Board Meeting Minutes Tuesday 20th May, 2014 10am SMIA Office
Directors Present: Stewart Henderson (SH), Dougal Perman (DP), Tam Coyle (TC), Greg Kane (GK), Graham Collins (GC), Ally Gray via Skype (AG), and Caroline Cooper
1. Apologies No apologies, all directors present.
2. Minutes of last meeting and matters arising The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
3. Finance Update No cash flow issues.
4. SAY Award The board discussed the pros and cons of the SAY Award app which isn't being developed this year. Instead the SAY Award website is fully mobile compatible. SH thanked CC for her work on this year's award. ACTION - CC will check which of the short listed artists can make the ceremony.
5. goNORTH The board discussed whether to offer a discounted membership rate for goNORTH attendees. It was decided that we wouldn't proceed with this. CC, GK, SH, AG, TC, GC will attend goNORTH.
6. The Big Music Project CC informed the board about The Big Music Project that the SMIA will be working on. ACTION - CC will meet with Wide Days and goNORTH to explain the project and ask them to get involved. 7. Future Of The SMIA CC spoke about her view on the current position of the SMIA. She believes that the organisation is achieving it's goals and is happy with her increased work load and responsibility. 8. AOB No other business.