kathryne.psihogios@cascadehasson.com 503.906.7115
alyssa.chard@cascadehasson.com 5035341568
Manager,E-Business&Referrals liz.lesh@cascadehasson.com 503.312.7966
Corporate PartnerPrograms
"Whathappenswhenaclientbecomes arelocatingtransferee?"Readmore here.
Cascade Hasson Relocation is a nationally recognized relocation team. We are passionate about serving the individual needs and lifestyles of every client and their family and supporting the needs of companies and corporations as well as manage and support all relocation activity of Cascade Hasson brokers.
Cascade Hasson Relocation is a business development tool of the company. We strive to develop real estate leads within the corporate mobility and business communities, both domestically and internationally. We also work to build relationships with other brokers around the U.S. through several networks which include: Sotheby’s International Realty, Anywhere Network, Worldwide Employee Relocation Council, Relocation Directors Council & Portland Relocation Council.
In order to qualify for relocation business, as an agent, you must have completed 12 transactions in your career. In addition, there are training classes that must be completed. CE credit is available (Oregon only). Contact Relocation for more information. We would be happy to start the conversation.
The split with relocation will be taken from your gross commission Relocation does not participate in company fees. Relocation business does count towards your FairShare.
For Example:
Total Commission: $20,000
50% to Relocation:
SIRVA Referral: $8,000
CHSIR Relo Dept: $2,000
50% to Agent:
Base Comm. to Agent: $10,000
-6% SIR: -$600.00
-20% FairShare Split: -$1,880.00
Admin/Resource: Waived
Net to Agent: $7,520.00
In the above, the italicized FairShare split does count toward the agent's annual fee.
Anyleadwhereareferralfeeisbeingpaidtothesourceof thebusinessbyCHSIRRelocation.Pleasenote:CHSIR Relocationpaysthereferralfeefrom50%received (typically35%-42%dependingontheRMC)
RMC’srequireCHSIRRelocationDepartmentmanagetheir business.Shouldyouhavepriorcontactwithatransferee, Relocationwillrequire10%abovetheagreedreferralfee beingpaidtotheRMC.Thispolicyalsoapplieswhenthe sourceofthebusinessrequestsacertainagent
LeadsfromAnywheRErequireareferralfeepaidonthe referredsideofthetransaction Pleasenote:CHSIR Relocationpaysthereferralfeefrom50%received. The $100transactionfeeispaidbythebrokerinadditionto the50%
Businessthatdoesnotrequireareferralfeesbacktothe source.Typicallygenerateddirectfromacorporationby theRelocationDepartment.
Anyleadwhereareferralfeeisbeingpaidtothesourceof thebusinessbyCHSIRRelocation.Pleasenote:CHSIR Relocationpaysthereferralfeefrom50%received (typically25%-42%dependingonthesource) Ifname requested,noadditionalfee.
25%referralfeeonthereferredsideofthecommissionwill bepaidtothereferringagentwhenoutboundreferrals managedbyCHSIRRelocation 25%ispaidtoagent accordingtoyourcompanysplitsandfeesagreements.If thereisaneedtonegotiatelessthan25%,CHSIR Relocationwilldosowiththeconsentoftheagent.
Leadsgeneratedinternally,suchasemployeesseeking realestateassistance,orleadspersonallygeneratedby management,areprocessedthroughRelocation.The ReferringBrokerearns25%,andRelocationreceives15%, totaling40%.TheBrokerretains60%.CHSIRtoCHSIR referralsthataremanagedbyRelocation.
Officeswithadminsatfrontdesk(excludes officeswithfloortime).
AllInventoryProperties(corporateowned)willgoouton 50/50split,evenifanagentisrequestedorhashadthe listingpriortoInventory.Thisisduetotheadditional managementandvendorpayresponsibilitiesofRelocation
In the mobility industry, corporations frequently establish contractual arrangements with Relocation Management Companies (RMCs) to help administer their mobility program.
In today's landscape, many RMCs maintain a preferred real estate partners list for their operational needs.
To maximize our real estate referral opportunities, Cascade Hasson Sotheby's International Realty (CHSIR) is a preferred real estate partner for prominent companies and RMC’s that work in the Portland market.
One way RMC’s generate revenue is through referral fees paid by the real estate brokerage when they work on behalf of the corporation.
Given the potential for referral fees in this line of business, agents should initiate discussions with clients when they are initially contacted for assistance with a relocation or when a client is listing their property due to a corporate relocation. This discussion should explore the potential involvement of a Relocation Management Company and/or a managed program sponsored by the employer.
Key questions to ask:
Is your company sponsoring your relocation?
Does your company offer any relocation benefits?
Are you currently working with an RMC? If so, do you know who your consultant is?
By understanding the scope of the situation up front, an agent will be able to determine if an RMC will be involved, if Cascade Hasson Relocation will be involved and ultimately if referral fees will be due.
You can always ask Cascade Hasson Relocation for advice. We will not engage in a referral fee discussion with an RMC if it’s not warranted.
It's important to note that CHSIR's current service agreements stipulate referral fee payments for all relocation transactions originating from specified corporate accounts. Fees do not apply to employees of these corporations who are moving within the Portland Metro area, ie a local move by an employee within the corporation.
Additionally, we also maintain other formal relationships, although they may not be contractual in nature.
Please pay special attention to referrals involving Cartus & the Anywhere network.
The network agreement signed by your company has a First Contact Rule, which supersedes the guidelines set by Worldwide Employee Relocation Council regarding after-the-fact referrals. A referral is due even though the property was already listed because it is an existing Cartus corporate client. If you have a client who is relocating with Cartus, please contact Relocation.
Kathryne Psiihogios
Psihogios VP, Relocation & Corporate Services
relo@cascadehasson com
Cascade Hasson Relocation offers the best opportunity for a successful close for your out of town client needs. We make placing referrals easy for you! We conduct a needs assessment with your client, place the referral, track the referral, keep you updated, ensure proper fees are paid and pay a 25% referral fee to YOU when it closes.
Contact Relocation to place your referral and get started. We’ll follow up with you and your outbound client to outline their needs and preferences at their destination including price range, schools, job proximity, desired areas, and other related criteria.
We’ll contact a SIR brokerage at your client’s destination who will pair them with a qualified agent. We’ll can interview and vet the agent or you are welcome to interview them as well.
With an agent vetted and qualified, we’ll introduce your client to their new agent and keep in touch with them throughout the home buying process to ensure a smooth, problem-free experience. We’ll also keep you in the loop every step of the way so you can rest easy knowing your client is in good hands.
Leads Engine is the software platform that all cascadehasson.com and sothebysrealty.com leads are routed through. Here are the business rules:
Leads generated from your personal website and listings are directly routed to you, the broker. No fee due to the company.
Leads generated by www.sothebys.com & www.cascadehassonsir.com are managed by the Relocation Team. This source carries a 30% referral fee. You may choose to opt out of company generated leads.
Please verify we have your correct contact information and correct service areas by:
Log into RELI
Leads Engine Onboarding (one of the blue boxes on left hand side of RELI) Fill out form
We host these opportunities every other month. Contact relo@cascadehasson.com to get signed up!
We host these opportunities monthly. Contact relo@cascadehasson.com to get signed up!
After your training is complete reach out to relo@cascadehasson.com to set up a one on one meeting so we can get to know you! Zoom or in person options available.