8.2 points, 5.1 rebounds); Viktoria McCue, 5-4 senior guard (4.1 points, 3.1 rebounds, 2.4 steals); Alexis Hailey, 5-9 freshman guard (1.4 points, 1.3 rebounds) • Key reserves: Eseosa Imafidon; Millie Evans; Elle Kelada; Jackie Haynes • The Dish: The Lions had a tough sea-
CARMEL CHRISTIAN Coach: Da’Charles Battle, second season (6-15) 2018-19 Record: 6-15 • Starting Five: Jacquelyn DeJesse, 5-2 sophomore guard (8.9 points, 5.4 rebounds, 2.1 steals); Olivia Boyce, 5-4 freshman guard (11.0 points, 5.0 rebounds, 2.0 steals); Amaya Glenn, 5-4 freshman guard (10.4 points, 4.5 rebounds, 4.4 steals); Bella Mendieta, 5-9 sophomore forward (6.2 points, 9.4 rebounds); Ann Elizabeth Nichols, 5-7 sophomore wing (7.6 points, 6.5 rebounds, 1.7 steals) • Newcomers: Kennedy Robinson, 5-10
Providence Day girls basketball coach Josh Springer has averaged 25 wins per season in 12 years at the school. Springer won his 300th game on the Charger sidelines last season. Photo courtesy of Ed Prisco
son last year in conference play, and limped to the finish line with four straight losses and a first-round playoff exit. This year they’ll need big seasons from Ashley, Cady and McCue as returning starters from that team. Cady and Ashley should be able to pick up the loss of all-conference 3-point marksman Maddie Crumpler, although Cady is their only outside shooter left. Hailey played some on a good Arborbrook Christian team as an eighth-grader and should blend in nicely. Imafidon is a 6-5 Nigerian exchange student, but she’s raw with little experience. She’ll help inside though. The CISAA is going to be top-heavy again with Charlotte Latin, Providence Day and Cannon all expected to be tough, but there is room for improvement.
junior forward; Abby Swinson, 6-0 freshman forward • The Dish: The Cougars played last season with all freshmen and eighth-graders, but Glenn and Boyce emerged as great scoring options and Glenn can do a little of everything. Nichols and DeJesse are multi-dimensional players with a lot of skill. They’ll be leaned on even more this season. Mendieta will start in the post and give an inside presence to pair with Swinson, a Providence Day transfer. Robinson will be their most experienced player, and the United Faith transfer will give a scoring punch off the bench. Expect this team to have a turnaround season.
PROVIDENCE DAY Coach: Josh Springer, 13th season (307-58) 2018-19 Record: 19-12 overall, 8-2 in CISAA • Returning Starters: Morgan Kelson, 5-10 senior forward (12.1 points, 7.1 rebounds); Andi Levitz, 5-5 guard (9.5 points, 2.2 rebounds); Kailey Smith, 5-7 senior guard (6.4 points, 2.2 rebounds); Nina-Simone Clark, 5-6 senior forward • Key Reserves: El Ferguson, 5-7 senior guard (4.2 points); Anna Riley Gutierrez,
5-6 junior guard (4.0 points); Taylor Sanchez, 5-6 junior forward (1.6 points); Scarlet Greer, 5-7 sophomore guard; Chandler Brooks; Lauren Jensen, 5-6 freshman guard • The Dish: The Chargers return four starters and several key reserves who led the team to the NCISAA semifinals last year, but will have to replace MiLea Owens, a
CARMEL CHRISTIAN Coach: Joe Badgett, second season (31-3) 2018-19 Record: 31-3 • Starters: Myles Hunter, 6-7 senior forward; Kenny Gwynn Jr., 6-5 senior forward; Justin Taylor, 6-3 junior wing; Glenn Bynum, 6-5 junior forward; Ben Burnham, 6-8 junior post • Key Contributors: Elijah Gray 6-7 sophomore forward; Kyle Bean, 6-3 sophomore guard; Bryson Pisacano, 5-9 junior guard; Julian Arias, 5-9 sophomore; Jackson Coffey 6-7 junior forward; Elijah Green, 5-8 freshman guard; Tyree Bracey, 6-6 sophomore forward; Nic Wilson, 5-9 junior guard • The Dish: Coach Badgett and his Cougar team enjoyed a dream season, winning a state title with a
senior-heavy team weighed down by expectations. Those five starters are all gone, but don’t feel sorry for the Cougars. At 6-7, Hunter is a high school coach’s worst nightmare as far as matchups with his crisp inside-out game. Gwynn is a talented forward who does it all well and both of those guys played big roles last season. From there, the Cougars are mostly all newcomers or guys in much different roles from last year. Bynum and Burnham give the Cougars plenty of size, and the options at guard behind Taylor are extensive. The Cougars won’t be as good, but they are still the champs until someone takes their crown.
