Brink& Campman Collection ‘14
cover: scope hortus kaleido see page 20 16907,
Brink& Campman Collection ‘14
woven handtufted tufted knotted handwoven
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Collection ‘14
Chère Mad ame, Cher Mon sieu r,
De keuze voor een nieuwe, eigentijd se en frisse opmaak Sehr geehrter Kunde,
heeft geresulteerd in een
le cata logue
echt ‘lookbook’. Door toeWir sind stolz, Ihnen die neue
passing van een ander soort, milieuvr iendelijk , papier
Dear customer,
hebben de afbeeldi ngen een meer textiel karakter gekregen . Uiteraard treft u weer een groot aantal prachtige nieuwe dessins en kwalitei-
to you the all new Brink & Campman
Collection ‘14
smaakvolle wijze in beeld
and fresh layout we have
zijn gebracht .
chosen has resulted in
Graag wijzen wij ook op de
a real ‘lookbook’.
lancering van onze nieuwe
The use of a different
website vol interactieve
kind of eco-friendly paper
content, die medio septem-
gives the images a more
ber 2013 te bekijken en te
textile character. Of course
gebruiken zal zijn.
you will find a large number of beautiful new designs and qualities that have been photographed
On top of it Sjouke Jan Zwarthoff Directeu r/CEO
Collection ‘14
Collection ‘14
entièrement renouvelé.
zu präsentieren.
The new, contemporary
Brink & Campma n B.V.
Brink & Campma n
Brink & Campman
We are proud to present
ten aan, die op bijzonder
Vous avez entre les main s
really tastefully.
Le choi x d’une nouvelle
Das neue frische Layout
mise en page, contemporai ne
führt unter Verwendung von
et sédu isante, résu lte en
Recycling-Papier zu einem
un vérit able ‘lookbook ’.
Katalog mit sehr textilem
L’uti lisat ion d’un support différent , d’un papier respec-
Charakter. Die Natürlichkeit unserer Teppiche und Rohstoffe wird dadurch nachhaltig hervor-
un caractère plus text ile.
Vous y découvri rez de nom-
Eine große Anzahl schöner
breu x et superbes nouveaux dessins et qual ités mis en
neuer Designs und Qualitäten
vollem Ambiente in Szene
page avec style et talent. Nou s vous sign alon s également
le lancement de notre nouveau
Gleichzeitig mit Erscheinen
site inter net interactif que
der neuen Kollektion startet
vous pour rez visiter et qui
auch unsere neue Webseite.
sera opération nel vers la
wurden wieder in geschmack-
We would like to bring the launch of our new website,
tueu x de l’env iron nement confère aux illustrations
mi-septembre 2013 .
Viel Erfolg!
full of interactive content,
Nou s vous souh aiton s
to your attention. The new
beaucoup de succès avec
Brink & Campman B.V.
website will be operational by September 2013.
cette nouvelle collection .
On top of it Brink & Campma n B.V.
Lots of success!
Sjouke Jan Zwarthoff Direktor/CEO
Brink & Campman B.V.
