How to Retain Your Employees

Great bands, great shows, great teams, great companies – what do all these examples of professional greatness have in common? Stability. Sustaining excellence means recruiting new talent, but it also means keeping the team members who’ve helped you attain this status in the rst place. If you want to make it to the top, you need to keep your all-star team together – and these tips can help you do just that.
Prioritize Bene ts
Remote work and new socio-economic interests have made workers more choosy about which jobs they consider. As a result, it’s important that you do everything possible to incentivize workers to choose your company not just in the short-term, but the long-term –and bene ts are arguably the best way to do that. Everything from salary perks built into long-term contracts to health care to a great corporate culture can help convince valuable employees to stick with you for the long haul.
Flexible Schedules
One of the most important perks to include in your company is allowing employees at least some control over their own schedule. This is especially true in the wake of the pandemic and the aforementioned rise of remote work. Flexibility is becoming increasingly expected by workers, so if you don’t want to fall behind the curve, including this in your bene ts package is a must.
Recognize Hard Work
Nobody likes toiling in anonymity. Whether it’s in-company praise, an actual gift, or a public shoutout, make sure you reward good work and give credit where credit is due.
Communication and Collaboration
An engaged employee is, on average, a more satis ed employee than one who’s left to rot unnoticed in an anonymous cubicle. At the same time, when you engage employees and put them into teams, they forge stronger bonds. While better pay, good healthcare plans, and o ce amenities are all strong incentives for employees to stay, the personal bonds they forge with co-workers are among the strongest reasons for them to stay. We’re social creatures. We like having friends. When someone likes the people with whom they work, they’re bound to like coming to work more, and thus be more loyal to and less likely to leave that company. Positive communication and collaborative projects (and recreation thereafter) can help make your employees genuinely love coming to work.
All of these points can help you keep your best employees on your team for years to come.
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