Arthritis: Its Major Causes and Risk Factors Arth r itis Pain Relief
There are many kinds of arthritis and each of them has various associated causes. Some causes are even unknown. Generally, scientists have discovered specific factors that can lead to the existence of joint problems related with arthritis. These factors include old age, family history, TNF or tumor necrosis factor, joint overuse, infection, and injury or trauma, Old age is the most common reason why people have arthritis. As you age, your body also ages with us and we are most likely to develop diseases like arthritis. Just like you car tires, your cartilage can also experience wear and tear through time. It becomes cracked and thin. Bones can also become brittle as you age and this alone can aggravate joint dysfunction and pain. Apart from old age, heredity is another factor that can make arthritis possible. For example, if a close family member like your aunt, uncle, or grandparents have arthritis then you will most likely develop it. Scientist found out that there are genetic markers linked to arthritis. Thus, if you have this gene then you can probably develop the disease. TNF is a component in your body that creates inflammatory causes. This plays a huge role in setting off rheumatoid arthritis. Scientist may be quite unsure of what exactly triggers it but they found out that drugs can counteract TNF effects which are known as TNF antagonists. Such drugs can help manage the symptoms of arthritis. Overuse of joints is another causative factor or arthritis. This factor is common among tennis players, baseball players, and ballerinas. They have greater chances of develop the disease than others because they put great amount of strain to their joints. Dancers who tiptoe a hundred times during practices and performances, usually end up with arthritic ankles which are painful. Baseball players who throe fastballs usually develop elbow or shoulder arthritis. Some people who have infection develop arthritis. There are some kinds of arthritis that are caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria. These factors either trigger or cause the disease. Arthritis that arises from such factors are sometimes called infectious arthritis. This usually occurs after trauma, surgery, bone infection, or an infection that traveled from another body part. Additionally, trauma or injury can lead to arthritis. Joint injuries from car accidents, sports, or from any accident raise the chanced of the development of arthritis. Football players for example develop arthritis of the knee since the knee and other joints are usually smacked when being tackled.
Based on t facts mentioned above, arthritis does have a lot of causes. Sadly, not all treatments either alternative or medical work similarly against the varied types of arthritis. Some herbal supplements have the power to manage and treat all kinds of arthritis despite of the cause. Moreover, this medication is not just another pain reliever for arthritis but it most cases it focuses in the major cause of the disease. Apart from this, this are also other medications that can help treat arthritis successfully. Arth r it is Pain Relief