On top of it Sjouke Jan Zwarthoff Director/CEO
On top of it Sjouke Jan Zwarthoff Directeu r/CEO
Index woven geweven gewebt tissé
handknotted handgeknoopt handgeknüpft noué main
Rocks 6 Steel 10 Cross 12 Berber 12 Gravel 14 Stonewash 16 Hermitage 18 Kaleidoscope 20 Rhythm 24 Calypso 26 Spheric 28 Fusion 30
Yeti 36 Everest 38 Himali 40 Kodari 44 100 Knots 54
handwoven handgeweven handgewebt tissé main Marble Iron Gusto
62 64 66
tufted getuft getuftet tufté Stone 56 Metal 58 Loops 60
handtufted handgetuft handgetuftet tufté main 68 Luna Loft 68 Estella 70 Xian 80 Kids 92
runners lopers läufer passages New classics Steps Items Basics Qashqai Hellas Sultan Kashmir Emir
96 96 96 96 98 98 98 98 98
Available sizes Leverbare maten Lieferbare Grössen Tailles livrables Rocks Steel Cross Gravel
Custom sizes Speciale maten Sondergrössen Tailles spéciaux Naast de standaardm aten uit onze collectie geven we u in diverse dessins of kwaliteiten ook de mogelijkheid om afwijkende maten te bestellen. Doordat vloerkleden in afwijkende maten speciaal voor u worden gemaakt kunnen levertijden afwijken van levertijden van standaard maten. Ons verkooptea m adviseert u graag over de mogelijkheden, levertijden , kosten etc. Neemt u contact op met onze verkoopafdeling: +31 (0)544 390 400. In addition to our standard size collection we also offer the opportunit y to order bespoke sizes in various designs and qualities. Because custom size rugs are made especially for you, lead times may vary from those of standard size rugs. Our sales staff will be pleased to advise you of the possibilities, lead times, costs etc. Please contact our sales office: +31 (0)544 390 400. Neben den Standardgrößen ist es bei verschiedenen Qualitäten von Brink & Campman möglich Sondergrößen und Designs nach dem Wunsch des Endkunden zu bekommen . Bitte richten Sie Ihre Anfrage in einem solchen Fall an unseren Verkaufsin nendiest im Werk Lichtenvoorde: +31 (0)544 390 400, oder Ihren Vertreter. En plus des tailles standards il est possible d’avoir des tailles spéciaux en certaines dessins et qualités au choix du client. Faites vos demandes et adressez les a notre bureau de vente à Lichtenvoorde: +31 (0)544 390 400 ou aux commerciaux dans votre secteur.
140 x 200 cm 170 x 240 cm 200 x 250 cm 200 x 300 cm
custom sizes on request
180 x 120 cm
140 x 200 cm
170 x 240 cm
200 x 300 cm
custom sizes on request
Stonewash Hermitage
140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm
200 x 280 cm
no custom sizes
170 x 230 cm
200 x 280 cm
no custom sizes
Rhythm Calypso
140 x 200 cm
160 x 230 cm
180 x 120 cm
200 x 280 cm
no custom sizes
170 x 24 0 cm
20 0 x 30 0 cm
250 x 350 cm
cu stom sizes on
Spheric Fusion
14 0 x 20 0 cm
140 x 200 cm 160 x 230 cm 200 x 280 cm
250 x 350 cm
no custom sizes
Everest Himali Kodari
100 Knots Stone Metal
14 0 x 20 0 cm 170 x 24 0 cm 20 0 x 30 0 cm 10 0 x 30 0 cm * request cu stom sizes on all sizes ma
de on request
130 x 190 cm
160 x 230 cm
200 x 280 cm
no custom sizes
140 x 200 cm
170 x 240 cm
200 x 300 cm
custom sizes on request
140 x 200 cm
160 x 230 cm
200 x 280 cm
custom sizes on request
70 x 140 cm **
14 0 x 20 0 cm
120 x 180 cm **
170 x 24 0 cm
140 x 200 cm **
20 0 x 30 0 cm
170 x 240 cm
200 x 300 cm
no custom sizes
85 x 115 cm (except 415)
135 x 75 cm (only 415)
170 x 240 cm (only 413)
no custom sizes
cu stom sizes on
170 x 24 0 cm
20 0 x 30 0 cm cu stom sizes on
all sizes made on
Iron Gusto
14 0 x 20 0 cm
57 cm width
170 x 24 0 cm
70 cm width
20 0 x 30 0 cm
custom sizes on request
cu stom siz
es on request
** except elements 770 and slice 773 * hi ma li splendid
331 and ma rra ke
sh 332
deviations up to 5% in the sizes are possible designs shown are based on size 170 x 240 or 160 x 230, patterns for other sizes may differ
colours may vary slightly
, also check page 56on e St same colours in
woven pure new wool rock s 70501 deta il
rock s 70502 deta il
rock s 70515 deta il
rock s 70503 deta il
rock s 70505 deta il
rock s 70507 deta il
rock s 70504 deta il
rock s 70517 deta il
rock s 7051 3 deta il
rock s 7051 2 deta il
rocks 70502
woven | pure new wool | total weight ca 5500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4000 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 250 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
mix 704 01 det ail
m ix 7040 det ai l
m ix 7040 det ai l
mix 70415 det ail
m ix 7040 det ai l
mix 70411 det ail
woven multicolour mix rocks mix 70411
