Euromed Management Research Year Book

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Research YearBook 2010-2011

Contents • Editorial

• Books

• Euromed Management Research Priorities

• Editorial Activities

• International Scientific Committee

• PhDs & HDRs

• Research Output

• International Activities

- Research Priority 1:

• Doctoral Programmes

- GBOE - Editorial Boards

• Research Chairs

Market, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Euro-Mediterranean, Emergent, and Subsistence Marketplaces

• Research Assistants

- Research Priority 2:

• Faculty Members

The Management of Diversity and Managing Across Cultures

- Research Priority 3: Environmental and Ethical Dimensions of Businesses and Organisations

- Research Priority 4: Strategies, Markets, and Customers in Entertainment, Sports, Healthcare, and Maritime Industries

- Research Priority 5: Managing Networks, Value Chains, and Entrepreneurship


Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. _ Albert Szent-Gyรถrgyi


Research is central to Euromed Management’s mission and vision, such that all our research activities are organised around research priorities that correspond to Euromed Management’s strengths and areas of expertise. Our research priorities translate Euromed Management’s strategic positioning into research activities and strengthen the links of research with both educational programmes and economic partners. These priorities help define the profiles and research fields of new faculty members, as well as our choice of image-building activities, including conferences, workshops and seminars. They further guide choices of partnerships with businesses and organisations and the development of research chairs. This research yearbook is organised around the five research priorities defined for the duration of Euromed Management’s strategic plan. Within each priority, we present major projects and events that have taken place during the year, along with academic contributions by Euromed Management, including scientific journal articles, conferences, books, and case studies. We consistently encourage the publication of academic journal articles and conference papers but also favor research activities more closely related to managerial concerns, such as the development of networks and events that bring together managers and scholars. We are proud of the growth of our research output and express great thanks to all the faculty members who have contributed to this exciting endeavour. Our research activities have certainly facilitated Euromed Management’s accreditation by Equis, the AACSB, and the Association of MBAs. Research at Euromed Management should be diverse, imaginative, and scientifically irreproachable. It also should answer questions relevant to managers. Therefore, we will continue to develop research chairs and management networks within which scholars and executives may interact. We believe that through research, we can develop knowledge and share our enhanced understanding with students, executives, and fellow academics.

— Bernard Belletante Director General and Dean

— Dwight Merunka Director of Research and Doctoral Programmes


Euromed Management Research Priorities • Market, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Euro-Mediterranean, Emergent, and Subsistence Marketplaces • The Management of Diversity and Managing Across Cultures • Environmental and Ethical Dimensions of Businesses and Organisations • Strategies, Markets, and Customers in Entertainment, Sports, Healthcare, and Maritime Industries • Managing Networks, Value Chains, and Entrepreneurship

International Scientific Committee Euromed Management’s research policy and organisation is validated by an International Scientific Committee composed of the following members: • Prof. Walter Baets

Director, Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town, South Africa.

• Prof. Celia De Anca

Director, Centre for Diversity in Global Management, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid, Spain.

• Prof. Maria Tereza Leme Fleury

Faculdade de Economia e Administraçao, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

• Prof. Robert Galliers

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Bentley College, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA.

• Prof. John Luiz

Director of International Programmes, Wits Business School, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

• Prof. Dwight Merunka

Director of Research and Doctoral Programmes, Euromed Management, and Professor, IAE Aix, University Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille, France.

• Dr. Dominguez Ricardo

Chief of Staff, Office of the Secretary General, Organization of American States, Washington DC, USA.

• Prof. Michael Wood

Professor of Management, University of Notre Dame, Freemantle, Australia.

• Prof. Luk Warlop

Professor of Marketing, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway.


Research Output Euromed Management Publications





Articles (Total)





A and B Articles



Other Academic Articles


Professional Journal Articles










Book Chapters










Research Papers Presented at Conferences





Case Studies (published in a case clearing house)










Number of CNRS Rated Articles





4 Star CNRS Articles





3 Star CNRS Articles





2 Star CNRS Articles





1 Star CNRS Articles





Total Number of Stars





*Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique


Research Priority 路 1 路

Market, Corporate, and Individual Behaviours in Euro-Mediterranean, Emergent, and Subsistence Marketplaces


Major emerging markets overcame the recent financial

of emerging and developing markets, and propose

crisis by taking the driver’s seat in the global economy

relevant approaches for conducting business. Research

and are likely to dominate the economic stage in

production within this priority thus seeks to explore

the 21st century. In the meantime, Arab revolutions

a macro perspective (e.g., international economics,

have effectively highlighted the risks associated

international finance, geopolitics), the welfare and

with economic and social stagnation. Euromed

development implications of business (e.g., corporate

Management’s mission – to promote economic

social responsibility, micro finance, entrepreneurship),

development in the Mediterranean area by training

and core management functions (e.g., finance, strategy,

responsible managers – thus appears more relevant


than ever. It is now the responsibility of all stakeholders

research is funded in part by international agencies

(businesses, consumers, policy-makers) to determine

(such as the World Bank and the Euro-Mediterranean

whether the Mediterranean will become an area of

Forum of Economic Science Institute) and presented

shared prosperity, or a source of geopolitical tension.

at international conferences. Euromed Management’s

In this context, this research priority’s objective is

reputation as a credible research institution is thus

to develop and disseminate managerially-relevant

well established.

knowledge that can facilitate long-run international trade and capital flows in this region. To do so, we will revisit established models, in light of the specificities




Key Words: Emerging Markets, Euro-Mediterranean Markets, Development Economics, Geopolitics, Informal Economy, Development. — RESEARCH PRIORITY COORDINATOR Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot Associate Professor of Finance



Projects & Events Forum Euroméditerranéen des Instituts de Science Economique

FEMISE Projects


research programme “Towards a New and Inclusive

Euromed Management has been awarded a research grant from FEMISE to contribute to the Growth in the Euromed Region”, with the objective

The FEMISE Association is a Euro-Mediterranean

of providing decision makers with elements

network that currently includes 94 member institutes,

that encourage convergence within the Euro-

representing the 37 partners of the Barcelona Process

Mediterranean region. Dr. Boris Bartikowski,

(27 EU members and 10 south Mediterranean partners),

Associate Professor of Marketing, is in charge of the

with the primary objective of conducting research on

project “A Cross-Country Assessment of Well-Being

economic, social, and political economy topics that

and Quality of Life in the Euromed Region: Models

have been defined as priorities for the region’s future.

and Measurements.” This project investigates

Since 1997, the association has received support from

indicators and drivers of well-being and quality of

the European Commission, within the framework of

life, with a focus on consumption activities. The

the MEDA Regional Programme. Prof. Jean Louis

research will compare Mediterranean countries

Reiffers, Affiliate Professor of Economics at Euromed

with their foreign counterparts in the EU to help

Management, is President of the Scientific Committee

identify opportunities for societal development that

and Coordinator of FEMISE. As an active member

policy makers can pursue to promote convergence,

of the network, Euromed Management participates

especially to the benefit of poor and disadvantaged

in annual conferences, seminars, as well as general

populations in the Mediterranean.

assemblies, and internal consultations of FEMISE. It


holds the distinction of being the only business school

Finance, and Dr.

in the Euro-Mediterranean zone to be a member of

Associate Professor of Finance, have created an

the forum. Prof. Bernard Paranque is the delegate

international consortium with Dr. Simon Neaime,

for Euro-Mediterranean Affairs and the FEMISE

Professor of Finance at the American University

correspondent for Euromed Management.

of Beirut. They secured funding from FEMISE for a








12-month research project on the theme “Financial Integration, Shock Vulnerability, and Dominant Foreign Investors: Implications for the Cost of Capital in Emerging Markets.”

Prof. Jean Louis Reiffers

Prof. Bernard Paranque

Dr. Boris Bartikowski 8

World Bank Environmentally Sustainable Mediterranean Development Program

Prof. Yahia Zoubir

EuroMeSCo Conference

(Sustainable MED)

In November 2010, the EuroMeSCo Network

The “Environmentally Sustainable Mediterranean Development

(Euro-Mediterranean Study Commission)

Program” (Sustainable MED) seeks to shift the sustainable

and IEMed (European Institute of the

development agenda from its current narrow environmental



focus at country levels to a broader, multi-sectoral, economic

2010 EuroMeSCo conference in Barcelona

focus. This will facilitate moving environmental management

entitled, “Euromed + 15: New Paths of

into the mainstream of the economic development agenda

Cooperation Across the Mediterranean.” As

of southern and eastern Mediterranean countries. Following

an active member, Euromed Management

a common vision, this programme aims to generate and

participated in this network event, which

diffuse knowledge in order to create necessary conditions for

brought together distinguished experts

implementing appropriate political measures that affect the

and scholars to debate the future of Euro-

environment, as well as supporting informed decision making.

Mediterranean politics in light of the new

Every two years, Sustainable MED publishes a report with a

geopolitical context. Prof. Yahia Zoubir,

thorough analysis of major environmental issues linked to

Professor of International Relations and

economic development in southern and eastern Mediterranean

International Management at Euromed

countries. Work on the first issue spread over 11 months and

Management, took part in the EuroMeSCo

was managed by the World Bank, along with a consortium of

General Meeting to help define the Network’s

partners including the Blue Plan (UNEP/ MAP/MAP), European

future research objectives.

Investment Bank, Agence Française de Développement, AFD



(French Development Agency), and the FEMISE Association. Hired as short-term consultants on the project, Dr. Julien Hanoteau, Associate Professor of Sustainable Development and Economics, and Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot, Associate Professor of Finance, have taken responsibility for two sections of the report, focusing on “Promoting Tradable Rights and Payments for Ecosystem Services” and “Environmental and Social Governance,” respectively.

Dr. Julien Hanoteau 9

Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot

Publications Articles Abaaoukide, K. & Bentaleb, C. (2011) La gestion de l’urgence dans les PME au Maroc : perceptions et pratiques de gestion. Management & Avenir No. 43, 77-97.

Bentaleb, C. & Louitri, A. (2011) La construction de la croissance des PME au Maroc. Management & Avenir Vol. 43, 12-15.

Caru, A. & Cova, B. (2011) Autenticita mediterranea al di la degli stereotipi. Economia & Management Vol. 4, 2-8.

Cova, B. & Orsini, J. (2010) Une diète méditerranéenne pour l’hyper consommateur. Annales Méditerranéennes d’Economie Vol. 2, 104-124.

Gimet, C. & Lagoarde-Segot, T. (2011) A closer look at financial development and income distribution.

Leoni, P. (2010) Downside risk of derivative portfolios with mean-reverting underlyings. Financial Risk Management Vol. 7, No. 3, 47-56.

Malone, S. & ter Horst, E. (2010) The Black Market for Dollars in Venezuela. Journal of Emerging Markets, Finance and Trade Vol. 46, No. 5, 67-89.

Peret, C. & Paranque, B. (2010) Les nouvelles dynamiques ` de la solidarité intergénérationnelle et de la protection contre les risques de la vie en Algérie. Les Cahiers du CREAD Vol. 91, 131-167.

ter Horst, E., Rodriguez, A., Gzyl, H., & Molina, G. (2010) Stochastic volatility models including open, close, high and low prices. Quantitative Finance DOI 10.1080/14697688.2010.492233.

Conferences Augier, P., Cadot, O. & Dovis, M. (2010) Imports and TFP at the firm level: The role of absorptive capacity. 12th Annual Conference of the European Trade Study Group, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9-11 September 2010.

Ben Larbi, S. (2010) Enjeux stratégiques, options cachées et conditions d’éligibilité d’une opération OBO. 6th International Finance Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, 10-12 March 2011.

Ben Larbi, S. & Tétard, C. (2011) Identification des critères de pré-investissement retenus par les sociétés de capital risque : une étude exploratoire. 6th International Finance Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, 10-12 March 2011.

Gimet, C., Lagoarde-Segot, T. (2011) Global crisis and financial destabilization in ASEAN countries. A microstructural perspective. The 9th Infiniti Conference on International Finance, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 13-14 June 2011.

Journal of Banking and Finance Vol. 35, Issue 7, 1698-1713.

Hahn, T., Figge, F., Liesen, A. & Barkemeyer, R. (2010) Opportunity cost based analysis of corporate eco-efficiency, a methodology and its application to the CO2-efficiency of German companies.

Malone, S., Rodríguez, A. & ter-Horst, E. (2011) The GARCH structural credit risk Model. XVIII Finance Forum, Alicante, Spain, 18-19 November 2010.

Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 91, No. 10, 1997-2007.

Malone, S., Rodríguez, A. & ter-Horst, E. (2011) The GARCH structural credit risk model. 2nd HEC Finance and Statistics Conference, Paris, France, 8 October 2010.


Micheletti, P. (2010) Contradiction et création : une alliance de raison.

Wang, H. & Kimble, C. (2011) Business model innovation in the Chinese electric vehicle industry.

IV Forum Environment, Innovation & Sustainable Development at Euromed Management, Marseilles, France, 7-8 October 2010.

19th GERPISA International Colloquium: Is the Second Automobile Revolution Underway? Paris, France, 8-10 June 2011.

Vial, V. & Prévot, F. (2011) The effect of firm-level corruption on foreign direct investment survival in emerging economies: Empirical evidence from Indonesia.

Zen, A., Evaldo, J. & Prévot, F. (2010) Internacionalização de empresas em cluster e a influência dos recursos: um estudo de casos em clusters vitivinícolas no Brasil e na França.

Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, 24-28 June 2011.

Vial, V., Prévot, F. & Hanoteau, J. (2011) The effect of bribe payment on the liability of newness in a corrupted environment. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Syracuse, New York, 8-11 June 2011.

Wang, H. (2010) Industrial policy of electric vehicles in China: the interaction between central government and Shanghai government. International Seminar of the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (ISID), New Delhi, India, 19-20 November 2010.

XXXVI Encontro da ANPAD, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 25-29 September 2010.

Zen, A., Ghedine, T., & Prévot, F. (2010) A influência da internacionalização no desenvolvimento de recursos e capacidades vinculadas à estatégia de operações da firma: o caso Marcopolo S.A. SIMPOI, São Paulo, Brazil, 25-26 August 2010.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2011) US foreign policy towards MENA state in general and Algeria in particular. The Project for the New Arab Century: Is Algeria Next? London, UK, 1-3 April 2011.

