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MMAC’s K-12 Education Agenda
The MMAC recognizes that the success of our students today will drive a stronger Milwaukee tomorrow. No matter their zip code, family income, or skin color-every child in Milwaukee deserves a great education. For St. Augustine Preparatory Academy, the MMAC’s efforts to secure additional funding directly impacts the number of students we are able to serve.
Abby Andrietsch President & CEO, St. Augustine Preparatory Academy
Improving Student Outcomes By Investing In Quality Schools
For more than 25 years, MMAC has put educational achievement at the center of its agenda. The students of today are the talent of the future. Members recognize that without a skilled, innovative and adaptable workforce they cannot grow and thrive. The 2023 Education Recommendations are focused on funding parity to ensure that all students – whether they attend a public, choice or charter school – have access to the same level of resources.
That’s why it’s critical we do all we can to strengthen metro Milwaukee’s K-12 education system. Every student deserves a high-quality education.
Milwaukee would greatly benefit from a K-12 system that serves all students equally. Until those inequities are addressed, growing quality schools will remain a significant challenge.