Casa Performance Catalogue Part 1 - Lambretta & BGM

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Casa Performance non è solo scooter veloci e ricambi per elaborazioni ma anche un’ampia gamma di prodotti Merchandising! Tra tutti, puoi trovare T shirt, Polo, felpe, borse and tant’altro! Tutti i nostri articoli sono di altissima qualità, altamente resistente e realizzato in cottone di grammatura pesante. Tutti i Loghi sono RICAMATI (invece di essere serigrafati) e le taglie sono ‘Small’ fino a ‘XXL’. Casa Performance is not just about fast scooters and tuning parts, there is also has a cool selection of merchandise. Amongst other items, you’ll find exclusive T-shirts, polo shirts and sweatshirts, bags and much more. All products are very high quality, extremely durable and manufactured in resistant heavyweight cotton. Most logos are actually EMBROIDERED (rather than being screen-printed) and available sizes range from ‘Small’ through to ‘XXL’.







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buon servizio professionale di consulenza e assistenza, per offrire al ed within this cliente-amico la miglior tutela possibile a 360°. A tale scopo sono All prices contain and are nati i “Casa Performance Centre”, officine altamente specializzate catalogue are in Euro market. che possono fornire una assistenza completa per il montaggio Italian home solely for the akit delle elaborazioni, la loro messa a punto e una consulenza tecnica rices for Parm To find the p please postvendita per risolvere ogni problema. our country, products in y tor! local distribu contact your



X301/ S-M- Maglietta Polo ‘Casa Lambretta Racing Team’ (uomo) L-XL-XXL ‘Casa Lambretta Racing Team’ Polo shirt (male)

Blu / Bianco Blue / White


Arancione / Biano Orange / Black


X303/ S-M- Felpa ‘Casa Performance’ (uomo) L-XL-XXL ‘Casa Performance’ Sweatshirt (male)

Navy / Rosso Navy/ Red


X304/ S-M- Felpa ‘Casa Lambretta Racing Team’ (uomo) L-XL-XXL ‘Casa Lambretta Racing Team’ Sweatshirt (male)

Blu / Bianco Blue/ White


X305/ S-M- Maglietta Polo ‘Casa Lambretta Racing Team’ (donna) L-XL-XXL ‘Casa Lambretta Racing Team’ Polo shirt Blue/ White (female)

Blu / Bianco Blue/ White


Sono felice di presentarvi il nuovissimo catalogo ParmakitCasaPerformance. Uno strumento innovativo che saprà di grande aiuto a tutti gli appassionati che vogliono entrare nell’entusiasmante mondo del tuning. Già da qualche anno Parmakit partecipa con passione ai campionati scooteristici italiani e internazionali, e i risultati sono sempre stati al vertice delle classifiche.

Navy / Rosso Navy / Red

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X300/ S-M- Maglietta Polo ‘Casa Performance’ (uomo) L-XL-XXL ‘Casa Performance’ Polo shirt (male)

X302/ S-M- Maglietta Polo ‘BGM Supercharged Italy’ (uomo) L-XL-XXL ‘BGM Supercharged Italy’ Polo shirt (male)



Questa pluriennale esperienza ci ha consentito di preparare una serie completa di modifiche per migliorare le prestazioni della vostra Vespa. In questo catalogo troverete tutto quello che vi serve per divertirvi in sicurezza con prodotti di altissima qualità costruiti in Italia sotto la supervisione dei nostri tecnici. Ed è per questo che siamo molto orgogliosi di poter offrire sul mercato Vespistico internazionale le nostre eccellenze italiane, la qualità italiana, l’ingegno italiano che è da sempre riconosciuto e apprezzato in tutto il mondo.

Casa Descrizione

Ma non basta vendere dei buoni prodotti, occorre anche un altrettanto


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gue are hin this catalo it w d e in ta n t co All prices n home-marke a li a It e th r fo lely ss. in Euro, are so of going to pre e m ti e th t a ct nce and were corre Casa Performa l ca lo r u yo ct s Please conta rice of product p e th d n fi to r eale distributor or d y. in your countr

Casa Lambretta TV Sul canale Casa Lambretta TV sono disponibili i filmati tecnici per il corretto montaggio. Search for Casa Lambretta TV on YouTube, or follow the link from to find useful videos in English and Italian about fitting and using our products.

Credits: Additional photos in this catalogue courtesy of Lee Hollick (cover and internal), Roberto Baldisserri, Sticky and Andy Gillard. This edition of the Casa Performance catalogue (June 2016) produced by Andy Gillard and David Hardy

Casa Clothing


Casa Lambretta Racing Team


About Casa Performance


Casa Performance Centres


The New CasaCase


Cylinder Kits


Crankshafts / Reed Valves


Carburettors/ Fuel


Expansion Exhausts


Transmission/ Clutch


Electronics/ Electrics


Wheels/ Brakes


Silent Blocks/ Tyres




Fibreglass Bodywork


Seats/ Carriers/ Tools


Complete Engines/ Kits






In 2015 Vittorio Tessera celebrated 35 years of Casa Lambretta and working with his beloved Lambretta scooters! The new Casa Lambretta headquarters, located just a few kilometres from Lambrate in Milan contains a huge 700Sq.m warehouse of spare parts and accessories that supply their worldwide dealer network. Upstairs is the famous Scooter & Lambretta Museum, covering 800Sq.m and including not only rare Lambretta scooters but many others too from around the world. Casa Lambretta live and breath scooters that’s why, wherever possible, we’re proud to put our name on the parts we produce.

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È un mio grande onore presentarvi il nuovissimo catalogo Casa Performance. Uno strumento innovativo che saprà di grande aiuto a tutti gli appassionati che vogliono entrare nell’entusiasmante mondo del Tuning.

Già da qualche anno Casa Lambretta partecipa con passione ai campionati scooteristici Italiani e Internazionali, e i risultati sono sempre stati al vertice delle classifiche. Questa pluriennale esperienza ci ha consentito di preparare una serie completa di modifiche per migliorare le prestazioni della Lambretta, sia motoristiche che telaistiche. In questo catalogo troverete tutto quello che vi serve per divertirvi in sicurezza con prodotti di altissima qualità costruiti in Italia sotto la supervisione dei nostri tecnici. Ed è per questo che siamo molto orgogliosi di poter offrire sul mercato Lambrettistico le nostre eccellenze italiane, la qualità italiana, l’ingegno italiano che è da sempre riconosciuto e apprezzato in tutto il mondo. Ma non basta vendere dei buoni prodotti, occorre anche un altrettanto servizio professionale di consulenza e assistenza, per offrire al cliente-amico la miglior tutela possibile a 360°. A tale scopo sono nati i “Casa Performance Centre”, officine altamente specializzate che possono fornire una assistenza completa per il montaggio delle elaborazioni, la loro messa a punto e una consulenza tecnica postvendita per risolvere ogni problema. Sul sito e potrai verificare la lista aggiornata dei “Casa Performance Centre” ufficiali. Un’altra importante novità assoluta in campo mondiale è la possibilità di comperare una Lambretta Racing ufficiale “Casa Performance”: per il 2016 sono in preparazione una piccola serie numerata di questa fantastica Lambretta. Due motori: 200 e 225, due allestimenti: stradale e racing. Tutte le versioni verranno consegnate complete di tutti gli accessori, già rodate e pronte all’uso. Nel caso si avesse già la Lambretta, sono disponibili motori completi già preparati nelle due cilindrate 200 e 225 SS. Sempre già rodati e pronti all’uso.


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It’s my immense honour to present you with the new ‘Casa Performance’ catalogue. This will hopefully prove to be an innovative manual for all those of you who wish to enter the incredible world of tuning. For several years now ‘Casa Lambretta’ has enthusiastically participated in both Italian and International race championships, always obtaining rankings within the top reaches of the results. The invaluable experience gained along the way has enabled us to prepare a complete series of specialist parts, all designed to enhance both the performance and handling of your Lambretta. Within the pages of this catalogue you will find everything needed to allow you to safely enhance your scooter using products that are produced in Italy, under the watchful eye of our technicians. It is for this reason that we are extremely proud to present to the Lambretta market these products that are the fruits of Italian excellence, Italian quality and Italian engineering: unique attributes that have always been acknowledged and renowned the world over. Of course it’s not enough to simply sell good quality products. What is also needed is a highly professional service of consultation, advice and after-sales assistance to offer to all our customers and Lambretta-riding friends a complete performance package. For this very reason we have developed the ‘Casa Performance Centre’. These highly specialised workshops that are able to offer complete assistance when it comes to fitting tuning parts, setting up these very same parts, and also offer post-sales advice and help when required. For a complete up-to-date list of all official ‘Casa Performance Centres please check or STOP PRESS! There is now the possibility to purchase a complete, ready-to-race ‘Official Casa Performance Race Scooter’. For 2016 a small, numbered series is being prepared of these amazing Lambrettas. There are two engine capacities to choose from: 200cc or 225cc and they will be available in two versions, Road or Race. Both versions will be supplied with loads of extras and each machine comes partially run-in and ready to use. See page 78 for more details. For those of you who already have a Lambretta but want the same performance, on page 76 you can find complete ‘plug ‘n’ play’ engine units that are available in both SS200 or SS225 versions. Once again these come ready tested, partially run-in and ready to use. Simply cable them up and ride away!

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Una squadra di professionisti di altissimo livello che sanno come trasformare la mite Lambretta in una belva da 38 CV!

Capo indiscusso del team, genio e sregolatezza, è ROBERTO BARONE: il maestro dei preparatori in Europa! Il suo biglietto da visita: 2014 Vincitore in Italia del campionato VPI Vespa (Open) e Lambretta (Classic); 2015 Vincitore in Europa del campionato ESC Vespa (cat. 2) e Lambretta (cat. 4). Un artista del motore che non smette mai di stupire: nuove marmitte, nuovi alberi, sempre alla ricerca della perfezione.

Ma per una Lambretta così performante occorrono piloti altrettanto capaci. LUCA FUSCHINI è un vero professionista delle piste, un rider tecnico e completo che sa sfruttare al massimo le doti della Lambretta 225 SS; ma non solo, è anche un ottimo tecnico che collabora attivamente con i meccanici del team per trovare la soluzione più performante. Nel 2015 ha vinto il campionato ESC, primo assoluto di tutte le categorie! (È la prima volta che una Lambretta riesce a vincere nell’ESC). Il nostro altro pilota è LUCA ZANI, una vera rivelazione, un ragazzo d’oro dalle potenzialità incredibili. Ha corso per la prima volta con una Lambretta (la 200 SS) in Inghilterra nel difficile tracciato di Cadwell Park. È arrivato 3° nella gara 3 partendo dall’ultima posizione: un risultato incredibile! Ma questi sono la punta di un iceberg, dietro di loro c’è un’altra squadra che lavora ininterrottamente per loro: sono i due meccanici MICHELE e LORENZO, tecnici dalle indiscusse capacità e grandi conoscitori del mondo racing Lambretta. Dalle loro mani sono uscite le due Casa200/225 SS che hanno spopolato in tutti i circuiti d’Europa; persone capaci di trasformare la vostra Lambretta in un missile con le ruote! Tutta l’organizzazione della squadra viene gestita dalle ‘Casa Girls’. ISABELLA ANTONIOLI è la PR e responsabile per il Merchandise del Team. Lei è presente a tutte le gare, networking con i nostri amici e clienti e si assicura che l’immagine del Team sia impeccabile e professionale. ANITA BUCCI è responsabile per l’organizzazione delle trasferte e la logistics necessarie per spostare 12 persone in giro per l’Europa per ogni gara. Le infaticabili ‘Casa Girls’ garantiscono che tutta la squadra sia ben nutrita ed in perfetta forma fisica per affrontare le gare. E per finire ci vuole anche un direttore d’orchestra, che sappia organizzare il team sempre ai massimi livelli: DEAN ORTON, inglese di nascita ma romagnolo d’adozione, è il nostro faro che ci guida e che risolve ogni situazione. Disponibile h25 (25!) è il regista che tutti vorrebbero: preciso, deciso, determinato a raggiungere i migliori risultati.


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A group of high-level professionals who are capable of transforming a docile Lambretta into a fire-breathing monster with 38cv on tap!

Head of the Team, ‘a maverick genius’ is ROBERTO BARONE: the top engine tuner in Europe. His calling card reads as thus: Winner of both the ‘Open Class’ with his tuned Vespa AND the ‘Classic Class’ with his tuned Lambretta in the ‘2014 Italian VPI Championships’; Winner of both ‘Class 2’ with his tuned Vespa AND ‘Group 4’ with his tuned Lambretta in the ‘2015 ESC European Scooter Challenge’ Championships. Roberto is a mechanical artist, always presenting avant-garde tuning solutions whilst continually searching for mechanical perfection. One thing is having machines that perform and another is having expert riders who know how to make the best of such performance. LUCA FUSCHINI is a true professional of the racetrack: a complete, technical rider who knows how to obtain the very best from his Lambretta SS225. Luca’s riding skills are matched by his mechanical expertise, thus enabling him to actively cooperate with the team’s mechanics to find the solutions for the best performance. In 2015, in his first year riding a Lambretta, he won not only his class but also the overall top position in the ESC Championship – the first time a Lambretta rider won the ESC! The team’s other rider is LUCA ZANI, a true revelation to say the least; a modest lad with incredible potential. The first time he ever rode a Lambretta he finished third at the difficult Cadwell Park (UK) circuit, and incredible feat that he managed after starting way back amongst the last positions on the starting grid! Behind them is another set of people working tirelessly non-stop. The team mechanics, MICHELE ‘Micky-boy’ CARLINI and LORENZO ‘Men’ FIORI are the main technicians, displaying knowledge and ability ensuring the ‘Casa Lambretta Racing Team’ machines are at the forefront of Lambretta racing. They are the people who have developed the Casa SS200 and SS225 kits and ensured these have become the firm favourites for riders on both the roads and racetracks across the World. These are the duo that are capable of transforming your Lambretta into a two-wheeled missile! At this point our two ‘Casa Girls’ enter the ring. ISABELLA is responsible for the ‘Casa Lambretta Racing Team’ PR and all the merchandise sales. She is on hand at the race meetings, networking with our many friends and customers, while ANITA is responsible for making sure that everyone is in perfect form and correctly nourished. ‘Behind every great man is an even greater woman’ and never before has the saying been truer than with these girls backing the crew. Finally, every orchestra needs a conductor who knows how to organise the team in the best possible way at the very highest level. DEAN ORTON, British by birth but Romagnolo by adoption, is the person leading the team and resolving any situation as it arises. Always on hand, 25 hours a day, he is precise, focalised and always determined that the team achieves the best results.

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5!6789:;<5;659:&=>?@A CAMPIONATO ITALIANO VPI Primo classificato Cat. ‘CLASSIC’ Winner of the Italian VPI ‘CLASSIC’ Class Pilota / Rider: Mattia Pacini Preparatore / Tuner: Roberto Barone Meccanici / Mechanics: Valerio Tarlazzi, Fabrizio Pirini, Guido Moreo

5!6789:;<5;659:&=>?BA CAMPIONATO ITALIANO VPI Primo classificato Cat. CLASSIC Winner of the Italian VPI ‘CLASSIC’ Class Pilota / Rider: Mattia Pacini Preparatore / Tuner: Roberto Barone Meccanici / Mechanics: Valerio Tarlazzi, Fabrizio Pirini, Guido Moreo



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CAMPIONATO EUROPEO SCOOTER CHALLENGE ESC Lambretta: Primo Cat. 4 e primi assoluti Winner of ‘Group 4’ and ‘ESC Overall Title’ Pilota / Rider: Luca Fuschini Preparatore / Tuner: Roberto Barone Meccanici / Mechanics: Michele Carlini, Lorenzo Fiori Team Manager: Dean Orton Vespa: Primo Cat. 2 Winner Group 2 Pilota / Rider: Paolo Birtele Preparatore / Tuner: Roberto Barone Meccanici / Mechanics: Roberto Baldisserri, Marco Fontana

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!"#"$%&'()'*"+!&$!&+,'&# Grande novità di Casa Lambretta per il 2016, che farà piacere ai lambrettisti più sportivi, è la nascita dei Casa Performance Centre. Presso questi centri autorizzati sarà disponibile un servizio altamente professionale per elaborare la vostra Lambretta, modificare l’assetto o allestirla per le competizioni in circuito. Un Team di professionisti al servizio della gentile clientela, altamente specializzato in questo settore e con una lunga esperienza maturata direttamente sui campi di gara. Presso i Casa Performance Centre potrete testare la potenza del vostro motore su banchi prova di ultima generazione, verificare tutti i parametri tecnici e ottimizzare la messa a punto per migliorare l’efficienza della vostra super Lambretta. I nostri tecnici sono sempre al lavoro per migliorare e innovare tutti i componenti di questo fantastico scooter. Su Facebook e SLUK ( potrai vedere le ultime novità, le classifiche delle gare e le preparazioni più estreme. Un’ultima, ma non meno importante novità, è la creazione del “Centro Ricerche Casa Performance”. Questa nuova realtà ci consente di progettare in proprio tutte le parti della Lambretta, di testarle e verificarle prima della produzione in serie. Il “Centro Ricerche” è ubicato presso Rimini Lambretta Centre ed è dotato di tutta la più innovativa attrezzatura di prototipazione: Computer CAD, Stampante 3D di grandi dimensioni, Microscopio ad alta definizione con telecamera, Banco prove frenato, test di compressione e flussometria. I nostri tecnici sono sempre disponibili per consulenze e collaborazioni, per un costante rapporto diretto tra la clientela e i Centri Performance Centre.