Book Chapters Cova, B. (2011) Il Made in Italy: Dopi i capitani d’industria e i creativi, gli artigiani?, In Bucci, A., Codeluppi, V. & Ferraresi, M. (Eds.), Il Made in Italy (pp. 137-144). Roma: Carocci.

Leoni, P. (2010) Managerial methods to control derivatives losses. In C.V. Karsone (Ed.), Finance and Banking Developments (pp. 179-184). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Paranque, B. & Cova, B. (2010) The individual-collective dialectic in management sciences. A re-reading based on the interpellation of finance from a marketing standpoint. In T. Lagoarde-Segot (Ed.), After the Crisis: Rethinking Finance (pp. 17-34). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2010) Algeria. In World Almanac of Islamism (pp. 1-12).

New York: American Foreign Policy Council and Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

Zoubir, Y.H. & Darbouche, H. (2011) Algeria. Quale futuro? In L’Africa Mediterranea, Storia e futuro (pp.27-49).

Wang, H. (2010) Developing electric vehicles in China: new technologies, corporate strategies, public policies.

Rome: Donzelli Editore.

Case Studies

Politecnico Di Torino, Torino, Italy, 21 January 2011.

Ducassy, I. & Guyot, A. (2011) Cas Biomérieux / Danone : Structure d’actionnariat et décisions financières. Case Study CCMP N° F0498.


Research Priority · 2 ·

The Management of Diversity and Managing Across Cultures


Faced with increasingly global and fast changing

social and demographic changes, quicker resolution of

marketplaces, companies that understand the diversity

disputes, greater productivity, a better reputation as a

of their stakeholders are better equipped to thrive.

socially responsible company, and thus overall positive

Recognising diversity as a driving factor of business

effects on the bottom line.

success requires understanding the range of ways in


which people experience unique and multiple social

acknowledge diversity in many forms (demographic,


cultural, geographic, psychological, and consumption)

Many firms are attempting to enhance their inclusion

as well as different research methods to explore it.

of underrepresented individuals or practices through

The overall aim is to offer a more complete picture

proactive efforts to manage diversity. Managers

of the dynamics and consequences of diversity by

have the distinctive responsibility of exploring how

understanding its impact on outcomes at all levels:



individual, group, and organisational. In doing so,

and determining which specialised skills are needed

managers may better address the challenges while

to cope with it; therefore, they must be open to

capitalising on the benefits of diversity.



and cognizant of how to use human differences to administer social environments, organisational climates, and procedures. Decision makers expect



Key Words: Diversity, Culture, Gender, Age, Religion, Consumption, Language.

positive outcomes from diversity management, such as fairness and equity, more effective internal and external communications, greater responsiveness to

— RESEARCH PRIORITY COORDINATOR Dr. Boris Bartikowski, Associate Professor of Marketing




Projects & Events Anti-Consumption and Consumer Resistance Euromed Management hosted the ”International

Performance and Diversity: The “La Poste Project”

Centre for Anti-Consumption Research” (ICAR) and the “New Approaches to Consumer Resistance” (NACRE) symposium in 2010. Following this academic event, the European Journal of Marketing (EJM) will publish a special issue devoted to “Anti-Consumption and of

Consumer Resistance: Concepts, Concerns, Conflicts,

Sociology and Political Science, and Thierry Brener,

and Convergence.” Prof. Bernard Cova, Professor of

Adjunct Professor at Euromed Management, worked

Marketing at Euromed Management, is one of the

in collaboration with La Poste (one of the largest

guest editors of this special issue. The main objective

employers in France) to provide answers about how

of the symposium was to clarify the concept

diversity management affects corporate performance.

models and consequences of anti-consumption and

They focused on five aspects of diversity management:

consumer resistance. The two-day symposium was

gender equality, the role of seniors, cultural diversity,

followed by a round table organised at the European

well-being on the job, and corporate governance. Their

Advances in Consumer Research Conference.






six-month project featured collaboration with more than 60 La Poste employees. As a result, the team derived many valuable recommendations to help implement and improve diversity management within the company.

Prof. Bernard Cova

Dr. Virginie Martin


Dr. Valérie Angles

The 3rd Intercultural Think Tank Dr.


Angles, Assistant Professor of

International Management and Dr. Hilary Collins,

Dr. Julien Hanoteau

Associate Professor of Strategic Management, are members of the Intercultural Think Tank, a group composed of both professionals and academics involved in cross-cultural issues. The group was initiated by ITER France, a major nuclear fusion project located in Cadarache (France) that involves engineers from the European Union, China, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the United States. Its aim is to share experiences and knowledge about crosscultural issues such as expatriation, cross-cultural training and preparation, the role of the family in successful expatriation, and the development of innovation in cross-cultural situations.

Global Research in Innovative Development Strategies

(GRIDS) The GRIDS research group is led by Dr. Julien Hanoteau, Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot, and Dr. Virginie Vial, all faculty members at Euromed Management. Its mission is to bring new insight into the complex interaction between economic development, institutional change, and human development through applied interdisciplinary research. A partnership with the DEFI research unit (University of Aix-Marseille) favors collaborative research and joint research projects on these themes.

Dr. Hilary Collins

Dr. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot


Dr. Virginie Vial

Publications Articles Chandon, J. L., & Bartikowski, B. (2010) Les risques liés à la transposition culturelle d’un questionnaire. Humanisme et Entreprise, Vol. 300, 5-16.

Cova, B., & Ozçaglar-Toulouse, N. (2010) Une histoire de la CCT française : parcours et concepts clés. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Vol. 25, No. 2, 69-91.

Pignatel, I. (2011) La bonne gouvernance est-elle synonyme de création de valeur ?

Zoubir, Y.H. (2010) The United States and Algeria: The cautious road to partnership. Maghreb Center Journal, Vol. 1, Spring/Summer.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2011) The United States and Libya: The limits of coercive diplomacy. Journal of North African Studies, Vol. 16, No. 2, 275-297.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2010) The Unresolved Western Sahara Conflict and its Repercussions. Journal of Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Vol. 4, No. 2, 85-99.

Euro-Mediterranean Economics & Finance Review, Vol. 6, No. 1, 92-112.

Tapia-Moore, E., & Meschi, P-X. (2010) Vitesse et Mode d’Internationalisation des PME. Management International, Vol. 15, No. 1, 87-98.

Valette-Florence, P., Guizani, H., & Merunka, D. (2011) The impact of brand personality and sales promotion on brand equity, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 64, No. 1, 24-28.


Conferences Albert, N., Becheur, I., Merunka, D., & Valette-Florence, P. (2011) The consumer’s passion for a brand: The importance of brand relationship constructs.

2nd Consumer Brand Relationship Conference, Winter Park, Florida, USA, 17-19 March 2011.

Albert, N., Fetscherin, M., Merunka, D., & Valette-Florence, P. (2011) Brand relationships, brand love and the consumer.

2nd Consumer Brand Relationship Conference, Winter Park, Florida, USA, 17-19 March 2011.

Angles, V. (2011) Le rôle des choix organisationnels des Firmes Multinationales dans le détournement de la norme ISO 9000 en Chine. 6ème Séminaire Interculturel SinoFrançais de Canton, La Culture et le Management, 3-5 June 2011.

Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. (2010) The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Customer Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Culture. Royal Bank International Research Seminar, Tokyo, Japan, 9-12 September 2010.

Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. (2010) How Corporate Associations Affect Customer Behavior: A CrossCountry Investigation.

7th Annual CIARG Conference, Hannover, Germany, 1-3 October 2010.

Bigo, V., & Martin, V. (2010) Diversity politics and the reproduction of gender hierarchies.

Carù, A., & Cova, B. (2011) Examining consumer fanaticism: Towards co-destruction of value.

EIASM 6th Interpretive Consumer Research Workshop, Odense, Denmark, 6-7 May 2011.

Cova, B., & Cova, V. (2010) The faces of the new consumer (1990-2010) – A governmental process?

European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, London, UK, 30 June-3 July 2010.

Collins, H. (2010) The organizations moving but where are the organizational actors? An exploration of cultural and identity change.

Cova, B., Louyot-Gallicher, M., & Bonnemaizon, A. (2010) Une approche interprétative des moments de vérité.

Collins H., Crespin-Mazet F., & Goglio-Primard K. (2011) Branding as a market shaping activity - a case study from the construction industry.

Cova, B., & Pace, S. (2011) The Alfa/Alfisti co-creation experience.

BAM 2010 Conference, Sheffield, UK, 14-16 September 2010.

10th International Conference on Marketing Trends, Paris, France, 20-22 January 2011.

Cova, B. (2010) Les marketeurs sont-ils prêts à travailler avec les consommateurs les plus experts de leurs marques ? Une plongée dans le cas d’Alfa Roméo avec les Alfistes.

Séminaire de GRETS, Paris, France, 14 December 2010.

Cova, B. (2011) Co-creation and co-destruction of value in a community setting.

Seminar CRiAC Centre for Research in Advertising and Consumption. Bath, UK, 26 January 2011.

Cova, B. (2011) Putting consumers to work: Between co-creation and co-destruction of value. TTRA 2011 European Chapter Conference, Archamps, France, 11-13 April 2011.

European Group for Organizational Studies Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 1-3 July 2010.


Les 15ème Journées de Recherche en Marketing de Bourgogne, Dijon, 18-19 November 2010.

The Brand Camp, Universitätszentrum Obergurgl, Austria, 27 February -2 March 2011.

Cova, B., Pace, S., & Skalen, P. (2011) Value creation co-practices: methodological and theoretical considerations for studying community-firm collaborations.

EIASM 6th Interpretive Consumer Research Workshop, Odense, Denmark, 6-7 May 2011.

Dalli, D., Cova, B., & Hemetsberger, A. (2011) Consumption communities as agents of change in the market process.

EIASM 6th Interpretive Consumer Research Workshop, Odense, Denmark, 6-7 May 2011.

De Vecchi, D (2010) Pragmaterminology and firms.

XII Symposium of the Ibero-American Terminology Network, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 14-17 September 2010.

Publications De Vecchi, D. (2011) Sens, signes, langage et formation.

Actes du 5ème Séminaire d’Etudes du Groupe GEM, UPLEGESS, Lille, France, 9-11 March 2011.

Grenier, C., & Martin, V. (2010) Quand le relationnel est aussi affaire d’expertise - Proposition d’une grille de lecture non genrée du care. Colloque International, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2-3 September 2010.

Li, H., & Merunka, D. (2010) Eager vigilance in consumer response to negative information: The role of regulatory focus and information ambiguity. European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, London, UK, 30 June - 3 July, 2010.

Martin, V. (2010) Entreprise et démocratie : une lecture politique et critique de l’organisation. Etats Généraux du Management, Paris, France, 22 October 2010.

Mazodier, M., & Merunka, D. (2011) The impact of sponsorship on brand loyalty. 2011 AMA Winter

Educators’ Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, 18-20 February 2011.

Micheletti, P. (2010) Contradiction et création de valeurs : Une alliance de la diversité. 6ème Rencontres Internationales de la Diversité, Corte, Corsica, 30 September-1 October 2010.

Munos, A. (2011) Nouvelles attentes de consommation et stratégies d’innovation: applications au domaine des services, 16ème

Pignatel, I. (2011) La bonne gouvernance, est-elle synonyme de création de valeur.

6th International Finance Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, 10-12 March 2011.

Richomme-Huet, K., & d’Andria, A. (2011) L’autre gestion des Hénokiens. Journée de Recherche du L@rem, Evry, France, 24 June 2011.

Taieb, B., & Bartikowski, B. (2010) Efficacité des sites web culturellement congruents : proposition d’un cadre conceptuel. 6ème Rencontres Internationales de la Diversité, Corte, Corsica, 30 September-1 October 2010.

Tapia-Moore, E. (2011) Les pionniers et les managers différent-ils dans leur façon d’aborder le processus d’internationalisation de leur entreprise ? Le cas des PME managériales françaises.

6ème Séminaire Interculturel SinoFrançais de Canton, La Culture et le Management, 3-5 June 2011.

Yahiaoui, D., & Golli, A. (2010) The hybridization of HRM practices in Tunisian subsidiaries of French Multinationals. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August 2010.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2010) The Maghreb’s resistance to democratization: What roles for the United States and the European Union?

Third World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies (WOCMES), Barcelona, Spain, 19-24 July 2010.

Conférence Internationale IBIMA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 29-30 June 2011.


Zoubir, Y. H. (2010) The emerging geopolitics in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Implications for EuroMediterranean relations. Euro MeSCo-IEMed Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 17-18 November 2010.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2010) Quels partenariats internationaux face à des menaces transversales ? L’expérience américaine. Conférence Internationale, «Pour un partenariat sécurité et développement au Sahel», Commission Européenne, Brussels, Belgium, 25-26 novembre 2010.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2011) The failure of the new authoritarianism: Will the Arab world achieve its 1989?

Conférence sur le changement politique en Tunisie et impacts sur la région de la Méditerranée, Tunis, Tunisia, 24-25 Mars 2011.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2011) Algeria’s policy towards SubSaharan Africa. AFRICOM conference, Dakar,

Senegal, 18-23 March 2011.

Book Chapters Aghrout, A., & Zoubir, Y.H. (2010) Essay on the history of Algeria. In Europa Publications (Ed.), The Middle East and North Africa 2011 (pp. 1-32.) Abdingdon, England: Routledge.

Cayla, J., & Peñaloza, L. (2011) Mapping the future of consumers. In Zwick, D., & Cayla, J. (Eds), Inside Marketing: Practices, Ideologies, Devices (pp. 320-340). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

De Vecchi, D. (2010) Langue comme facteur d’intégration et communication en entreprise. In Langue, Economie et Gestion, (pp. 63-76).

Paris: Presses de la Sorbonne Nouvelle.

Merunka, D. (2010) Cannibalism. In J. Sheth & N. Malhotra (Eds.), Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing, Vol. 1, Marketing Strategy, (pp. 15-16). West Sussex, UK: John Wiley and Sons.

