Carpaholixx Magazine - Tonne Up at Villaine

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T O N N EU PA TV I L L A I N E LeeCr ampt on Joi nLeeandf r i endsas t heyt ackl eoneof Fr ances’bestkept secr et s:Et angDeVi l l ai ne





Wear r i vedmi ddayonSat ur dayandwas gr eet edbyt hemanhi msel fwhot ookusdown t ohi sf ami l yhomewhi chover l ookst hel ake. St uar tki ndl yof f er edusabeerbef or eanswer i ng anyquest i ons,whi chwashandybecausewe di dhaveaf ew. Anhourorsof l ew byandaf t erdi scussi ngt he l ake,st ock,hi st or yandt act i cs,wewer ekeent o haveagoodwal kar oundf orour sel ves. Onet hi ngt hatwasqui t eappar entwast hehar d gr af tandsacr i f i cesSt uar thasmadet o est abl i sht hel akeasi tst andst oday.Hehas qui t el i t er al l yputhi shear t ,soulandever yt hi ng el sei nt oEt angDeVi l l ai ne,al lsi ngl edhandi l y whi chgavemegr eatr espectf ort hemanand hi sl ake. Feel i ngqui t eexci t edt owetal i ne,St uar t wal kedusar oundeachoft he4swi ms i nf or mi ngusofanyt hi ngwewant edt oknow. Thel akehad3swi msononesi deoft hel ake, andanot her1ont heopposi t ebank,but2of t heseswi mswer edoubl essoef f ect i vel y accommodat i ngupt o6angl er s.

sowet houghti twoul dpr ovi deuswi t hal i t t l e chal l enge.Thel akehol dsar ound20t o2540’ s and2t o3t ar get50’ s,butbei ngt hel astweekof MayIwaswor r i edaboutt hem spawni ng. Pr ovi di ngt hewat ert emper at ur esar e consi st ent l yover18º Cconsecut i vel yf oraf ew dayst hef i shwi l lspawnatt hi st i meoft heyear . Al t hought het emper at ur ewasar ound20º Ct hey hadn’ tspawnedpr i ort oourt r i p,soIwasn’ t f i l l edwi t hconf i dence.I twasgoi ngt oki ckof f anyday,andknowi ngmyl ucki twi l lbet he Sat ur daywear r i ve.

I tappear st hateachandever yswi m coul d pr oduce,butt her ewer eacoupl eofobvi ous pr ef er ences.Themi ddl eswi m hadacoupl eof guysoni tt hepr evi ousweeksot hatwasn’ t i deal .I tal sohadnof eat ur est ogoat ;i twasj ust anexpanseofwat erwi t haf l atbot t om.Buton t heot herendoft hescal e,t hesi ngl eswi m on t heopposi t ebankhadn’ tseenanypr essur ef or over2weeksandf i shwer eshowi ngt her e r egul ar l ysot hi swasanobvi ouschoi ce.Wi t h over hangi ngt r eesandadam wal lt of i sht owe f el ti twoul dhavemostdef i ni t el ybeent hemost pr oduct i veswi m ont hecompl ex-anobvi ous choi cef oranyobser vantangl er . Tot hel ef toft hemi ddl eswi mt her ewasaswi m wi t haccesst ot hedam wal lwhi chweknew t he f i shpat r ol l edupanddownal lday,andwi t h est abl i shedover hangi ngt r ees,t hi swasacl ear secondf avour i t eandapr ef er r edswi m.Thent o t her i ghtoft hemi ddl eswi mt her ewasabay whi chal sol ookedver yappeal i ngbecausei t cont ai nedal ar genat ur alspr i ngf edi nl etwi t h f i sht oppi ngoveri tr egul ar l y.


Theexcesswat erwaspour i ngoutt he out l et si nt oasi dest r eam soi twasqui t e evi dentt hatt henat ur alspr i ngi nl etwas const ant l ypumpi ngi nagoodvol umeof cl ean,f r eshwat erandwoul dbea f ant ast i chol di ngspot ;sot hi swasan easyt hi r dchoi ce. Sowesi mpl ywr ot e1t o4on4pi ecesof paper ,f ol dedt hem upandt hr ew t hem on t hef l oor .Number1wast heswi m ont he opposi t esi deoft hel ake,number2was l ef t handsi deofmi ddl ewi t haccesst o t hedam wal landt r ees,number3wast he mi ddl eswi m and4wast hebay/ i nl et swi mt ot her i ght handsi de.

