AATC Brand Story

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Carrie Donovan, 2016

Mission Statement

The mission of the African American Theater Consortium (AATC) is to create a conversation about contemporary racial identity, using the performing arts as a means for social change.

Creative Brief

Description African American Theater Consortium (AATC) consists of a group of theaters across the U.S. as well as a traveling group performing at all member theaters.

Values AATC values all aspects of diverse African American culture. They value artistic excellence and exploration both as a goal in itself and as a vehicle for social commentary and change. They believe each person’s experience is significant and creating a conversation about race is crucial to achieving greater understanding.

Organizational Goals »» P romote artistic excellence and exploration »» Invite all people to join a conversation about racial issues; show that we are all obligated to enter this conversation »» Draw attention to social and racial issues and ask hard questions, for example: Is racism in America dead? Who is black? What is the experience of biracial and multiracial individuals? How do we celebrate culture while acknowledging a history of violence and oppression? If we understand race to be merely a social construct, how do we also acknowledge ongoing discrimination?

Tonality & Value Descriptors »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

fluidity liminality inclusion expression narrative/story experience visionary/forward-looking honesty

Types of Performances »» Historic plays by African Americans »» New interpretations of problematic plays of the past »» Contemporary plays »» Performances that intersect with visual art, performance art, and music in meaningful ways

Project Goal reate a visual identity for AATC that is iconic and C identifiable and captures their vision and tonality

Deliverables »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »»

Logo Website Theater flags for display exteriors Brochure system Architectural signage and interiors Play posters Invitation Outdoor ads Merchandise (buttons, apparel)


The identity reflects the concept of ongoing change. AATC’s goal is to have a continuing conversation about race and racism. It was also inspired by patterns from textile designs from various people groups in Africa.

Main Logo

The AATC logo is used on the website and anything coming from AATC as a group, or the national headquarters. The version with the full name can be used where needed. The main logo should always appear in yellow when used in color.

City Logos

Each city has their own logo mark and color combination. As new cities are added, the colors and marks will be mixed and matched. The city logo should always remain in its original color.

Type & Colors

Gotham Bold Gotham Book

Gotham mirrors the logo marks with its clean lines and confident tone. Hand drawn brush script as a secondary element evokes the movement and vibrance of theater.


CMYK 77 15 39 0 RGB 33 163 163 HEX 21a3a3

CMYK 47 8 92 0 RGB 150 188 73 HEX 96bc49

CMYK 8 31 93 0 RGB 234 178 50 HEX eab232

CMYK 39 97 46 22 RGB 137 34 81 HEX 892251

CMYK 13 72 83 2 RGB 211 102 63 HEX d3663f

The color scheme, while loosely inspired by African textiles, is bright and dynamic as well as contemporary. Each city may use any of the colors, but the color of their particular logo should predominate in the city’s website and materials.


The patterns were created based on elements in the logo marks. Each city has access to all the patterns, but it’s recommended that a city choose one or more patterns that incorporate their particular logo mark and/or color.


Because of the importance of the color scheme in identifying AATC, a color duotone photograph treatment is often used. In some cases, a single-color version of one of the patterns may be applied in the background of a duotone photo.

When duotone photographs are not feasible, high quality, full-color photographs with a sense of vibrance and drama should be used. Black and white photographs should not be used since they inherently reference the past. That would run counter to AATC’s contemporary goals.

Main Stationery

258 N. 45th Ave. New York, NY 10030

April 5, 2016

800.357.2600 aatc.org Ms. Carrie Donovan 302 Academy Lake Way Louisville, KY 40245 Dear Ms. Donovan: Thank you for your donation for a Supporting Membership for AATC. Our membership funds go to support our operating costs and iniatives for new programs. In the coming year, we plan to use these funds to increase general funding for each AATC theater, and increase our pool of startup funds for the many cities submitting appliations to join our consortium. Exciting things lay ahead for AATC in 2016, and we thank you for choosing to support us as we move forward. We hope this membership will motivate you to become an even more integral part of the AATC community. As you know, your General Membership gives you access to the following benefits: » »

Family programs and member events Two Balcony level tickets for a show at your local theater, AATC Louisville

Please keep apprised of communications from your local theater about upcoming events, shows, and season ticket sales and be involved in whatever ways you can. You’ll find a membership card enclosed that will grant you access to your member benefits. Finally, keep in mind that this donation is only one of many ways to participate in our mission, just as theater is only one way to enter in to an ongoing conversation about the problem of racism and the possibility for growth today. Take these issues and questions to heart. We know that when it comes to our mission, you get it. We don’t take that for granted and we thank you for it. We appreciate your ongoing partnership and support. Sincerely,

Caroline Hartman Director of Development, AATC

The patterns are put to use in the stationery, with the main AATC logo and pattern used on the general stationery.