An important first in 2016 for Casa Lambretta is the birth of the ‘Casa Performance Centre’, which will undoubtedly bring a smile to the faces of the more sporting Lambrettisti amongst you all. At these authorised Centres, you’ll find a highly professional service aimed at tuning your Lambretta, modifying the aesthetics and / or preparing the scooter for track use. At most Casa Performance Centres you’ll also have the possibility to have your scooter checked on a modern rolling-road test bed. This service enables the scooter to be set up correctly and for you to optimise the full potential of the Casa Performance range of components. Our specialists are continuously at work, endeavouring to make the current products even better and to design, test and launch new additions for our scooters. All news will be published on Facebook and also posted in on-line magazines such as ‘SLUK’ (, keeping you upto-date on product development, new parts, race results and what we are preparing in the workshops, all in real time. Last, but by no means least, we are proud to announce the birth of the ‘Casa Performance Research Centre’. This avant-garde addition is where we design, check, test and verify all new products before they are mass-produced. The Casa Performance Research Centre is part of Rimini Lambretta Centre / Casa Lambretta Rimini and is fullyequipped with state-of-the-art technical equipment for the realisation of prototype parts. This equipment includes computers with CAD programs, massive 3D printers, a high definition microscope with a built in camera, an electronically braked rolling-road test bed, pressure testing devices and flux-meters. Our technicians are available full-time to work with you, providing advice, help and assistance, guaranteeing continuous customer care for all the Casa Performance Centres, worldwide.

Centro Ricerche Casa Performance



Pre-production product & design development

Braked rolling-road test machine at RLC Italy

Casa Performance R&D working on the CasaCase

Roberto Barone

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!"#$%&'(&'!)*)'+"%,-%.)#!"'/,,&!&)0& Questa è la lista completa di tutti gli attuali centri di Casa Performance ufficiali per il 2016. Questi negozi dispongono dell’intera gamma di Casa Performance e, soprattutto, sono in grado di offrire un accurato SERVIZIO POST VENDITA che comprende il montaggio, l’installazione e i consigli tecnici. Si prega di notare che NON tutti i centri ufficiali di Casa Performance sono magazzini con ricambi standard. Questi negozi sono stati selezionati perché hanno strutture di laboratorio ed esperienza per la messa a punto dei motori elaborati. Se avete bisogno di ricambi tradizionali potete rivolgervi ai normali punti vendita Casa Lambretta.

North America’s designated Casa Lambretta dealer since 2002! Owners Mark and Jon‘s sole focus is complete customer satisfaction, whether it be parts, service, tuning, or restoration. Jet 200 are one of the leading names in scootering and with good reason. Apart from supplying and distributing parts manufactured by all the major brands across the USA, they also produce high quality products such as the ‘Lifetime’ long-range petrol tanks, as seen here in the Casa Performance range. Jet 200 Performance Ltd. 4237 Josephine Street #101 Denver, Colorado 80216, USA Phone: 720-724-7056 Email: Website:

Since 2008, Aaron Hecker and Gary Constantine have combined their individual skills to produce high quality Lambretta restorations. They bring together years of highly specialised experience with an in-depth knowledge of the Lambretta brand to produce top results with both stock and custom/performance builds. Several of these builds have been featured in international scooter magazines. By combining state of the art equipment and fine craftsmanship, Trinity Lambretta is able to produce custom parts and one-of-akind accessories that can set your Lambretta apart from the rest of the crowd. Trinity Lambretta are proud to announce their new relationship with Casa Performance and Rimini Lambretta Centre as an official dealer in the USA. The addition of Casa Performance parts will add the “go” to the Trinity Lambretta “show”. Trinity Lambretta PO Box 331 Tyngsboro, MA 01879, USA Email: website:


This is a full list of all official current Casa Performance Centres to date (March 2016). These are the dealers that are capable of selling the full range of Casa Performance parts and above all, are able to offer you the all-important AFTER SALES SERVICE that includes fitting, setting up and advice. Please note that not all official Casa Performance Centres are normal, established ‘Casa Lambretta’ dealers. The shops listed hereunder have been selected as they have workshop facilities and tuning expertise. If you require ‘classic’ (non-tuning) Casa Lambretta parts, these can be obtained from your usual retail outlets.

PTown Scooters was founded originally in 2000. Head proprietor Patrick Fitzgibbons gathered a team of partners with a vision for what the local scootering community could be. His years of experience with Bridgetown Scooters, prior to its demise in 1998 would give them the necessary knowledge to keep things moving in a progressive direction. PTown is known best for their necessary attention to detail as it pertains to quality restoration work and performance tuning. Of late, they have stirred the waters with their work on custom Lambretta builds for Bonham’s auction house. They also participate in the local PSRA racing season. Patrick himself can usually be found at the track dates. PTown Scooters (Store Front /Reception) 1515 Se. Ankeny Street Portland, Oregon 97214, USA Email : Website : (Corporate correspondence / Shipping: 4806 SE 16th Avenue, Portland)

Scooter Speed USA is located in Southern California in the city of Azusa. They specialise in Vintage Vespa and Lambretta parts, service, customisation, and restoration. Their staff of five has over 100 years of combined experience working on vintage scooters and are also part of the Dead Horse Race Team, which has won numerous titles and championships with the American Scooter Racing Association (ASRA). The shop stocks an extensive variety of parts with over 2000+ part numbers and growing, their focus is providing world-class customer satisfaction, outstanding product delivery and impeccable service. Whether you need a cable, or a full race motor, Scooter Speed USA are the team for you. Visit them at their Azusa CA headquarters, or on-line at the shop’s website. Scooter Speed USA 158 S. Irwindale Avenue Azusa, California 91702, USA Tel: (714) 759-2476 Email: Web:

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!"#$%&'(&'!)*)'+"%,-%.)#!"'/,,&!&)0& L’Officina Cosmoto è specializzata in restauri e personalizzazioni su Lambrette e vespe. Servizi: restauri professionali, revisioni motori, equilibratura e bilanciatura alberi motore, saldatura, Trasformazione carter Li da 125cc a 200c, sabbiatura, raddrizzatura telai e forcelle, verniciatura a polvere, sviluppo elaborazioni su motori Lambretta, Vespa. Servizio di banco prova frenato. For years, Cosmoto has been the main reference point for vintage scooters in Turin, North East Italy. They offer a full professional restoration service and are also well known for their top level customisation and tuning for both Lambrettas and Vespas. Run by long time scooterist Alessandro Carella, Cosmoto offer the following services: complete restoration, general servicing, full engine rebuilds, crankshaft rebuilds and balancing, alloy welding, steel stainless welding, sand blasting, tuning, race development, powder coating, frame straightening and (braked) dyno rolling road testing. They have vast experience in tuning, including product development, so are fully capable of setting up your Lambretta with all the Casa Performance products. Cosmoto Via Luigi Salvatore Cherubini, 12 10154, Torino (TO), Italy

Tel: (0039) 011 853900 Email: Website:

Roberto Barone in breve tempo si è fatto conoscere nella scena scooteristica grazie alle sue vincite in entrambe le Classi ‘Classic’ ed ‘Open’ del campionato Italiano VPI nel 2014, e nel Campionato ‘ESC’ Europeo nel 2015. Roberto elabora i motori 2 tempi da molti anni e queste esperienze acquisite gli hanno permesso di stare sempre davanti alla concorrenza. Negli ultimi anni Roberto ha cominciato a gareggiare nei campionati di scooter classici in tutta Europa con le squadre ‘Casa Lambretta Racing Team’ e ‘Team Parmakit / Barone Racing’. Roberto ha disegnato i performanti kit SS per conto di ‘Casa Performance’ e continua il suo lavoro come elaboratore per entrambi i Team mentre gareggiano sia nelle gare Italiane che nel Campionato Inglese ‘BSSO’. La sua officina è equipaggiata con tutta l’attrezzatura necessaria per garantire ottimi risultati nel tuo motore elaborato sia per Lambretta che Vespa. Roberto produce tantissimi prodotti di marchio ‘Barone Racing’, ormai famoso in tutto il mondo. Se vuoi essere davanti alla concorrenza, ‘Barone Racing’ è la tua scelta. Roberto Barone has been tuning 2-stroke engines for many years, his expertise allowing him to move into classic scooter racing with success with the Casa Lambretta and the Team Parmakit / Barone racing teams. Roberto designed and tuned the SS kits for Casa Lambretta and also manufactures exclusive parts including bespoke exhaust systems. At his workshops he has everything needed for you to get the very best from your engine, Lambretta or a Vespa, including full on-site rolling-road facilities. Barone Racing Via Romea 259 Savio di Cervia (RA), Italy


Tel : (0039) 347 4675239 Email:

RLC ha celebrato 20’anni di attività con il trasferimento nella nuova sede di 850mq situata nelle vicinanze di Rimini. La nuova sede ha un grande magazzino dedicato ai prodotti ‘Casa Lambretta’ insieme con i ricambi per elaborazioni e custom dai migliori produttori del mondo. C’è un area esposizione per mezzi restaurati, una stanza per il banco prova per testare tutti i prodotti casa Performance e nel riparto officina ci sono sei postazioni completamente equipaggiate, abilmente maneggiate da un team di meccanici ed ingegneri qualificato. RLC non è solo rinomata per l’alta qualità dei suoi restauri in tutto mondo ma ha anche disegnato e sviluppato la maggior parte dei ricambi che si trovano all’interno del catalogo Casa Performance. Il sito internet di RLC è facile da utilizzare per gli acquisti online e vengono effettuate moltissime spedizioni sia nazionali che internazionali ogni giorno. Se stai cercando ricambi nuovi di Casa Lambretta, Casa Performance, i rivoluzionari cambi Cyclone a 5 marce, accessori originali d’epoca, ricambi originali Innocenti NOS, oppure ti occorre un officina per effettuare un restauro o lavoro di elaborazione, RLC è la tua prima scelta.

RLC celebrated 20 years of trading in 2015 by moving to new 850mq premises situated just outside of Rimini. The new location has massive stores to house the FULL Casa Lambretta parts range along with specialist tuning and custom parts from all the major manufacturers worldwide. The RLC website is easy to use for on-line purchases and they offer a daily express mail order service, shipping both nationally and internationally. There is also a permanent display area and an inhouse, state-of-the-art dyno rolling road facilities for the testing and fitting of all ‘Casa Performance’ products to your scooter. RLC is renowned for its level of restoration and the workshop area consists of six fully equipped workstations, ably manned by a team of qualified mechanics and engineers. RLC has developed a substantial amount of the products for the Casa Performance range and runs the Casa Lambretta Racing Team. Whether you are looking for new Casa parts, the exclusive Cyclone 5-Speed gearboxes, rare original accessories, NOS parts or need a full restoration, RLC has the ability to satisfy your every Lambretta need.

Tel: (0039) 0541 686449 Email:

Via delle Industrie 13 (Zona artigianale di Camerano) Poggio Berni 47824 Poggio Torriana (RN) Italy

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!"#$%&'(&'!)*)'+"%,-%.)#!"'/,,&!&)0& SCOOTER ITALIANO (Pisaniello Bruno) è ormai dal 1999 rivenditore dei ricambi Casa Lambretta per il nord-est. Da diversi anni abbiamo una nuova sede più ampia dove potrai trovare tutti i prodotti e l’assistenza di questa nuova linea Casa Performance. Realizziamo Lambrette originali e personalizzate seguendo tutte le lavorazioni. Abbiamo una vasta scelta di accessori, cromature, parti in carbonio, oltre a realizzare e ricostruire diverse parti. Scooter Italiano è anche rivenditore dei gadgets e abbagliamento con il marchio CASASCOOTER! Ogni anno organizziamo il WINTER SCOOTER RUN che si tiene nella giornata dell’8 dicembre e che raduna decine di appassionati! Scooter Italiano, run by Bruno Pisaniello, has been a main Casa Lambretta dealer for the North-East of Italy since 1999. Several years ago they moved into new, larger premises where you can find all the products and workshop facilities to offer the assistance for the new Casa Performance line of products. They create original and personalized Lambrettas and offer a full range of services. Scooter Italiano also stock a wide selection of tuning parts, accessories, chrome and carbon parts from a vast range of suppliers and also manufacture their own range of products. They are also a retailer of gadgets and clothing for the Casa Scooter brand. Every year they also organise the Winter Scooter Run held on December 8th which has become well established with dozens of scooter enthusiasts! Scooter Italiano Via Pordenone 17 33080, San Quirino (PN), Italy

Tel: +39 348 3033266 Email: Website:

‘Lambretta Point’ gestita dai Flli.Chiozzi è un concessionario ‘Casa Lambretta’ da molti anni e la loro esperienza è estesa anche all’elaborazione grazie all’assistenza del noto meccanico scooterista Italiano Alberto Vicentini da Ferrara . A parte la completa disponibilità di ricambi sia di Casa Lambretta che Casa Performance, ‘Lambretta Point’ offre il servizio officina ed elaborazione su appuntamento. Lambretta Point, run by the Chiozzi brothers is a long established Casa dealer and their experience also extends into the tuning field thanks to the assistance of renowned Italian scooter mechanic and tuner, Albertino of Ferrara. As well as full spares availability for both Casa Lambretta and Casa Performance, Lambretta Point also offers full in-house workshop facilities and tuning work can be carried out by appointment. Lambretta Point Via Delle Olivetani 36 44100, Ferrara (FE), Italy


Tel : +39 0532 62814 Email: Website:


With 32 years of spanner-wielding and scooter riding experience behind him – 10 years as JB Tuning – John Balcomb has, over the years, created some of the fastest (and finest) Lambretta and Vespa scooters in the country. John’s scooter racing career saw plenty of success, which continued with Team JB Tuning who won the Group 4 Championship with employee and rider Mikey Bonett. The first British Casa Lambretta Performance agent to be appointed and officially the main Casa Performance concessionaire for the United Kingdom, John was involved with the SS kit’s production, helping develop the inlet manifolds. In 2015 JBT became the first British race team to use the SS 225 kit on the track, Mikey achieving 11 wins (the most in the group), 22 podiums and overall Runner-Up in Group 6. Developing the kit further throughout

the season, JBT are currently the only outlet offering their own in-house developed parts to upgrade the SS kit even further, should customers require more! The first specialist scooter dyno centre in Essex, JB Tuning continues to develop products for customers’ scooters, both on and off the road. Whether you’re a daily commuter, Sunday rider or high mileage rally-goer, they have what you need, from individual parts, to an engine rebuild or complete scooter: restoration, street racer or fullblown custom machine, or just a MOT. Check out the website for more details, magazine features and of course their online shop. Tel: +44 (0)1702 545952 Email: Website: Webshop:

JB Tuning, Unit 8, Robert Leonard Ind. Estate, Aviation Way, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS2 6UN

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!"#$%&'(&'!)*)'+"%,-%.)#!"'/,,&!&)0& Thanet Area Scooter Services (TASS) is a specialist Lambretta, Vespa and LML scooter shop run by scooterists for scooterists. Established since 1988, TASS is owned and run by Roger Lucas, exscooter racer, with over 35 years of invaluable scooter experience. This combination of specialist experience in tuning and dedication to quality restorations, guarantees customers of TASS a fully comprehensive service from start to finish. THey have one of the largest stocks of quality parts and accessories in the UK and a 24/7 online webshop with fast mail-order service. Alternatively, visit their fully-stocked high street shop and showroom, rammed with products dedicated to vintage Lambretta, Vespa and LML machines. The workshop is fully equipped for all your scooter requirements: restorations, performance tuning, rebuilds, carb jetting, reboring, resprays, insurance repairs, fault-finding and servicing. Thanet Area Scooter Services (TASS) 114 Northdown Rd, Margate Kent, CT9 2RE Tel: +44 1843 292440 Email: Website:

Chiselspeed was founded originally in 1981 when proprietor Martin Cook still working for Alandale Motors, situated just 20 metres from where the shop is located today. Martin went solo in 1982, sharing premises with Downtown Custom for a couple of years. In their current location Chiselspeed has dyno rolling-road facilities, a fully equipped machine shop, workshops and showroom. Renowned for building top quality Lambretta and Vespa engines, carrying out high end restorations on classic machines and when we they get free time, they also race in the British ‘BSSO Scooter Championships’, where they have been competing since 1977 until the present day. Chiselspeed were one of the first UK shops to test the Casa SS performance kits enabling them to build up a fantastic working knowledge of these revolutionary products. Chiselspeed Tuning Ltd Unit 2 & 3 Enterprise Industrial Estate Aberford Road, Barwick in Elmet Leeds, LS15 4EF Tel: (0044) 113 2811052 Email: Website:


Scooter Surgery are a Casa Lambretta agent based in Hammersmith, London that carry a large stock of scooter parts covering all the Lambretta models from A to GP. They offer performance and reliability, covering more than 30,000 miles a year between them on scooters so they understand what is needed to make scooters that work on the road. In fact they commute most days to work through the city on classic Lambrettas! Their policy is to test all the products they sell. How does this work? All scooters are test run by Patrick before the customer rides them. All complete restorations carry a one-year warranty that applies to parts and labour. Scooter Surgery Arch 219, Trussley Road Hammersmith, London W67PP Tel: 0044 (0)20 8748 0882 Email: Website:

Readspeed Scooters was established in Stourport in 2002 and is a family run business specialising in the building, servicing, tuning and testing of Lambretta, Vespa and automatic scooters, as well as any two and four stroke motorbikes and engines. They also have a dedicated MOT bay for any two-wheeled vehicle. Readspeed have a nationwide reputation for the building of bespoke Lambretta and Vespa engines and are always looking at ways to improve the performance and reliability of scooters on the road. They have the facility to dyno your machine and have a fixed hourly rate for this service (plus parts). Readspeed also manufacture a large range of Lambretta and Vespa performance products unavailable elsewhere as well as boasting a dedicated workshop for welding, porting and tuning, cylinder head machining and of course engine builds, repairs and rebuilds. Readspeed Ltd. 39 Mitton Street, Stourport On Severn Worcestershire, DY13 9AQ Tel: (0044) 01299 828037 Email: Website:

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!"#$%&'(&'!)*)'+"%,-%.)#!"'/,,&!&)0& Team Taffspeed started riding in scooter competitions way back in 1971, taking part in navigational road trials, grass track, sporting off-road trials and circuit racing organised by the ‘Federation of British Scooter Clubs’ (FBSC). In 1983 the first Taffspeed Performance Tuning Centre was set up in Newport, South Wales. Today Taffspeed operate a worldwide mail order spares service. They are also a Malossi Tech Centre, Polini Tech Centre, and additional services available include performance exhaust systems, performance parts and accessories, full race engine preparation, bespoke engine rebuilds, cylinder barrel porting, Dynojet rolling road facility, specialist machining workshop, cylinder rebores and replating service, engine recondition work, servicing and tuning work. Taffspeed are acknowledged as one of the leaders in the development and tuning of Vespa and Lambretta scooters and the development of related performance parts with their tuned Vespas making in excess of 26bhp and their Lambretta’s in excess of 30bhp. Taffspeed Performance Scooter Tuning Centre 266 - 270 Corporation Road, Newport South Wales, NP19 0DZ Tel: (0044) 01633 244444 Email: / Website:

With a vast professional experience gathered over the last 30 years in engineering and producing race and road-going scooter engines, you will be provided with a quality product that has been carefully produced by Paul ‘Chalkie’ White in his Rothwell based Lambretta workshop. Also providing top quality products specifically for scooters with servicing and advice along the way: if you have a scooter related problem, it can be solved. Why not give Chalkie a call or drop in to the shop? He would be very pleased to help you. Replay Scooters 2 The Avenue, Rothwell Northants, NN14 6EY Tel: +44 1536 418893 Email: Website:


With their new shop located in the South of France, owner Samuel Moulet runs this long established Casa Lambretta dealership. They hold a vast stock of parts and work closely with the Lambretta Club of France. Their wealth of knowledge for all things Lambretta also extends to tuning, so you will have the necessary assistance for the products within the Casa Performance range. Casa Lambretta France 60 Chemin Du Cores 73420, Drumettaz-Clarafond, France Tel: 0033 479 358676 Email: Website:

Corey Fraser has owned a Lambretta since the mid 1980s and is the owner and operator of Scooter Fix!, a shop located in Richmond, Ontario, about 25km south west of Ottawa. Scooter Fix! is Canada’s only online shop specialising in the sale of Lambretta parts. Working closely with the Lambretta Club of Canada, Scooter Fix! strives to educate and facilitate the exchange of information and expertise to our customers, in the service and preservation of vintage Lambretta motor vehicles. They help to provide them with the answers to their questions, and the resources related to Lambretta scooters and all related concerns. Scooter Fix! support all efforts to improve the development and distribution of Lambretta products and services related to the preservation and use of these vehicles. Naturally they are excited to be part of the Casa Lambretta Performance Network of dealers. Scooter Fix! 1061-107 Hamilton Street Richmond (Ottawa) Ontario, K0A 2Z0, Canada Tel: 1-613-462-1788 Email:

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!"#$%&'(&'!)*)'+"%,-%.)#!"'/,,&!&)0& Scooter Passion has been the exclusive dealer Casa Lambretta in Belgium for a few years now. Thanks to his experience and collaboration with the Italian headquarters, Fabio decided to go further and Scooter Passion is now also the exclusive Casa Performance Centre in Belgium too. Besides supplying new and quality used parts to restore your Lambretta, Scooter Passion also offers you a range of Casa Performance products. Fabio not only sells certified pieces but also provides personalised advice. This helps you select and also to set up these specialised parts. Thanks to this offer and their our partnership with Casa Performance, Scooter Passion not only offer parts which will improve the reliability and the performance of your Lambretta, but you will also gain from the advantage of the expertise developed and shared with the Casa Performance network. Scooter Passion Rue du Tahay 6 4357 Limont, Belgium Tel: 0495346657 Email: Website:

Stoffi’s Garage is the longest running specialised scooter shop in Austria. They are a main Casa Lambretta agent, produce their own parts and also supply parts manufactured by all the major product brands. Stoffi’s Garage is a massive shop with ample stores, workshops, display area and even a scooter museum within the premises. Owner Stoffi is well known on the scene having built several show-winning scooters over the years, both for customers and himself. He has been attending rallies and organising race events for many years too and this vast experience enables Stoffi’s to offer you a full all-encompassing service from servicing, repairs, restoration through to high-level tuning. Stoffi’s were one of the first scooter shops to fit an in-house dyno machine and the experience gained from this, coupled with that gained on the racetracks of Europe, means that you can be sure your scooter will perform as you expect it to. Stoffi´s Garage e.U. Maria Aicherstr.31 4911 Tumeltsham, Austria Tel: 0043 7752 88707 Email: Website:


Scooter Center are without doubt one of the most important dealers in the world. They are solely responsible for the manufacture of the incredible BGM range of high quality parts, for both Vespas and Lambrettas. Their premises are massive with a cool display area, a maze of offices, an R&D section, fully fitted workshops with a Dyno machine and a modern computerised storage and packing warehouse. The whole set-up is breath-taking and demonstrates Scooter Center’s dedication to the Casa Lambretta and Casa Performance brands. Within this catalogue you’ll find a vast selection of their BGM products and for good reason: these are the very same products that have enabled the Casa Lambretta Racing Team scooters to be so successful on the racetracks across Europe. The experience gained from sponsoring the Team has subsequently enabled Scooter Center to offer the scootering public the possibility to utilise the very same BGM parts on their road-going machines. Scooter Center Kurt Schumacher Str.1 50129, Bergheim-Glessen, Germany Tel: 0049 2238 307430 Email: Website:

ASM Scooters is without doubt the most important Lambretta shop in Spain. They are a main Casa Lambretta dealer and besides the new products, also offer good used parts and complete machines. They have a fully fitted shop with stores, where you can find the Casa Performance range of products and also a well-equipped workshop where these parts can be professionally fitted to your scooter. A.S.M. Scooters Calle Cantimpla,2 29003, Málaga, Spain Email: Website: Tel: 0034 952 332622 Mobile: 0034 628 839985

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!"#$%&'(&'!)*)'+"%,-%.)#!"'/,,&!&)0& Based in Jakarta, Indonesia Jak Scootz are a small team made up of English and Indonesian scooterists building a reputation for delivering premium scooter parts and accessories at competitive prices throughout Asia. Naturally they focus on importing the best high performance products and ‘hard to find’ scooter parts from the big scootering brands you know and trust including Casa Lambretta, Parmakit, BGM and Scooter Center. Focused solely on Lambretta and Vespa products, Jak Scootz have a wealth of over 25 years of scootering and distribution experience backed up by the companies we represent. When you need real quality, great prices and the best service, contact Jak Scootz! Jak Scootz Jl. Cinere Raya Gg. H. Sahrun, Cinere, Depok, Jawa Barat,16514, Indonesia Tel: 0062 (0) 817 876455 Email: Website:

Casa Lambretta Australia have a good team to call on, having years of experience tuning high spec engines producing up to 34hp. Ron’s personal knowledge goes back to 1958, assisting his uncle who was head mechanic at Winterbottom’s, the Australian dealer in the 50s and 60s when Lambrettas were shipped to Fremantle and sent by train to Melbourne, Sydney and all major cities. Ron’s Uncle Luigi, when working with Winterbottom’s, was responsible for setting up the LD 125 that broke the world record for longest distance travelled in 24 hours in 1960, an achievement for which Innocenti struck a medal. Ron has a diploma of mechanical engineering and has spent most of his working life in R&D, in charge of thermodynamic laboratories, involving diesel, petrol and gas-turbine engines, and of course 2-stroke engines. Since becoming the main Casa agent in Australia the shop have built engines capable of 140kph that not only proved to be fast but also extremely reliable. Ron has ridden his scooter from Sydney to Perth, a distance of over 4,000 kilometres, and has also competed in four Milan-Taranto events – all with Casa Performance equipment and each time with the engine performing faultlessly. Casa Lambretta Australia has the expertise to build, tune and service high-end engines that not only go fast but last the distance. Established for a number of years now, Ron’s son Martin is looking to take over the business eventually having worked alongside Ron for over 15 years. Casa Lambretta Australia therefore intends on being around for many years to come, unlike some shops that have come and gone. Casa Lambretta Australia Renato De’Pannone 112 Nanson St , Wembley 6014, Australia Tel: 61 8 9387 3031 / Mobile: 0401 619 982 Email: Website:


Scooter rider Marcello Colombo has dedicated all his spare time to his passion for Lambrettas since 1979. In 2002 he opened a shop and workshop in Sweden in order to help all the Lambretta riders in Scandinavia with spare parts, restoration and tuning. His extensive experience helps customers with technical advice and selecting parts. As a result, after a huge demand for service, restoration and tuning, Marcello and his friend Johan opened a second workshop 2015, in order to maintain the same good customer service but now with a shorter lead-time for work to be carried out. Casa Lambretta Scandinavia RÜnnvägen 18 74012 Knutby, Sweden Tel: 0046 (0)70 6348264 Email: Website:

Retro-Scooter - for all your restoration and tuning requirements in New Zealand with over 60 years combined experience in riding and working on Vespa and Lambretta. Head mechanic Andrew has travelled over 100,000 km on his GP200 alone! Retro-Scooter also organise the Motoretta TT 1,000 mile scooter challenge (www. as well as serving the best espresso you will ever drink in a scooter shop! Retro-Scooter 5 Newton Road, Grey Lynn Auckland, New Zealand Website: Email: Tel: +64 9 3600886

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Available from mid-2016 is the incredible new Casa Performance ‘CasaCase’. This engine casing allows the fitment of all manner of cylinders, from air-cooled to water-cooled. This engine casing is revolutionary in being extremely robust and has untold technical solutions. This engine casing has been developed by the guys at Rimini Lambretta Centre exclusively for the Casa Performance line. The idea was to make the casing as adaptable and affordable as possible. This is a mass-market solution rather than a high-end piece of exotica. We want to make the CasaCase the ONLY choice for Lambrettisti, both for the amazing technical advantages is has over all comparative products AND economically speaking. Some of the unique features of the CasaCase are that it is highly adaptable and can accept stock cylinders or be machined to suit a selection of outrageous large capacity 2-stroke cylinders including some forthcoming Casa Performance kits which are expected to make in excess of 55hp. The crank area castings are designed to split vertically in order to fit a crankshaft rather than loading via the mag housing orifice. Also, the CasaCase is designed around wider, larger diameter, longer-stroke crankshafts made by top Italian crankshaft specialists Primatist.


The crank for this engine will be 100mm diameter and 50mm across the big-end (instead of 40.5mm). There is a veritable range of cranks available with strokes ranging from 58mm up to 64mm stroke and a choice of 100mm or 120mm conrods. For those wishing to push things even further, there is enough meat in the casings to stroke out to 68mm - or even more if required. Other important features of the CasaCase casings are that they use a special slim drive-side bearing that maintains the con-rod axis in the standard position. This means that all current types of Lambretta performance exhaust can be used without modification. The castings for the engine mounts are MASSIVE and mentally strong. This was an important safety measure for us after the Casa Lambretta Racing Team’s riders snapped two standard casings during the European ESC race series and cracked another at Cadwell Park in 2015. One immediately obvious improvement over all other Lambretta casings on the market – standard or otherwise – is the massively-enlarged gasket face area allowing the fitment of anything from conventional Lambretta barrels to extreme exotica. Hence why we are confident in the boast that the CasaCases “have the largest gasket face of any Lambretta engine in the Universe.”

The Casa Performance casing is also designed to take two new SS cylinder kits which are on the way. These exploit external studs which permits improved internal porting without the limitations imposed on normal Lambretta kits and stud patterns. This modification makes it possible to release more power for the same capacity. These new Casa SS kits are a 225cc kit with 58mm stroke and 70mm piston and a 250cc kit with 64mm stroke and a 70mm piston. Both will be available as both air cooled and water cooled. A third option is being developed that uses a 78mm bore and a 72mm stroke crank, giving a 345cc engine capacity. However despite the massive engine size, we are confident that the same power can be obtained from the 250cc configuration. The CasaCases take all standard Lambretta gearbox components but have been designed to accept a tidalwave of forthcoming alterations, modifications and beefedup parts. The most notable is a special side casing - called the CasaCover – which is being manufactured with room for a bigger 7-plate clutch! This incredible unit is designed to easily take up to 60bhp and has a built in motocross type cush-drive. Visually, the CasaCover is a work of art and has an improved clutch actuator, using a rack and pinion mechanism (similar to the Vespa PK XL) to offer the lightest

possible clutch action. The CasaCover is designed to be backwards-compatible as it is possible to use the new super-clutch on normal Lambretta engines when fitted in conjunction with the new side-casing. A special, forged, 10mm-longer kickstart shaft is being manufactured for the CasaCover. Another particularly interesting aspect of this engine is the rear brake set-up. Again, this is reverse-compatible with Lambretta drum-brake components, however there are two innovative and upgraded solutions on offer to improve matters. A twin leading-shoe drum brake conversion will be offered. This uses a cam at both ends of the shoes to massively improve brake performance, using the same method employed on all vintage GP bikes. Another upgrade option is an external rear hydraulic disc brake conversion which is undergoing testing. Once production is at full chat, we’ll be offering bare casings, casings with cranks and full ready-built ‘plug ‘n’ play’ engines for your Casa Performance dealer to simply fit and you to enjoy!

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Casa Descrizione




7 Plate Special Clutch by BSG – 46T (for CasaCase & CasaCover)




7 Plate Special Clutch by BSG – 47T (For CasaCase & CasaCover)




CasaCase Crankcase (with crankshaft & flywheel cover)




Crankshaft for CasaCase 58mm x 110mm




Crankshaft for CasaCase 60mm x 110mm




Crankshaft for CasaCase 62mm x 110mm




Crankshaft for CasaCase 64mm x 110mm




Crankshaft for CasaCase 66mm x 110mm




Crankshaft for CasaCase 58mm x 120mm




Crankshaft for CasaCase 60mm x 120mm




Crankshaft for CasaCase 62mm x 120mm




Crankshaft for CasaCase 64mm x 120mm




Crankshaft for CasaCase 66mm x 120mm



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L’azienda Europlast fa capo alla famiglia Succi ed è operativa nel settore della lavorazione della vetroresina fin dal 1974. Data la passione per le moto della famiglia Succi, si è aggiunta la realizzazione di componenti specifici per moto d’epoca e moderne. Attualmente l’Europlast vanta oltre cento modelli tra serbatoi, carenature e sellini per moto d’epoca, oltre ad altri componenti specifici per Vespa e Lambretta; inoltre l’azienda è sempre disponibile ad effettuare riparazioni su parti deteriorate o danneggiate, oppure la ricostruzione su campione di qualsiasi componente motociclistico e/o automobilistico. Per “Casa Performance” realizza in esclusiva tutte le parti di carrozzeria della Lambretta, utilizzando la miglior fibra di vetro sul mercato. Europlast è inoltre un ‘Casa Performance dealer’ autorizzato. The Europlast company is run by the Succi family and they have been producing fibreglass products since 1974. It wasn’t long before the Succi family’s passion for all things two-wheeled ensured that they began to produce items for both vintage and modern motorcycles. Nowdays, Europlast produce over 100 different models of petrol tank, fairings and seat units for vintage motorcycles, scooters and of course, the exclusive parts for the Casa Performance line. These high quality parts are perfectly interchangeable with the original bodywork parts, with the added advantage of being much lighter. Giampaolo Succi is a keen Lambretta rider and has worked extensively on the creation of the fantastic race bodywork as seen on the Casa Lambretta Racing Team scooters and also the bodywork as used on the Race Replica Lambretta’s seen here within this catalogue. Another service that Europlast offer their customers is the fitting of parts found in this catalogue as they are an authorised Casa Performance dealer! Europlast, Via Lasagna 16, 47035 Gambettola (FC), Italy. Tel./Fax 0547.56365

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Sorta nel 2003, la Primatist conta sull’entusiasmo e la trentennale esperienza nel mondo dei motori dei soci Belotti Sandro e Tinini Giancarlo. Con professionalità e spirito innovativo, abbiamo deciso di intraprendere un prescorso di produzione ed ottimizzazione di ogni componente dell’albero motore. Grazie alla cura minuziosa nella ricerca dei migliori materiali e di millesimali varietà di forme e misure, assicuriamo la creazione di un prodotto unico ed eccellente, sia nel design, sia nell’efficienza tecnica che meccanica. Anticipando le esigenze della nostra clientela, apportiamo modifiche e migliorie personalizzate e concorrenziali, correndo a pieno ritmo nell’incessante sviluppo del motore da corsa.


Founded in 2003, the company Primatist has years of experience in the field of producing engine components although they now specialise solely in the production of high level crankshafts, for which they are renowned across Europe. Thanks to their attention to even the most minute detail, along with being able to anticipate their customers’ needs mean that they are able to design, develop, modify and apply continual improvements to their products, right across the range. This work ethic enables them to stay at the very forefront of development in the frenetic world of racing. For Casa Performance, Primatist has designed and produced exclusive crankshafts made from the best possible materials on the market. This is ably demonstrated by the fact that during the 2015 ESC Championships, the Casa Lambretta Racing team SS225 (with 38bhp on tap) used the same Primatist crankshaft from start to finish of the race season. When the engine was stripped for the season-end inspection, the crank was thoroughly checked. It was, and still is, absolutely mint – as good as the day it was put into the scooter!