aweekt odr aw t hem t omeandoutoft he bays,andt henIwoul dt henst anda chanceofpr oduci ngar eal l ygoodcat ch pr ovi di ngIcoul dkeept hem t her e. Abi tofagambl eIknow,butIdeci dedt o gof ori tandswappedswi ms-r el uct ant l yI mayadd-becauseIqui t el i t er al l yhad secondst ot hi nkt hi st hr oughbutonceI commi t t edt her ewasnogoi ngback. Sot her eIwas,t r yi ngt of i gur eoutt hi s expanseofwat erwi t hdept hsr angi ngf r om 2f tt o4f t ,ver ysof tsi l t ybutchoddybot t om andabsol ut el ynoobvi ousf eat ur est ogo on.Thedoubt sst ar t edt ocr eepi nandI st ar t edr egr et t i ngmyspl i tseconddeci si on.

Ii ni t i al l ypi ckedupnumber2whi chIwas obvi ousl yver yhappywi t hbutf orsome r easonIst ar t edt ohavesecondt hought s. Idi dn’ twantt obecl osedi nandconf i ned t of i shi ngt hedam wal landover hangi ng t r ees.Iknew t hi swoul dbepr oduct i ve butIj ustquest i onedhow l ongf or ,and t hemor eIt houghtabouti tt hemor eI l i kedt hel ookoft hemi ddl eswi mt hat i ni t i al l yappear edt ohavever yl i t t l egoi ng f ori t .

Ideci dedt owal kar oundt hel akeandhave al i t t l ewadet hr ought hef arbankmar gi ns i nt hehopeofi dent i f yi nganyobvi ous f eat ur esIcoul dmar kupandf i sht o,butI managedt oget3f eetoutanddeci dedt o t ur nar ound.Thesi l twasr i di cul ousl ydeep andIsoonf oundmysel fst uck.AsIt ur ned ar oundIf el li nt oal i t t l esi l tpocketwhi ch dr oppedanot herf ootorsowhi chshook meupabi t ,butl ucki l yIwentpr epar edand hadapr oddi ngst i ckwhi chgotmeoutof t r oubl e.

Noonewant edt of i sht hemi ddl eswi m, andobvi ousl yseei ngpr essur e consi st ent l yt hepr evi ousweeki twasn’ t i deal ,buti tdi dcommandt hemostwat er andIwoul dn’ tbeconf i nedt oabay.Ihad

Sot hatwasanobvi ousnogo,butone t hi ngi tdi dmakemer eal i sewast hedept h andsof t nessoft hesi l t ,soIr eal l yhadt o consi dermyr i gchoi cecar ef ul l yasIhad pl annedt ost ar twi t h3. 5ozdr opof fi nl i nes


whi chwoul dhavesi mpl ybur i edmyr i g. Theobvi ousr i gchoi cewoul dhavebeena chodbutf l uor ocar bonwasbannedandwe coul donl yusecoat edbr ai d,sot hi s pr esent edmewi t hasl i ghtpr obl em. If oundmysel fl ooki ngatmyr i gbox scr at chi ngmyheadandaf t ersomecar ef ul consi der at i onIdeci dedt ocr eat emyown chodr i gwi t ht heuseofsomebr ai dand shr i nkt ube-per f ect ! !

Myr i gswer esor t edbutIst i l ldi dn’ tknow wher et of i sh.I ni t i al l yIt hought ,f i ne,Iwi l l cr eat emyownf eat ur ebywayofabai t ed pat ch,butf orobvi ousr easonsIdi dn’ twant t ost ar tt hesessi onof fbypi l i ngi nl oadsof bai t .Ist ar t edbyi nt r oduci nghal faki l oof boi l i esar oundal lt hr eer odsandsatbackt o seewhatopt i onsunf ol dedovert henext coupl eofdays.Thel i ghtbai t i ngal sohel ped keept hewat erdi st ur banceasmi ni malas possi bl e.

