The 1st innovative methodology now available in Italy aims to offer a proven highly specialized approach to buying and selling high end Real Estate properties by "sealed bid in a sealed envelope" formalized at the NOTARIES. The mechanism of the "Auction Sale" used for over 100 years in the Anglo-Saxon countries and synonymous of transparency , reliability and celerity in Luxury real estate sales is finally at your disposal .
The deep knowledge of the market gained over twenty years of experience and the dissatisfaction of the the traditional approach has led us to establish our CASA d'ASTA® Company specializing in the selling of Italian Luxury Real Estate by auction.
在意大利和世界上对“不动产买卖”的首个创新方法,是通过由公证处筹备的“在一个密封信封里的秘密投标”方式进行。Asta PRIVATA 私人拍卖的机制在各盎格鲁-撒克逊国家运行已经超过100年,并且它在销售中是透明度、安全性和及时性的代名词,为你提供便捷的服务。
CASA d’ASTA® 拍卖公司的顾问服务结构确保必须履行简易程序处理的标准,这些我们将在下面为你们介绍。我们的合作“焦点”是直接的,因此向你们提供我们认为有必要传达的总结内容,使你们能够获得必要的了解。