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Il Kit più venduto di Casa Lambretta, la trasformazione ideale per chi è un mangiatore di chilometri, potente, affidabile ed economico. Questo kit a 5 travasi, con canna in nikasil è stato studiato per ottimizzare al massimo la resa termodinamica del motore Lambretta. Non è una elaborazione esasperata, ma una trasformazione moderna per avere un motore più potente ma anche con consumi ridotti, aumentando notevolmente l’autonomia di marcia. Il cilindro è prodotto dalla Gilardoni, la più importante azienda italiana del settore, mentre il pistone è costruito dalla Vertex, rinomata per la qualità dei suoi prodotti. Più di 1.000 clienti usano con soddisfazione questo Kit e siamo certi che continueranno ad avere grandi soddisfazioni, grazie alla incredibile affidabilità di questo prodotto. Per sfruttare al massimo le potenzialità del 185 X1 consigliamo di montare anche l’accensione elettronica X45, la marmitta X52 e il carburatore X13. For good reason this is Casa Lambretta’s best-selling kit. If you’re looking to do some SERIOUS mile-munching and want a superb spread of power to go with unrivalled fuel economy, then the Casa 185 is the ONLY choice. This 5-port kit, made of high grade aluminium with a Nikasil lined bore, is designed to have excellent heat dispersion and the quality is light years ahead of anything similar on the market. Italian specialists Gilardoni, the market leaders in the field of cylinder production, produce these barrels exclusively for Casa Lambretta – there’s no messing around with poorly cast or unsymmetrical porting here! And matched with Vertex pistons, with the Casa 185 kit you are simply getting the best products money can buy. Note that the Casa 185 is NOT a highly tuned ‘race’ kit. It IS however designed to offer you a modern, bullet-proof transformation for your smallblock Lambretta engine and is the perfect solution to making your 125/150cc Lambretta both useable and fun to ride on modern roads, offering more power with outstanding fuel economy. With thousands of kits already sold we are sure that this will continue to be the No.1 choice for Lambrettisti for many years to come. In our opinion, this is simply the best plug ‘n’ play kit in its class! Casa Recommends the following with X1: Casatronic variable electronic ignition (X45-X46-X47), Casa Clubman exhaust (X21) and 26mm carb (X13)!





% ( $ ' ' $ & % !"#$%

Tecnicamente uguale al X1 il kit X2 è dedicato ai motori 200 carter larghi. Le caratteristiche di affidabilità, potenza e economia sono le stesse; la nuova versione 2016 è stata modificata incrementando la potenza massima, la cilindrata e adottando un nuovo pistone Vertex superleggero di produzione esclusiva “Casa Lambretta”. Technically having the same characteristics as the X1 Casa 185 kit, the X2 kit is the version for large-block 200cc engine casings. With a capacity of 225cc, again this is made of high quality aluminium and has a Nikasil lined bore for excellent heat dispersion. NEW FOR 2016: this kit now features much improved porting, providing much more power, yet still maintaining the same outstanding fuel economy. It also now comes with a super-strong, ultra-lightweight Vertex piston, once again manufactured exclusively for Casa Lambretta.

Casa Recommends the following with X2: Casatronic variable electronic ignition system (X47), ‘Casa Power Plus’ exhaust (X92), 30 mm carb kit (X15-X15/A).

9 8 1 7 6 5 4 3 ,12$" X2

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!"#$$%&'(")%*% Codice Casa

X1 X1/A X1/B M18/B M17/B X1/C 1040 1000 1010 1042 X1/D X1/E X2 X2/A X2/B X2/C 1041 1001 1009 X2/D X2/E



Kit Casa185 complete - Cylinder/Piston/Head/Rings/ Pin/ Circlips Pistone Completo / Piston complete Casa185 Fascia elastica / Piston Ring Casa185 (64x1) Seeger per pistone / Circlip for piston Spinotto pistone / Gudgeon Pin Set 4 prigionieri per aspirazione e scarico / Kit studs Casa185 Guarnizione base cilindro / Base gasket small block (1 mm) Guarnizione base cilindro / Base gasket small block (0,5 mm) Guarnizione aspirazione / Manifold gasket Casa185 Guarnizione scarico / Exhaust gasket Casa185/225 Testata / Head Casa185 Cilindro / Cylinder Casa185 Kit Casa 225cc complete - Cylinder/Piston/Head/ Rings/ Pin/ Circlips Pistone Completo / Piston complete Casa 225 Fascia elastica / Piston Ring Casa 225 (70x1) Set 4 prigionieri per aspirazione e scarico / Kit studs Casa 225 Guarnizione base cilindro / Base gasket big block (1 mm) Guarnizione base cilindro / Base gasket big block (0,5 mm) Guarnizione aspirazione / Manifold gasket Casa 225 Testata / Head Casa 225 Cilindro / Cylinder Casa 225



125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200


5 4 3 2 1 & 0 / . +,-& & / < & ; : 0 677&89 B 7 7 9 A @ > = > @ < > & , 7 ? 9 7 > 9=9 32


420,00 110,00 16,00 0,50 6,00 8,00 2,50 2,50 1,00 2,50 100,00 200,00 440,00 125,00 16,00 8,00 2,50 2,50 1,00 100,00 200,00

!"#$%&'()*$+, M 17/B

1000 - 1040


X/C - X2C


M 18/B


X1/B - X2/B


1001 - 1041

X1/D - X2/D

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( % $ ' $ & % $ !"# Per i Lambrettisti più sportivi ed esigenti Casa Lambretta ha sviluppato, in collaborazione con Parmakit e il tecnico Roberto Barone, un gruppo termico lamellare dalle caratteristiche eccezionali. Disponibile nelle due classiche cilindrate di 200 per i carter piccoli e 225 per i carter grandi, questo kit è il più performante sul mercato mondiale. Altissima qualità costruttiva, integralmente prodotto in Italia, prestazioni incredibili, sono le sue principali caratteristiche. Il cilindro è fuso in conchiglia per una perfezione assoluta, la testa è ricavata dal pieno e il pistone è realizzato dalla Vertex su disegno esclusivo. Per il gruppo lamellare abbiamo optato per un modello a 6 petali con stopper, che garantisce un grande volume di passaggio.


X7 Questo Kit è stato testato per ben 3 anni in tutti i circuiti italiani ed esteri, conquistando il primato assoluto nella sua categoria. Nel 2015 ha vinto il campionato ESC battendo le più agguerrite Vespa e Lambretta: per la prima volta una Lambretta ha vinto un campionato europeo contro la Vespa! Un risultato incredibile che dimostra la grande potenzialità di questa elaborazione, preparata e sviluppata dai nostri tecnici di Casa Performance. Considerando l’altissima potenza sviluppata del Kit SS, si consiglia di appoggiarsi ai Casa Lambretta Centre per la consulenza tecnica in fase di montaggio e la perfetta messa a punto. Nel caso si volesse partecipare a competizioni in circuito, sono disponibili cilindri ulteriormente elaborati dal nostro centro ufficiale di Rimini Lambretta Centre.


!"#$%&'()*$+, Specifically designed for the sporting rider who wants nothing but the very best there is on the market, Casa Lambretta has developed two kits that fit the bill. For small-block engines there is the SS200cc kit (X6) and for the large-block engines there is the SS225cc (X7) kit. These two kits are the most powerful out-of-the-box kits available on the market, period. Extremely well made, completely manufactured in Italy with incredible power and giving an unrivaled turn of speed, these are the main points that set the SS performance kits head and shoulders above anything else on the market. Being high-pressure die cast means that the finish of the cylinders is absolutely perfect and the heads are machined from solid billet. Once again, Vertex provide the pistons which have been especially designed and manufactured for the SS kits. The reed-valves are 6-petal units with stoppers and this guarantees perfect, massive fuel flow induction. Prior to production, we tested these kits for three (yes, 3!) years on racetracks all across Europe, providing Casa Lambretta with numerous race and category wins. Simply put, the SS kits enabled us to be triumphant in every category we entered. In 2015 a Lambretta fitted with an SS225 kit won the ESC Championships, beating the fastest, best racing Vespas and Lambrettas. For the first time ever, a Lambretta won a European Championship, against a sea of Vespas! All summed up, incredible results that demonstrate just what the SS kits are capable of, thanks to the continued, consistent development carried out by the Casa Performance mechanics and technicians. (For those of you who wish to have your SS kit tuned for total racetrack use, specially prepared cylinders are available to purchase from certain Casa Performance Centres). Casa Recommends: Considering the high-end performance offered by these SS kits, we STRONGLY recommend that you enlist the help of a Casa Performance Centre for either the fitting or at the very least, the final fine-tuning that will enable you to get the very best out of what are the most powerful kits on the market.

X6 e X7

X6 e X7

X6 e X7

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!"#$$%&'(")%*% Codice Casa Descrizione

X6 X6/A X6/B X6/C 1051 1052 1053 1045 1046 1047 1063 1064 X6/D X6/E X6/R X7 X7/A X7/B 1059 1060 1061 1055 1056 1057 X7/D X7/E X7/R


Kit Casa200 SS / Kit Cylinder/Piston/Head Casa200 SS Pistone Completo / Piston complete Casa200 SS Fascia elastica / Piston Ring Casa200 SS (66x1) Set 4 prigionieri, dadi e ranelle / Kit studs, nuts and washers Casa 200/225 SS Guarnizione base cilindro / Base gasket small block Casa200 SS (0,3 mm) Guarnizione base cilindro / Base gasket small block Casa200 SS (0,5 mm) Guarnizione base cilindro / Base gasket small block Casa200 SS (1 mm) Guarnizione testata / Head gasket Casa200 SS (0,4 mm) Guarnizione testata / Head gasket Casa200 SS (0,6 mm) Guarnizione testata / Head gasket Casa200 SS (1 mm) Guarnizione per pacco lamellare / Reed valve gasket 200/225 SS Guarnizione per scarico cilindro SS / Exhaust gasket 200/225 SS Testata CNC standard / Head Casa200 SS Cilindro / Cylinder Casa200 SS Testata / Head RACING Casa200 SS Kit Casa 225 SS / Kit Cylinder/Piston/Head Casa225 SS Pistone Completo / Piston complete Casa225 SS Fascia elastica / Piston Ring Casa225 SS (70x1) Guarnizione base cilindro / Base gasket big block Casa225 SS (0,3 mm) Guarnizione base cilindro / Base gasket big block Casa225 SS (0,5 mm) Guarnizione base cilindro / Base gasket big block Casa225 SS (1 mm) Guarnizione testata / Head gasket Casa225 SS (0,4 mm) Guarnizione testata / Head gasket Casa225 SS (0,6 mm) Guarnizione testata / Head gasket Casa225 SS (1 mm) Testata CNC standard / Head Casa225 SS Cilindro / Cylinder Casa225 SS Testata / Head RACING Casa225 SS

125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 Tutti 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 Tutti Tutti 125-150-175 125-150-175 125-150-175 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200 SX-DL200

X6/E - X7/E X6/A - X7/A



670,00 130,00 16,00 40,00 2,50 2,50 2,50 3,00 3,00 3,00 1,50 4,00 110,00 280,00 130,00 720,00 140,00 16,00 2,50 2,50 2,50 3,00 3,00 3,00 120,00 300,00 130,00



1045 1046 1047

1051 1052 1053



1059 1060 1061

X6/B - X7/B

X6/D - X7/D

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X6/R - X7/R




Questo Kit è stato studiato per migliorare le prestazioni delle Lambretta Junior e Lui 50. Realizzato dalla ParmaKit in esclusiva per Casa Lambretta, si caratterizza dal cilindro in allumino con canna in Nikasil, dal pistone prodotto dalla Vertex e dalla cilindrata maggiorata a 75cc. Un prodotto assolutamente affidabile ed economico che risolve con successo la cronica mancanza di prestazioni della Lambretta 50, pur non pregiudicando la proverbiale robustezza del motore originale. Per ottenere i migliori risultati è necessario sostituire il pignone catena per allungare i rapporti; se si desiderasse incrementare ancora le prestazioni è opportuno montare il carburatore maggiorato e la marmitta modificata. Si avverte che tale modifica comporta l’aggiornamento della carta di circolazione. We all know that the Lambretta J50 and Lui 50cc models were chronically slow and performance-wise, lack-lustre to say the least. This kit is the simple, economical solution to all your original (lack of) speed related woes. Produced exclusively for Casa Lambretta by Parmakit, this has been developed to make your 50cc Lambretta useable in modern day traffic. With a capacity of 75cc, the barrel is in aluminium with a Nikasillined bore, whilst a Vertex piston completes the picture. The kit is ‘plug n’ play’ and the quality is excellent.



Casa Recommends: We advise that the very minimum you change is the gear cluster (X168-X169) along with the front sprocket (X28-X29). For even better results, fitting a large bore exhaust (X42-X42/A) and a large carb (X14-X16). Remember, tuning modifications may invalidate your insurance!


!"#$%&'()*$+, Codice Casa

X3 X3/A X3/B M19/C M17/F X3/C 1070 1043 1031 1029 X3/D X3/E



Kit Casa75 / Kit Cylinder/Piston/Head Casa75 Pistone Completo / Piston complete Casa75 Fascia elastica / Piston Ring Casa75 Seeger per pistone / Circlip for piston Casa75 Spinotto pistone / Gudgeon Pin Casa75 Set 4 prigionieri per aspirazione e scarico / Kit studs Casa75 Guarnizione base cilindro / Base gasket Casa75 Guarnizione testata / Head gasket Casa75 Guarnizione aspirazione / Manifold gasket Casa75 Guarnizione scarico / Exhaust gasket Casa75 Testata / Head Casa75 Cilindro / Cylinder Casa75

J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50

M 17/F




M 19/C





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200,00 60,00 10,00 0,50 5,00 8,00 2,50 2,50 1,00 2,50 40,00 110,00


!"#$%&'()*)%$'+',%!-.'/0!1*/ Gli alberi motore Casa Performance sono tutti realizzati in Italia con materiali di altissima qualità e disegnati per ottenere le migliori prestazioni sui nostri Kit. Ogni albero è bilanciato elettronicamente, assemblato con cura e verificato in ogni sua parte. Le lavorazioni di elevata precisione ne garantiscono l’assoluta affidabilità e robustezza. A conferma di quanto detto, durante il campionato ESC non è mai stato cambiato un albero motore, tutte le gare sono state corse con il medesimo albero senza causare nessun problema. Questa è la qualità Casa Performance, questa è la qualità che vince! All Casa Performance crankshafts are designed and manufactured in Italy utilising the highest grade materials available on the market and assembled with the most up-to-date production methods. This is your guarantee that the Casa Performance cranks are perfectly balanced and ideal to use in conjunction with the relative Casa kits. Consequently, issues such as cranks twisting or failed con-rods are now things of the past. A clear example of the quality is the fact that during the entire 2015 race season, the scooters raced by the Casa Lambretta Racing Team did not have a single crankshaft change. The same crank was used for the whole season and still looks and performs as good as the day it was fitted. THIS is Casa Performance quality, THIS is quality that wins! The cranks used by the race team are the very same parts listed here in the catalogue (X8-X9). Quality that wins! The cranks used by the race Team are the very same parts listed here in the catalogue (X8-X9). Codice

Casa Descrizione



Albero / Crankshaft “Casa Performance” Casa185 (cono/cone DL) X1




Albero / Crankshaft “Casa Performance” Casa225 (cono/cone DL) X2




Albero / Crankshaft “Casa Performance” Casa200 SS (cono/cone DL) X6




Albero / Crankshaft “Casa Performance” Casa225 SS (cono/cone DL) X7




Gabbia a rulli larga / Needle cage long 20x20x23




Flangia paraolio con OR / Oil seal flange with O-ring






X4 - X5




!"##$%&'"()''"*%&+&*)),&-"'-). Tutti i nostri pacchi lamellari sono fabbricati in Italia, di qualità superiore e garantiti per una lunga durata. Nel caso si volessero incrementare ulteriormente le prestazioni del Casa 200/225 SS sono disponibili dei pacchi lamellari Racing “V-Force”, fabbricati in USA, con i relativi collettori al carburatore. The reed valve units fitted to the Casa SS kits are designed and manufactured in Italy. They are made from the best possible materials thus guaranteeing superb performance and durability. For those of you wishing to further enhance the power of your Casa SS200 or SS225 kits, special ‘V Force’ reed valve units are available. These are made in the USA and come complete with their rubber inlet manifold. Codice Casa Descrizione

X120 X121 X122 X123 X124


Pacco lamellare / Reed valve standard kit 200 SS + 225 SS Kit “V Force” per kit 200 SS + 225 SS (Dell’Orto 30 mm) Kit “V Force” per kit 200 SS + 225 SS (Dell’Orto 32-34 mm) Kit “V Force” per kit 200 SS + 225 SS (35 mm Mikuni TMX) Kit “V Force” per 225 SS (38-39 mm Dell’Orto)

X6-X7 X6-X7 X6-X7 X6-X7 X7





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95,00 260,00 260,00 260,00 260,00


!"#$%#"&'#()*!'++,&&'#( Grazie alla stretta collaborazione con la ditta Dell’Orto, possiamo offrirvi la più completa gamma di Carburatori per la vostra Lambretta, dal Lui alla 225 SS. Presso i nostri centri “Casa Performance” potrete trovare tutti i ricambi per regolare al meglio la carburazione del vostro Kit. I collettori di aspirazione sono disegnati per ottimizzare al massimo la resa del motore e per essere compatibili con tutte le nostre trasformazioni. TUTTI I CARBURATORI VENGONO FORNITI GIÀ TARATI PER I NOSTRI KIT. Thanks to our continued collaboration with the renowned Italian carburettor manufacturers Dell’Orto, we are able to offer you a complete range of carburettors for your Lambretta, from a standard Lui 50cc right up to a full race SS225. At the Casa Performance Centres you’ll find a comprehensive range of parts and spares enabling you to perfectly set up your carb. The manifolds found within the Casa Performance range have been especially designed to give the best possible flow factors, thus increasing your engine’s power. They are available for all Casa kits and applications with extra care taken to ensure that when fitted, your carb will not foul against cowlings, engine mounts or bodywork. UNIQUELY, CASA PERFORMANCE SUPPLY CARBS READY-JETTED, SAVING YOU TIME, MONEY AND STRESS INVOLVED WITH SETTING THEM UP.

