Casa Esperanza 2012 Annual Report

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News from

Annual Report 2012

Volume 20, No. 1

Grat-i-tude: thanks: a feeling of being thankful to somebody for doing something. -

This definition is exemplary of the year at Casa Esperanza. We were fortunate enough to celebrate our 20th year at our Annual Casa Esperanza Art for HOPE Auction. We had many friends of Casa join us in celebration and thanks for all of the years of support in helping families facing cancer. It was a wonderful event with 173 artists and +/- 500 guests in attendance, and we were able to raise $25,000 for lodging and assistance for cancer and other critical medical needs clients. A big thank you to Anthony Masciotra, who stayed on as president of the BOD an extra six months this year while I was busy with a newborn baby. I am stepping into very big shoes and look forward to chairing this amazing cause with the help of the Board of Directors. Following the economy and other organizations, Casa Esperanza has been looking into our decreasing occupancy levels and declining budget, and has been working on ways to make our donor dollars go as far as possible for the cause. In addition to our annual financial audit completed by Clifton/Larson/Allen (for which we received high marks!), the board

Lia Armstrong, Chair, 2012 Board of Directors

hired John Ross as a third party consultant to come in and evaluate the organizational structure, policies and strategy to help ensure the strength of our future. With his help we have created a strategic plan for the next 6, 12, and 24 months. John has spent many hours with the staff and board helping to give a non-biased opinion in cutting costs and how to do more with less and he has reminded us that our mission is simple but very important, for that we are grateful. We are grateful that we were able to serve 1635 families this year and averaged occupancy of 65%. The families are why the staff and board are so proud to be affiliated with Casa. We are also very fortunate that we have so many wonderful organizations and individual volunteers to serve meals, help repair the house, and help spread the word of the organization. If you have not toured the house we welcome you to drop by for a tour. As always, we depend heavily on our Give Hope a Ride program to fund the house, and we have a lot of gratitude for Macy’s Towing and Macy FitsEmons (the auctioneer) for all of the years of service they have given to Casa and wish them

well in their future endeavors. We have now partnered with Danlar Towing to help pick up vehicles from our very generous donors and bring them to the lot for auction. We are also excited Lia Armstrong to report that we have expanded our consignment program welcoming other non-profits to let us help them sell their donated vehicles. Please help to continue to spread the word to both donors and buyers about our Give Hope a Ride Program. Lee Black, one of our Advisory Board members, is helping Casa to become more familiar with Planned Giving also known as “deferred” giving which allows a donor to leave a lasting legacy to Casa Esperanza while helping to reduce your taxable estate. We give thanks to Lee and his wife Sandy for setting up our first Gift Annuity. Although the economy has changed and everyone has learned “to do more with less," we are grateful that we can still touch so many lives on a daily basis. Cancer doesn’t quit because Wall Street is down, and we are more committed than ever to reach out our arms and helping hands to those in need. Thank you for all of your support, and if you would like to volunteer or learn how you can be more involved in this wonderful cause, please call or email

Annual Report 2012

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Director’s Page 2012 Board of Directors Officers

Lia Armstrong, President Associate, CBRE Ryan Dobbs, Treasurer Owner, One Click Schedule Ginny Longbotham, Secretary Signature Southwest Properties Julie Tierney, Member at Large Master Tax Advisor, H & R Block Anthony R. Masciotra, Jr., Past President Pres. & CEO, UNM Medical Group, Inc.,


Dara Ambriz HR & Community Relations Sr. Analyst, Cardinal Health Chris Brennan Owner, Sweet Scoops Cheryl Gaedke Escrow Officer, Fidelity National Title Lorna Marchand Policy Analyst/Planner Bernalillo Cty, Off of Environmental Health Rae Ann Paden CAO, Research Administration & Marketing, UNM Cancer Center Katrina Tracy Assistant VP/Sr. Business Mgr. Wells Fargo Johnese Turri, Investor Relations Representative, Albuquerque Economic Development Vicki Woody Communication Consultant, Mitel Technologies, Inc.

