Caroline Wells Portfolio

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CAROLI NE WELLS Architec ture Por tfolio 2020



Perspectival Section through ‘South’ Market Hall

This project treats Errol as a model for creating socio-environmental infrastructure for the neglected towns of post-industrial Scotland, moving between different scales of intervention to turn from an extractive economy to a circular economy.

Drawing made from a Rhino model, edited in Photoshop and Illustrator


ER ROL F OOD C OOPERATIV E An understanding of local biodiversity conditions, informed by George Monbiot’s ‘Feral’ is the basis for rewilding the small rural town. The architecture of the new additions to the town is designed to create daily interactions between human and newly-introduced animal species. The focal point of this project is the creation of a marketplace, compost facility and conservatories as a prototype for a new, socially-oriented form of agriculture. The market halls are treated as a new, much-needed gathering space for the town’s inhabitants.


Drawing made from a Rhino model, edited in Photoshop and Illustrator Perspectival Section through ‘North’ Market Hall

BIODIV ERSE TOPOGRAPHY - Errol & Greater Scotland

Map of Biodiversity Sites (or lack thereof) Surrounding Errol

Key Monoculture Areas to Which the Spread of Biodiversity is Contained

Potential Biodiversity Sites Water Reed beds

Key Anders Povlsen Wilderness Government Owned National Park NGO Owned Agricultural Urban/ Suburban

Proposed Map for Connecting Scottish Biodiversity Sites


Collage masterplan put together in Illustrator and Photoshop


Masterplan for Rewilding the Town of Errol

UR BAN TOPOGRAPHY - Masterplan Approach to Rewilding the Land and Town Map of the Historic Urban Footpring of Errol Diagram Showing the New Additions to the Town’s Edge, Informed by Local, Historic Building Typologies

Higher Level Plan


1 - Conservatories 2 - Outside Crop Areas 3 - Compost Facility 4 - Biofuel Harvesting Tanks 5 - Kitchen and Food Preparation Area 6 - Ante Space for Compost Facility & Kitchen 7 - ‘North’ Market 8 - ‘South’ Market 9 -External Terraced Courtyard and Market

1 2


3 5

Breakout Space

4 6





C OM M UNIT Y NIC HES - Adapting Tectonic Components to Different Needs

Adapting Column Footings to Different Market Needs


Section Through Markets and Agricultural Area

Kitchen Structure

Conservatory Structure

Large Roof Overhangs for Bird’s Nests & Other Species

Drawing made from a Rhino model, edited in Illustrator


OCCUPYING THE ANTHROPOCENE Using the industrial Port of Leith as a site of intervention, this project investigates methods for creating art as a product of extreme environmental issues. Four interventions are proposed across the site, each of which act as, and create, signals of the environmental decay caused by local industries.





11 SITE PLAN 1:100

Presentation Sheet showing Plan and Two Sections Through the Site

ANTHROPOC ENIC DYES - Using pH Dyes to Showcase Extreme pH Levels in Port Water

Installation structure and ‘Artistic’ Exports from the Site

product: acid dyed fabrics

movable stair and grid system

Model Images


D I G I TA L REPOSITORY: This library combines the function of a data centre with the creation of office and study spaces in central Rome. Open 24 hours, the flashing lights from the data racks, as well as lights from those working seeks to activate the city. Light becomes a sign of activity in an otherwise empty part of the ancient town.



C R E ATING ADAPTIV E SPAC ES The main structure of the building is focused around creating niches adapted to the needs of three identified users: informal individual users, groups and more focused individuals. As such, the building’s facade seeks to depict its different uses, along with the light from data racks and digital devices.


Plans Show the Different Scales of Intervention Dependant on Different Users

Second Floor

First Floor

Ground Floor

Model Images show the Shifting Facade and the Play of Light Central to the Building’s Design




In my free time I enjoy drawing among other hobbies. The selected drawings were inspired by my lessons in technical drawing. I adapted the shadows and fine lines expected from this type of drawing to play with issues relating to the beauty of light and shadow and the use of white space in drawing.


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