Texture makes the building looks more sharp
Has an abstract effect though I know where they are, to someone who has never seen it it will look more abstract
the roof in the left corner is the main focal point because of its texture
The sharp black lines and the texture in the buildings seperate the building from the sky
Good diagional lines in this image The purple section is the main focal point
Good texture in the wood This image has an abstract The texture in the bricks compliment section of the image and it feel as you don’t know where the window as the window is the compliments the purple strip it is. main focal point
eyes are drawn to the windows this building over powers as they are the sharpest part the whole image which of the image it the focal point
the bricks make the white door the main focal point
these images are both abstract. The main focal point for these images are the windows.
this image has diagonal lines and the windows along the bottom a good source of texture which are the main focal point as they makes the window the main focus are the most eye catching
this image has some reflection in where the 2 windows meet each other.
The texture in these two image both come from the bricks and make the window the main focal point
this image has a good negetive space which directs the eye along the bottom arch and up the building
I chose this perticular crop becsause it was the most abstract and the most interesting.
I chose this image to crop because there is many different image you can create out of cropping it.
I focused both ot these images on creating negetive space These 2 crops focus on the abstract side of the images.
The origional crop
Over Exposed
I chose this image from the curves as it looks the most effective
Under Exposed
Curves This is what I used to make the image go from over exposed to under exposed
Manchester The windows at the bottom are leading your eyes to the main focal point which are the rails going along the building
The texture in the brick work makes the logo on the side stand out a lot more
This has a good source of diagional lines which give the image a more abstract look
The negetive space makes this building stand out more
The diagional lines lead your eyes over the image
This image has both negetive space and an abstract look
The camera angle makes the image look a lot more abstract
The sections in this image make the building look a lot more abstract.
N/S is leading your eye to the building
All 4 of these images have a good camera angle which makes them more abstract.
This image has a good source of diagional lines, the logo on the building is the main focal point
These 2 buildings have an abstact look to them.
The negetive space draws the eye to the building a lot more
All 3 of these images are abstract.
The negetive space makes the shape of the building more effective
The effect of taking a picture looking up at a building makes the image look more interesting and over powering
The focus is mostly on the windows. This building is also abstract
The negetive space draws the eye to the building
The logo on the front of the building is the main focal point
This is the origional image
I chose this image because it focuses more on the focal points and the negetive space
I made this crop to put more emphasis on negetive space
This crop creates more focal points
This crop puts more focus on the larger building
This crop makes the building look more neat and modern, it also gets rid of distraction
This is the curve I have chosen because of the good balance between over and under exposed
Orgional Crop
Over Exposed
Under Exposed
For this image I made the lines straiter by skewing it which makes the building more straiter
Skewed Image
This is the curve I have chosen because of its balance between over and under exposed.
This is image I have chosen as it reflects Michael Betts work
Over Exposed
Under Exposed
I chose this image because it reflects Michael Betts
This crop puts more focus on the curve
this crop is creating negetive space
This crop combines the two creating an abstract image
The crop focuses more on the taller building
I chose this crop as it reflects Michael Betts work
Over Exposed
Under Exposed
Leeds Shoot
If i skewed this image it would make the building more neat and modern
The camera angle makes the building abstract and creates diagional lines
These 2 image have good reflection
The negetive space surrounding the buildings leads your eye to them
The camera angle makes the building more over powering and abstract
These are all abstract images and all will need to be skewed
The camera angle makes the building more abstract
Cropping the red part of the building makes it more abstract
Good reflection in this image which makes it abstract
The camera angle makes the building look more abstract
Cropped the image to make it look more abstract
These two images are both abstract and have good source of reflection. The camera angle make these two buildings look more over powering
The angle of the camera gave this image good diagional lines
This image has good diagional lines which would be more effective if I skewed them
The camera angle makes the detail on the building disapear and also makes the building look more over powering
Cropped the image to make the reflection pop. The reflection makes the image more abstract and it also adds a dramatic feel with all the lines in the building
The camera angle makes the building more over powering
The negetive space leads the eye to the building
lines lead your eye up to the building
the reflection in these image make it abstract
Diagional lines from the camera angle makes the image more over powering
Dinamic lines leading eye to the building
The crop makes the building more modern and abstract
This image would be good for skewing because of its horizonta and vertical lines which lead the eye up the building
The reflection makes the building more abstract
This crop makes the building more abstract and modern
This is an edit I did to the clouds to make them look to be more in the style of Kevin StGrey.
al e
To do this I did a motion blur which made the clouds look as they are pointing to the building which draws the eye to it more making it the main focal point
This image has been chosen because there are many different crops you can do to it
This crop focuses more on the reflection in the building
This image focuses more on the abstract part of the image
This image focuses on the negetive space on the image that draws your eye to the building
this image is to focus on the symetry you get from the main building and the reflection
This is the crop I have chosen as the most effective because it has good camera angle and effective symetry hat StGrey has through out his work
I chose this image to make symetrical because it is a sharp image that can be made into an effective edit which will reflect the influance of Kevin StGrey
I first lined up the image to make it strait and neat
I then adjusted the curves into an S shape to make the image bold and sharp
I then cropped one side of the image and duplicated the side left and flipped it to make it symetrical
This is the final outcome of the edit I have done I am then going to crop it and add the clouds
Clouds This is the final outcome for the clouds I added the clouds and made them look as though they were coming out of the the image
Origional I chose this image because it reflets kevin StGreys work
I made the vertical part of the building straiter
I then adjusted the clouds Final and finally adjusted the curves to make the shadows in the cloud a lot darker
Over Exposed
Under Exposed
Artist Analysis
the modern building is the main focal point due to the fact it looks out of place and its interesting pattern makes it stand out more
the modern building behind the church is the most abstract part of the building
the contrast between the old churtch and the modern building behind it makes the image more interesting with an abstract effect from the modern building
Contact Sheet: Wakefield
The layers of the buildings make the image a lot more interesting and abstract
The design of the building is very abstract and quirky
The crop makes creates negative space around the building
The crop in this image creates diagonal lines and more negative space The angle of the camera when taking this image creates diagonal lines on the building Having the crop makes the building more abstract
The crop gets rid of distraction at the sides of the building and puts the main focus in the middle along with not creating to much negative space
The reflection and the blue sky in the image reflects the work of my influence Michael Betts The eye is guided along the 3 sections of the building
The camera angle makes the building more abstract and creates some diagonal lines The crop gets rid of distractions but doesn’t get rid of the negative space
the gey and orange paneling makes the building more abstract but also more modern and stricking
The window in the building guides your eye along it making it the images main focus The camera angle makes the building a lot more abstract and creates diagonal lines The shape and design of this certain part of a building is very quirky making it abstract.
