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On Trend: Hydrate Medical
WHAT HAS BECOME A POPULAR TREND with celebrities as a cure for exhaustion, dehydration, jet lag, or the dreaded hangover, IV hydration therapy is now available right here in Cary and Raleigh. Hydrate Medical, a lifestyle IV hydration company focused on health, wellness, and recovery, helps people boost their energy and speed up recovery in a spa-like environment where clients can sit back, relax, and unwind.
Here’s how it works: Visit their website to select your IV drip and schedule a date and time for your treatment. Once at their clinic, a licensed nurse will administer the treatment, which takes about 45 minutes.
Focusing on self-health and wellness, IV hydration treats ailments including illnesses, chronic pain, and PTSD. Some patients even receive the therapy to treat nausea during pregnancy or the side effects of chemo or radiation treatments.
Hydrate Medical has experienced rapid growth because people understand the importance of boosting their immune system and staying hydrated.

A relaxing spa-like environment helps people sit back, relax, and unwind.

Manager Sami Poyner prepares Cary resident Erica Bradford for a customized hydration treatment.

One of their most popular drips, the Myers Cocktail, is used to treat conditions from chronic fatigue to migraines. This drip includes Super B, vitamin C, B12, and other vitamins. Another best-selling drip is the Hydrate Super Immune Boost, which is packed with vitamin C and zinc.
These drips have become so popular that monthly sales and the number of drips delivered in the last year have tripled. Hydrate Medical now provides more than 3,000 IV drips a month across their seven clinic locations.
“Over the last year, we have seen people continue to develop interest in staying healthy and well,” says Hydrate Medical co-owner Dr. Jonathan Leake. “Because of our continued focus on health and wellness for our clients, this has allowed for our rapid growth. People understand now more than ever that boosting their immune system and staying hydrated are keys to overall wellness.” t

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