my love

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Published in 2013 by Wordjar Publishing No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher except for the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. Twitter: @Wordjar Facebook: Wordjar Wordjar Publishing. London Compiled by: Francis Xavier Labiran (Wordjar publishing) Edited by: Wordjar Publishing Designed by: Kelvin Akposoe (Wordjar publishing)

Foreword This is the third installment in our pioneering anthology ‘My Love’. The ‘My Love’ anthology has become a bit of a fixture in the Wordjar calendar, it is after all the only anthology that has more than one volume, and there is good reason for that. This anthology signalled the start of this organisation, the beginning of us providing opportunities for poets to show their work to the world. ‘My love 1’ was a feeler anthology, something we put out there to see how the public would respond to it, an anthology we created because we identified a group of poets that wanted their voices to be heard. The response to this anthology was one of intrigue and praise. That led to Wordjar publishing three more anthologies before the release of ‘My love 2’ a year ago. With My Love 2 we decided to develop the theme of the book. We asked the poets to not only write a love poem, but to dedicate this poem to somebody close to them. The poets involved seemed to be inspired by this idea and submitted great pieces of love poetry that warmed the hearts of all readers. That led us to where we are today, ‘My Love 3’. This anthology marks two years of Wordjar books. This is the 8th book in our collection and promises to be as captivating as the previous pieces of literature. We have an exciting blend of old and new Wordjar poets, all of which have written love poems that differ in the way they define and explore the concept of love. I could fill up white space with continuous praise for this beautifully engineered anthology; however I fear that I may exhaust superlatives. With that in mind, I now give to you… …My Love 3 Francis Xavier Labiran Founder Wordjar

"Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration."

“Love is the ability and willingness to allow those you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you.�

“To describe love is very difficult, for the same reason that words cannot fully describe the flavour of an orange. You have to taste the fruit to know its flavour. So with love.�

Contents They Say Love Is - Freda Nomo Content - Peter Fynn You Are My Wings - Kiri Gray Love Reborn - Francis Xavier Labiran Dear Valentine - Jolade Olusanya Theodora (meaning God’s gift) - Gloria Ede Queen of Hearts - Tony Supreme Valentine’s Piece - Catherine Sarpong

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They Say Love Is by Freda Nomo

Dedicated to

“An Ex of mine, who’s still also a friend of mine because there were some serious ups and downs, but the love for him still remains in me always.’’

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

Why is love so complicated? But so beautiful, I can say it in many different ways, That I must confess to you. They say love is pain, But I enjoy the pain within. But the love you used to have for me, Has now become a been. But on my account, The pain I use to love you will never fade away Love will be there for ever, Even if I’m lead astray But they say love is painful, hurtful, cruel But I’ll battle for your heart, in a complex duel. The shine in your eyes and the gleam in your smile, Your kisses too passionate, I’ve missed that for a while. But what is love to me? And what is love to you? On top of the world, I scream and I boast, That the love I profess for you is higher than most. Freda Nomo


Content by Peter Fynn

Dedicated to

‘’The blessed and beautiful Nel’’

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

Let our minds flutter like butterflies, Let time pass like bullets fly, Let hands rest, and feet stay, Let words stay still on your tongue. Let your eyes rest upon me, Let mine feast on your beauty, My eyes grow fat from your excess, Yet your frame fits fragility with finesse, Let my heart be steady, There’s no need for my blood to rush, Yet contemplation of you, leaves me giddy, Like I just suffered a blood rush. Lord, let your banner over us be love. Envelop us like a bad red rash, If you’re a disease, I’ve contracted you, But like a good contract’s due, I’m fully content and readily renew, simply continue, no upgrade betters you, I thankfully remain on the same tariff, baby, you made past pain perish, And for that I love you. God Bless You. Peter Fynn 5

You Are My Wings by Kiri Gray

Dedicated to

“my other half”

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

The feathers on my back are not my own A reassuring frame of fortification, armouring my naivety Escaping the denial that those others aren’t always driven by the heart You caress the wounds of my fights until healed With caring nobility, nonetheless anger for my strife A bullet would sink into the flesh of your chest Before you let me lose my life You are my wings Each breath you exhale elevates my spirit So my soul flies on the freedom of love And I’m free; my being is whole and endlessly free For you took the lost shards I thought were gone And devotedly bonded the gaps. Kiri Gray


