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sagebrushersartofbend.com • 541-617-0900
All classes listed below held at 117 SW Roosevelt Ave., Bend
Wise Woman Emerging — Mixed Media Collage with Maria Wattier & Mattie Swanson
February 12, 10am-5pm
Join Maria Wattier & Mattie Corya Swanson for a special, day long gathering of women creating and expressing feminine soul wisdom through mixed-media collage. No experience necessary, instruction and encouragement available as needed! Cost: $20 for workshop, $14 for journal (if needed), please bring your own lunch/snacks. No pre-registration required. For more information contact Mattie at swany139@hotmail.com or 541-610-2677.
Insight into Modulations as Value with David Kinker
Thursdays, February 2, 9, 16 and 23, 9:30am-12pm
Thursday evenings, February 2, 9, 16 and 23, 6-8:30pm
Texture and value will always be a place to start and finish a painting. Learn powerful control of these elements as an aesthetic to visual mixing, and beyond. Building the foundations for better art, we will build upon and add skills as we move toward spring. Lecture, acrylic painting demonstration and hands on individual instruction. $35/class. For more information contact dkinker@bendbroadband.com.
Oil Painting Jump Start with Michael Wise & Katherine Taylor
February 18-19, 9am-4pm
If you have the desire to master painting in oils but have doubts because you fear the process is too complicated, then join us for a two–day workshop designed to provide you with the fundamental skills to paint with confidence and creativity. Local fine art instructors Katherine Taylor and Michael Wise will demystify the process of painting with oils and demonstrate a simple step-by-step process to create dynamic and powerful oil paintings. $160 (Sagebrushers Art Society members) / $185 (non-members fee). Supplies available for an extra fee. For registration or more information, contact Barb Crislip at barbjc45@yahoo.com.
Discovering Your Voice in Skies & Water with Amanda Houston
March 18-20, 10am-5pm
This three-day workshop will go beyond the “how-to” steps of creating radiant sky paintings from photographs. It will explore the intuitive creative process while still covering the foundation of good design and composition. We will focus on a series of small-scale color sketches and finish with one larger piece. While Amanda will share how she approaches skies, this workshop is for you to explore your own markmaking and undergo a deeper self-discovery to define your own unique painting style. Learn what habits hold you back so your true voice can come out. Amanda will demonstrate in pastel but any medium is welcome. Cost is $425. Contact Nancy Misek at nancym2010@tds.net for more information and registration.
Exploring Abstraction: Line, Mark And Form with Zoë Cohen
April 22-24, 10am-4pm
This workshop with Zoe Cohen ( zcohenstudio.com ) is designed for abstract painters to help clarify visual language and bring intentionality to their painting practice, with a major focus on creating compositional structure in the work. Techniques covered include mark making, alternate paint application tools, combining paint with collage, color mixing and use of drawing materials with paint. This workshop is for intermediate/advanced students working with acrylic paint. Cost is $300 (Sagebrushers Art Society members) / $320(nonmembers). To register, please contact Katherine Weaver at katherine. weaver40@gmail.com. Registration deadline is April 1, 2023.
Painting Faces From Photographs with Ted Nuttall
June 13-17, 9am-4pm
Join award-winning artist Ted Nuttall for this five-day workshop. Although painting a person in watercolor may seem daunting, it is every bit as approachable as creating a still life or landscape. Ted will demonstrate the techniques and instill the confidence to enjoy painting people. Ted will discuss the benefits of photographic reference, as well as how to interpret a photo in order to give life and energy to the subject. Cost for the five-day workshop is $795. A deposit of $400, plus a completed registration form (located at sagebrushersartofbend. com/workshops/ted-nuttall ), will hold a student’s space in class, with the balance of $395 due by the registration deadline of April 14, 2023. Contact pam@sagebrushersartofbend.com with questions.