Codice Casa Descrizione

X10 X13 X14 X15 X15/A X16 X17 X18 X18/R X12 X12/A X19 X19/A X19/B X56 X56/B X57 X57/B X58 X58/B X59

Carburatore / Carburettor Jetex 25 mm Carburatore / Carburettor Dell’Orto PHBL26 mm Carburatore / Carburettor Dell’Orto SHB19 mm + collettore/manifold Carburatore / Carburettor Dell’Orto PHBH30 mm (attacco gomma / rubber mount) Carburatore / Carburettor Dell’Orto PHBH30 mm (attacco rigido / solid mount) Carburatore / Carburettor Dell’Orto SHA15/15 Carburatore / Carburettor VHSH30 mm Kit SS Carburatore / Carburettor VHSB34 mm Kit SS Carburatore / Carburettor PHSB 38/39 (attacco gomma / rubber mount) Collettore / Manifold RLC “Maxiflusso” PHBL 25/26 Raccordo in gomma / Rubber joint per/for X12 Collettore / Manifold RLC “Maxiflusso” PHBH (rubber mount) Raccordo in gomma / Rubber joint per/for X19 Collettore / Manifold RLC “Maxiflusso” PHBH (attacco rigido / solid mount) Collettore completo / Complete manifold PHSB 38/39 mm Raccordo in gomma / Rubber joint per/for X56 Raccordo in gomma / Rubber joint Carburettor 30 mm Collettore in alluminio / Alloy manifold Carburettor Dell’Orto 30 mm Raccordo in gomma / Rubber joint Carburettor Dell’Orto 32-34 mm Collettore in alluminio / Alloy manifold Carburettor Dell’Orto 32-34 mm Raccordo in gomma / Rubber joint for Mikuni TMX 35 mm





X1-X2 X1-X2 J50 X6-X7 X1-X2 LUI 50 X6-X7 X6-X7 X6-X7 X1-X2 X1-X2 X1-X2 X1-X2 X1-X2 X7 X7 X6-X7 X6-X7 X6-X7 X6-X7 X6-X7



70,00 135,00 105,00 210,00 220,00 55,00 240,00 240,00 on req. 75,00 30,00 55,00 18,00 55,00 70,00 18,00 30,00 50,00 30,00 50,00 30,00

!"#$%#&''(#)*)+",-.(/01 X17







X57 - X59




X12 & A

X56/B -X19/A

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!"#$%&''$()*&!#+',$()-$.'!$)+!$+ Per i rubinetti ci serviamo dalla rinomata fabbrica Italiana OMG, già fornitrice ufficiale della Innocenti negli anni ’60. I serbatoi e le scatole filtro in resina sono prodotti dalla EuroPlast di Gambettola (IT), azienda leader nella produzione di componenti in fibra di vetro. For many years we have been supplied with petrol taps by the well-known Italian manufacturers OMG, the very same company who supplied Innocenti in the 1960s. We also have specific mega-flow petrol taps made exclusively for us that have the fastest flow rate of any petrol tap on the market. The Lambretta Lifetime Tanks (by Jet200 Performance, USA) are the first ever polyethylene (HDPE) fuel tank made for the Lambretta. Polyethylene is extremely lightweight and each tank is fully US DOT and CARB (California) compliant for impact and ethanol resistance. These have been developed as solution to steel tank which can rust and aluminium tanks which can suffer weld fatigue. The Lifetime tank has a 12 litre capacity and there are generously sized cutouts on either side so large carburettors can easily be fitted. All fibreglass petrol tanks and related products are supplied by Europlast of Gambettola (Italy). They are the market leaders in their field and all Europlast products are excellent quality. Codice Casa Descrizione X11 X11/A X11/B X11/C X62 X63 X411 X412 X413 X110 X111 X99 X420

Rubinetto maggiorato / Fast Flow (uscita sotto / down exit) Rubinetto maggiorato / Fast Flow (uscita posteriore / back exit) Rubinetto maggiorato / Fast Flow (uscita laterale / side exit) Rubinetto maggiorato / Fast Flow (con spia riserva / reserve indicator) Soffietto / Air hose Maxi carburettor 30/34 mm Filtro aria speciale / Special air filter “CasaMaxiflow” X62 Scatola filtro / Filter housing Special “BGM” Filtro aria / Air filter “BGM” S.2 (tipo corto / short type) Filtro aria / Air filter “BGM” S.3 (tipo lungo / long type) Serbatoio 15 litri / 15 litre fiberglass petrol tank Serbatoio 18 litri / 18 litre fiberglass petrol tank


LI-TV-S-SX-DL 15,00 LI-TV-S-SX-DL 15,00 LI-TV-S-SX-DL 15,00 LI-TV-S-SX-DL 28,00 LI-TV-S-SX-DL 20,00 LI-TV-S-SX-DL 30,00 LI-TV-S-SX-DL 140,00 LI-TV 2 s. 24,00 LI-TV 3s.-S-SX-DL 24,00 LI-TV-S-SX-DL 250,00 LI-TV-S-SX-DL 250,00

Serbatoio in plastic 12ltr. / Lifetime 12ltr. plastic petrol tank



Tubo benzina rinforzato / Toyox fuel hose ø = 6mm x 11mm (Length 1m)










!"#$%&'#(!)*'#(+,)*'(-$'.-&#"$) X420








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X52 Come tutti ben sanno, le prestazioni di un motore 2 tempi sono notevolmente influenzate dal tipo di scarico adottato. I nostri tecnici hanno studiato a lungo questo importantissimo organo del motore e hanno realizzato una serie di marmitte che accontenterà anche il lambrettista più esigente. Per i cilindri X1/X2 sono sempre disponibili le classiche marmitte tipo Clubman (X21 e X22) che riescono a coniugare buone prestazioni pur mantenendo una forma assolutamente identica all’originale.Nel caso si volesse incrementare la potenza, aumentando i giri del motore, sarà necessario montare la nuovissima espansione X52; realizzata per stampaggio, la X52 è la giusta scelta per chi desidera una espansione che sia performante ma non sia troppo vistosa e, soprattutto, non sia rumorosa. Per i cilindri lamellari 200/225 SS sono state preparate due diverse soluzioni: una per la pista e una per la strada.



X52 Il modello Racing è stato sviluppato in collaborazione con il tecnico Protti e si caratterizza per le prestazioni massime ad alto numero di giri (questa marmitta è la stessa utilizzata per le gare nel campionato ESC). Il modello stradale è realizzato dalla Jolly Moto, una delle più famose case italiane di marmitte ad espansione, e si differenzia da quella Racing per una maggiore potenza ai regimi medi e una rumorosità più attenuata. Inoltre è disponibile un modello di marmitta intermedia che si ispira alla marmitta originale della 3a serie ma è una espansione a tutti gli effetti. Questo modello è offerto con diverse configurazioni a secondo su che cilindro deve essere montato. Per la serie Junior è stato prodotto un modello che rispecchia il disegno dell’originale ma incrementa notevolmente le prestazioni. Stesso discorso per il LUI 50, la marmitta “Maxi Lui 75” X42/A, mantiene la forma originale ma offre un’ottima resa abbinata al Kit 75 X3.

!"#$%&'(%)*+$,-!.)!"+$/&0& Codice Casa



X21 X22 X52 X53 X54 X92 X93 X94 X42 X42/A

Marmitta / Exhaust ‘Clubman’ 42 mm S3-DL Marmitta / Exhaust ‘Clubman’ 42 mm S1-S2 Marmitta reverse / ‘Casa Superlight’ reverse exhaust for Casa 185 or standard Marmitta / Exhaust ‘Protti/Casa Performance’ 200 SS - 225 SS Marmitta / ‘JollyMoto/Casa Performance’ Jolly Road for 200 SS - 225 SS Marmitta / ‘CasaSport 50mm’ exhaust for X1/X2 or standard Marmitta / ‘Casa PowerPlus 50mm’ exhaust for X1/X2 or standard Marmitta / Exhaust ‘Casa Power Plus’ 200 SS - 225 SS Marmitta / Exhaust ‘Maxi J75’ J50 / Casa 75 Marmitta / Exhaust ‘Maxi Lui 75’ Lui 50 / Casa 75


Marmitta / BGM Big Box Clubman Exhaust



220,00 220,00 220,00 495,00 430,00 320,00 360,00 360,00 110,00 110,00




It’s common knowledge that the power output of a 2-stroke engine is governed largely by the type and design of the exhaust used. As such, our technicians have spent untold time working on, developing and producing all manner of exhausts to suit even the most opinionated Lambretta rider. For the piston ported X1 and X2 kits, we have the classic Clubman exhausts (X21 and X22) that combine near original / standard looks with much improved performance. For those of you who wish to have even better power output, the new addition to the range is the X52 Casa Superlight exhaust. With it’s unique, pressed design and stunning silencer, this tidy option provides extra power without being too loud, or too visible.

ground clearance, an ideal choice for those who want the most powerful exhaust system on the market. This is also the exhaust fitted to the Casa Lambretta Racing Team scooters. The other option is produced exclusively by Jolly Moto who are one of the leading Italian exhaust manufacturers. The Jolly Road (X54) differs from the Protti Race in that it is designed to give better torque further down the rev range and is also quieter.

We also offer the BGM Big Box Series 3 type exhaust (X446) which is well established as a reliable performance exhaust with a standard look and tone.

Finally, for the J Range Lambrettas we have recently redesigned and upgraded our best-selling big bore X42 exhausts. They now have much improved ground clearance and a redesigned downpipe for optimum gas flow. For their Lui 50cc-75cc counterparts, we have added the new Maxi Lui 75 exhaust (X42/A) to the Casa Performance range. This exhaust gives great performance whilst retaining near original looks making it ideal to use in conjunction with the Casa 75cc kit (X3), or even on a standard machine.

For the high performance SS kits, we have two different exhausts available. First, there is the Protti Race exhaust (X53), developed with the world-renowned technician Fabio Protti, who comes from Grand Prix motorcycle racing. This exhaust gives incredible high-end power and unrivaled

We also have other exhaust systems available such as the Casa Sport and Casa Power Plus (X92, X93 and X94) that are designed to give performance on par with an expansion chamber whilst retaining an aesthetically form that resembles original Lambretta exhausts.

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!"#!$%%&'"('&)*"+)$,+& Exhaust : Protti X53 Kit Details : Casa SS225 Casing : Innocenti SX200 / std. transfers Carb. : Dell’Orto VHSB34mm Gearing : Cyclone 5 Speed RPM Test Range [rpm]: 5000-9800 Max Power [bhp]: 30.83 bhp @ 9083 rpm Max.Torque [Kg-m]: 2.47 @ 8533 rpm Amb.Temp. [C°]: 18.2


Exhaust : Jolly Moto Kit Details : Casa SS225 Casing : Innocenti SX200 / std. transfers Carb. : Dell’Orto VHSB34mm Gearing : Cyclone 5 Speed RPM Test Range [rpm]: 4000-8500 Max Power [bhp]: 27.24 bhp @ 7903 rpm Max.Torque [Kg-m]: 2.66 @ 6771 rpm Amb.Temp. [C°]: 18.1 Codice prova: test Jolly2 X54 Exhaust : Casa Power Plus X94 Kit Details : Casa SS225 Casing : Innocenti SX200 / std. transfers Carb. : Dell’Orto VHSB34mm Gearing : Cyclone 5 Speed RPM Test Range [rpm]: 5000-9500 Max Power [BHP]: 27.14 bhp @ 8976 rpm Max.Torque [Kg-m]: 2.32 @ 7558 rpm Amb.Temp. [C°]: 17.9











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!"#$%&$$&'(&)*+"&,&'(& X33 - X33/A La trasmissione è un organo particolarmente delicato e sottoposto ad incredibili sollecitazioni. Per ottenere i migliori risultati senza compromessi, Casa Performance ha preparato una serie completa di modifiche e accessori che sono indispensabili per migliorare l’efficienza meccanica della Lambretta. Per le catene ci serviamo dalla Regina Extra, sicuramente la piĂš famosa fabbrica italiana di catene, mentre per le frizioni collaboriamo con la Surflex di Tradate, altra ditta di rilevanza storica nel settore motociclistico Italiano, e dalla Scooter Center per i prodotti BGM. Tutti i componenti della trasmissione e della frizione sono costruiti esclusivamente in Italia e Germania.

Lambretta transmissions are subject to incredible stress levels, even in standard engines, let alone in tuned setups. Original gearbox components were never designed to withstand power increases of up to 400% so with this in mind, Casa Performance has prepared a complete range of high quality components to allow you to utilise the increased power output of your machine in complete safety. The range includes modifications, accessories and upgrades which will bring the transmission of your Lambretta into the 21st century.


For the drive chains, we supply Regina Extra items (the original supplier of chains for Innocenti for the entire Italian Lambretta production) and for the clutches, we work closely with two companies. Surflex is a market leader in their field and renowned the world over. BGM have also proven themselves with the use of their clutches in the Casa Lambretta Racing Team scooters where they have performed faultlessly, time and time again. Whether you need clutches for road, race or touring, we have it covered!

X32 - X35


X402 - X403

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X25 X26 X27 X24 X24/A X24/B X28 X28/A X29 X29/A X29/B X30 X31 X32 X35 X33 X33/A X402 X403 X34 X34/A X36 M141 X37 X38 M139 X39 M140 X43 X43/B X44

Pignone z16 / Sprocket 16T Pignone z17/ Sprocket 17T Pignone z18 / Sprocket 18T Pignone z19 / Sprocket 19T Pignone z20 / Sprocket 20T Pignone z21 / Sprocket 21T Pignone z13 / Sprocket 13T Pignone z14 / Sprocket 14T Pignone z15 / Sprocket 15T Pignone z15 / Sprocket 15T Pignone z16 / Sprocket 156T Maglia di collegamento catena / false duplex chain link Maglia di collegamento catena / false duplex chain link Campana frizione z46 allegerita / lightweight Crown wheel 46T Campana frizione z46 allegerita / lightweight Crown wheel 47T Frizione / Clutch “Casa Performance” z46 6 dischi + 6 molle / 6 disc + 6 spring 46T Frizione / Clutch “Casa Performance” z47 6 dischi + 6 molle / 6 disc + 6 spring 47T Frizione / Clutch “BGM” extra strong z46/ 46T 6 plate & multi spring Frizione / Clutch “BGM” extra strong z47 / 47T 6 plate & multi spring Disco in accaio sottile temperato / Hardened steel clutch disc (1 mm) “Surflex” Disco guarnito rosso / Red clutch disc (1,5 mm) “Surflex” Kit frizione 5 dischi / 5-plate “Surflex” clutch REGINA EXTRA catena 74p / 74 link drive chain REGINA EXTRA catena 75p / 75 link drive chain REGINA EXTRA catena 76p / 76 link drive chain REGINA EXTRA catena 80p / 80 link duplex drive chain REGINA EXTRA catena 81p / 81 link duplex drive chain REGINA EXTRA catena 82p / 82 link duplex drive chain REGINA EXTRA catena 83p / 83 link duplex drive chain REGINA EXTRA catena 84p / 84 link duplex drive chain Tendi catena speciale doppio uso / ‘OTT’ pull down - push up chain tensioner


35,00 35,00 35,00 35,00 35,00 35,00 28,00 28,00 28,00 35,00 35,00 5,00 4,00 80,00 80,00 280,00 280,00 430,00 430,00 7,00 9,00 75,00 30,00 30,00 30,00 45,00 45,00 45,00 45,00 45,00 40,00


BGM Bronze bush for clutch X402 & X403




6 clutch friction plates by BGM for X402 & X403




6 clutch friction plates plus steels by BGM for X402 & X403




Comando cambio al motore in Ergal/ Ergal aluminium alloy gear swivel linkage set



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!"#$%&'%%'($)*)+,-!+. X31

X37 - M141 X38





M139 - M 140 X39 - X43 X43/B




(X167) Realizzato in Ergal, il comando cambio al motore è costruito mediante stampaggio a caldo; questa tecnica serve per avere una resistenza maggiore alla rottura e all’usura. È interamente fabbricato in Italia. Completely manufactured in aluminium alloy, this set is both super-light and exceedingly strong. The production method is unique in that the parts are pressed when extremely hot, thus rendering them resistant to both breakage and wear. All the parts are produced in Italy, exclusively for Casa Performance.

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!"#$%&'('#")!*+!,!-&.*'('/0**1'2*")$&3 Per sfruttare al massimo le potenzialità del kit 200/225 SS, si consiglia di montare il cambio a 5 marce “Cyclone” prodotto da Rimini Lambretta Centre per Casa Performance. Si tratta di un cambio costruito con i più moderni sistemi di lavorazione e con i migliori materiali disponibili. Migliora notevolmente la guidabilità della Lambretta senza mai scendere sotto il regime di coppia massima. Un altro prodotto di assoluta affidabilità del nostro “Made in Italy”.


For those of you that really want to get the most from your engine, a complete high quality close ratio 5-speed gearbox has been produced that can be fitted to any Series 1, 2, 3, GP / DL Lambretta or Serveta without any modification to the actual engine casing. The kit is called the Cyclone 5-Speed and is produced by Rimini Lambretta Centre. This is NOT simply a 4-speed gearbox with an extra overdrive gear. It IS a very close ratio gearbox that will totally transform the performance of ANY Lambretta engine, tuned or not. Now manufactured in extremely high-grade steel, the Cyclone 5-Speed is a must-have addition when carrying out any serious engine transformation, giving you motocrosser type gear-changes and seamless acceleration.


Codice Casa

X160 X161 X162 X163 X164 X165 X166




Cambio 5 marce / Complete ‘Cyclone 5 speed’ gearbox Manicotto cambio / Sliding dog selector for ‘Cyclone 5-speed’ Comando al manubrio / ‘5-speed’ handlebar gear changer Comando al manubrio / ‘5-speed’ handlebar gear changer (S3 early type) Comando al manubrio / ‘5-speed’ handlebar gear changer (S3 late type) Comando al manubrio / ‘5-speed’ handlebar gear changer (Indian GP-SIL) Kit rasamento multispessore / First gear shim set 0.8-1.8 mm 6 pc.



LI-TV-S-SX-DL LI-TV-S-SX-DL LI1-2/TV2 S3 ’62 until mid-65 S3 mid-65 until ’71 India GP-SIL LI-TV-S-SX-DL

Euro 1.150,00

110,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 60,00 36,00

!"#$%&'0'#"(!/'!&(+%*" Il cambio Cortina nasce per soddisfare esigenze sportive riguardanti le elaborazioni Lambretta che esistono oggi in commercio. Ottimo l’uso su strada, rende il cambio marcia fluido sia in inserimento che in scalata grazie alla rapportatura ravvicinata tra le marce. È studiato per essere montato con pignoni motore di grandi dimensioni tanto da ridurre lo slittamento della frizione. Alla 10 ore di Magny Cours 2015 ha dato prova di resistenza e affidabilità garantendone la durata su motori turistici di media e alta potenza! Il kit composto dal primario, 4 ingranaggi e kit spessori.