Micheletti, P., & Yousfi, H. (2011) Algérie: le leadership une question de posture manageriale. In Tous Leaders (Ouvrage collectif) (pp. 287292), Paris: Editions d’Organisation.

Pignatel, I. (2011) La gouvernance, Chapitre 15. In Finance, 5th Edition (pp. 509-522). Paris: Editions Vuibert.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2010) La Libye et l’Europe : realpolitik économique et réhabilitation du régime libyen. In A. Benantar (Ed.) Europe et Maghreb : voisinage immédiat et distanciation stratégique (pp. 401-418). Alger: CREAD.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2010) Islamist political parties in contemporary Algeria. In I.M. Abu-Rabi’ (Ed.), The Contemporary Arab Reader on Political Islam (pp. 247-271). London: Pluto Press.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2011) The Maghreb: Strategic Interests in America’s Challenges. In The Greater Middle East, The Obama Administration’s Policies (pp. 105132). London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Zwick, D., & Cayla, J. (2011) Inside marketing: Practices, ideologies, devices. In Zwick, D., & Cayla, J.: (Eds.), Inside Marketing: Practices, Idéologies, Devices (pp.3-22). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press

Editorial De Barnier, V., Janizewski, C.A., Merunka, D., & Van Osselaer, S.M.J. (2011). Editorial: Marketing communications and consumer behavior. Journal of Business Research, Vol 64, Issue 1,1-2.

Zoubir, Y.H. (2010) Algeria. In M.P., Angrist (Ed.), Politics and Society in the Contemporary Middle East (pp. 177202). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.


Research Priority · 3 ·

Environmental and Ethical Dimensions of Businesses and Organisations


This research priority pertains to corporate social

and research points of view. Ethical, social, and

responsibility (CSR) and the ethical dimensions of

environmental issues already affect many business

organisational decisions. Sustainability is a major

realities and functional areas. They are controversial

concern for businesses, governments, and individuals

and challenge the notions of value, well being, and

and the concept of CSR is intimately related to

development. Critical issues include the concept of

sustainable development, as well as to the recognition

sustainable performance and its measurement, at

of the need to integrate its social, economic, and

both micro and macro levels, and the conditions

environmental pillars.

for innovation and radical change, in both social

CSR objectives are defined on the basis of global

and environmental areas. Because these issues

performance, socially and environmentally friendly

also relate to local politics, economy and finance,

voluntary actions, the recognition of stakeholders

cultures, religions, and habits, the research topics and

and of their legitimate claims, and the impact of this

approaches are numerous, diverse, and far reaching. In

vision on organisations’ decision-making processes.

many cases, it is multi-disciplinary, seeking to better

Managing CSR issues is a challenge for business, and

understand organisational responses and strategies

significantly influences a company’s capacity to create

vis-à-vis growing ethical and ecological concerns in

value for shareholders and society. This research

firms’ business environments.

priority examines the concepts of CSR and business ethics, corporate environmental management and strategies, and governance of the natural environment. It aims to strengthen knowledge linked to companies’ anticipation, analysis, response to, and leadership of

Key Words: Business Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development, Ethical Finance, Environmental Economics and Management, Corporate Sustainability Strategies.

ethical issues and sustainable development in general. Focusing on CSR is essential both from practical

— RESEARCH PRIORITY COORDINATOR Dr. Julien Hanoteau Associate Professor of Sustainable Development Economics


Projects & Events International Research Network on Social and Environmental Aspects in Business and Management


Value-Based Sustainability Analysis of Nordic Companies The project “Value-Based Sustainability Analysis of Nordic Companies” is funded by MISTRA, a Swedish foundation for strategic environmental research. This joint project involves Euromed Management, the University of Leeds, and the Institute for Futures Studies and Technology Assessment in Berlin. The focal research has involved an analysis of the sustainability performance of Nordic companies, as well as the integration of environmental, social, and management criteria in financial


market analysis, to produce a sustainability performance index

funded by the German Federal Ministry

for Nordic companies. The project provides funding for a research

for Education and Research, SEABUS

assistant at Euromed Management to address the quality of

comprises ten international research

corporate sustainability reporting. The project partners already

institutions (e.g., Amsterdam Business

have published a pilot study on the carbon performance of the

School, Yale University, University of Hong

pulp and paper industry and an article in the Journal of Business

Kong, University of Victoria, University

Ethics on their underlying conceptual approach.




of Leeds), with the primary goal of fostering conceptual and methodological exchanges of innovative research on environmental and social aspects in business




with other network members, Dr. Tobias Hahn, Associate Professor of Corporate

Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2010: “Sustainability Management in a Diverse World”

Sustainability at Euromed Management, served as a guest editor for special issues

In September 2010, the Corporate Responsibility Research

of the journals Business and Society and

Conference (CRRC) was hosted at Euromed Management in

Business Strategy and the Environment.

partnership with the University of Leeds and Queen’s University


in Belfast. The Organising Chair, Dr. Tobias Hahn, Associate Professor of Corporate Sustainability, welcomed approximately 100 participants from 25 nations, providing a platform for exchanges of ideas on various research topics: measuring CSR, managing biodiversity, responsible leadership psychology, innovation





sustainable entrepreneurship, CSR in times of crisis, CSR strategies of multinationals and smaller enterprises, and stakeholder management. The 2010 Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, which also hosted a PhD Workshop, helped Euromed Management re-enforce its leadership position in CSR and sustainability research. ( —

Dr. Tobias Hahn 22

Jean-Christophe Carteron

Anja Stoll

The 7th Bentley Global Business Ethics Symposium

Responsible Managers’ Network

Bentley University, Boston (USA), partnered with

The Responsible Managers’ Network was launched in

Euromed Management to organise the annual

2007 with 11 member companies and non-governmental

Bentley Global Business Ethics Symposium on

organisations (NGOs): Adecco, Armor Lux, Banque



Populaire, EDF, La Poste Group, ONET Group, Kinnarps,

Challenges, Possibilities and Limitations” at the

Sodexo, Max Havelaar, Utopies, and ACIDD. It now has

Euromed Management campus in Marseille. The

13 members, with the addition of Cora and AG2R. The

event was sponsored by the State Street Foundation,

network is managed by Jean-Christophe Carteron,

with the support of the United Nations PRIME

Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Euromed

(Principles for Responsible Management Education)

Management, and Anja Stoll, Key Account Manager

Initiative and one of France’s financial newspapers,

at Euromed Management, with the support of several

La Tribune.

This symposium explored both the

Euromed Management faculty members. The aim of the

moral imperatives that the stakeholder model

network is to offer member organisations insight into

raises and the realities of managing multi-faceted

academic research linked to environmental and social

relationships in a complex environment. The

responsibility issues, while also providing academic

event, co-organised by Jean-Christophe Carteron,

researchers access to managerial experience. The

Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at

Responsible Managers’ Network recently focused on the

Euromed Management, and Prof. Anthony Buono

valuation of organisational social capital, stakeholder

from the Center of Business Ethics at Bentley


University, brought together international experts

business model innovation for sustainable development,

for in-depth discussions of current practices

sustainable performance measures, and management of

and challenges in business ethics, corporate

the bottom of the pyramid. Another network with 12

responsibility, and sustainability.

new members started in October 2011.









Publications Articles Angelini, C., & Pignatel, I. (2010) La responsabilité sociale d’entreprise, un accélérateur de la prise en compte du genre. Management & Avenir, Vol. 38, 188-200.

Bigo, V. (2010) The care paradox: devaluing and idealising care, the mother, and Mother Nature. International Journal of Green Economics, Vol. 4, No. 2, 117-133.

Courtois, S., Gombart, C., Pignatel, I., & Brown, A. (2011) Multiple directorships and CAC-40 natural environmental disclosures.

Journal of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Environmental Accountability, Vol.17, No.1, 28-45.

Ducassy, I. (2011) Responsabilité sociale et performance boursière : l’exemple de la crise financière des subprimes. Revue Sciences de Gestion, Vol. 83, 153-170.

Figge, F., Hahn, T., & Illge, L. (2010) Nachhaltigkeitsleistung von Unternehmen bewerten mit dem Sustainable Value: Von Schadens- zu Opportunitätskosten. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, Vol. 3, 30-34.

Guyot, A. (2011) Efficiency and dynamics of Islamic investment: Evidence of geopolitical effects on Dow Jones Islamic indexes.

Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol 47, No.6, 105-127.

Conferences Hahn, T. & Figge, F. (2011) Beyond the bounded instrumentality in current corporate sustainability research: Toward an inclusive notion of profitability.

Angelini, C., Lombardo, E., & Goglio-Primard, K. (2011) Les effets inattendus des stratégies de rupture : le cas de trois entreprises engagées dans la RSE.

Hahn, T., Figge, F., Liesen, A., & Barkemeyer, R. (2010) Opportunity cost-based analysis of corporate eco-efficiency: A methodology and its application to the CO2-efficiency of German companies.

Comyns, B. (2010) Can the market for corporate environmental reporting be classified as a market for lemons?

Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 104, 325.345.

Journal of Environmental Management, Vol. 91, No.10, 1997-2007.

Hahn, T., Kolk, A., & Winn, M. (2010) A new future for business? Rethinking management theory and business strategy. Business & Society, Vol. 49, No. 3, 385-401.

Peterson, R.A., Albaum, G., Merunka, D., Munuera, J.L., & Smith, S.M. (2010) Effects of nationality, gender, and religiosity on business-related ethicality. Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 96, 573–587.

Paranque, B. (2010) La nécessité d’une alternative à la création de valeur actionnariale. Economies et Sociétés, Série «Entreprise et finance,» Vol. 11, 1721-1744.

Tower, G., Raja Ahmed, R.A., Pignatel, I., & Hahn, T. (2011) Transparency of social and environmental disclosures by the top French companies. Journal of

Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, Vol. 16, No. 1, 27-51. 24

CRESCEM, Tours, France, 9 March 2011.

Corporate Responsibility Research Conference, Marseille, France, 15-17 September 2010.

Franklin-Johnson, E., & Richomme-Huet, K. (2011) La gestion de la RSE pendant la crise : une analyse des entreprises du CAC 40 durant les années 2006-2010. Journée de Recherche du L@rem Evry, France 24 June 2011.

Hahn, T., Figge, F., Pinkse, J., & Preuss, L. (2010) Trade-offs in corporate sustainability: Towards an analytical framework.

Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August 2010.

Hahn, T., Figge, F., Pinkse, J., & Preuss, L. (2010) Rethinking the foundations of corporate sustainability: Moving from win-win to trade-offs.

SAMS/JMS Conference 2010, Loughborough, UK, 27-29 September 2010.

Book Chapters Hanoteau, J. (2010) Carbon and the competitiveness of shipping.

4th Euromed Management Maritime Forum 2010, Marseille, France, 14 September 2010.

Leoni, P. (2010) Entry, accuracy of beliefs and long-run survival in Cournot Games. XI JOLATE, San Luis Potosi, Mexico 23-25 September 2010.

Merunka, D., & Peterson, R.A. (2010) Convenience samples of college students and research reproducibility: An empirical investigation.

4th German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2010.

Micheletti, P. (2011) La polémologie managériale appliquée à la performance de la PME.

10ème Symposium International MDI, Algiers, Algeria, 22-23 May 2011.

Paranque, B. (2010) About finance and society.

International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management Conference, Paris, France, 8-10 July 2010.

Pignatel, I., Angelini, C., & Lombardo, E. (2011) Performance environnementale, performance financière et gouvernance. Colloque AFC-CSAER, Paris, France, 13-14 June 2011.

Richomme-Huet, K., & d’Andria, A. (2011) DRH de demain, expert ou contreexpert de l’absurde ? 11ème Rencontres sur la Prospective des Métiers, Paris, France, 10 March 2011.

Tramontano, R. (2011) Gouvernement d’entreprise et responsabilité sociale des entreprises.

6th International Finance Conference, Hammamet, Tunisia, 10-12 March 2011.

Micheletti, P. (2011) L’organisation apprenante en quête de valeurs. 13ème Université de Printemps et de l’Audit Social, Agadir, Morocco, 1-2 June 2011.

Paranque, B. (2010) Au-delà de la création de valeur actionnariale ? Colloque International

Management des entreprises de l’économie sociale et solidaire. Quelles spécificités ? Lyon, France, 4-5 November 2010.


Ben Larbi, S., & Lacroux, A. (2011). RSE et performance sociétale : vers un renouvellement du paradigme de la valeur. In L. Berger (Ed.), L’alter Management (pp. 63-89). Paris: Hermes Science Publications–Lavoisier.

Myers, P., & Nelson, T. (2010). Considering social capital in the context of social entrepreneurship. In A. Fayolle, (Ed.), The Handbook of Research on Social Entrepreneurship (pp. 269-283). Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.

Research Priority · 4 ·

Strategies, Markets and Customers in Entertainment, Sports, Healthcare and Maritime Industries






CSR issues. Research in the social and health sectors

areas, markets, and activities in which Euromed

focuses on services for the elderly and disabled



people; research in maritime affairs includes maritime

research and management education. All industries

safety, maritime law, marine environment protection,

(sports, entertainment, healthcare and maritime) are

shipping operations, and improving the efficiency of

facing structural evolutions (building new arenas,

maritime transport.

development of on-line betting markets, reform of

This research priority works in close collaboration

ports, reform of healthcare systems) and represent

with industries and managers and is active in the

various opportunities for researchers linked to the

organisation of annual events that bring together

Euromed Management clusters, and backed by

professionals and academics, including: SportMed, the

multiple companies and organisations. Research

Media Forum, the Maritime Forum, and the Social and

fields in this priority are cross-disciplinary, borrowing

Healthcare Research Colloquium. These events offer a

concepts, methods, and research paradigms from

means to develop research collaborations, such as the

economics, management, psychology, sociology, law,

Euromed-Kurt Salmon annual study of Finances and

and operational research.

Perspectives in Football.