City Stationery

3507 E. Jefferson St. Louisville, KY 40206

April 10, 2016

502.485.2400 louisville.aatc.org Ms. Carrie Donovan 302 Academy Lake Way Louisville, KY 40245 Dear Ms. Donovan: Thank you for your interest in participating as an actor in upcoming performances by AATC Louisville. We appreciate all the enthuiastic artists who have auditioned during this season, and we could not continue our work in Louisville apart from the dedicated support and interested of those such as you. We regret to inform you that at this time, there is not a role available that we think would be a good fit for you in our regular shows during the upcoming season. However, we have plans for a show in 2017 that includes gang vocals, and we will be looking for 200+ volunteers for that. With your permission, we would like to put you on our extra list for that show. Again, we thank you sincerely for your interest in participating in our work. We hope that this experience has provided you with more information about the national work of AATC and that you’ll get involved in any way you can in the important conversation we are having about contemporary race issues facing our society and community today. We appreciate your ongoing support and involvement. Sincerely,

James Cabot-Miller Director, AATC Louisville

Each city can adapt the letterhead style using a pattern appropriate to their logo.

Main Brochures

Join us as an author.

We are all authors. And not just authors of plays. The mission of AATC has to go beyond the performing arts into each of our lives if we’re going to make progress against ongoing racism and misunderstanding in our time. As we act out change, you have a part to play. Read about a few ways you can get involved in the broader goals of AATC.

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Don’t keep quiet. That’s the first thing we all have to do if we’re going to make progress. Talk about your experiences with race and racism. Listen to other people’s stories and share yours. And don’t assume you have no role in the conversation if you aren’t a minority. This involves all of us.


Become a member. Joining AATC as a member gives you great benefits, and makes you a key part of our mission since our membership fees go directly to our operating costs. Membership is a key way to invest in our future.

General Membership $75/year Receive free access to family programs and member events, as well as two bonus Balcony tickets for one show.

Attend performances. Find the nearest AATC theater to you, and get involved with the current performances there. Pro tip: season tickets save you money! Visit aatc.org to search for a participating theater in your city.

Make a donation. As a nonprofit organization, we rely on grants and the donations of corporations and individuals to keep our programs going. You can make a general donation at aatc.org. Really, every dollar helps.

Raise awareness. Wear this button and let people ask you what it means. It’s a simple thing. But see it as a conversation starter.

Supporting Membership $200/year Receive free access to family programs and member events, as well as two bonus VIP tickets for two shows and benefits at all nationwide AATC theaters.


Bring AATC to your city. Don’t have an AATC participating theater in your city? Find some talented people to work with and visit aatc.org/ourcitytoo to find out how to apply.

A general brochure will serve all AATC member theaters as an introduction to the mission of AATC and opportunities to get involved.

Join us as an actor.

We’ve got a mission. You’ve got talent. Our AATC actors are the heart of our work, and we value the chance to be a creative space for actors to express, innovate, and do what they love. We’re not just any theater company. You won’t get the glamour and glitz of Broadway here. But you’ll get several other things from the national groups as well as any city theater you might work for: » »


“I was ready for anything. After college, I wanted to travel around and perform, but I knew nothing about the performing arts world outside my city. The AATC National Fellowship gave me the chance to travel, perform, and get my bearings.”

Ways to be involved: National Team We have an AATC National team made up of our best actors, dancers, and musicians. Auditions are very competitive as we see this group as paving the way for the whole organization’s level of artistic quality.

National Fellowships We also offer year-long fellowship sponsored by AATC’s national headquarters. Individuals in this program spend some time working with the national team, as well as time involved in shows in four of AATC’s theaters across the country.

City Theaters Each AATC theater has its own team of performing arts professionals. Different theaters structure their teams differently with full-time, part-time, and freelance positions. Visit aatc.org/act to start the process and schedule an audition.

A commitment to artistic excellence. We don’t cut corners. An instant camaraderie. You’ll be part of something bigger with fellow artists across the country who care about the same things. The chance to make a difference. Cliché as it sounds, it’s true. We believe our work matters and that you’ll make a difference by being part of it.

“I was ready to give up. My career had hit a brick wall and my work felt insignificant. A friend convinced me to audition at AATC Boston, and I got involved, one show at a time. AATC helped me build back my confidence and get a new start.”

A related brochure for actors will outline ways to work with AATC as a performer along with some stories of those who have participated.

City Brochure

Join our audience.