Developed to satisfy the more sporting Lambrettisti, this gearbox was designed to complement most Lambretta tuning conversions on the market. The gear ratios have optimum spacing making it ideal for both road or sports use. Designed to be used in conjunction with large front sprockets, thus reducing wear and tear on the clutch. During the French Magny Cours 10-hour Endurance event, this gearbox was tested with excellent results, proving itself to be both reliable and perfect for medium and high level tuning setups. The kit includes cluster, four loose cogs and a shim kit.

Codice Casa

X174 X175



Cambio speciale 4 marce / ‘Cortina’ close-ratio 4-speed gearbox Cambio ravvicinato / Casa Performance close ratio gearbox (11-14-16-18)



370,00 300,00

!"#$%&'("))%!%*"+&,'!-&./'("+%&'0'.1//2 Ancora una fantastica novità di Casa Perfomance: un cambio ravvicinato dedicato espressamente per la clientela Racing. Questo cambio è l’esatta copia di quello che ha stravinto nel Campionato Europeo ESC 2015. Tutti i sui componenti sono stati realizzati con la migliore tecnologia possibile e con i materiali più resistenti. Un cambio assolutamente indispensabile per che desidera correre in pista!


< ; : 9 8 ' 7 6 5 *34'

Another fantastic new item in the Casa Performance range is a complete 4-speed gearbox, which is very close ratio and is also ideal for racetrack use. This high-end gearbox was designed and developed specifically for the Casa Lambretta Racing Team and used during the victorious 2015 ESC Championships. Unlike other close ratio gearboxes on the market. ALL components are manufactured in Italy using the very best technology available.

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!"#$%&'()*%)'+,-%&*./,% Dedicato alla serie Junior/Lui, il multiplo per il cambio a 3 marce migliora notevolmente la rapportatura tra le 3 marce. Risulta molto efficiente nel caso si montasse con Kit X3. Per la fine del 2016 sarà disponibile anche un cambio a 4 marce per la 50J/Lui50/100-125J e uno a 5 X171 marce per la 1254m e il Lui75. Casa Performance is also concentrating on producing high quality gearbox components for the smaller Lambretta models. The range includes special clusters that can be used in conjunction with the Innocenti loose gear cogs (valid for mid-late production J50 and Lui 50cc gearboxes) thus rendering the gearing absolutely perfect for use with the Casa 75cc kit (X3). For late 2016 we will be marketing complete 4-speed gearboxes for the 3-speed models (J50, Cento, J125 M3 and Lui 50) and complete close ratio 5-speed gearboxes for J125 Starstream M4 and Lui-VegaCometa 75cc 4-speed models. We have also extended the range of front sprockets available for all these models, with the addition of various 14T, 15T and 16T items, including cush-drive type versions.




Codice Casa Descrizione X168 X169 X170 X171 X172 X173


Cluster speciale ravvicinato (3° marce = z18) / Close ratio cluster with 18T 3rd Cluster speciale ravvicinato (3° marce = z19) / Close ratio cluster with 19T 3rd Cambio completo a 4 marce / Complete 4-speed gearbox (3-speed models) Cambio completo a 5 marce / Compelte 5-speed gearbox (4-speed models) Comando al manubrio 5 marce / 5-speed handlebar gearchanger Comando al manubrio 5 marce / 5-speed handlebar gearchanger



J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J50-LUI50 J125 4m, Lui 75 J125 4m LUI 75-Vega-Cometa

120,00 120,00 in prep. in prep. in prep. in prep.

-.!.'/.0123((.'4.2(532! ' % ) ) " $ ( ' & % $ ," " # # " ! *&+

Una ditta artigiana per eccellenza, il più classico del Made in Italy, la miglior qualità disponibile, sono i punti di forza della Trezzi Dante sellerie moto. Da ormai più di 30 anni Dante si occupa di produzione selle moto, raggiungendo una perfezione costruttiva assolutamente unica e ai vertici della categoria. Per Casa Lambretta realizza in esclusiva tutta la gamma selle Lambretta: di serie, racing e custom. L’assoluta qualità dei materiali utilizzati e la grande cura nell’assemblaggio e nelle cuciture fanno sì che le selle Trezzi Dante siano le migliori sul mercato europeo. Su richiesta è possibile ordinare modelli con colori specifici o imbottiture modificate su disegno del cliente.

Artisan’s attention to detail, a classic example of the refined ‘Made in Italy’, the best possible quality in everything they do: these are the things that come to mind when we hear the name Trezzi Dante. The company has always been the number one choice for two-wheeled seating over the last 30 years. His experience has enabled him to reach and maintain the top spot in his field. No-one even comes close to the level of workmanship he and his colleagues offer and it’s for that reason that Casa Lambretta and Casa Performance choose Trezzi Danti for their seats. For Casa Lambretta, they produce an exclusive range of Lambretta seats, from standard, to racing, to custom. The choice of the quality of the base materials, through to the assembly and the stitching ensure that Trezzi Dante’s seats are the best in Europe. Upon request we can supply seats with unique colour combinations, padding and materials based upon the customer’s desires.

" 7 $ 6 4/-'-

PLC Corse was founded in 2007 by Dutchman Christiaan Foppen. They are a company who’s roots are firmly embedded in racing. At just 20 years old Chris founded specialist Dutch scooter shop Motoplanet, albeit with an emphasis on restoring classic scooters rather than racing. In 2004 he started racing and immediately gained the top podium placing. This triggered his passion for speed and the following year he raced for Zirri, again gaining great results. In 2007 PLC Corse was founded and it wasn’t long before a 5 strong PLC Corse team was racing in the European Scooter Challenge series (ESC). Fast forward to the present day and PLC Corse have a strong following in the Endurance Racing scene across Europe, where their products are tested to the limit over gruelling distances non-stop for hours on end. The Endurance races have helped them gain invaluable experience which has been put to use to develop, and subsequently market, a new generation of top level products. These include items such as their bright orange polyurethane engine mount and their trick race stands, as used by the Casa Lambretta Racing Team. They also specialise in fibreglass bodywork products for both Vespa’s and Lambretta’s, all of which are designed to seriously reduce the overall weight. PLC Corse works in close collaboration with the Casa Team technicians to test and develop new ideas and they are continuously preparing new products especially for Casa Performance.

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!""#$%&'$#(#)#**+'$&"! X45 - X46 - X47

L’accensione elettronica Casa Lambretta è ormai diventata un classico della produzione Casa Performance. Questo modello, prodotto in esclusiva dalla ParmaKit, si caratterizza da un volano ricavato dal pieno, dal peso come l’originale e da una efficienza meccanica di assoluta perfezione; la scatola di regolazione (nei 2 modelli) riproduce esattamente quella originale Ducati, migliorando così l’estetica e l’originalità del veicolo. La potenza massima di 90W a 12V è più che sufficiente per alimentare i fari e gli accessori supplementari. Nel caso si desiderasse un volano più leggero è disponibile il tipo X47, del peso di 2 kg, da montare sugli alberi con cono grande tipo DL. Per le preparazioni estreme abbiamo preparato anche una accensione elettronica a rotore interno, da utilizzare nel caso si montasse un cilindro raffreddato ad acqua. I kit vengono forniti con schema impianto attrezzo blocca-volano, disco graduato, terminali elettrici e staffe di montaggio.

X155 This is THE ignition set-up if you want trouble-free scootering. The Casatronic has reached cult status and with good reason. Produced exclusively for Casa Performance by Parmakit, this ignition system sets itself head and shoulders above any other similar set-up on the market for various reasons. One important factor is that the flywheel is a ONE-PIECE unit with no rivets to come loose or break, this is pretty much indestructible. Another unique, noteworthy point is the fact that Casatronic kits utilise a regulator that is hidden inside a junction box, which is a perfect copy of the original Ducati made part, fitted as standard by Innocenti. With a maximum power output of 12V 90W and with a provision for charging a battery, there is more than enough current to power additional accessories or lights. Codice Casa Descrizione

X45 X45/A X46 X46/A X47 X47/A X49 X49/A X49/B X49/C X49/D X49/E X49/F X49/G X49/H X49/I X49/L X155


Accensione elettronica / ‘Casatronic’ variable electronic ignition, small cone 2.8 kg

Volano / Flywheel Casatronic small cone 2.8 kg Accensione elettronica / ‘Casatronic variable electronic ignition, large cone 2.8 kg Volano / Flywheel Casatronic, large cone 2,8 kg Accensione elettronica / ‘Casatronic’ variable electronic ignition, large cone 2.0 kg Volano / Flywheel Casatronic large cone 2,0 kg Statore / ‘Casatronic’ stator Ventola volano / ‘Casatronic’ plastic flywheel fan Bobina AT / HT coil ’Casatronic’ Staffa per bobina / Coil mounting bracket Series 3 Staffa per bobina / Coil mounting bracket Series 1 & 2 Centralina elettronica / Regulator ‘Casatronic’ LI3-GP (NO battery) Centralina elettronica / Regulator ‘Casatronic’ LI1-2 (NO battery) Centralina elettronica / Regulator ‘Casatronic’ LI3-GP (Battery) Centralina elettronica / Regulator ‘Casatronic’ LI1-2 (Battery) Dado speciale alto / special ‘Casatronic’ tall flywheel nut Vite per ventola / Screw for plastic Casatronic fan Accensione a rotore interno / Internal rotor Casatronic ignition (large cone)




350,00 140,00 350,00 140,00 350,00 140,00 100,00 25,00 40,00 12,00 12,00 80,00 95,00 80,00 95,00 4,00 0,50


on req.

!"!#$%&'(#)(*'($(&' The Casatronic is a fully variable ignition with a pre-programmed 8 degrees advance-retard setting. Available in three different versions (X45, X46 and X47) and two different flywheel weights (2.0kg and 2.8kg), there is a kit for every Series 1,2, 3, GP-DL Lambretta or Serveta engine, which means that it really is ‘all things to all men’. These kits have been extensively used in full-race engines by the Casa Lambretta Racing Team with incredible results. Each Casatronic kit comes complete with full fitting instructions, electrical connections, terminals, flywheel holding tool, wiring diagrams and a unique coil-mounting bracket. Finally, new for mid-2016 will see the addition of an internal rotor ignition system (with provision for lighting) to the Casa Performance range. This will be suited to engines fitted with either liquid cooling or a race type air duct/scoop.








X49/E - X49/G

X49/F - X49/H




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012!)3145657701214842,97!2:16,)5701 Codice Casa

X50 X60 X61 X80 X80/A X150 X151 X152 X153 X154




Tampone in gomma faro / Rubber mounting for Lucas spotlight Clacson 12V AC / Horn 12V AC Clacson 12V AC / Horn 12V DC Contakm/contagiri elettronico / SIP electronic speedometer/ rev counter Contakm/contagiri elettronico / SIP electronic speedometer/ rev counter Pipetta schermata / NGK plug cap with resistor (for SIP speedo) Candela schermata / Spark plug NGK BR8ES (for SIP speedo) Candela schermata / Spark plug NGK BR9ES (for SIP speedo) Riflettore posteriore a led / BGM LED rear light LI3-TV3-S-SX, 12V Riflettore posteriore a led /BGM LED rear light LI/TV 1-2, 12 V





X151 X152







25,00 30,00 36,00 180,00 180,00 15,00 8,00 8,00 20,00 20,00

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MUPO è uno dei marchi di eccellenza nel panorama racing italiano. Un prezioso know-how che dai box viene trasmesso a tutta la gamma di prodotto che viene realizzata e collaudata con cura, pezzo per pezzo, al fine di garantire elevate performance e sicurezza. L’esperienza e la capacità di innovare, che distinguono gli uomini della MUPO, si avvalgono di attrezzature ad alta tecnologia e di un’efficiente struttura gestionale e commerciale, per ottenere una sempre maggiore qualità del prodotto e la totale soddisfazione del cliente. Nell’ottobre del 2011 l’ultimo successo della Mupo, questa volta un successo sull’affidabilità e qualità dei suoi prodotti: la certificazione ABE del ministero dei trasporti tedesco KBA ottenuta dopo aver superato con successo prove di durata su strada eseguite dal TUV SUD Automotive GmbH di Monaco di Baviera. La garanzia Mupo per gli ammortizzatori è estendibile fino a 6 anni. The precious knowledge gained within the confines of the paddocks at the race circuits is used to create and manufacture a range of products that are at the very apex of suspension units. Every single shocker is individually tested, one by one, then the results are recorded and a detailed graphic printout is supplied giving all these characteristics. Every part is checked over and over again in order to guarantee both safety and high-level performance. Today, their expertise and the ability to innovate, typical of MUPO, enables them to take advantage of highly technological equipment, with an efficient management and business structure in order to continually increase the quality of their products and achieve complete customer satisfaction. In October 2011 Mupo obtained the certificate ABE issued by German Transport Ministry KBA. The certificate was issued when the Mupo production successfully passed the time-tests on the roadperformed by TUV SUD Automotive GmbH in Munich, Germany. The Mupo warranty for all of their the shock absorbers can be extended for a period of up to 6 years. OttoPuntoUno è un’azienda specializzata in componenti per moto da corsa che punta sull’esclusività e su tipologie di componenti di alto livello, determinanti ai fini delle prestazioni e dell’estetica delle moto. La produzione dei componenti a marchio OttoPuntoUno avviene secondo standard di alta qualità, garantendo prodotti all’altezza delle richieste dei nostri clienti più esigenti. Uguale a nessuno, è OttoPuntoUno.

# . / # -*.%


‘Otto Punto Uno’ is a company specialised in the production of high quality brake systems, designed primarily for track/race use. They have worked with Casa Performance to design, develop and produce a whole range of single and double disc brakes for the new range. The Casa Lambretta Racing Team used Otto Punto Uno front brake units for the ESC Championship and put simply, these were the best brakes we have ever used. In every circumstance they worked faultlessly. Now you too can have the same quality brake set-ups and what’s more, they look as good as they work!

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6 1 5 4 3 ( ' -./012 < ; : 9 ' 4 8 / ' 7 0 ) ' '' X142/O


Per viaggiare in assoluta sicurezza, Casa Performance ha studiato una serie di accessori che sono indispensabili quando si monta un kit SS, dalle estreme prestazioni. Primo fra tutti il freno a disco anteriore a comando idraulico; accessorio assolutamente indispensabile per poter frenare con decisione la vostra super Lambretta. Il nostro freno X130 è caratterizzato da una costruzione esclusiva, di altissima qualità, e prodotto interamente in Italia; è sicuramente il miglior freno disponibile sul mercato internazionale, è raffinato e performante, è elegante e sicuro. La versione a 2 dischi è il top assoluto, estetica racing ed efficienza massima, un prodotto da grandi esperti! Si prega di indicare nell’ordine quale supporto pompa freno al manubrio si desidera.

which is of utmost importance for your new, powerful super-Lambretta. The result is a complete hydraulic front brake (X130) with a massive 210mm disc and a 4-piston calliper, complete with a state of the art anti-dive linkage set up. Designed, tested and manufactured entirely in Italy, our exclusive discs are extremely high quality and are without doubt the best front brakes that money can buy for a Lambretta, period. The stunning looks match the performance and they offer sublime braking like no other. These discs are both elegant and super-safe.

Casa Performance is constantly studying ways and means of improving the safety of our beloved Lambretta scooters. Whilst standard components are fine for standard engines, with the advent of the SS performance kits, we decided to develop and produce a range of products that give added safety when travelling at speed. First and foremost we set about developing a whole new front disc brake set-up,


If you want to REALLY go overboard then we also have another DOUBLE DISC version (X142). As with its single disc brother, these are available in five different colour options. Most double disc brakes for Lambrettas on the market utilise tiny discs that are not much bigger, or better, than those fitted to mountain bikes. That is not the case here. Our Casa Performance double disc brake has TWO massive 210 mm discs and eight (yes, 8!) pistons stopping you. Nothing else on the market comes even vaguely close to the stopping power of our Casa disc brakes.

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!"#$%&'(!%)*&'+#,,* Il cerchione tubeless è un altro accessorio praticamente obbligatorio per Lambrette di queste prestazioni. È una sicurezza per chi guida e consente una tenuta di strada decisamente superiore ai pneumatici tradizionali. Questo cerchione viene prodotto in 2 finiture e due versioni: lucido o nero opaco, canale normale e maggiorato. Tutte le versioni hanno 8 fori di attacco e possono essere montati indifferentemente sui mozzi a 4 o 8 perni. Novità assoluta in campo Lambrettistico è il mozzo posteriore “Octopus” a 8 perni. Nato da un’idea di Rimini Lambretta Centre, questo nuovo mozzo è quello che avete sempre sognato: un tamburo indistruttibile con un fissaggio al cerchio assolutamente affidabile e sicuro. Ma non basta, i nostri tecnici hanno pensato di andare oltre e realizzare anche un nuovo sistema di calettamento del mozzo, per eliminare il fastidioso problema del cono di fissaggio. Questo mozzo “Super Strong” è caratterizzato da un calettamento a mille righe con il perno ruota (filetto 18 mm) che si innesta perfettamente senza il minimo gioco. Siamo certi che questo nuovo prodotto esclusivo sarà un grande passo avanti nella sicurezza di guida della nostra Lambretta. Tubeless wheel rims are practically obligatory when tuning Lambrettas to higher speeds with elevated power outputs. These are a safety-first consideration and when coupled with modern tubeless type tyres, both the handling and road-holding of your scooter are decisively improved when compared to ‘traditional’ wheels and tyres. Casa Performance has had some tubeless wheel rims produced and they are available in two versions (standard width or extra wide) and in two finishes (polished aluminium or



matt black). Unlike any other tubeless Lambretta wheel produced to date, all variations of the Casa Performance rims have eight mounting holes, meaning they can be fitted to either the new 8-stud mounting point ‘Octopus’ type rear hubs (X73, X74) or any other 4-stud Lambretta hub on the market. One incredible new item for the Casa Performance range is the Octopus rear hub. This unique rear hub has EIGHT mounting studs and is internally reinforced. This hub has been produced following the requests from Rimini Lambretta Centre for an indestructible Lambretta rear hub for use with highly tuned engines. Utilising a heavily modified, unused, original Innocenti rear hub mould for the production, this new Octopus rear hub is what you have all been waiting for. If this wasn’t already enough, our technicians have strived even further in the quest for safety, and have come up with an entirely new concept for both mounting and fixing the rear hub. The main aim was to eliminate the dire problematic cone-mounted design for the rear hub. This has always been an Achilles’ heel for the Lambretta engine, so the Casa Performance solution is to produce an all-new rear layshaft (X75) and a version of the Octopus rear hub (X74) with a multi-spline mounting. This system is the same as that used on Vespas and eliminates any possible lateral ‘play’ and the need for a rear hub puller when removing the hub. Also of note, the threaded section of the multi-splined layshaft has an increased diameter (18mm) for added safety. We’re certain that these new, exclusive Casa Performance parts will find favour with Lambrettisti the world over.


