How to find best web hosting company
Don’t waste your time from switching one hosting company to another. Find the best web hosting company by the following these simple tips Before purchasing web hosting service make sure to analyze the customer care, so that they help you 24X7 when the website goes down
Make sure that the downtime of the server doesn’t exceed 0.05%.
Choose for third party domain registrar, so that you can change your whenever you want Don’t opt for unlimited web hosting as there are high changes to be cheated Choose a Versatile Hosting Company so that it can support your future plans. Opt for long trial period so that if you are not satisfied with the service, you have more change for refund. It is better to pay with your Paypal account and simply cancel the subscription via Paypal if you wanted to change the provider. Don’t fall for low price and don’t choose contract which are more than 12 month
QE Cart 40 Wynford Drive, Don Mills Ontario ,Canada 1-866-233-0810