Advisory Board

B. Lee Black Owner, Lee Black Consulting, LLC Fred Moore Retired, USMC Leo Moya Retired, UNM Bursar Bob Stice LPCC, Private Practice Counseling & Psychotherapy Sherri Wells Document Imaging of the Southwest

By Eileen Cook, CEO

~Our House~

It is my guess that none of you live in an 18,000 sq. foot house. Well, most of you anyway. But our families at Casa Esperanza do – 28 families on any given night. And just as you must shop for your families housing needs, so must we - times 28! Can you possibly imagine how many paper products we go through in a month? It’s an incredible amount. Or, can you figure out how many pounds of fresh and canned food we purchase each month so that families who come with nothing may have an opportunity for a good meal? Believe me, it’s a lot! Then, of course, there’s the electricity it takes to keep each individual room at a comfortable temperature, which differs from family to family. There’s always the gas and water bills, the laundry bills, the facility maintenance bills, etc., etc., etc. It seems incessant! And of course, these bills continue to creep up (sometimes, they actually leap) - just as yours do. It takes more than $6000 a year to operate each of our guest rooms. In our twenty years of operation, I am proud to say that we have never failed to meet the needs of our families in terms of creature comforts and necessities. But in 2012, it got much harder to do. This year, we are feeling the effects from the 2008 Great Recession as never before. Donations and funding from grants are way down while the economic needs of our

families are way up! Through limited designated donations from caring donors, we struggle to meet needs for food, for gasoline, for room rent. So, it is my plea to you, dear reader, to dig a little deeper to support our efforts in meeting these needs. I will be blunt here – we badly need your continued donations!


Jessica Clauson, our former Finance Director, left in August to begin her CPA journey at Atkinson & Co. Jessica was an outstanding employee for five years, and she is greatly missed. However, in order to meet budget shortfalls, we did not rehire her position. Instead, we doubled the workload of our current Finance Director, Desiree McBrayer, who had been responsible for payroll and human resources. Now, she does it all – and very well, I might add. And on November 30, we will say goodbye to Maryle Barber, an amazing Development Director at Casa Esperanza for fourteen years. It will be very difficult to see her go, but her position will also be eliminated to meet budget constraints. Her heavy workload will be distributed among several of us, and believe me, there is not a day that goes by that I will not miss her! Our very best wishes go with both Jessica and Maryle.

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A Private Place for Family

Patty Virgen, Family Care Team Director

ix year old Lee Richway Damon resides in Window Rock, Arizona with his father, Timothy and his 3 year old brother, Wyatt. Lee and his family have been traveling to Albuquerque on a regular basis since 2010, because in September of that year, Lee, then just three years old, was diagnosed with lymphocytic (lymphoblastic) leukemia. Before being diagnosed, Lee enjoyed the outdoors - running around and exploring just like any other three year old. He began fighting a cough and complaining of legs aches, so Lee was taken to doctors in Arizona, where his parents were told that he presented asthma symptoms. Lee’s cough got worse, and one day his father was horrified to notice that Lee had spit up blood. Lee was taken to the hospital in Fort Defiance, where doctors thought stomach ulcers might be the culprit. Not being satisfied with either

explanation, Lee’s parents flew him to Albuquerque, where he was admitted to UNMH. After running multiple tests, doctors determined that Lee had Leukemia. At that point the family was informed that Lee would need to start chemotherapy, right away, in Albuquerque. Since Casa Esperanza is the only local temporary lodging provider approved to accept Arizona Access, the Damon family came to stay with us. Timothy shared that they have been fortunate having a place to stay without having to worry about insurance coverage. He also shared that they enjoy having their privacy at Casa Esperanza, as well as the fact the family can remain together during Lee’s ordeal. Family support has been a tremendous help in coping with Lee’s long journey, and the Damon’s consider the Casa staff to be their friends and part of this overall support.

