Catalog Market Pipera 02 Februarie

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Rafinamentul gustului la cele mai bune prețuri!

599 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

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Ouă x 10 buc.,

categoria M, Carrefour, per caserolă

Mere Red Delicios Origine: Italia, per kg


legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit

Entry1:Entry1 Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Ofertă valabilă în perioada 02.02-15.02.2012. Catalogul este valabil în Carrefour Market Pipera!

În magazin, vei găsi sute de produse cu tradiţie, mezeluri și carne proaspătă de la Angst

249 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Pâine Bucureşti

400 g, Vel Pitar, per buc.

1159 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


150 g, Galbani, per buc.

Crenvurști din piept de pui, Angst, per kg LEI legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4



249 LEI

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legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


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legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Lapte de consum

3.5% grăsime, 330 g, Napolact, per buc.

3.5% grăsime, 1 L, Zuzu, per buc.

1499 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

2 x 200 g, Zott, per pachet Produsele trebuie să fie identice și se iau de către client de la raft.

Șuncă Praga Angst, per kg Entry2:Entry2

2990 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

549 LEI


legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

999 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Mousse chocolat

4 x 60 g, Müller, per pachet

Pulpe de pui inferioare cu os, Carrefour, per kg LEI legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


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Unt bio

82% grăsime, 250 g, LaDorna, per buc.

Telemea de vacă Olympus, per kg Entry2:Entry2

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


Mușchiuleț de porc Angst, per kg Entry2:Entry2

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

2690 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


1099 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


140 g, Carrefour, per buc.


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

200 g, Carrefour, per buc.

371 LEI

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Bere sticlă

0.45 L, Grolsch, per buc.


500 g, Barilla, per buc.

1 kg, Lavazza, per buc.

0.75 L, Carrefour Bio, per buc.

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

3490 LEI

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Vin alb/ roşu

0.75 L, Chardonnay Malbec, Trapiche, per buc.



Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Detergent automat de vase 40 tablete, Calgonit, per buc.

1299 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Musli Vitalis

425 g Dr. Oetker, per buc.


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legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Ulei de măsline Extra Virgin

4009 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4




Cafea boabe Gran Aroma Bar

Nuci Macadamia

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

6599 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

70 g, perEntry2:Entry2 buc.

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Somon norvegian afumat la rece

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Specialitate Catalană

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


6 x 0.33 L, per pachet

1557 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Hârtie igienică

3 straturi, 10 role, Zewa, diverse sortimente, per pachet


249 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Desert Maxi King 35 g, Kinder, per buc.

690 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Salată Rucola

125 g, Carrefour, per buc.

Tel.: 0374.208.953

Fax: 0374.208.954/955

879 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Praline de ciocolată 120 g, Heidi, per buc.

1120 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


2 L, Santal, diverse sortimente, per buc.

Orar: L-S: 08:30-22:00 D: 08:30-21:00 Adresă: Bd. Pipera, nr. 17, Voluntari

S.C. Artima S.A. sat Chiajna, comuna Chiajna, Autostrada București-Pitești, Nr. 11-12, Centrul Comercial Carrefour Militari


CUI 11735628

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