X77 - X79

X78 - X84

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!"##$%&'()*+#% Codice Casa

X73 X74 X75 X76 X77 X78 X79 X84 X130/A X130/O X130/R X130/N X130/B X131 X132 X133 X134 X135 X136 X137 X138 X139 X140 X141 X142/A X142/O X142/R X142/N X142/B X143


Mozzo 8 viti / 8-stud ‘Octopus’ rear hub (asse / layshaft original) Mozzo 8 viti / 8-stud ‘Octopus’ rear hub (asse / layshaft Casa Super Strong) Asse ruota posteriore / Layshaft Casa Super Stong Kit dado-ranella-fermo / Locking kit (nut-washer-screw) layshaft Super Strong Cerchio / ‘Casa Performance’ tubeless wheel rim (silver) 4 - 8 studs Cerchio / ‘Casa Performance’ tubeless wheel rim (black) 4 - 8 studs Cerchio / ‘Casa Performance’ wide tubeless wheel rim (silver) 4 - 8 studs Cerchio / ‘Casa Performance’ wide tubeless wheel rim (black) 4 - 8 studs Kit Freno a disco completo /complete ‘Casa Performance’ single disc brake kit (alloy) Kit Freno a disco completo / complete ‘Casa Performance’ single disc brake kit (gold) Kit Freno a disco completo /complete ‘Casa Performance’ single disc brake kit (red) Kit Freno a disco completo /complete ‘Casa Performance’ single disc brake kit (black) Kit Freno a disco completo /complete ‘Casa Performance’ single disc brake kit (blue) Trasmissione idraulica / hydraulic hose for “Casa Performance” disc Supporto pompa /hydraulic mount switch-housing LI S1 S2 “Casa Performance” Supporto pompa / hydraulic mount switch-housing TV2 “Casa Performance” Supporto pompa /hydraulic mount switch-housing LI3 “Casa Performance” Supporto pompa /hydraulic mount switch-housing SX-TV-GP-DL “Casa Performance” Supporto pompa / hydraulic mount switch-housing SIL GP “Casa Performance” Pastiglie / Pads TOURING “Casa Performance” Pastiglie / Pads RACING “Casa Performance” Disco / Brake disc “Casa Performance” Leva freno / Brake lever “Casa Performance” Kit gommini pompa / (hydraulic) oil seal kit “Casa Performance” Kit Doppio disco completo /complete ‘Casa Performance’ double disc brake kit (alloy) Kit Doppio disco completo /complete ‘Casa Performance’ double disc brake kit (gold) Kit Doppio disco completo /complete ‘Casa Performance’ double disc brake kit (red) Kit Doppio disco completo /complete ‘Casa Performance’ double disc brake kit (black) Kit Doppio disco completo /complete ‘Casa Performance’ double disc brake kit (blue) Cerchio speciale per doppio disco / Special wheel rim for double disc



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145,00 160,00 120,00 15,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 90,00 920,00 920,00 920,00 920,00 920,00 38,00 65,00 65,00 65,00 65,00 65,00 35,00 45,00 90,00 26,00 15,00 1.290,00 1.290,00 1.290,00 1.290,00 1.290,00 120,00



!"#$%&'(#)*+ I silent-block in listino si differenziano per il tipo di uso: il modello X64 è simile all’originale Innocenti ma è senza fori per una maggior resistenza alla torsione, è indicato per le elaborazioni ad uso stradale; il modello X66 è molto più rigido ed è consigliato solo per uso Racing. I coni disassati sono un valido aiuto per avere più spazio nella zona del collettore di aspirazione e per allungare leggermente il passo delle ruote. We have three types of engine mounts/silent-blocks available. The first type (X64) are very similar to the standard Innocenti silent-blocks and have the same density of rubber. The difference is in the fact that there are no holes in the rubber of these silent-blocks and they are slightly more rigid than the ‘standard’ Casa Lambretta parts (T111). These offer a great compromise between acceptable vibration levels and improved handling. If you require your scooter’s handling and road-holding to be even firmer, then the PLC Corse silent-blocks (X66) are the parts for you.





Please note that these are much more rigid and are really for ‘Race Use Only’ (or fast road use) due to the increased vibration levels that these will transmit. We also supply the high quality BGM PRO engine mounts/silent blocks who after much development have found the perfect rigidity to reduce vibrations with different hardness of rubber on left hand side and the right. They come therefore with indication moulded into the rubber as to which side they must be fitted. Casa Performance has also developed some very high quality offset engine mounting cones (X86) that are particularly useful when used in conjunction with performance cylinder kits, where the reed-valve manifold can sometimes touch the underside of the main frame tube causing vibration to be transmitted to the scooters bodywork and chassis. When fitted, these cones offer just enough clearance, without upsetting the geometry of the scooter. An added bonus is that these Casa Performance offset cones are designed specifically for wider Series 3 type engine mounts, whereas most other offset cones on the market are based on the narrower Series 1/2 cones and can cause the rubber in engine mounts to collapse when the engine bolt is tightened.

Codice Casa

X64 X66 X86 X65



Silentblock rinforzato / Silentblock reinforced “Casa Performance” Coppia silentblock rinforzati / Pair reinforced silentblock “PLC” Racing Coppia coni disassati / Pair of offset engine cones “Casa Performance” Coppia silentblock “BGM” / Pair of “BGM” Silentblocks



Euro 22,00 68,00 20,00 49,00

!"#$%&'()(*++',-#. Le gomme che offriamo sono di uso esclusivo Racing. Si tratta di una produzione limitata artigianale per ottenere la miglior performance nelle più diverse condizioni della pista. Prodotte dalla PMT, si caratterizzano da una qualità della mescola superiore a altri prodotti similari e sono considerate se migliori dai piloti Lambretta e Vespa. La PMT è una azienda italiana al 100% che si è specializzata nella produzione di pneumatici ad alte prestazioni per il Racing. Per la Lambretta ha in listino tre tipi diversi di tipologie: Slick-Semislick-Wet. Il pneumatico è realizzato al momento dell’ordine, per poter avere una gomma dalle caratteristiche ottimali per l’uso in pista. Ogni prodotto ha segnato la data di produzione e il numero del lotto, per poter essere certi che il materiale sia fresco e performante.

X195 X196 X197 X198

X190 X191 X192

X193 X194

The tyres that can be found in this catalogue are exclusively for race use. These are manually produced in small quantities by Italian specialists PMT who are specialise in the production of high level racing tyres. PMT tyres are considered the only choice for most European scooter racers - and it’s not really a surprise as lap times can be substantially reduced thanks to the incredible levels of grip that they offer the rider. With each batch of PMT tyres being produced (literally) solely when they are ordered, the production is meticulously dated and certified, so you can guarantee that yours will be freshly produced and offer the best all-round performance possible. There are three types of tyres that Casa Performance offer; ‘Slick’, ‘Semi-Slick’ and ‘Wet’. All are available in the classic Lambretta 3.50 x 10 and other sizes and in various compounds. PMT tyres marked Casa Performance are simply the best race tyres you can buy.

Codice Casa

X190 X191 X192 X193 X194 X195 X196 X197 X198


Pneumatico / Tyre 90/90 X 10, M - front medium slick Pneumatico / Tyre 100/85 X 10, M - rear medium slick Pneumatico / Tyre 100/85 X 10, H - rear hard slick Pneumatico / Tyre 90/90 X 10, R - front rain Pneumatico / Tyre 100/85 X 10, R - rear rain Pneumatico / Tyre 90/90 X 10, M - front medium semi-slick Black Fire Pneumatico / Tyre 100/85 X 10, M - rear medium semi-slick Black Fire Pneumatico / Tyre 100/85 X 10, H - rear hard semi-slick Black Fire Pneumatico / Tyre 3.50 X 10, H - front- rear hard semi-slick Black Fire

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65,00 74,00 74,00 91,00 103,00 65,00 74,00 74,00 75,00


!"!#$%!&"%& Come per gli altri prodotti, anche per le sospensioni “Casa Performance” ha scelto il meglio. Nel catalogo potrete trovare i modelli per ogni necessità, sempre con la massima qualità disponibile. Per la sospensione anteriore sono offerte due diverse tipologie: la prima è quella della BGM tedesca, famosa per i suoi prodotti di altissimo livello e con un prezzo di vendita competitivo, la seconda è una produzione artigianale Italiana destinata ad una clientela Racing, che richiede un articolo di qualità massima e che sia ampiamente registrabile. Stessa offerta per la posteriore ma con l’aggiunta di un prodotto un po’ più economico: si parte quindi dal modello base X41, fabbricato dalla Carbone in Italia per Casa Lambretta, per passare dal famoso BGM altamente registrabile, fino ad arrivare al modello Racing di produzione artigianale Italiana su disegno Casa Performance. Sono inoltre disponibili molle rinforzate al 40% per la forcella anteriore, da utilizzare con il freno a disco, per ridurre l’affondamento. Per poter montare gli ammortizzatori ai bracci della forcella anteriore, è disponibile la coppia di bracci speciali già dotati di attacco filettato da 7mm (tipo SX 200 ma per il freno a tamburo).

As with all products contained within this catalogue, Casa Performance once again chose to use, and include, exclusively items manufactured by the market leaders in this field. For the front suspension, we have two possible choices. The first is from BGM, the high quality German brand. As with all BGM products these are excellent value for money, offering great handling whilst still maintaining competitive pricing. The other choice is shockers produced by Italian artisans MUPO exclusively to our design. These are highend products that are unrivalled in racing circles, being fully adjustable allowing the rider to obtain an incredible multitude of possible settings. The same choice is available for the rear suspension units, with the sole difference being the inclusion of another manufacturer’s product (X41), giving you even more choice. This third, more economical, choice is from the Italian specialists Carbone, who have made this unit exclusively for Casa Performance. The BGM shockers are again high quality at an affordable price, with the possibility to obtain various settings. Ideal for road and fast sports use. Finally, we have the top of the range shock absorber, which has been manufactured to Casa Performance’s design and indications by MUPO. Other additions to the range of Casa Performance range of suspension products are the 40% uprated front fork springs (X83) and a pair of special fork links. These are based on the Spanish Serveta links that are made for drum type hubs but have the additional 7mm damper mounting studs. The kickstart side fork link can be supplied with or without the internal locating lug (the removal of which is necessary for some hydraulic disc brakes fitted with anti-dive).


!"!#$%!&'% Codice Casa

X41 X426 X422 X423 X87 X88 X90 X83



Ammortizzatore post. regolabile / Rear shock absorber “Carbone Italy” Ammortizzatore posteriore a gas / Rear shock absorber gas “BGM” Black Coppia ammortizzatori ant. / Pair front shocks gas “BGM” Black Coppia ammortizzatori ant. / Pair front shocks gas “BGM” Chrome Coppia ammortizzatori ant. / Pair front shocks gas “by MUPO” Racing Ammortizzatore posteriore a gas / rear shock absorber gas “by MUPO” Racing Coppia bracci forcella con attacco ammortizzatori (per freno tamburo). Made in Italy. Pair drum hub type fork links w/ damper mounts, with or w/out internal locating lug. Coppia molle forcella rinforzate al 40% / Pair fork springs, 40% reinforced



180,00 220,00 220,00 220,00 795,00 575,00


140,00 28,00


Coppia ammortizzatori ant. / Pair front shocks gas “BGM” 60s Style, Silver




Coppia ammortizzatori ant. / Pair front shocks gas “BGM” Gun Metal




Coppia ammortizzatori ant. / Pair front shocks gas “BGM” Silver




Ammortizzatore posteriore a gas / rear shock absorber gas “BGM” Red




Ammortizzatore posteriore a gas / rear shock absorber gas “BGM” Chrome




Ammortizzatore posteriore a gas / rear shock absorber gas “BGM” Orange




Ammortizzatore posteriore a gas / rear shock absorber gas “BGM” Gun Metal









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*2*345*$25$ X41







0"*"#&")'23%%"#4"2%532* '()0.1-./ # / . *+,, Un nome che non ha certo bisogno di presentazioni; la BGM è un marchio leader in Europa per la produzione di parti speciali per Scooters. Grazie all’amicizia che ci lega da tanti anni, Casa Lambretta ha stretto ancor di più la collaborazione con BGM e ora è in grado di offrire una parte selezionata dei suoi prodotti sul catalogo Casa Performance. Scooter Center/BGM non solo sono i distributori ufficiali di Casa Lambretta per tutta la Germania, ma sono anche sponsor del Racing Team Casa Performance, che tanti successi ha ottenuto in tutta Europa.

These are two names that need little presentation. BGM is a name that is associated with good quality parts, at the right price. They are one of the leaders in the production of specialised scooter parts, for both Vespa and Lambretta. Scooter Center has been established in 1992 in Köln, Northern Germany. Initially the enterprise started with importing Lambretta and Vespa scooters from Italy and England. Soon the demand for spares and tuning parts grew and today they are one of the leading mail order specialists. Scooter connoisseurs worldwide are supplied with accessories, restoration, spare and tuning parts. Their ecommerce shop stocks everything from the smallest bolt and washer up to complete engines, and the Casa Lambretta range of parts.

La F.A. Italia nasce nel 1985, un’azienda impegnata da oltre trent’anni nella costruzione di ingranaggi e ricambi per auto-moto. Nel 1990 ci siamo trasferiti nel nuovo e più grande stabilimento dove è stato possibile aprire nuovi reparti di produzione, quali: pressofusione leghe leggere, transfer, brocciatura, tornitura e lavorazioni CNC, specializzandoci sempre più nella costruzione di pezzi di ricambio ed accessori per motocicli e scooters. In poco tempo siamo riusciti a guadagnare nuovi mercati esteri, esportiamo in 25 paesi, grazie alla qualità dei nostri prodotti e al fatto di avere adeguato le fasi produttive al sistema di qualità ISO 9002. Grazie alla stretta collaborazione con Casa Lambretta, la FA Italia produce in esclusiva i mozzi ruota posteriori a 8 prigionieri (con stampo in pressofusione originale Innocenti) e i nuovissimi cerchi tubeless, sempre in pressofusione e sempre con la qualità Made in Italy!

Even though they stock all notable brands, Scooter Center has set the standards with their own BGM range of scooter goodies. These are designed and developed with the real needs of scooterists in mind. The range of BGM products is designed to fill the gaps in the market where good quality, reliable scooter parts are, or were, missing. Alongside the online shop they have a fantastic sales display area and their dyno room can be booked by appointment the as well. Thanks to the friendship that has bound them together for many years , Casa Lambretta has stepped up the collaboration with Scooter Center and we are proud to be able to offer their BGM products within the new Casa Performance catalogue. Scooter Center are not only the main distributor for Casa Lambretta parts in Germany, they are also a sponsor of the Casa Lambretta Racing team and supply us with BGM products that we race with. It’s thanks to these components that the Team had so much success across Europe in 2015, and we’ll be looking to repeat this success in 2016 with their continued sponsorship.

" $ & " % !"#$

FA Italia was founded in 1985, a company specialised in the production of parts and gear components for both the automotive and motorcycle industries. In 1990, they moved to larger premises, allowing them to open up additional

production areas involving high pressure die-casting, general machining, broaching and CNC machining. They specialised in the production of spare parts for motorcycles and scooters. In no time at all, they were exporting to over 25 different countries thanks to the quality of their products for which they gained the ISO9002 certification. They are currently working on achieving the new ISO9001:2000 certification. Thanks to their collaboration with Casa Lambretta, FA Italia produces the exclusive Octopus 8 stud fixing rear hub (utilising modified original Innocenti moulds) and the new high pressure die cast tubeless wheel rims. This is the ‘Made in Italy’ quality!

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!"##$%%&#'"(')(*'+#"(,'(-&.#$ Grazie alla collaborazione con la Europlast di Succi Giampaolo, possiamo offrire alla nostra affezionata clientela la piÚ completa gamma di carrozzerie in fibra di vetro per alleggerire al massimo la vostra Lambretta. Tutti gli articoli sono prodotti utilizzando stampi specifici e materiali di alta qualità ; ampiamente testati durante le gare, le parti di carrozzeria sono assolutamente robuste e facili da montare. Vengono consegnate con un fondo isolante neutro, pronte da verniciare nel colore desiderato. A richiesta del cliente è possibile ordinare modelli specifici in esemplare unico.






!"#$%&'())*#+,-.+$/ Codice Casa

X100 X101 X102 X103 X104 X106 X107 X108 X109



Coppia cofani / Pair side panels fibreglass Frontale clacson / Horncast fibreglass Scudo SX / Legshield SX fibreglass Scudo DL / Legshield GP fibreglass Carenatura posteriore ‘Monoscocca’ / Full rear body fibreglass Coppia pedane post. / Pair footboards fibreglass Carenatura posteriore ‘Monoscocca’ / Full rear body “Casa Performance” fibreglass Parafango / Mudguard SX fibreglass Bauletto interno scudo / Legshield glove box (copy of Innocenti SX twin prototype)




200,00 60,00 200,00 200,00 300,00 80,00 350,00 90,00 185,00




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!""#$%%&'()$*&+&*&','()$*&!-&("'"..-( Per eseguire un buon lavoro sono necessari alcuni attrezzi specifici. Quelli che vi offriamo sono gli utensili Lambretta che non dovrebbero mai mancare in ogni officina degna di questo nome.

