Catalog supermarket Carrefour Market Pipera si Caramfil

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per buc.Entry2:Entry2

Import, per buc. Entry2:Entry ry2 ry

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


pr: Pri PPrice_zl i zzll, , Price_gr ice ice_z Prrice_gr Na e: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Nam Name: En Entry1:Entry1


Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Mini Baghetă French 150 g, per buc. Entry2:Entry2

lege leg lle ege eeg ggee pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Croissant cu unt

50 g,lege legend legen leg egend eegen eg geDelifrance,Entr Enntry2 Entry2 ntr ntry ntper try ttry2 rry2 y2::Entr :Entry :En EEnntry Entry try2 buc.


ppr:r:r Pr PPrice_zl rice_zl ice_zl, ice ice_z cce ce_zl e zzll, , PPrrice_ e_zl iice_gr ice_g ice ce_gr cce e_ggrr NNam Name: Name am ame ame: mee:: Nam me me: Naame Name Na Name, am ame, mee,e, , Info me, m Innfo In Inf nffo, , Pe PerUnit rrUn UUnit Un nnitiit Entry1 Entry Entry1 nntryyy11:Entry :Entr :En :E Entry Entr ntrtry1 ntry



Entry3:Entry33 Entry4:Entry44

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Caramfil Ofertă valabilă în perioada 4.10-17.10.2012. Catalogul este valabil în Carrefour Market Pipera și Caramfil!

699 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

999 LEI

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Jambon de Bayonne

Șuncă cuburi

100 g, Carrefour Discount per buc.

200 g, Carrefour Discount per buc.

1090 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Saucisson Sec

300 g, Carrefour Discount per buc.

Economisești și ai și calitate!

1399 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


1199 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Ouă ecologice x 10 buc., Carrefour, per caserolă

399 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Brânză topită 140 g, Carrefour per buc.

799 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


250 g, Carrefour, per buc.


E 2E 2 Entry2: Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


60 % grăsime, 200 g, Carrefour, per buc.

1299 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Unt dulce

82% grăsime, 250 g, Carrefour, per buc.

1399 pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Gorgonzola dulce/picantă

200 g, Carrefour, per buc.


599 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

499 LEI

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Sos Bolognaise BIO

799 LEI

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Biscuiți cu quinoa BIO

Penne Rigate BIO

190 g, Carrefour, per buc.

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

125 g, Carrefour, per buc.

500 g, Carrefour, per buc.

Economisești și ai și calitate!



1 L, Carrefour, per buc.

500 g, Carrefour per buc

pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Ulei de măsline extravirgin


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Fistic prăjit

1349 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Conservă de ton în ulei de măsline/ suc propriu 160 g, Rio Mare, per buc.

184 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Prăjitură Delice

42 g, Kinder, diverse sortimente per buc.

7439 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Cafea boabe Gran Aroma Bar 1 kg, Lavazza, per buc.

694 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Zahăr Vienez Brun 500 g, Agrana, per buc.


În magazin, vei găsi sute de produse cu tradiţie, mezeluri și carne proaspătă de la Angst

Frigărui berbecuț Angst, per EEnEntr kg Entry2 Ent ntry ntr nntry2 try ttry2 rry2 ry yy22:E 2:E :Ent ::En EEnt En Entr ntrtry nnt ttrrryy2

4790 ppr:r: Pr Pric ice_z ice_zl ice_ iice ce_z ce_zl ce cce_ ee_zl e_ e_z __zzzll, , Pr Priice_ iccce ice_g ice_gr ice ce_g ce_ ce_gr e_g ee_gr _gr _g ggrr NName: NName, , Info, I f , PPerUnit U itit Entry1:Entry1

Entr Ent EEntry3 En Entry nntry nt ntrttrtry3 ntry3 ryy33:E ry3 :En :Entry ::Ent EEnt En Entr nnt ntry trry ttry ry3 EEntry4:Entry4 t 4E t 4


Angst, per Entry2 kg Entry Ent Entr EEn ntry nnt ntry2 ntrtry trtry2 ry2 yy22::E :Ent :Entry :En Enntry EEntry nntr ntttry ryy2 y2

leegen leg lege llegend legen ege eegend eg ggend gen ennndd eend prrr:: PPrrice_ ppr: iccce_zl iice_z ice_zl ice ce_ ce_z ce e_zzll, , Pr Priice ice_g ice_gr ice_ cce_gr ce_ ce e_g ee_gr __gr ggrr Name Nam Name: NNa ame: ame aam meee:: NName me: m Nam Name, ame, aam ame meee,, , Info m me, Inf In Inf nffoo, , Pe nfo PerrUnit rUUUni rUn Unnit Unit nniiitt Entry1:Entry11


2 L, Pfanner, per buc.

0.75 L, Monsieur Louis, Bordeaux per buc.


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Nectar portocale

legend egend end pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


1290 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Ceafă de porc fără os, Angst, per kg LEI

Pastramă de porc

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Ennntry3 Entry3 Entr EEntry ntry ttrry r 3::E :Ent :En Entry3 Entr EEnt En ntt nntr Entr EEntry4 Entry Ent En ntry4:Entry4 ntr nt nntry4 trtry4 trry ry4 y4



Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Vin roșu

3460 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Bere sticlă

6 x 0.33 L, Corona, per pachet

Tel.: 0374.208.953

Fax: 0374.208.954/955

Orar: L-S: 8:30-22:00 D: 8:30-21:00 Adresă: Bd. Pipera, nr. 17, Voluntari

Tel.: 0374.203.176

Fax: 0374.203.177

Orar: L-S: 8:00-22:00 D: 8:00-20:00 ● Adresă: Str. Nicolae Caramfil, nr. 71-73, sector 1, București ●

S.C. Artima S.A. sat Chiajna, comuna Chiajna, Autostrada București-Pitești, Nr. 11-12, Centrul Comercial Carrefour Militari


CUI 11735628

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