Thanksgiving Gifts Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching. What a wonderful season. The beautiful colors of autumn grace our lives. Soon we will prepare for gatherings with family and friends. The aroma of lovingly prepared Thanksgiving dinner will be tantalizing. When our family gathers we will be mindful of the great service being provided by Casa Esperanza, as we have seen first-hand. As Thanksgiving nears, folks pause to reflect on the good things in their lives. Even in difficult times, whether physical or financial, Americans have so much to be thankful for. As an example, Casa Esperanza staff was able to assist 1,635 families this year. These individuals came to Albuquerque seeking medical treatment from across New Mexico as well as Arizona and Colorado. Your generosity helped make this possible. This Thanksgiving Casa Esperanza needs your help more than ever. Please consider a year-end cash contribution in any amount or perhaps a gift of stocks. The stock market has been good to many this year. Most believe that the capital gains tax rate will go up in 2013. A year-end gift of your appreciated

Lee is completing his third year of treatment, and while it is no longer as intense as it used to be, he still receives chemo infusions once a month at UNM and continues with his chemo medications at home. Lee currently attends first grade and enjoys drawing and “journal time” at school. Lee will continue with his current treatment until September 2013. His prognosis is bright, and his doctors think he may not require radiation treatment. In the meantime, Casa will continue to serve Lee’s family with not only lodging and other resources, but with warmth and comfort as well.

Lee & Timothy Damon

- Lee Black, Advisory Board Member

stock will provide you with a nice tax deduction and avoid the increased capital gains tax. Lastly, would you consider at least three additional ways you can help those seeking assistance from Casa Esperanza going forward? First, and possibly the easiest method of gifting, is to include Casa Esperanza in your will. Casa can assist you with having a statement added to your will (called a codicil). Another great gifting method is to include Casa as a beneficiary of a portion of your life insurance policy. Perhaps you would welcome an increase in your annual income at the same time you help meet future needs of Casa Esperanza. If you would like to have further explanation of any of the gifting methods, please call Eileen Cook at Casa Esperanza today at 505-277-9880. May this Thanksgiving be the best you have ever experienced. As a donor to Casa you have helped others have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Thank you for your generosity.

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Human Kindness is Overflowing - Debbie Trujillo, Community Outreach & Volunteer Coordinator

kindness on the faces of the Albuquerque Chapter of Oncology Nurses when they deliver dinner, toiletries and household goods for the families at Casa, as well as in the faces of the Lovely Ladies who bring us the handmade Hug-Li dolls to bestow on each and every one – no matter what their age! We are so fortunate to have several groups like the members of the Sierra Vista Civitan Club, Desert Spring Church, USNM Federal Credit Union, Rio Grande Civitan Club, Debbie Trujillo and Albuquerque Kirkland Chapter of Oncology Nurses Civitan Club, St. Jude Catholic Sisters the extraordinary and comand too many others to menforting place that it is. tion who arrive en masse at In these tough economic Casa to make and serve dinner times, it is surprising to me at least once a month for our that people are willing to give families. so generously of their time and Students from CNM Student resources - but human kindNursing Association, Vicness is definitely overflowing tory Christian School, Hope at Casa. And you can see the In the short nineteen months that I have been at Casa Esperanza, I have seen a lot of changes. My titles have changed, my office has changed, employees have changed, but the one thing that remains the same is the wonderful and dedicated people that volunteer at Casa. Having such a small staff, we rely on our volunteers to make Casa

Christian School, Valley High School, Highland High School Key Club, students from Phi Sigma Honors Fraternity and Omega Phi from UNM, and employees from Kohl’s and The Gap Inc. also give their time to serve and contribute to Casa. For the last ten years and more, Casa has hosted United Methodist Church Volunteers in Mission (VIM) groups from Arizona, Colorado, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Texas. This year, groups came to us from Shawnee, Oklahoma, Bartlesville, Oklahoma and Longmont, Colorado. They tackled projects like tile work, handicap fixtures for bathtubs, landscaping, painting, replacing toilets, and much, much more. We have just learned that Casa has been chosen as the Charity of the Quarter by the Oklahoma Methodist Annual Conference Volunteers in Mission (VIM) for the coming year, so we expect to host many more VIM groups. Mike Gallegos, our Facilities Manager, coordinates volunteers to do yard work, special projects such as painting, carpet cleaning, and working

at our car lot for the Give Hope a Ride auto donation program. Amazingly, we had one group, the Passion Missions, come all the way from Austin Texas do to whatever was needed. Casa always needs individuals for office work, for cleaning or donating pots and pans, dishes, toiletries, wigs and a number of other needed items. There are so many groups and individuals who have not been mentioned, but we are deeply appreciative for all the big and small things that every group or individual has done for Casa Esperanza. We simply could not afford to keep this house in its top-notch condition or present such wonderful meals to our families if it wasn't for the work of all of the wonderful folks who volunteer their time and talent. It takes a special kind of person to volunteer, and we at Casa Esperanza give each of you a deep, heart-felt thank you for all your support!

