1 minute read
Final performance task rubric.
during the video recording in order to persuade an audience to read their favorite book. Vocabulary range and text recognition focus on using a wide range of suitable vocabulary for the text type in a correct way. Another criterion was digital quality and preparation, which measured the video quality per se and students’ readiness before recording the material. The last criterion, content and reading comprehension, comprehension after reading a book. The maximum score possible in each criterion was 2,5.
Interviews and learning logs.
open-ended questions that elicited general feelings students got during the ER program, positive and negative aspects of the program, and challenges students faced. In addition, two questions focused on getting to know whether or not they felt an improvement in their reading questions. They were asked about what they learnt during the reading class, what was something easy about the class, what was something challenging for them, and how they overcame those challenges. At the end of each learning log students were asked about the abilities they spelling, writing, reading, among others.