Coach: Scott Taylor, fourth season (50-34) 2018-19 Record: 22-9, 11-3 in Southwestern 4A
Myles Hunter leaps into the air for a jump shot during the state title game against Village Christian on Feb. 23. The Cougars came out on top by just one point to clinch their second-straight title. SCW file photo
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Taking good care of your and your budget are both very Taking good care of your healthhealth and your budget Get help from a licensed are both veryWe important. We think at Cigna think important. at Cigna one ofone ourofMedicare Advantage Benefit Advisor our Medicare Advantage plans can help youbody be at & mind — at a price plans can help you be at your best, Covenant Day’s Jacob Dahlberg drives to the basket during your best, body & mind — at a price you can afford. you can afford. a 55-54 overtime win at Charlotte Catholic. SCW file photo These plans give you all the coverage of Original
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COVENANT DAY Coach: Marty Parrish, third season (9-40) 2018-19 Record: 6-17, 1-9 in CISAA
• Key returnees: Jacob Dahlberg, 6-2 senior guard (7.3 points, 3.9 rebounds and 2.0 assists); Hamidou Sidibe, 6-4 senior forward (15.5 points, 4.3 rebounds), Britt Anderson, 6-5 junior forward (7.0 points, 3.2 rebounds); John Ward, 6-6 junior post (2.0 points, 1.2 rebounds) October 23 at 10am & 2pm October 30 at 10am & 2pm • Newcomers: Thomas Hailey, 6-6 post; Aden Holloway, 336-766-1885 (TTY 711) Country Inn & Suites Country Inn & Suites 5-11 freshman guard; Joseph Serra, 5-11 sophomore guard; Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Ifeyani Ufochukwu, 6-9 sophomore post 2001 Mt. Harmony Church Rd. 2001 Mt. Harmony Church Rd. • The Dish: The Lions won their first-ever 4A playoff game Mathews, NC 28104 Mathews, NC 28104 last season but were too inconsistent. This season, they’re sprinkling in some talented newcomers with a core group November 14 at 2pm November 25 at 3pm of returnees. Dahlberg is the consummate point guard to Come to a Cigna Medicare Advantage Seminar in your area Levine Senior Center Levine Senior Center run the Lions attack. Athletic wing Sidibe was one of the 1050 Devore Lane 1050 Devore Lane city’s top newcomers last season and is back after leading Come to acare Cigna Advantage Seminar in your area Taking good of Medicare your health and your budget the team in scoring. Anderson and Ward will provide height, Mathews, NC 28105 Mathews, NC 28105 Get help from a licensed are both very important. We at Cigna think one of toughness and experience. Hailey, who averaged 17 points Benefit Advisor our Medicare Advantage plans can help you be at and nine boards last year with the South Charlotte Panthers, Taking of your health andyou yourcan budget your best,good bodycare & mind — at a price afford. Get help from a licensed are both very important. We at Cigna think one of will certainly help inside. Ufochukwu, an international exBenefit Advisor These give you all the coverage of you Original our plans Medicare Advantage plans can help be at change student, will also add size and athleticism. Serra Medicare plus extra benefits* these: your best, body & mind — at like a price you can afford. comes from Northside Christian and will help in the backThese plansplan givepremiums you all the coverage of Original monthly › $0 › Hearing benefits* court alongside Holloway, the freshman guard who already Medicare plus extra benefits* like these: › Fitness benefits* › Prescription drug coverage* All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, holds an offer from Syracuse. plan premiums › $0 monthly › Dental coverage* ›› AHearing helpfulbenefits* health
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November 25 at 3pm Levine Senior Center 1050 Devore Lane Mathews, NC 28105
