New Tool Bob Schmidt asks the question: “Do You Rent or Own Your Career?”
A Business Tool With 7 Highly Successful Professionals Bob Schmidt
Tommy Johnson Former High Achiever for large Real Estate company, Real Estate Investor, and XanGo 200K Premier.
Career Network Marketer (36 years) and Industry Icon. Bob is a Master Trainer and XanGo 200K Premier Select.
Ideal For Real Estate Agents, Mortgage Brokers, Insurance Agents, and Escrow Officers
Jerry Dalke
30 year veteran as a Real Estate Agent, currently holds a Broker’s License and is a XanGo Distributor.
Jason Poyner At 31 years old Jason already owns a Real Estate and Mortgage Company.
Find out why he’s building XanGo.
Ryan Taft
Clay & Judy Wright They have decades of success in the Real Estate Industry and are now building XanGo. In this discussion they tell why!
National Trainer for a Fortune 500 Real Estate Giant. He was looking for true residual income and found it with XanGo.
Available At www. X1Tools .com
Do You Rent or Own Your Career?
build a 6 or 7 figure residual income rather a National Trainer for a Fortune 500 Company, than be controlled by the Real Estate roller each with an extremely impressive backcoaster. A frank discussion for any successful ground. The flow of this conversation-style business person or professional person.
interview captures a candid snapshot of how,
-Bob Schmidt even the best in Corporate America are leveraged to zero and prisoners of their JOB’s. In the course of their respective careers they have made fortunes for the companies they represent, yet would walk away with nothing if they were to quit today. I was once told that “If you’re handed a recording by a Millionaire…listen to it”. Well, here is a recording that
Be honest, if you wanted to double your in-
showcases several. I think it warrants your
come in the next year or make the same
time and will stimulate your imagination
amount of money in 1/2 the hours, what
about what is possible with this opportunity.
would you do different? Zig Ziglar says to
When you're finished listening, you may find
find a millionaire, buy him lunch and you will
yourself asking if "You Rent or Own Your Ca-
learn something. Rather than a single discus-
reer". This is a great intro CD for any business
sion, this is an opportunity to listen in on a This discussion, directed by Bob Schmidt, professional...particularly Realtors, Mortgage roundtable discussion of six Real Estate and with professionals highlights the attraction of Professionals and Insurance Agents. Mortgage high performers. Utilizing their building a residual income of your own. The -Tommy Johnson existing skills, experience and contacts to Available at www.X1Tools.com
panel includes high annual earners along with