B 251

To carry out the work needed to tune your scooter, certain specialist tools are required. Those contained within the pages of this catalogue are the ones we deem absolutely necessary if you are serious about tuning and carrying out the work correctly.

Codice Casa

B250 B251 B252 B200 B203 B204 B211 B212 B213 B214




Tira molle per montaggio marmitta / Tool for exhaust spring Disco di fasatura accensione / Ignition timing disc Pistola stroboscopica / Stroboscopic gun Estrattore volano magnete / Flywheel puller Estrattore mozzo posteriore / Rear hub puller Estrattore frizione / Clutch puller Chiave blocca tamburo frizione / Tool to hold clutch crown Leva smontaggio molle forcella / Fork link puller Chiave blocca volano magnete standard / Tool to hold (standard) flywheel Estrattore per silent-block / Silent-block puller


B 200

B 203

B 204

B 211

B 212

B 213

B 214

B 250

B 252


10,00 15,00 150,00 12,00 25,00 38,00 15,00 42,00 20,00 40,00

!"##"$"$%&'()%)**+, Le nostre selle speciali sono fabbricate in esclusiva dalla rinomata ditta Trezzi Dante di Verano Brianza. Sono costruite con base in materiale plastico e assemblate a mano una per una. Sono prodotti di qualità eccelsa che si adattano perfettamente alla carrozzeria della Lambretta. Su richiesta del cliente è possibile preparare modelli con finiture e colori differenti.



All our special seats are made or covered exclusively by the top European upholsters, Trezzi Dante of Verano Brianza. In the main, most of the actual seat bases are manufactured in a special highly resistant anti-shock plastic and then covered by hand, one by one. The quality has to be seen to be believed and the fitment is exactly what you’d expect from a product that has the ‘Trezzi Dante’ label. Upon request we can supply seats with unique colour combinations and materials. Casa Performance also has connections with legend Alberto Ancillotti, the world famous tuner from Florence and we have exclusive rights to use his name on our unique bolt-down seats. These ‘Alberto Ancillotti Line’ seats are exact copies of those manufactured by the brothers during the 60s and they have a metal base that literally hugs the scooters frame like no other seat. The bases are manufactured by Europlast and they are covered by Trezzi Dante. What more could you ask for? To compliment your seat, you will need a ‘sports’ carrier and we have two available, one carrier (X51) is designed to be used in conjunction with long slope-backed seats. The other carrier (X52) is a perfect copy of the Sebring sports carrier marketed by British dealer Arthur Francis during the 60s. This is a larger carrier and is available in black, white or chrome finishes.

X51 Codice

X51/B Casa Descrizione




Sella corta / Short seat “Clubman”




Sella lunga / Long seat “Clubman”




Portapacchi per sella lunga / Rear rack for long seat “Clubman”




Portapacchi ‘60 tipo ‘S Type’ Inglese (bianco) / AF ‘S Type’ Sebring (white)




Portapacchi ‘60 tipo ‘S Type’ Inglese (nero) / AF ‘S Type’ Sebring (black)




Portapacchi ‘60 tipo ‘S Type’ Inglese (cromato) / AF ‘S Type’ Sebring (chrome)




Portapacchi ‘60 tipo ‘S Type’ Inglese (argento) / AF ‘S Type’ Sebring (silver)



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!"#"$%&'&(%#&)"!*+'#% X200 - X201

È certamente una delle più grandi novità in campo Lambrettistico sul mercato mondiale: la possibilità di acquistare motori completi, integralmente elaborati, pronto uso! Questi motori vengono forniti di tutti gli accessori per poter essere montati in pochi minuti senza problemi. Ogni motore viene testato al banco, provato su una Lambretta e certificato con il grafico della potenza/coppia dichiarate. Tutte le lavorazioni sono realizzate con la qualità massima, nessun dettaglio è tralasciato, ogni particolare è perfetto ed efficiente. Quattro le configurazioni previste: 1) Carter piccoli 200cc per uso stradale 27 CV 2) Carter piccoli 200cc per uso racing 32 CV 3) Carter larghi 225cc per uso stradale 30 CV 4) Carter larghi 225cc per uso racing 36 CV Inoltre è disponibile un carter motore completo di nuova tecnologia per poter montare cilindri di tutti i tipi, ad acqua ed aria. Questo carter viene venduto completo di albero motore e supporto volano. Per chi avesse già il motore da elaborare, offriamo anche dei Kit completi che contengono tutto il necessario per una trasformazione integrale: Cilindro completo, albero motore, carburatore e marmitta; tutto pronto all’uso e già perfettamente tarato. Per chi non fosse ancora soddisfatto, abbiamo un super motore da 305cc, ricavato dal pieno, accreditato della potenza massima di 51 CV. Quest’ultimo modello è costruito su richiesta e viene normalmente consegnato in 3 mesi dall’ordine. Without doubt, a worldwide first in scootering circles is the possibility to purchase a ready to use, fully tuned, tested engine unit. “Plug ‘n’ play” as they say! These engines are supplied with everything needed already fitted and ready set-up. Simply connect the cables and wiring, start it up and ride away!


X202 - X203 - X211

Each engine is hand built. Then it is run and finally fitted to a chassis to be tested on the open road. After a minimum of running in, it is then run on a state of the art (braked) test-bed rolling road to obtain graphic printouts of both the power output and the torque readings (these printouts are supplied with each engine, along with a certificate of authenticity). The engines themselves are individually numbered and built using the best components money can buy with nothing at all being overlooked. Every single component and the way it is built must be spot on. There are four different options available: 1. Small block SS200cc, fast road set-up, 27bhp 2. Small block SS200cc, race set-up, 32bhp 3. Large block SS225cc, fast road set-up, 30bhp 4. Large block SS225cc, race set-up, 36bhp If you already have an engine, and just need the components necessary to build your own tuned unit, we have a dedicated kit called ‘Ready To Race’ that contains the main components needed for the job; a complete SS performance kit, the race crankshaft, a ready jetted Dell’Orto carburettor and a Protti Race exhaust. All parts are ready to fit and enjoy. Also available for mid-2016 is the incredible new Casa Performance ‘CasaCase’. This engine casing allows the fitment of all manner of cylinders, from air cooled to water cooled. This engine casing will be revolutionary in being extremely robust and has untold technical solutions. The CasaCase also has the largest cylinder gasket face area of any Lambretta casing in the Universe. This casing will be supplied complete with it’s superwide crankshaft and unique magneto flange & cowling.


X205 - X206

X205 - X206 Codice Casa

X207 Modello


Motore completo “RLC / Casa Performance” 5 marce versione SS200 27cv Engine complete “RLC / Casa Performance” 5 speed SS200 27 HP Motore completo “RLC / Casa Performance” 5 marce SS200 32cv “Racing Team” Engine complete “RLC / Casa Performance” 5 speed SS200 32hp “Racing Team” Motore completo ‘RLC / Casa Performance’ 5 marce versione SS225 30cv Engine complete ‘RLC / Casa Performance’ 5 speed versione SS225 30cv Motore completo “RLC / Casa Performance” 5 marce SS225 36cv “Racing Team” Engine complete “RLC / Casa Performance” 5 speed SS225 36hp “Racing Team” Kit ‘Ready to Race’ SS200 Kit ‘Ready to Race’ SS225 Kit 18HP ready to use, piston port Casa 185cc









125-150-175 200 125-150-175

1895,00 1945,00 800,00


Motore 250cc 5 marce “RLC / Casa Performance” completo pronto all’uso Engine 250 cc 5 speed “RLC / Casa Performance” ready to use


in prep.


Cuffia volano / Flywheel cover for X 210 “RLC / Casa Performance”

250 cc

in prep.

X200 X201 X202 X203 X205 X206 X207


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!"#$%&''"()*#+!&'& Questa è la vera rivoluzione in campo Racing! La possibilità di comperare una Lambretta Racing Replica identica a quella che ha vinto il Campionato Europeo Scooter Challenge! Una opportunità unica per chi desidera un prodotto al top assoluto nel collezionismo Lambretta. Ogni esemplare viene costruito partendo da una base originale degli anni ’60/’70. Tutta la telaistica è revisionata e aggiornata con i prodotti speciali “Casa Performance”, il motore è integralmente modificato con tutti i ricambi speciali racing e la carrozzeria è realizzata completamente in fiberglass. Ogni Lambretta, prima di essere consegnata, viene testata al banco e prerodata per circa 100 km. A richiesta del cliente è possibile realizzare altre combinazioni di colori, pur conservando la grafica originale. Quattro le versioni disponibili: Due “Road Replica” stradali equipaggiate con luci e claxon, nelle cilindrate di 200 e 225cc. Due “Ready to Race” per uso esclusivo in pista, sempre nelle cilindrate di 200 e 225cc. Now this REALLY is a revolution in racing terms! The Casa Performance range gives you the possibility to purchase a ‘Race Replica Lambretta’, absolutely identical to those used by the Casa Lambretta Racing Team during the 2015 ESC Race Championships! Each example of a Race Replica Lambretta will be based upon a 60s/70s model. The frame will be built up using only top quality Casa Performance components and the bodywork will be the same fibreglass sections as used on our 2016 season race scooters. The engine will be built up with the same class of race proven parts and highly tuned. Each Race Replica Lambretta is then run, tested for approx. 50-100kms and then finally run on a state of the art (braked) test-bed rolling road (dyno) to obtain graphic printouts of both the power output and the torque readings (these printouts are supplied with each engine, along with a certificate of authenticity). Upon request we can supply these scooters with unique colour combinations, whilst maintaining the same graphic layout. There are four different versions available: ‘Race Replica Lambretta’ in Road tune with lights, horn, stoplight etc. in either 200cc or 225cc versions* ‘Race Replica Lambretta’ in full Race specification, in either 200cc or 225cc versions

*Road Tune versions are supplied with current Italian documents



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Codice Casa

X1000 X1001 X1002 X1003



Lambretta SS200 “Street Race” Casa Performance Lambretta SS225 “Street Race” Casa Performance Lambretta SS200 “Road Replica” Casa Performance Lambretta SS225 “Road Replica” Casa Performance

w w w. c a s a p e r f o r m a n c e . c o m

on request on request on request on request



BGM is a brand name that has quickly become

on racetracks across Europe. This is product testing to

established amongst scooterists worldwide thanks to the

the extreme which all adds up to giving you a guarantee

excellent products available within the range. Innovation,

that your BGM parts can be used with complete peace of

high quality and aesthetically pleasing parts at affordable

mind. The BGM range covers front and rear suspension

prices are the trademarks of the BGM brand.

parts, gearbox components, cranks, ignitions, electrical upgrade components, LED lights, cylinder kits, carb kits,

German shop Scooter Center are responsible for the

manifolds, exhausts, control cables, air-filter systems,

BGM range and as road-going scooterists themselves,

tools and now 2-stroke oil too. The parts are available for

you know they are marketing products that they are happy

both classic Lambretta and Vespa scooters.

to use on their own scooters. Product testing is what counts and Scooter Center don’t limit this to just road

Casa Performance is pleased to be associated with

use: they sponsor the ‘Casa Lambretta Racing Team’,

Scooter Center and we have carefully chosen a good

thus ensuring that BGM products are taken to the limit

selection of BGM products to include within this catalogue.







We highly recommend electronic ignitions for your scooter wherever possible; they offer improved starting, better lighting and more reliability than the old points and condenser systems. Of course with an electronic ignition system you will need a voltage regulator, for which we recommend these great BGM PRO parts! As well as a regulator for a 12v DC system, BGM also offer 12v and 6v regulators that deliver AC as well as DC current. These


are therefore the perfect replacement for all Ducati 3-pin and 5-pin regulators as well as for the Vespatronic and Variotronic regulators. Also ideal for fitting an aftermarket battery should you wish to power a sat-nav, water pumps, rev counters or similar on your scooter. The connection of these regulators to your existing wiring loom is easy and each one is supplied with easy to follow instructions.

Casa Descrizione



Voltage Regulator – 4 Pin 12V AC/DC Universal



Voltage Regulator 12V DC Universal



Voltage Regulator 6V AC/DC Universal



Fuse Holder Universal


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Of the many areas in which BGM excel, scooter suspension is one of the most important. You have the quickest accelerating, finest looking, sweetest sounding machine, but if it handles like a shopping trolley with wobbly wheels you’re going nowhere fast! BGM however have spent a lot of time developing, designing and producing a complete range of suspension – front and rear – for a vast range of Vespa models, and not the just P-range series that some manufacturers only concentrate on. This means that not only can you choose the right combination of units from the wide selection here to make sure you scooter handle as well as possible, but this is equally applicable to older Codice

models like the GS and Sportique, classic 70s Vespas like the Rally and Super, many of the smallframe models as well of course as the ubiquitous P-Range Vespas. Whether you are after a front shocker with adjustable compression damping, something with a remote reservoir, or simply an uprated spring, the BGM range is vast, and the lightweight high-strength alloy units are also available in various anodised colours too for that perfect finish to your scooter. Easy to fit, stunningly beautiful and completely effective. Simply the best there is!

Casa Descrizione



Vespa Front Shock Absorber, BGM PRO F16 Sport, chrome – Vespa Rally, Sprint 150, GT, VBB, GL, GS150



Vespa Front Shock Absorber, BGM PRO F16 Sport, gun metal – Vespa Rally, Sprint 150, GT, VBB, GL, GS150



Vespa Front Shock Absorber, BGM PRO SC/F16, silver – Vespa Rally, Sprint 150, GT, VBB, GL, GS150



Vespa BGM PRO SC/F16 Competition Front Shock Absorber – Vespa PX80, 125, 150, 200, T5



Vespa BGM PRO SC/F16 Competition Front Shock Absorber, black – Vespa PX80, 125, 150, 200, T5



Vespa BGM PRO SC/F16 Competition Front Shock Absorber – Vespa 50, Primavera 125, ET3



Vespa BGM PRO SC/F16 Competition Front Shock Absorber, black – Vespa 50, Primavera 125, ET3



Vespa BGM PRO SC/F16 Competition Front Shock Absorber – GS160/GS4, SS180



Vespa BGM PRO SC/F16 Competition Front Shock Absorber, 195mm & 205mm – Vespa PK50, 80, 125



Vespa BGM PRO SC/F16 Competition Front Shock Absorber, black – 195mm & 205mm – Vespa PK50, 80, 125



Vespa Front Shock Absorber 15% Uprated Spring for BGM PRO SC/F16 – Vespa PK



Vespa BGM PRO SC/R12 Rear Shock Absorber 320mm – Vespa PK50,80,125



Vespa BGM PRO SC/R12 Rear Shock Absorber 320mm, black – Vespa PK50,80,125



Vespa BGM PRO SC/R12 Rear Shock Absorber 330mm – Vespa Rally, Sprint, GT, V50, Primavera, PX, T5



Vespa BGM PRO SC/R12 Rear Shock Absorber 330mm, black – Vespa Rally, Sprint, GT, V50, Primavera, PX, T5


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The BGM PRO range of Big Box exhausts offer increased performance for Vespas from the PX80 up to the 200cc models, with the style and sound of a standard looking pipe. There are two models of Big Box available, both with versions to suit 80/125/150 and the 200cc large frame Vespa engines, both with a double walled structure and filled with damping material, just like the standard Vespa exhaust. They also fit like a standard pipe, but with spring mounted tabs for extra security alongside the standard barrel clamp.

Codice Casa


The Big Box Touring was developed for a solid push beginning at low rpm making it an ideal companion for anyone who likes to travel as a couple or with a lot of luggage. Those with sidecars will also appreciate this one as well. The Big Box Sport is a thoroughbred racing exhaust. Its willingness to deliver maximum performance makes it clearly stand out from other box pipes. Designed for performance-oriented drivers and a perfect exhaust to compliment a kitted engine; looking and sounding like a standard looking exhaust it won’t attract attention!




Vespa Big Box Touring – PX 200, Rally 200



Vespa Big Box Touring – PX125 / 150, Sprint ,GT/GTR, TS



Vespa Big Box Sport – PX200, Rally 200



Vespa Big Box Sport – PX125 / 150, Sprint ,GT/GTR, TS





X414 / X416 / X418

X415 / X417 / X419

This BGM cable set for the P-range Vespa features perfect length Teflon lined Swedish type cables and includes the special Lusso/ EFL front brake cable with threaded end and adjuster wheel (for the old P-range, please purchase an additional standard brake cable). The speedo cable is not included in this cable set. BGM PRO Race 2-stroke fully synthetic oil is a 100% synthetically produced high performance 2-stroke oil and another recent addition to the BGM range. It fulfills the highest Japanese JASO testing standards, providing perfect lubrication and protection of all parts on every 2-stroke engine thanks to its very low burning point. Codice

Special additives provide a stable lubrication even under high load. Corrosion inhibitor is a matter of course and it can be used for premix as well as oil-injection/ autolube/ Lubematic scooters. Marchald Power Double Layer air-filters are perfectly suited for all scooter applications, both Vespa and Lambretta. They come with different adaptors to suit different connection diameters of carbs. One of the best filters out there. BGM have used the smallest one on a Vespa smallframe in the original position with a 38mm Keihin carb without any restriction of air flow.

Casa Descrizione



1x litre PRO RACE Two Stroke 100% Synthetic Oil



Pack of 12 x 1 litre PRO RACE Two Stroke 100% Synthetic Oil



7671192 Marchald Filter 85 x 105mm – Red



7671191 Marchald Filter 85 x 105mm – Black



7671194 Marchald Filter 100 x 95mm – Red



7671193 Marchald Filter 100 x 95mm – Black



7671198 Marchald Filter 100 x 65mm – Red



7671197 Marchald Filter 100 x 65mm – Black



Vespa PX Cable Set


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