Sy. 9121 - Sarah Nemtsov - MALCHUT [shir hama'alot] (2024)

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Sarah Nemtsov

M MA A AL L L LC C C CH H H HU U UT T [ [s s sh h h hi i ir r r h ha a am m m ma a a a' ' 'a a allo o o ot t t] ]

for large ensemble with electronics ( / / 2 perc / 2 keys / ) 2024


K K K Ko o o om m mp p p po o os s s si i it t t ti i i io o on n n ns s s sa a au u u uf f ft t tr r ra a a ag g gv v vo o o on n n nE E E En n ns s s se e e em m mb b b bl l le e e eM M Mu u u us s si i i ik k kf f f fa a a ab b b br r r ri i ik k k k, , , K K Ku u u un n n ns s st t ts s st t t ti i i if f f ft t tu u un n n ng g gN N NR R R RW W W u u un n n nd d dB B Be e e er r r rn n n nd d d du u un n nd d dU U Ut t t te e e eB B Bo o o oh h hm m me e e ei i ie e e er r r

UA: 29.6.2024, WDR Köln, Ensemble Musikfabrik & Friederike Scheunchen dedicatedto



master processed on 24.04.2024

SY 9121/01

ISMN 979-0-2042-9121-2

Copyright © 2024 by G. Ricordi & Co. Bühnen- und Musikverlag GmbH, Berlin

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

All rights reserved / Tutti i diritti riservati

I raise my eyes to the mountains, from where will come my help?

(Psalm 121)

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy

(Psalm 126)

MALCHUT [shir hama'alot] MALCHUT [shir is the 3rd and last part of the trilogy


I. C C CH H H HE E ES S S SE E ED D D (2022) for six instruments and electronics

II. K K KE E ET T T TE E E ER R R (2020) for five instruments and electronics

III. M M MA A AL L LC C C CH H HU U U UT T T T (2024) for large ensemble and electronics

(Approached from a humble and very subjective place, shattered from reality, and with lots of doubts and questions.) CopyrightbyG.Ricordi&Co./Forperusalonly

The trilogy M M MA A A A' '' 'A A A AL L LO O O OT T T T has also further branches, or is part of a larger cycle S S SE E EP P PH H H HI I IR R RO O O OT T T written/planned for Ensemble Musikfabrik

T TI I IP P P PH H H HE E ER R R RE E ET T T (2024) for e violin and electronics

N N NE E E ET T TZ Z ZA A AC C CH H H H (2022/2024) installation for glass cube and electronics

H H HO O OD D D (2024) for horn, trumpet and tuba with objects G G' '' 'V V V VU U U UR R R RA A A AH H (2024) for contrabass and electronics

B Bi i i in n na a a ah h C C Ch h ho o o oc c ch h hm m m ma a ah h (2024) for lupophone and contrabass clarinet

Y Y Y YE E ES S SO O OD D D (2024) for piccolo flute and percussion with electronics

[ [D D D Da a a' '' 'a a at t t t (2024/2025) for e guitar solo]

The titles refer to the Kabbalah / Jewish mysticism - the kabbalistic concept of the Tree of Life (etz chayim) and the ten Sephirot (emanations).

Tree of life by Robert Fludd (1621)

S Se e e et t t tt t t ti i i in n ng g g / / I I I In n ns s s st t tr r r ru u um m m me e e en n n nt t ta a a at t ti i io o on n n n

F F F Fl l lu u ut t t te e e (+ Piccolo) + Waldteufel

O Ob b bo o o oe e e + Waldteufel

C Cl l l la a ar r ri i in n n ne e et t t + Waldteufel

B B Ba a a as s ss s s so o o oo o on n n + Waldteufel

H Ho o o or r r rn n n (F) + 2 mutes (wooden & metal) + clay pot with stone (large, rather raw pebble stone)

T T T Tr r r ru u um m mp p pe e e et t (B) (+ maybe Piccolo trumpet - see bar 198) + 3 mutes (cup, straight, wah-wah) + clay pot with stone (large, rather raw pebble stone)

T T Tr r r ro o om m mb b bo o o on n n ne e e + 2 mutes (cup & harmon/wah-wah) + clay pot with stone (large, rather raw pebble stone)

T T T Tu u ub b ba a + mute + clay pot with stone (large, rather raw pebble stone)