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Get help from a licensed Benefit Advisor
Levine Senior Center November 14 at 2pm Senior Center 1050Levine Devore Lane 1050 Devore Lane Mathews, NC 28105
Mathews, NC 28105
three-year starter who will miss the season with injury. Providence Day gets back Clark, a senior guard and all-conference player who missed last season due to injury. All-state performers Kelson and Levitz will headline the show, but Godwin, Guiterrez and Ferguson have played big roles on this team for years. Freshmen Brooks, Jensen, Latter and Roper will all get a shot at minutes as well.
David L. McCall McCall Insurance Services 336-766-1885 (TTY 711) Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm Levine Senior November 25Center at 3pm • Levine SeniorLane Center 1050 Devore 1050 Devore Mathews, NC Lane 28105 Mathews, NC 28105
All Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Cigna products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of Cigna Corporation, includingInc., CignaCigna HealthHealthCare and Life Insurance Company, CignaAllHealthCare of South Carolina, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of North Carolina, Inc., Cigna HealthCare of Georgia, of Arizona, Inc., Cigna Cigna HealthCare of Inc., SouthHealthSpring Carolina, Inc.,Life Cigna HealthCare of North Carolina,Inc., Inc., HealthSpring Cigna HealthCare of Georgia, Cigna HealthCare of Arizona, Inc.,Bravo Cigna Health HealthCare of St. Louis, & Health Insurance Company, of Florida, Inc., Inc., Bravo Health Mid-Atlantic, Inc., and HealthCare of St. Louis, Inc., HealthSpring Life & Health Insurance Company, Inc., HealthSpring of Florida, Inc., Bravo Health Mid-Atlantic, Inc., and Bravo Pennsylvania, Inc. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. *Select benefits may not be available Health in all service Pennsylvania, Inc. The Cigna name, logos, and other Cigna marks are owned by Cigna Intellectual Property, Inc. *Select benefits may not be available in all service areas without a monthly premium or without an additional monthly premium. Some plans may include these benefits under the monthly premium. Benefit options vary by areas without a monthly premium or without an additional monthly premium. Some plans may include these benefits under the monthly premium. Benefit options vary by plan and area.area. ThisThis information is not a complete Call1-888-284-0268 1-888-284-0268 more information. accommodation of persons with special planservice and service information is not a completedescription description of of benefits. benefits. Call forfor more information. For For accommodation of persons with special 336-766-1885 (TTY 711) needsneeds at meetings call call <insert phone andand TTY number>. with applicable applicableFederal Federalcivil civil rights laws not discriminate the basis race, color, 336-766-1885 (TTY 711) Cigna at meetings <insert phone TTY number>. Cignacomplies complies with rights laws andand doesdoes not discriminate on theonbasis of race,ofcolor, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Cigna cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Cigna cumple con las leyes federales de derechos civiles aplicables y no discrimina por motivos de raza, color, nacionalidad, edad, edad, discapacidad or sexo. English: ATTENTION: assistanceservices, services,free free charge available to you. Call 1-888-284-0268 (TTY 711). discapacidad or sexo. English: ATTENTION:If Ifyou youspeak speakEnglish, English, language language assistance of of charge areare available to you. Call 1-888-284-0268 (TTY 711). Spanish: ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tiene gratuitosde deasistencia asistencialingüística. lingüística. Llame al 1-888-284-0268 Chinese: 注意:如 Spanish: ATENCIÓN: Si habla español, tienea asusudisposición disposiciónservicios servicios gratuitos Llame al 1-888-284-0268 (TTY(TTY 711). 