woven | pure new wool | total weight ca 5500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4000 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 250 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
same colours used in: Metal, page 58 + Iron, page 64
steel 789 01 det ail
steel 789 05 det ail
steel 789 04 det ail
steel 789 08 det ail
pure new wool woven
steel 78908
woven | pure new wool | total weight ca 5500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4000 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 250 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
woven pure new wool
cross 70 00 9 detai l
heavy + durable almost 5 kg/m² of pure new wool new in collection
berber 68 det ai l
berber 68801
cross: woven | pure new wool | total weight ca 5500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4000 gr/m2 | available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 250 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
berber: woven | pure new wool | total weight ca 5700 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4500 gr/m2 | available sizes: 180 x 120 cm | 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
Gravel woven
pure new wool
gravel 6800 9 deta il
gravel 68003 deta il
gravel 68004 deta il
gravel 68001 deta il
gravel 6800 6 deta il
gravel 68005 deta il
mix 6820 9 deta il
mix 6821 1 deta il
mix 68201 deta il
mix 68205 deta il
gravel mix 68211
woven | pure new wool | total weight ca 4400 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 3000 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 250 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request - gravel mix only up to 250 cm wide
woven inspired by jeans
stonewash 21801 deta il
stonewash 21804 deta il
stonewash 21805 deta il
stonewash 2180 8 deta il
on: new in collecrsti u lo 4 uni co and 2 designs
five 21601
six 21705
stonewash 21808
woven | pure new wool/polyamide | total weight ca 3450 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 2250 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | no custom sizes
hermitage 21901 detail
hermitage 21902 detail
hermitage 21904 detail
hermitage 21905 detail
rich and lustrous herm itage 2190 8 deta il
herm itage 2190 6 deta il
adore 22301
herm itage 21915 deta il
adore 22302
adore 22305
ection: new in collurs and 1 design 7 uni colo hermitage 21902
woven | pure new wool/tencel | hermitage 219: total weight ca 2600 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1950 gr/m2 | hermitage 223: total weight ca 2500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1850 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | no custom sizes
shim i 17402
blossom 17502
Kaleidoscope printed on pure new wool
woodgra in 17204
woodgra in 17205
kaleidoscope is new in collection
botanic 16807
hortus 16907 kaleidoscope hortus 16907
woven | pure new wool | total weight ca 3100 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1850 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 170 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | no custom sizes
Kaleidoscope printed on pure new wool
zigza g 1710 8
zigza g 17107
stripe 17303
stripe 1730 0
stripe 17307
kaleidoscope is ion new in collect kaleidoscope stripe 17300
woven | pure new wool | total weight ca 3100 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1850 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 170 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | no custom sizes
shaggy woven quality
rhyt hm 6950 deta il
rhyt hm 6950 deta il
1 rhyt hm 6950 deta il
rhythm 69505 detail
rhythm 69508 detail
rhythm 69514 detail
rhythm is on new in collecti rhythm 69508
woven | pure new wool/PES | total weight ca 3050 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1850 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 180 x 120 cm | 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | no custom sizes
calypso is new in collection
calypso 1700 9 deta il
calypso 170 01 det ail
calypso 17004 deta il
calypso 170 05 det ail
woven mixed colours calypso 17004
woven | pure new wool/PES | total weight ca 3800 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 2600 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 180 x 120 cm | 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | no custom sizes
rose 56604
rose 56601
2 tone designs woven zebra 56504
zebra 56505
damasc 56705
damasc 56704
damasc 56701 spheric rose 56601
