Catalog Special Market Pipera

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Rafinamentul gustului la cele mai bune prețuri!

17690 5590 LEI


Champagne rosé

0.75 L, G.H. Mumm, per buc.

Pachet cadou Moș Crăciun

Conţine: z Panettone Tarta Cappuccino 400 g z Pişcoturi Vicenzi 200 g z Truffe Belgian Original 200 g z figurină Moş Crăciun, 15 g z Vin roşu 0.75 L z per pachet

Ofertă valabilă în perioada 15.12-31.12.2011. Catalogul este valabil în Carrefour Market Pipera!

În magazin, vei găsi sute de produse cu tradiţie, mezeluri și carne proaspătă de la Angst

Tobă de casă

Mușchiuleț de porc

Angst, per EEntEnkg ntry2 ntry nt nttry2 rry2 y :Entr :Entry Entry try ry2 ry

leeegend legend leg egen eg gen ge ggend end eennd nd pr:rr:: PPrriice_ ppr ice_zl ice ce_zl ce ce_ ee_zl _zl zl, , Pr zl Pric Pric icce ice ce_g ee_g e_gr _gr _g gr gr Name Name: Na NNam am am meee:: Name, Naaam Name NNam ame, ame me,e,e, , In me m Info IInf nffo nnfo fo, , Pe P rUni rUn rUnit U Ent Entry En Entry1 EEntr ntry nt ntry1 nntr trtry ttry1 rryy1::Entry :Ent :Entr :E Entry Ent EEntr Ennntry ntttry ry1

Piept de pui dezosat

Angst, per Entry2:Entry2 kg

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry Entry3 Entry try3:E :Entr ::Ent :En Ent Entry Entr EEn ntrttrtry nt nntry ryy3 y3 Entry EEntry4 Entr Ent ntry ntry4 ntrtry4 trtry ry4 rry y4::Entr y4 :En EEntry4 Entry En nntry trtrry


Carrefour, Entry2:Entry2 per kg

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4



397 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

509 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1



150 g, Galbani, per buc.


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4



1.5% grăsime, 500 g, Andechser, per buc.

220 g, per buc. EEntr En Entry Entry2 nntry2 ntr nttry try2 rryy2 ry2 y2:Entry :Entr :En :E :Ent Ent EEntry nntry trryy2 trtry

legen leg le legen legend lege ege eeg gend ge ggen end eennndd ppr:r: PPrice_zl ice_zl ice cce zzll, , Pri P ice_gr Pr ice gr ice Name: Name, , Info, Info, , PerUnit PerUnit E t :En Entry1:Entry Entry1 :Entry1

EEntry En Entr Ent Entry3 nnt ntry3 try3 trtry ryy33:Entry ry3 :Entr :En :E :Ent Ent En EEntry nnttrttry ntry ry3 Enntry4 Entry4 Entr Entry ntrtry4 y :Entr :Entry Entry ntry try ry4

EEntry3 Entry3:Entry t 3:Entry3 :Entry E 3 Entry4:Entry Entry4 :Entry Enn y44



pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Kefir Bio

1.5% grăsime, 1 L, Zuzu per buc.

Baghetă French

55 g, per buc. Ent EEntry Entry2 ntry2 ttry2 ryy22:Entry :En Entry Entr EEn ntry ry2 ry

lege legen leg le egend egen eeg gend ggen end en nndd pr:r:r: Pr ppr Price iice_zl ice_ ic cce_z ce ee_z e_zl _zl zzll, , Pr Price_g ice ice ice_gr ic ce_g ce_ e_gr gr Name Nam Name: NNa ame: aam mee:e: Nam m Name Na NName, am ame aame, m me,e,e, , Inf IInfo In nfo ffoo, , PPeerrU rUnit rUn Unit UUn nnit niitit Entry Entry1 ry1 y1:Entry ::Entry Entry Entry1 try ryy1



Entry2:Entry2 ry Entry3:Entry3 ry Entry4:Entry4 ry

Lapte de consum

Croissant cu unt

Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4







200 g, Président, per buc.

250 g, Président, per buc.

Cortina, per caserolă

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Petit Chevre

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Ouă ecologice x 10 buc.

635 LEI

179 LEI

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

30 g, Seca, per buc.

2280 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Fistic prăjit 500 g, Carrefour per buc

1199 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


6 x 0.25 L, per pachet

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


2479 Terina raţă

Cocktail de fructe deshidratate

250 g, Galbani, per buc.

170 g, Labeyrie, per buc

300 g, Carrefour, per buc.

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Kinder Pingui

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


2779 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Ulei de măsline extravirgin 1 L, Mazza, per buc.

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

1889 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Fursecuri daneze asortate 350 g, Jacobsens Classic Santa, per buc.

6599 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Cafea boabe Gran Aroma Bar 1 kg, Lavazza, per buc.




3 x 2 L, Portocale/Piersici/ Mere, Pfanner, per pachet

0.75 L, Prince Mircea per buc.

40% vol, 1 L, Jack Daniel’s per buc.

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Vin roșu Merlot

legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4



Struguri albi

Curcan baby

per kg Entry2:Entry2

llegend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

per kg Entry2:Entry2

lege le leg egend egen ege eeg ggee pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4


6690 legend pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1


Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Vin alb

0,75 L, Chablis, per buc.

1409 LEI

pr: Price_zl, , Price_gr Name: Name, , Info, , PerUnit Entry1:Entry1

Entry2:Entry2 Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4

Bomboane de ciocolată 200 g, Ferrero Rocher, per buc.

Tel.: 0374.208.953

Fax: 0374.208.954/955

Orar: L-S: 08:30-22:00 D: 08:30-21:00

Adresă: Bd. Pipera, nr. 17, Voluntari

S.C. Artima S.A. sat Chiajna, comuna Chiajna, Autostrada București-Pitești, Nr. 11-12, Centrul Comercial Carrefour Militari

Entry3:Entry3 Entry4:Entry4




CUI 11735628


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