At6: 30PM ont hef i r steveni ngmyr i ghtr od r at t l edof fwhi chr esul t edi nf i r stbl oodi nt he shapeofa39. 14mi r r orwhi chIwas obvi ousl yovert hemoonwi t handgavemea muchneededconf i denceboost . Thi swassoonover shadowedbyt heguyson myl ef tandr i ghtabsol ut el yhammer i ngt he pl acewi t hmul t i pl ecat cheswhi l emyr ods st oodmot i onl ess.Wi t hi nt hef i r st24hour sor sot heybot ht ookar ound6orsof i sheach

andbei ngt hemi ddl emanIf oundmysel f pl ayi nggi l l i et obot hoft hem. Feel i ngsomewhatdef l at ed,havi ngonl y pi ckedupacoupl eoff i shf ort hef i r st36 hour s,Ideci dedt omanup,st oppl ayi ng gi l l i eandst ar tf i shi ngt hewayIknew I

coul d.Soal lr odswer er eel edi n andIspentagoodf ew hour s sear chi ngf oranyl i t t l ef eat ur eI coul df i nd,eveni fi twasacl ump ofweed,ahal ff ootdept h di f f er ence.Ineededsomet hi ng, anyt hi ngt hatIcoul dpl aceabai t ont opi ckuponebi t eatat i me. Imanagedt of i ndasmal lgr avel pat chmeasur i ngonl yaf ew f eetat ar ound80yar dswhi chwasper f ect f ormyl ef tr od,i twasonl y2. 5f eet deept houghbutIneededt ot ake t heoppor t uni t y.Ideci dedt ol eave mymi ddl er odont hebai t edpat ch i nt hehopei twi l lki ckof fanyday now,andmyr i ghtr odwas posi t i onedar ound70yar dsouti n al i t t l esi l tgul l yt hatwasonl y1f oot di f f er encei ndept hat3. 5f eet ,but t hegoodnewsi st hatt hi swasal so onl yaf ew f eetwi det oo,sot hi s wasal lIneededt or eposi t i onmy r ods.


Thatni ghtImanagedt hr ee40’ sof fal lt hr ee spot s,a44mi r r orf ol l owedbya43. 12anda 41. 06whi chwasabsol ut el yi ncr edi bl e. Ial sopi ckedupacoupl eofsmal l erf i shupt o 27l bandwi t ht hei ncr easedact i vi t yIdeci ded t ot r yandest abl i shal lt hesear easas i ndi vi dualspot sandi nt r oducesomebai tont o eachspott hef ol l owi ngmor ni ng. Thef ol l owi ngdaywaspr et t yqui et ;pi cki ngup af ew f i sht o33. 8butt hatni ghtIst r uckgol d wi t ha45. 12mi r r orwhi chIwasabsol ut el y ecst at i cabout ,t hat ’ s4f or t i esi n2ni ght s,wi t h many30’ sbacki ngi tupIwashavi ngabr i l l i ant t i me.Ihadf i nal l yt ur nedi tar oundandf el t conf i denti nmyappr oach. Ast heswi msar oundmest ar t edt obecome i ncr easi ngl yqui et ,myswi m wasbecomi ng mor eact i veandmypl anwasf i nal l ycomi ng t oget hersoImadet hemostoft heoppor t uni t y anduppedt heant ibyaddi ngmor ebai t .The f ol l owi ngni ghtwasf i l l edwi t hact i vi t ypi cki ng upmanycar pt o36. 12anda46catwhi ch gavemeanabsol ut ebel t erofaf i ght .

headhi tt hepi l l ow i tdi di tagai n,soIdeci ded t ogetoutofbedt ochecki tout . Si t t i ngt her ewat chi ngt hebobbi ni tl i f t edagai n, butIwasr el uct antt ohi ti tasi twasawi ndy ni ghtandanabsol ut eni ght mar et ogeti tback ont hesmal lgr avelpat chwi t hanyaccur at el y.I knew Ihadnochoi cesoIl i f t edi nt oi t . WOW!It houghtIwasi nt oanot hercat , i mmedi at el yst r i ppi ngl i nef r om meat80yar ds Ii nst ant l yf el tt hewei ghtandknew i twasa heavyf i sh.Lucki l ymybr ot hert omyr i ght hear dal lt hecommot i onanddeci dedt opop overandgi vemeawel lneededhand. Af t erani mmense2530mi nut ebat t l eCal vi n sl i ppedt henetunderwhatwebot hknew was adecentf i sh.Unr avel l i ngt henetwewer ei n t womi ndsi fi twoul dhi tt hemagi cal50l b bar r i ersowedeci dedt owei ghi tbef or eget t i ng t ooexci t ed. Ar oundi twentt o55. 12,mi nus4l bf ort hesl i ng shewei ghedar espect abl e51. 12!Wedi di t ,we hadt hebi ggi r landboydi di tf eelgood,and whatast unni ngf i sht oboot . Wedi dn’ thangar ound,wewer ef ul l yawar eof t hebat t l eshegavesowant edt ot akeaf ew phot osandsl i pherbackassoonaswecoul d. Thef ol l owi ngmor ni ngt hebai l i f fpoppeddown andi dent i f i edi sast heCCMoor ef i sh.Ther e ar et woscal esononesi det hatl ookl i kea coupl eofC’ s,hencet hename.