woven | pure new wool/PES | total weight ca 2500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1850 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | 250 x 350 cm | no custom sizes
colourful classics am sterda m 54 am sterda m 54
bala nce 55203
40 0
bala nce 55205
bala nce 55201
fusion amsterdam 54400
woven | pure new wool/PES | total weight ca 2500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1850 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | 250 x 350 cm | no custom sizes
colourful designs
avenue 55
pa ris 54307 pa ris 5430 0
fusion avenue 55307
woven | pure new wool/PES | total weight ca 2500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1850 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | 250 x 350 cm | no custom sizes
blocks & stripes
track s 54601
patch 569 08 patch 569 00 patch 569 01
fusion tracks 54601
woven | pure new wool/PES | total weight ca 2500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1850 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | 250 x 350 cm | no custom sizes
handknotted natural colours
yeti 51001 detai l
yeti 51003 detai l
Yeti is new in collection
- handknotted quality - pure new wool, natural colours - Yeti has a slight abrash effect maximum size is 3,8 x 7 metres
yet i 510 04 det ail
yet i 51015 det ail
yet i 510 05 det ail
yeti 51004
handknotted ‘60 knots’ | pure new wool | total weight ca 4000 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 3400 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | 250 x 350 cm | custom sizes on request
handknotted natural colours
ruby 52701
brick s 52901
marrakesh 52501
splendid 52401
out of the blue 52601
patc hwork 52801
everest out of the blue 52601
handknotted ‘60 knots’ | pure new wool | total weight ca 4600 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 3900 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
handknotted 60 knots pure Tibetan wool marrakesh 33205
grace 35308
ruby 34905
ruby 34901
himali ruby 34905
handknotted ‘60 knots’ | pure new wool | total weight ca 5200 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
marrakesh 33205 is also available in 100 x 300 cm
handknotted handspun pure Tibetan wool
out of the blue 338 03 splendid 33103
aqu are l 93307 aqu are l 93303
himali out of the blue 33803
handknotted ‘60 knots’ | pure new wool | total weight ca 5200 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
splendid 33103 is also available in 100 x 300 cm
anemone daydream anlldection are new in co
anemone 960 01 daydream 964 01 daydream 964 07
miami 93100
vegas 99500
paisley 32601
handknotted 60 knots pure new wool kodari anemone 96001
handknotted ‘60 knots’ | pure new wool | total weight ca 5200 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
handknotted colourful lorals
garla nd 33305
garla nd 3330 0
jasm ine 32405
jasm ine 3240 8
jasm ine 32407
kodari garland 33300
handknotted ‘60 knots’ | pure new wool | total weight ca 5200 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
vibes 330 05 vibes 330 00
handknotted 60 knots pure new wool
deco 341 15
elegance 31904
elegance 31905
kodari elegance 31905
handknotted ‘60 knots’ | pure new wool | total weight ca 5200 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
handknotted 60 knots pure new wool
34202 and 34218 are new in collection and have details in viscose m ist 34 202 m ist 34 218
mist 3420 8
mist 34207
kodari mist 34218
handknotted ‘60 knots’ | pure new wool | total weight ca 5200 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
handknotted pure new wool
graph 93700
patchwork 94001
bricks 99700
patchwork 94003
bricks 99705
kodari patchwork 94003
handknotted ‘60 knots’ | pure new wool | total weight ca 5200 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
e - a fine and dens ty li a handknotted qu
order, - exclusively made to s ese item we do not stock th enables for - this quality also tailed designs to be more de and intricate any design - you may choose ari , Himali Kod in the qualities om our current fr t es er Ev and or past collections s of 8 x 12 metre - maximum size
himali out of the blue 33803 100 knots
100 Knots
extra fine made on demand
hima li ruby 34901 100 knot s
him ali splendid 10 0 knots
koda ri br ic ks 9970 0 10 0 knot s
kod ari vegas 99500 100 knots
kodari patchwork 94001 100 knots kodari patchwork 94001 - 100 knots
handknotted ‘100 knots’ | pure new wool | total weight ca 4100 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 3500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
