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glish Language Teaching
La enseñanza de la pronunciación como contribución a la mejora de la competencia oral de la lengua inglesa: Una investigación sobre la percepción y la producción de la calidad vocálica en sílaba acentuada y no acentuada [The teaching of pronunciation as
An investigation into the perception and production of vowel quality in stressed and unstressed syllables]. [Doctoral thesis, Universi- oral production of standard English: A study about the production of vowel quality in stressed and unstressed syllables. English Language Teachingseñanza aprendizaje [Didactic educational resources in the teaching-learning process]. Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas using pronunciation power software in the instruction of English pronunciation. English Language Teaching didáctica para la formación de futuros docentes de inglés [Creation of educational videos as a teaching strategy in the training process of future English teachers]. Actualidades Investigativas en Educación - ucación básica de personas jóvenes y adultas [Teaching English in the basic education of young people and adults]. Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa teachers for classroom realities: Strengthening their competence in instructional materials. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research,
EFL research series for teachers: Pedagogical Innovations facilitated by ICT in the classroom pectations of teacher’s manuals accompanying general English and pronunciation skills books. The CATESOL Journal reporting research instruments in science education. Res Sci Educ, in Teachers` Professional Development - nese English learners’ pronunciation. Canadian Center of Science and Education
English Language Teaching - er-assisted adaptive peer review. English Language Teaching - nunciation. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies