2 minute read
Migration itself
There’s a lot of information provided on the Migration Wizard - just pay attention to the instructions (hints) displayed on the right side (hover the mouse over the required field and read the explanation). Also, don’t forget about the FAQs - there, you’ll also find your specific Shopify to WooCommerce migration-related questions answered.
Account selection step (only for partners)
If you’re partnering with Cart2Cart and want to create a migration for a client, choose a sub-account linked to that partner to proceed with the data transfer
Stores setup step
Shopify store setup
When migrating from Shopify, you have to install the Cart2Cart plugin from the . Shopify official marketplace
To start the installation process, just activate the Install Plugin button.
When activated, the access details are automatically filled in.
WooCommerce store setup
When migrating to WooCommerce, you’ll be asked to provide:
Store Admin URL enter the domain URL of the new WooCommerce store run a free Demo migration
Admin credentials provide the admin login and password of the new WooCommerce store.
You can to the Cart2Cart WooCommerce test store to see how it works. But nly Demo mi ration can be performed to t e test store, not Full
You’re only required to tick t e c eckbox and select WooCommerce as t e platform to mi rate to. nce t e Demo is finis ed, you’ll be provided wit t e admin access credentials so t at you can see t e result of t e Demo transfer.
Entities & extra options selection step
Cart2Cart has all the necessary functionality to migrate every possible eСommerce data type and its accompanying attributes to the WooCommerce platform. So, specify the entities you want to transfer by ticking the matching checkboxes or click on the All Entities checkbox to get all the Shopify data automatically migrated to the new WooCommerce store.
You’ll see notices about necessary plugins. Their installation is optional but desirable if you need the appropriate entities to be transferred.
What data can be migrated from Shopify to WooCommerce:
Name, SKU, ull Description, Status, Manufacturer, Tax Class
Price, Sale Price
URL, Meta Title, Meta Description
Product Tags
Variants (SKU, Weight, Attributes, Quantity, Price, Special Price, Additional image)
Base Image, Additional Images
Quantity, Manage Stock.
Name, Description
URL, Meta Title, Meta Description.
Name, Image.
First Name, Last Name, Email
Billing Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code)
Shipping Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code).
ID , Order Date, Order Status, Order Products (Name, SKU), Product Price, Quantity, Discount Price, Shipping Price, Total Price, Order Comments
Billing Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code, Telephone)
Shipping Address (First Name, Last Name, Company, Address 1, Address 2, Country, State, City, Zip Code).
Name, Coupon Code, Type Discount, Discount Amount.
Status, Rate, User Name, User Email, Product, Title.
Title, SEO URLs.
Blog Posts
Title, Full Description, Short Description, Tags, Created Time, Modified Time, SEO URL, Blog IDs, Comments, Post Redirects Images.