all designs from everest, himali, and kodari can be made in 100 knots | all sizes are made to order (max. 8 x 12 m)
looppile pure new wool
stone 18801 detail
stone 18802 detail
stone 18815 detail
stone 18803 detail
stone 18805 detail
stone 18807 detail
stone 18804 detail
stone 18817 detail
stone 18813 detail
stone 18812 detail
also check page 6, cks same colours in Ro stone 18812
tufted | pure new wool | total weight ca 6500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4600 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
tufted looppile pure new wool
meta l 18905 deta il
meta l 18901 deta il
meta l 18904 deta il
meta l 1890 8 deta il
same colours used in: Steel, page 10 + Iron, page 64
metal 18904
tufted | pure new wool | total weight ca 6500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 4600 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
tufted pure new wool
loops 1900 9 deta il
loops 19004 detail
loops 1900 6 deta il
loops 19003 deta il
loops 19001 deta il
loops 19008 detail
loops 19005 detail
loops 19002 detail
loops 19006
tufted | pure new wool | total weight ca 3600 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 2850 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request
handwoven pure new wool ven , handwo l ia c e p s -a quality looppile er, ade to ord m ly e v si lu - e xc e items stock thes t o n o d e w s, is 3 metre th id w m - maximu r shapes only rectangula
marble 29504 deta il
marble 29505 deta il
ma rble 29503 detai l
ma rble 29501 detai l
marble 2950 0 deta il
29500 is new in collection
marble 29501
handwoven | pure new wool | total weight ca 3800 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 3500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
all sizes are made to order (max. width 3 m)
iron 289 04 det ail
iron 289 01 det ail
iron 289 08 det ail
iron 289 05 det ail
rugs pure new wool same co used in: l Metal , pSteel , page 1o0urs age 58 + maximum custom s width for izes is 3 metres
iron 28905
handwoven | pure new wool | total weight ca 2100 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1950 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request (max. width 3 m)
gu sto 2990 0 detai l
gu sto 2990 8 detai l
gusto 29901 detail
gusto 29903 detail
gusto 29905 detail
maximum width for tres custom sizes is 3 me gusto 29901
handwoven | pure new wool | total weight ca 1900 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1750 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom sizes on request (max. width 3 m)
handtufted pure new wool
loft 38001
stair s 91707
stair s 91718
stair s 91701
stair s 91703
stair s 9170 0
loft 38001
luna: handtufted | pure new wool | total weight ca 3000 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 2000 gr/m2 | available sizes: 130 x 190 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | no custom sizes
loft: handtufted | pure new wool | total weight ca 5100 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 3000 gr/m2 | available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | custom size on request
domino 83904
domino 83901
bla nket 858 01
bro adway 8620 6
handtufted geometric designs
bro adway 86207
broadway is new in collection and has details in viscose
estella broadway 86206
handtufted | pure new wool | total weight ca 4500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 2500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | custom sizes on request
new in collection
colourful designs pure new wool
bead s 87105
sum mer 85207
sum mer 8520 0
car ré 844 00 car ré 844 01
carré has details in viscose
estella carré 84400
handtufted | pure new wool | total weight ca 4500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 2500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | custom sizes on request
cur ve 838 01 cur ve 838 00
curve has details in viscose
cosmic 83600
cosmic 83604
handtufted pure new wool
vogue 86005
vogue is new in collection vog ue 860 00
estella vogue 86005
handtufted | pure new wool | total weight ca 4500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 2500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | custom sizes on request
ripple 84304
ripple and carnaval have details in viscose
carn aval 85005
handtufted unique shape
fos sil 84204
cot tage 84505 fragment 87005
fragment 8700 6
fragment is new in collection
handtufted | pure new wool | total weight ca 4500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 2500 gr/m2