Thur sdayal r eady! ! ! .Af t erpi cki nguponl ya coupl eoff i shdur i ngt hedayt o32l b,Ihada goodf eel i ngf ort hecomi ngni ght .I twasaf ul l moon,cl earskyandwi t hmybai t edpat ches bei ngr el at i vel yqui etdur i ngt hedayIf el ti t waspr i met i mef orabi ggi r lt ovi si tt hebank. Atar ound3: 00AM myl ef t handr odont he gr avelpat chl i f t edupandset t l edbackdown soIassumedi twasj ustanot herl i nerand r est edmyheadbackdown.Assoonasmy

Byt hi st i meIhadl ostcountoft henumberof f i shIhadcaughtbutl ucki l yIhadever yt hi ng document ed,butasf arasIwasconcer nedi t wasj obdone!Mostofmyf i shcameatni ghtso f ort hebestpar toft heweekImanageda coupl eofhour ssl eepperni ght ,Iwas absol ut el yknacker edsoconsi der edbr i ngi ng myr odsi nandhaveabr eak–butIsooncame t omysensesandt her odswentbackout . Thef ol l owi ngdayandni ghtpr oducedaf ew mor ef i sht o39. 14butatt hi spoi ntIwas r unni ngoutofbai t ,PVAbagsandst r i ng.Ihad al sobr okenmycat apul t !


Thel astni ghtIbai t edupandf i shedt hebestI coul dwi t hwhatIhadl ef tbutasi tt ur nedout ,t hat wasenoughasIpi ckedupami d20andanot her 40whi chwei ghed42l b.Butl ooki ngatt hephot os whenIgothomeIhaver eal i sedt hi swasar epeat capt ur eoft he41. 06Ihaddur i ngt heweek–butI di dn’ tmi nd. Af t erat oughst ar tt hesessi ont ur nedoutt obe qui t ei ncr edi bl ewi t h540’ s( 6i ncl udi ngt hecat ) anda50.If el twehadagr eatr esul t ,butIhadt o wor kf ori twhi chwasasat i sf yi ngf eel i ng.I nf actI t ookar oundof700l boff i sht hatweek,t ot al l edup wi t ht heot herguyscapt ur eswehadat ot alof11 40’ s,count l ess30’ s;equal l i ngj ustshor tofami nd boggl i ng1t onneoff i sh,achi evi nganew l ake r ecor d. Myl astf i shwasa40,whi chwascaughtat 3: 30AM Sat ur daymor ni ngbutIdi dn’ tbot her goi ngbackt osl eepast heal ar m wassetat 5: 00AM.Weneededt ogetpackedup,shower ed andbeont her oadf or6: 30AM aswehadt i cket s t owat cht heFr ochvGr ovesf i ght–whi chwasa f ant ast i cwayt of i ni shabr i l l i antweek. I ni t i al l yIsai dIwasn’ tr eal l yl ooki ngf or war dt o goi ngt oFr ance,butaf ew daysbef or eIwent awaymysel fandAl exBr ansbywer eappr oached byAngl i ngLi neswhoaskedust odosomevi deo wor kf ort hem onsomeoft hei rot hervenues, whi chwegl adl yaccept ed.Soi nt hespaceofa f ew shor tweeksIhavegonef r om l i t t l ei nt er estt o heavi l yi nvol vedandI ’ mr eal l yl ooki ngf or war dt o i nvest i gat i ngnew wat er sover seasandhopef ul l y capt ur i ngsomeoft heact i ononcamer a. Formor ei nf or mat i ononEt angDeVi l l ai ne,pl ease vi si tandl i ket hei rFacebookpage:

n o t p m a r C e e L



6 : 3 0 AM. . .

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