7 minute read
60 pages. 60 minutes. That's all it takes to understand the thoughts, discoveries and ideas that Danish researchers have spent years, sometimes even a lifetime of study to arrive at. Condensed and written in words we all understand. No footnotes, no references and no academic nonsense. Perfect for a morning commute, a plane ride or your living room couch.
Corruption Welfare Happiness
92 www.oxbowbooks.com trade@oxbowbooks.com RE FLEC TION S Aarhus University Press 9788771842197 • Paperback 60 pages • August 2020 £4.99 Aarhus University Press 9788772191850 • Paperback 60 pages • June 2020 £7.00 Aarhus University Press 9788772191881 • Paperback 60 pages• June 2020 £7.00 Aarhus University Press 9788772191843 • Paperback 60 pages • June 2020 £7.00 Aarhus University Press 9788772191867 • Paperback 60 pages • June 2020 £7.00 Aarhus University Press 9788772191874 • Paperback 60 pages • June 2020 £7.00 By Mette Frisk Jensen Why is Denmark possibly the least corrupt nation in the world? Democracy By Svend-Erik Skaaning Why do we love democracy? What are its flaws? By Carsten Jensen Is there a dark side to the welfare state? Creativity By Jan Løhmann Stephensen Why isn’t creativity the answer to everything? By Christian Bjørnskov What kinds of happiness are there? How can we find them? Play By Marc Malmdorf Andersen Should grown-ups play too? Can play save the world?
By Dorthe Jørgensen Explores human experiences of transcendence.
What do human experiences of transcendence mean? Would investigating their mind-opening and world-transformative nature improve contemporary philosophy and theology? This book shows the importance of experiences traditionally categorised as religious or aesthetic for our understanding of, e.g., art, faith, prayer, presence, beauty, sensitivity, imagination, susceptibility, and divinity.
Aarhus University Press • 9788772191058 • Hardback 240 x 160mm • 256 pages • September 2020 • £29.00
Poetic Inclination: Ethics, History, Philosophy
By Dorthe Jørgensen Explores aesthetic thinking and its relevance in a variety of disciplines.
Philosophy originates in wonder that generates aesthetic thinking. Can this thinking foster human well-being and develop our notions of history, hospitality, freedom, and the good life? This book presents the formative nature of aesthetic thinking and attests its relevance in many disciplines and a broad spectrum of society, e.g., border studies, education policy, and social work.
Aarhus University Press • 9788772191041 • Hardback 240 x 160mm • 256 pages • September2020 • £29.00
A Critique of Pure Theory By Brian Ellis A critique of rationalism, and thoughts on moving past it.
A critique of rationalism, this book aims to explain both its powerful contributions to mathematics and the physical sciences, where our arithmetical, geometrical, and mechanical intuitions have had a highly productive role in the development of pure theory, and its disastrous failures in cosmology and the moral sciences, where rationalism has all but destroyed the social conscience of the West by creating the disastrous political philosophy of neoliberalism.
On Steven Pinker & Beyond By Brian Ellis Suggests a new enlightenment is needed to overcome the poverty of up-to-date social theory.
Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now establishes that great progress has been made on the aims of the European Enlightenment. However, many economists, moralists and political thinkers in the West are still lagging behind. Progress has been due mainly to the physical scientific revolutions of the 19th and 20th centuries. This book suggests that a new enlightenment is needed to overcome the poverty of social theory and bring economists and political into the socially connected, commercially integrated and existentially threatened world of the 21st century.
Australian Scholarly Publishing • 9781925801910 • Paperback 308 pages • March 2020 • £30.00
The Creation of Digital Materiality
Artillery Warfare in the First Gulf War By Liberati Nicola Analyses how we perceive digital objects produced by AR and its effects on society. The book aims to analyse how Augmented Reality (AR) is perceived and its effects on us and our society following a phenomenological approach. AR has been developed to “merge” the digital and the real world. In order to achieve such a merge, we need to complement an engineering approach with a philosophical one by studying how subjects perceive the world around and how to design an AR able to provide the same kind of objects we are used to have in our everyday world.