estella fossil 84204 all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | custom sizes on request
paint 8480 0
fiesta 8410 0
handtufted pure new wool
horizon 83501
horizon 8350 0
horizon 8350 8
horizon has details in viscose estella horizon 83500
handtufted | pure new wool | total weight ca 4500 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 2500 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 140 x 200 cm | 160 x 230 cm | 200 x 280 cm | custom sizes on request
mos aic 75905
cont rol 7720 0
mos aic 75903
handtufted bright colours
trian gle 7760 0
trian gle 7760 8
triangle is new in collection
xian triangle 77600
handtufted | acrylic | total weight ca 2700 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 70 x 140 cm | 120 x 180 cm | 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | no custom sizes
elements 7700 0
elements 77005
handtufted unique shapes
slice 77304 slice 7730 6
xian slice 77304
handtufted | acrylic | total weight ca 2700 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | no custom sizes
handtufted acrylic
leaf 73605
leaf 73601
con fett i 72 con fett i 72
xian confetti 72501
handtufted | acrylic | total weight ca 2700 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 70 x 140 cm | 120 x 180 cm | 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | no custom sizes
bright colours acrylic
com ic 750 08 com ic 750 03
gloriou s 77700 gloriou s 77707
glorious is new in collection xian comic 75008
handtufted | acrylic | total weight ca 2700 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 70 x 140 cm | 120 x 180 cm | 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | no custom sizes
motion is new in collection
handtufted stripes & lines motion 779 00 motion 779 01
fresh 76801
fresh 7680 0
fresh 76805
xian fresh 76800
handtufted | acrylic | total weight ca 2700 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 70 x 140 cm | 120 x 180 cm | 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | no custom sizes
pa ssion 7570 0
funky designs acrylic
ju ng le 77805
jungle is new in collection
butterfly 76 001 butterfly 76 00 0
xian butterfly 76001
handtufted | acrylic | total weight ca 2700 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 70 x 140 cm | 120 x 180 cm | 140 x 200 cm | 170 x 240 cm | 200 x 300 cm | no custom sizes
7 play 41 41 play 41 40
handtufted acrylic
fleur 41 203 fleur 41 207
kids fleur 41203
handtufted | acrylic | total weight ca 2700 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes: 85 x 115 cm | no custom sizes
buddy 4150
handtufted unique shapes bear 41001
c ub e 4 1
bear 4100 0
kids buddy 41504
handtufted | acrylic | total weight ca 2700 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available sizes bear 410: 85 x 115 cm | no custom sizes | available sizes cube 413: 85 x 115 cm | 170 x 240 cm | no custom sizes | available sizes buddy 415: 135 x 75 cm | no custom sizes
woven modern designs
item s 12504
item s 12604
item s 12704
durable 80% pure new wool 20% polyamide
steps 12205
steps 12005
steps 1220 0
new cla ssics 10
30 0
steps 12105
ba sics 1100 0
ba sics 1100 8
ba sics 11004
ba sics 11005
basics 11005
woven | 80% pure new wool / 20% polyamide | total weight ca 2600 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available widths: 57 cm | 70 cm | custom sizes on request
woven oriental classics
su lta n 10707
su lta n 1070 6
qashqai 61001
ka sh mi r 76744
hellas 10804
hellas 10801
hellas 10803
ka sh mi r 76446
durable 80% pure new wool 20% polyamide
em ir 10 62 4 em ir 10520
em ir 10 622
em ir 10521
emir 10624
woven | 80% pure new wool / 20% polyamide | total weight ca 2600 gr/m2 | pile weight ca 1700 gr/m2
all designs are copyright
available widths: 57 cm | 70 cm | custom sizes on request
Brink & Campman
Albert Schweitzerstraat 3 | 7131 pg Lichtenvoorde p.o. box 180 | 7130 ad Lichtenvoorde | the Netherlands tel + 31 (0)544 390 400 | fax + 31 (0)544 390 470
Wij adviseren u nadrukkelijk |
Sales offices the Netherlands: Americas, Asia, Africa, Oceania: Europe: Germany, Austria, Switzerland:
tel + 31 (0)544 390 431 tel + 31 (0)544 390 428 tel + 31 (0)544 390 429 tel + 31 (0)544 390 430
Sales Netherlands
Wij raden u aan het vloerkleed regelmat ig te stofzuigen. Al onze kwa liteiten zijn uitgebreid op onderhoud getest; raadpleeg ww w.ja of de James serv icelijn op: +31 (0)77 327 8007 voor informatie over vlek ken, onderhoud en verkoopadressen van James’ producten.