Sports, entertainment, and media research at Euromed Management includes marketing (e.g., branding, advertising, sponsorship, celebrity endorsement),

Key Words: Cluster, Sports, Entertainment, Healthcare, Maritime Industries, Events.

ticketing and services, facility and event management, information technology, responsible strategies, and

— RESEARCH PRIORITY COORDINATOR Dr. Jean-Philippe Danglade Assistant Professor of Marketing


Projects & Events

SportMed: The 5th Sports’ Law and Management Colloquium

The 4th Euromed Management Maritime Forum The Mare Forum’s Managing Director, Jannis Kostoulas, Dr. Niko Wijnolst, Affiliate Professor at Euromed Management and Chair of the European Network of Maritime Clusters, and Dr. Laurent Fedi, Associate Professor of Maritime Law at Euromed Management, chaired the 2010 edition of the Maritime Forum: “Can

Euromed Management, Kurt Salmon, KGA, the University of Marrakech, and the Moroccan Ministry of Youth and Sports organised the 2011 SportMed Colloquium in Marrakech. The event took place in Marrakech’s new stadium where members of FIFA (Federation International Football Association), CAF (Conference African Football), football clubs, and sponsors discussed the theme: “The Professionalisation of Football in

Climate Change Actions Revitalise the Shipping Markets?” The conference examined topics such as the world economy




cooperation in ports and shipping, the revitalisation of shipping industries, and financing in the shipping industry. Ship owners and representatives of the French maritime cluster, as well as international representatives of the maritime industry came together to discuss the future of shipping and maritime markets.

Africa: The Case of Morocco.” They concentrated on defining a path toward professionalisation adapted to the unique realities of African football. Euromed Management, Kurt Salmon, and the Law Offices of KGA have initiated an annual series of conferences, dedicated to the economic development of football in Africa.


Dr. Laurent Fedi


The 4th Social and Healthcare Research Colloquium —

Prof. Lucien Veran

This colloquium, organised by Euromed Management and the Institut Régional du Travail Social (IRTS) PACA Corse in May 2011, focused on “Organisational

The 5th Euromed Management Media Forum

Performance and User Well-Being: How to Best Manage and Intervene”. Under the leadership of Prof. Corinne Grenier, Professor of Strategy and Innovation at Euromed Management, this event set out to examine performance management and the tension between

The 5th Media Forum took place at Euromed

demands for enhanced organisational performance

Management in March 2011, organised by Prof.

and well-being of users. The keynote speech by Prof.

Lucien Veran, Affiliate Professor at Euromed

Jean-Louis Denis, Affiliate Professor at Euromed

Management and Professor at the University Paul

Management and Professor at ENAP, Montreal, Canada,

Cézanne in Aix-Marseille. Through the participation

centered on the theme, “Patients’ Involvement in the

of the Entertainment and Media cluster at Euromed

Design of the Health Sector: Stakes and Experiences.”

Management, professional associations (Gamesud, Medmultimed, Polesud Image), partners, companies, and





NBC Universal Network, L’Express, Roularta, Spir Communication), the 2011 Media Forum enabled professionals, creators, producers, editors, and distributors from the content industry (film, television, audiovisual) to undertake exchanges

Prof. Corinne Grenier

with the media and academics. This year’s forum

focused on the links between major events and

Prof. Jean-Louis Denis

the media and paid tribute to the organisers of the project, Marseille Provence 2013, European Capital of Culture.


Publications Articles Bassoni, M., & Weygand, F. (2011) Les enjeux économiques de la géolocalisation pour les réseaux sociaux numériques.

Hermès 59, Ces Réseaux Numériques Dits Sociaux, CNRS Editions, 137-142.

Calcei, D., M’Chirgui, Z., & Ohana, M. (2011) Déterminants stratégiques d’un processus de standardisation : le cas des formats de stockage vidéo. Revue Sciences de Gestion, No. 78, 19-35.

Cariou P. (2011) Is slow steaming a sustainable means for reducing CO2 emissions from container shipping? Transportation Research, Part D, Vol. 16, 260-264.

Cariou, P., & Wolff, F.C. (2011) A longitudinal analysis of piracy in shipping.

Economics Bulletin, Vol. 31, No. 2, 1055-1062.

Cariou P., & Wolff F-C. (2011) Do port state control inspections influence flag- and class-hopping phenomena in shipping? Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Vol. 45, Part 2, 155-177.

Caru, A., & Cova, B. (2011) Can the generation gap impede immersion in an exhibition? The case of Annisettanta (the 1970s). International Journal of Arts Management, Vol. 13, No. 2, 16-28.

Cheaitou, A., Van Delft, C., Jemai, Z., & Dallery, Y. (2011) A newsvendor model with initial inventory and two salvage opportunities. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol. 9, 30-36.

Danglade, J.P. (2011) L’adaptation d’une stratégie RSE aux organisations événementielles, un nouveau mode de communication vis-à-vis des parties prenantes.

Revue Sciences de Gestion, No. 84, 65-81.

Fedi, L. (2010) Les Règles de Rotterdam : le droit des transports maritimes du XXIe siècle. Revue de Droit des Transports, September, 9-16.

Fedi, L. (2011) Les blocus et grèves portuaires : un contentieux toujours spécifique.

Droit Maritime Français, Vol. 721, 87-96.

Fedi, L., & Pignatel, P. (2011) Les réformes des régimes d’exploitation des ports en Méditerranée. Droit Maritime Français, Vol. 723, 288-298.

Fedi, L. (2011) La nouvelle codification des Incoterms 2010 : entre simplification et rationalisation de la vente maritime internationale. Droit Maritime Français, Vol. 724, 303-313.

Grenier, C. (2011) Structuring an integrated care system: interpreted through the enacted diversity of the actors involved–the case of a French healthcare network.

International Journal of Integrated Care, Vol. 11, No. 16, 1-15.

Grenier, C., & Guitton-Philippe, S. (2010) Politiques publiques et innovation : proposition d’un modèle d’agir de l’innovation dans le champ sanitaire et social. Management & Avenir, Vol. 35, No 5,194-209


Leoni, P. (2011) The antagonism of push and pull strategies, and the current funding campaigns to fight orphan diseases. Social Science & Medicine, Vol. 72, No. 2, 202-205.

Maltese, L. (2010) Management des ressources et des compétences des clubs et evènements sportifs professionnels.

Le Mag des Sciences de Gestion, Vol. 3, 11-16.

Rizzo, F. (2011) L’exploitation de l’image individuelle d’un rugbyman professionnel. Revue Lamy Droit Civil, No. 81, 71-73.

Wang, H. (2010) Building the International Maritime Center in Shanghai— benchmarking with global maritime clusters.

Shipping Review, Vol. 5, No. 3, 33-38.

Conferences Balambo, M.A., & Houssaini, A. (2011) L’intégration des supply chains dans les pays en voie de développement : perspectives sur le contexte Marocain. Premier Colloque Annuel de l’AFMI, Paris, France, 26-27 May 2011.

Cariou, P. (2010) Is slow steaming a sustainable mean for reducing liner shipping CO2 emissions?

4th Euromed Management Mare Forum, Marseille, France, 14 September 2010.

Cariou P., & Notteboom, T. (2010) Bunker costs in container liner shipping: Are slow steaming practices reflected in maritime fuel surcharges? 2010 Conference of the ALRT, Antwerp, Belgium, 2-3 December 2010.

Caru, A., & Cova, B. (2010) Young consumers’ immersion in an artistic experience: The case of the Annisettanta (the 1970s) exhibition. 2010 European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research, London, UK, 30 June-3 July 2010.

Cheaitou, A., & Labi, E. (2011) During crisis, logistics is on track. Biennial Supply Chain Management Conference, Bangalore, India, 7-8 January 2011.

Danglade, J-P. (2010) Quel ambassadeur sportif pour les marques horlogères ? Journée Internationale du Marketing Horloger, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 2 December 2010.

Fedi, L. (2010). The reform of Mediterranean ports: Governance and sustainability. 4th Euromed Management Mare Forum, Marseille, France, 14 September 2010.

Grenier C. (2011) L’appropriation de nouvelles formes de gouvernance dans le champ de la santé : la construction d’un Ordre Local Négocié par la construction des parties prenantes, Conférence AIMS, Nantes, France, 7-9 June 2011.

Grenier C. (2011) What actors do when they strategically implement organizational arrangements in institutionalized context? The stakeholders’ enactment process.

The Seventh Transatlantic Dialogue on Strategic Management of Public Organizations (7TAD), Newark, N.J., USA, 23-25 June 2011.

Grenier, C., & Gambarelli, F. (2010) Gérer l’image corporate pour gérer les parties prenantes : le cas des maisons de retraites. Journée Transdisciplinaire de Recherche - Management des Organisations de Santé, Strasbourg, France, 26 November 2010.

Leoni, P. (2011). Designing the financial tools to promote universal access to HIV/ AIDS care.

3rd Annual World Vaccine Congress, Beijing, China, 23-25 March 2011.

Leoni, P. (2011) The antagonism of push and pull strategies, and the current funding campaigns to fight orphan diseases.

International Tuberculosis Conference, Shanghai, China, 18-20 March 2011.


Leoni, P. (2011) Simultaneous hedging of upgrading costs and optimal public policies with many orphan diseases. The Global Economy, European Macroeconomic Policies and International Finance: Challenges and Prospects, London, UK, 9-12 June 2011.

Maltese, L. (2011) Stratégie éco-citoyenne intégrées et «cause marketing» à la production, la promotion et la commercialisation d’un événement sportif : le cas de l’Open de Nice Côte d’Azur. Etat de la Recherche en Management du Sport, Strasbourg, France 16-17 June 2011.

Maltese, L., & Ferrand, A. (2011) Agencement des ressources stratégiques et business modèles du sport spectacle : une application au cas des tournois de tennis professionnels français. Etat de la Recherche en Management du Sport, Strasbourg, France, 16-17 June 2011.

Micheletti, P., & Drillon, D. (2011). La création d’activités touristiques : un enjeu majeur humain et environnemental. 3eme Journée de Recherche et d’Echanges en Management du Tourisme, La Rochelle, France, 10 June 2011.

Wijnolst, N. (2010) Why green agenda should highlight blue shipping.

4th Euromed Management Mare Forum, Marseille, France, 14 September 2010.

Publications Book Chapters Cariou P., & Notteboom, T. (2010) Bunker costs in container liner shipping: Are slow steaming practices reflected in maritime fuel surcharges? In T. Notteboom (Ed.), Current Issues in Shipping Ports and Logisitics (pp. 69-82).

Antwerp: University Press Antwerp.

Cariou P., & Wolff F-C. (2010) La détention des navires par les Etats du port : une application uniforme des règles ? In Annuaire de Droit Maritime et Océanique, Tome XXVIII, 411-427. Garonne, C., & Weygand, F. (2010) Transformation of internet-based companies’ business models: Ten years after the burst. In P-Y. Badillo & J-B. Lesourd (Eds.), The Media Industries and their Markets (pp. 26-48).

London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Maltese, L., & Veran, L. (2010) Managing and modeling the combination of resources in professional sporting events. In S. Butenko, J. Gil-Lafuente, and P.M. Pardalos (Eds.), Optimal Strategies in Sports Economics and Management (pp. 61-86). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag.

Veran, L. (2011) Rapports langagiers, connaissance non neutre et rationalité dans les organisations. In I. Behn, D. Hentschel, P. Farges, M. Kauffman, & C. Lang (Eds.), Langue, économie, entreprise. Gérer les échanges (pp. 41-62).

Case Studies Estachy, L. (2011) How Porsche almost took control of Volkswagen? Strategic use of Financial Derivatives, Case Study ECCH No. 111-404-1.

Estachy, L. (2011) Remy Cointreau coping with a falling US dollar, Foreign Exchange Exposures and Financial Hedging, Case Study ECCH No. 111-038-8.

Estachy, L. (2011) Remy Cointreau coping with a falling US dollar, Strategic & General Mangement Issues,

Case Study ECCH No. 111-037-1.

Estachy, L. (2011) Remy Cointreau: Debt Management & Yield Curves,

Case Study ECCH No. 111-039-1.

Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle.



Research Priority · 5 ·

Managing Networks, Value Chains and Entrepreneurship


Network and value chain research encompasses supply

efficiency, business integration, and responsiveness,

chains and distribution networks, as well as a wide


range of management research topics, such as value

functions - production, logistics, marketing, finance,

chain effectiveness, purchasing effectiveness, buying

human resources, and strategic management. It

strategies, transportation logistics, the management

also includes the context of globalisation effects on

of information systems, and distribution and retailing

businesses, and the creation, growth, and survival of


small-sized firms.






Research dedicated to entrepreneurship includes To maintain a sustainable competitive advantage

the process of creating firms, dealing largely with

in a global context, firms must rethink their current

start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises

business models and implement innovative, efficient

(SMEs). It focuses on the drivers of economic growth,

business practices and more collective strategies. They

creativity, and innovation, addressing the modalities of

must change their approach to markets (alliances,

creation as well as the development and performance

networks, co-opetition) and reorganise functions

of small structures. Because entrepreneurship exists

with new management tools such as supply chain

everywhere in the world, independent of education,

management, customer relationship management, or

culture, or economic backgrounds, research in this area


calls for international studies and collaboration.

From a strategic standpoint, network and value chain research deals with questions about the development of new business models, governance issues, and the distribution of income and profits across the value chain. It reflects on a firm’s capacity to increase

Key Words: Value Chain, Networks, Business Models, Value Creation, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, SMEs, Start-ups. — RESEARCH PRIORITY COORDINATOR Dr. Saïd Yami Affiliate Professor of Strategy


Projects & Events The 4th Forum “The Spirit of Innovation: Environment, Innovation and Sustainable Development” Dr. Nadine Levratto, Affiliate Professor at Euromed Management, co-organised the fourth edition of the forum “The Spirit of Innovation: Environment,




Development: Towards a New Techno-Economic Paradigm”. This forum took place at the Marseille campus of Euromed Management. To be sustainable, development must integrate three





environmental. Taking these issues into account, this year’s conference focused on the links between economic development and innovation, as well as on the management of applied research and engineering in innovation management.

Dr. Nadine Levratto


Publications Articles Bartikowski, B., & Walsh, G. (2010) Investigating mediators between corporate reputation and customer citizenship behaviors. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 64, No. 1, 39-44.

