What Business Experts and Professionals Say About Network Marketing Fortune Magazine called direct selling (of which network marketing is the largest segment) "the best kept secret in the business world. It has experienced a 94 percent growth in the last 10 years, with annual sales in excess of $30 billion in the United States and $100 Billion worldwide. Financial experts say it's a "recession proof industry." Billionaire Warren Buffet, after purchasing a network marketing company, called it the best investment he'd ever made.
Tom Peters, author of In Search of Excellence, calls it the first truly revolutionary shift in marketing in the last 50 years.
Paul Zane Pilzer, author of The Next Millionaires, states, "Of all the entrepreneurial opportunities available today, one of the most important is direct selling, also called network marketing. The industry is perfectly poised to create many of the next millionaires."
Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, states, "The richest people in the world build networks, everyone else looks for work. A Network Marketing business is a new and revolutionary way to achieve wealth."
Donald Trump, in Why We Want You to be Rich, states, "Network marketing has proven itself to be a viable and rewarding source of income. There have been remarkable examples of success."
Source of Quotes: Financial & Emotional Pain Management For The Health Care Professional, by Armando V. DeGuzman, M.D.