1 minute read
RGeorjazzMusic The String Queens
Sisters4Sisters, Inc
Celebrating 20 Years of Sisterhood Unity & Community Service for Women-Girls & Families.
Mission Sisters4Sisters,Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization which is dedicated to the Empowerment of Women and Girls in Mind, Body and Spirit through Educational Personal and Professional Workshops and Engaging Community Outreach in the areas of HIV-AIDSDomestic-Sexual Violence, Women's Health and Girls Mentoring.
Vision Sharing a Safe, Sacred, Spiritually Stimulating Space for Sisters to Share, Succeed & Soar
Goal Enlightening- Enriching and Engaging Women and Girls with Life Enhancing Solutions- Direct Services and Sincere Sister Support .Core ValuesCompassion Integrity Service to Others Commitment to Community Creativity Reliability Innovation Loyalty
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RECLAIMING OUR POWER! Giving Back to OUR Community before we Spend Outside of Our Community.
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