P Pe e e er r r rc c cu u us s s ss s si i i io o o on n 1 1 1 1 (

Bassdrum, Floor tom, Tomtom, Mini tom, Snare, Hihat, trash cymbal, crash cymbal, triangle, waldteufel, ratchet, smaller thunder sheet, TamTam (medium), two (high pitched, quite annoying) metal pieces, car coil (quite large), chimes: stone chimes, self built metal chimes (with screws, keys, metal pieces, CDs etc.), shell chimes, 4 (Thai) gongs (f#, b, c#', d'), bell plate (c'), triangle and a wooden box (from Bauhaus) with wine glasses & water glasses (rattling sound) - mallets etc.

P P Pe e e er r r rc c cu

Large Bass drum (Gran Cassa), metal barrel, large Thunder Sheet, TamTam (large), suspended Cymbal (Ride), triangle, glass chimes (ideally self built from or "prepared" with additional glass and porcellain fragments), Waldteufel, Clay pot with stone, Conga, 2 cow bells (c#', d') , bell plate (c), styrofoam or piece of card board, piece of wood (for bass drum in the end of the piece) and a wooden box (from Bauhaus) with wine glasses & water glasses & some china (rattling sound, a bit different from Percussion 1, darker) - mallets etc. P P Pi i i ia

The piano is prepared (preparation see legend, as in composition "Keter" with 11 plastic hairclips) and needs a third pedal - additionally pianist needs 3 e bows + bow hair + two medium hard mallets + a flat piece of wood + a credit card (ossia stone)

The keyboard (88 keys) should have some kind of e organ sound, inspired by hammond organ, yet moog like (but almost no vib., a bit alien)…

All white keys are tuned down a quarter note, all black keys are tuned down a 1/6 note (ossia: everything ¼ tone lower).

The keyboard needs a pitch wheel (range +4,5 -5) and a volume expression pedal, as well as aftertouch (disturbing the sound with a combination of ring modulation and distortion/fuzz - if the instrument doesn't have aftertouch, the effects could be triggered via a second expression pedal).

V Vi i i io o ol l li i i in n 1 1 + mute + extra "bow" (a prepared drum stick with chaotically wired nylon thread around it, taped on both ends, the result when "bowing" with it is a high pitched, unpredictable, perforated sound)


2 2 2 2 + mute + extra "bow" (a prepared drum stick with chaotically wired nylon thread around it, taped on both ends, the result when "bowing" with it is a high pitched, unpredictable, perforated sound)

V V Vi i i io o ol l la a a + mute

C C Ce e el l l ll l lo o o o + mute

C Co o on n n nt t tr r ra a ab b ba a a as s ss s + mute

s s: : :

Tape - 3 soundfiles are started during the piece (see score) - the sounds go to Transducers on Thundersheets placed in the hall (ideally on both sides and in the back behind the audience, maybe also one on stage). If this is problematic the Thundersheets (or extra ones) on stage may be used fort his effect.

PA + maybe some local speakers - depending on the hall and acoustics; also a nice, subtle reverb may be applied. If MALCHUT is played after KETER as part of the Trilogy (see next page), the ring modulation might be kept on piano for MALCHUT as well, maybe a bit altered, more subtle.

Brass Percussion 2 Percussion 1

Winds Piano


Audience (+ Thundersheets)

The metronome information is only approximate - to give an idea. It may vary. More important are character and energy.


quarter-tone three-quarter-tone 1/6tel-1/8tel-tone lower / higherlower / higherlower /

gliss. vib. s.v. glissando vibrato senza vibrato boisterous vibrato (with microtones, like an old vinyl) exaggerated, nervous vibrato diminuendo al niente crescendo dal niente

Winds: sucking noise key clicks

bisb. bisbigliando (colour trill, subtle) Teeth (high, squeaking, unstable)

only air ordinario

Percussion 1

Percussion 2


s.p. sul ponticello tasto fingerboard

norm. normale (position on string) ord. ordinario (playing technique, bow) col l. col legno (with wood) e crini and bow hair

flaut. Flautando (light, almost no bow pressure) pizz. pizzicato

+left hand pizzicato Bartók-pizzicato overpressure, fast bow, distorted sound - up/downbow circling damped


in C >>MALCHUT [ shir hama'alot ] << for large ensemble (2024)



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