The sharp dark blue sky and the white building makes the image more modern and the crop gets rid of distraction making the sky a bit more of a focus The crop makes the building is making it more abstract and creating diagonal lines
The orange panelling of the building compliments the sky and is reflecting the Michael Betts
The shape of the building make the image a lot more abstract and the negative space draws the eye to it
The building has a good source of symmetry and the angle of the camera makes it look very tall and large.
Clouds and Channel Mixer
This is the edit when I was getting rid of the clouds
The is the original image before he edit
I then adjusted the channel mixer to make it a lot more blue reflecting on my influence
This is the final edit
This is the building when the clouds have been removed
I chose this crop because it creates negative space and diagonal lines
Over exposed
Under exposed
This is the final outcome from the curves edit I did on the building
This is the Original image that I have chosen to edit
I then skewed the image to make it strait and inline This is the image after the skew. I made the roof and the line in the centre more strait
I then edited the colour to be more of a blue to be matching with the sky
Curves 2 This is the image before I have adjusted the curves
Over exposed
This is the finishing curve I made by creating and “S� on the curve program on Photoshop
Under exposed
Cropping the side Crop focuses on the reflection making the image makes the image abstract more abstract
focusing more on the curve of the building making it more abstract
Cropping out the distractions make the building in the middle the main focus
All of the different layers of the building make it more abstract
The crop makes the image more abstract
The crop makes the image more asbstract
Cropping the top of the building make it more in the style of Michael Betts
Original Image I have chosen this building as the curves work well in reflecting Betts work
Final Crop I chose this crop out of all of them as it reflects MB’s work the most.
Original Image
Over Exposed
Under Exposed
This is the chosen cuve as the highlighs and shadows have been balenced effecivly
Channel Mixing Original
I first adjesed the colour balance in he building and sky
Final Image
I then slightly adjested the curves in the sky
Channel Mixing I chose this image because its an effective abstract image
I first slightly adjusted he curves on the sky
Final Image I then adjusted the colour balance
I chose this crop as it is the mos interesting
This crop takes away any distraction
Taking away the top and the bottom of the building makes the image more abstract
This crop gets rid of he distraction on the roof
Cropped the bottom to make the image abstract
Over Exposed
Final Outcome
Under Exposed
Channel Mixer Original I chose this image because there would be a good contrast with the blue building and the sky
I adjusted the colour of the sky by selecting it and then going into channel mixer.
Final Outcome
This crop creates negetive space
This crops takes away any distractions
This crop makes the building more abstract
This crop makes a focal point at the top of the buildings
Final Outcome
Curves Original
Over Exposed
Under Exposed
This is the final outcome from all the edits I have done to this building.
cropped to create more negetive space
Cropped this way to see focuses on the curved the reflection in the shape of the building window
Focuses on the odd texture on the building making it abstract
cropped this way to take away distraction
These 2 crops focuses more on the detail of the building
This crop makes the building more abstract
takes most of the yellow out of the picture making it look a lot better and more abstract
Makes the building more abstract and focuses on the style of MB
Cutting the edge takes away any distractions
Skew and Colour Balance I chose this image because it reflects the work of MB well
I made the building straiter After the skew
I then blured the sky to get rid of the clouds
After the blur
I then adjusted the colour balance of the sky
and this is the final outcome.
Crops Original
Final Outcome I chose this crop as it makes the image more abstract.
this crop focuses taking the bottom on the window which off it gets rid of the gives it a moderen distractions the theme same below.
taking the edge of makes the building bigger.
Original Image
Over Exposed
Final Outcome
This curve works because it gives the building a more sharper effect
Under Exposed
Channel Mixer Original
I chose this image as it is a good example of an abstract building
I adjusted the colour to make the building more blue
Final Outcome
I chose this for the crop as it makes the image more abstract
This crop creates negetive space
This crop focuses on the texture of the building
This crop makes the image more abstract
This crop makes the image abstract
Final Image
Overe Exposed
me This is the chosen out co the as it makes the detail on e layers of the building mor effective
Under Exposed
I first blured the sky to get rid of the clouds by the building
Final Outcome I then adjusted the sky and the building making it more blue
This crop gave the image more negetive space
I chose this crop because it keeps the abstract theme that Michael Betts uses
The crop gets rid of the destraction from the roof
This crop makes the image more abstract and creates negetive space This crop gets rid of the distraction at the bottom
Over Exposed
Final Image
I chose the curve because of how the curve makes the image look a lot more sharper
Under Exposed