Mimesis International • 9788869772795 • Paperback 208 x 140mm • 176 pages • May 2020 • £14.99
Imagination in Thought and Action
The cognitive architecture of imagination and belief By Anna Ichino An exploration of the role of imagination in human cognition and culture. What is the imagination’s role in human cognition and culture? This book explores the hypothesis that such role is larger than we commonly think. Imagination is the key to understanding many important domains of our lives that are often supposed to be the province of belief alone. Combining traditional methods of philosophical inquiry with relevant findings from cognitive and social sciences, this book provides solid empirical support for this hypothesis and to explores its important theoretical and practical implications.
By Otto Bollnow
An English translation of an important study of our experience of space. Since it was published in Germany in 1963, Bollnow’s text has become a key reading in architecture, anthropology, and philosophy, and has been kept continuously in print. The book is both serious academic research and something more, showing a great sensitivity to the near and the everyday. This translated text is enlivened and illustrated with many quotations, principally from German and English literature.
Mimesis International • 9788869772832 • Paperback 210 x 140mm • 320 pages • December 2020 • £27.99
Identity in a Secular Age
Science, Religion, and Public Perception Edited by Fern Eldson-Baker and Bernard Lightman Series: Science, Values, and the Public
Analyses perceptions of the relationship between evolutionary science, religion, and personal belief.
Although historians have suggested for some time that we move away from the assumption of a necessary clash between science and religion, the conflict narrative persists in contemporary discourse. In this multidisciplinary volume, experts in history and philosophy of science, oral history, sociology of religion, social psychology, and science communication and public engagement look beyond two warring systems of thought.
University of Pittsburgh Press • 9780822946281 • Hardback 21 b/w illus. • 229 x 152mm • 312 pages • September 2020 • £38.00
Science and Moral Imagination
A New Ideal for Values in Science

Directly challenges the idea that science and values cannot and should not influence each other. The idea that science is or should be value-free, and that values are or should be formed independently of science, has been under fire by philosophers of science for decades. This book argues that science and values mutually influence and implicate one another, that the influence of values on science is pervasive and must be responsibly managed, and that science can and should have an influence on our values.
Four Decades of Scientific Explanation
By Wesley C. Salmon A n a l y s e s c h a n g e s i n philosophical conceptions of scientific explanation after the landmark 1948 essay by Carl Hempel and Paul Oppenheim.
University of Pittsburgh Press 9780822959267 • Paperback 240 pages • Available now £25.50 Anthropocentrism and Its Discontents
By Gary Steiner T h e f i r s t c o m p r e h e n s i v e examination of views of animals in the histor y of Western philosophy, from Homeric Greece to the twentieth century.
Metaethics, Egoism, and Virtue
Edited by Allan Gotthelf and James G. Lennox S e e k s a f u l l e r s c h o l a r l y understanding of this highly original and influential thinker Ayn Rand.
University of Pittsburgh Press 9780822962724 • Paperback 200 pages • Available Now £23.00 A Journey through Philosophy in 101 Anecdotes
By Nicholas Rescher T h e f i r s t c o m p r e h e n s i v e chronology of philosophical anecdotes, from antiquity to the current era.
The Philosophy Of Scientific Experimentation
By Hans Radder A collection of essays that focuses on the identification and clarification of philosophical issues in experimental science.
University of Pittsburgh Press 9780822957959 • Paperback 328 pages • Available now
Process Philosophy
By Nicholas Rescher
An accessible survey of the basic issues and controversies s u r r o u n d i n g p r o c e s s philosophy.
University of Pittsburgh Press University of Pittsburgh Press University of Pittsburgh Press 9780822961192 • Paperback 9780822963356 • Paperback 9780822961284 • Paperback 344 pages • Available now 304 pages • Available now 152 pages • Available now £27.00 £17.50 £21.50