Carol kinney buzz piece

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Carol Kinney, Christian Mission Blogger Hebrews Thirteen-Three



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Even if you’ve never thought about persecution of Christians before now, if you’ve been following the news for the past few months you have heard a lot about the topic, especially in relation to Iraq and the terrorist group known as ISIS. If you have been following the news reports, then you know that Christian persecution is on the rise around the world, and not just in Iraq. In virtually every nation in the world, Christians are being verbally criticized and/or physically harmed for their faith and beliefs. If you aren’t aware of the reports, as a Christian, you are most likely aware of what the Bible has to say about persecution: Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. Matthew 5: 10-12 If the world hates you, be aware that it hated me before it hated you. If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as its own. Because you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world-therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘Servants are not greater than their master.’ If they persecuted me, they will persecute you . . . John 15: 18-20a Therefore I am content with my weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities for the sake of Christ; for whenever I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 11:10

The news reports and scriptures about persecution can be overwhelming for Christians who have not had firsthand experience with it.

I can help . . .

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You may be reluctant to learn more about Christian persecution because it scares you. You may want to learn more, but you feel that you don’t have a lot of time. Or you may want to be involved, but don’t know where to start.

For the past eight years, I have learned about persecution, have examined and studied what the scriptures say about persecution and have prayed for and advocated for Christians around the entire world that have or are experiencing persecution. I have also encouraged other Christians to do the same. Why?

Because God wants us to. And I can help you overcome your fears, apprehensions and time constraints. Every mission organization focused on the needs of persecuted Christians report that the first request that the persecuted have of the world is that we pray for them. These Christian know that God is the first line of defense against their suffering and believe in the power of prayer. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once said that “faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” The first step in getting involved with persecuted Christians is to take that first step and pray for them. With my seven day prayer guide, all it takes is five minutes a day, and I promise that it won’t be scary or overwhelming. What I can promise you is that at the end of the seven days, you will feel better equipped to want to learn more about persecuted Christians and may even want to become more involved!

Around the World in Seven Days: A Guide to Praying for Persecuted Christians Day 1: The most urgent prayer for persecuted Christians is for those fleeing or residing in Iraq and Syria. During the summer of 2014, the extreme Islamic militant group gave Christians three choices: leave, convert to Islam or die. Those Christians who chose to stay have their homes marked with a large spray painted letter “N” to signify them as infidels. Those who are unable to flee, such as the elderly or sick, are being tortured and executed. In addition to Christians, ISIS persecutes members of other religions, and even terrorizes Muslims who do not agree with the group’s tactics.

Pray: That the members of ISIS have a change of heart regarding Christians and members of other religions. Pray: For the safety of all potential targeted people groups within Iraq and Syria, as well as the safety of those fleeing. Pray for spiritual strength, and the Holy Spirit’s intervention on their behalf. Pray: For the nations that have taken in thousands of refugees. Thank God for their willingness to help Christians, and pray that they have the resources available to deal with the needs of the increase in population.

Day 2: For the twelfth straight year, the North Korean government is the world’s worst Christian persecutor. North Korean Christians cannot openly discuss their religion with anyone, even their own family. The North Korean government has eyes everywhere. If Christians or members of other religions are caught discussing religion or attempting to hold a church meeting, there are arrested, tortured, thrown in work labor camps for life, disappear without a trace, or publically executed. Open Doors, a mission organization that provides support for persecuted Christians, estimates that there are currently about 70,000 Christians in labor camps, but no one can be sure because no individual or organization outside of those associated with the North Korean government is permitted to tour the camps. It is believed that there are adults in the labor camps who have never seen the outside world because they were born in the camps and are kept there because their families are Christian. Additionally, there are currently three Christian American men who are being held in North Korean prisons.

Pray: For the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, to have a change of heart regarding Christians, people of other faiths, and that he understand that freedom to worship is an important and basic human right. Pray: For the physical and spiritual strengthening of the thousands of Christians in North Korea. Pray: For the three American prisoners: Jeffrey Fowle, Kenneth Bae, and Matthew Miller. Pray for their safety, and that they may soon be released so that they can return to the U.S. to witness to the world about the state of the North Korean Christians.

Day 3: Christians in several African nations are in need of prayer against persecution and other threats. In Nigeria and Cameroon, the Islamic militant group Boko Haram is physically and materially harming Christians, church leaders and burning churches, as well as targeting young girls of all faiths for kidnapping and sex-slave trade to fund Boko Haram’s form of jihad. Christian churches are being locked in the Sudan, Egyptian Christians are being imprisoned randomly on false charges. The Islamic militant group Al-Shabaab is kidnapping, torturing and executing Christians. It is estimated that there are millions of Christian refugees in the entire continent of Africa.

