Architecture Portfolio 2012 - Caroline NAEF, EPFL

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naef caroline


caroline naef EPFL architecture student swiss federal institute of technology date of birth: march 16th 1990 nationality: swiss and japanese contact



2009 - 2012

native language advanced competency good competency basics of spoken language

Bachelor of Science in Architecture | EPFL | graduating in July 2012 Highest grade obtained for the workshop projects of the 2nd and 3rd year of Bachelor: 6.0 / 6.0 UPIAV Award | rewards the best 2nd year workshop projects of the Architecture Faculty 2. Prize | ''EPFL Cardboard Bridge Contest 2012'' | Pair-work with Héloïse Sierro 2005 - 2009

2006 - 2007


High School | Collège Sainte-Croix, Fribourg Diploma work in Architecture


French English German Japanese

high school year in the US - obtaining TOEFL high school diploma level

Options: Latin - Ancient Greek - Advanced Math - German

School year in the United States | Matignon High School, Cambridge, MA

special awards

Linguistic stay in Japan | Soshin High School, Yokohama

2012 2011

Latin IV Honors - Mathematics Advanced Placement Calculus

work experience 20.07.11 - 02.09.11

Atelier Niv-o | architecture internship | Lausanne

Execution and control of plans, sections and elevations of two projects in construction. Conception, issues and execution drawings of a prototype bathroom for an elderly home. Building site visits and plotting.

2010 - present Archizoom | EPFL | Body for exhibitions and conferences of the Faculty of Architecture Member of the student team, which contributes to the preparation,

2nd Prize | ''EPFL Cardboard Bridge Contest 2012'' | for resistance | with Héloïse Sierro UPIAV Award | Union Patronale des Ingénieurs et des Architectes Vaudois

received for the best 2nd year workshop projects | done in collaboration with Christophe Waber 2009 Certificate of studies in piano | Fribourg Conservatory | equivalentofHighSchoolDiploma 2007 TOEFL advanced level diploma | Test of English as a Foreign Language | 110/120 points 2006 Certificate of studies AVCEM Cello | Lausanne School of Music 2005 3rd national prize of SJMW | Swiss Music Competition for Youth | cello and piano duet with Faustine Sermier 2004 3rd regional prize of SJMW | piano duet with Lucie Delley 2002 2nd regional prize of SJMW | cello solo

establishment and caretaking of exhibitions and conferences.

2010 - present

In Situ Commission of ASAR | EPFL | Association of the Students in Architecture

hobbies and interests

2008 - 2011

English language teacher |

Oktober 2004

Architekturbüro Bruno Stäheli | Frauenfeld

1998 - present 2000 - 2003

Singing at ''Maîtrise de Villars-sur-Glâne'' - since 2009 at ''Sotto Voce,'' a vocal ensemble for youth Orchestra of the Fribourg Conservatory students - since 2002 at the Fribourg's Youth Orchstra

Outdoor activities |

tennis - badminton - swimming - hiking - climbing - skiing

Founder and person responsible for the IN SITU Commission Organization of building site and architectural realization visits. Regular updating of the website.

Tutoring elementary and high school students in private groups. Preparation of classes and specific exercices for each level and age. Realization of a 1:100 model of a house and building site visits.

computing literacy


vectorised drawing AutoCAD - Vectorworks - Google SketchUp - Rhino 3D imaging Adobe InDesign - Photoshop - Illustrator modeling Computer-aided manufacturing with Zünd - Laser

Ivo Frei Stefan Behnisch Alexandre Blanc

Director of the architecture office ''atelier niv-o''

