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Classroom Procedures

in-class hours and eight autonomous hours. The ER program had two mance task. tained prediction activities, guided reading, and post-reading activities such as comprehension logs, role plays, and discussions. In the second phase, students chose a book they would like to read in the class at review document. After every reading session, students were asked togram, pupils created a video in which they recorded themselves saying the review of their favorite book, posted it on Moodle and were asked to watch and comment on each other’s videos.



Pre-test and post-test.

Some parts of the reading test from the Cambridge KET were used to measure reading comprehension levels at the beginning and at the end of the investigation. The sections from the KET exam used were other parts from the Cambridge KET exam were not considered since and applied by using the institutional Moodle website in order to avoid plagiarism and facilitate grading.

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