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Eco-Friendly Outdoor Gear
IF YOU’RE HEADING OUTDOORS this time of year for a hike or camping trip, you likely already have a fondness for nature, and what better way to sustain it than by using ecofriendly gear from green-savvy companies?
At Apex Outfitter and Board Co., office manager Chanel Bennett points to several brands that are popular with nature lovers. “We carry a large variety of Patagonia products, and 98% of them are made with recycled materials with a goal to have 100% renewable and recycled raw materials. Plus 100% of Patagonia’s electricity needs are met with renewable electricity, and they invest in re- generative organic practices and participate in fair trade. These are just a few of the ways Patagonia has a huge impact on the ecofriendly environment.”
Another company called Hydro Flask makes reusable water bottles to encourage everyone to make the switch from singleuse plastics. #RefillForGood is their rally cry to encourage folks do good for the planet. The Barebones brand is also working to remove all singleuse plastics in their box packaging and master packs. “The company aims to help people feed themselves through tending the land and helping them become more in tune with Mother Nature while doing it,” said Bennett. “We carry many of their camping products including cast iron pans, griddles, knives, and rechargeable lanterns, to name a few.”
With the increasing demand for ecofriendly products, the need to educate buyers on higher price points also rises. “Telling customers about how the companies are eco-friendly and what they are doing for the environment definitely seems to have an impact on the sale,” said Bennett. “We do get comments about pricing being high for certain products, but when you explain that these companies are taking trash and turning it into a wearable piece of fabric, it justifies itself.” t