0041 21 614 3000

Visiting Professor for 3rd year studios at the EPFL

Visiting Professor for 2nd year studios at the EPFL

0041 21 311 95 27 3

contents ermigĂŽte

ba3 _ pilgrims' shelter


ba5 _ sustainable mixed use building



ba4 _ embassies' tower


low rise high density

ba2 _ adjacent housing


hs3 _ high school diploma work


ba1 _ modular construction


ba1 _ stairs in the city of lausanne


ba4 _ urbanism analysis


ba6 _ civil engineering competition


ba0 _ representation in pencil


living ferrara

individual house modular construction urban stairs la citĂŠ industrielle cardboard bridge artwork

ermigĂŽte studio bakker&blanc b a c h e l o r 3 rd s e m e s t e r 2 0 1 0 pair-work with christophe waber

this project received the highest grade and was awarded the UPIAV prize

this prize rewards the best 2nd year architecture workshop projects

STRIP'TEASE HOUSING INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE PHENOMENA OF URBAN DENSITY & INTIMACY ''The task consists in designing a shelter for 24 pilgrims on the Hermitage site where the routes of the Way of St. James pass. This one has to be built with materials found in the city of Lausanne that are reused. The etymology of the word ''Hermitage'' refers to the idea of staying in the background, to the search for a high form of intimacy. The purpose is to reach an expression of simplicity and recognition of equilibrium between comfort and destitution after the rigor of long hours of walk. Modesty, simplicity, tranquility, discretion, search for meaning, and a simple and clear contact with nature are the qualities that the construction needs to make visible.'' Inspired by the romantic and select imagery of the XIXth century that the site of the Hermitage evokes, the project proposes a specific typology, the orangery, in order to become as well integrated as possible in this setting. The light and diaphanous structure of glass and metal lies on a massive concrete base in which the service elements are integrated, thus preserving a calm and silent setting in the orangery. This shelter offers a generous and bright space in which the pilgrims may find, between the trees and in the middle of everyone, rest and intimacy in basketbeds. This levitation, the transparency and the close contact with the exterior offer a favorable environment to meditation.



l i v i n g ferrara studio behnisch

b a c h e l o r 5 th s e m e s t e r 2 0 1 1 pair-work with hĂŠloĂŻse sierro this project also received the highest grade

''Initial studies and analysis regarding the implementation and architectural integration of passive and active sustainable concepts will lead to a design in a newly masterplanned area at the waterfront in Ferrara, in Italy. The design task will be a mixed use project with commercial, offices, and living. It is the goal to create an element in a lively neighborhood where people can live and work in the same area, integrating at the same time concepts of sustainability.'' Imposed by the master plan, the square shape of the building, the central void, and the way the building is set back from the street, immediately refers to a well-known typology: the traditional Italian palace. The void gives the building a centrality, a heart, which is the project's concept. One of the main characteristics of the Italian palace is the distribution of the functions by layers, which get more private as it goes up. This principle is therefore used in the project: shops on the ground floor, characterized by fluidity and permeability, the offices on the second floor, and finally the apartments. The building may be understood as the metaphor of a jewelry box: simplicity in the exterior, richness inside. Regular and orthogonal framework in the facades and the glass roof, niches and tormented geometry in the atrium. A parallel can also be made with the bullet hole in a sheet of glass: the void actually is the most interesting part. The density of the

built spaces maintains a strong relation with the central void. This semi-private semi-public area is the general meeting place which offers at the same time a level of intimacy. The atrium therefore is the heart of the project. Formerly used to host guests and show wealth, the inner courtyard of a building is the place of socialization and integration. This is the reason why in the project, the vertical circulation, located in that heart, is considered to be a vertical boulevard that invites the user to feel the space and experience a rich architectural parcours. The center of the atrium is more dynamic and lively than the periphery which is calm and restful because of the niches, the vegetal screens, and the material. The atrium also provides thermal comfort. The inner courtyards of the houses in the south aim to keep a fresh and shadowed space while still bringing light to deep rooms. In this particular project, the atrium is covered with a diaphanous roof of glass (equipped with solar protections); this to regulate at best the temperature, the humidity and the ventilation and to offer a nice space, usable all year long. The street facades are characterized by solar protection in wood in a metal frame in order to avoid overheating. The wooden slats can be inclined and the panels are movable or pliable. This system offers a great variety of possible shadows.


apartments offices apartments offices shops_restaurant shops_restaurant REFERENCE_ITALIAN PALACE_FACADE
















