Fl2014 portfolio carolinebrewer

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caroline brewer architecture portfolio fall 2014


light machine topography urban chapel

light machine The model catches and redistributes light into a dappled pattern, simulating the experience of sitting underneath a tree. The system is developed by modular apertures where thickness in the styrene strip correlates to wider openings and more light. As the thickness decreases, the apertures become more dense and filter the light more heavily, creating a play of patterns on the surface below.

Branches create sweeping passages of darkness while leaves filter and soften the light.

site selection Gathering data on movement contributed to the placement of the site. The goal was to reroute the existing path to make it more useful for park goers and to create a divergence in the path that allows users the opportunity either to go into the chapel or around it. Long, linear strips feather into the ground, growing out of the topography lines and following the natural slope of the earth. The strips fold down and lift up to create structure and benches along the path.



Pe op le te n d to move a long th e imag in e d topogra phy lin e s of th e site, ta king the p ath of le ast resista nce, an d oc c asion a lly moving p e rp e n d ic u larly to climb h ills. Th e p roject used this as a d e sig n p a ra meter, rerou tin g th e e xisting pa th of th e site .

The par k i s adj acent t o an el ement ar y s cho o l and s mal l s ho ps al o ng De Mun Avenue. The pr i mar y user s o f t he par k are f ami l i es w i t h s mal l chi l dren, do g-w al ker s and o t her peo pl e f ro m t he nei ghbo rho o d. The pro j ect ai ms t o acco mo dat e t hes e peo pl e and ampl i f y t he w el l -ut i l i z ed, exi s t i ng ameni t i es .

mapping the site experience Mapping movement, speed, and rate of occurence relays an in depth understanding of who uses the site and what its best amenities are. Dashed lines indicate human movement, wide tracks show people with animals. Many people use the existing path, but the central longitudinal zone of the site tended to be used by families with children, animals and people looking for a spot to rest and observe park activity.

developing form The project is intended to be an accessory to the site, not a distraction. The form needed to be subtle, something that one discovers and which can serve as an additional amenity to park goers. The building grows from the ground, sinking below the surface of the hillside but maintaining brightness and illumination through the many apertures overhead. It is a quiet space where small openings allow the user both to observe the landscape and be observed by those who walk along the path above.

urban chapel The chapel explores the nature of spirituality as the relationship of parts to the whole. People and relationships as part of a web where each unit is connected and affected by the progression and existence of the whole. The project aims to develop this understanding formally and experientially.

floor plan The user descends from the path down a low slope to enter. To the left are restrooms and a meditation room. An outdoor meditation area allows users to observe people in the park above and vice versa. The experience is one of observation and reflection. The central chapel space creates an informal public gathering place for larger groups. The lower area is a private library where members of the community, many of them university faculty can come together to collaborate, contemplate, study and observe. It is a bright space where light enters from clerestory windows above shared desk space.

sections and apertures Both the park and the path sides feature elongated openings where people can see in and out. Those walking along the path can observe activities going on in the central chapel space, meditation garden or room. Benches rise up from the ground near the windows, allowing walkers to stop and peer in before continuing on.

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