Bel, R. (2011) Leadership and innovation: Learning from the best.

CEIBS Business Review, January, 132-136. (Reprinted in Chinese from Global Business and Organizational Excellence).

Bertrand, P., & Prigent, J.L. (2010) Omega performance measure and portfolio insurance. Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 35, 1811-1823.

Carré, D., & Levratto, N. (2011) Dynamique des territoires, agglomération et localisation des firmes. Innovations, No. 35, 183-206.

Cauvin, E., Neumann, B.R., & Roberts, M.L. (2010) Evaluation de la performance des managers : l’effet de l’ordre de présentation et de l’importance relative des indicateurs financiers et non financiers. Comptabilité-Contrôle-Audit, Vol. 16, No. 2, 31-47.

Cheaitou, A., Jemai, Z., Van Delft, C., & Dallery, Y. (2010) Two-stage flexible supply contract with payback and information update. European Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 4, 471-492.

Colombier N., M’Chirgui, Z., & Pénard, T. (2010). Une analyse empirique des stratégies d’interconnexion des opérateurs Internet. Revue d’Economie Industrielle, Vol. 131, 25-50.

Contandriopoulos, D., Lemire, M., Denis, J.-L., & Tremblay, E. (2010) Knowledge exchange processes in organizations and policy arenas: A narrative systematic review of the literature. Milbank Quarterly, Vol. 88, No. 4, 444-483.

Cova, B., Prévot, F., & Spencer, R. (2010) Navigating between dyads and networks.

Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 9, No. 6, 879-886.

Crespin-Mazet F., & Portier, P. (2010) The reluctance of construction purchasers towards project partnering. Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, Vol. 16, 230-238.

Crespin-Mazet, F., & Portier, P. (2011) The purchaser’s choice: Transactional or relational contracting. Marketing Review St. Gallen, Vol. 4, 14-18.

de-Margerie, V., & Jiang, B. (2011) How relevant is OM research to managerial practice? An empirical study of top executives’ perceptions. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 31, No. 2, 124-147.


Ducassy, I., & Prévot, F. (2010) The effects of family dynamics on diversification strategy: Empirical evidence from French companies. Journal of Family Business Strategy, Vol. 1, No. 4, 224-235.

Ford, D. (2011) IMP and service-dominant logic: Divergence, convergence and development. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 40, 231–239.

Ford, D., Gadde, L.E., Håkansson, H., Snehota, I., & Waluszewski, A. (2010) Analyzing business interaction. IMP Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, 9, 82-103.

Ford, D., & Mouzas, S. (2010) Networking under uncertainty: Concepts and research agenda.

Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 39, 956-962.

Fourriques, M. (2010) Les limites à l’optimisation fiscale.

Revue Française de Comptabilité, Vol. 435, 40-41.

Fourriques, M. (2010) L’irrésistible ascension des impôts locaux et leur difficile modernisation.

Revue Française de Comptabilité, Vol. 436, 44-45.

Fourriques, M. (2010) La Commission des infractions fiscales : quand la fraude fiscale devient un délit pénal. Revue Française de Comptabilité, Vol. 437, 14-15.

Publications Goglio-Primard, K. (2010) Le rôle d’un système communautaire, objet-frontière entre deux communautés de pratique d’ingénieurs développement.

Revue Gestion 2000, Vol. 4, 91-109.

Grenier C., Vargas L., & Ferasso, M. (2010) Enterprises´ knowledge creation within a Brazilian’s industrial cluster.

IIMS Journal of Management Science, Vol. 1, No. 1, 79-92.

Jing, B., Talluri, S., & Yao, T. (2011) Improving supplier’s situation through supplier cooperation: The case of Xintang jeans town.

International Journal of Production Economics, DOI: 10.1016/j. ipe.2011.03.010.

Kimble, C. (2010) Some research challenges for studies of virtual communities using on-line tells.

International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, Vol. 2, No. 4, 23-30.

Kimble, C. (2011) Building effective virtual teams: How to overcome the problems of trust and identity in virtual teams. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, Vol. 30, No. 2, 6-15.

Levratto, N., & Torrès, O. (2010) Le Classement Européen des Villes Entrepreneuriales. Méthode, résultats et portée.

Innovations, Vol. 33, No. 3, 13-35.

Neumann, B. R., Roberts, M.L., & Cauvin, E. (2010) Stakeholder value disclosures: Anchoring on primacy and importance of financial and nonfinancial performance measures. Review of Managerial Science, Vol. 5, No. 2.3, 195-212.

Paturel, R., & Richomme-Huet, K. (2010) Vers la mise en œuvre d’une démarche d’intelligence économique pour l’artisanat en Région PACA. Management & Avenir, Vol. 40, 158-172.

Ramos, C., & Ford, D. (2011) Network pictures as a research device: Developing a tool to capture actors’ perceptions in organizational networks.

Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 40, 447–464.

Richomme-Huet, K., & d’Andria, A. (2010) De l’usage d’une boîte à outils 2.0 dans le repreneuriat. Revue Internationale d’Intelligence Economique, Vol. 2, 29-47.

Richomme-Huet, K., & d’Andria, A. (2010) Interactions entre les pratiques de ressources humaines et intrapreneuriales en PME. Management & Avenir, Vol. 39, 136-148.

Yao, T., Xu, S. & Jiang, B. (2011) Trigger strategy equilibriums in stochastic differential games with information time lags: An analysis of cooperative production strategies. Siam Journal of Control & Optimization, Vol. 49, 1197-1220.


Conferences Ashraf, R., & Merunka, D. (2010) The impact of customer company identification on brand extension evaluations. 4th German-French-Austrian Conference on Quantitative Marketing, Vienna, Austria, 16-18 September 2010.

Ashraf, R. & Merunka, D. (2011) Customer company identification and brand extension: The role of commitment.

40th EMAC Annual Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 24-27 May 2011.

Balambo, M.A., &, Livolsi, L. (2010) L’intégration des supply chains Internationales impliquées au Maroc : le rôle du contexte culturel.

Colloque Logistique du commerce extérieur au Maroc. Mohammedia, Morocco, 17 June 2010.

Balambo, M.A., &, Livolsi, L. (2010) Mondialisation et pilotage global des flux : proposition d’une grille de lecture des concepts mobilisés. The 8th International Conference on Logistics and SCM Research, Bordeaux, France, 29 September- 1 October 2010.

Bel, R. (2010) Optimal organizational forms in a diverse world. Strategic Management Society, 30th Annual International Conference, Rome, Italy, 12-15 September 2010.

Bel, R., Smirnov, V., & Wait, A. (2011) The treason of the margin (or the synergy paradox).

9th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference, Boston, MA USA, 8-10 April 2011.

Bertrand, P., & Prigent, J-L. (2010) Analysis and comparison of leveraged ETFs and CCPI-type leveraged strategy.

28th International Conference of the French Finance Association, Montpellier, France, 11-13 May 2011.

Bourdon, I., Tessier, N., & Kimble C. (2011) Relations et participation au sein d’une communauté de pratique virtuelle : un cas de réussite d’une communauté dans une multinationale de l’ingénierie.

16ème Colloque de l’AIM, Saint Denis de la Réunion, France, 25-27 May 2011.

Brun, M., Crespin-Mazet, F., & Sitz, L. (2011) Management de l’identité de l’entreprise de services : la contribution des marques commerciales.

3ème colloque international sur les méthodologies de recherches, ISEOR-AOM, Lyon, France, 15-16 June 2011.


Publications Carré, D., & Levratto, N. (2010) Complementarity of measures and mixing in effects: A problem in the evaluation of the local publics policies.

International Summer School on Public Policy Evaluation Research, Lille, France, 30 August - 3 September 2010.

Chappert, H., Mione, A., & Yami, S. (2010) Management of coopetition in de jure standard setting process: The case of Microsoft.

International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management, IFSAM 2010, Paris, France, 8-10 July 2010.

Chappert H., Mione A., Yami S. (2010) Management of coopetition in standard setting process: Microsoft’s initiative in the electronic document format. SMS 30th Annual International Conference, Rome, Italy, 12-15 September 2010.

Cheaitou, A., Van Delft, C., Jemai, Z., & Dallery, Y. (2010) Finite horizon stochastic inventory problem with two procurement modes: Near-myopic bounds. 16th International Symposium on Inventories, Budapest, Hungary, 23-27 August 2010.

Cova, B., & Maltese, L. (2010) Ritual platforms for instigating personal relationships in project marketing. 26th IMP Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2-4 September 2010.

d’Andria, A., & Richomme-Huet, K. (2011) Are websites relevant tools for actors of the business transfer? 56th ICSB Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-18 June 2011.

De Freyman, J., & Richomme-Huet, K. (2011) What sustainable entrepreneurship looks like: An exploratory study from a student perspective.

Grenier, C., & Denis, J-L, (2011) Institutional renewal and innovation process: The role and practices of institutional entrepreneurs.

56th ICSB Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 15-18 June 2011.

EGOS Sixth Organization Summer Workshop. Paris, France, 25-28 May 2011.

Dontenwill, E., & Crespin-Mazet, F. (2010) The impact of sustainable development on a distributor’s purchasing strategy: Towards network-based supply chain management.

Groessl, I., & Levratto, N. (2010) International similarities of bank lending practices and varieties of insolvency laws: A comparative analysis of France and Germany.

26th IMP Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2-4 September 2010.

Ducassy, I., & Prévot, F. (2010) Diversification strategies of family businesses. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, 6-10 August 2010.

Ford, D., Cova, B., & Salle, R. (2010) Merchant banks, builders and bastards: Towards a parsimonious analysis of socio-economic behaviour. 26th IMP Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2-4 September 2010.

Ford, D., & Mouzas, S. (2010) Interacted service in business networks. 26th IMP Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2-4 September 2010.

Goglio-Primard, K. & Crespin-Mazet, F. (2011) Cooperation between competing cluster firms: The role of communities. Management & Avenir Workshop Paris, France, 9 May 2011.


22nd Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio− Economics (SASE), Philadelphia, PA, USA, 24-26 June 2010.

Kimble, C., & Bourdon, I. (2011). IT and strategic breakthroughs: How high does high-tech need to be?

The UK Academy for Information Systems 16th Annual International Conference, Oxford, UK, 11 April 2011.

M’Chirgui, Z. (2011) An empirical analysis of internet providers’ interconnection strategies.

Séminaire des Jeudi d’Economie & de Finance, FSEG Tunis, Tunisia, 10 February 2011.

Pendaries, M. (2011) Les systèmes de pilotage par la valeur de la performance des organisations : cas des organisations gérées par affaire.

3ème Colloque international sur les méthodologies de recherche ISEOR-AOM Lyon, France, 15-16 June 2011.

Prévot, F., & Spencer, R. (2010) Knowledge transfer from buyer to supplier: Methods and strategic objectives. 26th IMP Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 2-4 September 2010.

Prévot, F., & Guallino, G. (2011) Nombre de partenaires et survie des joint ventures. Conférence Annuelle d’Atlas/ AFMI Association francophone de management international, Paris, France, 26-28 May 2011.

Richomme-Huet, K. (2010) The “father-son-daughter triad” in the family business succession. 33rd Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference, London, UK, 2-4 November 2010.

Sbihi, A. (2010) A hybrid reactive tabu search algorithm for the multiple-choice multi-period knapsack problem. 3rd International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, Djerba, Tunisia, 27-31 October 2010.

Vial, V., Hanoteau, J., & Prévot, F. (2011) Does entrepreneurship improve well-being? Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Syracuse, NY, USA, 8-11 June 2011.

Vial, V., & Prévot, F. (2011) The effect of firm-level corruption on foreign direct investment survival in emerging economies: Empirical evidence from Indonesia. Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Nagoya, Japan, 24-28 June 2011.

Vial, V., Prévot, F., & Hanoteau, J. (2011) The effect of bribe payment on the liability of newness in a corrupted environment. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Syracuse, (NY) USA, 8-11 June 2011.

Wan Ni, L. (2011) Comparison of methods to estimate option implied risk neutral densities.

14th Conference of the Swiss Society for Financial Market Research, Zurich, Switzerland, 8 April 2011.

Wang, H., & Kimble, C. (2011) Business model innovation in the Chinese electric vehicle industry. 19th GERPISA International Colloquium, Paris, France, 8-10 June 2011.

Vial, V., Hanoteau, J., & Prévot, F. (2011) How do institutions affect entrepreneurship? Indonesian evidences.

Book Chapters Causse G., & Ebondo Wa Mandzila, E. (2011) La prise en compte des institutions et des conventions dans une démarche de qualité de l’audit, le cas des pays d’Afrique sub-sahariens. In B. Pigé (Ed.), Enjeux de l’audit interne et externe pour la gouvernance des organisations (pp. 155-161). Brussels: De Boeck.

Cauvin, E., & Bouin, X. (2010) L’évaluation des performances : la préférence des managers en faveur des indicateurs financiers. In N. Berland, & F.-X. Simon (Eds.), Le contrôle de gestion en mouvement. Etat de l’art et meilleures pratiques–Regards croisés de professeurs et praticiens (pp. 81-90). Paris: Eyrolles Editions d’Organisation.

Cova, B., & Salle, R. (2011) Shaping projects, building networks. In P.W.G. Morris, J.K. Pinto & J. Söderlund (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Project Management (pp. 391-409).

Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

d’Andria, A., De Freyman, J., & Richomme-Huet, K. (2011) Transmission d’entreprise : entre rupture et continuité. Le cas Visol. In M. Marchesnay & K. Messeghem (Eds.), Cas de stratégie de PME et d’entrepreneuriat (pp. 51-70). Cormelles-le-Royal: Editions EMS.

Ebondo Wa Mandzila, E. (2010) Le conflit entre les normes d’audit et de contrôle interne. In D. Bessire, L. Cappelletti, & B. Pigé (Eds.), Normes : origines et conséquences des crises (pp. 8692).

Meeting of the European Public Choice Society, Rennes, France, 28-30 April 2011.

Paris: Editions Economica.


Ebondo Wa Mandzila, E. (2011) La normalisation du support de l’audit, le contrôle interne. In B. Pigé (Ed.), Enjeux de l’audit interne et externe pour la gouvernance des organisations (pp. 26-34).