2016 is here. Don’t miss it. Our 2016 lineup of shows is more ambitious than anything we’ve done before. We’re excited about presenting an program significantly influenced by literature, featuring mutiple local directors and playwrights. To purchase tickets, visit louisville.aatc.org/tickets

Jan 02 –Feb 26

Mar 03–06

Mar 13 –May 21

May 27 –Aug 05


OUR AATC Weekend OUR AATC is a collaborative, traveling program showing for a weekend at each of the AATC Theaters across the country, In Louisville, a national group of performers will be joined by local hip hop artists and the Louisville Ballet to create a colorful and vibrant intersection of theater, music, and dance.

Autobiographies Directed by Mary Hornbaker, Autobiographies combines scenes from slave narratives by Harriet Jacobs and Frederick Douglass with scenes from contemporary memoirs by African American artists and public figures. This play celebrates each person’s story and its relevance today.

Season Tickets VIP Seating $370/person Balcony Seating $210/person Orchestra Seating $150/person All season ticket holders receive exclusive VIP access to pre-show events for OUR AATC Weekend.

Single Tickets Individual tickets go on sale 60 days prior to the show. Visit louisville.aatc.org/tickets for more information.

Member Offers

Aug 11 –Oct 09

Othello Shakespeare’s Othello provides much potential for interpretation and commentary through a contemporary lens. Director Sheldon Harper chose to set the play in the plantation-era south, bringing to light ways in which Othello explores racial difference. His rendition of the play is innovative and unusual.

General Membership $75/year Receive free access to family programs and member events, as well as two bonus Balcony tickets for one show.

Supporting Membership $200/year Receive free access to family programs and member events, as well as two bonus VIP tickets for two shows and benefits at all nationwide AATC theaters.

Oct 21 –Dec 19

Miss Scarlett Directed by Katherine Lee-James, Miss Scarlett is a reexamination of the relationship between Scarlett O’Hara and her black “Mammy” in Gone with the Wind. Scarlett and Mammy each give their perspective on the events of the novel through original parallel monologues interspersed with joint scenes from the novel, revealing often unnoticed racism.

The Piano Lesson August Wilson’s celebrated work The Piano Lesson is a guest performance for AATC Louisville by the University of Louisville Theater Arts Department. The story discusses family heritage and traditions as it focuses on the family heirloom piano and the different family members’ ideas about its future. As resonant today as when Wilson wrote it, The Piano Lesson will be a thought-provoking performance.

Caucasia A stage adaptation of Danzy Senna’s coming of age novel, Caucasia explores biracial identity, passing, and race theory in the context of a thoughtfully crafted narrative. Adapted and directed by Aymie Alexander, Caucasia’s pilot performance is hosted by AATC Louisville with support from the Foundation for Youth in the Performing Arts.

Each city will produce brochures for their audiences each year, announcing the upcoming shows and explaining ways to get involved locally.

Outdoor Boards

AATC’s outdoor advertising and messaging will look similar in each city. Each city will use their own logo.

Poster Ads

Poster-size ads are similar in content and style to outdoor boards. Each city should consider forming a campaign including both outdoor and poster ads.

Show Posters

Jan 02–Feb 28 Directed by Katherine Lee-James

March 03–06 Collaborative National Celebration

The content of show posters will change regularly in each city. A similar format can be maintained, and the photographs should follow a consistent style. Each city should incorporate a pattern that complements their logo.

Theater Flags

Theater flags can be modified with each city’s logo and used to bring attention to AATC around the theater building and throughout the city.

Theater Signage and Interiors

The exterior signage of a theater should include the logo either in color or in a material that matches the building.

Theater Signage and Interiors

Patterns and colors can be incorporated in a variety of ways in theater interiors.

The use of patterns can look different in each theater. Local theaters are encouraged to work with interior designers.

Theater Apparel

Each city should use their own logo to create necessary materials for staff, such as t-shirts and name badges.


AATC will create general merchandise that can be sold in local theaters.


AATC’s website has two main purposes: to raise awareness about their mission, and to connect people to local theaters.

The desktop website is laid out in a scrolling format with a sticky navigation bar. Each section corresponds to one navigation item and includes links to more information.


Each city has its own area within the AATC website with information about the city and their schedule of upcoming shows. For each city page, the yellow bar at the top includes a main AATC logo serving as a home link back to the main website.

The website’s transition to the mobile platform emphasizes the action of finding a theater. Similar to the desktop version, users can navigate from a city page back to the main page through a main AATC logo acting as a home button.

Why It Matters

For AATC, branding is a key element for accomplishing organizational goals. Since their mission depends on community awareness and a collective conversation, having a consistent and powerful visual style that the audience can recognize is essential.

So, follow the rules. It makes a difference.

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