711). Chinese: 注意:如 果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-888-284-0268(TTY (TTY711). 711). Cigna is contracted Medicare for plans, PDP plans, HMO and PPO 果您使用繁體中文,您可以免費獲得語言援助服務。請致電 1-888-284-0268 Cigna is contracted withwith Medicare for PDP HMO and PPO in select states, select State Medicaidprograms. programs.Enrollment Enrollment in renewal. plansplans in select states, andand withwith select State Medicaid in Cigna Cignadepends dependsononcontract contract renewal. © 2020 Some content provided under license. A_F_43 Y0036_20_76414_M © 2020 CignaCigna Some content provided under license. A_F_43 Y0036_20_76414_M
Coach: Brian Field, 14th season (241-154) 2018-19 Record: 13-16, 4-6 in CISAA
• Rotation Players: Davis Fagan, AJ Ratchford, 5-11 senior guard; Luke Brighton, 6-2 senior forward; Baker Olin, 6-3 senior forward • The Dish: The Chargers finally came down to earth after a long stretch of dominance, but don’t count them down for long even though they lost starting point guard and leading scorer Cyncier Harrison (16.4 points, 4.1 assists, 3.5 rebounds). Zanoni is a dead-eyed shooter who can stretch defenses with his range. Scott is coming from Gaston Day and had a decent freshman season there. Byrne is a passfirst guard who will play big minutes and Miralia, an N.C. State baseball commit, is a big presence inside assuming he plays again this season. Fagan is a Charlotte Chrisitan transfer who will see minutes. The bench is solid with Ratchford and Brighton in the backcourt and Olin helping the Chargers inside. >> More teams on Page 6B
• Starting Five: Drake Maye, 6-5 junior forward (13.6 points, 8.4 rebounds, 2.6 assists); Kameron Mack, 5-8 senior guard (6.9 points, 2.9 assists, 2.5 rebounds); Xavier McKelvy, 6-1 junior guard (4.9 points, 1.7 rebounds); Kaden Elaasar, 5-10 senior guard; Tyrese Gwinn, 6-6 senior forward (2.2 rebounds) • Rotation Players: Elijah Strong, 6-7 freshman forward; Henry Ryan, 6-3 junior forward; Jacob Newman, 5-10 sophomore guard (3.9 points) • The Dish: The Mustangs made it to the Great 8 last season and nearly knocked off RJ Reynolds to advance further. All-conference forward Maye is back after a terrific sophomore season. Maye has inside-out, point-forward type game that drives this team. Mack is a good shooter and creator who could at least double his scoring average. McKelvy will bring scoring as well, but with three guards rebounding will be critical. Gwinn will help there, and new starter Elaasar will get every opportunity to shine. Expect the uber-talented Newman to take a big jump this season, while freshmen Strong and Ryan will play now.
UNITED FAITH Coach: Josh Coley, fourth season (63-29) 2018-19 Record: 17-13 • Starters: Cedric Patterson, 6-1 junior guard; John Massey; 6-6 senior wing; Charlie Hester, 6-4 junior wing; Anjay Cortez, 6-9 senior forward; Quinten Scheuermann, 6-10 junior center • Key contributors: Jaden Quick, 5-10 junior guard; LJ Johnson, 6-2 junior guard; Mike Dudley, Jr. 6-5 junior wing; Adriel De La Rosa, 6-8 junior center • The Dish: Patterson averaged 15 points per game at Victory Christian and, along with all-state guard Massey (12.3 points), they should take the bulk of the scoring roles over. Inside, Arborbrook Christian transfer Scheuermann will give them a physical presence, as will wing Dudley, Jr., a transfer from East Meck who holds offers from Elon and Hampton. Cortez and De La Rosa will add depth up front. Johnson and Quick will spell what should be a pretty good backcourt. If the Falcons gel quickly, they have the talent to be a very tough out for anyone.
