1 minute read

Wealth Transfer In Progress

“We expect that around one-quarter of individuals with a net worth of $5 million will seek to pass on their estates to the next generation between now and 2030, which will involve the transfer of a staggering level of wealth [62 trillion].”



“Preservation and Success: Family Wealth Transfer 2021”

(downloadable report)

Generosity by the Numbers: Giving Trends 2022


o Baby Boomers account for more than 70% of all donations. Younger generations are poised to have an impact in coming years.

o Average donation age: 64.7 years old o Almost 2/3 of donors identified as female vs. male o Female: 60.7% o Male: 39.3%

Link: https://blog.greatnonprofits.org/giving-trends-2022infographic/

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