M e m o r i a l s and Honorariums Elly Hering Keith & Deborah Wilson Clovis & Portales Assoc.of Realtors Marvin Foster Cardinal Health Modrall Sperling Jim & Ellen King PNM Wells Fargo Eugene – Alive in our Memory Richard Abruzzo Patricia Politano DRB Electric – Baker Family Bank of Albuquerque Charles & Phyllis Buck

Catholic Daughters CT 2608 Comm. Fdn. of Chaves County Craig & Keith “The Boys” Desert Springs Church Don Diederichsen Len & Rachel Manzanares Blessings – The Fosters Michelle Klink Ginny & Rich Longbotham John & Jennifer Lowe Roberts Connie Eyster Colleen Kelly Veard Eric Johnson Karl Ortiz, Albert Anya & Friends Katie Lee Parket Night

Mary & Conrad Strohacker Patti Sowell Margarette Loving Sister Betty Yoder Thomas Alan Angell Nikki, Kayla & Tyler Brown Ralph M. Reese Ray Jackson Bonnie Wallace Hector, Dara, Cati, & Isaiah Doug Clauson L & S Black Björn & Barbara Loftfield The Armentas Mikayla, Adisen & Emmalyn

Helen Garde Levins Jim & Joy Asperger Jim & Patricia Raquet Hope Hoffnung Esperanza Håp Lisa Breeden Garcia Ward Hunnicutt Charles Chavez Chris & Jan Turri Leon Gray & Gene Hart Joan D. Evans

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Moving in a New Direction with GHAR & Chrisann Gray, Director, Give Hope a Ride

With the economic turmoil our world is facing, with the government slashing funding and donations drying up, life has become a challenge at Casa Esperanza. Non-profits aren't immune to economic realities. With less funding coming in the door, looking at long term sustainability and creating a leaner organization has led to many changes over this last year. King Whitney Jr. said “Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better.� There is a tendency with our current economic conditions to think we are doomed, but here at Casa Esperanza's Give Hope a Ride Program, we aim to make this our best year ever. The key to our sustainability is adaptability. Tough times occasionally offer insight into how we can become stronger and emerge healthier.

Looking to create new operational support relationships and become more efficient, The Give Hope a Ride Program has partnered with a new towing company, Danlar Towing, who has an internal culture that believes in giving back to the community, and they were anxious to begin working with Casa Esperanza. They jumped right in and began towing for us in July and they have displayed a real sense of flexibility and teamwork as we build our new partnership. Many thanks to the owners and staff at Danlar Towing for a great job. After contracting with a new towing company, the Give Hope a Ride Program was unexpectedly left without an auctioneer. So continuing with our new innovative approach to generate additional revenue, we are hiring an auctioneer for auction day only and we will soon make a decision on the best auctioneer for our program. Change always comes bearing gifts, according to Price Pritchett. So staying focused on strategies that will develop our program even further, we hired Jesus Coronado-Gonzales as our lot administrator and Claudia Crocker as our administrative assistant. Jesus came to Albuquerque at 3 months old and was raised here. Jesus and his girlfriend have been together for 10 years and have two children, Alex, 7 and Arianna,

Claudia Crocker and Jesus Coronado-Gonzales

2. Jesus dreams of one day owning an auto body shop, but loves his job with Casa Esperanza. Using his entrepreneurial spirit, Jesus is building many new relationships and implementing new systems that provide the best service for our donors and will promote increased auction sales and revenue. Claudia grew up in Oklahoma and moved a few times before landing in New Mexico in 1990. She and her boyfriend Don have been together for eleven years. She has two grown children and four step-children and a total of eight grandchildren, ranging in age from 4 months to 16 years old, including a set of twin boys. Claudia and Don have a sailboat in San Diego and like to spend as much time sailing as possible. Claudia worked in health care for most of the last 20 years, and she loves her work with the GHAR Program. I would also like to share how inspired and grateful I am at all the individuals and organizations that donate their autos, come and purchase cars at the auction, volunteer their precious time and devoted service to Casa Esperanza and the GHAR Program. You are appreciated and needed very much - thank you. Alfred Tennyson said, "Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering it will be happier'..." I have only highlighted a few of the changes that are moving the Give Hope a Ride Program in the right direction and leading us toward greater success.