Love Reborn by Francis Xavier Labiran

Dedicated to

“Renee Labiran My daughter, my heartbeat”

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

Is it supposed to feel this way? Fear and hope combined Transported in my haemoglobin Accelerated by endorphin subbed sound waves Prompted by your tears All pumped through my bullet ridden heart. Your heart The almighty creator Knitted together cardiac muscle, With strings plucked from the harps of angels, So that your every heartbeat would echo the divinity of heaven. Seed of a rose, Your beauty was inevitable. From the day you were planted, In the soil of Love, The only direction you have known is up. Up through the sedimentary pressure, Applied from above. Rooted in her strong foundation, Your stem will be the support for a future, In which you will blossom. The most beautiful roses, Grow through adversity.

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

Seed of a soldier, Your soul is already soaked with my strength. I have endured the world’s brutality for you. At the crossroads in life, I chose the path of war for you. And although your soul shall show the scars, You shall never feel the pain. I will endure the lashes from the whip, Take the bullets, Shield you from their fists. Seed of a soldier, Your hands shall never know the burden of war, Only the fruits of Love. Francis Xavier Labiran


Dear Valentine by Jolade Olusanya

Dedicated to

“Peace, truth and honesty�

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

I loved her for her mind. So when she spoke it, It was as if my ears heard the Songs of Solomon being sung by Esther. I was seduced by and wised up to her thoughts I made sure that if I was to ever cross her mind, The image she would have of me would be Christian, And when she saw me she’d believe: This man had God in him. I said I loved her for mind, But I adored her for her flexible nature. For no matter how twisted I was, she’d always seem to fit me. I would trace the lines of her existence, With the edge of my fingertips. It was obvious I was drawn to her, And the past was erased, Because I couldn’t picture me without her frame, Her name... Carrying the essence of Cleopatra, But I denied myself of being her Julius Caesar, My aim was not to conquer her, But to exist with her. The problem is, I don’t know whether she actually exists. So Dear Valentine, Whoever and wherever you are, Do not expect cards, or sweetened goods. Nor expect of me precious metals, Or even stems with scented petals.

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

Roses couldn’t make you smell half as perfect as the way you are already are, And diamonds will not make you appear richer than your existence already portrays. And written words from me will not convey to you the love that I will have from day to day. The greatest gift I can give you is my Being. Me being human is the only setback to this gift For my mortality is the sad guarantee that one day I will cease to exist. I hope there such a thing as being able to over-invest, For I plan to do so from the second I meet you, So when I depart, the returns will be substantial. But Actions speak louder than words, So I will pay attention to grab you when I make my move, Dear Valentine, In return for your mind, body and soul I too, will give you mine. Jolade Olusanya


Theodora (meaning God’s gift) by Gloria Ede

Dedicated to

“My mother, ‘Theodora Ede’ who’s strength and laughter inspires me every day of my life.”

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

Gift of God, you birthed me into this earth and named me His glory. Knowing that there was no joy without His glory Knowing there was no life, no hope, no story, But in Him. So when He gave me to you, You gave me back to Him and said this child shall give Glory to God, Because you loved me. Because you loved Him. For what greater love than a man laying down his life, For truly great love requires sacrifice. And every day I watched you die, Die to your desires so that I could have mine, Die to your pain so that I could smile, Mum. With the weight of the world balanced on your shoulders, And me tied around your waist, Whilst my sister and brother hold your hands either side, Both mother and father of three. A childhood where love unspoken But everyday displayed with food on the table, A roof over my head, and clothes on my back. Working till all hours of the night And then coming home to screaming children’s fights, And never letting us go astray, But always guiding our path,

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

Leading our way. (Not before pulling a silly face) And reminding me to always stand tall, And not let anyone tell me I can’t have it all, Because with God I am invincible. Your love beat down poverty and lack Your love destroyed pity and slack Bred strength, and wisdom and an opportunity to return that love back. It was more than maternal instinct It was survival, sacrifice, life. Gift of God, you birthed me into this earth and called me His glory. His glory that sprung through His love. His love that I’ve seen more than enough of Because I’ve seen it every day in you. My mum, My love. Gloria Ede