Tabatabaie, M., Paige, R. & Kimble, C. (2010) Exploring enterprise information systems. In Enterprise Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications (pp. 35-52). Hershey: IGI Global.

Brussels: De Boeck.

Levratto, N., & Hautcoeur, P-C. (2010) Petites et grandes entreprises face à la faillite au XIXe siècle en France : du droit à la pratique. In N. Levratto & A. Stanziani (Eds.), Le capitalisme au futur antérieur– Crédit et spéculation en France, fin XVIIIè-début XXè siècles (pp. 199-264). Brussels: Editions Bruylant.

Milolidakis, G., Kimble, C., & Grenier, C. (2011) A practice-based analysis of social interactions in a massively multiplayer online gaming environment. In Business, Technological and Social Dimensions of Computer Games (pp. 32-48). Hershey: IGI Global.

Ribeiro, R., & Kimble, C. (2010) The search for the ‘hidden’ virtual communities of practice: Some preliminary premises. In Virtual Communities: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications (pp. 2395-2411).

Yami, S., & Le Roy, F. (2010) La coopétition : une stratégie pour le XXIe siecle. In Stratégies de Coopétition, Rivaliser et coopérer simultanément (pp. 17-28). Brussels: De Boeck.

Yami, S., & Le Roy, F. (2010) Coopétition et stratégie de rupture : le cas des salles de cinéma. In Stratégies de Coopétition, Rivaliser et coopérer simultanément (pp. 131-145). Brussels: De Boeck.

Yami, S., Castaldo, S., Dagnino, G. B., Le Roy, F., & Czakon, W. (2010) Introduction. Coopetition strategies: Towards a new form of interorganizational dynamics? In Coopetition: Winning Strategies for the 21st Century (pp. 1-16).

Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.

Hershey: IGI Global.

Roy, P., & Yami, S. (2010) Coopetition within an oligopoly: Impacts of a disruptive strategy. In Coopetition: Winning Strategies for the 21st Century (pp. 185-199). Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar.


Case Studies Frey, V. (2011) Whirlpool : réorganisation de l’équipe commerciale. Case Study CCMP N°M1692.

Frey, V. (2011) Wash & Freeze : négociation fournisseur/distributeur. Case Study CCMP N°M1719.

Prévot, F. (2011) Les géants du micro-ordinateur : HP, Dell, Apple… Comment les grands groupes s’adaptent-ils à un secteur en perpétuelle mutation ? Case Study CCMP N°G1698.

Editorial Cova, B., Prévot, F., & Spencer, R. (2010) Guest editors. Special Issue: Handling Plurality of Relationship Forms in Networks, Industrial Marketing Management, 39(6).

Books Zwick, D., & Cayla, J. (2011). Inside Marketing: Practices, Ideologies, Devices.

Carù, A., & Cova, B. (2011). Marketing e Competenze dei Consumatori: l’Approccio al Mercato nel Dopo-Crisi.

Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Milan: Egea.

Dr. Julien Cayla, Affiliate Professor of Marketing, is the co-editor of this book about the public’s awareness of consumption activities. The increased visibility of marketing materials and associated messages in everyday life contrasts with the poorly understood inner workings of the marketing profession itself, despite widespread recognition of marketers as key agents shaping the face of global capitalism. Inside Marketing offers a theoretically informed critical perspective on contemporary marketing practice and its growing cultural, economic, and political influence worldwide. This book brings together leading scholars and practitioners from the fields of business, history, economic sociology, and cultural anthropology to analyse the inner workings and external effects of marketing as a material social practice, an ideology, and a technique. Cova, B. (2010). Il Marketing Tribale (2nd Edition). Milan: Il Sole 24 Ore.

In this book, Prof. Bernard Cova, Professor of Marketing, reflects on the post-crisis consumer. In the past two years, the emergence of a “new consumer” has been widely announced in both the popular press and marketing research. This announcement can only remain simplistic in its implications if the transformations in the relations between the company and the market are not well understood. This book highlights the global tendency towards the increasingly active role of the consumer in the production of his consumption experiences. The managerial consequence is the development of a co-creation process, which constitutes the new logic in companies’ marketing strategies. This book, based on a series of ideas and actual case studies proposes a marketing strategy which takes into account consumers’ competencies.

Cova, B., Louyot-Gallicher, M., & Bonnemaizon, A. (2010). Marketing Critique : Le Consommateur Collaborateur en Question. Paris: Lavoisier.

Prof. Bernard Cova, Professor of Marketing, is a pioneer in the subject of Tribal Marketing. This book reports on the most up-to-date approaches to marketing, including the principles of tribal and Mediterranean marketing which inspire marketing today. This second edition has been updated and enhanced with developments on new tendencies such as entrepreneurial tribes, working consumers, counter-brand and alter-brand communities, brand narratives and the five dimensions of perceived authenticity.


Prof. Bernard Cova, Professor of Marketing, devotes his book to the approach known as critical marketing, which offers an original viewpoint on the widespread beliefs generated by marketing, such as the sociology of consumption or consumer psychology. The aim is to highlight the outcomes of ideological biases rather than scientific reasoning. This critical approach is applied in particular to the service-dominant logic (SDL), which gives a central place to the process of co-creation between the supplier and the consumer. A range of inventive ideas on strategies grants stakeholders access to innovative solutions to meet both fundamental needs and extended service demands.

Collins, H. (2010). Creative Research: The Theory and Practice of Research for the Creative Industries. Lausanne, Switzerland: AVA Academia.

Hanoteau J. (2010). Lobbying et Marchés de Permis D’émission : L’économie Politique de la Réglementation Environnementale. Paris: Editions Universitaires Européennes.

Dr. Hilary Collins is an Associate Professor of Innovation. Her book begins with an overview of research in the context of the creative industries, and then details the stages involved in undertaking a research project in this field. It introduces a range of philosophical assumptions for research and outlines the implications of these assumptions on the methods chosen. Dr. Collins examines various techniques and procedures for collecting and analysing different types of data. Interviews with leading practitioners and academics give insight into current debates on research practice. The skills necessary to promote the effectiveness and validity of research within creative industries are highlighted in the case studies, all of which demonstrate what a well-designed research project can achieve. Ducassy, I. (2010). Déterminants de la Réaction du Marché aux Émissions de Titres. Une Étude sur le Marché Français.

An Associate Professor of Sustainable Development and Economics, Dr. Julien Hanoteau presents a political economy analysis of negotiable carbon emission permits and their initial allocation, explaining why these rights are generally free when normative analysis would recommend that they be sold. These free permits, a source of exceptional profits for companies, motivate the search for private income. Dr. Hanoteau empirically demonstrates, within the framework of the American CO2 market, that the premise of the neutrality of the initial allocation method disappears when lobbying occurs. The resulting wealth effects modify incentives to lobby for or against the reduction of carbon emissions.

Lagoarde-Segot, T. (2010). After the Crisis: Rethinking Finance. New York: Nova Science Publishers.

Sarrebruck: Editions Universitaires Européennes.

In this book, drawn from her PhD dissertation, Dr. Isabelle Ducassy, Assistant Professor of Corporate Finance, offers an empirical study of the relationship between firm value and changing financial structures. This research has two objectives: To quantify the impact of flotation announcements of different bonds on the stock market, and to identify the reasons for this impact. Accounting and market variables linked to the issuer, the stock market environment, and the parameters of the floatation come under examination, to measure their influence on the stock market’s perception of bonds by the market.


The 2007–2010 economic crisis has profoundly shaken the foundations of mainstream financial economics. The apparent falsification of core concepts such as risk diversification, informational efficiency, and valuation efficiency by an unexpected course of events also has revealed the need to redefine the objectives and direction of research. In this book, Dr. Thomas LagoardeSegot, Associate Professor of Finance, illustrates new paths in economic research by examining the crisis from perspectives outside the conventional theoretical paradigm that, by virtue of their non-conformity, can provide innovative insights into former ways of thinking.

Leoni, P. (2010). Beliefs, learning and economic behavior.

Topsacalian, P., & Teulié, J. (2011). Finance (5th Edition). Paris: Editions Vuibert.

Sarrebruck: Lambert Publishing.

Dr. Patrick Leoni is an Associate Professor of Finance. This book, drawn from his PhD dissertation, studies the way subjective beliefs get modelled in game theory, asset pricing, and monetary economics. In particular, he provides explicitly mathematical foundations for common prior assumptions about nature in repeated games and asset pricing. He also recasts the explanatory power of subjective beliefs in monetary economics. Thus, in economies with rational agents, the common prior assumption has strong learning foundations in repeated game theory. In asset pricing, even though the learning foundations have been clearly identified, commonly accepted heuristic explanations may be flawed. Dr. Leoni dismisses the importance of subjective, and possibly irrational, beliefs in explaining the failure of banking systems. Levratto, N., & Stanziani, A. (Eds) 2010. Le Capitalisme au Futur Antérieur—Crédit et Spéculation en France, Fin XVIIIè-Début XXè Siècles. Brussels: Editions Bruylant.

The co-author of this text, Dr. Nadine Levratto, is an Affiliate Professor of Finance. Financial innovations, subprimes, and the casino economy have been widely blamed as the sole causes of the capitalist crisis at the beginning of the 21st century. This book questions the presence of major changes in previous periods. It gives an account of the most important transformations in the economic system, including the many facets of financial capitalism, and elaborates on the mechanisms necessary to secure the future.

Prof. Patrick Topsacalian, Affiliate Professor of Finance, and his co-author, provide a balance between theory and practice in this financial management manual. They combine intuitive explanations with demonstrations, together with both logical and technical references. The book is intended for students in management and corporate executives who are eager to stay in touch with a rapidly changing discipline. In addition to the multiple updates and adjustments to all the chapters, this fifth edition includes many new contributions on topics such as behavioural finance, corporate governance, and Islamic finance. Yami, S., Castaldo, S., Dagnino, G. B., & Le Roy, F. (2010). Coopetition: Winning Strategies for the 21st Century. Cheltenham, UK & Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.

This innovative book, co-authored by Dr. Saïd Yami, Affiliate Professor of Strategic Management, provides both theoretical insights and empirical evidence on co-opetition. From an original strategic management perspective, coopetition has been insufficiently exploited in analyses of contemporary firm strategies and behaviours and, more generally, managerial practices and processes. The authors argue that co-opetition is neither an extension of competition theory nor a revision of cooperative theory. It is in fact a specific and distinctive research object, calling for dedicated theory, method, and managerial practice. Yami, S., & Le Roy, F. (2010). Stratégies de coopétition. Rivaliser et coopérer simultanément.

Marmayou, J-M., & Rizzo, F. (2010). Contrats de sponsoring sportif.

Brussels, Belgium: De Boeck.

Rueil-Malmaison, France: Lamy Axe Droit.

Dr. Jean-Michel Marmayou and Dr. Fabrice Rizzo, both Affiliate Professors of Law, co-authored this book which explains the rules governing sponsoring contracts and how to master them. They offer jurists, lawyers and students a consistent, efficient and secure method to draw up such contracts. The book details best practices on how to prepare and put together a balanced and fully operational sponsoring contract. It also gives non-jurists a synthetic vision of the essential points of this complex relationship.

Co-opetition strategies are more and more widespread. The aim of this book, by Dr. Saïd Yami, Affiliate Professor of Strategic Management, is to present the models, analytical frameworks, and theories of co-opetition, using the most recent research in the area. Bringing together the best international experts, it provides analytical models that facilitate a realistic understanding of companies’ coopetitive strategies. It deals essentially with co-opetition strategies, and addresses co-opetition practices in different domains.


Editorial Activities Global Business & Organizational Excellence

Editorial Board Members

Global Business and Organizational Excellence (GBOE) is published six times a year by Euromed Management, together with John Wiley & Sons. The academic editor, Chris Kimble, is an Associate Professor of Management Information Systems and Strategy at Euromed Management. GBOE features detailed case studies and practical guidance on operational issues in organisations, stressing their implications for practicing managers. Designed for organisational leaders and those who work directly with them, the journal’s content provides leaders competing in an international business environment with timely information about the strategies and techniques that organisations around the world use to excel.

Chris Kimble

GBOE Cover 46

Philippe Bertrand: Competitiveness Review. Vinca Bigo: The International Journal of Green Economics, the International Journal for Pluralism and Economic Education, and the American Journal of Economics and Sociology. Pierre Cariou: WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics and Revue Africaine des Affaires Maritimes et des Transports. Bernard Cova: Annales Mediterranéennes d’Economie, International Business Review, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Journal of Business Market Management, Journal of Marketing Management, Décisions Marketing, Recherche et Applications en Marketing. South Europe Editor of the Journal of Marketing Theory & Practice and Editor in Chief of Perspectives Culturelles de la Consommation. Tobias Hahn: Business Strategy and the Environment and Business and Society. Maria Kakarika: Associate Editor of Europe’s Journal of Psychology. Chris Kimble: International Journal on Human-Computer Interaction, Information Research and International Journal of Knowledge-Based Organizations. Academic Editor of Global Business and Organizational Excellence. Thomas Lagoarde-Segot: Research in International Business and Finance. Patrick Leoni: Journal of Service Science and Management, the IUP Journal of Financial Risk Management and Investment, Eurasian Business Review, Management & Avenir and Technology & Investment. Dwight Merunka: Décisions Marketing, Applied Research in Quality of Life, Recherche & Applications en Marketing and Academy of Marketing Science Review. Patrick Micheletti: Business Management Review and Management & Avenir. Bernard Paranque: EuroMed Journal of Business, EuroMediterranean Economics and Finance Review, Corporate Governance: An International Review and Revue Techniques Financières & Développement. Frédéric Prévot: European Journal of International Management.

Robert Spencer: Journal of Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, Journal of Business Market Management, Journal of Customer Behaviour and Marketing Intelligence and Planning. Virginie Vial: Global Business and Organizational Excellence. Zannie Voss: Associate Editor of the International Journal of Arts Management. Yahia Zoubir: Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Journal of North African Studies, The Maghreb Center Journal, Communication Science & Technologie, Maghreb-Machrek, Cahier de l’Ouest Saharien and Delhi Business Review.