Annual Report 2012

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Recognizing Our Major Contributors - July 2011 to June 2012 Pillars = $500 - $999

Anthony Raymond Masciotra, Jr. Art and Deanna Forster Christopher Barber Claudia O'Connell Cosmopolitan Woman's Club Denise and Randy Baker Frances Knudson Gabriel Rivera Grace Parr Helen Lewis Jennifer Lowe & John Roberts Jerry and Joyce Foropoulos Jim and Joy Asperger Jim Raquet Jose Aguilar Julie Tierney Justine Meehan Katrina Tracy Kenneth Ross Kohls Department Store Leo & Maria Casteneda-Moya Lorna Marchand Michael Sapeta Michelle Watts Millicent Boyd Mitch & Sandi Taylor Nancy Abruzzo

People's Bank Phyllis Buck Sandia Investment Group Sandra Winchester Stephanie Pyle Tim Bartholomew TriCore Reference Laboratories Trinity on the Hill Episcopal Ch. UNM Cancer Res. & Treatment Cr US NM Federal Credit Union Vicki & Kenneth Woody Women's Christian Service Society

Bob & Phyllis Stice The Crebilly Foundation Terry & Sheila White Raymond Yoder Maria Elena Zimmerman

Guardians = $2,500 - $4,999

Jim & Ellen King

Modrall, Sperling, Roehl, Harris & Sisk

Wells Fargo Bank Keith and Deborah Wilson

Keystone=$5,000 -$9,999 Cornerstone = $1000 - $2,499 Keller Williams Realty

Bank of Albuquerque Bank of the West Lee & Sandi Black Central & Northern NM CFC Comm. Fdn. of Chaves County Jane Cook Sue Daulton Maryle J. Barber Del Norte Rotary Foundation Scott & Chrisann Gray Karl Ortiz PNM Jim & Leslie Smith Temple Lodge #6,

Larry H. Miller Charities Western Refining Co.

Lifetime = $30,000 +

Dr. Richard Castillo Clovis Board of Realtors Eileen Casey Cook Sue Dalton Embassy Suites Hancock Family Fdn. PNM Resources Fdn. United Way of Central NM

Leaving a Legacy with Life Insurance For many friends of Casa Esperanza, the desire to support the work financially is a difficult decision in these economic times. A great way to achieve your gifting goal is to add Casa Esperanza Foundation as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy. A quick call to your insurance company will enable you to receive a Change of Beneficiary form. You have the option of designating a percentage of your policy to benefit Casa. This is an easy way to achieve your goal of supporting the work of Casa. In some cases, individuals may have multiple insurance policies. If this is your situation you could donate the entire paid up Whole Life Insurance policy (name Casa Esperanza Foundation as the policy owner) and receive a charitable tax deduction for the cash value of the policy. If you are interested in considering a donation of a Life Insurance policy or designating Casa as a beneficiary of a portion of a policy, please contact Eileen Cook, Casa Esperanza Foundation Executive Director, for further information at 505-277-9880.

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SummerReport 2003 2012 Annual

Casa Esperanza Endowment Foundation July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012 Alexandra & Anthony Vigil Alphagraphics on Osuna Amy & Don Nolker Andres Aguilar Anita Elizabeth Smith Anna Earlene & O.M. Caspersen Anthony Raymond Masciotra, Jr. Bank of Albuquerque Beverly Quinlan Bill & Barbara Templeman Brenda Hardesty Burt & Company C.S. Mitchell Cardinal Health Carol Sarracino Charles & Diane Hardesty Cheryl & Jeff Gaedke Cheryl Ryan Chester & Ruth Gore Christopher Riedel Clark Hardesty CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Clovis Board of Realtors Cynthia Dittman Dan & Pamela Sutcliffe Dara & Hector Ambriz David Miller Deborah Hoffman Dennis & Susan Angellis Diane Chan Diane Ogawa Dick & Julie Moore Don & Jenny Minchew Donna Jerry Dr. Richard Castillo Eileen Casey Cook Elizabeth Smith Embassy Suites Alb. Eugene Schmidt

