Catalog lansare supermarket Carrefour Market Dunarea!

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De vineri, 29 iunie, ora 8:00, Carrefour Market Dunărea! Angajamentele Carrefour Market: 1. Rapiditate la case 2. Satisfacție sau rambursare 3. Produse “Carrefour” la preț Carrefour

Bd. Brăila, nr. 220, în incinta Complexului Comercial Dunărea, Galați Ofertă valabilă în perioada: 29.06-5.07.2012 doar în Carrefour Market Dunărea Galați!



Origine: Turcia,EnEntry2 per kg legend egend gen e ntry2:Entry :En 2

Import, perEEntry kg Entry2 ntry2 ntry 2:E ::En :Entr EEnt Entr Entry2 Ennt nttrtry rryy2

leg llegend le egen eeg egend gend gen gge end end nd prrr:: Pr pr: Price_zl iccce_zl iice e zl zl, , PPrrice ice_g ice_gr ice_ ce_gr e__gr _ggrr _g Naame: Name: NName me:ee: Name m Name, NNa aame, ame me,e , IInfo nffo, , PPeerUni nfo rUUn rUnit rUn rU Unit nniti Ent Entr EEntry nttrttry ry1 ryyy11:Entr :En :Entry EEnt ntry ntry ry1 y1


pr:r: PPrrice ice_zl, , Price_gr ice_zl, ice_ Price_gr ice ce_gr g gr Na Name,e, , Info Name: Name Info fo, , Pe fo PerUnit rUUn rUni rUn rU Uni nitit E y :Entry En Entry1 :Ent Entry Ent Entr En nntrtrryy1 ntry


Măsline negre Extra Jumbo, Turan, per kg LEI legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry Entry3 ntry ntry3 try ry :E ry3 ::En :Entr Enntrtry En trtrryy3 y3 Ennt Entry4 ntry t y4::En :Ent :E Ent Entr Entry En ntrtry nnt try ry4 y4

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Entry3:Entry Entry3 try3 y3:Entry :Entr 3 Entry4 Entry Ent En EEntr ntry ntry4 nnt ntrttrtry try4 rry4 yy4:Entry :E 4 :En


269 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Lapte de consum 1.5% grăsime, 1 L, Poiana Florilor, per buc.

Pui rotisat

Franzelă albă

per 100 g Entry2:Entry2

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

149 LEI

159 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

300legend g, Engelmi, Entry2:Entry2 per buc.


Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Făină TIP 650 1 kg, per buc.

pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

999 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Cafea măcinată

250 g, Jacobs Krönung, per buc.



Preț per buc.: 40.99


Preț reieșit din pachet: 32.80



6 x 0.5 L, Beck’s, per pachet

2.5 L, Timișoreana, per buc.

pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Bere doză



legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Bere pet

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

651 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Coca-Cola/Fanta 2 x 1.5 L, per pachet

6559 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1



Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Detergent automat Ozon+ 2 x 7 kg, Dero, per pachet


089 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

379 LEI

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Pufuleți cu sare, No.1 100 g, per buc.

Unt de masă, No.1 200 g, per buc.

399 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

619 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Iaurt găletuşă

2.8% grăsime, 900 g, Carrefour Discount per buc.

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Smântână, No.1 12% grăsime, 900 g per buc.

999 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

499 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Înghețată, No.1

per kg

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Salam Bănățean

350 g, Carrefour, per buc.

319 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

360 g, Carrefour, per buc.


419 LEI

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Ciuperci tăiate cutie


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Cașcaval, No.1

500 g, diverse sortimente per buc.

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Orez bob rotund

1 kg, Carrefour, per buc.

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Apă minerală necarbogazoasă 6 L, Carrefour, per buc.

849 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Hârtie igienică

8 role, 3 straturi, Carrefour, per pachet

465 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Prosoape bucătărie

4 role, 2 straturi, Carrefour, per pachet


Pui grill

Carrefour, per kg

839 LEI

Pepene verde Import, perEntry2:Entry2 kg


pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Tel.: 0374.279.460

Fax: 0374.279.463/464

Pulpă de porc


per kg EnEEntry Entr Entry2 nntry nttry ry2 y :Entry :Entry22

dezosată, degresată, per kg Entry2:Entry2

legend egend ppr:r: Price_zl pr Price_zl ce_zl,, , Price_gr Price_gr grr Name Nam Name: me:e: Nam m Name Na NName, am , Info am In , , PPerUniti Entry1 Entry ntry ntry1 ntry trryy1::E try1 :Entry :Ent EEntry Enntry ry1


pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4




1 kg, Muntenia

1 L, Lorena, per buc.



legend pr: Priice_zl, , Price_gr Namee: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Ulei de floarea-soarelui

Orar: L- S: 08:00-22:00 D: 08:00-20:00

Adresă: Bd. Brăila, nr. 220, în incinta Complexului Comercial Dunărea, Galați

S.C. Artima S.A. sat Chiajna, comuna Chiajna, Autostrada București-Pitești, Nr. 11-12, Centrul Comercial Carrefour Militari

Entry Entry Entry3 Entry3:Entry ntry3 try3 yy33:Entry3 :Entr :Entry EEntry ntt 3 ntry ntr EEntry4 r :Entry :Entr :Entry4 En 4



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