''The atrium also provides thermal comfort. The inner courtyards of the houses in the south aim to keep a fresh and shadowed space while still bringing light to deep rooms. In this particular project, the atrium is covered with a diaphanous roof of glass (equipped with solar protections); this to regulate at best the temperature, the humidity and the ventilation and to offer a nice space, usable all year long. '' 15

''The building may be understood as the metaphor of a jewelry box: simplicity in the exterior, richness inside. Regular and orthogonal framework in the facades and the glass roof, niches and tormented geometry in the atrium. The atrium is the heart of the project. Formerly used to host

guests and show wealth, the inner courtyard of a building is the place of socialization and integration. This is the reason why in the project, the vertical circulation, located in that heart, is considered to be a vertical boulevard that invites the user to feel the space and experience a rich architectural parcours. The center of the atrium is more dynamic and lively than the periphery which is calm and restful because of the niches, the vegetal screens, and the material.''


ambatour studio bakker&blanc b a c h e l o r 4 th s e m e s t e r 2 0 1 1 pair-work with christophe waber this project also received the highest grade and was awarded the UPIAV prize

STRIP'TEASE HOUSING INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE PHENOMENA OF URBAN DENSITY & INTIMACY ''A tower including eight embassies of arbitrarily chosen countries needs to be developed on a small plot of 300m2 in the heights of Lausanne. UN community spaces such as a reception hall, a lobby and other spaces where synergies and a form of consensus can be found have to be thought as well. The use of metal is required.'' The project, a structure, is a superimposition of spaces defined by a double height of seven meters inside which chanceries or residences may be installed. The organization of the tower is based on the theme of alternation of the programs; this not only to keep physically together each embassy, but also to offer a rich parcours lived through the elevator. Through this, the visitor may appreciably experience the alternation between each chancery and residence, between different typologies, between different densities, between offices in a double skin facade and hanging gardens that can be opened to the exterior climate. A great simplicity and an extreme efficacy are illustrated in the structural system: on rectangular posts lie a girder grill on which slabs (or trays filled with dirt, in case of a hanging garden) are put down. On both sides of the rectangular posts glass is hung in order to create the double skin facade which

can be opened in the residences, through a rail system. The countries that were chosen are the eight biggest exporters of cocoa, as Switzerland is its biggest importer. All of these countries are located on the equatorial strip and are therefore characterized by a tropical climate. This climate may be simulated in the hanging gardens, where the temperature can be adjusted by the heat supply of the incineration factory Tridel located nearby via the ventilation system of the double skin facade or by opening the windows. The floor plans play with the themes of boxes and of interior and exterior. The outside of the boxes in service is fluid inside a living space, and the hanging gardens are both exteriors and interiors (depending on whether the double skin is opened or close). The final plate, a collage (size: 4 A0) asked for by the professors, presents the project in a less conventional, yet efficient way. The work of the entire semester, made on tracing which evokes the transparency of the architectural object, constitutes the format of the collage, entirely realized by hand to be in conjunction with the idea of simplicity and evidence of the project. It matters to note that the understanding of the project is done mainly through the models, another strong idea of the studio.


''The final plate, a collage (size: 4 A0) asked for by the professors, presents the project in a less conventional, yet efficient way. The work of the entire semester, made on tracing which evokes the transparency of the architectural object, constitutes the format of the collage, entirely realized by hand to be in conjunction with the idea of simplicity and evidence of the project.''

''A great simplicity and an extreme efficacy are illustrated in the structural system: on rectangular posts lie a girder grill on which slabs (or trays filled with dirt, in case of a hanging garden) are put down. On both sides of the rectangular posts glass is hung in order to create the double skin facade which can be opened in the residences, through a rail system. The project, a structure, is a superimposition of spaces defined by a double height of seven meters inside which chanceries or residences may be installed.'' 21

''UN community spaces such as a reception hall, a lobby and other spaces where synergies and a form of consensus can be found have to be thought as well.'' ''The project, a structure, is a superimposition of spaces defined by a double height of seven meters inside which chanceries or residences may install.''