Fidelity National Title Ins Co Frances Knudson Fred & Edie Moore Gary and Carol Orlowski Gerald Brown Ginny & Richard Longbotham Glenna Armenta Gloria & Stanley Chavez & Fitch Gordon & Carol Schutte Helen & Rick Horn Iris & Dick Brackett Jack & Debi Dobrian James & Susan Roach Jan & Chris Turri Jennifer & Kevin Lowrie Jennifer Lowe Jim and & Smith Jim & Renee Singleton Jim Raquet John & Toots Green John Hunter John Ross Johnese Turri Joni Evans Jose Aguilar Joseph & Barbara CampBell Julie Tierney Kathleen & Michael Hazen Kevin & Diana Honnell Kevin & Kathy Rogols Kohls Department Store Kristin Rortvedt LaRon & Suzanne Smith Laura Vanderburg Laura Wouters Lee & Sandi Black Leo Moya LeRoy Anna Segura Lia Armstrong

Lisa Gonzales-Bloom Lorna Marchand Lynn & Jeanne Nethery Macy's Towing LLC Margo & Howard Yee Maria Ifill Mary Clark Michael & Johnese Turri Michael & Joyce Skolnick Michelle & John Couch Michelle Watts Mitch & Sandi Taylor Natalie Everett Neel & Kay Storr Niles King Nora Romero Owen & Shirley Ball Pavlos & Nicolette Panagopoulos People's Bank Phoebe Wright Phyllis Buck PNM Reliable Chevrolet Nissan Richard & June Tonigan Richard & Mary Loyd Richard McClanahan Rosalina Preciado Ryan Dobbs Salvatore & Michele LiRosi Sandi Taylor Sandia Investment Group Scott & Chrisann Gray Sherri Wells St. Clair Winery & Bistro State Farm Insurance Steve & Kaye Gillis Steve & Lori Aguilar Sunwest Trust Susan Barisas Terry & Rose Marie Strach Terry & Sheila White

Timm & Linda Stubbs UNM Cancer Res. & Treatment Cr US NM Federal Credit Union Vic & Barbara Bruno Vicki & Kenneth Woody W. J. Dean Wells Fargo Bank William Gupton Thank you to all of our generous donors. Because of limited space, we are simply not able to list everyone who supports Casa Esperanza or the Casa Esperanza Endowment Foundation. Please know that your gift is the key to our success and we appreciate each one of you.

Vehicle Donations We would like to recognize all those who have donated vehicles to Casa Esperanza Endowment Foundation. The funds generated from the sale of the donations are invaluable to the support of our house.

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LEAVE A LOVING LEGACY Casa Esperanza announces the formation of the Leave a (Loving) Legacy (LLL) Society. As a very special friend of Casa, you may wish to provide for the critically needed services offered by Casa and those who are served by including Casa Esperanza Foundation in your will or estate plan. Eileen Cook, Casa Executive Director, can assist you with additional information and direct you to legal professionals who are able to facilitate your wishes. Having a will is important to a good estate plan. If you already have a will, creating a codicil which remembers Casa Esperanza is quite simple.

Giving a percentage of your estate, in any amount, will further the assistance being offered to those in times of critical medical need. Your estate will receive a charitable deduction and you will be helping others. Thank you, in advance, for including Casa Esperanza Foundation in your estate plan. Your gift will make a significant difference. You can always be sure that Casa will be good stewards of your gift. Contact Eileen Cook at 505-277-9880.









Passion Missions from Austin Texas

a O S v



GAP Inc.

