Written by: David Carus - Modeled by: Lean Automatic & Nicole Danielle - Pho
otographed and Designed by: Case Ultra
s mankind moves to a future filled with advanced technologies ready to take man to the farthest reaches of the universe, it is interesting to consider that what we reach might just have reached us first, thousands of years ago.
years and because of this the Anunnaki lived much longer life spans. Looking for metals like gold, the Anunnaki came to Earth and decided to genetically engineer a new species to do the mining: human beings. Combining the genes of the Anunnaki and those of homo erectus or “upright man” modern Historian Zecharia Sitchin and others have human beings were born. In order to have searched the ruins and ancient writings of an intermediary between themselves and mankind’s earliest civilization, Sumer, looking humans, the idea of kingship was introduced. for clues to our past and what they found As mankind advanced they became a bigger not only explained many biblical tales, but and bigger threat to the Annunaki and it is also gave a unique perspective on history. In believed that the Great Flood described in the Bible, towards the beginning of Genesis, the Bible was their attempt to destroy huit says “there were giants on the Earth in manity before they returned to Nibiru. Some those days, and also afterward, when the predict that the Anunnaki will return when sons of God came into the daughters of the planet Nibiru orbits closer to Earth. Will men and they bore children to them. Those they still see mankind as a threat? were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.” This quote reads like something We have the technology to genetically out of a science fiction/fantasy novel but engineer food, to clone animals and to solve Sitchin’s translations of Sumerian writings problems that stopped scientists only a show that these “giants” were really the few decades ago. Where we are headed “Anunnaki,” explorers from another planet may just prove to be more important than who came to Earth 450,000 years ago how we came to be, because we are now looking for precious metals. walking in the shoes of giants, our sights set on the stars and our bodies nothing more The Anunnaki came from the planet Nibiru, than vehicles for an undying spirit, kicking an undiscovered planet beyond Neptune dust from the past, bonding to the future which only reaches the Earth every 3,600 like metal. We have evolved.
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