PhDs & HDRs* Dr. Laurent Estachy, Associate Professor of Corporate Finance, obtained his PhD in macroeconomics and international finance for his thesis entitled “Geopolitics and Foreign Exchange Markets—Self-Referential Rationality and Framing Effect,” from the University of Nice, Sophia Antipolis. Dissertation advisor: Professor Jean-Paul Guichard, CEMAFI Centre d’études en Macroéconomie et Finance Internationale. Dr. Michel Pendaries, Assistant Professor of Organizational Management, obtained his PhD in Management for his thesis entitled “Le pilotage par la valeur de la performance des organisations : cas des entreprises industrielles gérées par affaire,” from The University of Aix-Marseille. Dissertation advisor: Prof. Claude Fiore, University of the Mediterranean Aix-Marseille II. Dr. Omer Farooq, research assistant and recently appointed Assistant Professor of Management at Euromed Management, obtained his PhD in Management at University Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille III, IAEAix (Cergam) for his thesis entitled “Corporate Social Responsibility and Stakeholder Relationships: Different Perspectives and New Avenues of Research.” Dissertation advisors: Profs. Emmanuelle Reynaud and Jean-Louis Chandon, IAE Aix, University Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille III. Dr. Farooq’s research has been financed by Euromed Management’s AG2R La Mondiale Research Chair: Finance Reconsidered: Investment, Solidarities and Responsibility.

Dr. Laurent Estachy

Dr. Michel Pendaries

Dr. Frédéric Prévot, Associate Professor of Strategy received the HDR diploma in March 2011 from the University Jean Moulin, Lyon III, for his work entitled “Le Management des compétences dans les relations interorganisationnelles.” His HDR coordinator was Prof. Ulrike Mayrhofer, University Jean Moulin, Lyon III. Dr. Sami Ben Larbi, Affiliate Professor of Finance, received the HDR diploma in March 2011 from the University of the South, Toulon-Var, for his work entitled, “Management des risques financiers, ingénierie économique et financière et responsabilité sociétale des entreprises : vers un renouvellement du paradigme de la valeur et des systèmes de gouvernance.” His HDR coordinator was Prof. Pierre Gensse, University of the South, Toulon-Var.

Dr. Frédéric Prévot

Dr. Sami Ben Larbi

Dr. Omer Farooq


* Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches

Research Chairs Chair in Responsible Purchasing

The purchasing function is at the heart of the sustainable development effort. This Research Chair links the purchasing theme with a triple sustainable development focus: Ecological and environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic dimensions. Launched in April 2010, the Chair is funded by four companies: ERDF, L’Occitane, SNCF (French Rail), and Sodexo, together with three NGOs: WWF (environmental), Max Havelaar (societal), and Extra-Muros (societal). These members form the steering committee which sets the strategy and discusses projects. Dr. Robert Spencer, Associate Professor of Marketing and Purchasing, and Dr. Frédéric Prévot, Associate Professor of Strategy, are the co-chairs, working in close collaboration with a selected team of researchers, including Danielle Castagnoni, Associate Professor of Responsible Marketing, and Dr. Ali Cheaitou, Assistant Professor of Supply Chain Management. Since the official launch of the Chair, the steering committee has established several research themes and initial research projects, such as :

• A bibliometric analysis of responsible purchasing, to better understand what the term encompasses in the literature to ensure better positioning of future research; • A managerial state-of-the-art project to determine, through surveys across business sectors, the managerial definition of what responsible purchasing is and to analyse firm practices in the field; • “Organising for…”: A project to clarify the emergence and development of sustainable purchasing strategies and practices within firms. In particular, it tracks organisational evolution over time and identifies factors that accelerate or retard this process; • Managing the supplier–buyer interface, a project to outline the necessary alignment that can link sustainable purchasing practice and strategy to the marketing and sales strategy of firms. The Chair is active in an operational sense, involved in the AFNOR (French Standards Commission), as well as Pas@Pas (organisation for social insertion and disability). There is also ongoing cooperation with other academic institutions on an international scale (e.g., University of Porto, University of Southern Denmark).

Dr. Ali Cheaitou

Dr. Robert Spencer, Danielle Castagnoni & Dr. Frédéric Prévot


AG2R / La Mondiale Chair Thanks to the support of AG2R/La Mondiale, Euromed Management’s AG2R-La Mondiale Chair “Finance Reconsidered: Investment, Solidarities and Responsibility” has been extended for a period of three years (2011–2013). The Chair’s objective is to build and develop a modern and responsible approach to finance, reflecting the societal views of both partners. The main issue is to identify how the management of capital held by AG2R-La Mondiale on behalf of its beneficiaries can become a source of new practices and new products meeting the demands of stakeholders. AG2R/La Mondiale’s research team is headed by Prof. Bernard Paranque, Professor of Finance at Euromed Management. Over the past three years, the Chair has supported a research assistant, Dr. Omer Farooq, who successfully defended his dissertation in June 2011. For the next three years, research assistant Elias Erragragui will be working on altruism and its impact on socially responsible investment decisions, including the Islamic finance approach. His PhD dissertation is supervised by Prof. Jean Louis Reiffers, Affiliate Professor at Euromed Management, Professor Emeritus at the University of the South, Toulon Var, and Chair of the Scientific Committee of FEMISE. Publications by this Chair include book chapters, articles in scientific journals, and numerous conference papers. The Chair also participated in a research project funded by FEMISE and published an international report, authored by Dr. Mondher Cherif entitled, “Private Capital Flows in Southern Mediterranean Countries: Determinants and Impact on Economic Growth, Domestic Investment and Wage Inequality.”

The Chair supported the creation of the international research group ESIRAMed (Ecomomie, Social, Investissement Responsable, Assurance) to analyse the links between protection against social risks and development in southern Mediterranean countries, as well as to work on micro-finance and micro-insurance projects. ESIRAMed includes researchers from the CREM– CNRS, University of Caen-Basse-Normandie, Euromed Management, the CREAD (Algeria), University Mohammed V (Morocco), and LEGI, Polytechnic School of Tunisia.

Prof. Bernard Paranque


International Activities

Euromed Management Marrakech Campus Euromed Management’s close involvement in the EuroMediterranean region led to the creation of a campus in Marrakech (Morocco) which duplicates the academic offers of Euromed Management in France and provides all the services of a major business school. In 2010, Euromed Management’s Marrakech campus and the GREFSO (Groupe de Recherche sur les Entreprises Familiales et les Stratégies des Organisations) at the University of Cadi Ayyad in Marrakech organised a conference on SME growth in Morocco. This year, a selection of the conference papers was published in a special issue of Management & Avenir. The issue, entitled “La Construction de la Croissance des PME,” was co-edited by Dr. Chafik Bentaleb, Associate Professor of Human Resources Management and Research Correspondent for Euromed Management on the Marrakech Campus.

Marrakech Campus

Dr. Chafik Bentaleb


Shanghai Campus

Dr. William (Hua) Wang

Euromed Management and the Antai College of Economics & Management Jiaotong University, Shanghai (China) The Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai’s Jiaotong University and Euromed Management jointly run the AEMBA programme (Antai Euromed Management MBA). Jiaotong University was the first Chinese university to establish a department of management science. Euromed Management and Jiaotong University founded a platform integrating research and business education, namely, the CEMCD (China EuroMediterranean Centre for Diversity). Its mission is to promote understanding of complexity and diversity in a globalised business environment, especially the link between European and Asian businesses. This centre is under the leadership of Dr. William (Hua) Wang, Associate Professor of Economics and Business Policy at Euromed Management and China area manager. The CEMCD has organised conferences on regional topics, such as “The International Forum on Metropolitan Regions Development—PostExpo2010” and “Regional Economic Integration of the Yangtze River Delta” in 2010, as well as “The Internationalisation Strategy of Chinese Firms— Dialogue between Entrepreneurs and Scholars” in 2011.

Visiting Research Scholars Margarita Mayo, Professor of Organisational Behaviour at the IE Business School, Spain, was a Fulbright Scholar at Harvard University and received her PhD in Organisational Behavior from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Professor Mayo’s research interests are leadership, work group diversity, the work–life interface and well-being, innovation adoption, and social identity processes in organisations. She is also Chair of the organisational behaviour group of the European Academy of Management and guest editor of the Journal of Management and Governance. She visited Euromed Management to work with Dr. Maria Kakarika. Bill McKelvey is Professor Emeritus of Strategic Organizing and Complexity Science at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management, Los Angeles, CA, USA. His main areas of interest include complexity science, with a particular emphasis on computational agent-based computation and Pareto and power-law distributions, the philosophy of science, and leadership theory. Prof. McKelvey visited Euromed Management in June 2011 to work on the theoretical implications of highly skewed (power law) distributions on management theory and practice, in the context of an ongoing collaboration with Dr. Pierpaolo Andriani of Euromed Management.

Alvaro Sandroni is the E.D. Howard Professor in Political Economy at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Illinois (USA) and a leading scholar in market selection and rational learning. Prof. Sandroni discussed the mathematical modelling of the psychological biases and beliefs often observed when people are subject to uncertainty. His objective is to predict individual behaviour through the use of mathematical models and virtual simulations. He was invited by Dr. Patrick Leoni of Euromed Management with whom he shares common research interests. Professor Sandroni received the 2011 Euromed Management Prize for Excellence in Research, outstanding achievements, and groundbreaking contributions to economic theory. Gianfranco Walsh is Professor of Marketing and Electronic Retailing at the Institute for Management, University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany. He came to explore research collaborations between the University of Koblenz and Euromed Management and presented a paper written with Dr. Boris Bartikowski of Euromed Management.


Doctoral Programmes

Abou Sidibe: “L’évaluation financière des projets de la qualité du service par les processus dans le secteur de la Banque-Assurance”. PhD Advisor: Prof. Bernard Belletante. Thierry Vallaud: “Determination of the elasticity of the share of wallet for FMC products: A model at the individual consumer level.” PhD Advisor: Prof. Dwight Merunka.

Euromed Management offers two doctoral programmes: The PhD Universa and the DBA.

The PhD Universa Euromed Management offers students the opportunity to pursue original academic research as part of the PhD Universa programme, which is jointly organised by six member schools of the 20-year-old Ecricome consortium: Bordeaux School of Management, ESCEM Tours-Poitiers, Euromed Management, ICN Business School, Reims Management School, and Rouen School of Management. All partner schools are EQUIS accredited. This programme prepares students for research careers in both academic and non-academic settings. Participants receive a solid methodological base that enables them to design and implement research projects in various business disciplines. They work closely with faculty members on research projects of mutual interest. The programme is conducted in France and students can enroll in a double degree programme in collaboration with another European university. Currently, 36 students are enrolled in the programme, and 10 are supervised by Euromed Management faculty members: Loftian Behrooz: “How can companies decrease their employee base in a recession period?” PhD Advisor: Dr. Patrick Micheletti. Dias Bexoltan: “Anti-crisis management of the small and medium enterprises in France.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Nadine Levratto. Elizabeth Franklin-Johnson: “The application of sustainability measures in managerial practice: a comparative analysis between organisations in France and the U.K.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Katia Richomme-Huet. Gregorio Fuschillo: “Consumption and Fanaticism: Fan, fanatics and companies in fan culture contexts.” PhD Advisor: Prof. Bernard Cova. Alexandre Lavissiere: “Place and role of free ports in companies’ supply chain maturity.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Laurent Fedi. Giannis Milolidakis: “How virtual practices facilitate learning, creativity and innovation in distributed virtual communities of practice.” PhD Advisors: Chris Kimble and Dr. Walter Baets. Hugh-Marc Porter: “International joint ventures from an institutional point of view.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Frédéric Prévot. Wissam Sami El Khoury: “Mergers and Acquisitions: Effect of Asymmetric Information and the Case of Toeholds.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Zouhaier M’Chirgui. 52

The Universa PhD Programme coordinator for Euromed Management is Dr. Boris Bartikowski, Associate Professor of Marketing. Contact:

Dr. Boris Bartikowski

Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) Euromed Management, in partnership with Renmin University of China, has developed a joint Doctorate of Business Administration programme. It is designed for successful Chinese business practitioners interested in applying their knowledge and experience to business research. The international partnership between a French business school and a Chinese university ensures the programme has a strong international dimension and favours a horizon broadening experience for the participants. The DBA programme is structured around courses delivered by both Renmin University and Euromed Management faculty members and culminates with the DBA dissertation and its public defence. The mission of the Euromed Management DBA programme is to provide entrepreneurs and executives with business research expertise so as to apply academic knowledge to specific management issues and improve the quality of their decision making skills . Dr. Michel Gutsatz is the MBA & DBA Programme Manager at Euromed Management. Contact:

Dr. Michel Gutsatz

Euromed Management Research Assistants Naeem Ashraf: Doctoral student at the IAE Aix (Cergam), University Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille III. Dissertation title: “The effect of network embeddedness on corporate performance for sustainability.” PhD Advisors: Dr. Pierre-Xavier Meschi and Prof. Emmanuelle Reynaud, IAE Aix-en-Provence, University Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille III. His co-advisor at Euromed Managment is Dr. Robert Spencer and his research is supported by the Responsible Purchasing Chair. Rohail Ashraf: Doctoral student at the IAE Aix (Cergam), University Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille III. Dissertation title: “Companies, Brands and Consumers: An Integrated Paradigm.” PhD Advisor: Prof. Dwight Merunka, IAE Aix, University Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille III, and Euromed Management. Breeda Comyns: Doctoral Student at the University of Leeds, UK. Dissertation title: “Investigating the quality and quantity of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions reporting by companies in the oil and gas industry.” PhD Advisors: Dr. Frank Figge and Dr. Tobias Hahn, Euromed Management and Dr. Ralf Barkemeyer and Dr. William Young, Leeds University. Elias Erragraguy: Doctoral student at the University of the South, Toulon-Var. Dissertation title: “L’influence du référentiel normatif sur la dynamique décisionnelle et les préférences altruistes des agents économiques– Une étude comparative des déterminants de l’altruisme au sein des modèles financiers socialement responsables.” PhD Advisors: Prof. Jean Louis Reiffers, Euromed Management and University of the South, Toulon-Var and Prof. Bernard Paranque, Euromed Management. Elizabeth Franklin-Johnson: Doctoral student in the Universa Ph.D programme at Euromed Management and at University of Nancy 2 (Cerefige). Dissertation title: “The application of sustainability measures in managerial practice: A comparative analysis between organisations in France and the U.K.” PhD Advisor: Dr. Katia Richomme-Huet, Euromed Management. Gregorio Fuschillo: Doctoral student in the Universa Ph.D programme at Euromed Management and Universita’ degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”. Dissertation title: “Consumption and Fanaticism: Fan, fanatics and companies in fan culture contexts.” PhD Advisors: Prof. Bernard Cova, Euromed Management and Prof. Andrea Rea, Universita’ degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza.”