Annual Report 2012

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CASA ESPERANZA, INC. Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2012 Revenues Grants $ 70,975 NM Dept of Health $ 86,400 Program Income $220,715 Contributions & Support $213,848 Foundation Support $142,174 Event Income $ 27,027 Interest income $ 100 Other Income $ 4,954 In-Kind Income $ 82,171 Total Support and Revenue $848,364 Expenses Program $523,203 General & Administrative $147,096 Fundraising $ 12,242 Total Expenses before Depr $682,541 Change in Net Assets before Depr $165,823 Depreciation Expense $ 83,056 Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets $ 82,767

ENDOWMENT FOUNDATION Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2012 Revenues Car Donation Program (net of cost of sales) $297,337 Event Income $ 89,540 Contributions & Support $ 9,108 Investment Return $ 2,193 Interest Income $ 8,528 In-Kind Income $ 89,560 Total Revenue $496,266 Expenses Program (Support to Casa Esperanza, Inc.) $142,174 General & Administrative $150,240 Fundraising $469,755 Depreciation Expense $ 3,342 Total Expenses $765,511 Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets -$269,245 Casa Esperanza Endowment Fnd Long-Term Investments 30-Jun-12 FMV Mutual Funds $513,702 Equity Funds $530,846 Fixed Income Funds $200,919 Land held for sale $ 73,599 ABQ Community Fdn Funds $ 23,063 Total Investments $1,342,129

Average Return on Investments = 0%

House & Car Lot volunteers have donated 4,093 hours of labor this year.The board has donated 190.50 hours to Casa & the Foundation.

Copies of the full 2012 audit for Casa Esperanza, Inc. and the consolidated audit for Casa Esperanza, Inc. and Casa Esperanza Endowment Foundation are available from the organization office (see page 10 for contact information).

Revenues Interest income 0% Event Income 3% Foundatio n Support 17%

Other Income 1% In-Kind Income 10%

Contributi ons & Support 25%

Expenses Grants 8% NM Dept of Health 10% Program Income 26%

General & Administrat ive 21%

Fundraising 2%

Program 77%


Annual Report 2012

page 10 Our Mission

Casa Esperanza - New Mexico's home away from home providing a caring community to support and serve families facing cancer. •

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Casa Esperanza (Tax ID #: 85-0356946) is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. All contributions are tax deductible. Casa Esperanza does not telemarket, participate in door-todoor solicitation or campaign via chain letters. Casa Esperanza receives a portion of its funding from a contract with the New Mexico Department of Health. Casa Esperanza is a member of the NM Cancer Council which creates and implements the Comprehensive Cancer Plan. Casa Esperanza is a Combined Federal Campaign designated charity. Our CFC # is 60462. Member: National Association of Hospital Hospitality Houses. To learn more about NAHHH and other special places such as Casa Esperanza go to Member: NM Cancer Council, an alliance of cancer support agencies, hospital treatment centers and governmental agencies to inform, to educate and to advocate on behalf of NM cancer patients and their families. Their website is Affiliate: NM Cancer Care Alliance, providing NM cancer patients with local access to latest experimental treatments available. Their website is Member: Chambers of Commerce in Albuquerque, Belen, Clovis, Alamogordo, Los Lunas Albuquerque Hispano and the American Indian Chamber. Member: Albuquerque Better Business Bureau.

~If you receive more than one newsletter, please share it with someone who will find it interesting and useful.~ Casa Esperanza has a terrific website maintained by Shelly Liebman. Be sure to check it out for the most current and up to date pictures and information on past and upcoming events, how to donate on-line (secure site) and how to become involved at CE. Our website is:

Casa Esperanza Staff

Eileen Cook CEO Jesus Coronado-Gonzalez GHAR Lot Att. Claudia Crocker GHAR Assistant Mike Gallegos Facilities Manager Yuliana Granillo Family Care Team Chrisann Gray Give Hope a Ride Dir. Mary Loyd Bookkeeper Desiree McBrayer Finance Director Perla Menchaca Family Care Team Catherine Suiter Executive Assistant Sarah Trujillo Family Care Team Debbie Trujillo Comm. Outreach/Vol. Patricia Virgen Family Care Team Dir.

Reach us at: CASA ESPERANZA PO BOX 40472 ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87196-0472 1005 YALE NE ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87106 505-277-9880 Fax: 505-277-9876 e-mail:

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