Mock business plan for Operation World

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Mock Business Plan “Operation World� By Carol Kinney California Baptist University COM300-BE: Public Relations December 18, 2013

Operation World Bulstrode, Oxford Road Gerrards Cross BUCKS, SL98SZ, United Kingdom Tel: +44-1753-278115 Fax: +44-1753-278166 Table of Contents

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Executive Summary Organization Summary Services Market Analysis Summary Strategy and Implementation Summary Management Summary Financial Plan Appendix

1.0 Executive Summary Operation World is a department of WEC International missionary sending organization. Operation World is a small team of dedicated Western Christians, based in the United Kingdom, that have a desire to educate the Christian community about the world in relation to the Great Commission stated by our Lord, Jesus Christ: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19, 20 NIV In heeding this command, Operation World actively and continuously conducts research throughout the world, collects data on the entire world’s population, people groups, religions and persecution statistics divided into countries. Operation World then compiles the data and publishes comprehensive print, digital and online prayer guides for Christian individuals, congregations and communities to encourage support for Christians throughout the world. Operation World desires that every Christian actively participate in prayer for unreached people groups and persecuted Christians around the world in accordance to scriptural directives: “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.” Hebrews 13:3 “Ask of Me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession. You shall break them with a rod of iron, and dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.” Psalm 2:8 Operation World operates under the belief that prayer a six-fold act. When Christians are actively and purposely praying to God in light of the Great Commission, the entire church brethren, all people groups and nations, this is an act of faith, obedience, worship, spiritual warfare, sacrifice, ministry, and love. Operation World is a ministry in itself that partners with other research teams, Christian mission organizations and individual Christians to fulfill all objectives.

2.0 Organizational Summary The Operation World headquarters in the United Kingdom enjoys the dynamics of being a small team in a larger organization1. The team consists of 6-8 full-time staff members. Operation World relies upon a steady stream of volunteers and missionaries to research, analyze and compile data, work with Jason Mandryk (author of the print version of Operation World prayer guide) and translate the final guide into several languages. The awards: • ECPA Gold Medallion Award for Excellence in Evangelical Christian Literature • Christianity Today’s Top 50 Books that Have Shaped Evangelicals

Operation World is a department of WEC International, a Christian missionary sending organization dedicated to reaching unevangelized people groups of the world on behalf of Jesus Christ. WEC International’s mission is to reach out to people who have limited or no access to the good news of Jesus Christ, particularly where there is no church and to work in multicultural teams to help worshipping communities of believers multiply among these people. WEC International is headquartered in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania with offices and/or stations in 100 worldwide locations. 2 Operation World and WEC International trusts in God alone for our financial needs-no salaries, no soliciting donations, just prayer and trusting God. Since 1974, Operation World has sold 2.5 million copies in six editions, including 400,000 copies for the 2001 edition as of 2010.3 Operation World is solely funded through voluntary donations and the royalties from Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation and other resources sold via the website. All funds go into a trust to cover ministry and production costs of future editions. 1 Quote taken from the Operation World website: “Join the Team.” 2 All information and quotes taken from WEC International website. 3 Paraphrase of data as quoted in Christianity Today magazine. Interview by Stan Guthrie

3.0 Services As a Christian mission organization, Operation World’s aim is to serve the entire body of Christ by providing resources to the Western church regarding brethren in other nations by:   

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Providing free prayer resources via the Internet. Compiling and selling copies of Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation. Partnering with other mission organizations and networks across the globe to serve the unevangelized people groups and persecuted Christians in to meet spiritual, physical and financial needs. Encouraging Western Christians to join the Operation World Prayer Movement. Actively seeking volunteers and missionaries to serve at Operation World or WEC International and to support these volunteers and missionaries through prayer. Providing electronic updates and resources to people dedicated to prayer. Serving as a prayer connection for all Christians via social media.

4.0 Market Analysis Summary Of the world’s 16,350 people groups, “6,645 are counted in the Least Reached/Unreached category” or “41.1%” of the world’s population.” Jason Mandryk (Operation World 7th Ed. p. 25) The segments of the unreached that Operation World seeks to serve: All of the 6,645 in prayer and partnership with other organizations in order to fulfill the Great Commission.

“Over 75% of the world's population live in areas with severe religious restrictions. Many of these people are Christians. Also, according to the United States Department of State, Christians in more than 60 countries face persecution from their governments or surrounding neighbors simply because of their belief in the person of Jesus Christ.”

Open Doors USA website4 Operation World seeks to partner with Western Churches and individual Christians in prayer on behalf of all of the persecuted Christians around the world.


5.0 Strategy and Implementation Strategy This is done by recruiting volunteers via the Operation World website and social media platforms and by contacting Western churches via mail and electronic mail. Additionally, the purpose of the compiled statistical book and resources is to guide individuals in prayer and the sale of these materials help propagate Operation World’s mission and message. Operation World is both proactive and reactive in this strategy. Operation World is proactive in marketing the prayer guide via brick and mortar book stores and Christian gift stores, and also via the electronic marketplace and social media. Additionally, Operation World launches global prayer initiatives that include press releases and video releases to Western media markets. Operation World is reactive in responding to requests of individuals and mission organizations with prayer, resources, and receiving donations by individuals, organizations and churches for operation.

FUNDING FORECAST INFORMATION WOULD BE CHARTED HERE 6.0 Management Summary Staff Consists of: 6 Researchers Volunteers Author 4 Quote from Open Doors USA. www.opendoors.usa/org/persecution/about-persecution.

Operation World is a department of WEC International. Patrick Johnstone is the WEC manager that oversees Operation World. No employees, researchers, authors or managers receive compensation for their work at Operation World or WEC International. All work as partners in mission through sponsorships from individuals, organizations and churches.

7.0 Financial Plan

Trust information and WEC financial reports would be inserted here in the form of descriptive words and charts. 8.0 Appendix Other relevant charts and information, such as contact information for WEC International and Operation World would be included in this section.

Cited Sources: Guthrie, Stan. Christianity Today. “The World’s Prayer Guide.” 03 Aug. 2010. Web. 18 Dec. 2013. Mandryk, Jason. Operation World: The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation 7th Ed. 2010. Colorado Springs, CO: Biblica Publishing. Print. Open Doors USA. “About Christian Persecution.” Web. 18 Dec. 2013. Operation World: “The definitive prayer guide to every nation.” 2013. Web. 18 Dec. 2013. Operation World Logo. Google Images. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.

Operation World book image. Google Images. Web. 18 Dec. 2013. WEC International logo. Google Images. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.

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