South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 8, 2019 • Page 5B
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Page 6B • South Charlotte Weekly • Nov. 8, 2019
CHARLOTTE CATHOLIC Coach: Mike King, 12th season (195-107) 2018-19 Record: 21-9, 13-1 in Southern Carolinas • Returning Starters: Colin Thomas, 6-0 junior guard (13.0 points, 2.9 rebounds, 2.6 assists); David Pino, 6-4 senior forward (10.0 points, 7.2 rebounds); Kevin McArdle, 6-3 junior forward (6.5 points, 2.5 rebounds); Jack Dortch, 5-11 senior guard (7.0 points); Kevin Dumser, 6-0 junior guard (4.8 points)
Newcomer: Kyle Hanchard, 6-1 sophomore guard • The Dish: The Cougars had lost a lot of talent going into last season, but with that brought the arrival of Thomas, a crafty guard with a knack of getting to the rack, and Pino, a steady forward, as leaders and all-conference
COUNTRY DAY Charlotte Latin’s Graham Calton rises up for a 3-pointer in the Hawks’ 70-66 loss to Charlotte Christian. SCW file photo
CHARLOTTE LATIN Coach: Chris Berger, 11th season (152-112) 2018-19 Record: 16-10, 6-4 in CISAA • Returning Starters: Randy Johnson, 6-0 senior guard (18 points, 5.5 assists); Graham Calton, 6-4 junior guard (13 points, 5.8 rebounds); Bennett Smith, 6-5 senior forward (9 points, 6.7 rebounds); David Felkner, 6-2 senior guard (5.5 points) • Rotation Players: Grayson Clements, 6-5 senior forward; Daniel Haughton, 5-11 sophomore guard; Ryan Hirsh, 5-9 junior guard; Brad Hull, 6-3 senior forward • Key Newcomers: Harry Grams, 6-3 senior forward; Chase Montgomery, 6-1 junior guard • The Dish: The Hawks are coming off a run to the
final four last season and return four starters including Johnson, their all-state point guard who makes everything go. Calton is capable of taking over games himself and both he and Johnson are college recruits with plenty of interest. Felkner came alive as the season wore on. Smith offers them size and inside scoring along with Clements, who could slide into the starting lineup this season. Haughton, Hirsch and Hull will add depth to the backcourt along with Montgomery. Grams is an all-conference player at Whitefish Bay HS in Wisconsin and returns to Latin after a three-year absence.
SOUTH MECK Coach: John Fitch, 11th season (112-136) 2018-19 Record: 8-17, 5-7 in So. Meck 7 • Returning Players: Ben Hollifield, 6-1 senior guard (4.0 points, 1.9 rebounds); Max McKittrick, 6-2 senior guard (1.0 point); Trent Lose, 6-1 junior guard (1.3 points, 1.3 rebounds); Bryson Nesbit, 6-6 junior post (5.1 points, 5.0 rebounds, 1.7 blocks, 1.4 assists) • The Dish: The Sabres started last season with a 1-7 record and had a long stretch
Coach: Dwayne Cherry, 10th season (117-144) 2018-19 Record: 18-12 overall, 4-6 in CISAA • Starting Five: Brandon Cherry, 6-0 junior guard; Knoah Carver, 6-2 junior guard (4.3 points, 1.8 rebounds, 1.7 assists); Luke Gardner, 5-10 junior guard; Jordan Erwin, 6-3 junior forward; Jackson Krisko, 6-4 senior forward (8.7 points, 6.7 rebounds, 2.2 assists, 1.5 blocks)
performers. They’re back and form a great 1-2 punch for the defending conference champs. McArdle had some big games last season and will need to hit the boards with the Cougars again undersized. Dortch and Dumser played a bunch and started at times last year and offer leadership in the backcourt. Newcomer Hanchard will back up at the point, but Catholic will need to find another couple of rotation players. Expect this team to again compete for the league crown.