François-Armand Gambarelli : Doctoral student at the IMPGT (Cergam), University Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III. Dissertation title: “Construction-déconstruction de concepts innovants en environnement institutionnel prégnant.” PhD Advisor: Prof. Corinne Grenier, Euromed Management. Eleonora Lollo : Doctoral student at the Université de la Méditerranée Aix-Marseille II. Dissertation title: “Social Capital and Economic Development.” PhD Advisors: Dr. Patricia Augier, Université de la Méditerranée, Aix-Marseille II and Dr. Virginie Vial, Euromed Management. Simon Paranthoën : Doctoral student at the IMPGT (Cergam), University Paul Cézanne, Aix-Marseille III. Dissertation title: “La construction de la légitimité d’une partie prenante profane dans un environnement professionnel : le cas des aidants de personnes âgées”. Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Corinne Grenier, Euromed Management.

Research Assistants

Visiting PhD Students Euromed Management has a research partnership with the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), the second highest ranked university in Brazil, located in Porto Alegre. The purpose of this partnership is to enable Brazilian students to conduct their research in a crossnational context. Euromed Management hosts doctoral students from UFRGS for periods ranging from three months to one year. Daniela Moreira de Carvalho, Assistant Professor at the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (Recife), spent eight months at Euromed Management, where her thesis co-advisor is Dr. Frédéric Prévot.


Faculty Members

Sami Ben Larbi Affiliate Professor of Finance Associate Professor, University of the South, Toulon-Var

Pierpaolo Andriani Associate Professor of Complexity and Innovation

Chafik Bentaleb Associate Professor of Human Resources Management

Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Durham University (UK)

Christine Angelini Associate Professor of Strategic Management Ph.D. in Management, University of Brest

Noël Albert Assistant Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Management Sciences, University PMF in Grenoble

Pedro Albuquerque Associate Professor of Economics Ph.D. in Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA)

Valérie Angles Assistant Professor of International Management Ph.D. in Management, University of Aix-Marseille II

Pascale Auger Associate Professor of Complexity, Creativity Management Ph.D. in Management, University of Aix-Marseille III

Boris Bartikowski Associate Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Aix-Marseille III and University of Ausburg (Germany) HDR, University of Aix-Marseille III

Roland Bel Associate Professor of Strategy and Innovation Ph.D. in Economics, University of Sydney (Australia)

Bernard Belletante Director General, Dean and Professor of Corporate Finance Ph.D. in Economics, University of Lyon III HDR, University of Lyon II 54

Ph.D. in Management, University of Aix-Marseille III

Ph.D. in Management, Cadi Ayyad University (Morocco) HDR, Cadi Ayyad University (Morocco)

Gilles Bertrand Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design Master of Arts, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Appliques et des Métiers d’Art

Philippe Bertrand Affiliate Professor of Finance Professor of Finance, University of Aix-Marseille III Ph.D. in Mathematical Economics, EHESS HDR, University of Paris-Dauphine

Vinca Bigo Associate Professor in Gender, Ethics and Leadership Ph.D. in Development Studies, University of Cambridge (UK)

Odile Boizard Assistant Professor of Information and Communication Ph.D. in Information and Communication Sciences, University of Aix-Marseille III

Thierry Brener Adjunct Professor of Managment Pierre Cariou Associate Professor of Shipping and Port Economics Ph.D. in Economics, University of Nantes

Danielle Castagnoni Associate Professor of Marketing and Sustainable Development Masters in Management, University of Corte

Hector Castaneda Assistant Professor of Innovation

Christine Gendron Adjunct Professor of Graphic Design

Masters in Transportation and

Dardo Mario de Vecchi Associate Professor of Linguistics and Knowledge Management

Logistics, University of Paris X

Ph.D. in Linguistics,

des Arts Décoratifs/ENSAD, Paris

Masters, l’École Nationale Supérieure

University of Paris XIII

Eric Cauvin Affiliate Professor of Accounting Professor, University of Aix-Marseille III

Marion Dovis Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship

Ph.D. in Finance,

Ph.D. in Economics,

University of Aix-Marseille III

University of Aix-Marseille II

HDR, University of Aix-Marseille III

Julien Cayla Affiliate Professor of Marketing Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales (Australia) Ph.D. in Marketing, University of Colorado, Boulder (USA)

Ali Cheaitou Assistant Professor of Supply Chain and Logistics Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering, Ecole Centrale de Paris

Hilary Collins Associate Professor of Strategic Management Ph.D. in Philosophy, Strathclyde University (UK)

Bernard Cova Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Management, University of Paris Dauphine HDR, University of Paris Dauphine

Florence Crespin-Mazet Associate Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Project Marketing and Systems Selling, University of Manchester (UK)

Jean-Philippe Danglade Assistant Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Management Sciences, University of Aix-Marseille III

Jean-Louis Denis Affiliate Professor of Health Management Professor, ENAP, Montreal (Canada) Ph.D. in Community Health, University of Montreal (Canada)

Isabelle Ducassy Assistant Professor of Finance Ph.D. in Economics and Finance, University of Toulouse

Eustache Ebondo Wa Mandzila Associate Professor of Auditing Ph.D. in Management, University of Paris

Laurent Estachy Associate Professor of International Finance Ph.D. in Economics, University of Nice

Philippe Givry Assistant Professor of Finance Ph.D. in Management Sciences, University of Lyon III

Karine Goglio-Primard Associate Professor of Economics Ph.D. in Economics, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis

Adel Golli Assistant Professor of Human Resources Management Ph.D. in Management, University of Corte.

Corinne Grenier Professor of Strategy and Innovation Ph.D. in Management, University of Paris-Dauphine HDR, University of Paris-Dauphine

Laurent Fedi Associate Professor of Maritime Law and Maritime Management Ph.D. in Maritime Law,

Alexis Guyot Assistant Professor of Finance Ph.D. in Economics,

University of Aix-Marseille III

University of Lyon II

Frank Figge Associate Professor of Sustainable Development and CSR

Tobias Hahn Associate Professor of Corporate Sustainability

Ph.D. in Economics University of Basel (Switzerland)

David Ford Affiliate Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Management, University of Manchester (UK)

Michel Fourriques Assistant Professor of Taxation and Law Masters in Banking and Finance University of Aix-Marseille III

Christine Francou Associate Professor of Accounting Masters in Management, Ecole de Commerce Nice

Vincent Frey Assistant Professor of Negotiation Masters in Management, Euromed Management 55

Ph.D. in Economics and Social Sciences, University of Lüneburg (Germany)

Julien Hanoteau Associate Professor of Environmental Economics and Management Ph.D. in Environmental Economics and Policies, Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris

Jouba Hmaida Assistant Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Management Sciences, University of Toulouse

Bin Jiang Affiliate Professor of Operations Management Associate Professor of Management, DePaul University (USA) Ph.D. in Operations Management, The University of Texas at Arlington (USA)

Maria Kakarika Assistant Professor of Organisational Behavior and Human Resources Ph.D. in Management, IE Business School (Spain)

Lionel Maltese Affiliate Professor of Sports Management Associate Professor, University of Aix-Marseille III

Annie Munos Associate Professor of Marketing Ph.D. in Management, University of Aix-Marseille III HDR, University of Aix-Marseille III

Ph.D. in Management,

Chris Kimble Associate Professor of Strategy and Technology Management Masters in Computer Science, University of Newcastle (UK) Masters in Philosophy, University of Northumbria (UK)

University of Aix-Marseille III

Jean-Michel Marmayou Affiliate Professor of Law and Sports Law Associate Professor, University of Aix-Marseille III Ph.D. in Law, University of Aix-

Teresa Nelson Affiliate Professor of Entrepreneurship and CSR Professor, Simmons School of Management, Boston (USA) Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Illinois, UrbanaChampaign (USA)

Marseille III

Thomas Lagoarde-Segot Associate Professor of Finance

HDR, University of Aix-Marseille III

Ph.D. in Finance and Development,

Virginie Martin Associate Professor of Sociology, Political Sciences and Management

Trinity College Dublin (Ireland)

Austin Lee Nichols Assistant Professor of Leadership and Organisational Behaviour Ph.D. in Social Psychology, University of Florida, (USA)

Ph.D. in Political Science, Institut

Wan Ni Lai Assistant Professor of Finance

d’Etudes Politiques de Paris HDR, University of Lyon III

Ph.D. in Management, University of Aix-Marseille III

Patrick Leoni Associate Professor of Finance

Bernard Paranque Professor of Finance Ph.D. in Economics and Management,

Zouhaier M’Chirgui Associate Professor of Finance, Auditing and Accounting

University of Lyon

Ph.D. in Economics,

Olivier Pelazza Assistant Professor of Marketing & Strategy

Ph.D. in Economics, University

University of Aix-Marseille II

of Minnesota-Minneapolis (USA)

HDR, University of Aix-Marseille II

Laurence Le Poder Associate Professor of Economics

Dwight Merunka Affiliate Professor of Marketing Professor of Marketing, University of Aix-Marseille III

HDR, University of Lyon

Masters in Management, Euromed Management

Ph.D. in Marketing,

Michel Pendaries Assistant Professor of Organisational Management

University of Aix-Marseille III

Ph.D. in Management,

HDR, University of Aix Marseille III

University Aix-Marseille II

Isabelle Pignatel Associate Professor of Accounting

University of Nice

Patrick Micheletti Associate Professor of Human Resources Management

HDR, University of Nice

Ph.D. in Labor Sociology, St. Esprit

Aix-Marseille III

Ph.D. in Economics, University of Aix-Marseille III

Nadine Levratto Affiliate Professor of Finance Research Scholar, CNRS-Université de Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense Ph.D. in Economics,

Ph.D. in Management, University of

University, Lebanon

Grant Linscott Adjunct Professor of Industrial Design

Ph.D. in Management Sciences,

Master of Science, International

HDR, University of Montpellier

Business and Management for Design, University of Salford (UK)

Evelyne Lombardo Assistant Professor of Management and Communications Ph.D. in Information and Communication Sciences, University of the South, Toulon-Var

University of Aix-Marseille III

Jean-Jacques Michelin Associate Professor of Business Policy Masters in Management, Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Commerciales d’Angers.

Jérôme Morel Associate Professor of Auditing and Control Masters in Internal Auditing, University of Aix-Marseille III 56

Frank Pons Affiliate Professor of Sports Marketing Professor, University of Laval (Canada) Ph.D. in Business Administration, Concordia University, Montreal (Canada)

Frédéric Prévot Associate Professor of Strategic Management

Enrique ter Horst Associate Professor of Statistics and Financial Risks

Ph.D. in Strategic Management,

Ph.D. in Statistics, Duke University

University of Aix-Marseille II


HDR, University of Lyon III

Felix Weygand Affiliate Professor of Information and Communication Science Associate Professor, University of Aix-Marseille II Ph.D. in Information and

Maarouf Ramadan Affiliate Professor of Finance and Business Economics

Patrick Topsacalian Affiliate Professor of Finance Associate Professor, University of Lyon III

Ph.D. in Economics, Ecole Normale

Ph.D. in Finance, University of

Supérieure de Cachan

Montpellier I

Communication, University of AixMarseille II

Tim White Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems Masters in Supply Chain Management,

Jean Louis Reiffers Affiliate Professor of Economics Professor Emeritus, University of the South, Toulon Var

Romilda Tramontano Associate Professor of Business Law

University of Aix-Marseille II

Masters in Public Law,

Niko Wijnolst Affiliate Professor of Shipping

University of Nice

Ph.D. in Economics,

Ph.D. in Shipping,

University of Aix-Marseille II.

Gérard Veber Associate Professor of Marketing

Katia Richomme-Huet Associate Professor of International Human Resources Management and Entrepreneurship

Masters in Electronic Engineering,

Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands)

University of Montpellier I

Lucien Veran Affiliate Professor of Management Professor, University of Aix-Marseille III

Saïd Yami Affiliate Professor of Strategic Management Associate Professor, University of Montpellier

HDR, University of Brest

Ph.D. in Management,

Ph.D. in Strategic Management,

University of Nice

University of Lille

HDR, University of Aix-Marseille III

HDR, University of Montpellier

Yahia Zoubir Professor of International Relations and International Management

Marseille III

Virginie Vial Associate Professor of Development Economics and Industrial Organisation

HDR, University of Aix-Marseille III

Ph.D. in Economics and Political

The American University,

Science, London School of Economics

Washington D.C. (USA)

Ph.D. in Management,

Fabrice Rizzo Affiliate Professor of Private Law and Sports Law Professor, University of Aix-Marseille III Ph.D. in Law, University of Aix-

Bertrand Rone Adjunct Professor of Design Masters in Design, EID Toulon Abdelkader Sbihi Associate Professor of Supply Chain and Logistics Ph.D. in Optimization and Operations



Zannie Voss Affiliate Professor of Marketing Professor, Southern Methodist University (USA) Ph.D. in Management, University of Aix-Marseille III

Research, University of Paris I

Robert Spencer Associate Professor of Marketing

William-Hua Wang Associate Professor of Economics and Business Policy

Ph.D. in Economics and Business

Ph.D. in Applied Economics,

Administration, Uppsala University

University of Grenoble


Ernesto Tapia-Moore Associate Professor of International Management Ph.D. in Management, University of Aix-Marseille II


Ph.D. in International Relations,

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.