Robert Apeldoorn m +31 (0)6 101 329 64 |
We advi se you to vacuum your rug regu larly. Each of our qua lities is tested thorough ly for
Export Enrico Pennings m +31 (0)6 101 277 87 | We have partners in the following countries: Australia
Hong Kong
South Africa
South-East Asia
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
New Zealand
appearance retention; chec k ww w.ja for information about stain s, mai nten ance and . points of sale of James’ products is: The James serv ice number +31 (0)77 327 8008. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, den Teppich regelmä ßig zu staubsaugen. Jede unserer Qua litäten ist umfangreich hinsicht lich Rein igung und Pflege getestet g worden. Hinweise zu Rein igun und Pflege erha lten Sie unter ww w.ja Die James Hotl ine erreichen Sie unter:
Campman karpet een anti-slip ondertapijt aan te schaffen. Ondertapijt verlengt de levensduur van uw karpet, is warmteen geluidisolerend en verhoogt het comfort. We strongly advise you to
collection design stud io Brin k & Campma n Annet Haa k Yvon de Witte photography Alex ander van Berge Peter Vincent Sjou ke Jan Zwa rthoff stud io Brin k & Campma n
purchase a non-skidding carpet
styli ng
underlay along with your rug.
Mar ianne van Heu sden
This carpet underlay provides longevity, is heat insulating and sound dampening and enhances the overall comfort.
graphic design gebr.silvestr print
Wir empfehlen die Verwendung einer Teppichunterlage. Dies verhindert das Verrutschen des Teppichs, ist schalldämmend, wärmeisolierend, erhöht seine Lebensdauer und steigert den Komfort. Nous conseillons l‘utilisation d‘une sous-couche antidérapante. Cela evite les déplacements du tapis, rend le tapis insonore, isole, augmente sa durée de vie et accroit le comfort.
Hassink Dru kkers special than ks to ww ww ww udioerikgutter.n l All rights are reserved. No part of this publicat ion may be reproduced or tran smit ted in any form or by any mea ns, electron ic or mec han ical including photo-copying, recording or any information storage or retr ieva l system without the express prior
+31 (0)77 327 8006.
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Nou s vous conseillons de passer l‘aspirateur sur votre tapi s fréquem ment. Des mét hodes
© 2013 Brin k & Campma n
de entretien ont été soigneu sement testées sur toutes nos r qua lités: vous pouvez consulte ford‘in ww w.ja pou r plus mat ions. Le serv ice d‘in form ation s telephon iques de James: +31 (0)77 327 8004 .
bij aankoop van een Brink &
editoria l Brin k & Campma n
Spheric p. 6 - 9
rocks 70501
rocks 70502
rocks 70503
rocks 70504
rocks 70505
rocks 70507
rocks 70512
rocks 70515
rocks 70513
Cross rocks 70517
mix 70400
mix 70401
mix 70405
mix 70407
mix 70411
zebra 56504
zebra 56505
rose 56601
rose 56604
damasc 56701
damasc 56704
damasc 56705
p. 30 - 35
amsterdam 54400
amsterdam 54401
avenue 55307
balance 55201
balance 55203
balance 55205
paris 54300
paris 54307
tracks 54601
rhythm 69501
rhythm 69504
rhythm 69505
rhythm 69508
rhythm 69509
rhythm 69514
out of the blue 33803
splendid 33103
marrakesh 33205
mix 70415
p. 12
cross 70009
Gravel p. 10 - 11
steel 78901
steel 78904
steel 78905
steel 78908
p. 14 - 15
Rhythm gravel 68001
gravel 68003
gravel 68004