Day 4: In India, Hindu extremist groups controlling local councils throughout 50 Indian towns have recently outlawed Christianity by passing local laws forbidding Christian prayer, meetings and evangelism. U.S. and other western Christian missionary groups are being pressured to leave India because they are involved in evangelistic efforts. Several Hindu National Groups, such as Sangh Parivar, has started ethnic cleansing of Christians the same way ISIS is terrorizing people in Iraq and Syria.

Day 5: Maldives, a group of atolls (small islands) in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Southwest Asia is 100% Muslim and does not allow for any public display of Christianity, even from the thousands of western tourists that flock to the island “paradise”. The Islamic faith is state mandated and applies to all citizens. There are no churches or private underground Christian groups.

Pray: The hearts of the members of these African Islamic militant groups are changed. Pray: That with the world’s attention on Iraq and Syria, Christians in Africa do not feel abandoned, as they have been suffering under the same form of Islamic regimes for years. Pray that the Holy Spirit be with them and that God sends workers to physically and spiritually aid them.

Pray: For God to change the hearts of those people in India that have a strong hatred against non-Hindus. Pray: For God to protect and strengthen his people within that nation, and that western missionaries can find a way to remain in India, and that they will be spiritually strengthened as well. Let them be a voice to the world regarding what is happening to Christians and other religious minority groups in India.

Pray: For the very few secret Christians in Maldives to remain strong in their faith. Pray: That some of the Maldivian youth who attend universities in other countries be exposed to Christianity and return home with the faith. Pray: That the restrictions placed on religion are lifted from this country.

Day 6: The West. In my humble opinion (after many years of studying persecution trends), Western Nations such as Australia, the U.K, Canada and the U.S. are not persecuted. In recent times, there have been many cases of discrimination towards Christians and Christianity in general, but we are not persecuted. However, this is troubling for three reasons. First, are we not persecuted because we are not practicing our faith boldly enough? Second, what would happen to many Western Christians if there were caught off guard and widespread persecution began in the West? And third, is this the reason that we are not overwhelmingly advocating to help our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted?

Pray: That Western Christians will remain strong in their faith if persecution begins, and to use our time wisely now to prepare our hearts and minds for persecution by helping those who are currently persecuted. Pray: For the governmental leaders to have a change of heart against Christianity and other religions and that the people of China will be free to worship. Day 7: Persecution is nothing new to Chinese Christians. For many years China has practiced various forms of persecution from removing all western missionaries, to imprisonment, torture, frequent arrests of Christians, forcing a state mandated form of Christianity, forbidding house churches, and more. What IS new is that in some eastern provinces of China, a new governmentally sanctioned demolition of churches and injury of Christians is erupting in violent ways. It appears as if the Chinese government is trying to stop the rapid growth of new believers in the nation by placing pressure on new converts as well as Christian leaders.

Pray: That the spiritual and physical strength of new believers in China will be strong enough to withstand this new pressure, and that long-time believers will not grow weary.

Congratulations, you have arrived at the end of your weeklong prayer journey on behalf of Christians around the world! I commend your willingness to make the journey and thank God for your commitment.

If you would like to continue on this path, I invite you to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and my blog “Hebrews Thirteen-three.” If you have questions about or would like to discuss Christian persecution, my email is: Carol Kinney: I am a wife, mother of two grown children, and a Christian. My professional background is in retail and marketing as a manager, consultant and business owner. I have been active in my community in Upstate New York within the public school system and have serve on the public library board and the board of a local private daycare facility. I have served on several church steering committees, served as a deacon, Chair of the Deacons, and have organized many bible studies and prayer groups. Several years ago my pastor introduced me to the book God Smuggler by Brother Andrew, and I instantly felt that my calling was to help persecuted Christians. After some praying and thinking, I went back to college to finish my Associates Degree. I graduated from Northwestern College in Minnesota as a distance learner as a Biblical Studies major. I immediately enrolled in California Baptist University, and will graduate Spring 2015 with a B.A. in Public Relations. I currently am the administrator of the public library Facebook page and two Facebook groups dedicated to praying for our local communities, and I write a blog about my father’s (deceased) newspaper columns and the blog for my California Baptist University Applied Journalism class called “Hebrews Thirteen-Three.” I also am embarking on a new endeavor as an Assistant/Associate Pastor at a local church to prepare me for ministry and mission on behalf of the Persecuted Church. It is my goal, dream and hope that I will work for a mission organization that aids persecuted Christians around the world and educates Western Christians about persecution. God Bless each and every one of you!

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