» Casart Coverings – Art for Your Walls
7/22/10 8:29 AM
I’m having a little trouble with making links work today, but if you want to check out their site (and you definitely should, they have tons of different designs, styles, and sizes), just go to http://www.casartcoverings.com/home.html. And with that, I’ll turn the post over to the interview! 1.
What gave you the inspiration to create Casart Coverings?
I was looking for a way to create portable and practical artwork for my clients. There is canvas printing (marouflage) but like wallpaper it is a more permanent application, messy and labor intensive. It seemed to me that if I were paying for someone to apply an expensive decorative finish to my walls, I would like the option of either removing it, changing it out seasonally or taking it with me should I have to leave or want to reposition it elsewhere. I was also thinking that the opportunity to create more artwork in my studio and make it more available via eCommerce was limitless, rather than on-site labor intensive work that is time consuming and limits my time for other clients. As this idea progressed, I realized that with digital technology, the artwork can be customized and this allows the customer to play a part in “co-creating” their own designs. Besides creating the artwork, that’s the best part about what I do, is the collaboration in the creative process between client and artist. We’re trying this out directly with our Gulf Coast Mural, where customers can create their own mural with the images that have been originally painted or purchase individual image panels separately. Proceeds from this will go to organizations that we have selected that are front and center in the clean up and recovery efforts. My partners and I are Louisiana natives from New Orleans so this mean a lot to us to be able to help.
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 Casart Coverings – Art for Your Walls
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Gulf Art Mural from Casart 2. What made you want to work with your family? We know each other well, so it just seemed natural. I approached my mother and sister first because of our family ties and because our circumstances at the time were such that we had the ability and willingness to make the commitment. My father had passed away the year before and this seemed like an new avenue to solidify family bonds and try something that we had not experienced before together. Lindsey is the multitasking marketing coordinator extraordinaire, handling these responsibilities along with website adjustments and the daily life of busy mother of young children. Not to mention, she has a keen artistic eye and talent. My mother has a lot of business savvy and acumen in being the wise one in the partnership. She’s been the leader of several local and national organizations, and her knowledge and organizational capabilities are invaluable. She has a sharp eye and ability for detailed reading, research and editing. We all have talents that compliment and enhance the business.
Casart Creators: C. Ashley Spencor, Lorre Lei Jackson, and Lindsey Wood from left to right http://lamaisoncharmante.com/2010/07/interview-with-casart-coverings-art-for-your-walls/
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» Casart Coverings – Art for Your Walls
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3. Do you have any recommendations for others who want to go into business with their families? Discuss the long term commitment because it takes a while for a business to get off the ground. Don’t give up early. Be positive, tenacious and diplomatic. Most things can be worked out when thought through carefully and discussed. Good communication has helped us. 4. Where do you get the inspiration for your new designs? Almost everywhere — from magazines; to banal, everyday things; texture (peeling or worn paint); color, Nature, Art History, and current events (BP oil disaster, for example), etc. I write a blog called Art Is Everywhere because I believe the opportunities for creating and experiencing art are constantly around us. It just takes being aware and open to the inspiration.
via Art is Everywhere: Community garden mural by Jason Morgan in Wilmington, Ohio 5. How do you create custom designs? Custom designs can be created from designs and images that already exist and then enhanced by color, combination of other images, and size or creating a new design altogether – a custom commission based on the client’s specifications.
Custom Designs 6. What’s the most creative way you’ve seen Casart used? Using Casart on top of Casart creates endless possibilities! Beyond walls, we’ve suggested usage on furniture, closet doors, even ceilings. One of our most creative uses is on stair risers. We have a Woodland Stream Mural that can be cut to fit this non-traditional wallcovering space. Once installed it completes the http://lamaisoncharmante.com/2010/07/interview-with-casart-coverings-art-for-your-walls/
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» Casart Coverings – Art for Your Walls
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full image of the mural. We like innovative things, so I’m now investigating the possibility of transferring Casart designs into home and other accessory pieces. This way you can wear your mural or your great design pattern on your shoulder, so to speak.
Stair Mural from Casart 7. What advice do you have when picking a wall covering? Look for something that is durable, cleanable and meets high quality, interior design standards (Type II, Class A). It should be easy to install and preferably easy to remove. Ours happens to have all these qualities and the added benefit of being easy to reuse as well. Keep in mind that the thicker the wallcovering is (ours is 13 ml), the more durable it is. Thinner specimens might claim similar qualities but those we have tested start to peel at the edges — the last thing you want to happen at your dinner party is for your walls to come “unglued” quite literally. 8. In this economy, the larger Casarts might be too expensive for many people, but your mural and custom print selections is beautiful and price efficient. Do you have any specific recommendations for people on a budget? I agree, the economy has hit us all hard but smaller pieces like the Faux Tile Stair Risers, Della Robbia Garland, or the Faux Plaster Door Panels can make an immediate transformation. Even the Artichoke in a large scale design is an affordable investment to add fresh impact to a space. These can be customized to color choice and still be reasonably priced, which gives something unique to personalize your space. You can even upload your own photo and we have some very unique photography offered as well. One faux linen panel, for instance can be cut to use on a headboard, as well as drawer fronts and closet doors to maximize the use rather than just on one wall. If you just want a faux padded headboard, well we have that too. In this tough economy, adding just a little something to one’s home that you can look at and enjoy brings immeasurable, lasting pleasure when other things seem to pale in comparison. This why we say Casart is “Art for your Home”!
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» Casart Coverings – Art for Your Walls
7/22/10 8:29 AM
Casart Bird & Birch Design Thanks for stopping by, please check out the Casart website, there’s definitely something there to interest everybody! Please note that all images in this post are copyrighted by Casart Coverings and are not to be used without their express permission. Share/Save This entry was written on July 22nd, 2010 by Merdi and filed under Just For Fun. Tags: interview RSS 2.0 | Trackback.
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