''The floor plans play with the theme of boxes and the one of interior and exterior. The outside of the boxes of service also is fluid inside living space, and the hanging gardens are both exteriors and interiors (depending on whether the double skin is opened or close). The countries which were chosen are the eight biggest exporters of cocoa, as Switzerland is its

biggest importer. All of these countries are located on the equatorial strip and are therefore characterized by a tropical climate. This climate may be simulated in the hanging gardens, where the temperature can be adjusted by the heat supply of the incineration factory Tridel located nearby, by the ventilation system of the double skin facade or by opening the windows.''


low rise high density studio ortelli bachelor

2 nd s e m e s t e r


''Creating a low rise, high density district to compensate for the urban spreading while still offering a comfortable house for everyone. In a 10 x 19 meters plot, each student will have to design an adjacent house, integrating external spaces of quality.'' The project, here in the stage of an intermediate critic, is articulated in three blocks of apparent concrete placed diagonally, thus generating three different external spaces and producing perspective views. These blocs are connected by an entirely glassed and wooden footbridge which makes the limit between interior and exterior ambiguous. This configuration is inspired by Japanese temples.

Axonometry of the final project. The follwing drawings, on the contrary, are at the stage of an intermediate critic.



individual house

Here is the assignment I gave myself for my High School Diploma Work:

high school diploma work

''Design an individual house at the 1:100 scale, with a given topography.''

3 rd y e a r o f h i g h s c h o o l 2 0 0 7 - 2 0 0 8 project supervised by marc-laurent naef

After deciding of a program and drafting an organigramm, I rigorously analysed the plot and carried out several layout plans.

this project received the highest grade - 100 / 100 pts

The final plans take into account the difference in height of the site, the view on the cliffs and develop a parcours based on height.


modular constrution studio ortelli bachelor





this project was selected for the ‘critiques magistrales’

''The first year's exercise consists in offering a space at the Montbenon Park in Lausanne with a specific number of stone modules.'' Instead of conceiving a space for relaxation or centering a nice view on lake Leman, the bias was to reverse the function of the construction from the inside out: the project, a tower, stands as a landmark, pointing out the entrance of the park, and offers at the same time an unexpected spatial experience once inside, due to its verticality, its materiality and its light games.


urban stairs studio ortelli bachelor

1 st s e m e s t e r


''The hilly landscape of the city of Lausanne often makes the connection between different levels complicated. The task consists in creating urban stairs linking two parts of the city, with different history, ambiances and functions and separated by a steep, wooded slope.'' These stairs, simple, direct, whose geometry takes back the orthogonality of the local plan, offer an ascent in five regular steps through two materialities which relate to the industrial part (concrete) and the more traditional part of Lausanne (paving stone).


urbanism analysis

''Analyze, through redrawing, a great urban reference of the beginning of the 20th century.''

la citĂŠ industielle - t. garnier b a c h e l o r 4 th s e m e s t e r 2 0 1 1 professor: Elena Colgato Lanza

this project was selected for the ‘critiques magistrales’


cardboard bridge civil engineering competition bachelor

6 th s e m e s t e r


2 nd place for structural strength - with HĂŠloĂŻse Sierro

''The goal of the competition is to bring students, PhD students, and professors of the EPFL together in a technical and artistic challenge. Contestants are invited to use their knowledge and creativity to realize a bridge whose range measures exactly one meter, using only white, brown or grey cardboard, along with white glue. The final weight of the bridge must not exceed 100 grams, and the structure must support the highest possible load to win a resistance prize.'' After drafting a few bridges based on the diagram of the moments for a punctual load, we chose to build an extremely simple structure to facilitate the realization of the model: a rigid beam with bootstraps. The beam web were made of grey cardboard because the efforts there are important, and the flanges in corrugated cardboard to lighten the weight of the bridge. The tierods were shortened (to use the chain available at the contest) and to lower the weight of the bridge. Highly solicited, these were therefore realized in grey cardboard and glued on the inferior flange in order to allow movement during the application of the load. The bridge desk was slightly curved downward to compensate for the deformation caused during the loading. The final bridge weighted 93 grams and held a load of 24 kilograms, obtaining a ratio of 258 which placed us to the second rank for structural strength.




caroline naef EPFL architecture student swiss federal institute of technology

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