Berber gravel 68005
p. 28 - 29
gravel 68006
gravel 68009
mix 68201
mix 68205
mix 68209
mix 68211
p. 12 - 13
berber 68801
patch 56908
p. 24 - 25
p. 40 - 43
ruby 34901
ruby 34905
aquarel 93303
aquarel 93307
grace 35308
p. 36 - 37
yeti 51001
yeti 51003
yeti 51004
yeti 51005
yeti 51015
vegas 99500
bricks 99700
bricks 99705
anemone 96001
jasmine 32405
jasmine 32407
jasmine 32408
garland 33300
garland 33305
mist 34208
mist 34202
mist 34218
vibes 33005
vibes 33000
paisley 32601
Yeti stonewash 21801
stonewash 21804
stonewash 21805
stonewash 21808
five 21601
six 21705
Kaleidoscope p. 20 - 23
patch 56901
Stonewash p. 16 - 17
patch 56900
Kodari botanic 16807
hortus 16907
zigzag 17107
p. 44 - 53
zigzag 17108
woodgrain 17204
woodgrain 17205
stripe 17300
stripe 17303
stripe 17307
hermitage 21901
hermitage 21902
hermitage 21904
hermitage 21905
hermitage 21906
hermitage 21908
graph 93700
daydream 96401
daydream 96407
deco 34115
mist 34207
calypso 17001
calypso 17004
calypso 17005
calypso 17009
patchwork 94001
patchwork 94003
elegance 31904
elegance 31905
miami 93100
Hermitage shimi 17402
blossom 17502
p. 18 - 19
Calypso hermitage 21915
adore 22301
adore 22302
adore 22305
p. 26 - 27
Estella carrĂŠ 84400
carrĂŠ 84401
carnaval 85005
broadway 86206
broadway 86207
fossil 84204
curve 83800
curve 83801
fiesta 84100
cottage 84505
domino 83901
domino 83904
cosmic 83600
cosmic 83604
vogue 86000
vogue 86005
summer 85200
summer 85207
blanket 85801
horizon 83501
horizon 83508
paint 84800
ripple 84304
fragment 87005
fragment 87006
fresh 76800
fresh 76801
fresh 76805
slice 77304
slice 77306
butterfly 76000
butterfly 76001
motion 77900
motion 77901
elements 77000
elements 77005
confetti 72501
confetti 72505
control 77200
triangle 77600
triangle 77608
glorious 77700
glorious 77707
basics 11000
basics 11004
p. 70 - 79
p. 38 - 39
splendid 52401
marrakesh 52501
out of the blue 52601
ruby 52701
patchwork 52801
bricks 52901
p. 56 - 57
stone 18801
stone 18802
stone 18803
stone 18804
stone 18805
stone 18807
stone 18812
stone 18813
stone 18815
beads 87105
loops 19001
loops 19002
loops 19003
loops 19004
loops 19005
loops 19006
loops 19008
loops 19009
horizon 83500
Stone Loops stone 18817
p. 60 - 61
Marble p. 58 - 59
metal 18901
metal 18904
metal 18905
metal 18908
Xian p. 62 - 63
marble 29500
marble 29501
gusto 29905
gusto 29908
p. 80 - 91
Gusto marble 29503
marble 29504
marble 29505
p. 66 - 67
gusto 29900
gusto 29901
gusto 29903
Iron Luna
comic 75003
comic 75008
Loft p. 64 - 65
iron 28901
iron 28904
iron 28905
iron 28908
p. 68 - 69
p. 68
stairs 91700
stairs 91701
stairs 91703
stairs 91707
stairs 91718
p. 92 - 95
bear 41000
bear 41001
cube 41307
fleur 41203
fleur 41207
loft 38001
leaf 73601
leaf 73605
mosaic 75903
mosaic 75905
passion 75700
jungle 77805
basics 11005
basics 11008
steps 12005
steps 12105
steps 12200
steps 12205
new classics items 10300 12504
items 12604
items 12704
hellas 10801
hellas 10803
hellas 10804
emir 10520
emir 10521
emir 10622
emir 10624
qashqai 61001
kashmir 76744
sultan 10706
sultan 10707
p. 96 - 99
Kids 104
play 41400
play 41417
buddy 41504
kashmir 76446
on top of it albert schweitzerstraat 3 / 7131 pg lichtenvoorde 180 / 7130 ad lichtenvoorde / the netherlands t +31 (0)544 390 400 / f +31 (0)544 390 470 /