• Rotation Players: Jimmy Mitchell, 5-9 junior guard; Julian Williams, 6-0 senior guard (2.4 points, 2.1 rebounds) • The Dish: The Bucs won 15 of their first 20 games last season before limping down the finish with just three wins over their final 10. However, four of their top five scorers from last season have graduated, so there is major change throughout the roster. Cherry will get the chance to play point after transferring in from Independence. Carver, an Ardrey Kell transfer, could be a star in this offense and will get every chance to produce. Gardner played sparingly last season. Both Cherry and East Meck transfer Erwin are stepping into much larger roles. Krisko is a college recruit and the centerpiece of this team after a good junior campaign. Williams showed promise last season at the point.
CHARLOTTE CHRISTIAN Coach: Shonn Brown, 19th season (421-168) 2018-19 Record: 27-2, 10-0 in CISAA • Returning Players: Peter Lash, 6-6 senior forward (7.9 points, 6.8 rebounds, 1.5 blocks); Logan Jones (5.7 points, 4.7 rebounds, 1.7 blocks); Luke Drees, 6-5 senior forward (3.6 points, 1.5 rebounds) • Rotation Players: Bryce Cash, 6-3 freshman guard; Cade Nicholson, 6-3 freshman guard; Gavin Peach, 6-0 sophomore guard; TJ Hardy, 6-0 fresh-
during the conference last year when they lost six of seven games. That is mentioned because, even with the inconsistencies and constant lineup juggling, the Sabres were able to win five conference games and make some strides. This season they will be looking for consistent scoring after graduating three of their top four scorers, and they will start with Nesbit, the inside force who can rebound, play defense and facilitate the offense. Expect him to have a very big season inside. Hollifield is a quality shooter who hit 22 3-pointers last season at a 34% clip. McKittrick and Lose were reserves last year, but both of the guards are expected to make big contributions.
man guard; Lloyd Glen, 5-10 senior guard • The Dish: The Knights go from a senior-led team to a very young one in the course of one season with the loss of four seniors, all of whom were double-figure scorers currently on college rosters. The retool will start with three carryovers. Lash shot 48% from 3-point range and is a tough matchup. Jones is
ARDREY KELL Coach: Mike Craft, 14th season (227-126) 2018-19 Record: 23-6, 9-3 in So. Meck 7 • Starters: Luke Stankavage, 6-3 senior guard (19.0 points, 3.4 rebounds, 3.2 assists); Evan Smith, 6-3 sophomore guard (3.6 points, 2.7 assists, 2.3 rebounds); Anthony Testa, 6-3 senior wing (1.6 points); Peyton Gerald, 6-7 junior center; Davidson Hubbard, 6-5 senior forward (2.9 points, 3.0 rebounds)
an athletic forward who can get to the basket and Drees is a good rebounder and defender. That’s most of the varsity experience that returns other than reserve guard Glen, but the newcomers are good. Cash already holds an offer from Liberty before playing a high school game, Nicholson is going to make an immediate impact and Hardy, a Northside Christian transfer, is a good shooter. All three are freshmen and will team with Peach to provide shooting to a team that should be fun to watch grow.
• Key contributor: Chandler Speight, 6-0 guard • The Dish: The Knights return three starters from a team that won 20 or more games for the fifth time in the last seven years and advanced to the Elite 8. Stankavage is the team’s leader and they will go as far as the tough-minded guard can take them. Smith will be given the keys to the offense after Ardrey Kell lost or graduated five of its top six scorers. Hubbard is also back as a starter while Testa and Gerald will join the lineup. Both will see a major uptick in minutes and production. Speight is a combo guard who should step right in, too.
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