Queen of Hearts by Tony Supreme

Dedicated to

“Lady Supreme”

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

Let me love every inch of you, Let me explore every part of your soul. Your atmosphere attracts my attention, You possess the type of qualities a man wants in his partner. We’ll make it together, no need to look further Tangled in a web of lust our bodies entwine in the motions of love Each touch, each stroke, brings us closer together Our body becomes one as we connect more than ever. Lose yourself in me, they’ll find you in my heart I’ll tell them your mine, because you held me down from the start She deserves the crown because she stayed by my side when things became hard. Queen of hearts, You stole mine without warning, Who knew you’d make me complete? Who knew our bodies could create such heat? The passion, the sparkle in your eyes The heavy breathing, the shiver down your spine Everlasting pleasure, physically and in your mind. Tony Supreme


Valentine’s Piece by Catherine Sarpong

Dedicated to

“Paapa Koranteng... ‘Should you ever feel the need to wonder why, let me know.’ - Aaliyah ‘Let Me Know.”

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

Starting where your voice is, Would be most prudent. Considering what disassociation is, It’s wonderful benefits, (Albeit counterfit and cornerstone) Is what I... honour you for. Reckoning with your dramaturgy It being an auditorium of zebra’s and camera lense: Is outright. It is improvisation And fibre, And prayer. It is curriculum. It needn’t rhyme. It breathes upon return. I breathed upon your return. As sure as I was that I had killed every memory of you; I breathed upon your return. As though everything before was psuedo. As if everything I counted in that lapseWas not. What gills was I using, then? Sieved copies of potassium and oxygen and some other variations taken in through gills. 20

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

And I was unaware that I wasn’t breathing. Absolutely unaware. Unaware to the point that if you captured me, and if you showed me, I would take you to court and say ‘You are lying.’ I would say I have never known this fraud in my life. I would not compose myself as you have a lawyer pick at me, Show me where I have been for the last 4 months, Show pictures of me walking, Talking, Being, Unbreathing. I wouldn’t believe you. You cannot argue that the last time I breathed was in a picture. When my hands were half and yours twice mine. Also, I need not offer evidence in my defence. I have been breathing. My not registering your participation means not a thing on my animation. Not a thing on my facile techniques. Not a thing on my log, or account taking. Though, it seems, I have picked up from where I paused, For I was on a discovery to finding out who and what you are. My Love 3

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

Your occupation. Allow me to venture with this: No one thinks of improvisations like you do, Maestro. And nothing can express the way I love this about you. Entitlement, hardly, (and harshly) come close. Your eyes don’t worry about music erections. They just don’t. All of your sentences are punctuated, love. Your ‘On’ buttons are only for sure hands So, my hand cream has become more and more expensive. My themes, my linguistics, my synopsis, All the more prone for what you... What you want from me. Your love is fiercely activating. Fierce, sir, like water and iron and blood. My heart can barely concentrate on your first verse, sir. My homework, vague, And every addition to your playlist’s render me useless. Because of you, we don’t put piano’s in front of the windows anymore. We’ve learned to keep the radiator’s there. We don’t urge words together, We don’t understand when scales don’t fit or reach. We don’t mind. Your mistakes don’t stand out to me anymore, love. My Love 3

My Love 3

Wordjar Publishing

Hisaishi being at our cohesion was all of everything good you could give to me. More than any climax, in any paradigm. Any remote thought, any recreational, remote thought. The gesture of bringing such a maestro to our meeting, A maestro, of an avante-garde, A greater calibre than that of yourself Was a selfless thing to do. Understanding that I can love any man with divine handling of instrument/vital organ And ‘risking’ that I could leave you without asking for permission is humbling. Needless to say, Hisaishi’s desert sounds, Compared to the ostinato of your facial hair, Needn’t be a concern to you. Whatever and however his cello muse be constructed, I promise you, you ought not to worry.

Love. You are you. And I am thine. Catherine Sarpong

My Love 3

My Love Who Am I? A Poet’s Soul Words I Never Said My Love 2 “Another Point of View” - Kiri Gray City Shades

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